#did i get tumblr back just for ryoma??? possibly :)))
twig-tea · 12 days
It is such a wild time to be watching QL, there is SO MUCH every day. And a lot of it is really good?!
Today I watched EIGHT different shows, and of them, I was really happy with the episode for all but one. Here are a few words about the ones I had a good time with today:
Addicted Heroin Thailand crossed the first hurdle of adaptation by including the kidnapping scene. Looks like they're continuing to stay true to the source. I appreciated that this scene in particular retained the emotional core while toning down the SA threat (though Hero's desire is still very much present). This is a solid adaptation so far!
Reverse 4 U is using the powers so well, and I am loving the sister relationship, especially how they tease one another around their powers. It's also building to the relationship turn between Four and Wa in a believable way, which I'm really enjoying.
Peaceful Property is delightful and as @lurkingshan already articulated so well, I love what is being set up re: inequality. Plus this show is just so funny! it's balancing these two threads really well and doing a good job maintaining the haunting-of-the-week energy so far.
Love is like a poison had an incredible first episode, I love the effects and cutaways in this show, and the way it is making fun of its protagonist is so much fun. Ryoma is a dork with main character syndrome and I am obsessed with him. Curious how they're going to turn around this setup into a romance!
I Saw You In My Dream was a baller episode, @my-rose-tinted-glasses wrote about how great it is to see a conversation like this between friends as well as between lovers; all of the conversations in this episode were good (between both couples, between the besties, and between the parents). I really appreciate how, as many folks have said, everyone in a relationship in this episode wants to have sex, and the barriers to having sex are real and discussed openly. Big fan of everything in this ep. We've really departed from the dreams, which I think we need to get back to, but this ep was worth the deviation.
The On1y One continues to be incredible; Thank you in particular to Faiza (@usertoxicyaoi) who has been giffing like mad to capture every important conversation in this episode which was so many of them. The one about moving to the dorms together made me misty fr. I love when youths who did not get a chance to have a childhood get to blow bubbles.
Unlock Your Love also started today, I really enjoyed the very pulpy and trope-filled previous show this team put together (Lucky My Love) so I've been excited for this. We have a workplace GL filled with canon bisexuals, a grumpy/sunshine dynamic with a history from college, and a playgirl. I'm so seated.
I don't usually do a roundup post like this but it just hit me how much good television I got to watch today, and how rare it is that I have this good a time with almost everything I'm watching, and I needed to capture the moment.
Tomorrow, all 6 episodes of A Time of Fever drop on iQIYI, as well as How to Make a Million Before Grandma Dies on Netflix, and that's in addition to the episodes of The Onl1y one, The Two of Us, Monster Next Door, Twilight Out of Focus, and probably Seoul Blues that will be dropping too.
I'm really having trouble keeping up with everything airing, everything I want to write about it, and everything being said about the shows on tumblr. It's the best possible problem to have!
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spicykaraage · 4 months
Best Team! ~Seigaku~ - Story Translation
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I spent a lot of money on this so I may as well translate it, right?
Also, I placed the card stories to match with the main story to avoid confusion. Curse Tumblr’s 30 image limit.
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Ryoma: I wouldn’t bother with it, Oishi-senpai.
Oishi: No, I can’t just let them keep at it.
Momoshiro: LISTEN! The free fall rides are the scariest!
Kaidoh: Huhh!? But you just said it was the bungee rides.
Momoshiro: Well it gives you a different kind of thrill. And that just proves I’ve got more experience in this anyway.
Kaidoh: Hmph. Go see how scary it is to ride on a wooden rollercoaster and then come talk to me.
Momoshiro: If they’re wooden then they can’t go that fast.
Kaidoh: It’s not about the speed. It’s scary how rickety they are. You wouldn’t get it.
Momoshiro: Huhh!?
Oishi: Give it a rest already, you two.
Ryoma: They do this all the time, who cares at this point.
Tezuka: Momoshiro, Kaidoh. What’s all the fuss about?
Fuji: For real, what’s going on? You’re making a big scene over here.
Momoshiro: Senpais, which do you think’s more exciting: the free fall or wooden rollercoaster?
Momoshiro: It’s the free fall for sure since the rush comes at you like “boom”!
Kaidoh: But the free fall’s over in an instant. A wooden rollercoaster slowly builds up to it.
Fuji & Tezuka: ?
Oishi: They’re talking about which rides are the scariest at an amusement park.
Fuji: That’s… not really a fair comparison to make.
Tezuka: I would say people have their own ways of feeling excited.
Momoshiro: Well, that’s true, but…
Kaidoh: He was the one trying to argue about it…
Ryoma: Gonna be honest, Japan’s got nothing on the thrill rides in the US.
Kaidoh: …What? You’ve got some nerve saying that.
Momoshiro: Talkin’ smack, but you’d probably start crying once you actually got on one of those rides.
Ryoma: I definitely wouldn’t.
Momoshiro: Well in that case, let’s go to an amusement park then. You’re totally gonna get scared.
Ryoma: Fine, let’s do it.
Kaidoh: Where are we gonna find an amusement park close to here with all those big rides?
Momoshiro: Let’s go find one right now.
Oishi: Jeez… I can’t tell if they’re getting along or not.
Fuji: Since they’re going to an amusement park, why don’t we have the rest of the Seigaku members go too?
Tezuka: Agreed. It may cause some problems if only those three were to go.
Ryoma: Y’know you can just say you wanted to come.
Oishi: Are you onboard with it, Echizen?
Ryoma: …Well, I guess I don’t mind going.
Fuji: Fufu… Trying to hide it, huh.
[Episode 1]
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Tezuka: Good morning. You’re up early.
Fuji: Yeah, I got up early. It’s that pre-field trip syndrome.
Tezuka: Did you get a good night’s rest?
Fuji: Oh yeah, I’m good. I was just getting excited and got here early.
Kikumaru: Morninggg. It’s so sunny outside!
Oishi: You’re suddenly up and at it now, Eiji. You were looking sleepy just a minute ago.
Kikumaru: Aw~, come on~. You know I’m never up around this time.
Oishi: Haha, sorry, sorry.
Tezuka: An early morning departure is a given if we’re to enjoy the amusement park for as long as possible.
Fuji: Oh, looks like Momo and Kaidoh are here too.
Kawamura: Phew… It was pretty hard trying to get ready without waking everyone else up in my room.
Inui: Most everyone is still asleep at this hour.
Inui: Mizuki cleared his throat just as I was about to exit our room.
Oishi: It’d be almost impossible to try and leave without being noticed.
Kikumaru: We’re gonna buy souvenirs for the guys in our room.
Kawamura: Oh, that’s right. I should bring back something too.
Tezuka: On that topic, when I had asked Coach Saito for permission to leave, he said not to worry about getting souvenirs…
Inui: Probability that was a joke: 100%, however it would be nice to still get them and surprise people.
Kawamura: Huh? It’s almost time to go, but…
Inui: Echizen hasn’t arrived yet.
Tezuka: He’s late, once again.
Oishi: That Echizen, I can’t with him.
Fuji: The bus is gonna get delayed now.
Kikumaru: Ah, here he comes!
Ryoma: Hey.
[Episode 2]
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Momoshiro: Kuuu! Just being in an amusement park is making me so excited~!
Kikumaru: I’m so pumped I just wanna start running around!
Kawamura: Haha, seeing everyone smiling is making me smile too.
Ryoma: Is that statue in the center the mascot?
Oishi: Yeah, it’s Prince Kitty. I’m sure he’s all over the park.
Ryoma: Hmm…
Momoshiro: What’s up, Echizen. You like Prince Kitty?
Ryoma: No… I was just checking.
Kikumaru: Yeah, yeah~. If Prince Kitty showed up right here and right now, you’d definitely hug him~
Ryoma: …I wouldn’t. Probably.
Oishi: Hey, you guys. Don’t tease Echizen so much.
Momoshiro: This is what he gets for being late this morning.
Ryoma: Please. I already said I was sorry.
Momoshiro: Haha, alright. I’m just way too excited for this.
Inui: Did everyone receive a pamphlet? For starters, let’s check the map to get things settled.
Inui: This park is rather big. We should decide on a general route so we can move efficiently.
Momoshiro: They’ve got five big rides, and I wanna try them all!
Inui: That has been your top priority for today. Then let’s choose a route based on those rides.
Kawamura: I’d also like to know when the parade starts.
Oishi: Can we make reservations at a restaurant too? We have a lot of people, so—
Kikumaru: Hang on a sec. First of all, aren’t we forgetting something important?
Ryoma: The bathroom.
Kikumaru: No! We’re all here together, so we’ve gotta do this~
Ryoma & Momoshiro: ?
[Episode 3]
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Kikumaru: Ta-dahhh! Obviously when you’re at an amusement park together, you’ve gotta have matching outfits.
Fuji: This is nice. I’m getting more and more excited for this.
Tezuka: I would’ve thought we’d stay in our jerseys if we wanted to match…
Inui: An amusement park uniform for the amusement park, I suppose.
Kawamura: I get it. The outfits make a big difference.
Kawamura: When I help out at the shop, I change into the white chef’s outfit since I feel like it changes which mode I’m in.
Kikumaru: Right, right. These are our combat uniforms for the amusement park!
Tezuka: We’ll be fighting?
Fuji: It will be like a battle, in a way.
Fuji: Like trying to get on the rides, getting a good spot to watch the parade, and making good time with these crowds.
Tezuka: …I see. I will ready myself then.
Kaidoh: Fshhhhh…
Inui: What’s the matter, Kaidoh. You’ve been oddly quiet for a while now.
Kaidoh: No, it’s no big deal, I…
Kikumaru: Hold up Kaidoh, are you embarrassed that we’re all matching?
Kaidoh: Huh… No, it’s nothing…
Inui: Hm. I suppose it is rather different than wearing our club jerseys, isn’t it?
Fuji: Yeah, I’m feeling a little shy too. Probably since I’m not used to wearing this.
Kawamura: These cardholders are kinda cute though.
Tezuka: Well, this isn’t something I would normally wear.
Kaidoh: …Let’s just drop it already.
Momoshiro: Heyy, let’s get a move on now~!
Ryoma: We don’t have all day!
Kikumaru: What’s with Shorty? Looks like he’s gotten into the swing of things.
Kawamura: Haha… Maybe the outfit’s got him in a good mood now.
Inui: We do feel more composed when wearing our regular jerseys for tennis.
Tezuka: Then in that sense, I certainly would call these our combat uniforms for the amusement park.
Fuji: Alright, let’s get going. There’s a lot of photos I wanna take today.
[Episode 4]
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Momoshiro: When it comes to the big rides, this is the one to go for. The free fall!
Oishi: I-Isn’t this kind of a lot to start with…?
Kaidoh: I don’t care what it is. I’ll still ride it.
Inui: Right, but will Echizen be okay?
Ryoma: I’m fine with anything.
Kikumaru: Are you even tall enough?
Oishi: Looks like he’s over 130cm. That’s good.
Ryoma: Hold up. Did you seriously just check that?
Momoshiro: Hahaha. Echizen, it’s not too late to back down, y’know~?
Ryoma: Same to you.
Kikumaru: But, it’s… more quiet than you’d expect, isn’t it?
Kaidoh: I haven’t heard any screams.
Oishi: The noise from the ride falling’s probably drowning them out. It sounds cool.
Inui: Absolutely. That should tell you how fast it will be.
Momoshiro: And just like the name says: boom! You fall!
Kaidoh: You’re not funny.
Momoshiro: I’m not trying to be funny!
Oishi: Okay, okay… Look, it’s our turn.
Kikumaru: Alright let’s go, onto the first ride of the day!
Kikumaru: …Phew, that was so much fun! My stomach was jumping~!
Oishi: L-Looks like you did fine, Eiji.
Kaidoh: Now I know why I didn’t hear any screaming…
Ryoma: I didn’t even have time to yell…
Inui: Those moments where you feel your stomach jump are known as “airtime”…
Inui: Supposedly, it becomes difficult to speak during it.
Momoshiro: Yeah, it did make my throat feel tight… Like, I could only squeal the whole time…
Kaidoh: What’d you think, Echizen? Japan’s rides are pretty good too, aren’t they.
Ryoma: …They’re alright.
Momoshiro: Yeah, sure, you’re wiped from that aren’t you?
Ryoma: I’m not. Besides, there’s a lot more cool stuff in the US.
Momoshiro: Man, you always have a comeback for everything.
Kaidoh: …Onto the next one. This is only just the beginning.
Kikumaru: Those two are gonna keep on at it~
Inui: They’re both extremely competitive.
Oishi: Ugh, great. Looks like we’re really in for it today.
Tezuka Card Story - “Is there a holdup?”
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Tezuka: Quite alarming that we did the free fall first.
Fuji: So you lost your nerve too, Tezuka?
Tezuka: I’ll leave that to your imagination.
Ryoma: You handled it pretty well though, Captain Tezuka.
Oishi: Well, that’s Tezuka for you.
Kikumaru: I wonder if there’s any rides that would make Tezuka squeal?
Kawamura: Didn’t we originally come here to do that with Echizen?
Kikumaru: That’s one thing, and this is another!
Fuji: Looks like the water coaster’s next. Momo and the others are checking out the line.
Kikumaru: Ooh~. A water coaster, how fun!
Oishi: Oh, jeez. Just one intense ride after another…
Tezuka: I think it’ll be fun.
Ryoma: Are you actually excited for this, Captain Tezuka?
Tezuka: …I’ll leave that to your imagination.
Ryoma: Whoa… The way the water splashes is pretty cool.
Tezuka: It has a warning that we may get wet. I will ready myself.
Kikumaru: Me and Oishi will sit at the front!
Oishi: Huh, I’m going? Oh, boy…
Fuji: I’ve heard the best spot to be for this is in the back.
Kawamura: Right, they say that spot gives you the biggest rush.
Fuji: Then I’ll let Tezuka and Echizen have those spots. You just take it easy, Taka-san.
Tezuka: Oh, that’s right, you dislike these kinds of rides.
Kawamura: Haha… Plus I feel like the free fall took a lot out of me…
Kawamura: I’ll just watch this time. You cool if I use your camera for this, Fuji?
Fuji: Yeah, of course. Just make sure to get a really good shot of Tezuka and the others.
Ryoma: So you don’t care about getting a picture of yourself…
Tezuka: All right, let’s go.
*clatter, clatter…*
Kikumaru: Hey, hey, why don’t we throw our hands up right when we fall?
Oishi: I’m sure we could… I see people do that on rides all the time.
Fuji: That’d be fun, wouldn’t it? We should give it a try.
Tezuka: Understood. We’re almost at the top…
Tezuka: Now. Everyone raise your hands up!
Ryoma: It looks like there’s a holdup though…
Ryoma: Whoa…!?
Kikumaru: Nyahaha! Here we go!!
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Tezuka: Nh…!
Ryoma: It’s cold…!
Tezuka: Quite the splash, it reached back here too…
Oishi: Th-The people in the front got the brunt of it. Our faces are drenched…
Kikumaru: That was so much fun~! Did you guys throw your hands up?
Fuji: Fufu… We’ll check out the photos Taka-san took and see.
Ryoma: …I held onto the bar.
Tezuka: I did too…
Kawamura: That was crazy, you guys. Are you cold?
Oishi: Not really. My hair got messed up, though.
Ryoma: Really? Doesn’t look like it to me…
Tezuka: Wetness aside, why don’t we try riding it again?
Ryoma: Huh, again? Seriously?
Fuji: I see. So you wanna throw your hands up this time.
Tezuka: Maybe so.
Oishi: Haha, when I see Tezuka having fun, I can’t help but get on board.
Kikumaru: He’s having fun… really?
Kawamura: I’ll try to get a really good shot again. Have fun, you guys!
Tezuka: Thank you.
Tezuka: Well then everyone, don’t let your guards down.
Ryoma Card Story - “The Merry-go-Round with Everyone”
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Ryoma: A merry-go-round?
Momoshiro: Yep. All we’ve done since we got here is go on the big rides.
Kaidoh: We’ve been doing a lot since the start. We should take a break now.
Ryoma: But that doesn’t mean we have to go on the merry-go-round, does it?
Fuji: Huh, do you not like the merry-go-round, Echizen?
Ryoma: It’s not about that… This ride is for kids, isn’t it?
Kikumaru: You are a kid though, Shorty.
Inui: Very true. You are the youngest out of all of us.
Ryoma: I’m not that much younger…
Inui: Amusement parks are said to be places where you can return to your childhood. Meaning there’s nothing wrong with riding something even if it’s childish.
Kikumaru: Besides, the merry-go-round can be fun no matter who rides it.
Ryoma: …Well, if you say so, fine.
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Momoshiro: Oh, there’s not much of a line. Looks like we’ll be able to get right on it.
Fuji: I’ll just wait over here. I wanna take everyone’s photos.
Inui: I’ll watch all of your belongings as well.
Kikumaru: So you say, but now you’ve got your notebook out too~
Inui: Fufu… It’s not often that I’m able to get data on you all riding a merry-go-round.
Kaidoh: What can you even do with that kind of data…
Ryoma: Hey guys, it’s our turn.
Momoshiro: Ooh. I call the big black horse!
Kaidoh: Wha, hey. I was gonna take that one.
Momoshiro: Huhh? Well I didn’t know. First one there gets it?
Kaidoh: Okay then. I’m gonna—
Kikumaru: Heeey, don’t run!
Kaidoh & Momoshiro: …!
Kikumaru: There’s little kids here, be a good example.
Kikumaru: And just for that, I’m gonna be the one who rides it. This is what you two get!
Kaidoh & Momoshiro: Okay…
Ryoma: You guys got a ways to go.
Kikumaru: Ooh~, your horse is cool too, Shorty.
Ryoma: Hehe. Isn’t it?
Momoshiro: Of course he’d pick the horse that kinda stands out from the rest…
Kaidoh: …Hey, Momoshiro. There’s nothing but a carriage left.
Momoshiro: Wha…
Fuji: Fufu, that’s rare. Momo and Kaidoh are riding in a carriage together without any problems.
Inui: Probability of missing a horse: 100%…
Fuji: Echizen, look this way!
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Ryoma: ‘Kay.
Fuji: Nice, that was a great smile.
Kikumaru: Fuji, take a picture of me too! Yayy!
Ryoma: Eiji-senpai, you shouldn’t lean forward so much, that’s dangerous.
Ryoma: Think of the children, right?
Kikumaru: Ughh… Can’t believe an actual kid is telling me that~
Ryoma: And I’ve told you I’m not a kid.
Inui: All done? How was it?
Ryoma: Well… It felt good looking down from up there.
Inui: Heh… and it was certainly refreshing being looked down upon by you, Echizen.
Kikumaru: Fuji, did you get any good pictures?
Fuji: Yep. The ones of Momo and Kaidoh are top tier too.
Kaidoh: Huh…
Momoshiro: Aw, I wanted to ride a horse too~!
Ryoma: Well, why don’t we give it another go?
Ryoma: …The merry-go-round was actually pretty fun.
Kikumaru Card Story - “The Scary Haunted House”
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Kikumaru: Man, we’ve done a lot. What should we check out next?
Oishi: We’ve done most of the big rides now. Are you okay to keep going, Echizen?
Ryoma: Yeah, I can still go on.
Kikumaru: Mm… Shorty doesn’t look fazed at all.
Kikumaru: We’re gonna go to one that’ll definitely make you scream.
Momoshiro: That’s the spirit, Eiji-senpai!
Kikumaru: So yeah, what’s something scary we haven’t tried yet…
Kikumaru: Ah! That might be cool!
Ryoma: ? Which one?
Kikumaru: Hehe, over here!
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Kikumaru: Ta-dah! A haunted house!
Oishi: Oh yeah, they’re a staple for amusement parks, but we haven’t been to it yet.
Momoshiro: The line’s pretty long, you cool with waiting?
Tezuka: I don’t mind.
Tezuka: …So you’re able to hear the screams from outside.
Inui: Supposedly the haunted house here has a reputation for being quite scary.
Inui: There are also rumors that they even have real monsters mixed in with the fake ones.
Kikumaru: Seriously!?
Oishi: Hey, hey… Don’t get everyone scared before we even go in.
Ryoma: It’s just a rumor, isn’t it?
Ryoma: I don’t think we need to worry so much.
Inui: But as the saying goes: where there is smoke, there is fire.
Momoshiro: You’re really trying to rile us up aren’t you, Inui-senpai.
Kikumaru: Anyways! If it looks this scary then it should scare even Shorty.
Ryoma: Nothing scares me that easily.
Momoshiro: Alright then, you’re comin’ with me. It says we can go in pairs.
Ryoma: Don’t cling to me if you get scared, Momo-senpai.
Momoshiro: Same goes to you.
Inui: I’ll go with Tezuka.
Inui: I may be able to acquire some valuable data from this.
Tezuka: I’m not sure if my reactions will be sufficient for you… but all right.
Oishi: Okay, then I’ll go with Eiji.
Kikumaru: Yeah! And you can hold onto me if you get scared, Oishi.
Oishi: Haha, I’ll be counting on you.
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Kikumaru: There’s something moving around that headstone…!
Oishi: Th-There’s a fireball floating around here too.
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Kikumaru: Aiiieeee~! Now there’s a noise coming from the well.
Kikumaru: There’s definitely something hiding in there! No, no, I don’t wanna get near it~!
Oishi: Whoa…!? C-Calm down, Eiji.
Oishi: Jeez, I’m trying not to get scared too, but… where’d that confidence you had before coming in go?
Kikumaru: Well, I didn’t think it’d be this scary.
Kikumaru: But Inui was right, this haunted house is really scary.
Oishi: Yeah. It’s kind of like… I can’t stop feeling tense in here…
Kikumaru: Yeah. It’s like there’s one monster after another.
Kikumaru: …What was that?
Oishi: It came from right behind us. On three, we turn around?
Kikumaru: S-Sure. One, two…
Oishi & Kikumaru: AGH!
Tezuka: It was as scary as the rumors said.
Inui: So you say, but you didn’t even move an eyebrow, Tezuka.
Inui: Perhaps things would’ve been different if a real monster had shown up…
Oishi: Nah, I think it was scary enough with what we got…
Kikumaru: The scariest part was being chased by those guys near the exit~
Ryoma: Momo-senpai screamed at that part too.
Momoshiro: Shut up! You grabbed onto my hoodie too.
Ryoma: Yeah, on accident.
Oishi: Alright, you two. You don’t need to argue about it.
Kikumaru: Nyahaha, it was scary but I still had fun, so I’d say it turned out alright.
Kikumaru: Okay! Onto to have fun at our next stop!
Inui Card Story - “Many Younger Brothers”
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Inui: Hm… It feels as though we’re missing something.
Kaidoh: What’re you talking about…
Tezuka: Everyone’s here and accounted for.
Inui: No, that’s not it. It feels as though there’s something missing in our approach with the amusement park.
Inui: It’s not fulfilling enough to simply have these outfits, is it?
Ryoma: I really don’t know what you’re getting at, Inui-senpai…
Momoshiro: Ah, I get it. Getting popcorn and merchandise and all that, right?
Fuji: Right. Or even getting a hat, gloves or stuffed animal.
Inui: Precisely. Since we’ve come all this way, I think it would be nice to dye ourselves more in the amusement park’s colors, don’t you think?
Inui: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Kaidoh: …I don’t get what you’re talking about at all, Inui-senpai.
Tezuka: I believe what he’s saying is we still aren’t enjoying the amusement park to the fullest.
Inui: Right. We can go even further than this.
Momoshiro: I feel like us having matching outfits is enough, though.
Fuji: Shall we go to a store? I’d like to check out some souvenirs for Yuuta.
Momoshiro: Sounds good. It’ll be crowded towards the end, so now would be a good time.
Inui: Well then, let’s get going.
Ryoma: …I’ve been thinking about it since we got here, but the senpais are actually having fun with this, aren’t they?
Kaidoh: Fshhhhh…
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Inui: …Here we are!
Tezuka: What is it.
Inui: It’s rainbow popcorn. Look, it even comes in a Prince Kitty-themed bucket.
Inui: I’d like to develop a drink that is as visually pleasing as this, to be honest.
Fuji: Sounds good. I’d wanna try it.
Kaidoh: You wanna try a drink that’s got all these colors in it…?
Momoshiro: Hey, don’t look at me…
Ryoma: A Prince Kitty popcorn bucket…
Momoshiro: Yep. You like it, Echizen?
Ryoma: Not really… Maybe a little.
Tezuka: They have a variety of his merchandise in the store we can check out.
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Inui: Well, what do we have here…
Fuji: Fufu… Those are cute gloves, aren’t they?
Inui: This is excellent merchandise for the amusement park, but they would also be good for everyday use.
Inui: I could wear this and appear for anyone needing a cat’s paw.
Momoshiro: I highly doubt that’s something that would happen a lot, though.
Kaidoh: But it’s still pretty nice…
Ryoma: Yeah, it’s kinda cute…
Momoshiro: You guys are getting too into Prince Kitty, y’know!?
Inui: Fufufu… When in an amusement park, the appeal of the mascots is doubled.
Fuji: And here Kaidoh and Echizen were acting hesitant right before this.
Tezuka: It appears Inui was right when he said something was missing.
Tezuka: I think I’ll purchase a bucket of popcorn as well.
Fuji: Me too. The rainbow color looks cool.
Ryoma: Aren’t those cat-ear headbands pretty cute, too?
Kaidoh: This Prince Kitty plushie feels like a real cat…
Momoshiro: Make sure to think twice before buying anything. You’re taking it back to the camp, remember?
Inui: You’re surprisingly calm, Momo.
Momoshiro: Ah yeah, it feels like I’m watching my little brother and sister… Haha.
Inui: Your siblings… Well for this case, it would appear we have many younger brothers today.
Fuji: Fufu… It’s a big family we got here.
Tezuka: If we’re going by birthdays, I’d be your younger brother too.
Inui: Haha. I don’t have any siblings, so this is rather new for me.
Inui: Are you done with your business, my younger brothers? It’s about time we get back to the attractions.
Kaidoh Card Story - “You get along well…”
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Kaidoh: Seriously, you’re eating way too much.
Momoshiro: Shut up. Besides, it’s not just for you.
Kaidoh: Huhh? And who’s the one holding it?
Momoshiro: Okay, and what’s so special about you holding it? Huh?
Oishi: Time out, time out! What’re you two arguing about?
Ryoma: I’ve been listening, and it’s over something really dumb.
Kawamura: Echizen, let’s try not to add more fuel to the fire…
Kikumaru: C’mon~ They get along well. They say the closer you are, the more you butt heads.
Momoshiro & Kaidoh: We’re not!
Ryoma: That was really in sync.
Momoshiro & Kaidoh: Huhh!?
Oishi: Ugh, jeez… Okay, so why were you fighting?
Momoshiro: …Popcorn.
Kaidoh: The one we bought at the store…
Kawamura: Yeah, you said you’d buy one and split it.
Kikumaru: Momo and Kaidoh? Well that’s just a given that they’d fight over that.
Ryoma: Right. That’s what I said when they bought it.
Momoshiro: I wasn’t planning on eating that much. I wasn’t even that hungry.
Momoshiro: But that popcorn is surprisingly really good…
Kaidoh: And then you suddenly decided to go to town on it.
Momoshiro: I only had a little at first, so I thought it’d be okay to just have a little more.
Kaidoh: You were taking them by the handfuls.
Momoshiro: Hmph! You’re being really selfish, y’know that?
Kaidoh: Huhh!?
Kawamura: *sigh*, relax, you two…
Oishi: That is a really dumb reason…
Ryoma: Right?
Kikumaru: Hey you guys, how about you take your anger out on that instead? It’s a shooting ride!
Kaidoh: Shooting…?
Kawamura: “An immersive experience with targets all around you”. Wow, that sounds cool.
Ryoma: Okay, let’s do it then.
Kaidoh & Momoshiro: …
Kaidoh: …It’s darker than I expected.
Momoshiro: You scared, Viper~?
Kaidoh: Hell no!
Oishi: Okay, it’s starting!
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Kaidoh: Whoa… There’s UFOs in front of us now—
Momoshiro: And here comes the aliens! Th-There’s so many…
Kaidoh: Hey, don’t lean into me, Momoshiro! You’re throwing off my aim!
Momoshiro: There’s no time to worry about that! Sorry, but just tough it out please.
Kaidoh: Tch, whatever…
Kaidoh: Crap, our health’s been lowered! Keep whaling on ‘em!
Momoshiro: I’ve got this! Let’s wipe ‘em all out!
Kaidoh & Momoshiro: UOOOOOOOOH!!
Kikumaru: *sigh*, I really wanted that high score achievement sticker.
Kawamura: Momo and Kaidoh were getting the highest scores the whole time.
Oishi: I’m glad you guys got them.
Momoshiro: Yeah, I was trying so hard to defeat all the aliens and I just got super into it.
Kaidoh: I lucked out from just concentrating on the UFOs since they give the most points.
Ryoma: I think my gun was broken…
Momoshiro: You shouldn’t be a sore loser, you really shouldn’t.
Kaidoh: …Mm? Momoshiro, what happened to the popcorn?
Kaidoh: I left it with your stuff, so you should have it.
Momoshiro: There wasn’t much left, so I ate the rest and then threw it away over there.
Kaidoh: Huh? I’m pretty sure there was plenty left.
Momoshiro: There wasn’t. And you ate a lot of it when we first got it, didn’t you?
Kaidoh: I didn’t even have that much!
Ryoma: They’re back at it again…
Oishi: Maybe it’s true for them, that they butt heads so often since they’re so close.
Momoshiro & Kaidoh: You wanna go, huh!?
Momoshiro Card Story - “Fun in the Air!”
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Momoshiro: Now where should we go next… The rides we haven’t gone on yet are—
Kaidoh: Why don’t you just look at the map of the park?
Momoshiro: Huhh? I was just about to. You don’t have to nitpick me all the time, Viper.
Kaidoh: What’d you say…? You’re the one who nitpicks me.
Ryoma: They’re at it, again.
Kikumaru: Nyahaha. They’re still so full of energy.
Oishi: Momo, Kaidoh! Let’s take it down a notch.
Fuji: Haven’t had enough fun yet, I’m guessing? How about we go on another big ride?
Momoshiro: Aw yeah Fuji-senpai, you get it! But actually, let’s go on that one next.
Fuji & Ryoma: Huh…?
Kikumaru: The swing ride! This is one we haven’t been on yet.
Momoshiro: Exactly! We need to give all the rides a go.
Kaidoh: The swing ride… Sounds pretty whimsical.
Momoshiro: Whimsical? Well, you shouldn’t underestimate it.
Kaidoh: I’m not.
Ryoma: We’ll be on swings?
Momoshiro: God, now you’re making a fuss…
Ryoma: I mean, it doesn’t look too exciting.
Fuji: You don’t know that.
Kaidoh & Ryoma: Huh?
Fuji: It looks like it’ll be spinning us around pretty fast. I think it’ll be exciting.
Ryoma: …Hmm.
Kaidoh: …Exciting, huh.
Momoshiro: Well anyway, let’s hurry and get on!
Kikumaru: Momo! It looks like no one’s on it right now! So I don’t think there’ll be a long line.
Momoshiro: Okay! Let’s get to it then!
Oishi: Take it easy, don’t run, just speed walk if you really need to hurry.
Momoshiro & Kikumaru: Okay!
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Momoshiro: Whoooaaa! We’re so high up!!
Oishi: This is… higher than I thought. The ground’s… so far away… I-Is everyone doing alright?
Kikumaru: Of course! It feels like I’m flying, it’s so awesome! Yayy!
Ryoma: I’m good! It’s not a bad view.
Fuji: Yeah. This is a nice breeze blowing.
Kaidoh: …The breeze does feel nice.
Momoshiro: Whoaa! Now it’s going faster!
Momoshiro: Kuuu~! It feels so refreshing!
Momoshiro: Hahaha, that was so much fun!!
Kikumaru: It felt so good to be up in the sky, I wanted to stay on it forever~
Oishi: I was nervous at first since it felt like my balance was unsteady but yeah, once I got used to it, it felt really good.
Kaidoh: …It wasn’t so bad.
Momoshiro: Hm? What was that? I didn’t hear you, can you run that by me again?
Kaidoh: You…
Momoshiro: C’mon, say it!
Kaidoh: …Tch. It wasn’t so bad.
Kaidoh: Happy now?
Momoshiro: Hehe. Yeah, I guess I’d say so.
Ryoma: You look really happy now, Momo-senpai.
Fuji: That’s a nice look on his face. I’ll take a photo.
Momoshiro: Whoa, that scared me! Hold on a minute!
Momoshiro: One more time, I wanna hold up a peace sign!
Fuji: Sure. And let’s get Echizen and Kaidoh in the shot too.
Ryoma: Alright. Wha—Momo-senpai, that’s too close!
Kaidoh: You don’t need to bring us this close for the shot…
Momoshiro: It’s fine, it’s fine, now both of you smile like you’re having fun!
Oishi Card Story - “Encounter with Prince Kitty!”
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Oishi: Huh? That cat character over there, that’s…
Ryoma & Kaidoh: Prince Kitty…!
Kikumaru: Whoaa! It’s really him!
Kawamura: This is our first time seeing him even though we’ve walked all around since this morning.
Fuji: Maybe we passed him before. He’s so popular that he’s been surrounded in an instant.
Oishi: Now that he’s here, why don’t we get our pictures taken with him?
Kikumaru: For sure!
Ryoma: Oh, there’s people waiting in line for him over there.
Kaidoh: Let’s hurry, Echizen.
Ryoma: Right.
Kawamura: Those two are really hyped about this.
Fuji: Let’s get in line too.
Kikumaru: Hurry up, Oishi!
Oishi: You don’t need to pull on me so hard, Prince Kitty’s not gonna run away, you know?
Kikumaru: There’s a chance he’ll leave though.
Oishi: Haha, oh alright.
Kawamura: Man, what a wait.
Kaidoh: Maybe it’s ‘cause it takes a while for each group to get their pictures taken.
Ryoma: …I wonder if we’ll get to hug him when it’s our turn.
Fuji: Fufu… If that’s what you wanna do, we can ask them, Echizen.
Ryoma: It doesn’t really matter…
Oishi: Oh come on, you don’t need to be embarrassed. See, even the people taking pics with him right now are putting their arms around his shoulders.
Kikumaru: It’s almost our turn, so let’s all get a hug from him.
Ryoma: …Okay.
Oishi: …Huh?
Kikumaru: What’s wrong, Oishi?
Oishi: Nothing, it just looked like the family behind us was having a hard time is all.
Kikumaru: Really? Wonder what’s wrong.
Kaidoh: Their kid’s crying, but… it looks like they can’t get them to stop.
Fuji: I wonder if there’s anything we can do to help.
Kawamura: But we better watch out or else we could upset them even more…
Oishi: That’s true…
Oishi: Ah, that’s it!
Ryoma: Oishi-senpai?
Oishi: If we don’t help, then who will? I have a favor to ask you guys…
Kikumaru: I’m so glad their kid wound up laughing~
Kawamura: Yeah. It was right after they got a picture with Prince Kitty.
Fuji: I’m sure it was all thanks to Oishi suggesting they go in front of us.
Oishi: I’m sorry for making you guys wait even longer now.
Kaidoh: Getting a small child to stop crying is a bigger deal.
Ryoma: For sure. And even if we went further back, we’ll still get our turn.
Oishi: Right.
Oishi: …Wha—oh!
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Oishi: P-Prince Kitty?
Kikumaru: Ah! Oishi, Prince Kitty is hugging you~!
Oishi: What’s going on…
Kawamura: Maybe it’s because he saw that nice thing you did, Oishi.
Ryoma: He’s nodding, so it must be true.
Oishi: Haha… oh, man.
Fuji: Here, let’s all get a photo together. Come a little closer, Kaidoh.
Kaidoh: ‘Kay.
Oishi: I’m kinda embarrassed, but this’ll be a great memory.
Oishi: Thank you, Prince Kitty.
Kawamura Card Story - “The Spinning Coffee Cups”
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Kawamura: It’s getting dark, maybe we should head for the parade now?
Momoshiro: Mm, there’s still time though, isn’t there?
Kaidoh: He’s talking about getting a good spot. If we wait too long then we won’t have one.
Ryoma: I don’t think you need to worry about it. Eiji-senpai and the others are eagerly making their way over there.
Kawamura: Huhh, since when did they…
Fuji: Not too long ago. I was with Tezuka and Oishi too.
Inui: They will most certainly ensure the best position for everyone to enjoy the parade.
Kawamura: Gotcha. I’m grateful and I know they’ve got this.
Fuji: Right. So let’s not worry about them and have a little more fun before going on our way.
Kawamura: Of course. What do you guys wanna ride?
Kawamura: I feel like we’ve done everything there is, to be honest.
Momoshiro: There is one more ride I wanna go on, but it’s really far from here…
Ryoma: Why don’t we just go on something close by?
Kaidoh: I agree with Echizen.
Momoshiro: Augh, oh fine! We can do that.
Kawamura: So what’s close by? Maybe we could do the coffee cups over there?
Inui: …Coffee cups, huh. Interesting.
Kaidoh: Inui-senpai… do you wanna ride them?
Inui: No, I wish to observe. I’m sure I’ll gather good data from it.
Ryoma: Didn’t know you could do that with coffee cups…
Inui: There are those who have the tolerance for thrill rides, but have an intolerance for spinning rides.
Inui: So for this case, I may collect surprising data.
Fuji: So you wanna check to see if we can keep our balance, is that it?
Momoshiro: Let’s see how Echizen does with this then.
Ryoma: Nothing I can’t handle.
Momoshiro: Yeah, sure. Taka-san, come with us please.
Kawamura: Huh, me?? Uhhh…?
Fuji: You’ve got the most power, Taka-san.
Kawamura: O-Okay. I’ll do it.
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Kawamura: How’s this? Is this good enough?
Momoshiro: C’mon, don’t hold back! Spin it as hard and fast as you can!
Kawamura: Like this…? Is this okay…
Ryoma: Nice breeze we’ve got out here.
Momoshiro: Look! Echizen’s just kicking back in here. Grab the wheel more firmly! Like this!
Kawamura: Momo…!? Wha…
Momoshiro: UWAAAAAAAAH!!
Ryoma & Momoshiro: Ugh…
Kawamura: Huh? Are you two alright?
Ryoma: I’m… completely fine…!
Fuji: You’re back. How was it?
Kaidoh: Fuji-senpai, do you even need to ask that…
Fuji: Fufu. Well, I wanna hear what they thought about it.
Kawamura: I surprised even myself, but it was fun. I felt the wind whipping around me…
Momoshiro: Taka-san was… y’know… He had a lot of energy…
Fuji: Taka-san was brilliant spinning the coffee cup. I got some good shots of him.
Kawamura: Haha… I’m kinda embarrassed now.
Inui: I was hoping to hear Echizen yell out, but you did come close though.
Ryoma: …Told you I could handle it.
Momoshiro: Handle it where? You were holding on for dear life.
Ryoma: And you were screaming the whole time.
Kaidoh: Everyone and their dog could hear you.
Momoshiro: How ‘bout you ride it then, Viper? Then you’ll see.
Kawamura: I can go with you if you guys wanna do it again.
Inui: Enthusiastic, aren’t you.
Momoshiro: Jeez… Taka-san’s pumped up over it now.
Ryoma: We’ve woken the beast…
Kawamura: Well actually, how about Fuji and Inui ride it this time?
Inui: Huh… No, I—
Fuji: It looked like fun, so let’s give it a try.
Kaidoh: Yeah, and I’ll take the pictures for you. We gotta commemorate you guys riding it.
Ryoma: And I’ll collect the data if you want.
Kawamura: Thank you. Alright, come with me, you two. Let’s go!
Fuji Card Story - “On the Ferris Wheel”
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Fuji: Hey, why don’t we try riding the Ferris wheel?
Ryoma: That came out of nowhere.
Fuji: It’s because we haven’t rode it yet. So how about it?
Tezuka: That would be good.
Oishi: I think so too. It’d be a shame to go home without riding it.
Kikumaru: Yeah, yeah! I wanna ride it! I bet the view at night is beautiful~!
Kawamura: Even the view during the day is great too.
Oishi: Also around when the sun sets is stellar too.
Ryoma: It’s already nighttime, so we already missed those views.
Fuji: It’s too bad. Guess we realized it a little too late.
Tezuka: Next time we come, we should ride it in the afternoon or evening.
Fuji: Fufu, that’s a great idea.
Kawamura: We can look forward to that the next time we come.
Fuji: And I can’t wait for that.
Kikumaru: Wanna start planning for it now?
Oishi: One thing at a time, Eiji.
Kikumaru: Nyahaha. We’ll just get in line for now then! Let’s hurry!
Oishi: Wha, hey! Don’t pull me, Eiji!
Ryoma: Ah… they left.
Kawamura: Haha, even at night, Eiji’s still full of energy.
Tezuka: It’s good for this. Come, let’s get in line.
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Fuji: Look, I think we’re at the very top now.
Ryoma: Everything’s shining below…
Kawamura: Whoa, I can’t… stop staring at it. This view.
Tezuka: …Right. It’s beautiful.
Kawamura: Fuji, don’t you wanna take pictures of it?
Fuji: Mmm, I don’t even know…
Tezuka: Why wouldn’t you?
Fuji: I don’t think anything could match how exciting it is seeing it in person.
Kawamura: Ah… Yeah, I kinda get what you mean.
Ryoma: Alright, then I guess we’ll have to keep this view in our eyes and never forget it.
Tezuka: Right. We’ll hold onto it, as a memory.
Fuji: Yeah. That’s a good idea.
Fuji: Alright, I’ll take a photo of us in here to commemorate this then. You guys ready to pose?
Tezuka: Of course.
Fuji: Thank you, everyone.
Ryoma: …? Why you thanking us.
Fuji: For coming with me on the Ferris wheel.
Kawamura: What’re you talking about, Fuji? We had a great time riding it with you.
Tezuka: Kawamura’s exactly right. Rather, it should be us thanking you.
Tezuka: Thanks to your suggestion, we were able to see that nice view. I appreciate it.
Ryoma: It was quiet and relaxing. That kind of ride wasn’t so bad either.
Kikumaru: Ah, there they are! Heyy! Over here!
Kawamura: It’s Eiji and the others. Looks like they were waiting for us.
Ryoma: Let’s head over now.
Fuji: …
Tezuka: What is it?
Kawamura: Did you forget something?
Fuji: No, it just feels like time really flew by today.
Tezuka: They do say time flies when you’re having fun.
Fuji: …Yeah.
Ryoma: It’s too early to start feeling sad.
Tezuka: Right. Let’s enjoy this to the fullest until the very end.
Tezuka: It doesn’t stop being a trip until you’re back home.
Ryoma: A trip…
Fuji & Kawamura: Fufu…
Tezuka: Is something funny?
Fuji: Oh, no. It’s just very like you to say that, Tezuka.
Fuji: Well then, let’s have all the fun that we can until we head back.
[Episode 5]
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Tezuka: …It’s almost time to catch the bus.
Ryoma: Huh, already?
Kawamura: The park’s not closing anytime soon, but it’s gonna take us a while to get back to the camp.
Tezuka: The others are still in the shop. Let’s move once they come out.
Fuji: We got to see the parade, and got souvenirs… Is there anything else you wish you could’ve done?
Momoshiro: There is~. I wanna have more fun.
Kaidoh: You can stay behind then.
Momoshiro: So cold, totally cold…
Kawamura: I don’t have it in me to head back.
Fuji: I get you. It was a lot of fun, and now it feels unfortunate to have to leave.
Tezuka: By the way, shouldn’t we change?
Kaidoh: Ah… The guys in our rooms are gonna say something, aren’t they.
Momoshiro: It’s fine, I don’t care. Let’s keep the amusement park hype going till the very last minute.
Ryoma: Right.
Ryoma: It doesn’t stop being a trip till you’re back home, right?
Tezuka: Yes, that’s right.
Momoshiro: Hey, Echizen. It was more fun than you expected, huh?
Ryoma: Eh, it wasn’t too bad.
Kaidoh: You can never admit anything…
Ryoma: Like you have room to talk, Kaidoh-senpai.
Kawamura: Fuji, you took a lot of photos today right?
Fuji: Oh, for sure. I can’t wait to check them out later.
Momoshiro: You cool with sending me all of them?
Fuji: All of them? There is a lot.
Momoshiro: It’s great to enjoy the experience again from another perspective, isn’t it?
Kaidoh: …You actually said something good for once.
Momoshiro: What do you mean “for once”?
Fuji: Fufu… Well then, I’ll enjoy seeing everyone’s reactions to them then.
Kawamura: Ah, here they come.
Tezuka: All right, let’s get going.
Fuji: I hope we can come here again. All of us.
Ryoma: …Yeah.
Ryoma: I’m glad we came here today.
Momoshiro & Kaidoh: …
Momoshiro & Kaidoh: See!?
Ryoma: Hehe.
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Oishi: Huh, you guys…
Kikumaru: Good morning. You’re up early.
Kawamura: Good morning. I woke up feeling refreshed for some reason.
Inui: I as well. Perhaps it’s due to me going to bed as soon as we returned from the amusement park.
Fuji: Echizen and Momo… they must still be asleep.
Kikumaru: Where’s Kaidoh?
Tezuka: He went jogging. He’ll be joining us for voluntary morning practice later.
Kawamura: Yesterday was way too much fun.
Oishi: Speaking of which, I wonder how they settled things in the end?
Oishi: It all started because of Momo and Kaidoh wanting to show Echizen how cool Japan’s rides are, didn’t it?
Tezuka: They did compete with each other numerous times at the amusement park…
Inui: In truth, it seems like many of the the thrill rides in the US are quite outrageous.
Inui: I can understand why Echizen would want to say that Japan still has a ways to go.
Kawamura: F-For real? Sounds like a big challenge to try and get on the US’s level then…
Kikumaru: But a ride being more scary doesn’t always mean it’s more fun, y’know?
Kikumaru: Sure, the rides were cool, but the thing that made me the happiest was being able to go with everyone.
Oishi: …Right. I always feel like we’re together, but it doesn’t feel the same as what we did.
Fuji: And about Echizen’s whole deal…
Fuji: Take a look, I printed out some photos from yesterday. Here’s a few that caught my eye.
Tezuka: Echizen?
Inui: Heh… That’s a great smile, isn’t it.
Kawamura: I’m sure Echizen was smiling a lot yesterday.
Kikumaru: Oh, yeah. He said something like “yeah, it was pretty fun”, or whatever.
Oishi: Don’t bring it up around him, okay?
Fuji: Fufu… But it really was a lot of fun.
Tezuka: But now we must switch gears. It’s time for practice.
Inui: Oh my, we ended up basking in the afterglow.
Oishi: That we did. Let’s go to the courts.
Kikumaru: I’m full of energy after having all that fun! Let’s do our best in tennis today, too!
Money well spent…
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