#did u know russia shares a teeeeeny tiny bit of border with norway way up north there
bogkeep · 1 year
ask meme 9!
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
i have been to pretty much every country within a fairly broad radius around norway EXCEPT russia, which is not particularly tempting right now for,, you know,,, reasons.... though i WOULD love to visit someday in the future. eagle eyed audience members may also be aware that i'm currently living in sweden for a couple years, so i'm getting to know it whether i'd like to or not haha.
i really like iceland and finland! would love to explore finland some more, actually. and åland! i've only visited åland (a tiny island between sweden and finland) for a brief couple days, but i remember it being absolutely lovely. i would also like to visit svalbard someday, although that counts as part of norway.
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