#did you consult a single native speaker while writing this book
aboutafox · 2 years
Marissa Meyer’s use of a German dictionary while writing ‘Gilded’ must rate on a scale somewhere between free-spirited and unhinged.
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shantakumar · 7 months
The best ways to enhance your spoken English, broken down into 8 steps
Almost every single language learner's response to the question "what are your goals for learning this language?" is "to improve my speaking." When you're studying a foreign language, you'll have conversations with a wide variety of native speakers, including your instructor, servers at restaurants, taxi drivers, and even your landlord, so it's important that you feel at ease when you do so. There are strategies that may be used to enhance your spoken English in a targeted manner, just like there are strategies that can be used to improve your writing, listening, or any other skill. The following are eight of our top picks:
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english speaking institute in faridabad
1. Speak, speak, and speak some more.
Let's get one thing out of the way first: there is no silver bullet for improving one's public speaking skills. That seems like it would be too simple, doesn't it? Simply put, the best approach to improve your speaking is to, well, practice your speaking! Make it a priority to engage in regular practice and to do so with a diverse range of individuals. Do you already call a foreign country home or attend school there? Utilize the thousands of people who are native speakers in your nearby community, such as your friends, their families, your workplace, your students, and personnel at places like coffee shops, supermarkets, post offices, and other places you go frequently. If you are learning in your own country, you can boost the amount of time you spend practicing by getting together with your classmates after class, finding a language exchange partner, or joining an online community of people who are also learning the language.
2. Give some thought to the conversations you've had.
Take some time to think on what you talked about after the conversation has ended. How did things turn out? How much do you believe you actually comprehended? In what ways did you feel comfortable talking about that topic matter? Have you come across any words that you are unfamiliar with? Simply putting it in this frame of mind can boost your self-assurance for the next time you have to talk (and provide you with specific areas to improve, such as words that you didn't fully comprehend the first time around). ielts coaching centre in faridabad
3. Read and pay attention.
Do you agree that in order to communicate, you need to use words? Learning vocabulary in class is beneficial, but there are additional opportunities for you to expand your knowledge, including the following: Listen to music, watch movies, and subscribe to podcasts to pass the time. Take the time to read some books, magazines, and blogs. When you are listening to and reading, be on the lookout for new and unusual expressions, slang terminology, and synonyms. Jot down this new information, and look up anything that you aren't already familiar with. You will have more "meat" to work with the next time you practice because of all of this information.
4. Compile a list of shortcuts.
The sensation that one is at a loss for words is a common contributor to the anxiety felt before giving a speech. Prepare a cheat sheet as a defense mechanism against this. Are you planning on visiting a physician today? Do some research on the terminology associated with your ailment as well as some frequent terms that you will probably require before your consultation. You can put this strategy to use before going to pay a bill, eating at a restaurant, interviewing for a job, making a complaint, or engaging in any other activity that has the potential to make you uneasy.
5. Pick up the phone and call them.
The vast majority of people believe that conversing over phone is very difficult. Why? Because we are unable to see the other person's body language or watch their mouth move while conversing with them over the phone, which are both important elements that aid in communicating. Beginning with simple phone interactions with close friends is a great way to build up your self-assurance before moving on to more difficult tasks like scheduling appointments or asking questions over the phone. (Now would be a perfect time to put tip number four to use and compile a list of questions and words that would be helpful to you when you are on the phone!)
6. Make a recording of your voice.
Although we are well aware that the vast majority of individuals find it uncomfortable to hear their own voice on a recording, it is a proven fact that doing so is an excellent approach to enhance your public speaking skills. Hearing oneself on tape reveals aspects of your personality that you might not be aware of, such as the fact that you tend to speak quickly when you're frightened, that you mumble, or that you swallow your "s's." On the other side, you can be pleasantly pleased to find out that people perceive your speaking ability to be significantly higher than you do. Take your recording to your instructor or to a friend who is a native speaker and ask them for feedback on how well you did. This will earn you bonus points.
7. Focus on learning complete sentences rather than individual words
Speaking in a range of phrases rather than utilizing individual words is yet another strategy that might help you boost your fluency. (You most likely do this very frequently in the language that you were raised in.) Change up your greeting by switching from the standard "Hello, how are you today?" to a more conversational "What's up, man?" "Hey, man!" or "How are you doing, mate?" are common greetings. (However, you should be aware that certain expressions will be quite colloquial and may not be appropriate in some circumstances!)
8. Have a good time
Let's not try to hide it. When you're having a good time, it's a lot simpler to take in new information. Introduce some lightheartedness into your public speaking practice by talking to yourself when you're by yourself, singing along with popular songs in English, doing tongue twisters (Try our top tongue twisters), or performing one-minute "impromptu speeches" on randomly-chosen topics (such as snakes, coffee, India, or subjects such as "If I ruled the world, I would...", "Three surprising facts about me," or "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"). Excellent preparation and excellent, hilarious fun.
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cforcatastrophe · 5 years
UCAT/BMAT preparation notes
(This is not a studyblr. I just want to post something that I wrote ages ago and hopefully it will be useful to someone. Though I am happy to answer questions.)
so it’s summer and time for test preparation. Here are my notes for UCAT and BMAT, as someone who’s taken each of them twice.
UKCAT (second time) 3000
BMAT (second time) 7.3, 8.6, 4A
UKCAT preparation (They renamed it UCAT I think. I am not absolutely sure if these notes are still applicable.)
I did all the free practice questions on the official UCKAT guide. Whilst The Medic Portal UKCAT question bank was still free, I finished about 90% of all questions. Overall I think it was a really good source with realistic questions.
The amount of time needed for preparation is really different for everyone. I’d rather start early, try a few problem sets, and plan from there.
Verbal Reasoning: Read the questions first before reading the article. Scanning didn’t work for me as a non-native English speaker, so I just tried my best to read as fast as possible.
Quantitative Reasoning: Familiarise yourself with all the common formulas, and improve your mental arithmetic bit by bit. The official practice questions were generally harder than the ones in the actual test. The numeric keypad was a lifesaver. Again scanning didn’t really work, so I consciously read every word.
Decision Making: There are several types of DM questions, and the only one I struggled with was Evaluating Argument. (It often turned out that my common sense was a bit different to everyone else’s, oh well…) Pick the strongest and most logical argument, even if it sounds ridiculous to you. You might be able to first exclude the arguments with inappropriate assumptions or those irrelevant to the question.
Abstract Reasoning: I have no idea. I wasn’t able to memorise any of those mnemonics, so I just practised a lot to find the ‘sixth sense’.
Situational Judgment Test: Good Medical Practice guide from GMC website is a must read. Here are a few things I jotted down, but of course you can make your own notes after lots of practice.
Very appropriate=addresses at least one aspect of the situation. Appropriate but not ideal=no bad consequences, but not very wise. Inappropriate but not awful=shouldn’t really be done, but no terrible consequences. Very inappropriate=makes the situation worse.
Very important=vital when deciding to do or not to do. Important=useful but not vital. Of minor importance=can be taken into account, but doesn’t really matter if it’s considered right at that moment. Not important=completely irrelevant.
Medical students cannot give any medical advice to patients or family members.
Apologising on someone else’s behalf (when they are indeed wrong) is appropriate but not ideal.
For problems in group work, you should first try to solve locally. You should encourage everyone to contribute. You must not exclude anyone from discussion. Asking for tutor’s advice is appropriate but might not be ideal.
Future grade/assessment is not important at all when you’re considering reporting someone’s behaviour.
You cannot ignore a friend’s inappropriate behaviour or expect the friendship to affect anything professional decision.
It is very appropriate for a medical student/junior doctor to consult a senior doctor.
You should refuse the ‘wrong’ kind of help, but make use of available resources.
You should not appear insensitive even when you cannot provide sth.
You cannot discuss a mistake right in front of a patient.
Other people’s professional opinions are (very) important.
You cannot compromise quality of service.
You cannot blame anyone for anything before gathering enough evidence.
It is important that the patient understands everything and errors are corrected ASAP.
Patient history is important.
People who’re in need of urgent help should be prioritised.
 BMAT preparation
I did every official practice paper at least twice. I also finished the book The Ultimate BMAT Guide 600 Practice Questions, which was very helpful with explained answers and good tips. (If you’re concerned with the cost) I used a very cheap second-hand copy. The main idea is to practise as much as possible, and also to reflect once in a while.
If you’re anxious about the timing, just try to think ‘one question at a time’. I liked to check the time after every single question, but this might not work for other people.
Section 1: The school curriculum in my country doesn’t even mention money exchange. You will need to familiarise yourself with playing cards, public transport timetables, loans, etc. For those data analysis problem sets, I preferred to read the questions first and then scan the article and graphs. I always, always ran out of time, so when there was only two minutes left I would roughly scan the unanswered questions and choose the answers that seemed most sensible, and then I would return to whatever question I was working on.
Section 2: Even if you take biology and chemistry to A-level/IB, there might still be something that you don’t know about, so those sections are worth a thorough check. With the invaluable help of a friend who studied physics in IB, I made sure that I understood all the formulas and when to use them. There were also some miscellaneous things that needed to be memorised.
Section 3: I did all the past questions from 2012 to 2017 at least once. Having done IB History and TOK, I was pretty comfortable with writing about things that I didn’t want to write about. I noted down all the key concepts in medical ethics and many examples that could be used. A habit to read around science and think about ethical issues definitely comes in handy.
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potentiality-26 · 7 years
11 questions meme
1. always post the rules. 2. answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 (or however many) people to answer them.
I was tagged by @futuredescending!
1. What is the nicest thing someone has done for you?
At my high school the seniors were taken on a trip to Disneyland at the end of the year.  The idea was that all these graduating seniors would spend the whole night there and go back to graduate the next day.  Anyway, I ended up really sick.  I can’t really explain it further without getting into TMI, but I was a mess.  The girl who had been my roommate freshman year (I was in boarding school, for those who haven’t picked up on that yet), and who I had grown apart from especially when we were seniors, spent like every minute of that night with me while everyone else was off having fun.  I’m not sure how I would have made it through if she hadn’t, and I’ve never forgotten. 
2. Do you have NOTPs? If so, why are they NOTPs for you?
This answer is going to be less nice than the one I gave earlier, but I get salty late in the day.
In the Kingsman fandom, I don’t really like Eggsy paired with anyone but Harry (OT3s are fine as long as he is involved, but otherwise... no).  Merwin is the one I most dislike, but not because of anything in canon.  When I first realized Merwin was a thing and looked into it, every single fic or headcanon I saw doubled as the author’s dissertation on why Hartwin was a bad ship and/or Harry was an asshole.  That would have turned me off Merwin even if I didn’t like Hartwin better, and I do like Hartwin better, so... yeah.  No. 
There are lots of lovely people that I know, who I follow, and who don’t hate Harry/Hartwin that write and ship Merwin, and I’m sure their fics are lovely too.  I just have this immediate visceral Nope reaction now that I can neither contain nor control.  So usually when I have a NOTP it’s less about the characters themselves and more about what the fandom does or doesn’t do with them.  Otherwise I just don’t think about the ship.   
3. Summarize the worst film/book/song/story you’ve ever read/watched.
Ahhh that’s hard.  If I hate something enough for it to be the worst, I usually stop reading/watching pretty well.  But... They Came Together is an extremely bad romantic comedy that’s difficult to accurately summarize because it’s... basically every rom-com trope that exists?  Like, these two characters are telling the story of how they fell in love to this other couple, and they explain that she worked in a cute little shop while he was part of the corporation shutting her down, and then they meet while they were in the same outfit for a party, and then he has a girlfriend who just cheated on him and she has a deadbeat ex and a son the love interest must impress, and then she’s with someone else but she tells him (the love interest) what she would do if she ever ran away from her wedding, and it just goes on and on in this way.  And the dialogue is very stilted because they’re kind of purposefully saying stuff like, “Hello, I’m your friend who gives you pep talk that’s full of character exposition.” 
Anyway, I absolutely understood what the movie was trying to do, and it could have worked but it just really, really didn’t. 
4. What are some fandom/fic things that irrationally annoy you?
In fandom, it’s the general black and white thinking that is very common in some areas of it.  Too many people seem to have lost touch with the idea that you can like a story or a character that is (dare I say the word?) Problematic without like... losing your grip on morality?  It’s crazy.
In fic, there will be plot tropes/fanon concepts that I’ll get tired of, but I’m not that bothered about it.  Like I said, I usually stop reading things I don’t enjoy. 
5. Write a summary for the fic you want to write but never will.
I don’t think there’s a fic I want to write but never will.  I mainly just prioritize when the stars are not right for the tribute.  I mean, if I summarized one of my more long shot fics right now, I would be working on it by the weekend. 
6. Someone writes a story that perfectly hits all your buttons. That story includes: _____, ______, and _________.
Pining, smut, some angst but with a tooth-rottingly happy ending.  I am simple soul. 
7. I’m stealing @colinfilth’s question once asked on twitter bc it was SO GOOD: what is the fic one would write that clued your readers in that your identity had been stolen?
A fic with no happy ending?  (I do actually have this one spite-fic that would have an unhappy ending, but I only work on it when I’m in a terrible mood and I’ll probably never finish, let alone publish, it)
8. Most embarrassing celebrity crush, past or present?
Around when Pirates of the Caribbean was new my friend got obsessed with Johnny Depp and kind of dragged me in with her, but I would never have called it a crush.  Still, I did see a ton of his movies and the whole thing just hasn’t aged well, both because he’s clearly not a great person and because he genuinely hasn’t given an original performance since those days.     
9. How much research will you do for a fic? Wing it? Get lost in a wikipedia hole? Read actual books on a topic? Google translate? Get consulting with native speakers?
I mostly wing it.  Sometimes I’ll look up something here or there, but that’s about it.
10. The one thing the creator of your current fandom could do to kill your fandom love.
If Eggsy ends up in a relationship at the end of the movie I will most likely contribute less to the Kingsman fandom.  I like a lot of ships, so I may still be into it (I particularly like the look of Whisky, and I’m sure I’ll find someone to ship him with), but Hartwin is my main love and I almost never handwave canon relationships for fanfic.  I’ve done it like... once?  I don’t know why a marriage/engagement is harder for me to ignore than a death, but it definitely is.  It would depend on how this hypothetical romance was handled, obviously- they might give a really strong amicable breakup vibe, or I might genuinely love them together and write a ton of OT3 fics- but in general the lack of romantic subplot was one of the things that drew me to Kingsman, so it would bother me if that changed.   
Also, if I just generally don’t like it that would kill my fandom love too.  S3 of The Musketeers definitely had that effect on me.  Sometimes the canon just goes in a direction that drops everything you love and jumps into everything you don’t.  It doesn’t seem like that will happen, but... Who knows, right?
ETA: Ooops, forgot that 11th one. (I’ve had a lot of gin). Um. What are the songs that absolutely fit your faves to a T?
I actually made a Hartwin fanmix a while ago, if anyone wants to check it out.  The Grace by Neverending White Lights in particular is a favorite Hartwin song IMO. 
I just did this so I’m not tagging anyone new, but check out my questions here if you’re interested!
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nurulamiraazhari · 3 years
Aspired Malaysian
31st August 1957. The day Malayan people celebrated the nations freed from colonization that has been ongoing for hundred years since 1511 when the Portuguese conquered Malacca City. The journey of getting independence from the British government is the hardest journey ever. Refreshing our memory, when the people of Tanah Melayu seeks independence from the British government, the first requirement needed for us to get an independent is: all races should be getting citizenship as Malayans’ people.
Now, why is such a requirement needed for a country to be independent?
An independent country is a country that has stability in the ruling system and a harmonious society. During the year 1946, we could see that most of the Malayan people were against the concept mentioned by Britain’s people of giving citizenship towards Chinese and Indian as both of them aren’t the natives of the land. In the content of the Malayan Union, it is said that the “Jus Soli” system will be applied to all people causing Malayan’s people to worry about their status in their homeland. Few factors of Malayan Union were opposed by the people at that time were:
· Sultan’s regimes will be losing their power.
· The Malayans’ civilizations might extinct.
· Citizenship given is considered as being too liberal
This resulted to protest by most of Malayan’s people at that time and eventually Malayan Union were canceled and it was later changed to ‘Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948’ which was considered as the starter for a more efficient system towards getting an independent. Now that we have reached 63 years of being a freed country without any colonisations, do you think we have reached the harmonious as a multicultural country?
Are we the ‘Harmonious Malaysia’ as said by the foreigners?
The question of Malaysia being a harmonious multiracial country is a never-ending discussion. There are so many aspects to look into whenever it comes to the topic of different races. As Malaysian itself, I could consider myself as someone who is intercultural as I have friends from different races, and being a friend with them upgraded my knowledge on the variety of humans living concepts. However, the racial issues in Malaysia are increasing daily every year. Most of the issues arise are because of religions and traditional stuff. As happened in 2019, the community of Chinese caused a scene by stating a controversial issue regarding ‘Jawi’ wording. They have been questioning as the reasons why ‘Jawi’ were used in so many places or signboards in Malaysia. Other than that, Malay’s people questioned the building of a large Buddhism temple and opposed strongly the language usage of Bibles in the Malay language as it could bring atheism believes towards Muslim people. In the year 1981, the government declared ‘Alkitab’ (bible title in the Malay Language) as an illegal book to be sold or buy. Meanwhile, the Indians strongly opposed the concepts of Muslim people slaughtered animals especially cows during Eid-Adha celebrations. There are also issues regarding tattoos carved by the Ibannese and Bidayuh that caused madness toward Muslims as it could influence Muslim people to carved tattoos on their body parts too.
What are the cons of having a multiracial country?
Now, most of the issues that existed were connected to religious stuff. Thus why there goes the saying, religion is not associated with the person practicing it. Any religion is beautiful and complete thus look upon the religion, not the person of the religions. There is a journal article written in 2019 by Muhamad Faisal and Muhamad A’arif that discussed the religious issues that occurred between different races from 1980 – 2005. The journal is well written as it goes in-depth as to why Malaysia failed to have a harmonious living among different races. The main factor would be different religious beliefs and traditions. On the issues discussed in the article are:
1. Islam as an exclusive religion
2. Religion freedom
3. Jurisdiction of the court
4. Religion ‘houses’
5. Language issues
6. Islamic country
Per my reading from this article, my opinion is that acceptance and tolerance between religions is a hard thing to do. Religions and culture are two different things. Culture could be defined as norms according to an individual lifestyle while religion includes beliefs, customs, and principles of a live hold by a person. As to why issues related to culture was always associated with religions.
One of the main issues discussed in the article is jurisdiction of court; how is Civil and Syariah’s court are different in roles? A couple was accused of having sexual activity. But, an issue occurred when the guy is Chinese while the girl is a Malay. Both of them come from different religions. The Civil court decided to give the rights of judgment towards Syariah’s Court. From there, Islamic law was used against the girl only, as it was unfair to hold punishment towards the boy. This caused an issue whereby the girl’s parents wanted the guy to receive the same punishment as their daughter but it failed to happen. Thus why some of Malaysians had difficulties in accepting multi-racial family members
Other cases involving different religions mentioned in the article happened in 2002. Whereby one of the spouses of an Indian couple convicted to Islam which leads them to divorce. Now, the main issue here is, what will be the fate of the child? Is the child considered as Muslim or not? The father, an Indian convicted to Islam without the knowledge of his wife resulting in his wife demanding the custody of her child. However, following the laws of Syariah’s Court, the child is a Muslim as stated by Article 12(4) Federal Constitution. The decision was criticized by the human rights organizations and the non-Muslim organizations due to dualism happened regarding religions of the child.
A case of a child’s questioning their religions has happened once. Nadrah’s or real name, Maria Hertogh, was a controversy during the year 1950 as her Dutch parents demanded custody of her when she was 14 years old. She was born by a Dutch parent in Jawa, later adopted by Aminah and Mohammad, a Malay couple, and brought up to Kemaman, Terengganu. It was a tough battle because her foster parents wanted Nadrah as she was raised as a Muslim and married to a Muslim guy. The court session happened in Singapore, which at that time was part of Tanah Melayu. Maria Hertogh biological parents won the case and they flew back to her homeland in Holland. She passed away at the age of 72 years old.
Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and, Sikhism (MCCBCHS) was established in August 1984. Non-Muslim has established this community as a medium for them in voicing out their opinions which are:
1. Islam Civilizations as main courses in University should be reconsidered as the lecturer has been delivering bad words on other religions.
2. Existed laws that prohibited the non-Muslim in using words or books of their religion.
3. Mass communication policy that has limited the medium for other religions to get their slot.
4. Non-Muslim speakers having difficulty in entering Malaysia due to immigration policy.
5. Selangor Islamic Family Law Enactment 1989, article 67 and 70 that have been said, is forcing the non-Muslim to accept Syariah’s laws. (Islamochristina: 1990 dalam Zulkipli Abdul Ghani:1998).
The current prime minister at that time, Tun Sri Dr Mahathir has agreed to look upon the objection and a meeting was set up. The meeting consists of 12 members from MCCBCHS and Tun Sri Dr Mahathir on 10th April 1990.
Are religions the main point of racism?
Have you seen any advertisement when it comes to National Month? There are so many ads made by Petronas, Tenaga Nasional Berhad and, other brands as well. Do you remember an advertisement that goes “Ikan dilaut, asam didarat”? The advertisement was produced by Petronas, a tale between Suparjo and Raju. In the video, we could see that Suparjo and Raju are having a hard time adjusting lives as neighbors because of different races and religions. Cultural sensitivity happened when Raju’s wife offered a cup of tea to Suparjo’s wife but they are fasting. Perhaps, the wife could decline the offer nicely but instead, she went on saying “Puasalah!” harshly. One night, Suparjo sing a song that goes “~Ikan di laut, asam di darat, dalam periuk, bikin muafakat~”. Raju heard that and was shook to know his neighbors is his long-lost child’s friend.
From this video, we could conclude that as we are growing older, we are bound to see things differently. We are having trust issues, we insisted on trusting someone easily and we limited our communication towards some people. When we were a child, we were friends with everyone. I am a good friend to my Indian friend, his name is Looga. I played with him every single day without getting bored. As both of us growing up, we realize the world is nice only in our imaginary world.
Political people makes us, Malaysian seems like we are racist towards each other. Whereby every single day, we could see everyone was eating the same breakfast, the national breakfast, nasi lemak, or ‘roti canai’. What kind of traditional food did you wish to eat in Malaysia? Everything is complete in this country. A plate of dumplings could be seen in any Chinese restaurant! Do you wish to eat ‘roti tisu’ at mamak? Granted! Oh dear, it seems like you want to eat ‘rendang’? Granted!
Noticed how the language we used is similar to each other? The usage of tag behind our words such as “Can-lah” or “Come-lah” depicts the code-mixing between Malay Language and the English Language of Malaysians.
There are also content from social Media that are relatable to us as Malaysians and as Asians. Twitter users named @TypicalMalaysian used a tagline “Cause that’s who we are” to suit with his content of writing about typical stuff happening in Malaysia. By reading the content, we might laugh because some of the content tweeted by the account are relatable. A local YouTuber, JinnyBoyTv produced videos that relate to things happening in Malaysia too. Harith Iskandar, the comedian often makes a joke on how Crime Investigation Series in Malaysia would be.
Religions are not the main cause of racial issues happening in Malaysia.The thinking and personality of an individual played a big role in adapting to cultural differences. Mentioned in Wawasan 2020, one of the points to achieve by the year 2020 is producing a liberal Malaysian. Liberal is defined as acceptance and willingness to accept behaviors or different opinions; open to new ideas.
Have you watched a movie entitled “The Journey” which was released in 2014 produced by Astro Shaw? The movie consists of many intercultural values and sentiments. One of the scenes taken from the movie, the Chinese man, Uncle Chong visited his old middle school best friend, Fatimah. Though they have been apart for years, the bond they had remained strong. A good movie to watch for us to increase our thinking in accepting differences.
Racial issues are on-going problem in Malaysia. A multiracial country with diverse traditions and religions will always face problems regarding racial stuff. One of the ways to help us enhancing our ability in becoming a liberal Malaysian is by accepting differences. Differences are bound to make us looks different from others and thus why Malaysia is a unique country in other ways.
A harmonious Malaysia could be defined by sharing the same foods, behaviors, language spoken, and acceptance. As the future generation that could lead the country, we are expected to set a benchmark on changing the way intercultural has always been.
Budi Bahasa kan Budaya Kita :)
Happy National Day.
Muhamad Faisal Ashaari & Muhamad A’riff Khushairi. (2019). Isu-isu agama dalam hubungan antara kaum di Malaysia. BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences 2(1): 87-98. Taken from https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Isu-isu-Agama-dalam-Hubungan-Antara-Kaum-Di-Ashaari-Khushairi/299f712afb9aa4245df4da1b396dd326ff378ab9
Mohdjamil. (2009, August 08). Nadrah's Tragic Story. Retrieved August 22, 2020, from
PeKhabar. (2018, March 31). Penubuhan Malayan Union. Retrieved August 22, 2020, from https://pekhabar.com/h-i-d-s-penubuhan-malayan-union/
Zulkiple Abd Ghani. 1998. Kebangkitan Islam, etnisiti dan respons non-Muslim. dlm. Abdul Ghafar Hj Don, Berhanundin Abdullah & Zulkiple Abd Ghani (pnyt.) Dakwah Kepada Non-Muslim di Malaysia, Konsep, Metod dan Pengalaman. Bangi, Selangor: Jabatan Dakwah dan Kepimpinan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
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William Hamilton, Report of the Trial and Acquittal of Edward Shippen, 1805
Page 14: Article of accusation and impeachment against Edward Shippen, Esquire, Chief Justice, and Jasper Yeates, and Thomas Smith, Esquires, assistant Justices of the Supreme Court, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, preferred by the House of Representatives of the said Commonwealth, in their name, and in the name of the people of Pennsylvania; and exhibited to the Senate of the said Commonwealth.
Page 35: The replication was presented to the President of the Court. It was then read by the clerk as follows: “In the House of Representatives, Jan. 8th, 1805.
The House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, prosecutors on behalf of themselves and the people of Pennsylvania, against Edward Shippen, Esquire, Chief Justice, and Jasper Yeates, and Thomas Smith, Esquires, assistant Justices of the Supreme Court, reply to the answer of the said Edward Shippen, Jasper Yeates, and Thomas Smith, and aver, that the charges against the said Edward Shippen, Jasper Yeates, and Thomas Smith, are true; and that the said Edward Shippen, Jasper Yeates, and Thomas Smith, are guilty of all and every the matters contained in the article of accusation and impeachment by the House of Representatives exhibited against them, in manner and form as they are therein charged; and this the present House of Representatives are ready to prove against them, at such convenient time and place as the Senate shall appoint for that purpose. Simon Snyder, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Attested for Matthew Huston, clerk of the House of Representatives.
Page 37: Permit me to lead back your attention, to the all-important period of ’76, and the objects which it embraced, and let me ask what was the language of that day? When I look upon the members of the Senate, who compose this honorable Court, and see men whose venerable heads are bleached with virtuous years, I feel how much more capable they are to relate, than I am to conceive the origin of the glorious declaration, which previous oppression produced, and the gallant and heroic struggle by which it was supported. Although I was too young to engage in the perils of that glorious period, my bosom also caught the sacred flame—my heart felt the throb which was excited in every virtuous breast—What heart did not beat high—what cheek but flushed—and what eye did not sparkle with moisture, at the sound of liberty and independence. Before that period, Mr. Speaker, the endearing name of liberty was rather worshipped, than possessed. It was adored like the unseen God. The idea of liberty, as we now possess it, was then only known in fable; it was considered as a visionary scheme—a mere utopian scheme, which existed only in the brain of the visionary, or speculative philosopher, and incapable of being realized. But the fortunate destiny was reserved for America, to reduce to simple practice what other nations, for ages deemed impracticable. We then saw the people of Pennsylvania, and of the United States, as it were, in a state of nature, disavowing any earthly superior, step forth in all their majesty, and declare by their immediate representatives—“that all men are born free.” We saw them consult what form of government was essential to the happiness of the people, and lay down principles of political and civil justice—formed out of the chaos of feudal and colonial barbarism, and rising, like another phoenix, from the ruins of the native element. Sir, when our patriots and our sages assembled, for the purpose of establishing a free government, the eyes of every man in Pennsylvania, and of every man in the universe, who felt for the happiness of the human race, were directed towards us; and whilst the tyrants groaned in agony, and gnashed their teeth, the friends of liberty looked up to us with hopeful solicitude. Sir, this was an object worthy of attracting the eye of him who is the great parent of the human race, and to look down with complacency from the pinnacle of heaven, upon his long oppressed children, and to see them bursting the bonds and shackles which attached a section of the globe to a mere speck upon another hemisphere, and uniting in the bonds of civil and social virtue. Here it is, that we verify the saying—“man is the noblest work of God”—and a government founded on liberty, is the grandest, and the noblest work of man.
Page 305: I do not wish to say anything against the character of Mr. Bayard; but am I to be charged with quizzing, if I say he did not take the proper method of obtaining redress? Was it generous to say, to insinuate, that my friend, Mr. Henry, or lawyer Henry, as he has ben pleased to call him, had quizzed himself, and that he felt for his conscience? That lawyer Henry was surely quizzing when he gave his opinion respecting the seaworthiness of the vessel? Here is an insinuation that he has perjured himself. Take the gentleman’s explanation; I may have misunderstood him; but, it appears is if that gentleman could impeach characters with impunity; nay, if he chooses, he may write a scandalous paper, it will be forgotten, it will be obliterated. Whatever insinuations may be thrown out against Thomas Passmore; whatever we may say on the subject, will not be only of the duration of a single day; but they will be recorded and pass to futurity. However, my worthy friend might feel himself degraded by walking with Passmore, the solderer of a tin kettle, the name of Thomas Passmore will blot the same historic page with that of Mr. Dallas; and when the people of Pennsylvania, and posterity shall read the works of this transaction, I feel confident that while they drop a tear over the afflictions of this injured man, it will be followed by another, deploring that the talents of my worthy friend should be employed in defending the tyrannical, arbitrary and oppressive exercise of power. I do not impute improper motives to the learned counsel; for I know, that the best of men may sometimes go astray; but, in my opinion, Mr. Passmore ought not to have been thus oppressed; and I venture to say, that if this Impeachment fails, not a man, on any occasion whatever, will seek redress by an Impeachment.
Page 315: Now, I ask, would it not be useful for every member of this Senate, before he decides, to inquire what is the state of history respecting lord Hardwick. You have been told of lord Hardwick that he was the ornament of human nature; but a reference to history will tell us that he was a servile courtier, a mere creature of the ministry, although none of his verdicts were ever set aside. And this “ornament of human nature” has made decisions which are to be followed by the enlightened people of Pennsylvania? But, sir, after the gentleman has gone through British precedents, he tells you that he only referred to them in order to assist you in getting information. I am very willing to read those precedents for the sake of information; but he says afterwards, this Court is bound by common law, and in common we must be bound by those books; no matter whether the decision was made one, two or three hundred years ago—the older the better. He might as well insist that this globe, instead of being globular must be a plain. Must we shut our eyes and ears against information, and draw precedents from that country of oppression—that country where the people are nothing, and the monarchy everything—that country of tyranny ….. And shall we be governed by precedents drawn from such a source?
Page 332: Do you think the Judges have been guilty of a misdemeanor in office?—If you answer in the affirmative—I put this question to you—Does not justice require that they should be punished?—If you answer in the affirmative—I put this final question to you—Can you do anything better than justice?—If you answer in the negative—then, in the name of the House of Representatives, I demand justice—in the name of the people of Pennsylvania, I demand justice—in the name of injured liberty, I demand justice.
Page 403: This shows that we are correct in stating that the practice of proceeding according to the course of the common law, has been adopted by the people of Pennsylvania. I find, sir, that Thomas Paine, author of the Rights of Man, signed this act as clerk to the general assembly. Although he was only clerk to the general assembly, yet such was his influence at that time, that if he had seen anything in this act derogatory to the constitution, and had pointed it out, it would have been instantly rejected.
Page 430: I think I have clearly shown that this summary process of punishing contempts, is an inherent part of that common law adopted by the people of Pennsylvania as their birthright, and confirmed by the convention.
Page 436: In Pennsylvania the case was entirely different, and I appeal to this honorable Court, whether, under a positive act of the legislature of April, [May] 1722, when perfect amity prevailed, and the Courts of justice in England were looked upon with admiration,—whether, there was not an expression of the wishes of the people of Pennsylvania, in favor of the general adoption of the common law. 
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