#die kliene hexe
historygirl93 · 1 year
My favourite movies about witches
"Suspiria"(1977): one of the masterpiece of the Italian director Dario Argento, it's the story of the American ballet student Suzy Bannion, the new girl in the prestigious Tanz Akademie at Freiburg. But the school is controlled by a coven of witches leads by the powerful Helena Markos. While the plot may be simple, the real power of the movie is the amazing use of primary colors, especially red, the scenografy full of stained glass windows and the soundtrack by the progressive rock band Goblin. In 2018 Luca Guadagnino makes his personal homage of the story, more focused of the dancing scenes and the internal fights of the coven, between whose loyal to Helena and the ones who waits for the return of their "Mother".
"Practical magic": based on the Alice Hoffman's novel, the movie follows the lives of the Owens sisters Sally and Gillian, witches under a dangerous curse: every man who fall in love with an Owens is destined to die. While Sally wants nothing more that a normal life for her and her daughters Kylie and Antonia, Gillian loves to party and fall in love. When Gillian try to escape from an abusive man, Sally jump to the rescue, using all of her knowledge in the craft to save her beloved sister. An hymn to sisterhood and family love. And the books are amazing!
"Hocus Pocus" (franchise): locks up your kids, the Sanderson sisters are back! The three witches have only one night to suck the essence of life from children, making Halloween a true night to remember for the town of Salem. First in 1993, then in 2022, a trio of heroes fight agains the witches to stop them. May they join forces in the third movie? Only time would tell...
"The Craft" (franchise): Sarah Bailey, at her first day in a new school, meet Nancy, Bonnie and Rochelle, a trio rumored to be witches. Not only this is true, but even Sarah have magical abilities, and she join the coven, hoping to find a place to belong. But after performing a ritual with the invocation of the powerful spirit Manon, things begin to chance for the worst... The second movie follows the same pattern, the new girl in town Lily befriend the young witches Frankie, Tabby and Lourdes, but this time the "enemy" is a force outside from a coven. Will we see a third movie in the future? I really hopes so.
"Die kleine hexe": this adorable 2018 German movie follows the adventures of a young witch who have to prove herself in front of the other witches to gain the chance to partecipate to the Walpurgisnacht. With the help of the talking raven Abraxas, the Little Witch have a year to study from a book of spells and become a good witch.
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huntertales · 5 years
Preview: Waving The White Flag. (Sacrifice S08E23)
Episode Summary: With Crowley poised to undo all the good they've ever done as hunters; Sam, Dean and the reader find themselves cornered. But with Kevin's help, the Winchesters and the reader bound into one last play against the king of hell. However everything comes with a cost. What must the three sacrifice to seal the gates of hell for good? Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 2,931.
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Fifteen minutes until midnight.
You stared at the clock on your phone while you sat in the bunker’s library where you had been almost all night, trying to figure out the lost list of people you saved over the years. Wondering who might be next on the chopping block. There were so many people you met over the years, so many lives you saved from death. It’d be impossible to track every single one of them down and warn them for the danger they might be in. You had no idea of knowing who Crowley was going to target next. He could pick someone you saved from six years ago, he might want to choose someone you helped out on a case five months ago. There were an endless possibilities for how this was going to go down and who could be on the chopping block next. But you had a feeling there was a method to all of Crowley’s madness. 
You put yourself in the demon’s shoes to try and get into his frame of mind to figure out what he was doing. It might have been a brilliant idea to tediously compile a list of people you and the boys had saved over the past eight years and go after them. Any monster could pick a name out of a hat and pick them off one by one. It took a true mastermind to hit the hero where it hurts the most. Crowley was targeting people that meant something to you, or had an impact on your personal life. That way it hurt just a little more for you when you couldn’t stop their death in time. Or your first true victory of saving someone's life ended with failure almost a decade later.
Tommy Collins was someone you met when you took your second real case you and the boys worked on together that had some real stakes involved with a life on the line. It was also your first real taste of what kind of danger you would be putting yourself into if you decided you wanted to become a hunter. While it was terrifying, the hunt concluded with a happy ending for you and the Collins siblings after they were reunited. Thanks to you and the boys Tommy and his family were given a chance to live a peaceful life. At least for the past eight years. Until a certain demon decided to sniff him out and kill him. 
You didn't get the chance to meet Jenny Klien, but you had a feeling she was a nice girl who deserved a better outcome than the one she was given. And as for Sarah...Crowley did that just to spite all of you. She was someone Crowley knew he would be able to get under your skin, not only for the short connection shared with a certain someone, but for the life she was able to create for herself. She was everything you wanted your life to turn out, and now she was dead. 
While Crowley had set a pattern with going after people he saved, you had made a few friends along the way that were still alive. You made a few phone calls around to make sure they were okay. Charlie Bradbury was occupied with a video game she claimed hadn't been able to tear herself away from. She told you everything was okay on her end. No hex bag around the place she was crashing at. Josh was fine as well, working a lot lately. You told him to keep an eye out for any kind of strange activity after briefing him on the game Crowley was playing with you and the boys. Garth was first call you thought to make after he was still keeping an eye on someone who was most likely on Crowley's kill list. The hunter kept reassuring you Kevin was perfectly safe, even putting the kid on to let you know he was still breathing. 
When you got back to the bunker after losing Sarah and getting the call from Crowley, you were devastated at how it turned out. Because for a moment you thought things weren't going to turn out exactly like how you had been fighting for. Six months of Kevin translating the tablet and three of them completing two of the trials would have been for nothing if you did what Crowley wanted. You were doing this to put away the monster who killed three innocent people who thought they escaped from this lifestyle for good. They were given a few years of normalcy before it was all taken away, because of the people who saved them ended up being the reason why they were killed. 
You were used to people dying because of you, and at the hands of a demon no less. Crowley thought the routine was predictable. The same formula was recycled over and over again for the past eight years. He wanted to change things up, broaden his horizon of his pool of victims he could choose from. A hunter doesn't have much family. What they lacked in loved ones they made up for in people they saved. And you saved a lot of people...people who were in danger.
You had a twelve hour window from when Crowley promised you he was going to kill someone. The ritual to cure a demon only took eight hours. All you needed to do was get your hands on a black eyed freak, pump him full of purified blood while chanting some Latin and finish it off with a bloody high five to complete the final trial. You would be able to solve both problems without having someone fall victim after time ran out. While it sounded so easy, you knew there was no way you could execute the plan. The king of hell promised you his goons were strictly off limits from you. And you had no time, no clue, how to track down a knight of hell you managed to let get away. You were back at square one with no way out of this. 
It seemed like you and the boys were backed into a corner with no way out but to surrender. You thought that was how all of this was going to end. Throwing in the towel for the sake of doing the right thing. But that wasn't your style. You wanted to go down fighting. Dean was on your side with this. However not everyone had the confidence in yourselves like you did. Sam was always the one who tried to boost morale when things looked bleak and hopeless. But even he knew how screwed you were. He was thinking about the big picture. Not only for the sake of the people but those who weren't on the best of terms with the king of hell.
“What happens when Crowley gets bored of picking off people we saved?” Sam raised an important question that had been burning in the back of his mind since last night. "He made it quite clear he wants to see Y/N dead." 
“He didn’t exactly say that.” You jumped into the argument to defend yourself from the younger Winchester’s prediction. You looked up from the phone screen to see Sam was staring at you with a frustrated glare at how you were taking this. You rolled your eyes and placed the phone back down to the table. "If Crowley wanted me dead he would've done it already. But it's too predictable. And besides, I don't stay dead. He would rather pick off people and keep all the demons locked up because he knows that would piss us off. It's his end game." 
“Besides, there’s gotta be some kind of loophole around this.” Dean said, pulling the conversation back to where it needed to be. “Maybe we’re looking at this all wrong. Crowley said he wasn’t going to let a demon anywhere near us. Maybe we can have someone summon a crossroads demon. Trap that one and presto—Crowley and all those black eyed sons of bitches go away forever. I’m sure business is going on as usual.”
“Who, Dean? Crowley knows everyone we’ve ever saved. Pretty sure he knows all the hunters we’ve worked with, too.” Sam busted his brother’s idea before he could elaborate more. Dean gave the man an annoyed look from how he was treating every single one of his ideas. It was at least something to think about. Sam thought it was stupid to put someone else’s life on the line, which was exactly what all of you were trying to stop. “I mean, how are we gonna do that? Find someone down on their luck and somehow persuade them to summon a deal and sell their soul?”
"Hey, that's not a bad idea. It might be stupid enough to work." Dean said. His brother shot down the idea with his infamous bitch face you knew too well. Sam was getting to the end of his rope, and it was only a matter of time until he gave up for good. "What the hell do you want us to do, Sam? I'm not backing down from that bastard. We came too far to give up. There's gotta be a way out of this." 
The conversation on how to save the day fell into silence when none of you agreed on what the right thing to do was. Sam really didn't want to back down and thrown in the towel after months of hard work you and Kevin put into this. But it felt like there was no other choice. The younger man began to slowly pace around the room as he glanced down at his watch to see the time was ticking down to the next deadline. If none of you thought of something in the next minutes the body count would go up to five. Crowley hadn’t given you the courtesy call about the last person he picked off. He wanted the three of you to sit and wonder who was going to be next, just to make you feel even more trapped. So many directions you could be pulled into, and no way of knowing who could be next.
Your eyes jumped away from a spot in the library you had been staring at after getting lost in your own thoughts when you heard your phone vibrate, the noise echoing and moving slightly around from sitting on the table. You still had several minutes until someone was scheduled to die. Unless Crowley was getting impatient following his own rules and wanted to move things along faster. 
"What is it?" Sam asked you. "Is it Crowley?"
“No. It’s just a notification from a pregnancy app I downloaded a while back. Wanted to remind me that I’m officially six months pregnant today. Whoopie freaking doo.” You muttered the last part to yourself in an unenthusiastic tone of voice, tossing your phone back down to the table. “You think after six months of dealing with this tablet business it’d be over by now.”...That you would’ve had everything planned out. 
Six months of dealing with runaway prophets and the king of hell stealing your tablet. Angels coming back from purgatory and being toyed with by their own kind to get a hold of an angel tablet. All these months of dealing with this business, you had tried to keep a strategy going. You wanted to be one step ahead of the enemy with the future in mind. You had that all set out. Until someone threw a wrench in your plan. A thought that didn’t hit you before and screwed it all up. For some reason all of this sounded familiar to you. Having a plan set out, trying to execute it...only for a thought to make you realize that it wasn’t going to be easy as you thought it was going to be. You needed to think quick on your feet so you can achieve everything you ever wanted. No matter the price you had to pay. 
"There's no way out of this. Crowley knows that. He's got us right under his thumb, exactly where he wants us." You spoke up all of a sudden, the realization hitting you. You felt your lips stretching into a smile, wondering why you didn't of going this route sooner. "We're desperate. I mean, there's no way out of this unless we do what he wants."
"Yeah. And?" Sam wondered why you were repeating information that was made pretty clear since last night. It was the argument all of you had just a few minutes ago after trying to solve the problem at hand. "Where are you going with this, Y/N?"
"Sammy, what is it that we do best?" You asked him. He thought about your question for a moment, wondering what kind of answer you were fishing for. He shrugged his shoulders, admitting a sign of defeat. "Making deals with demons. So let's do it." 
"Crowley said all demons were off limits to us." Dean said. You tilted your head to the side slightly and gave him a look, knowing that wasn't the point you were trying to make. "You want to take the deal with Crowley? That's exactly what the prick wants. He wants us to cave."
"Exactly. Crowley wants us vulnerable because that's how he can make us do whatever he wants. So let's keep it going. Long enough to turn the tables and corner him." You went on, telling them about the only play you had left against the demon. "Dean, was there anything more portable in the dungeon? Like, I don't know, handcuffs? Something marked with the same symbols on the chains?" 
"I think so." Dean recalled. "What is that big brain of yours coming up with, Nancy Drew?"
"I'm thinking....let's make a deal with the king of hell." You told the boys. "But on  our terms." 
"He'll never cave unless we do what he wants. And if he finds out it's a trap, we have no way of knowing how he'll react." Sam said. You knew he was trying to be helpful, but he wasn't looking at it from the angle you were. "It's too risky." 
"Crowley might be the king of hell, but he's still a businessman at the end of the day. He can't resist making a deal. Besides, he dealt with a desperate pregnant woman before. He'll think this is history repeating itself all over again. And it is...but I've got other negotiations." You said. Both of the brothers thought about your plan for a second or two, wondering what might go wrong if Crowley caught on to what you were doing. "Boys, we've had a demon at our disposal the entire time. It's just a matter of getting Crowley to fall for the bait. What do we have to lose?"
You had a lot to lose if you didn’t follow through with this plan exactly the right way. One little slip up and Crowley would surely figure out what you were trying to do. But with time running out quicker than you thought, you and the boys had no other choice. This was your last chance at doing the right thing. You grabbed your phone from the table and punched in the three digit number to reach the king of hell. The phone rang a few times before you were greeted by the demon in that annoying accent of his.
“You have less than one minute before a very dear, attractive, and slightly tipsy friend of yours snuffs it.” The demon greeted you with an update on his activities for the evening. 
“Call it off, Crowley.” Dean ordered to the demon who was on speaker, slamming his hands down onto the table to prove he wasn't playing around. Crowley curiously wondered why he would be doing such a thing. Dean was still apprehensive about this plan when his gaze fell over to you, as if he was wondering if you still wanted to go through with this. You slowly nodded your head. "Because it's over, you son of a bitch. We want a deal." 
“Thirty seconds.” Crowley warned all of you. 
"We stop the trials, you stop the killing." Dean reiterated the demon's negotiations he set for all of you. 
“I want the demon tablet—the whole demon tablet.” The demon told you another part of his deal that you knew, making it quite clear before all of you tried to do anything stupid. 
“Fine, but then the angel tablet comes to us.” The older Winchester decided it was only fair to ask for something else in return. Crowley was taken aback by the hunter’s greediness, wondering on what grounds all of you thought you deserved such a thing. “On the grounds that you’re a douchebag and no douchebag should have that much power. Deal or not?”
“First, I need to hear two little words,” Crowley wasn’t going to let this be easy. You bit the inside of your cheek when you heard his final negotiations if you wanted this to work. “I surrender.” 
The boys exchanged an uneasy look at the final terms of agreement. It wasn't in your style to sink so low and beg for mercy. But what other choice did you have other than to cooperate? You quickly reached for the phone before the next person could bite the dust. You made the words clear as day, showing Crowley you were waving the white flag. "I surrender." 
[Next Part]
Rewrite Taglist:
@deansquirreljerkwinchester // @everything-i-tried-was-taken // @starswirlblitz // @albot-e // @supernaturalismydrug // @we-are-band-sexuals // @angiewinchestercas // @kaylinfayezink  // @owhatshername1 // @kgbrenner  // @cleo-is-my-doggy // @eeyore1988 // @dakota-dream // @lilylovelyxo // @timetravelingginger // @holahellohialoha //   @quicksilver123456 // @natashacamillas //@lexi-anastasia //@kaylinfayezink //  @deanwnchstr @albot-eh // @rashinyx2002 // @shellybeans //  @icantfindacreativeurl //  @becs-bunker // @oreosatmidnight // @bands-and-shietz // @fabulousmustachesonapolarbear // @clarewinchester // @releasethekracko // @alex-zeppelin // @mega-mrs-dean-winchester // @theskytraveler // @notmoose94 //@assassinofmasyaf // @caswinchester2000 // @savannah-m-99 // @sunlight-dean // @strayrosesbloom // @that-slytherin-over-there // @1000roughdrafts // @its-medeanwinchester // @simplyhemmings
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