bekka75isagenix · 11 years
The 30 Day Results !!!!
OK - so I have lost 6 kilos. I hit my target! I’ve lost 38 centimetres off my total body measurements. The main measurement differences as follows: Waist - Was 81cm, now 74cm - 7cm lost Stomach - Was 96.5cm now 89cm - 7.5cm lost Butt - Was 103cm now 100cm - 3cm lost Weight -  Was 66 kilos - now 60 kilos. My husband has lost 7 kilos and 42.5 centimetres!! And he didn’t do the cleanse days due to not being able to not eat while doing 13 hour work days on the mine site. So happy! Forgot to mention that I hardly did any exercise during the program. Think I did 20 minutes of pilates about 10 times.
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
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Before and After the 30 Day Nutritional Cleanse with Isagenix
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
The last few days
Day 27 - Forgot my Ionix Supreme this morning. Damn. The day went well. My new shipment arrived with the next months supply of products. I'm wearing clothes to work that I haven't been able to wear for a couple of years. Clothes I've bought in the last 6-12 months are too big! People at work are commenting that I look like I've lost weight. Isagenix is awesome! Dinner - at my daughter's request - was tempura chicken nuggets and a greek salad.
Day 28 - Can't wait to see my husband when he gets back from work tonight! Wore a black work dress that I bought mid last year that I couldn't actually wear yet. Feels amazing to be able to wear nice things and not feel like I have to hide my mid section! Picked up husband from airport and got Oportos for dinner. I just had a burger. No chips or extras. The burger was just a little over the recommended calorie allowance for dinner - but we were sort of celebrating. First take away in a month. No more do we have take out a couple of times a week! My husband looks amazing! Pants are falling off him and his stomach looks half the size. 
Day 29 - Went smoothly. Very excited about tomorrow. Not much to say about today. Dinner was steak and salad then we went off to see Cirque du Soleil. Great night.
Day 30 - Well - today I wore my skinny jeans with a normal length top and tall boots. Oh my god! I can't believe I'm not hiding my waist or my butt! Got some great compliments at work. I felt so much better about myself! Dinner was Szechuan chicken with brown rice.
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
Into the last week!
Day 25 - Sunday has become my cleanse day. I find I can keep myself active and busy. All I eat have on the cleanse days is the Cleanse for Life drink (4), lots and lots of water and 2 Isasnacks between each cleanse drink. Though sometimes I have a tiny serve of homemade vege soup when the rest of the family is having dinner. Not technically on the list of allowed cleanse day foods, but it's mostly water and only natural vegetables so I think its OK. 
Day 26 - This will be my last entry till Day 30. 4 days to go and I will share my 30 Day results. Excited about my order arriving. Thankfully it only take 2-3 working days. Should arrive tomorrow. Powered through the day. I find my brain is more switched on and complicated issues that arise at work don't frazzle me too much anymore. I'm also a lot more energetic when I get home from work. I used to get dinner out of the way, not want to leave the house and sit in front of the TV. Now I actually feel like doing things after work. Really loving this whole change within myself. It was my daughter's turn to cook dinner tonight - oops - she said. So, thankfully I have heaps of frozen servings of the yummy chicken and vegetable soup I made on the weekend. Love soup.
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
Getting there!
Day 22 - Back to shakes! I love my vanilla breakfast shakes. I've started snacking on capsicum and cucumber. Needed a change from carrots and celery. I don't think my body likes the chocolate shakes too much. I seem to get a bit of a gurgle after my chocolate lunch shake. Other people I know don't have any trouble with the chocolate shakes. Might stick to vanilla. I've run out of slimcakes. Nooooo! Thankfully it's not long till my next months order arrives. And I ordered tonnes of snacks from Isagenix. Just me and my daughter home for dinner tonight so we had some home made vege soup and then some scrambled egg. A bit of a mish mosh but still healthy.
Day 23 - Yay My autoship payment has come out of my bank. Yummy products headed our way for the next month. Somehow the shakes don't get boring ... but I really look forward to my dinner each day and my motivation to be more creative with meals is growing. Cooking dinner had become a real chose. But not anymore! Tonight my daughter and I cooked Chicken Korma with microwaved pappdaums. 4 big ones is only 50 calories! 
Day 24 - Had a bad start to the day as I was up till 3am last night working on my new Isagenix Product Facebook page. As a result I slept in late. Through my whole routine out. Had a really busy day running around town with my daughter but we achieved lots! I got my 2 shakes in and a light dinner of some home made chicken and vege soup.
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.
Samuel Johnson
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
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Isagenix Healthy Snacks Help Keep Weight Off
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
Day 21 - So I weighed myself today, even though I said I wouldn't till after day 30. I'm the same weight I was 4 days ago. Ive steadily lost weight every day. But I was a bit disappointed this morning to find I hadn't lost any over the last few days. But I have to remember that the weight can fluctuate through the program and that centimetres say more than kilos. So no more weighing till the end now. I promise. Feeling confident and I'm defintely staying on the Isagenix products even after I lose the weight I wanted to lose. I feel fantastic every day. Even when things around me are not so great, I still feel positive and motivated and don't seem to let anything really bother me. This is great!
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
Going strong
Day 17 - The rest of today was great. Husband and I were both feeling really motivated. Got all of the housework done in record time and went to visit friends for the afternoon. Resisted the offer of drinks and snacks and just drank some water. Yay us! Dinner was teriyaki chicken with vegetables and brown rice.
Day 18 - Mothers Day today. No bacon and eggs in bed for me. Just my vanilla shake! Had a lovely day with my husband. My daughter arrived home from a music festival with a bunch of flowers for me. Shakes for lunch. Still feeling energised and motivated. Loving this lifestyle change. Dinner was a butterflied leg of lamb with roasted vegetables. YUM!
Day 19 - Today I did a deep cleanse day while at work. I think I prefer doing cleanse days at home on the weekends. I found it easier to be physically active and therefore not notice the no food thing so much. Sitting at work it was a bit weird with the lunch time food smells happening all around me. Ended up with a bit of a headache during the night. Seems to happen when I cleanse. I've seen some advice about having Isadelight chocolate or E-shots (not available in Australia yet). My autoship should arrive in a few days with the Isadeight chocolates so will see if that helps the cleanse day headache. I might try some Want More Energy as well as it has a lot of vitamin B which is good for headaches.
Day 20 - Back to shakes! Woohoo! The program is so familiar and easy now. I've ordered a similar program t continue with after the 30 days. Only difference is that it's only 1 shake a day. So I have ordered plenty of Isalean meal replacement bars so that I will be able to choose between one of those or soup or salad for lunch. I'm confident that I can keep up the healthy eating. And the smaller meal sizes. I was such a pig before this program. I always ate huge meals. And ate way to much ice cream and chocolate and potato chips etc. Not anymore!!!
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
Why Isagenix?
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
Measurement Update
Day 17 - Woke up and bounced out of bed as is my new "normal". This morning I weighed and measured. I have now lost 4.3 kilos of the 6kg I want to lose and my total body measurement loss is 33.5 centimetres! Wow! I wasn't imagining that my waist was smaller! So the all important losses are - Waist: 4cm. Stomach: 7.5cm. Butt: 3.5cm. Thighs: 2cm. I LOVE Isagenix!! 
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
Halfway and Beyond
Day 15 - OMG! Today I wore a tight fitting top tucked into my slacks! First time in 2 years I've been game to show my waist and stomach! I know I wasn't big before but I was bigger than I was used to being and very self conscious of it. My husband Joe, my friend Sandra (we are all doing the program together), and our Isagenix Consultant, Storm, met for lunch today to celebrate the halfway point. Was great to catch up and chat about it all. We had an awesome lunch - carb free burgers. So mine was a chicken breast with slices of brie cheese and cranberry jelly on a plate with a HUGE bowl of yummy salad. First time we've "eaten out" in 2 weeks. Was lovely! I wanted to weigh and measure today but it will have to wait till Saturday when I have time.
Day 16 - I had to fly to Port Hedland today for work. So I was up at 4am. Had my shake before going to the airport. It was strange not eating the breakfast meal on the flight. Took my lunch shake powder with me, some grapes, a small tin of tuna in springwater and a slim cake. Got through the day just fine. Got home and cooked fish fillets with salad and a hard boiled egg.
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
Feeling Great!
Day 12 - Really enjoyed my shake for breakfast! And my hard boiled egg for morning tea. So good to eat after a 2 day cleanse! Wasn't very hungry though as my stomach will have shrunk lol. Every day is easy now. Dinner was a small steak, poached egg and satay rice. 
Day 13 - Back into the normal routine. I'm not sick of the shakes. I really enjoy them and I know I am getting a lot more nutrition than before when I rarely had breakfast or lunch. Dinner was BBQ chicken, no skin of course and a greek salad. Yum. Must remember to experiment with some new salad types to keep things interesting.
Day 14 - Today I wore a dress I haven't been able to wear for a long time. And when I used to wear it I wore a cardigan over the top to hide my waist. Felt great! Dinner was peri peri chicken and salad.
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
2 Day Cleanse!
Day 10 - I finished off the day well. A little bit hungry but the cleanse for life seems to keep you feeling full. Not really a struggle.
Day 11 - Almost finished the second cleanse day. The program guide suggests doing 1 cleanse day a week or doing 2 in a row if you want. I thought I would give the double whammy a try to see what it's like. Not too bad really. I just kept myself really busy. As a result my house, car and garden are sparkling! I'm not tired, in fact I'm quite energised. I've never felt so productive before! I'm also interested to see what the 2 day cleanse does for centimetre loss as from what I understand, on the second day your body starts using its extra stored fat to utilise for energy. I am a bit hungry now that it's dinner time, so I am looking forward to having my snack. Really looking forward to my breakfast shake in the morning! And to think when I had my first shake I thought it was bland and only just drinkable. I think my taste buds have been fixed and now natural foods taste a lot better than sugary fatty foods.
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bekka75isagenix · 11 years
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