#did not realize today was kojiros birthday today
isolabellz · 1 year
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hi! Ive been interested in your RoR work for the last month and since ur asks are ready im literally wondering how RoR gods would take care of child!reader
Like: How they found them, when their family / friends found out I wonder 😳
You can just do their daily lives if this is too much.
I really want thor to be in this rn i wonder how he takes care of a child (If u want too but thats really prefered)
-A & T.
-Eve straightened your shirt for the day, “Are you ready for parent’s day, Y/N?” you beamed up at her, nodding, “I am Mama Eve!”
-Since your family was so large, you called everyone by their name, like papa, big brother, big sister, mama, and grampy, but that one was for Zeus only.
-Your kindergarten class was having parent’s day again, having two a month, so parents could see how their child interacted with others.
-Since you had so many parental figures, you couldn’t bring them all, not after the first time when you did when Loki and Raiden almost got into a fight with another father after he insulted you, calling you an orphan leech, since your family was so wealthy, mainly due to half of them being gods and the other half being famous people of history!
-Now they took turns, drawing lots ahead of time, only two going at a time, not that you minded, mainly because your friends, your other classmates, didn’t care that you had such a big family, as many realized it meant lots of love for you and even more birthday cake!
-For today, the winner was Thor, and you’ve been looking forward to it ever since he won.
-You ran downstairs and squealed as Nikola swept you up into his arms, “There’s my favorite Y/N!” you giggled, hugging him as he carried you over to your spot at the table, sitting you down between Poseidon and Jack, both men greeting you warmly as you stood on your chair, pecking them both on the cheek.
-Once you were sitting down, Rangriz brought you your breakfast, toast with a fried egg on top and cherry tomatoes and apple juice, and you chowed down.
-Brushing your teeth was next before grabbing your bag and saying goodbye to everyone, joining Thor at the door.
-You held onto his hand, making him hunch over for a while as you chatted happily, “And after lunch we get free time!” he smiled warmly down at you, you being one of the only ones he shows his real emotions to, agreeing.
-Thor was well received by the kids, who all remember him and greeted him warmly, making him smile as he greeted a few of them in return.
-The children showed their parents the newest art project, with you not being an exception, showing Thor your crayon drawings of your family, just the heads, and he chuckled softly, patting your head, “Loki will want to put in on the fridge.” Your bright eyes nearly blinded him from his praise.
-Once lunch was eaten, you and Thor both having a packed lunch from Eve and Parvati, sitting together under the big tree, having a mini picnic with the other parents and children.
-Snorts of laughter were heard from your family when Thor walked in, your backpack slung over his shoulder and you passed out in his arms, your clothes covered in grass stains and dirt, you had a lot of fun after lunch.
-Parvati changed you into some clean clothes before letting you sleep for a bit.
-When you got back up and found yourself at home you ran downstairs to greet everyone, giving each of them a hug, Thor included.
-Ares then spoke over to Loki and Kojiro, “Do you guys want to go out and get a T-R-E-A-T?”
-You turned, your eyes narrowing up at him slightly, you weren’t good at spelling yet, something they all knew and you were quick to catch the grins on the faces of the other two men, as they knew you would be excited, but didn’t want you getting wired beforehand.
-Adam rolled his eyes lightly, finding it amusing, “Don’t tease Y/N.” Loki just snickered as Kojiro came over and picked you up, smiling as you hugged him around his neck.
-After getting ice cream, something you were super excited for, you rode on Ares’ shoulders on the way back, telling them about the fun stuff you got to do at Parent’s Day with Thor.
-Kojiro was grinning up at you, as he went last time with Hades, and Ares and Loki were both hoping to be the next ones chosen to go.
-You helped Parvati make dinner, using cookie cutters to cut carrot slices, grinning at her and Durga, who was making sure you weren’t going to fall off the stool.
-Bath time was a gamble, there were days you didn’t want to take a bath, other times you didn’t want to get out, and rarely, you behaved, for the most part.
-Shiva was your bath wrangler and you had fun as he gave you rubber duckies to play with, to keep you distracted, he was one the few who could give you a bath without getting soaked, only because he had experience with Ganesha.
-After your bath and brushing your teeth you ran to Odin with your story book, wanting him to read to you tonight and he chuckled softly, pulling you up onto his lap and read you the next chapter in your story book.
-When Adam came to collect you, you were already dozing, your head bobbing lightly and he tucked you in, letting you hold his hand as you asked him questions, “What’s a hedgehog?” he was always amused with your late night questions, “A little animal covered in little spikes that eats bugs.”
-He tried not to laugh at your disgusted face, as you hated bugs, answering your other questions as you slowly nodded off more and more until you were out.
-Adam pecked your forehead and pulled your blankets up, before turning your light off and left the door cracked, just a bit, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
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