#difference in quality 2 of these are from earlier this month </3 but hey improvement i suppose
hardware-sparks · 2 years
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fiti-vation · 7 years
Can you train as a vegan ?
I would firstlike to apologize for the long layoff before replying. I have been busy in thepast few months with school, track meets and work.
Iam not a vegan myself, but I don’t see why one couldn’t train as a vegan. Anecdotally,people do fine. There are plenty of elite athletes who are vegans. As a matterof fact, one of the most-cited vegan athlete success stories is of Carl Lewis,who credits his outstanding 1991 results in part to the vegan diet he adoptedin 1990. But he is not the only one. There are other vegetarian athletes whohave risen to the top as well, without the help of meat. I did publish a post about 2 yrs. ago on vegan elite athletes.
That said, considering that I am not a vegan and there’s notenough research to know how vegetarian — let alone vegan — diets affectathletes (nobody has researched the health benefits of the vegan diet forcompetitive athletes), I can only try to answer your question to the best of mypersonal knowledge as a varsity tracklete. Also, my answer will be pretty general considering that I have no idea what your lifestyle is like; are you anathlete? If yes what type of athlete are you? An endurance athlete? And mostimportantly what type of vegan are you?
Vegan Lifestyle: Different Kinds Of Vegetarians
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There are different kinds of vegetarians:
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Anyhow,enough chit chat let’s get to the core of your question.Asmentioned earlier it is possible for vegans to train. However, vegans have tobe more cautious about their diet and supplementation because there are variousnutrientswhich are essentialto athletic performance thatyou can’t get from plant foods. For instance,  creatine and vitamin B12 can only befound in animal foods, such as fish, meat, dairy products and eggs.
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VitaminB12 is an essential nutrient found in virtually no plant foods. Also known ascobalamin, vitamin B12 is a water-soluble nutrient involved in the developmentof red blood cells, maintenance of nerves and normal brain function. Vitamin B12is particularly important for endurance athletes, since it affects red bloodcell production. Without supplements or enriched foods, vegetarians are at ahigh risk of vitamin B12 deficiency (1).Ifyou’re a lacto-ovo vegan, dairyproducts and eggs are an easy way to get adequate amounts of protein andvitamin B12in a plant-based diet, obviously, but this is much more challengingfor vegans. The signs, symptoms and risks associated with deficiency include:
Weakness, fatigue (8).
Impaired brain function (9).
A variety of neurological disorders (10).
Psychiatric disorders (11).
Neurological disorders in babies of breast-feeding mothers (12).
Megaloblastic anemia (13).
Possible links with Alzheimer’s disease (14).
Possible links with heart disease (15).
Vegansmust get vitamin B12 by taking supplements or eating enriched food or certaintypes of seaweed. Many processed foods have been enriched with vitamin B12.These include enriched yeast extracts, soya products,breakfast cereals, bread and meat-substitutes (3, 16).Manyprocessed foods have been enriched with vitamin B12. These include enrichedyeast extracts, soyaproducts, breakfast cereals, bread and meat-substitutes (3, 16). Inaddition, a few plant foods naturally contain small amounts of bioactivevitamin B12. These include:
Nori seaweed, a type of marine algae (17, 18, 19, 20).
Tempeh, a fermented soy product (21, 22).
 Noriseaweed is considered the most suitable source of biologically availablevitamin B12 for vegans (23).
Keepin mind that raw or freeze-dried nori may be better than conventionally dried.It seems that some of the vitamin B12 is destroyed in the drying process (19, 24, 25).Anotherplant food often claimed to contain vitamin B12 is spirulina.However, spirulina contains so-called pseudovitamin B12, which is notbiologically available. For this reason, it is not suitable as a source ofvitamin B12 (26).
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Further readings: 6 Sources Of Vitamin B12 In Vegan Diet
Anothernutrient which is important to athletes and vegans may not get enough of iscreatine. Creatineis a molecule found in animal foods. Most of it is stored in muscles, butsignificant amounts are also concentrated in the brain. It functions as aneasily-accessible energy reserve for muscle cells, giving them greater strengthand endurance (27).Forthis reason, it is one of the world’s most popular supplements for musclebuilding.Studieshave shown that creatine supplementation can increase both muscle mass andstrength (28).Creatine is not essential in the diet, since it can be produced by the liver.However, vegetarians have lower amounts of creatine in their muscles (29). It’spossible that some vegan athletes are low on creatine, creatine can help duringshort bouts of intense exercise, like sprinting, though supplementation isn’tnecessary.Placingpeople on a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet for 26 days causes a significant decreasein muscle creatine (30).Becausecreatine is not found in any plant foods, vegetarians and vegans can only getit from supplements.Invegetarians, creatine supplementation may have significant benefits. Theseinclude:
Improvements in physical performance (29).
Improvements in brain function (31, 32).    
Manyof these effects are stronger in vegetarians than meat eaters. For example,vegetarians taking creatine supplements may experience significant improvementsin brain function while meat eaters see no difference (31).
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Othernutrients that vegans may not get enough of include: carnosine, cholecalciferol(Vitamin D3), docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), heme-iron, and taurine. I made a littletab below showing the nutrients that you can’t get from plant foods.
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I think one mistake many vegetarians make is removing foods (like meat,dairy, eggs, etc.) but not replacing these foods with plant-based alternativesthat are similar in nutritional value. For every food group a vegetarian orvegan removes from his or her diet, something has to be added back in forbalance. That means:
Replacing meat     with other high-quality protein sources, such as edamame, tofu, beans, lentils,     legumes, eggs or egg whites (for ovo-vegetarians) or meat analogs (like     veggie burgers made of soy, beans, seitan or other proteins). Read more     about the     best meatless protein sources.
Replacing dairy     products with other calcium-rich foods such as non-dairy “milks”     that are enriched with calcium (like almond milk, rice milk, soy milk,     etc.) and possibly even taking a calcium supplement. Read more about dairy-free     calcium sources here.
When done right, a vegetarian or vegan diet can be very healthy. But it’simportant to include plenty of highly nutritious foods into your diet at thesame time.
Further readings:
Essential Muscle Nutrients Which Are Found Only in Animal Food [X]
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Take home message
Vegetarian and vegan diets may be veryhealthy for some people. However, there are a few important nutrients that areimpossible to get from commonly consumed plant foods. If you plan to completelyeliminate animal foods, then be extra prudent about your diet and make sure youare getting everything your body needs.
Since you may have to take supplements toavoid nutrient deficiency if you consider becoming a vegan, keep in mind thatyou also have to cautious about the type of supplements that you’ll be taking –in terms of the capsules used.Regular capsules use animal gelatin (or animal ‘jelly’ - made from boiledbones, skins and tendons of animals) while Vegetarian caps are all-naturalnon-gelatin based. Vegetarian caps can also be made from Agar-agar, which isderived from seaweed, (but expensive). It can also be made from Kazu.Products like Jello, gum and snack pack can potentially have gelatin init, but there are variations of each of these products made by the samecompanies without gelatin.So, if aproduct has 'gelatin’, it can’t be vegan
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As a vegan not only do you have to be prudent aboutnutrients deficiency, but you also have to be diligent about protein intake. Vegannovices may think that putting a few chickpeas in my salad is enough, but that’snot going to do it. Women for example, need about 60 to 90 grams ofprotein a day, and athletes are on the high end of that. That means you have toeat cupfuls of chickpeas. And you can’t eat a quarter of that cake of tofu. Youneed to eat the whole thing. It’s not that there aren’t good sources of veganprotein. But it’s not as bioavailable as meat. So, you need to have more.All athletes have higher-than-normal protein andcalorie needs. And animal sources of protein are complete and bio-available,[meaning the body can use of them more readily], compared to protein from plantfoods. That said, by carefully choosing complementary protein sources andmonitoring overall intake, vegan athletes can consume adequate amounts ofprotein to fuel their performance. Becoming a vegan competitive athlete mayrequires more meticulousness in terms of nutrition.Also keep in mind that distance athletes need[protein] for muscle repair, whereas strength athletes require it for musclemass.
Useful Advicefor Vegan Athletes (and the People Who Train Them)
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Educate yourself, whether for your own  sake. “A lot of vegans don’t understand how little protein there may be in their diet. They have a couple of chickpeas on their salad and think they’re set. Plant foods aren’t very concentrated sources of protein. You have to eat a lot of peanut butter and hummus.
Be careful not to be overly restrictive. Eat a variety of foods to avoid nutrient—and energy—deficiency.
Consult a registered dietitian if you’re thinking about converting to a vegan diet.
There youhave it. There are many benefits to eating a vegetarian or vegan diet—and myreply is not meant to scare you away from it! However, making smart foodchoices is essential. Next time you’re deciding between the veggie burger andthe faux turkey slices, consider more than calories. Zero in on the nutrients discussedabove to help you make the best decision for optimal health. And remember that thereare hundreds of apps out there that enable you to easily track each of thesenutrients to see how you’re doing day to day and then make adjustments asnecessary.Here’s to a healthy and balanced plant-based diet!
Xoxo Steph 🙂 
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orbemnews · 3 years
Chile's government distributed faulty birth control pills. Now more than 150 people are pregnant. Santiago, Chile — In Chile’s arid Atacama desert, Tabita Daza Rojas is trying to scrape together enough money to finish construction on her home before her baby, due anyday, arrives. Eight hundred kilometers to the south, in La Pintana, a suburb of the capital Santiago, Cynthia González is nursing her 2-month-old boy. But she needs to buy milk to supplement her body’s supply, and is worried about how she’ll afford it. Without the option to legally terminate their pregnancies, if they wanted to, or any real accountability from the government or the drug companies, the women, represented by the Chilean sexual and reproductive rights group Corporación Miles, are preparing to file a class action lawsuit in the civil courts. In a region where barriers to women’s reproductive rights are the norm, CNN has identified a government health agency quick to shift the blame to these women, as well as a history of poor production quality and previous issues relating to oral contraceptives in Grünenthal’s Chilean factory — its gateway to Latin America. Tabita Rojas’ story In March 2020, after discovering an ovarian cyst her physician worried could have been caused by her contraceptive implant, Rojas’s doctor at her local health clinic advised she take the pill instead, prescribing Anulette CD. Rojas didn’t give the switch much thought; she had taken oral contraceptives before and agreed it made sense for her health. Plus, after giving up her place on a forensic criminology program at 17 because she’d gotten pregnant, the now 29-year-old was once again excited about her future. “I had to put all that aside and dedicate myself to my son,” said Rojas, who had a second child two years later, and provides for her family by doing seasonal work at a grape packing plant. By early 2020, however, things were changing. Her children — boys now aged 11 and 9 years old, both with learning difficulties — were more independent, and were spending more time with their father. As part of a government urbanization in her hometown Copiapó, Rojas had been given a small piece of land on which to build a house. She had been saving up money and planned to move out of the home she and her children had been sharing with three other family members. And, she was in love. Early on in the relationship, Rojas and her boyfriend had decided not to have children together. “It was going to be impossible to provide for someone else,” she said. But in September 2020, just five months after Rojas began taking Anulette, she found out she was pregnant again. She would later learn, after seeing it posted on Facebook, that her tablets were from a batch that had been recalled by Chile’s public health authority, the Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile (ISP) the month before. “I was about to finish the second [box of three prescribed] when I found out about the problem,” she said. By then she was already six weeks pregnant. On February 21, 2021, Chile’s health authority wrote Tabita Rojas in response to her questions about the Anulette CD controversy. (R) The ISP’s August 24, 2020 alert recalling the first batch of defective Anulette pills. Source: Tabita Rojas, ISP Rojas’ neo-natal ultrasound in September 2020 revealed she was approximately 6 weeks pregnant. Source: Tabita Rojas The blister packs of the Anulette CD birth control pills Rojas had taken for nearly three months before finding out they had been recalled in August 2020. Source: Tabita Rojas ‘I was never happy with this pregnancy’ The details may differ but similar scenarios have been playing out across Chile. A mother of four, González, who had been on Anulette for eight months, got pregnant for the fifth time in May 2020. She tells CNN that she took her contraceptive “religiously every morning,” before adding: “Because we women set an alarm for those kinds of pills.” The news devastated her. Her personal life was complicated and her finances extremely limited after she lost the market stall where she sold second-hand clothes. “I was never happy with this pregnancy,” González said. “If you only knew all the nights I spent crying thinking that I didn’t want to [have the baby]. I had no options.” Alluding to Chile’s strict abortion laws that forbid a woman from terminating a pregnancy except for three reasons (if the pregnancy is a result of rape, if the fetus is incompatible with life outside the womb, or if a woman’s life is at risk), González spoke about her upset and how she tried to conceal her growing tummy. “I hid the pregnancy for a long time, so that they wouldn’t ask me: ‘Hey, another child, and whose is it, because you are no longer with your husband’ — and having to explain that we were separated. It was already a complicated situation for me, let alone to go around telling everyone.” Anulette CD is a 28-day combined oral contraceptive — one of the most common forms of birth control. It contains synthetic versions of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are produced naturally by the ovaries. The hormones work to prevent ovulation — meaning no egg is released by the ovaries — as well as thicken the lining of the cervix to make it harder for sperm to pass through. The pill also makes the lining of the uterus thinner so that if an egg is fertilized it cannot implant and begin to grow. Pill regimens typically involve taking 21 “active” pills that contain the hormones and seven “non-active” or “placebo” pills, to maintain a daily routine, during which time a person bleeds. How the contraceptive pill works The menstrual cycle is the process by which the body prepares for pregnancy every month. Controlled by multiple hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, it is the time between the first day of a period and the day before the next period begins. On average the cycle lasts 28 days, but this can vary. The cycle involves ovulation, where an egg is released from one of the ovaries. Pregnancy happens when sperm enters a vagina, travels through the cervix and uterus (womb) to the fallopian tubes and fertilizes a released egg. Once fertilized, the egg starts to grow, traveling to and implanting itself into the lining of the uterus. When an egg isn’t fertilised and pregnancy doesn’t happen, the egg is reabsorbed into the body and the thickened lining of the uterus sheds and exits the vagina as a period. Birth control pills work by controlling the menstrual cycle, to prevent pregnancy. There are many different types of birth control pill but one of the most common is the 28-day combined oral contraceptive. With these, you take one pill every day, at the same time, for 28 days. The first 21 pills are active, as they contain artificial versions of estrogen and progesterone. The remaining seven pills in the packet are inactive pills that contain no hormones, often referred to as “sugar pills” or “placebos.” The 21 active pills prevent ovulation, meaning that no egg will be released from the ovaries. They also help to prevent pregnancy by thickening the mucus around the entrance to the womb, making it harder for sperm to enter and reach an egg, and by making the lining of the uterus thinner, so if an egg is fertilised there is less chance of it implanting into the women and being able to grow. In the case of the women in Chile – the pills that they were provided were defective according to the ISP. In one batch, the placebo (a blue pill) had been found where the active pills (a yellow pill) should have been, and vice versa. In another batch there were missing and crushed pills. Users say these instances resulted in unwanted pregnancies. Source: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Healthline, Planned Parenthood, UK National Health Service (NHS) The first batch — 139,160 packs of Anulette pills, according to its manufacturer — were recalled on August 24, 2020 after healthcare workers at a rural healthcare clinic complained that they had identified 6 packets of defective pills. In them — based on information from the ISP — the placebo (a blue pill) had been found where the active pills (a yellow pill) should have been, and vice versa. In its online notice, published on August 29, the ISP said that the makers of Anulette CD, a company called Laboratorios Silesia S.A. (Silesia), had been made aware and were withdrawing the defective lot. The ISP then advised health centers to quarantine any packets they had from the affected batches. Then, a tweet was sent from the ISP account alerting its followers to the recall. But without a nationwide campaign to more directly inform the public, the recall went largely unnoticed. A week after the first recall, on September 3, the same error was detected in 6 packets from a different batch at a clinic in Santiago. Here, tablets were also missing, but others were crushed, according to the ISP. By the time the problems were flagged, Silesia said it had already distributed 137,730 packs to health centers. This time the ISP said it would be suspending Silesia’s registration until the laboratory was able to improve its quality and production processes. But it was too little, too late. In total, according to the manufacturer’s own accounts, 276,890 packets of Anulette CD from the two defective lots — all with a January 2022 expiry date — had been distributed to family planning centers across Chile. Surprisingly, on September 8, less than a week after Silesia’s suspension, the ISP issued another document reversing its earlier decision. In the memo, which was uploaded to its website, the health authority said Anulette CD could once again be distributed. It claimed that the flaws in the packaging could be easily detected, and passed the responsibility of doing so, and of informing users of the service, onto healthcare workers. The Ministry of Health told CNN in an emailed statement that they informed the public health service “to inform users of this situation and take pertinent actions,” and said that they provided support and counseling for reproductive health workers to support “women who may have been affected by problems in the quality of contraceptives.” But Rojas said she was only informed by her local clinic about the defective pills after she went in for a prenatal checkup. And Rodriguez told CNN no one has contacted her. ISP director Heriberto Garcia defended the decision to put Anulette back on the market, saying in a video interview with CNN: “Just because it [one pack] belongs to the batch doesn’t mean it was bad.” “We expect that there are many more women with this problem, especially because the State has not claimed any responsibility.” Laura Dragnic, legal coordinator at Corporación Miles So, it was left to Chilean civil society to raise the alarm. The sexual and reproductive rights group, Miles, ran a social media campaign and used its networks to get the word out. “It was after [posting on Instagram] when we started receiving emails from people saying that they were already pregnant because they were consuming Anulette,” said Miles’ legal coordinator Laura Dragnic. By October 2020, some 40 women had gotten in touch. According to Miles, following multiple media appearances by its staff, another 70 women came forward. The number now stands at 170, but Dragnic expects it to grow as rural women or those without access to the internet or television are still to be reached. “We expect that there are many more women with this problem,” she said, “especially because the State has not claimed any responsibility and has not made any statements or any serious compromises [to the abortion rules] for the affected women.” Seven days after Dragnic spoke to CNN, and six months after the first recall, the health authorities announced that Anulette’s manufacturers had been charged a series of fines totalling approximately 66.5m Chilean pesos (approximately USD $92,000). Miles and their partners are calling for the government to pay financial reparations to the affected women, and to provide access to safe and legal abortions for those who wish to terminate their pregnancy. Multiple recalls at Grünenthal’s Santiago factory Grünenthal, in whose Santiago factory Anulette CD is manufactured, began operating in Chile in 1979. The privately-owned German pharmaceutical company, which reported a €340 million (US $405 million) profit in the 2019-2020 fiscal year, is best known for its product tramadol, an opiate pain killer, classified as a controlled substance in numerous countries. In 2017, the company increased its Chilean investments by opening what it called “Latin America’s most modern women’s health products plant” — a US $14.5m facility. While only a small part of Grünenthal’s portfolio, the investment was enough to place it among “the three biggest pharmaceutical companies in Chile.” But CNN has uncovered that production issues began soon after the factory opened, and have affected a range of oral contraceptives marketed not just by Silesia S.A. but also Grünenthal’s other Chilean subsidiary, Andrómaco. In 2018, Tinelle, a contraceptive pill from Silesia’s portfolio, was voluntarily taken off the market after a decision to switch the sequence of the active and placebo tablets (keeping the same numbers of each but placing them in a different order) which — by the Grunenthal spokesperson, Florian Dieckmann’s admission — “confused [patients] about the new sequence of the pills.” Dieckmann said that the pills were put back on the market after Silesia “further clarified the instruction on the aluminium foil on how to follow the right sequence of tablets.” Two further oral contraceptives, Minigest 15 and 20, manufactured by Andrómaco at the Grünenthal Chilean plant, were recalled in October 2020 after the public health authority, the ISP, said that they were found during stability testing to contain an insufficient amount of the active ingredient: the hormones. Grunenthal’s spokesperson said that at the time of packaging, the tablets had “the correct amount of active ingredient” in them, adding that the “tablets are exposed to excessive temperatures and humidity over the products entire shelf life under laboratory conditions” and that it is “unlikely that the tablets are exposed to these conditions for a long time in real world circumstances. Based on a Freedom of Information request by Miles, which CNN then followed up on, the production of Anulette CD has had the most problems, according to the ISP’s own records. Between August 6 and November 18, 2020, health clinics across Chile reported a wide range of issues with the pills including small holes found in the tablets; pills that had orange and black spots; wet and crushed tablets; and packaging that wouldn’t release the entire pill effectively, leaving trace amounts of the pill stuck inside. In total, the ISP received 26 different complaints about 15 different batches of Anulette pills, yet only 2 batches were recalled. “It is important to clarify that not all complaints of the products end in market recalls,” the ISP explained. “Those that are withdrawn…are those in which critical defects are detected and this was the case of the recalled batches.” Aside from publishing details of the above recalls on its website, the ISP allegedly did little else to notify women, and despite its apparent challenges, Grünenthal remains the Chilean government’s leading provider of oral contraceptives. According to the ISP, 382,871 women are prescribed Anulette CD, and between May 2019 and January 2020, Grünenthal secured at least US $2.2 million in contracts that CNN has seen. The Ministry of Health did not answer CNN’s written questions and declined an invitation to be interviewed. The blame game While no one is denying the production problems, Grünenthal, its Chilean subsidiaries and government representatives, all seem intent on shifting some of the blame away from the faulty packets of the pill and onto each other. Dieckmann explained that the company discovered that the problems stemmed from an issue on the production line issue which caused some pills to move during the packaging process. That led to some packages with “empty cavities, some tablets misplaced or crushed tablets,” he said but stressed that the efficacy of the contraceptive had not been compromised. The spokesperson also pointed out that combined oral contraceptives are not 100% effective. According to the World Health Organization, the combined oral contraceptive pill every year results in less than 1 pregnancy in every 100, “with consistent and correct use.” “So I think it’s important background, right?” Dieckmann said, noting that those statistics rise when the pill isn’t taken consistently or correctly. “I’m not trying to say that it’s the woman’s fault,” Dieckmann said, before adding that correct and consistent use was a “factor that I think we have to look at here.” “Women say, ‘I was on the pill, I still became pregnant — why is that?’ That’s what’s happened,” he said, referencing the statistics. The Grünenthal spokesperson told CNN that the company could not speak to their individual cases, as it has not been directly contacted by any of the affected women. Addressing the controversy on the Chilean public broadcaster in December 2020, Silesia’s medical director, Leonardo Lourtau, said in addition to the company being responsible for visually checking the packaging, health officials should have also done so and, “obviously, the people who take the medicine as well.” And Garcia of the ISP suggested it was important to look at how birth control efficacy might change when interacting in the body with other products, such as antibiotics, tobacco or alcohol. “I am not saying that she has drunk a lot of alcohol or that she is a smoker, but I am telling you the background.” Despite Garcia’s assertions, most reproductive health experts widely agree that there is no evidence to suggest that smoking diminishes the effectiveness of the pill; that alcohol will only do so if a person throws up soon after taking it; and that only one type of antibiotic, those based on rifampicin, can affect oral contraceptives. ‘Systemic failures’ Drug recalls are not unusual, but it is hard for those campaigning on behalf of the women not to perceive an injustice here: Grünenthal continues to see its factory as the key to reaching 168 million women in Latin America, while the women who take its products have to remain vigilant or risk pregnancy. The risk is heightened, reproductive rights groups say, by the fact that these women, already poor and marginalized, can’t count on the robust support of the government should the undesired happen. Paula Avila Guillen, Executive Director at the New York Women’s Equality Center, a not-for-profit that advocates for and monitors reproductive rights in Latin America, told CNN that if the recall was about bad meat, the entire country would have known immediately, and the product immediately taken off the market. “But when it comes to women and reproductive health, they just don’t care,” she lamented. And so, Miles and its partners, writing to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and to the United Nations, have called the situation “a clear situation of systemic discrimination against women.” Meanwhile, back in Copiapó, at 38 weeks pregnant, Rojas has now accepted her fate. She will once again have to put aside her dreams for the future of her child, another baby boy. They’ll name him Fernando. Read more from the As Equals series Edited by Eliza Anyangwe. Additional editing by Meera Senthilingam and Henrik Pettersson. Animation by Melody Shih and Jeffrey Hsu Web, and development by Marco Chacon. Source link Orbem News #Birth #Chiles #Control #distributed #Faulty #Government #People #pills #Pregnant
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
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Chapter 40: What the FUCK is Up Kyle?!
My new job as an independent agent is really what I needed in my life. I can do everything I want to focus on with more time now! My relationship improved and less stress in my life! What more could I ask for?
“Oh girkies, you are not gonna like your new assignment” Jin winced as he entered the room with files in his hands “we all got called upon for different things.”
Mimi opens her file and skims the cover page “I’m getting sent to Hiroshima for a WEEK?!” she slams the file closed “what in the actual fuck!”
I open mine and skim “I’m being summoned to Shinjuku for an undisclosed amount of time” I squint to see if I’m reading the mission briefing “for a new conjugation?” I scowl in confusion “like a new agency or what?”
“That confused me too but then look how it’s coded” Jin tapped on the tab on the file “its Blue, it’s a personal invitation, the person summoning knows you personally and asked specifically for you.”
“But I don’t know anybody out there” I’m more confused “and the crime rate there is pretty low, but I guess if they need me” I sigh and close the file “I guess I should help them.” I do some research on the area and recent crime before I went on the meeting day. Nervous as hell, I show up to this un-marked but guarded building.
“State your identity and purpose” sternly spoke one of the guards.
“I’m Agent 19 of the Emperor’s Coup” I present them with my agent license and agent crest “I’m here for a summoning of high sensitivity.”
“Oh my goodness, it’s her!” gasped the other guard “the agent that knows! ahem, um, please come in and head upstairs to meeting room 2-J.”
“Thank you” I walk in as they moved aside for me “take care.” There was nobody where I first walked in so I just quickly made my way up the stairs, steel toe boots clacking on the tile stairs. It was uneasy feeling to be alone in this place, no trace of others occupying the space, just empty office cubicles. I get to the meeting room and the glass wall to look in was boarded off like nobody is supposed to know what or who’s inside. I slip on my anti-prints gloves on and put my left hand on my holster, whatever the hell is behind that door, I wasn’t going to risk it. I knock “Hello? Anybody in there? This is Agent 19 of-” before I could finish my sentence, I heard hollering inside of the room and bust open the door “FREEZE!” I do my power stance and get my gun locked and loaded.
“Please don’t shoot! Put the gun down!” it was a very familiar whiny voice.
I lower my gun and saw a familiar mix of pro heroes “Midoriya?!” I identify the green clad man, I put my gun back in my holster “Oh man, what the fuck is up?!” I took a better look around “Oh shit Tenya, I didn’t know you got summoned too.”
“I was wondering why Midoriya wasn’t telling us who he recruited” he wiped his glasses “he was saying it was somebody we could trust and knows about his secret.”
“Well now that I have everyone here, please take a seat” Midoriya motioned me to sit as everyone else readjusted themselves “there’s somebody after my secret and they know somewhat about it. Lately somebody is getting a little too close to me to know more and I just know it’s the League of Villains.”
“They’re STILL at it?” I blurt “but one of their most powerful left the group about a year ago, how are they functioning?”
“See, we didn’t know that” Mina responded to me “but we suspect it’s one of us.”
“And that’s what makes it hard to know” Midoriya sighed “that’s why I recruited you, over the years of living and working with us, you know more about our habits and routine.”
“So you want me to find the traitor among y’all huh?” I pieced the logic together and he nodded “easy peasy! Why didn’t you say so earlier?!” I whipped out my gun and pointed to Mineta.
“IT’S NOT ME! SWEAR! PLEASE DON’T SHOOT ME!” Mineta literally cried and sobbed like the little bitch he is.
“Dang, I really hoped it was him” I pouted and put my gun away.
“You should’ve made the shot anyways” Jiro sneered.
“Okay, what do you need us to do to determine the traitor?” Midoriya reshifted to the pressing matter.
I scan the room “well, not to be that bitch but we gotta get on lockdown” the room erupts in murmuring “I haven’t seen or talked to some of you guys since my rise to fame. Think of it as a sleepover! Where we go home after I solve a puzzle.”
“So be it! Nobody is to leave this building until she figures it out.”
And so we all just awkwardly hang out in one space. I was more on guard than anyone else there, seeing all these old classmates again got me a little fucked up. I decide to explore the building a bit when something a little strange happens.
“Wait up, where are you going?” Tenya asked me as I wander away from the group “can I come?”
“You can come along” I said as I pointed to the stairwell “I wanted to see more of this building.” As we walk up the stairs, I wonder if this is MY Tenya. I hate to think those things but only one way to find out. “Hey question, what did I cook for breakfast today?”
“You made huevos rancheros with toast because we had too much sliced bread before grocery shopping day” he described with no hesitation.
“Whew okay” I sighed in relief “I was going to go feral if you were the traitor.”
“I know baby” he held my hand as we got to the next floor “I’d never betray my friends or you, plus I have a lead on who it may be.”
“What’s the suspicion?”
“I wasn’t feeling too keen around some of the girls” he lowered his voice “usually they’d ask me about you but today only Mina and Uraraka asked while Momo, Kendo, Tsuyu and Jiro didn’t.”
“That is some odd behavior” I pondered as I walked around the third floor “in that case, lets go back down there, I have a plan.” I teleport us back to the others and checked if that provoked any type of new reaction. Noting unusual yet, the day progressed and it was night time when I came up with a new idea.
“Hey Shoto” I whispered to get his attention “come! I have to ask you something.”
“What is it Ita?” he jogged over to me “why are you hiding behind these boxes?”
“Can I borrow your face?” I asked as he leaned in for me to copy his quirk “Hmm, you’re definitely not the traitor” I take my hand off his face “also, how’s Touya? I haven’t swung by to see how’s the fam.”
“Oh he’s doing great, he asks about you time to time” a smile breaks on his face “he has a crush on you and it’s silly because you’re with Iida-kun now and Touya is just being irrationally jealous.”
“Oh bitch that’s cute” I giggle and stand up from my hiding place “I’m hungies! TENYA!”
“YES?!” he yells from a distance.
“NEED MEAT! AND NOODLES AND KISSIES!” I look around at the others to see their reactions to our baby talk.
“Ugh that’s cringe” Kaminari said disgusted “I’d never get pussy whipped like that! My girl does things for herself.”
Jiro stabs Kaminari with her jacks “Stupid he’s not pussy whipped! It’s called loving your partner and communicating” she huffed “you never want to do couple things with me like that!”
From the sounds and looks of their argument, I’d say Jiro and Kaminari aren’t the traitors. I turn to Kendo, I haven’t seen her since graduation and I really want to know what’s going on in her life.
“Yo Kendo, haven’t talked to you in a hot minute” I opened up casually.
“Yeah! Since graduation but I’ve been doing well” she smiled “heard about you and Iida finally dating. I’ve been going strong with Tetsutetsu, 3 years now.”
“Oh wow I didn’t know you two were dating, we should go on a double date sometime!” I really missed out on a lot, last I heard, Yuka and Tetsu were still together “it’s so weird how time has flown by and you just forget to keep in touch.”
“Yea, I was shocked to find out about Shinso breaking up with you” she put her hand on my shoulder “I was really rooting for you two to get married and such but he just ran off like that. But now that he’s back in Chiyoda, I’m sure we’ll all get reunited as some point.”
“Wait, he’s in Chiyoda?”
“Yea, he moved in a few months back with Monoma” she pulled up a picture on her phone “see, Tetsu and I went to see him when he moved in.”
I looked at the picture, it was all four of them in the living room just hanging out. Shinso looked different, it was just strange to me that he lived with me and I’ve been trying to chase him down for years for closure. “What a cozy home, I heard about the suburbs there being a really nice place for peaceful living.” I said to prevent myself from breaking down. So Kendo wasn’t the traitor either, it now comes down to Momo, Tsuyu, Kirishima, Ojiro and Tokoyami. I later determine that Momo, Kirishima and Tokoyami aren’t the traitor because they used their quirks and interacted with me like they usually do. It’s 2am and it’s down to Oijiro and Tsuyu.
“Are you doing alright love?” Tenya softly asked as I was floating around “can’t think?”
“It’s so hard to determine between the two” I sigh “I can’t think of another method! Too hungry to think straight” I loosed my uniform collar “and stuffy, wheres the thermostat?”
“I believe Kirishima found it in that weirdly spacious break room on this floor”
“Thanks, I’m going to clear my head” I floated down to walk “I’ll be back in a few.” I make my way to the break room and to my surprise Tsuyu was already there boiling water “Oh hey, couldn’t sleep?”
“Nope, I miss my bed.” she spoke tiredly.
Something wasn’t quite right on how she was speaking to me “Same here, but hows the fam?” I start to make casual conversation to not raise suspicion “I remember you saying that little bro wanted to follow in your footsteps.”
“Oh yea it’s almost time for him to make the decision” she poured the hot water into a cup “they grow up so fast.”
As she was talking, I locate the thermostat and start to drop the temperature “They sure do! Say, we haven’t spent quality time in a long time” I stop the thermostat at 49 degrees “we should organize a reunion cook out! Have yall together like this oddly makes me miss yall!”
“Oh that sounds lovely!” she smiled “I missed having you around too!”
Tenya walks in the room shivering “Hey is the thermostat broken? It’s too cold.”
I felt the chill of the temperature drop and saw that Tsuyu wasn’t even flinching... that’s not very frog-like of her.
“Will you get me my visor from the meeting room dear?” I politely asked Tenya “I’m going to try to fix it.” I wait for him to walk out the room to slam the door closed and get locked and loaded “THE GIG IS UP IMPOSTER!”
“What are you talking about 19! It’s me!” she was frightened.
“Say my name then” I cock my gun “my real name.”
The sweat pours from her face and her eyes read ‘I’m in danger!’ “Um...Ai-” I didn’t let them finish and I just shot them in the leg. Instantly, their body melted into grey sludge. Everyone ran to the room in high alert.
“What happened? Who was it?!” cried out Midoriya.
“It was a Tsuyu clone” I put all the pieces together “I noticed her speech was different, no ‘kero’ at the end of her sentences. Plus when I dropped the temp to almost freezing, she didn’t get into hibernation mode.” I came to a terrifying realization “where’s the real Froppy?”
The others gasped and franticly tried to reach out to her and the agency she works at to know her whereabouts. It didn’t take long to find out she was safe at home and didn’t know that she was summoned to this meeting. The tempering of this information started at work, to my surprise, it was the work of the League of Villains. If I didn’t already rescue Touya, I would’ve thrown hands instantly! But I have to keep things undercover until I catch the mimic villain or I’ll be a victim of their game.
-3 weeks later-
“Thank you again for inputing a system in our agency” thanked Midoriya as I was installing said system “I knew I could depend on you!”
“No need for all that, I’m just doing what I do best” I press the activate button and start inputing some code “aaaand it’s loaded up and ready to serve! With this new boost to your already existing security system” I pat the device on the wall “this baby will keep the imposters and villains away.”
“That’s incredible!” awed Midoriya “I never thought you’d be a security tech mogul that’d save my livelihood.”
“Shut up, you’re still a broccoli ass twink!” I punched his arm playfully “don’t forget who protected you and Bakugo’s ass back in the day!”
“I suppose it’s all the same” he laughed “let me treat you to lunch! Ochako and I want to say our thanks.”
“Sure, I didn’t have lunch plans anyways” I shrugged as we headed up stairs to the main floor of the agency.
“Great! Let me get my bag” he jogged to the locker room “I’ll be right back!”
I stand there and check my phone for any updates from work. Today was my day off from CEO work but lately the company has been swamped with custom orders and consultations since we added rabbits and reptiles to our companion line. I’m just waiting to get called in by Beizu or Jin to help them out with coat production or new consultations.
“Oh my goodness! If it isn’t Miss CEO herself!” said a very familiar voice.
I look around and don’t see anybody looking my way or trying to get my attention “Who the hell said that?”
“On your left”
I look to my left and there was a face on the wall “oh...it’s you” I said flatly and uninterested “Hello Mirio.”
“Aww you don’t sound excited to see me!” he completely phased out of the wall.
“I’m never excited to see you, I’m not a teenager” I didn’t have to look down to know he was naked “and please for love of SIR NIGHTEYE put on some pants!”
“I heard my name” sternly spoke Nighteye himself “Togata please put on some pants, you’re embarrassing me in front of our esteemed partner here.”
“Yes Sir!” Mirio phased away, almost comical like.
“He was much more bearable without the quirk” he rubbed his temples “at least I didn’t have to get my eyes harassed by nudity in the workplace!” the man sighed as he fixed his glasses “Miss Palma, I thank you for your services, they mean a lot to me. My visions have changed now that you’ve installed that security boost.”
“Didn’t you foresee me installing it?” I questioned his statement, I didn’t believe my choice made that much of a change.
“I didn’t, I think you’re an anomaly to this timeline” he smiled “that’s a good thing, you’ve altered the fates of everyone and everything you come across with, including your own.”
“I have?”
“Yes, thanks to you, a second war between villains and heroes has been replaced by a time of peace” I see the glow of his quirk “and see myself aging gracefully into old age instead of dying before I get a chance to retire.”
“If you say so” I smiled “then I guess it’s what I do best.”
Midoriya jogged back “Sir! Palma-san and I were going to lunch with Ochako” he stopped in front of us “was there something you needed?”
“Oh no, I was just talking” he turned to go back to his office “have a good lunch, tell your wife I said hello.”
We head to lunch and Ochako dropped the biggest news on me.
“You’re pregnant?!” I nearly choked on my water “Oh my god congrats you two! When are you due?”
“In May! I’m so excited to be a mom!” she gushed “but it looks like you have some news to tell us too!”
“I...don’t?” I said confused as they leaned in and looked at my hands.
“You have a ring on, are you and Iida-kun getting married?!” Midoriya had a big dumb smile on his face “how did he propose?!”
“Oh I bet he made it extra perfect with flowers and candles-” Ochako was getting into the fantasy before I interrupted her.
“He hasn’t popped the question yet, I told him to take his time with asking me” I pointed to my ring “this is my official Emperor’s Coup Agent ring. Engagement rings go on the left hand, this is on my right hand.”
“But Palma-san, why aren’t you married yet?” Ochako asked my curiously “you and Shinso were so close that everyone thought you’d get married first. But now that you’re with Iida-kun and seem to have a better dynamic, why take your time for marriage?”
“Well, I learned that nothing good comes out of impatience. I love Tenya with all of my heart, body and soul BUT I want him to feel like he doesn’t have to trap me with marriage right away” I wipe my mouth of the water I choked on earlier “he’s learning how to love me and be a better partner everyday, with all the effort he puts in to make me feel loved, I’m not worried about marriage or kids. Our time will come.”
“I didn’t think of it like that” Midoriya thought about what I said “you must really love him to have him take his time.”
The subject was dropped for the rest of lunch and we parted ways. I got home to wait for Tenya to get out of work but I slipped into deep thought. I’m 23, with 24 fast approaching, all my old classmates are getting married or having kids at this point...my biological clock is ticking and I don’t know if I can carry a baby past my prime. Maybe I should stop my birth control? What a shitty way to make me feel like I’m wasting my prime years on making robotic animals and crunching crime statistics! I try to make myself not fall further into this hole by playing my cheer up playlist but then I fell down the Joji hole and got emo.
“I’m home” Tenya said as he entered the house “I don’t like the sound of that music, that’s some sad hours music” he checked the time “it’s almost 7! Sad hours isn’t for another 5 hours!” he opened the office door to see me slow whip to Fried Noodles (Getter Remix)  in my Ingenium hoodie and fuzzy socks “this... is a mood that I don’t understand” he rubbed his chin “what happened?”
“I’m just tryna vibe again” I slow dabbed “the Midoriyas got me fucked up on their vibe, I’ve been a bad mood since I got home but I’ll get over it” I sigh “I didn’t cook a whole lot, I diced some fish and tossed it in some sauces to make poke and there’s rice.”
“Oh alright, I’m here if you want to talk about it some more” he coaxed her to open up more “come eat with me.”
“I already ate, I was trying to get a hold of one of my friends right now” I floated back to my computer desk “it might take a while, so just eat and I’ll come to bed soon.”
“You ate already?” he was a little taken back from this sudden change “well, don’t come to bed too late.” He closed the door behind him to eat dinner, by himself. Tenya didn’t read too much into her dismissive behavior as she teleported to her side of the bed at bedtime. 
-The next day, at work-
“Thanks for the extra hand Iida-kun!” Sero thanked Tenya for helping him at a moment’s notice “I really needed help with crowd control today! Who knew the shopping district was going to be this wild today?!”
“It’s no problem! I’m happy to help” Tenya chirps as he takes off his helmet in the safety of the agency building “it’s been a while since I’ve seen you and the others here!”
“Oh shucks Iida-kun, with a girl like Palma-san, I’d be too busy to spend time with the boys too” he nudged “how are you and Palma-san? Anything exciting?!”
“Nothing exciting lately, she’s just really busy but it’s all good” Tenya recalled last night “just last night she was doing work even though it was her day off! So busy that she didn’t cook and ate before I got home for dinner.”
Sero’s smile disappeared “Wait, did she just make rice and made a quick cold dish and told you to serve yourself?”
“Yes actually! She made poke.”
“Oh man F in the chat fellas” Sero pray squatted and Tetsutetsu, Kaminari and Sato followed suite.
“What are you-”
“Iida-kun what did you do to that poor girl?” asked Sato “she never gets upset.”
“I didn’t do anything, she said the Midoriya’s ruined her vibe” he recalled “she said she’ll get over it and it wasn’t a big deal.”
“Naw my man” Tetsutetsu put his arm around Tenya “when your girl does things without you and puts the least amount of effort on dinner, she’s mad at you.”
“She didn’t look-”
“Next thing you know, she’ll be going out with her friends again and stop cooking for you altogether” Sero puts his hand on Tenya’s shoulder “she’s mad because she caught baby fever! Ochako’s preggo and all the girls they know are catching it.”
“I don’t think she wants to have a baby right now” he chopped “we aren’t even married.”
“Even worse! Dude you gotta propose soon or she’s going to leave you” Kaminari warned “do you at least spice it up in the bedroom?”
“We have fun in bed” he turns red in embarrassment “that’s none of your business!”
Sero shakes his head “Oh boy, what did we keep telling you in high school?! DON’T WAIT OR YOU’LL LOSE HER TO SOMEONE ELSE!”
“Thank you for your concerns but we’re fine” he politely said even though he wants to yell “we don’t need any meddling in our relationship, when the time is right, I’ll ask for her hand.”
“If you say so Iida-kun” Sero pat his head “she’s unpredictable.”
This bothered Tenya all day, in his mind he knows it’s illogical for her to run off because of her line of work and in his heart he’s confident that she’ll be loyal and voice her burdens. 
“I’m home” he called out as routine.
“I’m in the room!” called out Ita.
He walks up to the room and saw her get ready for a night out “What all this for?” she turned around and he saw that she was wearing the boob window dress “that’s a new dress.”
“I’m going out remember?” I put on my earrings “it’s Mimi’s birthday and we’re going to Daggers.”
“Oh that’s right!” he forgot that she told him 2 weeks ago “you look really tempting in that dress” he put his hand on her shoulder “are you sure we can’t have a little bit of fun before you go?”
“Babe please, the limo is going to be here any minute to come for me” I block his attempt at a quicky “maybe when I get home” I kiss his cheek “I made beef stew, help yourself” I get a text and saw that it was Jin asking me to teleport to Mimi’s place “oof gotta go! I’ll be back before sun up, love you.”
She teleported away before he had a chance to say it back. As he ate dinner alone, he wondered if what the others were right and he should just ask her despite what she said. The days and weeks pass and she’s getting held up at work some nights and there’s no dinner ready or there’s a cold-dish and rice dinner for him on nights she was on-call. Tenya was scared, it’s December and everything that the boys warned him about happened except for her leaving him.
“You have one request from Mama to video-call, would you like to answer?” yipped Muffin 2.0.
“Yes please, pull it up on the office computer” I get up from the couch “I gotta take this, it’s important.”
“Is there something wrong?” asked Tenya as he paused the movie they were watching “don’t you want to answer it on the widescreen?”
“Not this time, I’ll explain later” I dash to the stairs “keep watching without me, it’s cool and I might take a while.”
Tenya sat in silence, staring at the paused screen. It’s her day off and the first one in a while where she wasn’t occupied with something and actually spent time with him. To be fair it was a half day for him but still. They’ve gotten into arguments on her scheduling and sleeping habits, but only because he brought them up to understand why they haven’t spent any time together. He feels like she’s bending his way and isn’t happy. After nearly an hour, she pops back down stairs.
“How was it?”
“Hm? Oh it looks like my family is going to be alright” I was confused for a bit “my brother got injured and they couldn’t afford treatment for a while, I sent them money a few weeks ago to cover everything and my brother is going to be alright.”
“Oh that’s good to hear” he was washed over with relief “also, it’s dinner time, come help me cook.”
I check the time “Cook? Well I guess, it’s already 7″ I sigh with a little lazy groan “let me get my phone real quick.”
At that moment, Tenya was struck with realization, he forced routine onto her! She’s not having fun because of the lack of chaos, she THRIVES in chaos and disorder! He has to think quick!
“Actually, gets go out to eat”
“Go out? But I’m not in the mood for a sit-down restaurant” I whined “I wanna stay in my fuzzy pants and hoodie.”
“That’s fine” he smirked “lets go to McDonalds.”
“Deadass?!” I yelled as I could not believe he suggested it “well lets hop in my car and-”
“No babe, I’M driving” he grabbed his keys before she could argue “I know you love the seat warmers on high.”
“Oh si? alrighty then” I jump onto his back “lets go! I’m hungies.”
We get to the drive through and Tenya realizes that the last time he had McDonalds was in High school only because Ochako and Midoriya were broke and didn’t want him to pay for their food.
“What’s good at McDonalds?” he asked her “do they still have those little cheese burgers?”
“Tenya, did your parents not love you enough to take you to McDonalds past the age of 5?” I question as I know it’s common knowledge what’s good at McDonalds because of all the advertisements on tv and in public “personally, the triple cheeseburgers and sweet tea are my go to’s but anything on the deluxe menu is the good stuff.”
“Can you order for me?” he asked shyly, like a child asking their mother for help “I trust your food judgment and I don’t know what to get.”
When it was our turn to order, I ordered all of my favorites like the McMuffins, Triple cheeseburgers, nuggets, a cone, McDonald’s Sprite and Sweet Tea. I got recognized only because I frequent that McDonalds.
“Okay we should go home and-” I say as I set the food on my side of the car with a cone floating in my face.
“Lets go eat at the peer-over” Tenya interrupted her “I don’t want to go home to eat.”
I was in shock “Excuse me Mr. Don’t Eat In My Car! but did you just suggest we eat in YOUR car?” I watch him nod and flip his turn signal the opposite way from home “well if you say so.” We park at the peer-over and we’re the only car there. To be fair it was too cold to go on the walking trail that connects to the peer over and it was dark. We start eating and Tenya gets his first taste of that McDonald’s Sprite.
“Oh that’s why the boys get large cups of this” he shivers a bit “it tastes like electricity.”
“RIGHT?! It will baffle me on why it tastes better than canned or anyone else’s Sprite!” I laugh as I see him another sip and shiver again “what impulsed you to do this?” I poked his forehead “what’s going on in here?”
“I just felt the need to try something new” he didn’t want to admit the truth “and I thought you might want to go out because it’s been a while since we went on a date.”
“Hm...” I didn’t believe him and squinted at him “fine, keep your secrets” I eat my triple cheeseburger “but it has been a while since we’ve gone on a date, routine got me fucked up.”
That made Tenya’s jazz music stop in his head, she just confirmed his fear. What is he going to do?! What can he do to make the situation better or change? “Yeah! Isn’t it nice to just get away from home for a bit?”
“Yeah, it’s nice” I pulled the seat recliner all the way down so I could lay down and eat “I needed this, I love you.”
He reclined back too to see her better, the most he looks at her, the more he feels at ease. It’s a full moon tonight and the moonlight peers through the sunroof and illuminates her. In his mind, this was a sign from the universe and who was he to ignore the universe?
“I could get used to this sight” he sighed lovingly at her messy eating, a fry in her hair, licking the sauce from her fingers “from now, into forever.”
“Heh was that a proposal?” I joked at what he said because it sounded overly romantic for what’s actually going on.
He grabbed her hand and held it with both of his hands “Yes actually” he cleared his throat “I want to spend the rest of my life in your world, your the disorder that balances my routine, the spice in my food and the moonlight when the daylight leaves. Will you marry me?”
I couldn’t believe what was going on that I almost dropped my nugget “Oh Tenya, of course I’ll marry you!” I laughed and almost started crying “how the hell did I end up getting off guard like that! You sneaky little boy!”
“I can’t believe you said yes! To be honest I didn’t set out with the intention of proposing” he laughed with me “but the universe was swaying me to ask you at this moment” he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles “No ring or anything, just my aching heart and soul.”
“I don’t care if you gave me the biggest pearl in the ocean or the rarest rock in the galaxy” I squeezed his hand “I don’t need a ring to prove that you love me, money can’t buy what we have.”
They spent the rest of the evening scheming how they were going to tell their family and friends. It was exciting to see how this new chapter in their lives was going to unfold, in more ways than one.
To be continued...
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wyre-interactive · 7 years
Devlog - August 2017
I just can’t do one of these on time can I?
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Note: Another change in the way GIFs/GFYs are handled, but this should be the last one. You should be able to now get a high quality .gif version as a preview, but it’s still recommended that you view the GFYCAT version linked under each gif for higher quality playback.
So as you might expect from us being a small indie team struggling to actually release a game, we’ve done a bit more work on the game we didn’t originally intend on doing much work on. A vast majority of the work we’ve done is on our still yet-to-be-named asymmetric FPS. For now we’ll just call it Asymmetry to make things easier. Also that’s always been the code name of the project from the start.
Where do I even begin with what we’ve done with this game. How about I begin with where I began? With gameplay elements slowly expanding in what I needed to test, it was only obligatory that I made a map for the game. Now keep in mind that while this is definitely a concept for a map, it’s not final at all. Also some of the lighting hasn’t been properly built yet, so ignore the weird dark lines that you might see over some things. The map has been slightly altered as the month has gone on, so sorry if there’s not a huge amount of continuity in that regard.
The map is based in a warehouse, slightly inspired by that one Half-Life Deathmatch map with all the crates.
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Here’s the shipping container model I needed to make for the map.
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Overhead view. The overhead is shown whilst shit is loading in/inbetween rounds.
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Also, as networking became more complex, it became obvious that I needed a menu to make everything work. I want to make sure it’s not like some games where you start a server and there’s a dice roll whether it’ll actually work or not, and I want to use a server browser as the main method of finding a server, but at the same time, I don’t want switching from a matchmaking system to a server browser too daunting.
I have a concept for the background which I’ll leave until later because it’s not super important, but for now, this is what it looks like;
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Yes, we have a donation button in the top right at the moment, I’ll get to that in a bit.
Here’s the server browser system (this is a slightly earlier version but it conveys the concept).
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And yes, it goes up to 100 players. I’m not going to make it as encouraged in the final version, as I think 100 players is just going to be stupidly tedious. I’m probably going to have five different match sizes; 6 (tiny), 12 (small), 24 (normal), 32 (large), and 64 (massive), then I’ll have a custom option.
Now, let’s talk buisness model.
At the early release, I’m thinking of making it pay what you want on Game Jolt, with the recommended price being $3, just to cover the server costs (the Patreon should help too, good thing is the more popular it gets, the more people will pay, the more money can go into server costs). Then by full launch, probably on Steam, I’ll make it somwhere between $10-$20, depending on the amount of content by that point. And you might be thinking, “it’s a multiplayer game made in the last 10 years, what about all the cosmetics and shit?”. Well, whether you like it or not, you’re right, that’s probably a necessity. My theory is that people just won’t be able to stay invested in the game without that sort of aspect being involved. Also, with a small number of weapons it’ll become boring, so I’d like it if it got changed up a little. Here’s all you need to know on weapons and skins in the final game:
Firstly, all regular, unskinned weapons will be free and drop normally, and it will be impossible to obtain normal weapons in any other way.
Drop rates will be predictable. Probably something like one match a day.
You won’t be able to get a drop of a weapon you already have.
There will be seasonal weapons and weapons added every now and then, and these will just get added to the drop pool. The idea is that if you’ve played a lot and already have every weapon, you can just play for a few hours and get all the new ones without wasting time.
New players will automatically get an amount of randomly chosen weapons after their first match, the amount depending on how many weapons we have in the game and what feels balanced.
The only 100% confirmed cosmetic idea I have is weapon skins.
I’m also thinking about some other concepts, like “super skins” which would change the entire model, and animation packs to make the animations fit a style you like.
To begin with, we’ll sell the skins at a set price (probably under 60 cents each, because seriously any more than that and it’s getting ridiculous in my opinion).
Eventually, we may open the floodgates for people to sell their skins, etc. on the community market.
Fuck loot crates. I mean who wants to get a theoretical box for you to spend $2.49 on just to maybe get something you might want but probably something shit.
You can ask any questions through any of our contacts, or suggest shit in the same way.
Now, other than that thing, I have been doing/thing about some other things (what was that sentence?)
New reload animations, because they’re always fun;
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I also did some work on dual pistols, but it was scrapped because it looked and worked like shit.
Here’s what all the reload animations look like ingame;
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Yeah I’ll improve the hud shut up.
Now, I also now know what the base weapons will be in the final product.
On the attackers (the side with lots of people), you’ll have the following;
Pistol (what you’ve seen so far)
Assault Rifle
On the solo side, you’ll have these things;
Dual pistols (twice the ammo + fire rate of the regular pistol)
Double barelled shotgun
SMG (fires twice as fast as the Assault Rifle)
I’ve been thinking of having melee weapons eventually as well. Anyway, these will be in a simple groups. Namely;
Heavy shotguns
Automatic weapons
These are placeholder names, they’ll probably be better by the time the game’s out. You’ll be able to equip one weapon per group before a match, then you’ll be able to choose what weapon you want each round in a match.
Oh yeah and hit detection works now mostly, but we’ll have two modes to choose from. The easilly-hacked-but-low-latency client side networking, or the difficult-to-hack-but-higher-latency server side networking. With two options, you can play with low latency if you’e playing a match with your friends, but you won’t have to worry about hacking when you’re playing with randoms. Now, for the record, we will try and implement some basic anti cheat on client side mode, like the server will pick up if the player is moving too far in a few seconds than what should be possible, and it’ll check ammo usage, etc, but there’s only so much you can do.
Anyway, moving on from that;
Side quests
Behold! The new section for updates on things that aren’t games, like the website, which just recently got a design update that you can see here! We also fixed some issues with Shift’s site here, so now it uses YouTube to host the video. Now while you’re on the newly updated site, you’ll notice some new buttons. That is all.
I also did some conceptual stuff for the story and mechanics of Overwritten and Reformatted, but that’s not the sort of thing I want to release.
Game Spotlights
Now, because I sometimes want to show off “AAA” games, I’ve renamed this to Game Spotlight(s). I still want to try to always have an indie game. Now, keep in mind indie means indie, not hidden gem. I can’t find a hidden gem every month.
First, an indie FPS by Pixel Titans published by Devolver earlier this year:
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This game got slightly mixed reviews at launch, but I think it’s pretty great if you get it. Just leave a GB of space for this little game to play when you’ve got to pass a period of time too long for you to spend playing some casual game or browsing Reddit, but not long enough to spend playing a game for an hour or so. Actually that’s a terrible idea because you can’t save it although if you could it would be perfect for those times.
Next, and I’m not sure if this classifies as a AAA game or an indie game, but fucking hell I haven’t stopped playing it for months. Like months and months.
Killing Floor 2
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A bit of an older one but fuck it I didn’t say I was going to provide new games monthly did I? I played a bit of this when it was early in early access (so early) and it wasn’t great. It had balance issues, didn’t have enough perks, was too far from the original, some perks didn’t have very streamlined upgrades (in fact Demolitions still doesn’t really). But now, it’s pretty brilliant. It doesn’t have the unmatched teamplay or combos from the original, but of all the wave based zombie-like-thing shooters on the market at the moment that aren’t dead, this is the best. Yes, better than L4D2. I reckon L4D2 isn’t all that great to be honest but hey.
[Also, not sponsored, but it’s on Humble Monthly this month for $12 along with 5 other unknown games if that suits your fancy]
Also, shout out to the minimalist Chrome theme which I made a while ago, but I never really said much about. I was sick of using darkish themes, so I made my own. Some call it stubborn, I call it Dark.Green. Get it here.
Anyway, that’s it for this month. See you next month, probably late.
Meanwhile I’ll keep playing Killing Floor 2 and stuff. cough cough probably spending money on the Bethesda sale on at the moment cough cough.
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humanscandrivestick · 8 years
E.Q.--Us & Them
The boys’ first dance easy bust.
Arpeggio clocked in with Felipe at 9 am on the dot, which was a vast improvement over the last couple months.  Any behavior, Arpeggio told him as he brewed a pot of Blue Mountain coffee one morning, can be modified and will stick if repeated for nearly a month.  So, he reasoned, let's begin modifying a proper waking schedule.  Sullenly, Felipe resisted at first but the incessant "Henry the 8th" on the loudest and most obnoxious setting of Arpeggio's Cezio, certainly was impetus to get his ass out of bed.   It only took a few weeks for him to actually start waking earlier.  As coffee was the only thing Arpeggio knew how to make without burning it, Felipe began to make breakfast too.  He couldn't understand how someone could be living on his own and not know how to cook.   That morning, after a rather sumptuous (at least by bachelor standards) breakfast of fluffy scrambled eggs, bacon, coffee and canned croissant rolls, they sat at their desks and began work.  Lately, Arpeggio had been instructing Felipe on how to research and pinpoint locations of dance easies and the usual protocols for running a bust.  Most of the training for it was met with indifference and mild irritation on Felipe's behalf, and his partner wasn't sure he was at all retaining any of it.   An email rolled in around 3 pm that afternoon, and Arpeggio noticed it was from Emi, their Manager-Handler.  Using their computer's linked network, he opened it on both their monitors and Felipe cocked his head curiously.   "Wuzzis?" "Emi has orders for us to conduct a bust tonight," he said, opening the relevant information embedded in the document. "How fun," he mumbled, idly messing with his touch-mouse.   "Are we clear on the protocols for this?" "Sure." "Felipe," he said, sharply. "Dude, I said yes.  I know what to flippin' do." Unconvinced, Arpeggio started checking the locations and sent Felipe some information.  "I think we should go over which samples we're allowed to use in this situation." "Whatever."  The fight was absent today, so he took advantage of it by dragging him to a practice room. They clocked into a second timeclock for raids and busts that normally occur at night.  Trancers deployed after normal hours usually got a separate paycheck, but as it was Trancer 42's first easy bust, there was a bonus attached should the finish without a riot scratch, and in a timely manner.  Thinking it would raise his spirits, Arpeggio told his partner, though he technically wasn't supposed to until after they were paid. "I never thought I'd be getting paid to be a killjoy," Felipe retorted sullenly.   The TC sighed.  "Well, that figures."  They were on their way to an escort vehicle, since Arpeggio didn't have a license and Felipe wasn't allowed to drive in any case until his probation was over.  A pair of MC guards drove them to a checkpoint nearby the location.  It would be an hour before it would begin running.  Again, after they were dropped off with all their equipment--a pair of tablets equipped with their sanctioned sample packs, a direct line to Rockers and other police squads made for picking up offenders, and programs for taking control of speakers as well as administering the Control Frequency if things got hairy--Arpeggio went over their plan of attack. Finally, Felipe broke his semi-silence.  "I really don't wanna do this." Automatically, Arpeggio replied, "This isn't about you." "Look...people who go to these are just looking for a good time." "Illegally."  It was pointed and cold, but he just wanted to get on with it. "And we all saw how the War on Drugs worked out." "Focus, Felipe." "This is bullshit." Arpeggio turned his hard, cold sapphire eyes onto him, glaring intently, and Felipe only returned the intensity.   "I don't care.  You're in the Corps now, and you will do as you are told.  Am I clear?" "And if I decide to scratch it?" There was a pregnant silence as Arpeggio glared hard at him.  Suddenly, he grasped Felipe by the tie and collar of his button down shirt.  A flash of surprise sparked in his black eyes but Felipe stood his ground. With a low growl, Arpeggio said, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." There was a small, low vibration they both could barely perceive, coming from the basement level of the building they were next to.  It didn't relieve the tension, but Arpeggio released his partner and turned to their tablets, handing one to Felipe, whom took it with a terse tug. A quick check from Arpeggio's tablet showed a single machine, most likely a wireless deck, and 5 different speakers in different corners of the room, and one set next to the deck.  Building plans showed 2 exits.  That was going to be tricky.  He looked up from his pad and saw Felipe already sliding into an open ground level window.  Before he could stop him, he slithered in and disappeared from view. "Felipe!!" he hissed as he dropped to his hands and knees to look.  The room was dark, but he could hear the sounds of the music from the easy, and while it wasn't hard Acid or hard Rock/Metal, the electronic nature of it would make this easy to deal with.   He hesitated, then slid into the window and quickly landed on a stack of empty pallets.  He didn't see his partner in the backroom, and cursed quietly to himself.  He quickly made his way out to a hallway and followed the sound of the music, beginning to hack the speakers in the main room.  He found Felipe outside a door, leaning against the wall.  His eyes were half closed, and his face had a quiet, almost despondent look. "Felipe." He was quiet, until he spoke, slowly and barely audible above the muted dance easy music.  "They just want to have a good time....they're not hurting anyone...." Arpeggio was silent, and in the dark, his pale skin had an etherial look to it.  He looked like a spirit. "I understand how you feel...." he started. "Do you?" Felipe snapped sharply. "Maybe you think I don't, but even if they're not, this isn't legal.  And if something went wrong, people would get hurt.  Its best to stop it before things get too far." "You don't know that for sure." "Felipe, please."  Though his tone was still sharp, it had a beseeching quality.  "Regardless of your feelings, you are a member of the Music Corps, and you are a Trancer.  This is your job.  This is your life." "NO, this is YOUR life, Arpeggio.  I never asked to do this, I never was asked to.  This is forced on me." Arpeggio fell silent again.   Felipe had a look of helpless anger on his face.  His hands shook. "Then go outside.  I'll handle it on my own."  He took Felipe's tablet, and opened his music program, waiting for a measure to pass then began to override the music.  It began slowly, then started to dictate his own pace.   Felipe watched him, his eyes glaring, before he reached and snatched his pad back, but Arpeggio was busy keeping pace and couldn't retaliate.  They could hear some voices of concern from the otherside of the door, and Felipe cautiously opened it to look, despite Arpeggio whispering at him to not. The dance easy wasn't very large, merely 20 people including the DJ, and a few people were beginning to fall under Arpeggio's rhythm, but others were actively looking around, becoming agitated.  Felipe looked at his partner. "You're not doing it right," he hissed. "I haven't started yet," replied Arpeggio calmly, as he shifted samples and increased his influence. Felipe slipped into the room as the DJ abandoned his kit to search the room with a posse of his gang.  Arpeggio cursed under his breath and followed him, barely snagging his arm. "What are you doing??" "We're gonna scratch unless you follow my lead," he snapped as he made his way to the deck, but the Dj turned and caught sight of him. "The hell are you?!" he hollered over the music and the TC made an executive decision to set an 8 measure sample to go auto then grabbed his partner and head to the deck.  The change in the room went from mild confusion to full on confusion. Felipe took a look at the deck, and thinking of the music he heard before Arpeggio arrived, quickly found what he needed and began to play off of it.  One handed, he started the building blocks of the song as the other hand synced his tablet to it.  Arpeggio synced his but as the Dj and his gang started to approach them, he abandoned the music and drew his gun. "This is NOT how we are supposed to do this," he growled at Felipe, but in no time flat, he was able to build a fuller song from the previous music as well as the samples they were equipped with, the mix escalating slightly to pull the crowd in thrall.   "Just keep the DJ back and let me handle it," he said, his voice oddly calm. Arpeggio turned his attention to the DJ.  "I'll shoot if you come any farther.  Trancer 42." "Fucking Corps," he snapped back and kept stalking towards him. Felipe found a hard deep bass sample, and fired it off as the DJ came within the cone of sound of the speakers by the deck.  It nearly took him off his feet and flattened the few dancers nearby.  He dropped the decibels slightly, and played a clever pattern that was both disorientating as well as rhythmic.  He adjusted the volume as he went along, nodding at Arpeggio. "Hey." Without being told, Arpeggio holstered the gun and joined him at the deck, using the tablets.  The song they began to weave wasn't anything like they'd rehearsed hours ago.  Active but not riot inducing.  Calming but rhythmic, it pulled everyone in, though some of the gang fought to rebel.  The crowd had a considerable amount of Loss already instilled, and Trancer 42 merely expanded on it.  In a few minutes, during which Arpeggio was able to send an alert for a pick up, the crowd was completely pacified, and as the police entered to arrest them, Arpeggio wound the sound down carefully so as not to distract the raid but also so as not to cause the crowd to react. The easy quickly pacified as well as ended, both young teens disconnected from the speakers and logged into the Corps system for a quick debriefing. Felipe was leaning against one of the escort cars, tapping his foot idly.  When Arpeggio finished with the last of the cops, he approached him. "What was that?"  His voice was hard, with equal parts of hostility and disappointment. "That was a bust."  He glanced at him with a defiant look. "You didn't follow any of the trained protocol."  His voice was nearly a growl. "I didn't need that shit.  I know how to keep a crowd from rioting." "You put yourself into a dangerous situation and nearly--" "Blah blah blah compromised the operation," interrupted Felipe.  "Look, Arpeggio.  Just cuz the Corps got their rules and regulations and shit, don't mean they always know best.  And sometimes you gotta think out of the box." Arpeggio merely glared at him.  "I'll be making a note of your actions tonight." "Whatever."  The driver unlocked their car, and he yanked open the door and slid into the back.  He was sliding a cigarette between his lips and lit up as Arpeggio slid into the passenger front seat.  His irritation and anger only made them all lapse into a hard silence that lasted until they had gone home. Arpeggio finished writing his report and sent it in before turning in for bed. Felipe stayed up longer, staring at his ceiling, trying to cope with this horribly sick feeling in his chest.  Disgust over his actions that night, anger at Arpeggio's inability to see what he saw. Most of all, helplessness.  That this was going to be his life from this point on. He hated it.
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cdrforea · 4 years
Ezviz ez360 Pano Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera Review
New Post has been published on https://bestedevices.com/ezviz-ez360-pano-panoramic-wi-fi-camera-review.html
Ezviz ez360 Pano Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera Review
"Fans of home security will love the panoramic views and surveillance features of the ez360, but it is not an essential choice for mainstream households."
Nice looking camera
Extremely wide field of vision
Local recording on microSD card
Variety of monitoring modes
Integrated siren
Requires wall or ceiling mount
Metal case bezel runs hot
Poor quality audio
Limited documentation
With today's smart camera market, manufacturers are constantly looking for new angles to differentiate their goods. In some cases quite literally. The $ 180 Ezviz ez360 Pano is equipped with a dynamic fish-eye lens that enables a 360-degree view of a room. While it sounds like witchcraft, it's a trick we saw earlier in the innovative, but ultimately disappointing Guardzilla 360.
Where this desk-mounted device has been disappointed by smeared low-resolution video, the ez360 supports wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted positions. A 3 MP sensor (2048 x 1536) and a number of video surveillance modes promise slightly better results. As you'd expect from a modern smart cam, motion detection warnings, bidirectional audio and light integration with Amazon Alexa and Google Home add substance to an innovative headline offering.
A huge eyeball
The metal clad body of the ez360 resembles a giant eyeball of a robot and is both attractive and sturdy, although the thin plastic screw mount provided with the device is far less impressive. In operation, however, we noticed that the metal housing was hot. Therefore, think carefully about the installation locations. There is no desktop stand included as the camera is really meant for wall or ceiling positions. In fact, the camera's panoramic features are only effective when the device is mounted on the ceiling, which is more restrictive than Guardzilla 360.
Fortunately, Ezviz includes a long micro USB power cable that should reach high mounting points. However, for a clean installation, you still have to spend time drilling and hiding cables. While devices such as Netgear Arlo Pro 2 or the Swann Smart Camera may not offer the panoramic view of the ez360, magnetic brackets and battery power make installation easier and clearer.
Terry Walsh / Digital Trends
With support for dual-band Wi-Fi networks, ez360 can stream live video to a smartphone, record to a microSD card (up to 128 GB), or to the cloud if you choose Ezviz's inevitable subscription service ( seven days) of recordings starting at $ 6 a month).
Setting up the camera via a free smartphone app for iOS and Android devices was quick and easy and required a quick scan of a QR code and the novelty of an audio device connection. This prompts you to place your phone near the camera, which plays a series of high audio signals, to complete the configuration. Sounds strange in theory, strange in practice, but hey, it works!
The metal-clad body of the ez360 resembles a giant eyeball of a googly robot and is both attractive and robust.
Once you are ready to go, you can review the various monitoring modes available. We recommend doing this before deciding on a final mounting position. The Ezviz app is mostly easy to use – viewing live streams and reviewing captured clips is a quick and easy task. We found some problems with text formatting, but no problems with stopping the show.
The app allows you to choose a wall or ceiling mount mode for the camera. The former uses the fisheye lens to provide an extremely wide field of view. The images are bright with a good color balance, but the quality is less sophisticated than some smart cams on the market today. That said, they are certainly an improvement on the dark, smeared edition of Guardzilla 360.
In terms of exposure, as we see with most smart cameras, bright window areas with strong daylight have been blown out completely, but the camera has done a better job elsewhere.
If you choose a ceiling-mounted position, you can take advantage of a 360-degree panoramic view that spans the entire room, or a 180-degree split-screen panorama that uses a horizontal split-screen design to front and back View rear views. As you'd expect, both options have noticeable fisheye distortion due to the lens design to maximize the field of view. Here too, the image quality is good enough for security reasons.
Those who need more robust multi-camera setups will love a quad split screen option, the configuration of which is a breeze. Tap on one of the quadrants, select a (compatible) camera and off you go. Overall, we were impressed with the Ezviz app – although it isn't particularly sophisticated from a security surveillance point of view, it outperforms many consumer smart cam apps.
Elsewhere, ez360 offers the usual functions of most smart home cameras, but the performance was inconsistent. The camera's night vision mode is largely effective and supports clear images and adequate contrast from a distance. However, it took 6-7 seconds to detect a change in lighting and switch to night vision mode, which we thought was too long.
Can you hear me?
Two-way audio is also available, but the camera's built-in speaker isn't particularly nifty. A bigger problem was that we couldn't hear any audio recognized by the camera while streaming live or reviewing recorded clips in the Ezviz smartphone app. We have had more success with the company's standalone Windows app, which does not mention camera documentation, but which (with some effort) can be used to view recorded clips and live video. However, we weren't impressed with the results – audio was muffled and echoed.
We were able to link the camera to a Google homepage, but it was not clear what you could do after linking.
As a bonus, the camera is equipped with an internal siren that can be triggered by motion detection. Sirens are unlikely to split their ears when it sounds, but the volume is more than sufficient to deter intruders.
The function is rounded off by the support of ez360 for Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. While we were able to link the camera to a Google homepage, it was not clear what you could do after linking. We tried different ways to get Google Home to display a feed from the camera on a connected TV (which works well with Nest cameras, for example), but we couldn't get an answer.
Warranty information
Ezviz ez360 is supplied with a 1 year limited warranty.
Our opinion
With mixed performance, the Ezviz ez360 is a niche smartcam that should only be considered by homeowners or small businesses who really need a panoramic view. While we like Ezviz's versatile surveillance modes and wide camera field of view, competitor cameras offer an easier and more sophisticated experience that is better suited for most smart homes.
Is there a better alternative?
While it doesn't offer a single panoramic view, you should consider a far cheaper pan / tilt / zoom camera like the $ 30 Wyze camera. Otherwise, you'll need to look at small business and professional solutions that are likely to be more expensive than ez360 and may require more configuration.
How long it will take?
While ez360 offered firmware upgrade features, none were available at the time of writing. The company offers both telephone and email support in North America, while support in Europe is provided through a web form. We cannot tell you or guarantee how long it will take.
Should you buy it
You should only consider ez360 if you really need a panoramic camera. Otherwise, competitor smart cams offer better value for money and an easier experience.
Editor's recommendations
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bishal-06 · 5 years
20 Intelligent Digital Marketing Solutions
1)      Keyhole
Keyhole is a real-time hashtag tracker for Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Its visual dashboard is simple, beautiful and shareable! Keyhole's real-time dashboard shows how many people posted with your hashtag, along with the number of Retweets, Likes and Impressions your campaign is generating. Keyhole tracks the most influential people engaging with your brand. Reach out to them to promote your content and increase your brand's reach.
2)      Revealbot
RevealBot Paid social media tactics have a much more limited pool of choice for reporting tools. You can automate bid strategies, get alerted to changes in status and review performance directly from the messaging client. Snapchats business model is based around attracting pound campaigns, but its become a popular tool for influencer marketing . It allows users to review the performance of your influencers snaps via open rates, completion rates and estimated reach, which arent accessible through the Snapchat app itself.
3)      Instagram for business
Use relevant, popular hashtags Engage by following others and liking their photos selected images to your Facebook page with a hashtag that aligns with your campaign or brand image to help people who don’t know you’re on Instagram to find you there. Debut Videos Instagram’s recent Video on Instagram has given Twitter’s Vine a serious competitor to contend with. Jordan Crook charts the differences between Instagram and Vine in the image below: Jordan Crook charts Instagram vs. Embed Instagram Video in Your Blog or Website Last month, Instagram released a new embed feature for its desktop web browser version. We’ll talk more about this in Generate a Flexible Posting Plan Carley Keenan offers the following advice on the frequency of sharing on Instagram: “You don’t need to post on Instagram every day. If you start posting a lot, you might saturate your followers’ feeds, and you don’t want to force yourself into the noise too often. There are apps that let users print images, search tags and keywords, subscribe to Instagram profiles via email, download all Instagram photos in a single archive folder, plus many more. Inspire Potential Customers Anna Colibri suggests you post photos that are relevant to your brand and potential customers. Whole Foods Market posts representative photos to promote healthy, wholesome food products, store events, sustainability and their active community of customers and employees. A study conducted by Simply Measured earlier this year found percent of the world’s top brands are now active on Instagram.
4)      Canva
Get the most of out of Canva for Android Select a template got over There’s no need to start from scratch, we’ve got thousands of free templates and photo grids created by professional designers to get you started. You can browse through design types or speed things up by searching for a style or event you’re looking for birthday, gold, love, music. You can upload images straight from your device gallery to your designs or take photos on the go in the app. You can edit your photos using filters or get a little more advanced by adjusting brightness, contrast and more with our photo editing tools. It’s easy to design social media posts that pop while presenting a consistent look and feel in your marketing materials by using the same filters for your brand images. Small business owners, musicians, teachers, students, nonprofits, social media managers, real estate agents, moms and dads Canva makes it easy to create images and edit photos.
5)      PickMonkey
Pickmonkey has changed their service to a I have a confession: I edit all my photos, both blog photos and personal ones. Even the family snaps get edited before being uploaded to Facebook or emailed to nanna, let alone before printing them out. Unless you start playing around with all the cool tools and features, in which case you can spend hours editing pictures, but hey, its loads of fun. The first edit is optional and you shouldn’t need to do it on many photos. But if you’ve got a picture that’s sideways or upside down, use the rotate tool to turn it up the right way. You may also want to use the resize tool to straighten your picture if it’s looking a little crooked. The other basic edit is to get rid of No alien uploads of friends and family! Sometimes it’s hard to take pictures of kids who are moving around and so you can use the crop tool in PicMonkey to get a better composition.
6)      Word Swag
Have you wasted time and money hiring a social media graphic design artist, only to notget exactly what you want?Word Swag is an awesome application for your smartphone or tablet that will allow you toeasily create social media graphics. The toolset in Word Swag is amazing because it easily allows you to import some great photos from their library, Pixabay, or from your own photos. You will get an overview of the interface and how the program I will show you how to import images to begin creating right away. After that we will take a look at some of the best text and fontediting tools ever seen in a smartphone application. Finally, I will show you how to use custom colors and filters in your design before exportingit out as a final image. So if you want to start creating amazing images and graphics today, then go ahead and enroll and I will see you in the first lecture.
7)      Wask
Wask easily makes your ads smarter. You can put together all your accounts such as Instagram, Twitter, Google, Facebook in one screen. You can make your specific ads for your need with the help of the experienced advisors. Wask provides you a unique AI program to manage your budget and time for you. You can compare your results to increase your efficiency with Performance Comparison, automatically start/stop/delete your ads with Scheduler and you can control your ads daily/weekly/monthly automatically by activating the AutoPilot. Basically, Wask does everything you need for you in a short time.
    8)      ClearVoice
Self-service platform is like a playground for content people, where brands and agencies can connect with freelancers to create content.Create better content with vetted talent and easy workflow.Manage unlimited clients, content and talent in one place.Pitch to brands, find quality assignments and get paid quickly.
9)      Waaffle
New tools have recently emerged to meet the evolving needs of busy social media marketers. In this article, you’ll discover six tools that will improve your social media marketing workflow. Waaffle is an useful social media tool. Create Content Feeds With Waaffle According to Yotpo, ads based on content can get 4x higher rates and a 50% lower cost per click than average. Waaffle simplifies the process by creating aggregate custom feeds based on any account or Waaffle’s current “early bird” pricing starts at per campaign.
10)  Later
The photo you want is there, but no text shows Why not just go into Instagram and post regularly through actual Instagram? You could write the text you need on the photo and go around it that way, but that degrades to marketing tactic of the photo. Suggestion for creators: Work with Instagram to get permission for users to select deny or allow Later to post automatically. It would be an awesome tool for hours, but right now it's just not effective or efficient. Minimum $200 Later subscription does not include Facebook and Twitter analytics, and scheduled posts are not reliably submitted. This means the only consistently working social media function is the reminder to post to Instagram is sort of cool, but any wordpress novice can make a simple page that does the same thing on their own site.
 11)  Meet Edgar
One of the most frustrating aspects of any social media update is how quickly they get buried under new social media updates. Add the fact that your followers, fans and connections check their social media accounts irregularly and it’s actually amazing that your updates are seen by anyone at all: Meet the “disappearing updates” dilemma. One solution to this “disappearing updates” dilemma is to each of your social media updates multiple times, upping the odds that it will be seen by your targeted prospects. Unfortunately, adopting this tactic can be very time consuming, even if you use a social media management solution to schedule your updates. If you’re frustrated by the fact that few people see your social media updates and you’re too busy to schedule those updates to up the chance that they’ll be seen, it’s time to meet Edgar . When it comes to automation however, Edgar leaves the rest of the pack behind. Using an library, update categories, and scheduling, Edgar helps your social media updates, as well as any content to which they may link, get the attention they deserve. Edgar’s setup process is an easy way to become familiar with the tool.
 12)  Everypost
Everypost is a critically acclaimed social media tool utilized by digital agencies, SMBs, content professionals, and firms. The app makes it simple for a user to construct, schedule, customize, and post content on popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and others. Social media marketers and content professionals have made Everypost a priority tool for getting content out in the internet across social media platforms. It also facilitates media content upload via One of its biggest strengths is its capacity to deal with a wide range of social media networks as a standalone tool. It can reverse its role by limiting Twitter texts and giving a user the option to choose which social media platforms to blast to. It comes with a support for extracting videos from YouTube, audio from Grooveshark, and images from Flickr. A user will be highlighted with social media networks at the top of the screen, a middle area for inputting text, and list of media format to import from the bottom. Clicking on any social media network will prompt the user to sign in, and if the login is successful, the button will light up.
13)  Buffer
Buffer is a popular social media post schedular software. Moreover, you can manage multiple platforms with Buffer.If you still do not try Buffer, just take a look and you will love it.
14)  Bitly
Bitly CEO Mark Josephson Bitly Techland, like most places, likes stories with extreme outcomes: Startup X sells for a gazillion Startup Y, once valued at a gazillion dollars, goes to zero. So here’s a story that won’t get much attention: A modest success for a company that once had much grander aspirations. That would be Bitly , a company that lets marketers and other businesses keep tabs on customers as they move around the web by generating short, trackable URL links. Salt on the wound: There was a time, back in the early days of Twitter, that Bitly and its investors thought they had something really, really big on their hands. Twitter was just ramping up, and Twitter used Bitly to shorten all the links its users generated, and that meant Bitly knew a ton about the way the internet worked who clicked on what, when, where. Most of Bitlys attention was focused on its free product, and the money it made selling a premium version to publishers and marketers didnt cover its costs. Credit a pivot, which started when CEO Mark Josephson joined the company in 2013.
15)  Click to tweet
Easily view and keep track of all links you've created in the past. Create folders to better organize links by project or campaign. Access to edit, view stats, and copy your links are all easily accessible.Update the text of your links at any time. Use a plain-text link or select an image to embed in your website. Always have your link details up to date.View reports of click activity on all your links. Analytics are tracked for all links you embed inside of your message/tweets, too! Every time someone clicks one of your links, we record where they clicked from and present this data to you on a map. See from where people are clicking on your links across the world.Increase your followers by suggesting your (or anyone's) Twitter account to be followed every time someone tweets from your ClickToTweet link.
16)  Sumall
In “audience shifts,” not only can you see how many new followers you have attracted but also see how the networks of the people you are following have expanded, which increases your own potential reach. You can also find out which of your new followers have the greatest following insight into where to share to best amplify your and how many of your own followers you follow. You can find out who’s engaging with you, who has responded to your social media posts, what the overall response rate is and how responsive you are to those that mention you. The “audience quality” report is a good one to make sure that you are interacting with active Twitter users. The “audience by engagement” section highlights your top ten most active followers on both retweets and You can also see whether they have verified profiles and can check out common profile keywords and how they engage with you. Other sections of the Twitter Audience Insights report look at “audience by contributed reach” people who have expanded your reach by retweeting and mentioning you to their and “network size” followers have the biggest networks. You can even see the timezone that most of your followers fall into and use this in order to schedule social media posts for maximum engagement. As with the other report, there’s an overview page, before delving into the individual “Best performing time to tweet” is but what’s useful here is the rolling average so you get a wider overview of your best days and times and the times when you get the most engagement.
17)  CoSchedule
Posts are easily moved, and social messages attached to those posts move with them. You will then have access to the calendar and team features at CoSchedule synchronize your WordPress post, author, and category information to its servers, but all of your WordPress data remains in WordPress. Social messages, tasks, comments, team members, and other data you create in CoSchedule will be stored on CoSchedule’s servers, and never in WordPress. Managing a team blog or planning your own blog’s content marketing is not easy inside of WordPress. CoSchedule is an editorial calendar that makes it easier to create, move, and manage your blog posts and stay ahead of your plan. It allows for WordPress blogging team collaboration without needing extra outside tools and logins, reducing the time and unnecessary complexity required to plan your blog’s content marketing program.
18)  Feedly
How to Get Started Starting an account at Feedly is easy just sign up with an email address and you're all set. Click on that, then add a blog by copying and pasting the URL or by just typing in the name of the blog itself, for example, TechCrunch. Feedly also gives you categories you can choose to click on any of these categories and featured blogs will appear that you can instantly subscribe to. If you scroll down a bit, even more, blogs that you have subscribed to will appear. You can organize your feeds by topic, helping you read according to what you need quickly. Or, you can toggle each folder, found in the left sidebar, and you'll see all your subscriptions listed individually. Organization The way you organize your categories on the Feedly desktop navigation bar defines the order in which the categories are displayed in the today section. So if you want to things to reflect your interests, go to your feedly page, drag and drop to and then reload feedly. You can also organize your Feedly by clicking on the Organize link on the top here, you can drag and drop categories into whatever order you want, as well as edit names of categories, delete categories, or edit and delete individual feeds. Feeds and reading habits are synchronized across devices, so if you read something on your desktop, it will be marked as read on your mobile app as well.
19)  Apphi 
Apphi is a social media management tool that helps you schedule posts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. We liked it for a variety of reasons; simplicity and ease-of-use is one of them. The main reason for preferring Apphi over Buffer is the sense of automation.
20)  Sked Social
It’s no secret that Facebook ads create your website brand and help you reach your targeted audience. However, too many ads have made it easier to overlook them on Facebook. Hence, marketers are moving towards less scratched platforms like Instagram.
It provides an easy and efficient way for scheduling media sharing. You can upload bulk content on your Instagram account. The user interface of this tool is pretty simple, so you won’t have to worry about the usage. However, you don’t receive support in the free version.
0 notes
topicprinter · 5 years
Hey - Pat from StarterStory.com here with another interview.Today's interview is with Tim Taylor of Spork Bytes, a brand that makes restaurant catering deliveredSome stats:Product: restaurant catering deliveredRevenue/mo: $250,000Started: April 2014Location: PortlandFounders: 2Employees: 7Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?It’s lunchtime at the office. Everyone is hungry and anxious for a break from the workday. The team walks into the kitchen only to find it’s pizza for lunch. Again. Or maybe instead of pizza it’s a bland boxed-lunch style sandwich. Either way, these types of mundane meals repeat themselves in offices on a daily basis.We knew there had to be a better way to gather teams around good food so in 2014 we set out to address this problem in our adopted hometown of Portland, Oregon. I’m Tim Taylor, and along with my business partner, Chris Diamond, we are the founders of Spork Bytes - a catering delivery service that partners with the best local restaurants and coordinates everything needed to pull together a delicious meal for your office. From the initial order coordination to delivery logistics and a seamless setup process, Spork Bytes save our clients valuable time while providing access to quality, local cuisine in their workplace.To date (August 2019), Spork Bytes is partnered with 60 high-quality restaurants and food purveyors in the Portland area. We focus on serving (pardon the pun) offices of 50 or more as well as providing services for special events - weddings, corporate gatherings, holiday parties, etc. We offer mostly pre-fixed yet customized menus that allow us to easily adhere to an offices’ changing headcount, dietary restriction and delivery instructions.Our ideal customer is an office manager who plans lunch on a recurring basis but we also work closely with people like party/event planners and venue staff.Our initial funding came in the form of a $15,000 loan from friends and family. We were able to pay that off in the first year and Spork Bytes has been profitable since then. Annual revenue was $2 Million in 2018 and we’re on pace to exceed $3 Million in 2019 thanks to an average growth rate of 50 percent over the last three years.imageWhat's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?Working in the foodservice industry was something Chris and I experienced during our time at the University of Oregon where we worked in the catering department together one summer. After graduation, Chris began working in the hospitality industry while I went off to start a corporate career in finance.Shortly thereafter, Chris began to notice that many local restaurants were struggling to effectively and consistently secure lunch catering orders from business in their area. From my vantage point, the example I shared earlier about eating the same pedestrian office lunches was something I personally experienced on a regular basis. Was it really that hard to coordinate good food from local spots? Apparently so.Seeing a void and a potential opportunity sparked many conversations between Chris and I. Then, in early 2014, after numerous discussions about “could” and “should” we, Chris moved to Portland to live with me and we started Spork Bytes out of our garage. Literally. We used some of our initial funds to purchase equipment and stage catering setups in the garage to practice and learn what we were about to go sell to businesses throughout Portland.During those early days, there was a strong sense of urgency in everything we did since we both had quit our jobs to focus on Spork Bytes. We did have to pick up some part-time evening/night gigs to make ends meet during that first year but luckily, it wasn’t too long before we partnered with our first restaurant, Khao San Thai, and that got us rolling with our first recurring large office client and proved that we had a viable business.Take us through the process of designing, prototyping, and manufacturing your first product.We continued to test various catering setups and equipment while simultaneously refining and improving our business model as we slowly booked more and more orders. I vividly remember the anxiousness and excitement Chris and I felt when we secured our first 100-person order, pacing around the garage and tinkering with different ideas to make the experience as seamless as possible for our new client.As business picked up we started to notice some gaps in the Portland catering business that we could take advantage of. It started with a lack of proper delivery equipment to keep the food hot or cold. Serving the food how our restaurant partners intended and how our clients expected was paramount so we invested in all of the proper equipment to keep the hot items hot and cold items cold during transport.Thanks to our garage “R&D” sessions we were able to develop a clean and logical way to set everything up in our client’s offices. Many delivery services simply drop off the food in leaky paper bags, leaving the office manager to fend themselves.We figured out what it took to create an efficient catering set up in a variety of office conditions, leaving the client with a spread that is as professionally presented as it is delicious. This extra step not only sets the tone for a more enjoyable meal but also saves the office staff significant time and energy, particularly when handling meals for larger teams.Another seemingly simple detail that was often overlooked was the labeling of food. We began producing custom labels for each item on the menu, including the name of the dish, a brief description and dietary tags such as vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, and more. It only took a little extra time to create but it was important to our clients and helped show them we were committed to providing them with a premium experience from start to finish.Describe the process of launching the business.Learning something new with every meal, we did our best to stretch our seed money - $15k loan from friends and family - as far as we could. Beyond the purchasing of the necessary catering equipment, we used that money to develop the Spork Bytes brand (logo, colors, taglines, etc.), build our first website, and create some basic sales and marketing materials such as flyers and rack cards.From the beginning, Chris and I did everything to operate and grow the business. Mornings would be spent finalizing logistics before heading off to handle deliveries. We would then spend the afternoons trying to expand our clientele by going door-to-door and engaging with local businesses.We operated this way throughout our whole first year of business before we reached a point where there were too many orders for us to fill on our own. At that time we began recruiting friends to help us with the deliveries for a couple of hours each day.It’s not unique to us but finding and retaining good people has been the most difficult part of running our business. Most of our employees are part-time delivery staff. We can only offer two or three hours of work each day, which means our employees usually need to have another job. As we’ve grown, our ability to provide more hours for our part-time staff has increased as we’ve expanded to offer catering for breakfast, happy hours and special events. As of August 2019, Spork Bytes employs seven full-time and 13 part-time employees.imageSince launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?Providing superior customer service and being loyal to our partners are the pillars of the Spork Bytes philosophy. Many of our early clients were sourced through personal connections - friends working at big tech companies downtown, for example - and we continue to rely heavily on word-of-mouth and positive recommendations of clients.Knowing the value of a referral and the importance of a personal connection, every Spork Bytes client has a dedicated point of contact throughout the entire process. This concierge helps coordinate all of the necessary details and ensures a seamless experience from start to finish.In order to grow and scale as effectively as possible, we leveraged technology and invested in a web application that allows us to create custom proposals for our clients. Within the app, clients are able to easily view all of the details of their order, compare menus from several different restaurant partners and walk through the approval and confirmation process with ease.As our business grew it became apparent that bringing on a full-time developer would be the most cost-effective option so about two years ago we made this hire. Since then, we’ve continued to refine and improve our custom web app that helps us create client accounts, menus, invoices, and purchase orders, while also organizing the approval and confirmation process.The delivery logistics are also streamlined using a custom delivery driver interface. All of this backend work translates into a premium level of service for our clients.We’re fortunate that given the local nature of our business it isn’t critical for us to run national or even state-wide marketing or advertising campaigns. In fact, to date, we’ve spent less than $1,000 on advertising. Instead, we focus on cultivating an engaged community on social media. We have successfully and organically grown our Instagram account to nearly 5,000 followers, many of whom reside in the greater Portland area and fit our client profile.We recently hired a freelancer out of Los Angeles to assist with our marketing, content creation and SEO efforts. He runs the Spork Bytes blog where we publish one or two unique posts per month highlighting the happenings in and around Portland. This content, as well as other updates and news, are also shared via our email newsletter, which people can subscribe to here.Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?As I mentioned before, sourcing, managing and retaining employees has been the most difficult part of running our business. Since our deliveries require more than just dropping a bag of food at the front door, we have higher standards and rely on our staff to represent Spork Bytes in a professional manner.Early on, we explored the idea of having our restaurant partners perform the delivery and set up for us. We quickly learned that in order to maintain a consistently high level of service we needed to handle this in-house. While it would have saved us a considerable amount of time and stress not having to manage staff, I still believe this is the right decision to ensure a professional appearance and retain clients.What platform/tools do you use for your business?Early on, we explored the idea of having our restaurant partners perform the delivery and set up for us. We quickly learned that in order to maintain a consistently high level of service we needed to handle this in-house. While it would have saved us a considerable amount of time and stress not having to manage staff, I still believe this is the right decision to ensure a professional appearance and retain clients.We rely heavily on our developers to keep things running smoothly, especially online. In addition to our custom web app, we have incorporated a handful of tools to ensure an efficient business operation. These include the Google Suite, Asana, Intercom and most recently Zendesk. All of these tools integrate seamlessly with each other and help keep us organized without the need for purchasing expensive white-labeled software.What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?Personal growth and the impact that can have on small businesses is something Chris and I value. There are so many helpful resources available nowadays but I would say Dale Carnegie’s classic “How to Win Friends and Influence People” helped me come out of my shell early in my career and learn how to talk to people. That set me up well and made me much for comfortable when tackling a lot of the sales and business development activities for Spork Bytes.“Good to Great” by Jim Collins is a book that Chris and I have both read and was instrumental in forming some of the critical decisions we’ve made throughout the life of the business.In addition to the books mentioned above, we also frequently read, watch and listen to people like Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin, Jen Sincero and Simon Sinek. These folks, in addition to many more, have helped us cultivate ideas and develop the right mindset to be successful entrepreneurs.Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?One of the most important things I’ve learned over the years is to manage expectations - yours and your team. Getting too hyped on your idea or business early on can lead to unrealistic expectations. I let that happen to me and I ended up taking some unnecessary risks early in my career. While it’s difficult, don’t let the highs be too high and lows too low.This same principle applies to employees. They need to know that you support and believe in them while setting expectations that they should be able to meet given their experience and skillset.If you set the bar too low, they may not perform to the level needed or produce anything special. Set overly ambitious and unrealistic goals and they will likely miss the mark, leaving you disappointed and having wasted valuable time and emotions. Stay as even keel as you can.The second piece of advice I would offer is to believe in what you’re selling. I don’t think this has to go as far as the cliche of “follow your passion,” however if you don’t genuinely believe that what you’re selling benefits those you are selling to, then achieving sustainable sales and longevity is going to be very difficult.Find something you believe in or learn how to believe in the thing you’ve already found. Then go and sell the shit out of it! Your belief will make them believe.Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?We are always looking for part-time delivery drivers to join the team. Drivers have the opportunity to experience some of the best local restaurants and interact with people working in some of the fastest-growing companies in Portland. For the most part, we hire from within so advancement opportunities are plentiful and more positions will be opening as we continue to grow.Where can we go to learn more?People can visit us online at SporkBytes.com where they can check out our more than 60 Portland-area restaurant partners, catch up on the latest happenings on our blog, subscribe to our email list or join the conversation on Instagram. We look forward to hearing from everyone and maybe even serving some of you, too!If you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!Liked this text interview? Check out the full interview with photos, tools, books, and other data.For more interviews, check out r/starter_story - I post new stories there daily.Interested in sharing your own story? Send me a PM
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The 4 Step Plan to Talk to New People: Learn to Master the Conversation With this Guide
New Post has been published on https://onlinedatingloves.com/awesome/the-4-step-plan-to-talk-to-new-people-learn-to-master-the-conversation-with-this-guide/
The 4 Step Plan to Talk to New People: Learn to Master the Conversation With this Guide
If you find yourself unable to talk to new people, you’ve come to the right place!
Today we’re gonna teach you how to master a conversation, instead of staring at your feet hoping somebody else will come talk to you.
We’ll teach it in 4 easy steps :P TAGEND
Step 1: How to Make Small Talk- and Not Suck at It( Human Interaction ) Step 2: How Do You Talk to Random People( Thoughtful Small Talk ) Step 3: How Can I Be Good at Talking( Be Quirky ) Step 4: How Can I Be Fun to Talk To( In Defense of Being Imprecise ) How Do You Interact with Others( Start Talking )
By the end of today’s article, your friends will need a muzzle to shut you up.
Believe it or not, we really often work on “social skills” with our 1-on-1 NF Coaching. Many clients are bettering themselves to start dating again, so we work hard to help them level up all areas of their lives.
Click below to learn more, then head to the article to learn how to master a dialogue :P TAGEND
Step 1: How to Attain Small Talk- and Not Suck at It.( Human Interaction)
The main reason we human folk seek to connect with one another is that it scratches a social itching. Our social needs are just like hunger and thirst–we eat, drink, and talk to people because there’s a gap between our actual country( hungry/ thirsty/ lonely) and our ideal country( satiated/ slaked/ connected ). Your brain is saying, “Dude, mind helping me out a little? I’m not where I want to be.”
The whole idea here is to feel better after than we did before. You ever talk to people who are in a super sour mood? It’s kind of contagious, isn’t it? Unless you happen to be friends with people who can induce crankiness charming( such as professional comedians and/ or giant puppies woken up from deep slumber ), it’s usually a bit of a bummer. Let’s not be bummers! Let’s be those other various kinds of people, people who leave our conversational partners in good moods after they talk to us.
Engaging in happy small talk isn’t just good for the people we talk to, by the way–it helps us as well. “Fake it’ til you make it” is more than just a catchy rhyme. The idea that acting a certain way promotes us to be that way has been around since Aristotle’s time. Take a look at his quote( from over 2,300 years ago !):
“Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way. We become merely by performing simply actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions.”
Turns out the man knew what he was talking about. A team led by Fritz Strack presented in 1988 showed that simply holding a pen in your mouth in a way that simulates the muscle movements of smiling attains cartoons seem funnier than when you hold it between your lips like a straw; other studies have shown that merely traversing your arms can build you more persistent!
So the next time you’re feeling surly and looking forward to a change, challenge yourself to talk to someone in a more upbeat way and see if that helps shake it off.
I’m not suggesting you bop around like sunshine and fairy dust, but isn’t it powerful to be recognised that by simply chatting with another person in a positive way, you can walk away from the conversation with both you and them feeling better off?
( Feel free to give a little mental fist bump to Aristotle when you see how well this works .)
Step 2: How Do You Talk to Random People?( Thoughtful Small Talk)
Good small talk accommodates in real-time, thoughtfully and attentively is applicable for whatever is happening in the moment.
This may sound overwhelming at first, especially if you like to plan things to say out in advance. The trick is to take a step back and pick one thing, any thing, on which to focus your attention.
There’s a finite listing of what this thing will be:
Whether it’s sunny, rainy, or snowy, that’s weather. Whether it’s a street procession, an art exhibit, or a hot tub limousine driving by, that’s scenery. Whether it’s someone with crazy shoes, a guy doing back handsprings, or a woman swinging from a chandelier, that’s people. Whether it’s a cute newborn, a fluffy puppy, or a cool book, that’s belongings.
See how all of a sudden you can imagine having one or two prepared responses that can still perfectly apply to even the most novel of situations?
Now, this may merely get you as far as your first or second line within a conversation, after which you may need to start coming up with stuff in the moment. But the same logic of “step back/ pick one thing” applies here too, and will help you keep from getting overwhelmed or panicking about what to say.
Here’s an example :P TAGEND
You: “I guess I literally saw a cat and a dog raining down from the sky today.”
Them: “Ha! I know, right? I thought it was supposed to be spring.”
You: “It must be really tough to be a weatherman. You’re either stating the obvious or you’re a liar.”
Them: “My cousin is a weatherman.”
Curveball! You haven’t prepared anything about weatherman cousins! But this is interesting and fiction enough to justify a conversational tangent all its own( and could fall under the category of jobs, if you wanted to add it to your earlier list ). Try a simple question.
You: “Oh, interesting. How’d he or she get into that? ”
Before you know it, you’re having a unique dialogue , not banal “small talk”. You’re also learning things about your conversational partner( and they about you ), which will help you build from one-off conversations with strangers to consistent friendships and relationships with people.
Challenge yourself to identify these “one things”( climate, books, back handsprings) as you’re out interacting with people. Use the consolation of a prepared line to open with if you like, but with the goal of finding something interesting that’s happening in that moment to comment on. Your conversations will instantaneously be more thoughtful, and the people you’re talking to will feel it, too.
Step 3: How Can I Be Good at Talking?( Be Quirky)
My cousin Kim met my fiance for the first time a few months ago. As soon as we all sat down, she said to him, “Tell me every single thing about yourself, starting from birth, and aiming with right now.”
I thought it was just about the greatest thing I’ve ever heard.
If my friend Jess is at someone’s house for the first time, she’ll say, “If I were the bathroom, where would I be? ”
She gets the answer- and a chuckle.
My friend David struck up a dialogue with a cute daughter in Jiffy Lube by asking her if she thought the guy in the waiting room looked like a beagle.
He called me to thank me for introducing him to his girlfriend.
These instances all have in common the theme of turning awkwardness into awesomeness. They’re about being confident , not being smooth. Sometimes dialing up the awkward dial can be just what everyone needs to loosen up a little, like when my friend Mike starts his presentations at work by saying, “If I seem unbelievably nervous, it’s because I am indeed incredibly nervous.” It’s a bold strategy, must be ensured, but it can be incredibly refreshing.
There’s something undeniably fun about someone who says, “I’m staggeringly overcaffeinated right now, so I may pass out at some phase. How was your weekend? ”
In short, don’t feel pressure to rigidly adhere to some abstract notion of what small talk should be, losing all of your own delightful personality in the process. You’re a member of the Rebellion, after all!
You challenge conventional wisdom and embrace the weird every day- let small talk be no exception.
Step 4: How Can I Be Fun to Talk To?( In Defense of Being Imprecise)
Remembering the little things? Sweet. Remembering every little thing? Creepy.
I happen to be in possession of a frighteningly good memory; I remember specific dialogues( as well as where they took place, and what we were wearing) with people who couldn’t pick me out of a lineup. I’m perfectly the person who goes up to people and says, “You’re a chiropractor? We sat next to each other on a plane from L.A. to San Francisco about a year ago, right? ” Yes, right … but it didn’t matter. The dude was exhaustively creeped out, and I couldn’t blame him!
I’ve had to learn to hold back a little( okay, a lot) and not spew forth with every single thing I recollect about my last dialogue with person the next time I assure them.
Instead of saying:
“Hey, how was that conference you went to in Phoenix? ” go with, “You were going out of town when I saw you last, right?
“Is your upper left molar feeling any better? ” go with, “Hey, how’s it going? ”
Like a good hairstyle or pocket square, it sometimes takes a bit of attempt in conversation to make it seem effortless, but it’s far preferable to freaking people out. Take your time. With each dialogue, you’re watering a healthy plant , not dousing a fire.
In fact, leaving a bit unsaid is probably the best way to ensure future conversations, and give you something to talk about next time! Besides, when you’re imprecise, you let the other person to narrow in on a topic that they are comfy with, rather than forcing them to talk about their upper left molar!
How Do You Treated with Others?( Start Talkin’)
With these four keys in intellect, you’re ready to start small talkin’.
Challenge yourself to approach one person a day and strike up a dialogue, even if it’s brief.
Like everything else we do in life, good social abilities can be learned, developed, honed, and improved. Though, it’s really tough to practice unless you commit to TRYING it out. And who cares if those discussions runs poorly? Failure is awesome. Odds are you will NEVER see that person again in your life, and your life is no different now than it was 5 minutes before the conversation.
Of course the opposite could be true: you were able to satisfy somebody awesome.
And there’s only one way to find out which outcome you’re gonna get.
If you’re feeling actually rusty, give it a shot with a friend or family member and ask for a little feedback afterward. If you’re feeling bold, approach someone you wouldn’t usually talk to. If you draw a blank, ask a question.
Breathe, smile, listen.
Most of all, recollect why you’re doing this, and remind yourself that you’re not imposing on someone by having a pleasant conversation with them–you’re making their day a bit brighter, and you are able to never be made to feel bad about that.
As always, I’m very interested to hear what you think, and how these lessons feel when you take them out for a spin.
We all crave regular social interaction; you might be surprised by how easy being good at small talk really is!
What are your major hangups with small talk?
Where do you plan to give these tricks a try?
-Lindsay Miller( good friend of Steve, and the Relationship& Social Skills expert of Nerd Fitness !)
PS: Like developing your social skills, getting healthy can be really intimidating, which is why we’ve constructed services and products to assist you in overcome the chaos and are certain in the actions you’re taking every day :P TAGEND
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Check out Lindsay on Twitter @RellimYasdnilor send questions/ comments at LoveAndDatingAdvice @gmail. com.
photo source: lego small talk, happy, thoughtful, imprecise, quirky, storm trooper
Read more: nerdfitness.com
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sprucebodylab1 · 5 years
Male Extra Review
Male Extra Review: My Experience
Hey folks. Justin here.
Today I am going to talk about my experience with one of the most popular male enhancement products out there - Male Extra.
I have been using this supplement for over two months now and I can say this product does live up to its hype.
If you want to know about my experience with this supplement in detail, just keep on reading!
Quick Navigation
Summary of my experience
What is Male Extra?
How do you use it?
Are there side effects?
My Experience With Male Extra
First Few Days
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four to Present
Pros & Cons
Male Extra Review Summary
If you are reading this, you are probably going through or have gone through the embarrassing event of not being able to sustain an erection, not being able to get one or simply having low sex drive.
I know for a fact that these "events" are embarrassing and can lower your self-esteem greatly.
I also know it is embarrassing to talk about this problem with someone you don't trust.
When I talked to my buddy about what was happening to me, he immediately recommended Male Extra and told me it was made of an all natural and safe formula that was helping him improve his sexual performance.
Since I trusted my friend and it was an all natural supplement, I thought, what the heck?
So without further ado, here is my experience with this product.
Summary of my experience
Getting erections were not a problem anymore
Erections were stronger and larger
More intense orgasms
Increased energy levels and focus
Improved my mood
Improved physique
What is Male Extra?
Male Extra has been around since 2011 and has been popular ever since its introduction to the market. 
It is strongly regarded as one of the best all natural male enhancement supplements available to improve sexual performance and sexual health in general.
The ingredients used in this supplement have been used for decades with great success, but the difference is that Male Extra is able to put together all these proven natural ingredients into one formula and make it extremely efficient.
This supplement is manufactured by Vobue Limited, which has been a trusted and respected supplement manufacturer for more than a decade now.
They use high-quality ingredients and use FDA-approved facilities in order to ship the best products available.
L-arginine HCL (600 mg)
L-arginine is an amino acid (a basic building block of protein).
The body can make L-arginine, but it is often present in low quantities – especially as one ages.
It improves blood circulation by converting into nitric acid, which naturally widens blood vessels and can trigger relaxation of smooth muscles (required to achieve an erection).
Pomegranate 40% Ellagic Acid (500 mg)
Pomegranate juice is clinically proven to improve circulation and reduce erectile dysfunction.
Ellagic Acid is a potent antioxidant present in pomegranates and other red fruits and berries, and is used to standardize pomegranate extract supplements.
However, ellagic acid may be manufactured from cheaper sources.
Thus, the complex mix of beneficial phytochemicals present in pure pomegranate extracts may be omitted from many pomegranate supplements.
MSM (Methy Sulfony Methane) 100 mg
This biologically active sulfur occurs naturally in the body; it is appropriately described as a “performance-enhancer”.
MSM is responsible for lowering oxidative-stress, improving circulation and restoring healthy tissue in the body.
The MSM component in Male Extra aides the growth of new cells to hold increased blood flow.
MSM aso enhances energy levels and reduces fatigue, thereby improving stamina.
L- Methionine (100 mg)
L-Methionine is an essential amino acid.
It promotes growth of new blood vessels.
L-Methionine also inhibits the production of histamine.
Histamine is present in the corpus cavernosum – erectile tissue – and is responsible for ejaculation.
By reducing histamine levels, L-Methionine is scientifically proven to delay premature ejaculation.
Zinc (as Citrate) (14 mg)
Zinc citrate is a more bioavailable form of zinc.
Zinc supplementation increases testosterone levels, which can directly affect the libido.
Low testosterone levels can reduce sex drive.
Zinc is a sure-fire way to ensure libido and testosterone levels remain high.
It also increases sperm count and encourages lean body mass.
Cordyceps (25 mg)
Cordyceps is a fungus (similar to mushrooms) used in Chinese Medicine.
This worm-like growth influences testosterone release and enhances erectile function.
By promoting blood circulation, cordyceps improve virility and stamina.
Cordyceps increase libido in both men and women.
Niacin (Vitamin B3) (18 mg)
Niacin is a vasodilator.
It widens blood vessels.
Niacin can improve blood flow to the genitals, and is especially helpful for men with moderate-to-severe erectile dysfunction.
However, for men with mild-to-moderate ED, clinical results from niacin supplementation were not significant.
Niacin can help prolong organism and improve oxygen flow, resulting in greater muscle stamina.
How do you use it?
Take three capsules a day with a meal.
Remember, results may vary from person to person, but the longer youi take it the better results you will see.
If taken appropriately, this is a safe supplement for all ages.
Are there side effects?
Male Extra has no known side effects.
However, if you suffer from any medical conditions you should consult your doctor before taking this.
Go To Absorb Health's Website
My Experience With Male Extra
As I stated earlier, talking about certain sexual related problems can be pretty embarrassing.
This is why I took so long to take action and actually purchase a male enhancement supplement which would help with my sexual performance.
That being said, when I finally decided I would try Male Extra out because of my friends suggestion, I was glad to find out I could order it online.
Not only I didn't have to go through the awkward situation of purchasing such a product, the product actually arrived after two days in my doorstep with no noticeable problems.
First Few Days
It took me around five days for me to notice a difference.
I knew it would take anywhere from 3 days to more than a week for me to feel something, so I wasn't worried about that.
I noticed I was feeling a little bit different because I was feeling more motivated than usual to hit the gym (normally I am tired and not looking forward to workout).
During my workout I realized I was more than 2/3 in and wasn't tired like I normally am.
And that is when I realized it was probably the supplement kicking in.
I ended up working out a lot more than usual that day and I felt great afterwards.
Week One
A little more than a week or so of taking Male Extra, I noticed that not only my energy levels were improving but my libido as well.
With all the work-related stress, busy schedules and other day to day worries I found it hard to be in the mood.
My wife was worried about me and my lack of "motivation" in the sexual field and my lack of interest was making her think I had a problem with her.
I made it clear it had nothing to do with her and this was the main reason why I started taking this supplement. I did not want my relationship to go to a bad place.
As I said before, during the first week of taking this product my sex drive came back.
I was ecstatic!​
Research suggests that testosterone levels are directly related to things like sexual stamina and this indeed correlates with my experience taking Male Extra.
If that were the only benefit it brought, I'd still be sold on taking it regularly for the foreseeable future as the peace of mind it brings is considerable.
Week Two
After week two, not only did my libido problem vanish, but my general mood was also better.
I felt more energetic and I was able to produce more during the day.
For example, I normally struggle to wake up and go to the gym.
And staying there for more than 30 minutes?
Don't even get me started.
However, during the second week of taking Male Extra I realized I was more motivated and was actually looking forward to go to the gym to burn out all my new found energy.
Apart from the energy, I can say I was feeling "happier".
Perhaps this is correlated to the fact that I was working out more and so I was releasing more endorphins and such.
Either way, I felt happier, and in both scenarios this can be attributed to Male Extra.
​Something else that I found great was an increase in my concentration levels.
I was able to focus for longer periods of time at work and at home as well.
I like reading, but my mind usually wanders off after about 20 minutes and I usually have to stop reading or else I will just be wasting my time.
However, during the second week of taking this supplement I was reading easily for over 30 minutes non-stop.
I honestly felt great.
Click Here For A Great Deal
Week Three
In the third week, all the positive things I talked about earlier stayed the same.
Honestly, I was amazed at this fact because I thought taking supplements like this regularly would make me resistant and require me to take larger doses to get the same effect.
Fortunately, this wasn't the case.
As a matter of fact, not only did my libido and my mood improve, I could tell my physique had also improved.
My wife told me I was looking "fitter", and indeed I felt stronger.
After three weeks of use, I could confirm this was one of the best supplements I had ever tried, which is why I decided to write this review on it.
By this time I had been telling all my friends about this discovery of mine and telling them to try it out if they wanted a boost in their lives.
Week Four to Present
I have been taking Male Extra for over 2 months now and I still feel the benefits I felt in the beggining.
Honestly, I don't remember how I felt before taking this supplement and I don't want to go back.
I keep taking the same dosage that was recommended since day one and I have not developed any kind of resistance.
My sex life is back to normal, or dare I say, it is even better than before.
I have more sex drive and last longer in bed.
My wife is certainly happy about that.
I keep hitting the gym frequently and working out longer than before and the results certainly show.
All I can say is I am going to keep taking this supplement for as long as I can, unless my doctor tells me to stop!
Click Here For A Great Deal
If you read my experience, it is pretty clear to you how I feel about Male Extra.
It all started because I was lacking motivation to have sex with my wife and I knew it wasn't because I didn't feel attracted to her anymore.
After I started taking Male Extra, not only did I eliminate this problem and started having a better sexual performance, I was also in a better mood, felt more energy and more focus.
Honestly, I would recommend this to anyone, if you are having problems with your sex drive or not.
The overall benefits of taking Male Extra are amazing and I urge everyone to try it.
Tell me your experience later, you won't be disappointed!
Click Here For A Great Deal
Pros & Cons
Increased libido
Stronger erections
Stronger orgasms
Increased energy levels and focus
Improved my mood
Improved physique
Full money-back guarantee
Might not work for some people
Results take at least a week to show
Might make you feel sick if you take it on an empty stomach
As you can see, the Pros far outweigh the Cons.
I urge you to try this product and see the benefits for yourself.
If you don't like it, you have a money-back guarantee, so there is literally no reason not to try it.
Male Extra Review Summary
Getting erections were not a problem anymore
Erections were stronger and larger
More intense orgasms
Increased energy levels and focus
Improved my mood
Improved physique
Money-back Guarantee
Go To Absorb Health's Website
Hey folks. Justin here.
Today I am going to talk about my experience with one of the most popular male enhancement products out there - Male Extra.
I have been using this supplement for over two months now and I can say this product does live up to its hype.
If you want to know about my experience with this supplement in detail, just keep on reading!
Quick Navigation
Summary of my experience
What is Male Extra?
How do you use it?
Are there side effects?
My Experience With Male Extra
First Few Days
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four to Present
Pros & Cons
Male Extra Review Summary
If you are reading this, you are probably going through or have gone through the embarrassing event of not being able to sustain an erection, not being able to get one or simply having low sex drive.
I know for a fact that these "events" are embarrassing and can lower your self-esteem greatly.
I also know it is embarrassing to talk about this problem with someone you don't trust.
When I talked to my buddy about what was happening to me, he immediately recommended Male Extra and told me it was made of an all natural and safe formula that was helping him improve his sexual performance.
Since I trusted my friend and it was an all natural supplement, I thought, what the heck?
So without further ado, here is my experience with this product.
Summary of my experience
Getting erections were not a problem anymore
Erections were stronger and larger
More intense orgasms
Increased energy levels and focus
Improved my mood
Improved physique
What is Male Extra?
Male Extra has been around since 2011 and has been popular ever since its introduction to the market. 
It is strongly regarded as one of the best all natural male enhancement supplements available to improve sexual performance and sexual health in general.
The ingredients used in this supplement have been used for decades with great success, but the difference is that Male Extra is able to put together all these proven natural ingredients into one formula and make it extremely efficient.
This supplement is manufactured by Vobue Limited, which has been a trusted and respected supplement manufacturer for more than a decade now.
They use high-quality ingredients and use FDA-approved facilities in order to ship the best products available.
L-arginine HCL (600 mg)
L-arginine is an amino acid (a basic building block of protein).
The body can make L-arginine, but it is often present in low quantities – especially as one ages.
It improves blood circulation by converting into nitric acid, which naturally widens blood vessels and can trigger relaxation of smooth muscles (required to achieve an erection).
Pomegranate 40% Ellagic Acid (500 mg)
Pomegranate juice is clinically proven to improve circulation and reduce erectile dysfunction.
Ellagic Acid is a potent antioxidant present in pomegranates and other red fruits and berries, and is used to standardize pomegranate extract supplements.
However, ellagic acid may be manufactured from cheaper sources.
Thus, the complex mix of beneficial phytochemicals present in pure pomegranate extracts may be omitted from many pomegranate supplements.
MSM (Methy Sulfony Methane) 100 mg
This biologically active sulfur occurs naturally in the body; it is appropriately described as a “performance-enhancer”.
MSM is responsible for lowering oxidative-stress, improving circulation and restoring healthy tissue in the body.
The MSM component in Male Extra aides the growth of new cells to hold increased blood flow.
MSM aso enhances energy levels and reduces fatigue, thereby improving stamina.
L- Methionine (100 mg)
L-Methionine is an essential amino acid.
It promotes growth of new blood vessels.
L-Methionine also inhibits the production of histamine.
Histamine is present in the corpus cavernosum – erectile tissue – and is responsible for ejaculation.
By reducing histamine levels, L-Methionine is scientifically proven to delay premature ejaculation.
Zinc (as Citrate) (14 mg)
Zinc citrate is a more bioavailable form of zinc.
Zinc supplementation increases testosterone levels, which can directly affect the libido.
Low testosterone levels can reduce sex drive.
Zinc is a sure-fire way to ensure libido and testosterone levels remain high.
It also increases sperm count and encourages lean body mass.
Cordyceps (25 mg)
Cordyceps is a fungus (similar to mushrooms) used in Chinese Medicine.
This worm-like growth influences testosterone release and enhances erectile function.
By promoting blood circulation, cordyceps improve virility and stamina.
Cordyceps increase libido in both men and women.
Niacin (Vitamin B3) (18 mg)
Niacin is a vasodilator.
It widens blood vessels.
Niacin can improve blood flow to the genitals, and is especially helpful for men with moderate-to-severe erectile dysfunction.
However, for men with mild-to-moderate ED, clinical results from niacin supplementation were not significant.
Niacin can help prolong organism and improve oxygen flow, resulting in greater muscle stamina.
How do you use it?
Take three capsules a day with a meal.
Remember, results may vary from person to person, but the longer youi take it the better results you will see.
If taken appropriately, this is a safe supplement for all ages.
Are there side effects?
Male Extra has no known side effects.
However, if you suffer from any medical conditions you should consult your doctor before taking this.
Go To Absorb Health's Website
My Experience With Male Extra
As I stated earlier, talking about certain sexual related problems can be pretty embarrassing.
This is why I took so long to take action and actually purchase a male enhancement supplement which would help with my sexual performance.
That being said, when I finally decided I would try Male Extra out because of my friends suggestion, I was glad to find out I could order it online.
Not only I didn't have to go through the awkward situation of purchasing such a product, the product actually arrived after two days in my doorstep with no noticeable problems.
First Few Days
It took me around five days for me to notice a difference.
I knew it would take anywhere from 3 days to more than a week for me to feel something, so I wasn't worried about that.
I noticed I was feeling a little bit different because I was feeling more motivated than usual to hit the gym (normally I am tired and not looking forward to workout).
During my workout I realized I was more than 2/3 in and wasn't tired like I normally am.
And that is when I realized it was probably the supplement kicking in.
I ended up working out a lot more than usual that day and I felt great afterwards.
Week One
A little more than a week or so of taking Male Extra, I noticed that not only my energy levels were improving but my libido as well.
With all the work-related stress, busy schedules and other day to day worries I found it hard to be in the mood.
My wife was worried about me and my lack of "motivation" in the sexual field and my lack of interest was making her think I had a problem with her.
I made it clear it had nothing to do with her and this was the main reason why I started taking this supplement. I did not want my relationship to go to a bad place.
As I said before, during the first week of taking this product my sex drive came back.
I was ecstatic!​
Research suggests that testosterone levels are directly related to things like sexual stamina and this indeed correlates with my experience taking Male Extra.
If that were the only benefit it brought, I'd still be sold on taking it regularly for the foreseeable future as the peace of mind it brings is considerable.
Week Two
After week two, not only did my libido problem vanish, but my general mood was also better.
I felt more energetic and I was able to produce more during the day.
For example, I normally struggle to wake up and go to the gym.
And staying there for more than 30 minutes?
Don't even get me started.
However, during the second week of taking Male Extra I realized I was more motivated and was actually looking forward to go to the gym to burn out all my new found energy.
Apart from the energy, I can say I was feeling "happier".
Perhaps this is correlated to the fact that I was working out more and so I was releasing more endorphins and such.
Either way, I felt happier, and in both scenarios this can be attributed to Male Extra.
​Something else that I found great was an increase in my concentration levels.
I was able to focus for longer periods of time at work and at home as well.
I like reading, but my mind usually wanders off after about 20 minutes and I usually have to stop reading or else I will just be wasting my time.
However, during the second week of taking this supplement I was reading easily for over 30 minutes non-stop.
I honestly felt great.
Click Here For A Great Deal
Week Three
In the third week, all the positive things I talked about earlier stayed the same.
Honestly, I was amazed at this fact because I thought taking supplements like this regularly would make me resistant and require me to take larger doses to get the same effect.
Fortunately, this wasn't the case.
As a matter of fact, not only did my libido and my mood improve, I could tell my physique had also improved.
My wife told me I was looking "fitter", and indeed I felt stronger.
After three weeks of use, I could confirm this was one of the best supplements I had ever tried, which is why I decided to write this review on it.
By this time I had been telling all my friends about this discovery of mine and telling them to try it out if they wanted a boost in their lives.
Week Four to Present
I have been taking Male Extra for over 2 months now and I still feel the benefits I felt in the beggining.
Honestly, I don't remember how I felt before taking this supplement and I don't want to go back.
I keep taking the same dosage that was recommended since day one and I have not developed any kind of resistance.
My sex life is back to normal, or dare I say, it is even better than before.
I have more sex drive and last longer in bed.
My wife is certainly happy about that.
I keep hitting the gym frequently and working out longer than before and the results certainly show.
All I can say is I am going to keep taking this supplement for as long as I can, unless my doctor tells me to stop!
Click Here For A Great Deal
If you read my experience, it is pretty clear to you how I feel about Male Extra.
It all started because I was lacking motivation to have sex with my wife and I knew it wasn't because I didn't feel attracted to her anymore.
After I started taking Male Extra, not only did I eliminate this problem and started having a better sexual performance, I was also in a better mood, felt more energy and more focus.
Honestly, I would recommend this to anyone, if you are having problems with your sex drive or not.
The overall benefits of taking Male Extra are amazing and I urge everyone to try it.
Tell me your experience later, you won't be disappointed!
Click Here For A Great Deal
Pros & Cons
Increased libido
Stronger erections
Stronger orgasms
Increased energy levels and focus
Improved my mood
Improved physique
Full money-back guarantee
Might not work for some people
Results take at least a week to show
Might make you feel sick if you take it on an empty stomach
As you can see, the Pros far outweigh the Cons.
I urge you to try this product and see the benefits for yourself.
If you don't like it, you have a money-back guarantee, so there is literally no reason not to try it.
Male Extra Review Summary
Getting erections were not a problem anymore
Erections were stronger and larger
More intense orgasms
Increased energy levels and focus
Improved my mood
Improved physique
Money-back Guarantee
Go To Absorb Health's Website
source https://sprucebodylab.com/body/male-extra-review/
0 notes
techawareness · 6 years
Apple AirPod’s is an innovative tech from Apple which they produce after iPad, AirPod was release in Apple September 2016 event alongside with iPhone 7. As Apple wanted people to forcibly purchase AirPod as they have shown their “Courage” to remove Headphone jack. But it turns out Apple is right about wireless future, “but not for removing headphone jack” as today major tech giants release their wireless solution but no one really matches the potential of AirPod’s.
Some of the great facts about AirPod which include Apple W1 Chipset which gives this tiny piece of tech power to super-seeds other competitors. W1 Chipset provide a seamless paring technique to Apple device which uses the same iCloud ID you can pair the device within an instance, W1 Chipset also provides some taps gestures which user can program according to their need basically you can use Siri which is the default for user initially but the user can change it. The AirPod also includes a charger which also works as a carrying case user can charge the AirPods for 3-5 times from 0-100% which is really amazing as we compared with recently launching Galaxy Buds which only provides 1-time charge but a user can wirelessly charge the device from Galaxy S10 reverse charge feature. So these are some of the amazing features which make AirPod’s more amazing than it is but as time passes and competition also raise their quality Apple also has to improve their AirPods so they can match competitor easily.
AirPods 2 is expected to give its glimpse this month as according to rumors from various sources. So let see what we could expect from next gen. AirPods 2,
W4 Chipset
Apple W3 chipset was an earlier feature in Apple Watch Series 4 which bring Bluetooth 5.0, Apple may bring more advancement to this wireless technology add more feature that we think of. Apple may bring different gesture to response effect with this chipset, they could also bring some user head motion gesture which will bring more advancement to AirPods 2.
Apple may bring stability to connect Apple device easily may also feature 1 source 2 output support in which the user can use a single device and output two different AirPods 2 easily without any issue.
Bluetooth 5.0 brings faster and stable quality
Recent gen AirPods has Bluetooth 4.2 which a good Bluetooth iteration also features longer range, high-quality bandwidth and consumes less battery. But Bluetooth 5 may exceed the capability of AirPods 2 more than ever as according to Bluetooth 5 technology devices which feature this will have 2x more range than Bluetooth 4.2 device, Bluetooth 5 also consumes less battery and give more high-quality output possible.
The Bluetooth 5 also provides AirPods to receive audio separately from two different AirPods rather than one which we find in recent gen AirPods so it will give better audio receiving capability rather than recent gen AirPods.
Wireless charging is coming
Wireless charging is really future for our tech devices as we have seen many of the major devices which we use have wireless charging which includes smartwatch, smartphones and other smart wearables. Recent gen. Galaxy Buds has introduced wireless charging case which also comes handy when it reverse charge with Galaxy S10’s devices. Apple may also seem to jump in this domain and bring wireless charging to AirPods 2, they may also bring fast charging as possible.
It’s been confirmed that Apple’s upcoming  AirPower wireless charging pad will work with a new case for the AirPods.
Images of the wireless charging case were spotted in iOS 12 beta 5. While the AirPods don’t actually look any different the model identifier ‘AirPods1,2’ appears – which is different from the original AirPods 1,1. Here’s a still from a  9to5Mac video of the case:
Apple AirPods 2 Wireless Charging Case
The new AirPods images showing that a new case will include are an indicator which shows the charging status of the device. Charging light will install on the front of the device just down under the lid rather than having inside the device which is pretty inconvenient for a user if they charging the device with wire as they always have to open the lid each time to check device charging.
Design change bring improvement rather than complaining
Recent gen. AirPods looks like Tampons as user says about it, but now it becomes usual around as it does not look weird. AirPod 2 headphones will feature a special grip coating similar to the glass used on the Google Pixel phone.
According to leak, Apple may introduce a black color option alongside a white version.
Water resistant also becomes the norm for recent Ear Buds Apple also bring waterproofing to AirPods so that people can use it in rain or gym and the device will not be harm.
Feature which makes you love AirPods 2
New feature is always expected with an iteration of products as it will help to gives the user more choice option among other devices.
Noise Cancellation
According to leak AirPods, 2 will bring Noice cancellation, according to a report from Barclays  (predicting a delay until 2019 for the AirPods 2 launch) names noise cancellation as the flagship feature for the new headphones. This will be achieved via changes to the physical design, rather than active noise cancellation. Noice cancellation adds more comfort for the user who wants to use small headphones as compared with Large Headsets like Beats Studio 3, Bose Quiet Comfort 35 II, Sony Noice Cancellation Headphone and more.
Apple may also bring some biometric sensors for measuring heart rate, Apple has changed the health industry by the introduction of Apple Watch Series 4 which feature blood pressure measurement with a tiny small device which is really breakthrough, Apple will surely made a new breakthrough with AirPods 2 by the inclusion of Heart Rate Sensor.
A report from Digitimes in January 2019 also suggested health monitoring features in the AirPods 2.
It seems that Apple plans to incorporate wellness sensors in future AirPods. Apple has updated the trademark includes the following,  according to Patently Apple in November 2018: “General wellness instruments, namely, health, fitness, exercise, and wellness sensors, monitors, speakers and displays for measuring, displaying, tracking, reporting, monitoring, storing, and transmitting biometric data, heart rate, body movement, and calories burned.”
Sound Quality
With the inclusion of Noise cancellation Apple may also increase the sound quality of AirPods they may feature deeper bass, more treble stability with an increase in audio decibel so AirPods could reach higher frequencies better.
Hey Siri!
Apple has teased this feature during the iPhone event in 2018 so it may be possible that Apple will bring Hey Siri to AirPods 2.
Now the above seems to have been confirmed by the beta for iOS 12.2. The next version of iOS 12 will include Hey Siri as one of the steps when setting up a new pair of AirPods. The new setup screen offers to help the user set up Hey Siri for use with the new AirPods. Once set up the AirPods will be able to recognize the user’s voice and act on commands, as per this 9to5 Mac report
Pricing to the device still not clear as inclusion of these new features may increase the base price of AirPods as compared to $159 for recent gen. AirPods. So these are some feature which we could see in upcoming AidPods 2, we’ll surely see AirPods 2 in Apple March event which is expected to happen 25th.
0 notes
3 Uncomplicated Steps to Quickly and Long lasting Fat Reduction
prášky na chudnutie 3 Actions To Get rid of Fat That Will Past When it arrives to dropping weight there are no magic tablets or solution diet programs that can enable you attain your body weight reduction objectives. But you can attain your aims with these three measures to assist shed excess weight. Like most things in lifetime dropping body weight (a lot of body weight) boils down to aware work, willpower, perseverance and perseverance. Shedding 10, twenty, 50 or a hundred pounds or additional all will come back again to what you do on a daily basis. If you do what you happen to be supposed to do (eat appropriate + exercising) working day in a day out you will sooner or later shed all the bodyweight you want. Nonetheless, if you toss caution to the wind and don't do what you happen to be meant to do then you may never see your fat reduction goals occur real. This my friend is the saddest circumstance there is. If you happen to be bored of being excess fat, if your drained of currently being over weight, if your completely ready to begin your new daily life nowadays then hold on simply because I am about to give you the uncomplicated however incredibly powerful weight reduction program you've been ready for. Are you all set? I am going to inform you in no unsure terms what you have to do to lose all the excess weight you want in three easy to do methods. However, in purchase for this to operate you must retain your emphasis and discipline everyday to preserve undertaking the techniques till you access your wanted final results. Even if you falter and veer off your fat loss observe, it is Ok. If you are able to promptly get back on keep track of you will overtime, reap the advantages of spectacular fat decline and enhanced well being. And now, devoid of more adieu in this article are your 3 simple methods to excess weight loss... one. Consume Considerably less two. Consume Far better 3. Exercising There they are. What do you think? A little anti-climatic, huh? Perhaps you ended up anticipating a lot more... Properly, allow me explain to you if you are equipped to grasp and implement this powerfully risk-free and productive body weight loss strategy is you will never ever yet again have to devote yet another unneeded dime on excess weight reduction solutions that do not function. You see, your body is a high-quality tuned body weight decline administration device. If you stick to the proper plan and give your body only what it desires to survive it will do all the difficult operate for you. Presented enough time and adhering to the 3 actions previously mentioned you can lose tens and even hundreds of lbs without starving your self or resorting to bogus bodyweight loss drugs or hazardous human body sculpting surgeries. Now, this is not to say that the highway to important excess weight loss will be effortless or that you will not have to undergo a bit to get to your wanted benefits. There will be days when you really feel like throwing in the towel and providing up. On these times you may possibly just cave into your simple cravings and go ridiculous at your neighborhood all you can take in artery clogging buffet. But hey,which is Alright. You might be human. Sometimes you have to go a small nuts to get again on track. Nevertheless, if you are truly dedicated to reaching even your most seemingly unattainable body weight reduction objectives you can and will do it by following the strategy earlier mentioned. Now, for your gain let's go a little deeper into each phase of the system. one. Eat Significantly less There is genuinely no doubt about it. If you want to shed weight you have to start off consuming less. You have to develop a calorie deficiency in order for you body to start out shedding lbs .. If you do not start to restrict how significantly foodstuff you get in no sum of exercising will enable you access your objectives. Consuming less of your favored greasy, excess fat filled foodstuff will be the quickest way to extraordinary weight decline. It seriously will not issue how considerably fat you have to lose. Until you consider management of both your acutely aware and unconscious ingesting behaviors you will be hard pressed to lose even a single pound. No, you have to begin reducing back on the sum of foodstuff you are applied to eating. I've listened to of tales the place persons would go to Mc Donald's and pack absent two Tremendous Sized Huge Mac Foods. Definitely, this is way far too significantly. In this scenario even chopping down to just one Tremendous Dimension food would be an enhancement. But, as we will see in our next phase, a greater strategy would be to do absent with the Tremendous Dimensions food all-together and begin ingesting much better. 2. Try to eat Much better As the indicating goes, "We are what we eat." If we try to eat crap, guess what? Nevertheless, if we learn to eat effectively then not only will our waistline thank us for it but we will also truly feel superior about ourselves to boot. A single of the fastest modifications you can make to your diet plan when making an attempt to lose excess weight is to ditch all the junk foods you may be utilised to taking in (chips, sodas, pizzas, donuts, cookies, etc) and begin feeding on much more greens. Now, I know what you might be considering. You may well nonetheless be traumatized by your mom not permitting you get up from the meal table till you completed all your broccoli but let me notify you, your mother was appropriate. If you can fill 50 percent your plate at every single meal with higher fiber and nutrient packed greens you are properly on your way to important and long long lasting bodyweight loss. This is almost certainly a single of the most straightforward items you can do to genuinely kickstart your weight loss journey. When it may not be straightforward to start ingesting greens at every food the quicker you start the much better off you will be and the more rapidly the bodyweight will begin to melt off your human body. three. Physical exercise In purchase to kick your weight decline experience into substantial equipment you have to get your human body going. I don't care if you contact it doing work out, working out, aerobics or no matter what the stage is you have to do anything to get your coronary heart amount up and your sweat glands performing additional time. Workout is the essential to sustainable, long long lasting and true body weight loss. For just about every pound you get rid of by consuming suitable and performing exercises that is just one additional pound that will never ever occur again to haunt you. Why? Mainly because you now know the "secret" to protected and powerful fat loss. If you at any time truly feel on your own creeping again up on the dreaded scale o' extra fat all you have to do is set these 3 actions into action and look at as you stabilize and contradict any undesired body weight gain. By training on a standard basis you are supplying your human body the vitality improve it wants to ramp up your metabolism fee to start off efficiently and efficiently getting rid of weight on a everyday foundation. I do not about you but that appears fairly darn very good to me. The a lot more you push by yourself bodily the more quickly you will see modify in your body take place. You may not have to function out with a individual coach day-to-day but you do will need to do one thing. Be it heading for a wander, working, swimming, biking, hiking, or any other actual physical action you like to do start carrying out it now. Really don't invest a different evening on the couch looking at the latest re-runs. Get your physique going and commence getting rid of body weight currently. Summary Dropping fat (even a whole lot of body weight) is not rocket science. So relaxation certain that anyone can do it, even you. Nevertheless, it will require all the tolerance, self-control, determination and perseverance you can muster. Begin sluggish. Consider it one particular day at a time. You may possibly not get to your ideal fat in one particular 7 days, 1 month or even one particular yr but stick with it and attain it you will. By pursuing the three techniques earlier mentioned you way too can develop into a success story like so many other before you. So go forth and start out dropping all that undesired bodyweight that several years of undisciplined residing have still left behind. Consider handle of your existence starting up these days. Soon you can be happy you did. When that working day comes there will be no seeking back.
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3 Simple Measures to Rapid and Lasting Weight Decline
prípravky na chudnutie pre ženy three Methods To Drop Fat That Will Very last When it comes to losing excess weight there are no magic pills or solution weight loss plans that can support you access your fat loss objectives. But you can realize your objectives with these three actions to enable shed bodyweight. Like most factors in life getting rid of fat (a ton of excess weight) boils down to aware energy, self-control, perseverance and perseverance. Shedding 10, twenty, fifty or one hundred kilos or much more all comes back to what you do on a every day foundation. If you do what you are intended to do (try to eat right + physical exercise) working day in a day out you will ultimately lose all the weight you want. On the other hand, if you throw warning to the wind and never do what you happen to be meant to do then you may possibly in no way see your body weight reduction dreams come correct. This my pal is the saddest state of affairs there is. If you are bored of being body fat, if your tired of being overweight, if your ready to start your new daily life today then hold on mainly because I am about to give you the basic nevertheless incredibly successful weight reduction prepare you've been waiting around for. Are you ready? I am heading to tell you in no unsure phrases what you have to do to get rid of all the fat you want in three effortless to do actions. On the other hand, in purchase for this to perform you have to sustain your concentration and discipline every day to hold performing the measures until eventually you achieve your wanted outcomes. Even if you falter and veer off your excess weight decline observe, it really is Ok. If you are in a position to speedily get back again on monitor you will overtime, reap the added benefits of spectacular bodyweight reduction and enhanced wellness. And now, with no more adieu in this article are your 3 fundamental actions to bodyweight decline... one. Take in Considerably less 2. Eat Greater 3. Workout There they are. What do you think? A very little anti-climatic, huh? Probably you have been expecting more... Effectively, enable me inform you if you are in a position to grasp and implement this powerfully protected and effective fat reduction system is you will by no means again have to shell out one more needless dime on weight loss merchandise that really don't function. You see, your entire body is a high-quality tuned excess weight decline management equipment. If you adhere to the appropriate plan and give your entire body only what it desires to endure it will do all the difficult work for you. Given enough time and following the 3 techniques above you can eliminate tens and even hundreds of pounds with out starving on your own or resorting to bogus bodyweight reduction capsules or risky overall body sculpting surgeries. Now, this is not to say that the street to important body weight reduction will be uncomplicated or that you will not have to suffer a bit to access your wanted final results. There will be days when you truly feel like throwing in the towel and supplying up. On those days you may possibly just cave into your simple cravings and go nuts at your community all you can eat artery clogging buffet. But hey,that is Ok. You are human. Often you have to go a small nuts to get back on observe. Nevertheless, if you are really dedicated to reaching even your most seemingly unattainable weight loss goals you can and will do it by following the system over. Now, for your gain let's go a little deeper into each stage of the program. 1. Take in Significantly less There is truly no doubt about it. If you want to shed fat you have to commence ingesting considerably less. You have to make a calorie deficiency in buy for you human body to start off shedding lbs. If you do not get started to restrict how considerably meals you take in no amount of work out will help you attain your objectives. Eating considerably less of your favourite greasy, excess fat filled meals will be the quickest way to remarkable body weight loss. It actually doesn't make a difference how much body weight you have to shed. Unless of course you get handle of the two your mindful and unconscious feeding on behaviors you are going to be challenging pressed to shed even one particular pound. No, you have to start out slicing back on the quantity of foods you are utilised to eating. I have listened to of stories where individuals would go to Mc Donald's and pack absent two Super Sized Major Mac Meals. Definitely, this is way way too substantially. In this circumstance even cutting down to one Tremendous Measurement meal would be an improvement. But, as we will see in our next step, a far better strategy would be to do away with the Tremendous Size meal all-jointly and start consuming better. two. Eat Greater As the expressing goes, "We are what we consume." If we eat crap, guess what? Even so, if we study to try to eat properly then not only will our waistline thank us for it but we will also sense greater about ourselves to boot. Just one of the fastest alterations you can make to your diet when hoping to shed body weight is to ditch all the junk foodstuff you could be utilized to eating (chips, sodas, pizzas, donuts, cookies, etc) and begin ingesting much more vegetables. Now, I know what you could be contemplating. You may nonetheless be traumatized by your mother not letting you get up from the supper desk till you finished all your broccoli but let me inform you, your mom was right. If you can fill half your plate at each and every meal with higher fiber and nutrient packed vegetables you are effectively on your way to major and prolonged long lasting fat loss. This is in all probability 1 of the most basic points you can do to really kickstart your fat decline journey. Even though it may well not be simple to commence consuming vegetables at each and every meal the sooner you commence the greater off you are going to be and the more rapidly the weight will begin to melt off your physique. 3. Work out In order to kick your bodyweight loss journey into large equipment you have to get your body relocating. I don't care if you phone it functioning out, exercising, aerobics or what ever the point is you have to do anything to get your heart fee up and your sweat glands working additional time. Exercise is the critical to sustainable, lengthy lasting and genuine excess weight decline. For every pound you shed by feeding on correct and exercising that is a single a lot more pound that will under no circumstances arrive back to haunt you. Why? Because you now know the "solution" to protected and productive weight reduction. If you ever come to feel your self creeping again up on the dreaded scale o' body fat all you have to do is put these three methods into motion and observe as you stabilize and contradict any undesirable excess weight acquire. By training on a normal basis you are offering your body the power improve it demands to ramp up your fat burning capacity price to start successfully and effectively getting rid of bodyweight on a each day foundation. I really don't about you but that sounds quite darn excellent to me. The additional you press your self bodily the faster you will see transform in your physique take place. You may not have to work out with a individual trainer daily but you do require to do something. Be it going for a wander, managing, swimming, biking, climbing, or any other actual physical activity you like to do start out doing it now. Do not shell out yet another night time on the couch watching the most current re-operates. Get your human body transferring and begin getting rid of excess weight nowadays. Conclusion Shedding bodyweight (even a ton of weight) is not rocket science. So rest certain that anyone can do it, even you. On the other hand, it will need all the persistence, self-discipline, willpower and perseverance you can muster. Begin slow. Just take it just one day at a time. You may well not attain your best body weight in one 7 days, one particular thirty day period or even one particular 12 months but stick with it and reach it you will. By following the three actions earlier mentioned you far too can develop into a success tale like so many other in advance of you. So go forth and start off getting rid of all that undesirable excess weight that several years of undisciplined dwelling have still left driving. Take control of your existence beginning these days. Soon you are going to be glad you did. When that working day arrives there will be no searching back.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
3 reasons why Apple's new smart-home speaker falls short of the competition (AAPL)
Apple on Monday finally unveiled its long-rumored Amazon Echo competitor, called HomePod. This is it:
It costs $350.
With the HomePod, Apple made its smart-home intentions extremely clear: It wants HomePod to be the intelligent hub for your home, borrowing the best aspects from smart speakers like the Amazon Echo, and connected home-audio systems like Sonos, to let you talk to your speaker from anywhere in your home, and have it talk back. HomePod is a speaker for playing music, but it can also give you the weather, set timers, control other electronics in your home, or even just tell you a joke.
As someone who owns both an Amazon Echo and a Sonos family of connected speakers, I completely understand why Apple wants a piece of this space. They are, in short, the future. Sonos products work exceedingly well together, and improve each room they’re in. The Amazon Echo, meanwhile, has completely changed the way I live and behave in my own home. Both products offer seamless audio experiences in their own ways.
But when you think of “seamless” experiences in consumer technology, Apple is usually the first name that comes to mind, not necessarily Amazon or Sonos, and Apple has been absent in this smart-home space until this point. And so, Apple hopes the HomePod can be a similar frictionless device that improves the way you live at home.
I do believe that in time, through updates and iterations, Apple has the capabilities to make HomePod a better product than Amazon’s Echo family or the Sonos family. But right now, I don’t believe it’s better than either of those product lines.
Here’s why:
1. You still have to say “Hey Siri.”
Wake words might seem like a small detail, but in the scheme of virtual assistants, they are hugely important. The reason owning and using an Amazon Echo feels so effortless is because addressing the Echo never feels like you’re talking to technology. You can just say “Alexa,” and your command. It feels very natural, like you're talking to a person.
For some reason, other smart home devices miss this concept. This was my main gripe with Google’s Home, released last year, which insists you say “Okay Google” to wake the device.
It feels too much like you’re interacting with technology — I would never say “Okay Google” in real life. Saying “Hey Siri” is the same thing. It’s not how I normally talk, and it feels awkward. If you still think this isn’t a big deal, imagine saying “Hey Siri” every time you want to wake the device — several times a day, every day, for weeks, and months, and possibly even years. That's hundreds of thousands of times you need to say "Hey Siri." Trust me, by that point you’ll wonder why Apple couldn’t have come up with a more natural-sounding wake word, especially when Amazon lets you choose your wake word: “Alexa,” or “Amazon,” or, if you’re a fan of “Star Trek,” even “Computer,” which is awesome.
2. The price is not right.
As I mentioned earlier, Apple’s HomePod is designed to be something between a smart speaker like an Amazon Echo and a connected speaker like a Sonos device — and its price is meant to be a reflection of that, too. As of June 2017, here’s what the most popular smart-home and connected-speaker options are:
- Amazon Echo Dot: $50 - Amazon Tap: $130 - Google Home: $130 - Amazon Echo: $180 - Amazon Echo Look: $200 - Sonos Play 1: $200 - Amazon Echo Show: $230 - Sonos Play 3: $300 - Apple HomePod: $350 - Sonos Play 5: $500
As you’ll notice, Apple’s HomePod is actually on the upper-end of the most popular options, price-wise. And that, to me, is another big knock against it.
Like I mentioned earlier, I own both a Sonos family of speakers as well as an Amazon Echo. Sonos speakers sound better than the Echo, as most people will tell you. But over 90% of the time, when I want to play music, I choose the Echo.
There's an important reason I play music through my Echo more often than the Sonos: The Echo is simply easier and more satisfying to use. I can ask to play a song with my voice more quickly than I could searching for that song on my computer, via the Spotify section of the Sonos app. I can also change songs on the fly, as quickly as my imagination can come up with new songs to suggest. And the audio quality on the Echo, while not better than the Sonos, is “good enough” to merit me choosing the Echo as my main speaker.
This is the same reason I prefer Apple’s $170 AirPods over most headphones, even my favorite over-ear pair for 3+ years now, the $300 V-Moda Crossfade Wireless. If the difference in audio is negligible — and most people cannot discern small differences in audio quality — ease of use wins out, every single time. I don’t mind that AirPods can’t achieve the same bass as my V-Moda’s. They’re easier to charge, easier to carry, and easier to use, and that makes all the difference.
In other words, the key selling point of the HomePod is its Echo-like attributes, not its Sonos-like ones. Trust me on this one: Connected speakers are nice, but they’re not as transformative as smart speakers, because audio quality matters less when its other abilities can have a bigger impact on your life. So when considering the price of the HomePod, don’t compare it to Sonos; compare it to the Amazon Echo. And in this particular case, the Amazon Echo can do all of the same things the HomePod can (with the exception of AirPlay and Apple Music-related features), for $170 less. You can buy two Amazon Echos for the price of one HomePod, pretty much.
3. The design is uninspired.
Apple's new HomePod is by no means ugly. When I first laid eyes on it, I thought it was very "Apple." Simple. Minimalist.
But the more I looked at this speaker, the more I realized: The HomePods design doesn't feel very inspired at all. It feels very safe.
It only comes in two colors: black and white. Why so serious? If Apple is trying to distinguish itself in the home audio/home assistant space, it feels strange that the HomePod would look so same-feeling and plain, limited to the same austere colors as the Amazon Echo (black and white). Even Sonos equipment, which is also relatively monotone with lots of grays and blacks, is more exciting by comparison.
Considering the uniformity among popular home audio equipment today, Apple had an opportunity to actually do something different in this category, but instead largely followed the crowd in terms of design. It's a toilet paper-shaped rectangle with a ring on top and a light in the middle, which somehow manages to be reminiscent of the two most popular smart home devices right now: the Amazon Echo, and the more stout Google Home. The design feels very familiar.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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venessat-blog · 7 years
Garcinia cambogia lean plus how it works
Vibrant Naturals Garcinia Ultra Lean, Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract, 65% HCA, 3000 mg per day, 180 Capsules, Premium Appetite Suppressant & Weight Loss Components with Potassium, Chromium and Calcium, Made in USA even higher than anticipated - highly suggest!!! To get garcinia cambogia lean plus follow the links here.
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Considering the almost full lack of evidence showing garcinia cambogia (and in this occasion, green coffee bean extract as well) truly works, the necessary trial and autoship enrollment, the extraordinarily high value, and the restrictive refund coverage, we'd advocate avoiding Garcinia Lean XTreme altogether.
Garcinia cambogia lean plus;
I have noticed my garments getting tighter so I decided to lose a little bit of weight to get back to normal...I've bought these tablets 4 weeks ago and I've delayed my evaluation till I check them and see in the event that they actually work. Additionally, Garcinia Cambogia and apple cider vinegar food plan won't result in quick weight loss if you don't watch your weight loss plan.
I purchased Garcinia Cambogia pure extract w/60% HCA from Nutra Health. The bottle says Proprietary Mix 500mg and Garcinia 60% HCA. The dosage says two capsules day by day 30 minutes earlier than lunch or dinner. I've been doing this for 2 weeks and actually do not feel or see any outcomes. What ideas of dosage or times to take please.
First, we see a picture of a match, attractive lady, which makes us envious and wish to look the same approach. Then, the producer attempts to create tension and a sense of urgency by writing on the high of the web page: WARNING: On account of well-liked TV demand our shops are struggling to maintain provide in stock. As of November 19, 2014 we do have a restricted supply IN INVENTORY and ready to ship within 24 hours.” Thankfully, the manufacturer supplies reduction from this urgency by letting us know the way we can have a trial order rushed to us.
You should name them and inform them you will dispute the credit card charge. They'll try to offer you one time exceptions” of this and that %. You don't budge and maintain saying that it's unacceptable till eventually they offer in. And if f they do not, then dispute the cost.
Does Garcinia Cambogia really work? In late January, Dr. Mehmet Oz let his viewers in on slightly secret throughout the Physician Oz Show,” and months later people are nonetheless speaking in regards to the unique fruit extract on Twitter and many are wondering: is Garcinia Cambogia the true deal or is it just another rip-off?” Dr. Oz referred to it as the load loss holy grail” since neither eating regimen nor train is required, however specialists have since revealed that this too-good-to-be-true extract may be simply merely that: too good to be true.
I'm comfortable to be loosing and will continue to take the GC whereas my weight goes in the right route. As for appetite suppression, some days I really feel like eating all day and some days I am not so hungry. My overall opinion is that they work so long as you are not in a hurry to enter miss world.
Garcinia Ultra Lean is a weight loss program capsule that makes daring guarantees about its weight loss advantages. It claims that it's going to assist people burn fat more quickly. But amazingly, it additionally promises to help you burn fats with out weight-reduction plan or exercise.
The price of making high quality Garcinia Cambogia is high. In order to attain a concentrated dose with a high percentage of the HCA, the plant should undergo a number of processing. This doesn't come cheap. The extra processing and refining of the plant down to the constituent energetic parts, the additional the costs climb. Garcinia Cambogia offered for under £10 a bottle either comprises a very low mg per tablet, a really low HCA percentage, very few tablets, or a mix of the three. What may appear to be good value could subsequently grow to be a waste of money.
Hello I've one hundred% Pure Cambogia and the serving dimension is four caplets. Servings per container is 25. It also says (Garcinia Cambogia extract 1556 mg.) the instructions say take 4 Tablets 3 times a day, 60 minutes earlier than each meal with 8 ounces of water.
If you are undecided about precisely what amount of Garcinia to take, you could want to name your native provider for additional guidance. Besides doing that, you can inform your doc of your decision to use this supplement.
These are all the same claims made by other garcinia eating regimen tablet producers: all of these producers make the same claims to suppress urge for food and block fats storage. These manufactures all rely on the same small research, which show some evidence that garcinia can have very gentle weight loss advantages.
The researchers mentioned they can't be completely certain that it was, certainly, using Garcinia that precipitated the affected person to develop serotonin toxicity. Another potential, however less possible, set off of the response, might have been the SSRI that she had been taking. Furthermore, additionally it is doable that although the complement she was taking was labeled as Garcinia, it might not have contained the supplement, but slightly some other substance, Hendrickson said.
Lean Garcinia Plus, like many low-high quality slimming capsules bought on-line immediately, is bundled as a part of a free trial autoship scam. You pay a small charge for a free trial ” immediately, solely to be charged hundreds of dollars over the next few months in hidden costs.
Earlier research have shown that garcinia cambogia could, in truth, improve the levels of serotonin - a neurotransmitter. Most urged dosages for Garcinia are based on an extract that contains between 50 to 60% HCA. Garcinia cambogia pure, Examine matthew&#8217s tale beneath. the write-up will curiosity the visitors who keep in mind that being overweight will be managed with diet program and coaching.
Helped me lose 20lbs in 3 months in time for my daughters wedding. Will deffo use once more after christmas. The best thing is that you do not really feel like snacking or consuming something candy while on them. It's nonetheless essential to comply with the advisable garcinia cambogia dosage to maximize on the benefits of this revered extract. If your complement is in capsule form you might want to take two capsules per day earlier than predominant meals.
I would first like to write that I never write critiques, and the only cause I am writing it's because earlier than purchasing I read quite a lot of critiques on here and many different websites together with Amazon for this product. They actually helped me in making the choice to use this product and so I am grateful to that and need to help others. In the event you're undecided or thinking maybe these are a scam or whatnot I can inform you to attempt them, you'll not be upset.
DISCLAIMER: Please word that individual results could vary. Where written, any mention of the power of the product is in reference to the amount of mg per pill, not the outcomes. Particular person outcomes could differ. Hello There, i obtained a bottle of Garcinia Extremely Slim Trim which on the again says Serving measurement=2 Capsules. How do you employ the ACV? I've seen several different recipes (heat water, ACV, honey, tumeric, and so on.) and not one says how a lot of the elements to mix together. Hey Naresh, first off, make sure you examine the label of your bottle to see the serving dimension per dosage”. Simply bear in mind, making vinegar a day by day habit won't cancel out the effects of overeating. Think of it as one piece of your wellness puzzle, and not a panacea. Step #four - Take your Garcinia tablet very first thing within the morning on an empty abdomen.
Sure, Dr. Oz referred to as Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA) the Holy Grail of Weight Loss. He went on to say, Anytime I see a scientist get this excited about one thing like Garcinia Cambogia Extract and after I seemed through a few of this research and called these scientists myself, I get excited. That is why Garcinia Cambogia Extract makes sense to me and fascinates me.” We'll inform you why he stated that, and offer you his recommendations on what to search for when shopping for this exciting new weight reduction supplement.
I've been taking Garcinia Quick for the last week now and I have noticed an enormous difference in my longing for meals. I am not as hungry on a regular basis and I even have lost up to 5lbs in just one week!!! I would highly suggest this for individuals struggling to drop some weight like me. It really works!!!
Ultimately garcinia cambogia lean plus, good food plan tablet producers don't need to resort to pricing scams like this to sell their merchandise. Not only is Garcinia Extremely Lean absurdly expensive, but it surely tries to trick customers into pondering the worth is simply $3 or $5.
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