#did i just get home from watching the little mermaid (2023) with pirate ban x merman meliodas stuck in my brain?
librathefangirl · 11 months
Pirate Melban AU sneak peek because I've got no self-control
It wasn’t like Ban had never heard the stories. He’d spent most of his life on one ship or another, of course he had heard the stories. He’d heard the fairy tales spun about beautiful mermaids in a magical world far below their own. He’d heard the horror stories of sirens luring men to their deaths in the dark waters, feeding off their flesh. Mermaids, sirens, merfolk – whatever you wanted to call them, Ban knew their stories. Any seafarer worth his damn did. And Ban was no exception. As a teenager he’d even spent months under a captain who’d had what he claimed was part of a mermaid fin hanging on his wall – that Ban had called bullshit was a different story, one that had eventually led him to the Raven. So, yeah, Ban had heard the stories. He would even admit to believing some of them. He’d seen some crazy things in the seas over the years – but never a mermaid. Not until now.
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