#diego brando birthday celebration week
jjba-arni-reblog · 4 years
Next prompt for Diego’s week that me and @giogio-gucci-gangstar are doing together. 
This was my favorite one as I felt very inspired by it and had a great time writing it.
Warnings: Spoilers for Steel Ball Run, angst.
Loudness was the only thing occupying Diego’s mind. The sound of the leaving train, flesh, birds that now suddenly became interested in the young man, staying somewhat close to Dio but with a vile intention behind it.
He couldn't think clearly, trying to regain the remaining consciousness in the situation like this. Dio wasn’t even certain where he was at the moment. The only thing he knew was that it was over for him.
Diego found himself being unable to move, instead lying down as he watched the blue sky above him, noting that it became harder to breathe. Surrounding loudness was still present in his tired mind as he gave up on trying to move.
He glanced down, finally finding the reason for his struggling. Diego was on the verge of death, watching the two halves of his body laying next to each other on the bloody train tracks. 
So this is how it’s gonna end? The man thought to himself, sighing through the pain he was feeling. Diego felt himself slowly becoming numb, not even being able to move his fingers as the hot sun shined on him as if taunting the young jockey. 
Through the pain Diego felt a growing sense of victory. He had done it. He had killed Valentine. Even if he was the one to fall, he had defeated the president and freed the world from his cruel intentions. He only regretted that he wouldn’t be there to help put the world back together. Diego would have to entrust that to Hot Pants to collect the remaining corpse parts. 
Partnering up wasn’t in Diego’s style, lesser so was trusting someone, yet looking back at it, the man found himself noting that such partnership was beneficial. Hot Pants was a smart and cunning jockey, much like Dio himself. Maybe that’s why such a bond worked. Maybe that’s why Diego sometimes found himself casually talking to Hot Pants without the need to bring up the goal they had in mind. Maybe it was his first sincere interaction he had. Just maybe, this time, he did open to someone. Diego felt himself silently thanking Hot Pants for giving him such an opportunity. Even if it wasn’t for long. And yet they were so close to success together. He could only hope that Hot Pants would celebrate him along with their victory. 
Diego felt himself coughing blood, his breathing slowing down with each passing minute. He felt the surrounding noises to be annoying, too loud for him. He craved quietness. 
The jockey stopped feeling, he couldn’t feel the blood running down from his open mouth. He couldn't feel the warmth of the sun. Slowly, the sounds around him started to become quiet, the screams of the birds somewhere. Diego couldn’t distinguish from there they were coming from. 
The sudden slice crashed over him, and it became overbearing as his sight had started to worsen. Dio tried looking down at his hands, only seeing a blurred image of what had once belonged to him. He found himself panicking, trying to see the stripes on the blue sweater. He couldn’t. Diego felt short of breath, trying to gather the remaining oxygen as the dread ran through his body.
He felt unwell, scared and defeated. He had succeeded but success was not his, it had been given to someone else while he was left cold and alone here to die. 
Dio searched for the warmth, suddenly realizing how cold it felt despite it being daytime. Sunlight suddenly stopped touching him as the jockey couldn't move,  frantically closing his eyes and trying to stay awake. Diego was losing his composure quickly as he couldn’t even his breathing, instead panting and shaking lightly. Small amounts of tears gathered at the corners of his eyes, threatening to run down his face.
Dio felt his own voice interrupting him, screaming inside his head as the panic consumed him. He didn’t want to die. Not like this, not this way. And not here. Not when all of his dreams were so close to fruition. 
Diego Brando had a whole life ahead of him. He had just won, he needed, he deserved, to show the world his success. Raise up in ranks, find a stable position in life. This isn’t how he wanted to end his life, lying on the railway tracks and waiting for his demise. Yet the truth was undeniable. His life was to end in the matter of minutes if not seconds and Dio needed to accept that.
He gathered the remaining oxygen that he could find, breathing in the last fresh air. As Diego did so, he felt a warm presence next to him. The jockey was still scared to open his eyes, afraid to see the leaving him world for the last time.
Diego felt a hand on his cheek, brushing away the tears from his face gently. The hand then moved to run itself through his locks, seemingly hoping to help the man to calm down. The soft touches felt familiar to Dio, reminding him of when he was a small child. He felt his body becoming lighter, noting that his anxious thoughts had started to slowly disappear, leaving the man exhausted.
The warm presence was still beside Diego as the loud sounds left his mind. However, he could hear something still. Something or someone was calling him. It was a gentle voice, a calming sound that interrupted the suffocating silence that had surrounded him. It was hard to understand who was calling for him, yet he could undoubtedly say that it felt familiar. He wanted the voice to call for him again.
And it called again, trying to make him open his eyes. Diego felt a warm hand playing with his locks.
Diego, please open your eyes
There it was again, the voice. Dio heard it clearer now, slowly started to recognize who was talking. He felt the urge to cry as his body started to shake lightly. The presence near him noticed that, as the other hand now took Diego’s one, drawing small comforting patterns on the back of his hand.
Diego now eagerly wanted to open his eyes, small sobs starting to escape him. He felt the hand squeeze his own, silently urging Dio to accept the truth.
The jockey’s eyes flew upon as he finally saw the figure before him, quickly launching himself at the revealed person.
Diego felt her arms hugging him back as the jockey cried into his mother’s neck, quietly apologizing for not being there to save her, for not becoming everything she wanted him to be. Such claims were shut down as his mom was quick to reassure him.
I am proud of you
Dio’s hold tightened as another loud sob escaped his twitching lips. 
I missed you, mom. There was not a day where I did not think about you
And so did I, Dio
Diego felt himself relax, for the first time in weeks if not months. He felt at ease. The remaining fears left his exhausted body, making Dio feel lighter, almost as if his body was vanishing from this world that brought so much pain and struggles to his and his mother’s lives.
As he felt his mother’s lips touch his forehead in a comforting matter, Diego smiled. No loudness was present in his heart and mind. He felt relieved. 
Diego found himself in a state of total tranquility
Together with the person he loved most.
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gggno · 5 years
waggles his brows at the bday girl with a pocky also wiggling in his mouth
happy birthday my LOVE
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heels off by the front door, bare feet greeted by the plush carpet she laid across over wooden boards. her ankles ache, surely, but she forgets about how tired she is when she turns on the lights.
diego brando is one of a kind in his theatrics. whether it is the way he speaks or walks, he fills up the room with undeniable presence. a presence she has grown accustomed to. a presence she has grown fond of.
it’s her birthday and of course he has received the memo weeks before. daozi is not one to demand recognition but a little poke here and there serves as delicious flirting between them, especially with one often busying himself over mysterious missions.
she has no qualms with his unspeakable schedule, don’t get her wrong. there is a sense of beauty in commitment between two individuals who hold their privacy so dear to themselves, yet still finding moments to share. there is no contract or obligation. they are both here in celebration on their own free will.
she loves the decoration, even when eleven dozen of flaming red roses sure spells overkill. she loves the way he teases, with a pocky held in his mouth, and how he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close in invitation.
“ oh dio, aren’t you a charmer. ” she croons, tipping on her toes to throw her arms over his shoulders. of course she knows this game, and she gladly takes the other end with no hesitation.
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for-ghosts-only · 2 years
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The Dio Trio all had their birthday’s over this past week! Dio Brando on the tenth (I also included Diego Brando for the 10th) and Giorno’s today, april 16th! So I finished this piece just in time to celebrate my favourite boys!
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jjba-arni-reblog · 4 years
This is the first entry for Diego Brando Birthday Week!  It is a collaboration between @giogio-gucci-gangstar and me. Two of us wrote works together in some way, so each of us will post different (prompt) works for a week, with me starting with a Revenge. Enjoy!
If one was to look at Diego Brando, the assumption that the man was naturally talented would be met without question. He was an excellent jockey and a naturally talented person. People looked up to him. People wanted to be with him. People wanted to be him. Shortly speaking - he was the Diego Brando.
However, how he came to attain that level of status was very different from what one might expect. From a young age Diego Brando was exposed to the cruelty of the real world, forever altering his perception of life.
The moment he saw his mother let out her last breath, he knew his purpose in life. To reach the top. To establish himself in the society. To prove himself and others that he is worthy of the luxurious life. To have the life his mother always wanted him to have. To attain the life his mother deserved.
Everything he did was an act to avenge his mother.
The way Diego Brando became popular and wealthy wasn’t a necessarily honorable way, as the man quickly married a rich old woman, eventually gaining her wealth after she died. It was a risky start but a start nonetheless. After that, the man frequently participated in many races, finding himself most often to be the winner. He quickly rose to the position of a famous jockey.
However, despite his endless achievements, there was a constantly nagging thought at the back of his head. Justice for his mother. Throughout the years, Diego’s mind was plagued by the idea of finding his father, who had abandoned him and so carelessly discarded his mother. And now he had the perfect opportunity to do so.
Diego Brando had connections. Upon entering a large world of luxury, he realized that now he had the resources to finally find his father. Diego had the money to gain information that he wouldn’t have thought of when he was younger.
So he started his research, beginning with the place he grew up in. From there he began checking archives for any information about his mother. Anything that could help him track down that bastard of a man.
Eventually, he found the right lead. Apparently, his father was currently situated in a small town. He is a frequent drinker over a small bar, drinking away his money and regularly getting into fights. As if he expected anything more.
It had taken him a few days, to find that wretched place the man now lived in. But when he set foot in that dingy little town, its lack of life seemed fitting for a man like his father. Perhaps this run down pub and Dario deserved each other.
Diego tried to wipe a smug grin off his face before entering the dirty pub. While Diego by no means remembered what his father looked like, it wasn’t difficult finding him. However, there was something giving him off. His voice. His deep and aggressive voice ran through the small pub as his angry comments about his life and new woman were clear as day. There was no mistake. There he was, hunched over a bottle of scotch.
Diego took a deep breath, his hands were already trembling, as he approached the man. However before he could start with the very clever speech he had prepared, the man interrupted his line of thought.
“Well, hello there, stranger. Do you need something or can I go back to enjoying my night?” God that voice was like nails on a chalkboard, so raspy and absolutely painful to listen to. Though the man had been courteous enough to open up a conversation, different from his plan yes but it had the potential to be interesting.
“A small talk would suffice” Diego grinned, as he settled into the stool next to his father.
“Ohhh, ‘suffice’, what fancy shit are you using there, boy. What do you want from me?” Ah so not even a thought spared of where he could have come from.
“Do you recognise me?” Diego was prodding him at this point. He was already infuriated, it took every ounce of his self control to humor this bastard of a man.
“As if I would remember every fool that I have met in my life. Of course not” Dario spat out, some spittle flying from his mouth as he continued to drink.
“Well, then do welcome your son” Diego couldn’t help but laugh. All of those years imagining what a wretch his father would be and the man before him did not disappoint.
“Son? Who the fuck are you?” Diego could see the old rusty gears of his brain starting to move again.
“Don’t you remember, father? I’m the one you wanted dead” Yes, Dario was a bastard, but every confirmation that this man was absolutely horrible justified and validated Diego’s hatred over the years. And Diego always loved being right.
“Ah, the river boy” It muttered.
The river boy? What an atrocious connection. So distasteful.
“Guess you do look like that whore. Tell me, did you find success, like your mother preached?” Diego snorted. Clearly this man was too illiterate to even have recognized him from the newspapers.
“I did” Diego was beginning to become a bit bored with the conversation. Yes it was fun to watch the old man wallow in selfish misery, but now he was just annoying.
“Well done. Wish I remembered your name, but honest to god last time I saw you I thought you and your stupid mother were dead.” Here Dario paused, only for show Diego was sure, to pretend to have some emotion. “What a bitch that woman was. You should be thankful for your mother’s stupidity.”
The grin that spread across Diego’s face was losing its composure. His lips stretched further and farther nearly splitting. He couldn’t keep up this charade of civility for much longer.
“I am thankful for many things” His grin was wavering, but he managed to cover Dario’s tab and lure the man outside for a walk. It was intended to be a short walk, for many reasons, but the man would not shut up.
“Listen,she was not worth a penny, trying to have a brat like you in our situation.” There were just strings of atrocities flying out of his mouth. “Her miserable life was because he couldn’t let you go. If this bitch wants to save you so badly, a useless fucking kid who probably will grow up to be nobody, then it’s her choice. I am not wasting my life taking care of two problems.” He was mumbling and gesturing wildly. Luckily they had reached the end of their journey; a steep bank of the town’s river.
“Don’t worry, father, I will be the one to take care of the one problem here.” The laugh Diego let escape here was different than anything he had shown Dario before, this one was uninhibited and seeping with fury. Diego let his rage consume him as Scary Monsters attacked the man, starting to devour Dario. Screams of agony were heard across the place as Dario tried desperately to escape, finding any excuse to be spared, pleading with Diego. But no such thing happened. The older man died right next to the river, not being able to escape. This time, no one was saved from the river.
Diego quickly left the scene, his stand’s effect disappearing. The sound of running water was the only thing occupying man’s thoughts as he walked along the river bank, taking in the fresh air.
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