#did i mention we spend hella money on weed
fukozawa · 3 years
This is gonna be a vent post
I’m so fucking frustrated at every living situation I’m in i have to deal with a roommate who is almost impossible to communicate with bc their trauma response is to avoid accountability at all cost and become defensive when faced with any slight criticism.
My cousin is 4 months younger than me and is about to turn 25, has worked extremely hard for the job he has and all that yadada. Thing is though, I’m the only person in my family who actually moved away for a good while and lived Without the help of my family. Not saying I’m not extremely privileged to have had that opportunity even with the financial & mental strain, but it taught me a lot and i grew up and matured in a fuck ton of ways. Ways that my cousin has not, because he has lived at home with his parents his entire life. Not that theres anything wrong with that except for the fact he thinks hes fully self sustained and independent when he has no idea what being cut off from ur family is actually like. He has never had to clean his own messes or buy his own groceries, or keep up with regular household chores bc hes straight up a machista in denial, and its pissing me the fuck off. Even his sister was curious what its been like living with him and i tell her its been hell cuz he doesnt clean up after himself at all and uses weaponized incompetence like his life depends on it.
Not to mention the house we’re all staying in is my grandmas house who passed away last year and ive been doing my absolute fucking best to maintain the house and keep it super clean also cuz its a mexican house built before the 80s and needs a lot of cleaning maintenance.
Theres 4 of us in the house and 3 people are constantly cleaning up the mess left by 1 person. We’re fucking done and we’re gonna bring it up with him today cuz this has gotten out of hand.
The breaking point was the fact that he Knows how badly we need groceries. He is the only person with a car and we rely on him to pick up groceries. He typically gets off work at 3pm which gives plenty of time to do a quick run to the grocery store. And the day before yesterday he agreed to take us after he got off work. (Keep in mind we pay for the groceries and have offered to pay the little amount of gas it take to get there since its close by). But yesterday he gets home, we remind him that we need him to take us to the grocery store, he says he forgot and that he was gonna quickly get changed and we could go. We were sitting in the living room in our jackets and w shoes on for two whole fucking hours waiting for him to come back from his room but he never did. And when he finally did, he treated it like it was the worst thing in the world and told us he could take us the next day cuz hes off work.
Thing is tho, he drank the rest of MY coffee which i Heavily rely on cuz I’m an insomniac and also its been my ‘samefood’ and what i look forward to everyday is the afternoon peace of smoking a cig and drinking a cup of coffee. There was only a little left that i was saving and he ended up using all of it (as a result of which caused me to have a meltdown cuz i was already on edge) Which wouldve been totally fine if he actually took us to the grocery store like he said he would but nope. He also ate the last avocado that we bought for ourselves saying that he’ll take us to the store to get more and whaddayakno, never did. Like I’m sorry but as someone whos job required me to wake up at 6am, commute for 1.5hrs to work for 7hrs then spend 1.5hrs commuting home, id STILL stop by the grocery store after work if my roommates really needed me to.
But even when he is off work and the two times he took us to get groceries, the whole trip is spent with him on his phone where the only time he looks up from his screen is to grab the handful of items he wanted or ask us if we’re almost done. You could Feel his impatience at having to be inside a grocery store for more than 10 minutes it was palpable. Literally like a fucking child waiting on his parents when he is a full grown adult acting like spending more 30 minutes getting groceries is absolute hell.
Oh! Did i mention hes a pisces man 🥴
Anyways I’m so fucking tired of living with people i need to live on my own so fucking bad
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niladmirai · 7 years
Do all the numbers. Do them all. I want every answer.
Geez, thats a tall order
1: NameDavid
2: AgeTurning 23 in March
3: 3 FearsHeightsRejection from family/friendsFailure
4: 3 things I loveMy loved onesVideo GamesArt
5: 4 turns onIntelligenceCommon interestsGenuine joy and happinessGreat listener
6: 4 turns offSmokingAsshole attitudeIgnoranceDisrespect
7: My best friendAt this point in time, it’s hard to say…
8: Sexual orientationStraight
9: My best first dateNever went out on a date ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10: How tall am I5'6"
11: What do I missNot being tied down by the pressure of being an adult
12: What time were I bornExact time, 9:11AM; The date, March 12th
13: Favorite colorBlue
14: Do I have a crushLmao not at the moment
15: Favorite quote“Do or do not. There is no try.” -Yoda
16: Favorite placeMy hometown of NYC
17: Favorite foodFrench Fries
18: Do I use sarcasmWhen do I not?
19: What am I listening to right nowNothing. Its 8:30AM as I type this lol
20: First thing I notice in new personTheir face and hair
21: Shoe size11
22: Eye colorBrown
23: Hair colorBlack
24: Favorite style of clothingJacket, hoodie and jeans
25: Ever done a prank call?Once
27: Meaning behind my URLBased on the phrase ‘nil admirari’ but i missed the last ‘r’ lmao
28: Favorite movieBetween Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and Speed Racer
29: Favorite songTo Zanarkand
30: Favorite bandNone in particular. But favorite musician would be Bruno Mars
31: How I feel right nowTo be honest, mostly indifferent about a lot of things
32: Someone I loveMy older cousin for being an awesome guy to hang around with
33: My current relationship statusSingle
34: My relationship with my parentsLove them to death!
35: Favorite holidayChristmas mostly for Christmas music
36: Tattoos and piercing i haveNada. If i did, my dad would flip and rip em
37: Tattoos and piercing i wantIf i was allowed to, a pink star on my neck like the Joestars or the Zanarkand Abes logo on my arm
38: The reason I joined TumblrFriend mentioned it when I was at a retreat and was curious to what it is.
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?Nah, we ended on good terms
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?Nope lol
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?No lmao
42: When did I last hold hands?Yesterday during Mass
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?Thirty Minutes tops
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?How bout my whole life
45: Where am I right now?In my room on my bed
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?My cousin and brother
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Resonable so its actually audible
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Yea
49: Am I excited for anything?My said cousin before is coming to visit!
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?Yes
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?Usually half the time
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?I could care less at this point in time
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Nope
55: What is something I disliked about today?It’s 8:30am. I didnt sleep yet.
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?My japanese cousins whom ive never seen or met
57: What do I think about most?Fire Emblem Heroes
58: What’s my strangest talent?My thumb is double jointed
59: Do I have any strange phobias?Nah all are kind normal
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Both
61: What was the last lie I told?'I’m going to the car to get something’
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Talking on the phone
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Both
64: Do I believe in magic?Nope
65: Do I believe in luck?Yea
66: What’s the weather like right now?Clear
67: What was the last book I’ve read?Something in my college class 3 years ago
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Hell no
69: Do I have any nicknames?Dabid or bid
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?My right index finger nail came off
71: Do I spend money or save it?Spend sadly. Its a bad habit.
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?Nope
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?My RWBY Vol. 5 poster
74: Favorite animal?Birda
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Playing Fire Emblem Heroes
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Hercule’s last name is Satan
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Right now, the Finesse with Cardi B
78: How can you win my heart?If we share some interests, maybe thats hos
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?A beloved by many, and loved to play games
80: What is my favorite word?Free
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrLmao never cared about favorite blogs
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?The world will be ruined if we continue the path we follow. We need to change.
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?Thankfully no
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?The power of luck manipulation
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?How’s the job search going?
86: What is my current desktop picture?The intro screen of Xenoblade Chronicles
87: Had sex?Never haha
88: Bought condoms?From my brother LOL
89: Gotten pregnant?Im a guy
90: Failed a class?Yes
91: Kissed a boy?On the cheek
92: Kissed a girl?Yes
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Lmao no
94: Had job?Nope
95: Left the house without my wallet?Yes…
96: Bullied someone on the internet?No
97: Had sex in public?Still no
98: Played on a sports team?Yeah, bowling back in elementary school
99: Smoked weed?Nope
100: Did drugs?Perscription drugs
101: Smoked cigarettes?Nope
102: Drank alcohol?Hella
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?No
104: Been overweight?I currently am lol
105: Been underweight?No
106: Been to a wedding?Loads of times
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Five is an understatement
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?F I V E I S A N U N D E R S T A T E M E N T
109: Been outside my home country?Yea
110: Gotten my heart broken?Of course
111: Been to a professional sports game?Yeah!
112: Broken a bone?No
113: Cut myself?Papercuts
114: Been to prom?Yep. Loved it.
115: Been in airplane?Yeah
116: Fly by helicopter?Not yet
117: What concerts have I been to?The Eagles, Air Supply, my high school’s band
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Admired, not crush
119: Learned another language?Java
120: Wore make up?Just nail polish
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?No lmaooo
122: Had oral sex?No
123: Dyed my hair?Nah
124: Voted in a presidential election?Yes. Still upset about the end result.
125: Rode in an ambulance?No
126: Had a surgery?On my tonsils
127: Met someone famous?Yeah! I met Julius Erving as a kid and recently Pewdiepie a few years back.
128: Stalked someone on a social network?Who hasnt lol
129: Peed outside?Had no choice
130: Been fishing?Yep! I wanna do it again!
131: Helped with charity?Yeah
132: Been rejected by a crush?All thd time
133: Broken a mirror?Naw
134: What do I want for birthday?Money, a Switch, games to play on the Switch, games to play on my PS4, and most importantly, happiness
Whew that took awhile!
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wanderlustlondon · 7 years
30 June
wow I got like a week behind on this so sorry
bath day! so first thing in the morning at 8:30 we left for the bus stop in Victoria. riley and I got on the bus just fine but megan and john were having some struggles. the guy couldn’t find their ticket numbers right away which caused some slight panic but we got it figured out before too long. megan and i slept most of the way there (meg actually layed down across the seats with her legs in the aisle) while john and riley did, well, i don’t actually know. the view i did see was super quaint and country-feely (at one point I saw a sign for wiltshire and it was a bit exciting just from the zoella/thatcherjoe videos I’ve seen). 
we got to bath and all of us were starving so we stopped at this cute little cafe for lunch called cafe au lait. we all got breakfast sandwiches that were hella good and we all got cute lil drinks in tea cups (obviously I got a chai latte coffee is for losers) and we pulled out a coloring book for a bit because why not we’re adults. we stayed there until we could check into the YMCA hostel at 2, and that was just a hot mess
SO we had to get to the y through a sketchy alley, which was fine, but then turns out when john was booking their reservation he didn’t actually talk to anyone from the Y. he talked to some guy named eric, but no eric works for the ymca bath. so john and megan go to sit and figure out what to do--there were only 8 beds left in the male dorm or private rooms that were super expensive. meanwhile my form had no problems and I make the genius move and say “I booked two spots in the mixed room, could Megan stay in me and the boys book a new reservation in the male dorm?” and everyone was like OMG HELL YEAH THATS GENIUS so t handful it all worked out even better than we initially anticipated
we just wandered around bath for a bit after, just admiring how beautiful the city is. everything there is very old and everything is the same color, something completely different from london. the architecture is also super old and crazy beautiful. we ended up accidentally going to the church jane austen’s parents got married in/the one she went to as a girl!! it was again super beautiful in there and just a nice little surprise. we walked past the bath abbey and found the roman bath house. no one was sure if it was work 15.50 so we kept walking but we were barely past the building when a pigeon pooped on megan’s shirt. while she cleaned up, riley asked a friend if the baths were work it and he said “fuck yeah best part of the trip” so when megan was cleaned up we decided to fork over the 13.75 (shout out to student discounts) and explored the roman bath museum before heading to our tour. it was actually incredible, I had no idea they even existed but there was just so much history there and it was completely authentic to how it was in roman times. we all loved the museum and the audio tour and were there for like 3 hours which is way longer than most of us usually do museums!
john mentioned pizza for dinner so of course we’re all stoked. being the lazy americans we are we went to dominos and got 2 pizzas that we ended up eating back at our hostel. while we were carrying them back john almost fell and I just yelled NOT THE PIZZAS and got a huge laugh. so we eat our pizza outside and damn does it taste like home. 
megan decides she wants dessert, john and riley want drinks, but ali doesn’t want to spend a lot of money. so we compromise by going to a grocery store just down the road to get ice cream and a 12 pack of mixed beers. the rule is everyone HAS to drink 3. so we crack open the cold ones with the boys and start playing cheers to the captain. some of the rules we made up were as follows: drink if you say 4, skip 7, say 6 in spanish, say 19 as AHOY MATEY, say 8 as SHARK BAIT HOO HAHA, drink if you hesitate, drink if you apologize, drink if you swear, and the little green man. eventually there were so many rules megan lost track and we had to keep starting over. we started laughing so much when she kept messing up the shark bait one that she spit out her drink all over the table which of course made us laugh even more.
we stopped that for a little bit and just chatted, which was sometimes funny and sometimes super serious (like we talked about depression for awhile we reached that level of intense!) eventually the beer was hitting us hard and we just started laughing and everything and having a great time being goofy and singing and loving life. we starting playing cheers to the captain again but john made the first rule girls drink on odd numbers. well with four of and the way we were sitting, megan and I always had to say the odd numbers! I ended up spitting out my drink laughing too, but it was more subtle. this game didn’t last as long, so we decided to all use our third beers to play never have I ever, but instead it was I have ever so of course I had to say stupid shit because I never do anything crazy. this is when i learned john’s smoked cigars and weed and had sex in the lax marsh but you know, it’s cool. once we finished we walked around town looking for cool night life but it was pretty dead. even the abbey wasn’t lit up when we first saw it! john said I’m more lit than this abbey but then we found the lit up side and it was pretty sweet, but nothing super duper cool we just started talking outside the hostel again, this time being more serious. we talked about how we’ll all be so changed and while we have so much of the trip left it’s also already 25% done and it’s been the best overall week of our lives and it was just a really great day with really great people. 
**addition, john and I spent way longer than we should’ve trying to line up all 12 bottle caps and take a good pic but they all turned out like shit, but it was still funny trying to make it work. these goons are just a lot of un and I hope we have more of these times ahead of us
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