#diluc when he sees kaeya as an alcoholic: which one of u brought my younger brother to the tavern enough times that he is alcohol dependent
kaeyachi · 1 year
One of my favorite tropes/HCs is that Kaeya and Diluc have more than a year of age gap (around 2-3 years)
Kaeya would have always been smaller than Diluc their entire youth, maybe even up until Diluc's 18th birthday, because Kaeya would just have started his sudden growth spurt at that time.
Diluc must have started knights training young considering he became a captain by 14, so of course Kaeya would soon prefer to start training early as well just to be with Diluc more.
This would, of course, turn everything that occurs later even more tragic.
Kaeya, still in his mid-teens, would lose another father.
Diluc, in rage and disbelief, attacking Kaeya and immediately regretting it once he saw how young the other looked against his raging flames.
Diluc making the hard decision of leaving to learn more about their father's death (because no one else would, and who else better to do it than himself). Kaeya telling him when and how to go.
Diluc selling the manor, their childhood home, and Kaeya having no say in it simply because he is not of age.
Kaeya also having no say in business proceedings other than letting his opinions known
Diluc returning home only to see Kaeya who had become an alcoholic in his time of absence (and him wondering how this happened)
(note: With this age gap, at the start of the game, Kaeya would have just been 19/20 for Diluc's 22/23. Kaeya would be 15/16 when Diluc left.)
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deplatform · 3 years
A very long word vomit about The Traveler’s age because some people still insist that they’re minor or have “minor body” and I’ve had enough
Note: I’m referring to the English voicelines because I don’t have enough understanding of the original Chinese dub. Also, I’m gonna refer The Twins with they/them since either one can be Traveler or Abyss Twin.
It’s pretty much already established from the Archon Quest (Act 1: Chapter IV) that the twins are at least 500+ years so I’m not gonna delve deep into it. Here’s some things people bring out every time The Traveler’s age brought up
Characters’ voicelines about The Traveler being underage
The Traveler’s origin isn’t known to just anyone. Of course there are people who are aware of The Traveler’s origin such as Fischl & Xinyan (from their voicelines) and the Archons. But most people only know The Traveler as “traveler from afar” which is what Amber introduced them as to Kaeya in the prologue. 
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And even before meeting Kaeya, Paimon only introduced The Traveler to Amber in an ambiguous manner (that they’re lost their sibling in a long journey) and not mentioning anything about another world. 
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The Traveler also praised Albedo when they first met after he correctly concluded that they’re from another world.
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If everyone know that Traveler is not from Teyvat, the above exchange wouldn’t make sense. So it’s safe to assume most people (and NPCs) are just assuming Traveler’s age and not letting them drink, which brings us to the next point.
People won’t let The Traveler drink
Honestly I don’t remember any NPC that forbade The Traveler to drink but I saw some people mentioning Charles? I don’t remember when that happened but in the idle dialogue, he gives The Traveler liquor recommendations
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Also since Venti’s and Kaeya’s voicelines are most frequently brought up in this argument I’m gonna bring that up too:
Kaeya, as mentioned before, is assumed to not know about The Traveler’s true origin. Also, in Windblume Festival he offered The Traveler wine (should this indicate that he now knows about The Traveler’s being an alien??? save that for another lore discussion). 
Venti’s voiceline is from the middle of the prologue, where he showed no sign of knowing The Traveler’s origin, or at least hide it because Jean and Diluc were also there. Later though, in Zhongli’s voiceline (which took place after the prologue and Liyue arc), Venti apparently gave some alcohol to The Traveler and tricked them into getting drunk.
It’s worth mentioning The Traveler acts annoyed whenever people refuse serving them drinks on multiple occasion yet never tried to correct them. I’ve seen people mentioning that China have laws about this and The Traveler drinking in game would count as “alcohol promotion” which put Mhy at risk of getting banned or having to change the game’s rating (which isn’t good if you want as many players as you can). I can’t verify this because I don’t understand ch law and I’m not spending my time learning about game censorship law in china.
They’re still minor mentally/still have the mind of a minor because they slept in those 500 years
The Twins are immortal beings and can’t age physically. We can see the Abyss Twin (who didn’t sleep for 500 years) still looks the same as before the Unknown God took them away. And how do you know that they’ve only lived for, say, 15 years before sleeping? The Traveler is shown to be mature and capable of making difficult decision like an adult. 
Also it’s funny that people mostly bring out the number 15 or 14 from speculating about Mondstat’s drinking age being 16 yo (like Germany irl), even though it’s pretty much confirmed that the drinking age in Mondstat is 18 yo (pictured: Diluc’s 18th birthday bash from the manga)
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and finally for the most popular argument:
It doesn’t matter they’re 500 years old, they still have a minor body
1. What the fuck is a minor body 2. Mhy only uses 5 body models and those models are supposed to represent people in a variety of ages. The body models are not indicative of their ages. Not everyone with that model are the same age and not everyone with different models have different ages. 
Regarding to characters’ age, I think Fischl is the only one we vaguely know about their age from her vision lore, she’s at least 16 or older (she received her vision at 14 and we know no one has received electro vision in the last 2 years). Noelle explicitly tells us she’s not old enough to drink, while Hu Tao is described to already passed her teenage years. Keqing is one of Liyue Qinxing, you know, people with the highest influence over Liyue’s whole economy and is unlikely to be a teenager. And they ALL have the same model.
3. People who looks younger than they are actually are exist in real life lmao (from being short like me or have baby face)
Also worth mentioning the “we’re only getting dating event with minor characters so The Traveler is minor-coded” argument:
None of those character have confirmed age, let me remind you that body models are not indicative of the character’s age
It’s a hangout event, not “dating event”
You people will lose your mind when future hangout events come lmao (like with Diona or other other characters that doesn’t have young girl/young boy body models) 
“I hope Mhy would release official age to make this clear”
I don’t think they’ll do that because The Traveler is a self-insert character. Stating a clear age would make some people relate even less to The Traveler’s character. Even if Mhy eventually gives The Traveler official age, it’d be super old like 1000+ or something (there’s actually a popular theory about the twins actually being 1000+ years old. It’s connected to Honkai Impact’s universe but idk enough about HI3 to talk about it)
And honestly, The Traveler’s age doesn’t matter. Like I said, it’s a self-insert. Which means, people can interpret it as freely as they want. It’s not important to the story progression afterall. Mhy gave us a room for different interpretation by keeping it ambiguous. As long as you don’t attack random people on the internet for thinking differently, you’re good.
Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
TL;DR: It doesn’t matter if  u think the traveler minor or not, just don’t harass people who think differently. Read the bold parts for details
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