#did luke leave a cut in that tree or did it close? bc if it left a mark thats like what nico left with the chasym
toolazytodecide · 3 months
You know what would be pretty fucked up? If they film the Percy & Nico scene at the end of the Titans Curse in the same place as where Luke betrayed Percy.
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ampresandian · 4 months
My (unofficial) PJO season 2 episode 5 script part 3/4 (part 1 | part 2)
I think towards the end of this section my lack of screenwriting experience becomes more apparent but I had a vision and tried to paint the picture probably a little too much so sorry if you're an actor/screenwriter and it looks/reads weird.
Images of script and copied text (bc I'm lazy and don't want to write out alt text) under the cut, just in case I didn't tag enough spoiler warning or people aren't interested <3
Annabeth Tries to Swim Home
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Continuation of first scene/flashback. YOUNG ANNABETH is still running down the hallway, but seems more determined. 
Thunder shakes the windows as she runs down a staircase. She turns a corner into a sitting room. The chairs are upturned, feathers coming out of the pillows all over the floor. A draft comes in from the dark fireplace, whistling with the storm. 
Annabeth stops in the middle of the room, facing the three doors that she has to choose from. They look the same. 
Hearing heavy footsteps, she opens the leftmost door, closing it quickly behind her. Breathing heavily, she presses her back to the door. 
Looking around the room, Annabeth finds herself in an orangery, the glass pelted by rain. Two of the large windows were cracked, spiderwebs expanding from old sites of impact. A few dead fruit trees sit in one corner. 
Through the cracks and the rain, Annabeth can see a light coming from a window several rooms down on the first floor of the house. Creeping closer, she presses her hand to the glass as she watches the light. 
In another room, Annabeth can see the CYCLOPS, but not much of the room. He lifts his arm, raising THALIA into view from the window. She struggles, and he looks to be laughing. He sets her back down, bending down himself as well (to tie her up, off screen). 
Turning from the window, Annabeth looks determined. 
YOUNG ANNABETH: (quietly) Hang on, Thalia. I’m coming.
She leaves the orangery from the second door, leading to a less Victorian hallway, one that would have been a servants’ corridor a few centuries ago. The walls look to be made of clay, and the floor is uneven in places. She nearly trips. 
Annabeth creeps through an open door, entering a dark room with a long table and walls lined with cupboards. China is smashed on the floor, half the cupboard doors open and hanging by hinges all along the room. Ahead, there’s an open door, light spilling through. 
Annabeth approaches, looking through to see a large room that used to be a kitchen, a large broken stove and Victorian era cookware off to one side. In the middle of the room is a raging fire. There are bones all over the floor. 
Near the stove sit THALIA, LUKE, and GROVER, tied up. Luke has a large gash at his hairline, but they seem mostly unharmed. Annabeth follows their eyes to see the large Cyclops in the middle of the room, near the fire. He is already looking at her, grinning. 
PERCY is on deck, steering the ship through the sea. ANNABETH appears behind him, coming up from the cabin below. 
PERCY: (turning to look at her) Hey. How did you sleep?
ANNABETH: Fine. I-- (pointing) Percy. Look. 
In the distance, a lush island can be seen, meadows and forest on one side, cliffs and beach on the other. 
ANNABETH (CONT): Are we...?
PERCY: (nodding) 30, 31, 75, 12. That’s it. 
They look out at the island, closer now. Annabeth points towards a large tree. 
ANNABETH: The Fleece. 
PERCY: What’s protecting it? There’s no way it’s as easy as just going up there and taking it. 
ANNABETH: There should be... Jason had to fight a dragon in the story. It should have a guardian of some sort. 
As they watch, one of the large sheep visible on the island breathes fire, setting the grass in front of it aflame. The fire quickly dies, leaving brown grass that turns back to green and vibrant as they watch. 
ANNABETH (CONT): The Fleece must keep the island unburned. 
PERCY: So when we take it, it’ll just burn?
ANNABETH: (gasping) Percy, look!
On the beach is a small boat, just like the one they escaped the CSS Birmingham on. 
PERCY: That’s the other lifeboat. You don’t think... 
ANNABETH: (grim) We’ll never be able to get through those sheep. Sail around to the cliffs. 
Cliffs and sea sparkle in frame. The Queen Anne’s Revenge sails into view around the cliffs, stopping at the base of them. Percy and Annabeth are on deck looking up at the cliffs, a little apprehensive. 
ANNABETH: Come on. It’ll be just like the climbing wall back at camp. 
PERCY: That’s what I’m worried about. 
Annabeth glares at him. Percy readies himself. 
PERCY (CONT): Okay. Let’s go.
Percy moves towards the cliffs, as if to start climbing. 
ANNABETH: I’m going first. 
PERCY: What? Why?
Annabeth rolls her eyes and begins climbing. Percy makes a sarcastic gesture and follows. 
Percy and Annabeth climb the cliffs, steadily making their way up. Percy mostly follows the path Annabeth takes. 
ANNABETH: Watch out here. 
Percy chooses a slightly different path at her warning. 
Suddenly, Percy’s hand slips. He dangles from the cliff by one hand. With the sideways motion, RIPTIDE falls out of his pocket, landing in the sea below. Percy looks down before refocusing on the cliff, finding another handhold. 
ANNABETH (CONT): Are you okay?
PERCY: (looking down) Yeah. Let’s go. 
ANNABETH: What was that?
PERCY: Nothing. It’ll come back. (turning back to the cliff) Let’s go. 
They continue climbing, starting back up a little slower than they were before. 
Nearly at the top, Annabeth’s foot slips. 
She flounders before finding a foothold on Percy’s head. She rebalances. 
Percy tries to remain still, supporting her in spite of his surprise. Annabeth moves her foot back to the cliff. 
PERCY: It’s okay.
Annabeth reaches the top of the cliff, pulling herself over. She turns back and helps Percy up too. Percy goes to speak, but Annabeth puts her hand over his mouth to stop him. 
They move to the edge of the ledge they are on, peering down into a cavern below. Through the crack, they can see POLYPHEMUS, GROVER in his wedding dress, a large fire in the middle of the floor, and CLARISSE, tied up. 
CLARISSE: (struggling) Give me back my sword and I’ll fight you!
POLYPHEMUS: Well, bride? Should we eat her now, or save her for wedding feast tonight?
Grover flounders, nearly tripping over his dress.
CLARISSE: Bride? Do you mean Grover?
ANNABETH: (whisper) Shut up, Clarisse.
POLYPHEMUS: What is a ‘Grover?’
CLARISSE: The satyr? He’s right there.
GROVER: Oh, dear, her poor brain is boiling, you have to--
CLARISSE: In the wedding dress!
Polyphemus turns to Grover and pulls off the wedding veil, revealing his horns. Grover exclaims.
POLYPHEMUS: I don’t see so well. Not since Nobody stabbed me in eye. But you. Are no lady Cyclops!
Grover cries out as Polyphemus swipes at him. 
GROVER: Oh, stop! Don’t eat me raw!
POLYPHEMUS: (pausing, holding up a boulder) Eat you raw?
GROVER: Oh, no, I’ll taste awful! I have a recipe! I’ll taste much better grilled, with mango chutney! 
POLYPHEMUS: Mango chutney?
GROVER: Yes, yes. You have mangos right out there, in the forest. I’ll just wait here. You go gather them. 
Polyphemus considers, before turning to Clarisse. 
POLYPHEMUS: Grilled satyr. You are one too?
CLARISSE: No, you overgrown pile of dung! I am the daughter of Ares! Untie me so I can rip your arms off!
POLYPHEMUS: Rip my arms off.
CLARISSE: And stuff them down your throat! Let me down!
POLYPHEMUS: You got spunk. Have to graze sheepies now. Wedding after, with grilled satyr for the feast!
GROVER: You’re... Still getting married? 
Polyphemus looks at Clarisse. 
PERCY: (quietly, from above) Ew. 
Polyphemus gathers his sheep, throwing the door to the cave open as Clarisse understands. 
CLARISSE: Oh, no, you cannot be serious. Absolutely--
POLYPHEMUS: I come back at sundown for the big event!
He seals the cave, mumbling about mangos as he walks down the mountain with his sheep. 
ANNABETH: (exchanging a glance with Percy) Come on. I have a plan. 
(PART 4)
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Agent H’s Musical Reactions
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jackrackhams · 5 years
twdg take us back thoughts (forgive me if any of this is out of order, i’m doing this from memory)
-the game took 10 minutes to download and those were a wild ten minutes i’ll tell you that -right off the bat i was worried clem was gonna get bit -i tried to shoot lilly at first, then i saw it didn’t work and wished her well. that’s just my s1 lilly fan’s final breaths of air right there -LOUIS SAVED MY LIFE THANK YOU I’M SORRY ABOUT YOUR TONGUE -god louis’s little smile though oOF -VI I LOVE YOU -THE OTHER KIDS ARE ALIVE -vIOLET INITIATED KISS!!!! (adding a read more bc this got LONG)
-uhhhh i’m pretty sure i’m not the only one who was left with some post-ep3 lilly vibes with minnie. like fuck u for expecting some kinda redemption arc with any character we are going to make them go Batshit the next episode -like i really thought we’d be able to help her or something when she was fighting off those walkers. i mean i get she was totally brainwashed but c’mon man. she’s a kid. but fuk that ig -walker james man. i sorta justified not going back and killing lilly last ep by saying this was what james would’ve wanted (also it’s my playthrough i do what i want), and now that i know what happens if you do save him uhhhhhhh.... i’m glad i made the choices i did tbh! it’s what james would’ve wanted. -i spent so long in that cave looking for “something to light on fire” -i decided to trust aj. i figured a) that could possibly save my life (it didn’t lol), b) it would make him feel good about himself, and c) i’ve taught him pretty well up to now so i trust him. -MEETING UP WITH VIOLET AND OUR LITTLE FAMILY HUG WOW CAN I JUST SAY THAT SHIT’S THE GOOD SHIT -i low key wish i’d named the school castle violet, but i figured it was more important to give her the choice. texas two squad, gang gang -fighting minnie on the bridge i was thinking ‘ok minnie’s gonna get a lot of shit for this lol’ -speaking of Bridge Scene, that shit was INTENSE if nothing else -like SHIT -when minnie cut me, i thought ‘oh fuuck, something’s gonna bite that’ -i also thought ‘hey clem’s gonna have a big leg scar to match her big arm scar’ but i was wrong about that lmao -i’ve never been more stressed that someone was gonna bite me than in this ep lmao -i also thought the scene from the trailer where you try to grab aj’s hand was gonna be here on the bridge, not on the rocks -oof when tenn died i was upset, but i feel more secure in that than if it were violet who died. only because that was tenn’s choice, and tenn was another person, like james, who had seemed to make peace with the walkers in a way. plus he died with his sister, which seemed to be what they both wanted at the time. that’s not so say that i wish i could’ve saved him without killing vi (or louis), but i do feel satisfied with what i got here (rip tennessee, you were a cool kid) -and then vi jumps over a fence ok bye violet -climbing up the rocks, i knew this was when it was gonna happen. but still. i cried lol -when i uncovered the bite, i was reminded of the s2 game mechanics. oof -as soon as she was bitten i said ‘you have an axe! cut it off now! do it!’ and when they didn’t i died -the next bit was reminiscent of lee making his way to the marsh house in s1 -actually, clem’s limp reminded me of a new day when lee got into that car crash lol -and when clem and aj were closing the doors to the barn and clem said to get something to block the door, i was expecting her to continue and say something like ‘something strong and sturdy’ like lee said when they were blocking off the pharmacy in s1 bc that scene gave me strong pharmacy vibes -and then strong jewelry shop vibes bc why tf not -playing as aj. that was rough. he’s FAST tho oml -that was when i went ‘ok so clem is dying for real’ and cried a lil bit more cuz you know me -switching between clem and aj. DUDE that got me so emotional -also aj using clem’s trick (that used to be jane’s trick). GO KIDDO -seeing clem looking more and more dead fuckt me up (like how did she get from that to the end of the ep i don’t get it. like even if it was because she waited shorter to cut it off or because it was her leg rather than her arm or what. it doesn’t matter because by the time lee looked like THAT his arm was (determinantly) long gone. but hey, not gonna analyze it too much lol i’m just glad my girl clem’s alive) -okay when clem was talking to aj that also got me crying -and when i told aj to leave clem, i was thinking ‘okay, maybe she’ll link up with james. or tenn, but like hopefully not minnie at this point. and lEE maybe she’ll find lee. or luke. or her parents-’ -and then he picks up that ax and i was like ‘woa ok did you just kill her??’ -and then the flashback. lemme be real and say i thought that was the afterlife or something, and that those floaty specks were Afterlife Dust -but then i remembered ‘oh right the ranch’ -lemme just say i didn’t think the ranch was gonna look like that lol -not 100 percent on what was going on at the ranch tbh -like who were those people and why did we kill all of them? one would assume that clem would first try to get aj back peacefully -oh wait they were at war right -also i really liked the design of like all of those people -and the LAVA GUY HOLY SHIT -obviously i mercy killed him -also wait, was clem with the people they were fighting? i couldn’t tell -ALSO also, was. was that eddie? from 400 days? checking the wiki real quick -yea i think that was him. rip eddie you didn’t deserve That. i mean i was happy he was back nd then we were just forced to kill him oof sorry man -felt bad about killing that woman also, but hey, she had aj in a tiny locker, so i didn’t feel super bad about it after finding him -also lemme just say -little kid aj?? -SUPER CUTE OML -he’s like the perfect mix of anf aj’s face and tfs aj’s face. kudos to whoever designed little aj -also when clem was talking with him in the car. i felt like it was sort of unrealistic little kid talk, but not so much that it distracted from anything going on -never go alone god rule number one had me crying -and then we’re aj fishing! -i didn’t catch any fish as aj lol -also i LOVE how they changed the dialogue options for aj to be a lot more childlike if that makes sense? like fuck yeah that was a really nice call -ROSIE IM SO GLAD YOU’RE OK -i didn’t scratch out the v+m heart because it’s history, and it’s not mine to scratch out. same reason i didn’t make clem spit on marlon’s grave -CLEM’S HAT GET IT -GET IT GET IT -OH GOOD GIRL ROSIE YOU’RE A GOD -oh a walker -oH THAT’S A TENN WALKER SHIT -well i’m not gonna kill him Again -also i don’t want the other kids to have to see him -i was so glad when i got the option to throw the rock -he learned from james what a good boy -RUBY HI -god ruby’s the best lmao -my thoughts when they’re talking about the hat ‘...aj hasn’t put it on... they haven’t talked about clem in the past tense.... is she.... possibly.... not dead?’ -lmao and when the next scene started, the trees + sky reminded me of the st john’s dairy and i wondered if we had another lee dream or afterlife or something but nope -is this take us back?? -hOLY SHIT IT’S TAKE US BACK!!! -okay and walking home, seeing everyone. god i was so sjfsakjfa there -like when i saw aasim run up to ruby i was all !!! and when they held hands i was all !!!!!!!!! yknow?? and then when i saw omar and WILLY and then on the gate there was VIOLET (i was so glad she was ok lmao the last thing i wanted for my girl was an offscreen death) god that was so good with the music i was crying a little again -need to make another bullet to stress how happy i am for ruby and aasim. like i would’ve been happy either way but they were portrayed as such a cute couple in the few seconds we got of them, so like. consider me a fan now i guess -i was worried for louis at first cuz i didn’t see him -i thought maybe this was the end of the game because we closed the gate and stuff and i was thinking ‘oh, like closing the story’ but NOPE -sup omar. up and cooking again i see -lmao my sleep-deprived brain found it hilarious that we just put the empty bucket down next to him -uhh what came next the graves or clem?? i forget -WAIT IT WAS THE GRAVES BECAUSE THE TIRE SWING WHICH IS SO CUTE AHH -well tenn’s grave made me :( but then CLEM -so glad my hunch that she was alive was right lmao -but also i thought that was determinant it was a lot less satisfying when you realize that no matter what she lives -i mean i get why they did it like that, they didn’t want anyone feeling left with the “bad ending”, their thing is that their games are tailored to how you play and there IS no bad ending but still. a little variation on that front would’ve made it a lil more satisfying -also where did they get those crutches -i love talking as aj. so much. -he’s just a funky lil guy! -that convo with clem on the steps, when she asked if she did a good job... like FUCK YEAH you did a good job, I’M YOU, you think i’m not happy with how i raised me?? -aj saying ‘are you crazy’ when clem asked that made me smile -okay i know ppl have been saying this. but. siblings aasim and willy rule. -and then the meal!! -i was super hoping for a card game but what we good was good. not great, but good. also, card game as aj would probably not be quite as fun. or it’d be very fun. honestly, it’d probably just be a different kind of fun. -when we panned over the table i saw a flash of louis and i went all ‘louis!!’ in my head -louis’s little note sadfasf that was so cute -and honestly everything about louis in this scene i love you louis -actually, just this whole scene was cute. willy and omar were adorable, and then ruby, and willy asking for seconds, and everyone just being Soft in general like. yall deserve this happiness -vi and clem talking Strategy dude sign me up -i love how clem trusts aj now. and i trust aj too tbh, a lot more than i did initially. i think i taught him pretty well. -violet and aj duo let’s go -slightly worried abt that caravan that was mentioned, but hey. the game left off on a high note, so NOTHING BAD CAN HAPPEN TO THEM EVER. YOU HEAR THAT?? -vIOLET INITIATED KISS PART TWO!!!!!! CHEEK KISS EDITION!!!!!!!! IM SOFT!!!!!!!!!! -okay that hallway with the snb team’s names all over the walls?? dude oof. they worked so hard it made me so happy to see their mark on texas two -haha texas two -ANYWAY -obviously i looked at all the collectibles i had, AND pet rosie, because i knew that when i ran out of things to do, the game would be over, and who wants that? -aj: *places human skull* *looks at animal skull* wow clem really likes skulls -kiddo i hate to break it to you but -seems like you’re taking after her in that regard -good girl rosie -lmao aj and his magic powers -it’s like louis in a box -hanging up james’ walker mask made me :(( -he is watching over you aj. and he would like that -ok guys i am BEGGING you. if you haven’t already, PLEASE repeatedly click disco broccoli until you can’t anymore. it’s great. -and then i finally had to put down the hat -”thank you for playing” GOD THANK YOU FOR HAVING ME -I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS SERIES IS OVER -I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M SAYING GOODBYE TO CLEM -i mean i still have my louis route BUT IT’S NOT THE SAME AS A FRESH EPISODE YKNOW?? OKAY FINAL THOUGHTS: -FIRST OFF I JUST FOUND OUT VI CAN GO BLIND -honestly im in favor of that i rly like blind violet au and now it’s not au -rip her eye honestly -new tag to match my rip louis’ tongue -also i left violet feeling loved FUCK yea i did i love violet -OKAY ACTUAL THOUGHTS -looking at this episode afterwards, is it just me or is it a little... lacking? like, a little off? i mean obviously it’s good in the moment, super intense, but there were just a few things that make me feel like it’s the weakest of the season -also lmao i guess fuck minnie james and lilly, their storylines all felt kinda like a middle finger to their fans if that makes sense -but holy shit was that minnie stuff haunting. like HOLY SHIT -also, for a game that’s been focused a lot around clem’s interactions with the other characters, there was a lot... less of that in this episode. no card game, barely any interaction with anyone other than louis/violet, tenn, minnie, aj, and james. and two of those people are fighting you. one of them is even determinant. i was just expecting a little more on that front, because this season’s been really good with that sorta thing -also i would’ve loved a little more time with violet/louis. but that’s just a personal thing and not necessarily a problem lol -again, i feel like it would’ve been a little more satisfying for clem to survive if there were an option where she didn’t. but again again, i totally get why they didn’t go that route -in that vein, i’d really enjoy a little more time with the person who wasn’t on the bridge with you. i miss my boy louis :( -idk there’s just something a little off about this episode. -that’s not to say i didn’t love it (because i TOTALLY did just look at all that stuff above haha) -like i know i didn’t love the minnie part, but like i said, that shit was INTENSE -i can sorta see why they went that route -and i can’t speak for living!james but walker!james was oddly peaceful to see. like, there was a feeling of ‘this is what he would’ve wanted’ -and okay i loved the violet initiated kisses. so much. -also ruby and aasim that was pretty cute -and obviously im happy clem isn’t dead that’s always great -OH and i loved the scene with the snb team’s names on the walls. like that was so good. -finally, the end scene was so satisfying. it ended the series the right way. with clem’s hat :p
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Moon Shy-Smartass, is actually really sweet and caring but mostly doesn’t show that side of her because she hates to be judged for who she really is, a shortie (me),she has really long hair, one red and than one dark blue eye but she covers the red one with an eye patch like from in tokyo ghoul BC WHY THE HELL NOT MY MAN, dresses in dark clothes all the time which she does get judged from but it doesn’t bother her that much.she is human but anyone could transform her.Her relationship status,well she does have a “boyfriend” but he treats her horribly hense the band-aids and she can’t leave him because of her “family”aka just her and her dad are in debt and since her boyfriend’s family is rich it’s just for the best.oh and she has band-aids all over her.
Nathaniel Stone- Nathan is shy, often seen as a switch. Mostly dominant, he is an emo boi. He is often seen smoking or skipping school. He’s tall and rather skinny. Two bright green eyes and shoulder length black hair. Wears a black hoodie that says HUG ME. Happens to be very emotional. Has pure white wings and a black devil tail that fades into white. Same with his horns. Has a smol black and white kitten named Oreo but is abused by his mother daily.
Moon:*walks the the crowded halls*
Nathan:*sits under a tree by the front of the school, ready to smoke.*
Moon:*texts nathan to see how’s he doin’*Text:”hey Nathan how are you? I swear if you are smoking Imma lightly tap yo head try me son”
Nathan:*reads text* Text:”Ahaha...What if I’m abouta light one?”
Moon:*stares at her phone*Ugh Imma ugh this kid-Text:”Than Imma find you”*starts to look around for him*Text-”Damn it I can’t move, this jackass is blocking me” *kicks the guy in the shin and jumps over him, then running outside catching her breathe*I...HAVE...NEVER…..RAN…. =THIS MUCH…..IN MEH LIFE *stands up straight and checks her phone and decides that she’s going to skip today to avoid her “bf”*
Nathan: Text:”Good luck with that shortie.” He joked with her, climbing the tree so he was hidden by the leaves of it. He then continued smoking.
Moon:*she giggles and basically nobody ever hears her laugh but she text back*”I HAVE FAITH SON!!!!! XD”
Nathan:*Text:”I don’t..” He chuckled a little. He was way taller than her and a year older but it was fun to mess around with the girl. His tail flicked, Similar to a cat’s tail, but he didn’t realize at the moment, his wings and tail may give him away.
Moon:*doesn’t seem to notice because when she text him she actually pays attention to the app*Text-”weelllll I could be your faith 😆 BOOM PROBLEMO SOLVED!!”*her smile disappears as she sees her bf text her and it’s like her heart stops*Text-”ugh the warden text…..God ” *says out loud but to herself* ”I wish sometimes that I wouldn’t be here if I just..” *holds up her hand to look at it*”...disappear,I mean hey nobody would care I’m just the asshole that nobody
likes or cares for” *she lowers her hand and it forms into a fist then she walks behind the tree that Nathan is by sinks to her knees*
Nathan heard her and flicked her in the head with his tail. He then dropped down beside her, putting out his cigarette. Nathan’s family was pretty rich and he always reminded her that, but instead decided that she needed a hug and hugged her tightly.
Moon:*has a face full of tears but still allows him to hug her and which she basically never shows her emotions*thanks…. *sniff*
Nathan shushed her and gently played with her hair to calm her. His wings were wrapped around them as a form of protection as his tail flicked. He was often bullied, especially by Moon’s ‘Boyfriend’.
Moon:”Why does life have to be such a living hell..?”
“No idea dear. You know if we got together my parents would be more than happy to help you guys out..” Nathan reminded as he usually did.
Moon:I wish I could but…… *she puts her hand on her neck where there's a handprint from her boyfriend* I can’t.. Man I could go for a smoothy or somethin’”*she hides the fact she likes him pretty well mostly because if she showed that she did than that would mean he’d most likely get hurt *
Nathan sighed. “I’ll give you money to get some food, A’ight? Cause if anyone sees us together in public that shit would be reported faster than you could snap.”
Moon:heh yeah…*she seems alittle sad*ya know what I’m not that hungry..
“You can get your smoothy if you want. Besides, i gotta deal with the bullies sooner or later hon.” He yawned a little, stretching his wings.
Moon:ok but..promise you won’t cause trouble okay?
Nathan chuckled and pulled out his wallet. “Me? Cause trouble? Are you sure?” He grinned handing her the money as he stood up.
Moon:oh don’t play dumb MISTAH *she takes the wallet and hold onto the tree for support because she had a really bad ache in her stomach from not eating and she pulled herself up* just promise you won’t get hurt?
“I’ll try. Get whatever you want a’ight?” He smiled and walked away, behind the school, meeting with the bullies.
Moon:*she watched as he walked away and she went to get a smoothy and nothing else*
Luke:*smirks*well well well he showed..
Nathan growled a bit, his tail flicking viciously. He hated Luke with a passion and could easily beat him the fuck up, but didn’t for Moon. “Why wouldn’t I asshole? I don’t exactly like pain and shit so I’d like to get this over with..Bitch-boys..” He muttered
*Since I’m lazy they CLEARLY beat him*
Nathan coughed up some blood and weakly got up. He growled and threw a punch at Luke, his green eyes practically glowing.
Luke:*he dodged the hit and they walked away laughing*
Moon:*she walked back and she had a sick feeling so she decided to see if he was still there and when she saw him in this state she had a flashback of her father in that state and she ran over to him*N-nathan?! I swear..*a tear manages to make its way down from her eye patch*
Nathan looked at her, holding his arm. “Moon..I’m sorry..You weren’t supposed to see me in this state..”      
Moon:I’m glad I did *she quickly wipes her tears and pulls out her first aid*let me see it… *she holds out her hand*
Nathan shook his head no. Even one of his wings was injured.
Moon:Nathan now*she said it in a stern voice* It’s just going to get worse if you don't let me help
“It’ll heal by itself. I’m demonic remember?”
Moon:could I at least see it? Please? Demonic or not, I still want to make sure your okay because,...ya know I kinda wanna keep you * she forms a reassuring smile*
“Hnnnn...You can look at the wing..” Nathan replied with a groan. He hated when she did this but didn’t blame her.
Moon:*she gently examines his wing which sends shivers down his spine she than checked the other one and she took out a napkin to wipe the blood*Better? Oh! *she stood on her tippy toes and wiped the blood from his lips and chin ever so gently* there..all Clean I think and hope..And why you gotta be so tall and stubborn *she puts her hands on her hips*And plus are you ok because your cheeks are red…?
Nathan looked at her, flapping his wings shut. “Never..Ever..EVER touch my wings again please.” He gulped, Looking away for a moment.
Is it because I touched you wings?oh it -ohhhh sorry… heh my bad I gguessss..? *she closes her eye that is under her eye patch and lifts her eyepatch and rubs that eye and she makes sure the eyepatch is secure on her eye*um question…...urhhhh so my dad is outta town and since luke is in school and he doesn’t know where i live do you wanna well come over? And watch some tv? And I wanna make sure your healing.. *in head:Why is it so hard to talk to him in person  -___-, like I’ve never been this way to anyone AGGGGGHHHHH FREAKING UGHHHHHHHHH WHHYYYYYYY NANIII!!!* …*waits a couple minutes and he didn’t answer so she put her earbuds in her ear and she went to go walk away*
Nathan tensed up badly. He not only blushed but froze for a moment. He had stayed silent but, before she walked away he grabbed her arm. “I’ll gladly come..just..No more touching my wings..” He said whiney because he was flustered as all hell.
Moon:*takes out an earbud* Okay but no more hurting yourself okay dorkus?*she ruffles his hair* Plus you never said I couldn’t touch your head *she smiles,she liked messing with him especially when he blushed because she took humor into it although she could erase the feeling of his wings...how soft and..silky it was*now come on or are you going to just stand here and hold my arm or what? *she looks from her arm to him and suddenly locks eyes with him and somehow she could see him through her eyepatch*..?... *curiosity fills her head* *she then started to walk away putting back in her earbud and changing the song to “This is home by cavetown” then putting her phone into her front pocket, and she couldn’t shake the image of his eyes out of her head...nor how his wings felt…..then her cheeks turned a pastel pink shade*say quietly to where he can’t hear:why can’t I just tell you…?*she takes a deep breath and continued walking*Well?Hurry up!butthead gord..
-SO TIME SKKIPPPPP so they eventually got it to her house and after she changed she wore a sleeveless hoodie and a pair of worn out sweatpants, nathan noticed what looks like new cuts but NOW their watching tv in her room-
Moon:*paying attention to the movie but she is in some pain but she's trying to hide it but not that well**she lightly and slightly groans to herself in pain but it’s really nothing she isn’t use to*
Nathan sighed, stretching his wings outs. They stung. He was in a tank top and some sweatpants,
Moon:*she really wanted to pet his wings but she stopped herself because she didn’t want to make him mad so decided to change the subject*Soooooo~ What do you wanna do oh and please don’t freak out btww...*she goes over to her vanity and takes off her eyepatch and blinks a couple times to get used to the lighting*ANYWAY-*nathan just starts to stare at her dreamily*UHM I should put this back on-*she goes to grab her eye patch but he stops her*
Nathan stopped her, Turning her around. He has caught all her glances or stares at him. Smiling sweetly at her he finally spoke. “Can you leave it off? Your eyes are really pretty unlike mine..”
Moon:NOW stop and uhm okay *her face turns cherry red* plus your eyes are my favorite color..I mean uh SHUT UP *she slightly gets embarrassed*
Nathan laughed softly letting go of her. He smiled and sat back down. “I don’t understand why most other demons and mortals like my eyes..They are demonic and soul less..” He said softly
Moon:*she walks by him and sits down really close to him to face him, and she gently brushed over his hair to see his eyes*hmm Not soul less to me….nor demonic just adorable *she doesn’t realize she said that outloud*
Nathan’s eyes widened and his cheeks brightened up, his heartbeat quickening a little. His wings and tail stopped and he placed a hand on her cheek. “Is that how you feel..?”
Moon:*realized she said that outloud and starts to stutter*..w….w..wel..l  y..yea..h *her face got redder and her red eye had a sparkle in it*
Nathan smiled and ruffled her hair. “I’m..Glad honestly..and shocked..” His eyes were glowing a little
Moon:Well you shouldn’t be shocked..I mean they are really adorable especially when they glow *she for some reason felt a little nervous* and then mine are just D I S G U S T I N G that's why I have to hide my red eye plus who am I kidding nobody likes me nor even cares if I disappear… not even my own father plus he even agrees that IM DISGUSTTTTTIINNNGGGGLY ugly but whateverrrrrr *she stretches and gets up to make some ramen and almost burning herself because she hand her hand on the oven top but she just continues to make the ramen**she starts to faintly hum while she is making it *
Nathan came in and decided to fluff her hair and play with it gently.
Moon:*Her face starts to heat up but she kind of enjoyed him laying with her hair so she didn’t bother to comment on it, she enjoyed the warmth of his hands gently playing with her hair*Nathan? W-W-Whatcha’ doing?
“Just playing with your hair hon. Want me to stop..?” He asked calmly and hesitantly, Worried she would be upset about it.
Moon:n-n-no don’t.. I was just thinking about..nothing nvm…
Nathan slowly pulled his hand back, sighing softly. “I’ll stop..” He mumbled. He knew he couldn’t be doing that.
Moon:Why so hesitant? *she turns around to face him then she realizes why and she turned back around and she starts to mutter sadly to herself as she mixed the noodles in the pot*
He sighed and sat down in the living room, playing on his phone
Moon:She pulls out her phone and texted luke that there over and that she can’t stand the abuse anymore and she didn’t care about the money then she posted the screenshot on tumblr because WHY NOT and she knew that EVERYONE would see it than she poured the noodles into the bowl and set it on the table then walking into her bathroom to splash water on her face to calm herself down*
Nathan was all SAD and LONELY and kinda wanted to leave. He had no idea until he was looking through tumblr and quickly went to her. “Are you okay? I just went on tumblr..”
Moon:*doesn’t say a word for a while* and comes out of the bathroom with her face all red*I’m fine….
“Lies!” He hugged her tightly, playing with her hair
Moon:I said I’m fine nathan…*she can’t help but let a few tears escape her eyes*
Nathan grumbled a little, a noise a demon would make when someone lied as his eyes glowed, his tail flicked SASSILY and his wings stretched around them.
Moon:*she looks down at her shoes trying not to look into his eyes nor look at his wings*
“Moon. What about the debt?” He asked calmly, Holding her close.
Moon:I know.. But I’ll just find a way to make some somehow or I don’t know I’m just so fucking stupid…..
Nathan gulped a little and inhaled sharply. “Moon..Will you go out with me..? I’ll help you with your debt.”
Moon:*she paused and her eyes widened*Your joking? Right? Nathan? *she looks up at him to meet his eyes*because if your not-
“Moon, I would never ever joke like that..I love you..”
Moon:*she stared for a while and went on her tippy toes and hugged him tightly by the neck, nuzzling her head in his neck*I-I-I love you too..
Nathan played with her hair smiling, picking her up. He hugged her closely and played with her hair. “Now, Let me treat you right and help you...And finally beat up that Asshole..” He growled.
Moon:your cute when your mad and protective *she giggles* But I’ll come-
Nathan grinned and twirled her around. “You sure? He might die..” He said bluntly
Moon:In that case I’m totally coming!*her eyes BOTH sparkle brightly* I want to see him feel the same hurt as I have...I want him to burn..WHELP I just got WAY to murdery for comfort I want food..
“You eat, Then we can go murder him.” Nathan cooed cheerfully
Moon:*ruffles his hair and got a little too close to touching his wings and quickly pulled back and went to go eat her now cold ramen*
Nathan began tickling her sides, giggling.
Moon:*holds back her laughter*NATHHHHHAAANN!!!! NNAAANII!!!ahhahahahhahahah
Nathan continued, laughing happily.
Nathan finally stopped, running away from the scene
Moon:GET BACK HERE IMMA KILL YOOUUUUUUUUU*she runs after him then catching by pinning him to the floor* MWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA I GOTCHU! POST UP!*breathes heavily and  kinda plops her head on his chest*  
He chuckled and kissed the top of her head, before holding her.
Moon:*still breathes heavily because she was literally chasing him down*O..oof.f butt..head
He chuckled softly, continuing to hold her close.
Moon:*she just gave up at this point but now she was breathing normally*Okay fine you win but your still a thot my dude*she scoots her head up and nuzzles her head in his neck*
“A thot? Nah, I’m your bitch honey.” He laughed, holding her close.
Moon:*she laughed also* Sure Nathan we’ll go with that~..... Buuuuuttttttttttttt…. Your….. a...THHOOOTTTTTTT *she picked up her head and arms and started to play with her hair but almost touching his wings but stopped herself* I have a random question Nathan..*continues to play with his “bangs”* Why can’t I touch your wings? Like is kinda like kissing for humans but hella different ooorrrrrr like what?...
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