#dilucs would be seatmates to lovers
baeshijima · 2 years
im half awake bc mornings suck, but i had another idea ;w;;
so u know like the baby projects and stuff where ur paired up with someone and have to look after a simulated fake baby for a few months together, right?
well as i was just brushing my teeth i was thinking how fun of a concept that would be with alhaitham, ayato, diluc and dain ಥ_ಥ
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bluexiao · 2 years
#we’re only seatmates but is there a chance we could be more?
—they’re sitting next to you, but why does it feel like they’re hiding something from you? 
CHARACTERS. Aether, Albedo, Ayato, Childe, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli; g! Reader
THEMES. fluff, kinda platonic and romantic at the same time, mutual pining
NOTES. I was about to do the enemies to lovers one but i had no idea how to write it for now so im going back to what i originally planned on writing this time. I hope you’ll enjoy this~ 
oh btw should i also start writing for heizou??
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ZHONGLI is your colleague at work. You two were not close per se, but you did exchange usual common greetings to each other without a fail. If you were to rate him, he probably is the best co-worker you’ve ever had. He is helpful, he is respectful, and he is also a good conversationalist. Actually, you feel bad that he is like this towards you but you thought to yourself that he’s like this to everyone else and that it was just a part of his personality. “Mr. Zhongli, you’re literally the best!” You’d often tell him. What you didn't know, however, is that he feels pleased whenever he hears this and that he was able to help you somehow. He himself did not know much about romantic feelings, but every time he sees you smiling happily and looking well rested, he was fairly sure that it was enough to be at peace for the day. 
XIAO is that classmate that you never had the chance to talk to. Actually, you even forgot he was your classmate until he got seated next to you. You attempted to have a conversation with him several times but his replies are rather short, but he does respond to you and does not completely ignore you so…maybe that’s a good thing! Little by little, you were making baby steps in making him your friend. After all, he will be your seatmate for the entire term, it would be a waste if you let this chance slip by. XIAO is by far not the most talkative person in class so it would be nice if you could at least be his friend, right? He does not seem like he was rejecting your friendship too. Maybe he does not mind at all! Unknown to you, he really did not. Actually, he liked it. Too much, I’m afraid.
VENTI is pretty much well-known all over the school so, of course, you know who he was. Actually, when you got seated beside him, damn the professor always looked your way with knitted brows, knowing that it was you who was giggling softly to VENTI’s joke that he whispered to you all of a sudden. It’s not even a surprise that you and he got reprimanded a couple of times because of this. Normally, you’re not really like this, but whenever you get seated next to him, it’s like he’s inflicting you with his contagious energy that you could not move away from. In the end, the professors probably either assigned you two apart or warned both of you that if they see you two together, they would kick you both out of the room. Before that could happen, however, you found yourself being called by him on the balcony, telling you that he has something to confess to you. What could it be? You’ll have to go to find out.
THOMA is a good seatmate. Literally. He even shares his lunch with you whenever you did not have one or if you felt like you wanted to eat more. And his cooking is absolutely delicious! How can you say no to that? Most of the time, you even ditch your friends just to eat with him instead. Over time, it became clear to you and everyone else that the two of you were quite close… but there were also rumors that you and he were already dating. You were on your way to tell him that you were sorry for the whole ordeal when you found yourself face to face with a blushing THOMA. Now that is something you could easily deduce, you’re not dense… or were you?
SCARAMOUCHE is someone who you never wanted to sit next to. Seriously. Who would want to sit next to the guy anyway? He usually bullies anyone who sits next to him, no matter who they are. And of course, in the end, your wish was unheard by the Archons. And let’s just say that it’s not the most pleasant thing at all. 
However, your expectations deemed you surprised by the time your first class sitting together came. You prepared yourself the whole night and day before the class, even meditating about calming your mind and not letting your anger seep through for the day. Ultimately, the man did not even look at you a single time! Not that you were complaining though, it’s not like you wanted him to… but it did bother you until the end of the day. Maybe… this is just for today? He’s just messing with your mind today? But no, it happened for the whole week, and now you’re just used to it. But for what reason is he like this? Why in the world is he ignoring you? Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to say hello at least once… 
But when you did greet him good morning, he still ignored you. But he did look you in the eye. And… have his eyes always looked this pretty?
KAZUHA is like a fresh breeze when you sit next to him. He is probably one of the best seatmates out there. Whenever you got sleepy at your Physics class, he would slickly pass you a piece of paper that would sometimes be a bunch of words for you to reply with or a game that would keep you awake in the meantime. You’re thankful to him because of this, and this is how you two had gotten close actually. Before you never expected him to even do this kind of thing as he once sat next to your friend and he never did this to them, they said. Maybe it’s just something he discovered recently, you began to reason to yourself. And why are you overthinking such things? It’s not like he’s doing this because he likes you right…
KAEYA is that officemate you probably have a hard time understanding. Sometimes, he’ll come up to you and straight up say weird things and then open up about work all of a sudden. Then later he’ll come and flirt or tease you. Such a weird man, but you don’t feel uncomfortable with him nonetheless. He’s good at his work too, you observed, and your boss always praises him, no matter how different he works. You just don’t know how but he always has this mysterious and cunning aura him. But why is he only teasing you by the way? Does he have a grudge against you or something?
ITTO is the loudest coworker you ever had. Like ever. Additionally, he has a lot of “goons” you call—those who always follow him as he’s a boss, after all, you both are. You kind of pity them sometimes that you help them with their work once in a while. Actually, you do it so often but it’s not that trivial at all. Sometimes, you wanted to report him for teaching wrong things to his staff but you only saw it as a nuisance so you just taught them whenever you could. You have work too, after all. 
What confused you, however, was that one time one of his “goons” muttered something out of his breath. “Will the boss not get angry at us? We’re asking for Y/n’s help once again…” 
“Shh! Let’s just not say it or he’ll get jealous again. We should really help him come up with ideas on how to confess soon.” 
You smiled to yourself then. Maybe you’ll just have to approach him or that “soon” will be too far away.
GOROU is quite an average seatmate. He’s very normal that you won’t even realize that he has feelings for you. Actually, he does try his best not to be too obvious about it so his tactics are working after all! Well, that is until his friends started teasing him for always being sat next to him. They were from another class, thankfully, but when they saw you sitting right next to him, they erupted in cheers and some even whistled… You were so confused until he hastily explains that “M-My friends uh-they uh- they think that I like you or something, but it’s not like that at all! I swear! T-they’re just…. They’re just messing with me, that’s all…” he looked very hesitant and afraid that you chose to say you believe him at that time, but now that you think about it, it does not seem true at all. 
DILUC, at first, you thought was going to give you a hard time. After all, he was probably the only one in class that you have not exchanged a sentence with and he gives cold glares too! But when the time came and he became your seatmate, you realized it was not as bad as you thought. He minds his own space, you mind your own space; he has his own business, and you have your own. Simple as that. But one time, you decided to chat with him for a bit. Just a conversation that you thought would be completely harmless. You just did not expect him to have reddened ears with the same hue as his hair the whole duration you two talked. Maybe he’s a bit shy? Well, it’s a pretty cute look anyway.
DAINSLEIF is that coworker who always knew what you needed. Feeling very confused about a certain topic? He’ll come to assist you if you’d like… but you’ll have to tell him what coffee you usually prefer. He always comes up with these random questions, telling you that it’s a “trade of answers” between the two of you, no matter how unimportant his questions seem to be. They’re often about you, or how you feel towards a certain coworker or so, he never asked what you think about him though. You wonder why.
CHILDE is competitive. That bit you already knew because he literally had to fight someone in order to sit next to you, well that is if there is someone else who wanted to sit next to you, but well, it will happen. When you asked him why he had done such a thing, he said that it was because “I wanted to sit next to you, of course!” While his elbow was on the table and his cheek was propped on his wrist, looking straight at you with a sly smirk as he says so. Sometimes, you wonder if this man is just teasing you or genuine with his words, but you definitely had a warm face after that.
AYATO is that coworker that you always exchanged greetings with and you just realized that he always takes a seat next to you at meetings, however long or short it may be. Not that you minded, but it was just something that your friend had told you about and it was the only way you were able to perceive that maybe he does like you—like you in a platonic way, okay? There’s no way someone like him would like you romantically after all! … Right?
ALBEDO is that seatmate in Chemistry class that will help you when you got stuck in a question or wanted to answer the professor but had a hard time doing so and he decides to help you. Actually, scratch that. He only does this to you. Whenever others try to ask him questions or for him to teach them, he’d say that “I can only take one student at a time,” or “I apologize, I’m meeting Y/n at the library later.” Literally, everyone else has gotten a whiff of his “favoritism” on you except you yourself. 
AETHER is the most helpful classmate out there. Many of your classmates rely on him, actually. “Aether, do you have an extra pen?” “Aether, can I borrow your scissors?” And so on. You felt bad for him, so much that you went on your way to tell him that it was alright to say no sometimes. At that time, he was not yet that close to you, but you think it was the moment that started it, nonetheless. Ever since, you were glad that he says no to those who would be too forceful and irresponsible, all the while chatting with you and helping you every once in a while—to which you are the one who’ll have to say no, thinking to yourself that maybe he just could not get rid of his habit of helping out others.
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catcze · 3 years
I DIDNT KNOW WHEN TO SEND THIS THIRST OML IMY CATTE 😩‼️ but here’s my promised kazuha ‼️ feel free to answer this ask at ur own leisure <3
kazuha the literature geek
thoughts : tomo and albedo’s bff u don’t rlly interact with him besides when u were seatmates during lit class! loves daydreaming during class but he still manages to pass with flying colors? u see him a lot in the arcade bc tomo drags him there after classes (doesn’t bother attending lit club lol) since he’s ur seatmate/class partner you’ve grown wuite close– he likes meeting up with you and just having casual chats !!
soon enough he feels himself longing to be the one you’re with, his fleeting glances at you and childe are definitely NOT unnoticed by tomo, who just laughs after realizing both of his friends (thoma and kazu) are infatuated with you !! who wouldn’t like you? you were so sweet and adorable, eyes always full of curiosity and amazement whenever someone just manages to entertain you !! <3
and unlike our boys diluc, xiao abd thoma, his affection isn’t hidden! slowly you’ll start to notice his downturned eyes gazing at you full of love, his poems slowly turning into those of puppy love and the fingers that glaze over yours- wanting to hold your hand even when you know it’s a bit embarrassing to hold someone else’s hand </3
if childe does break up with you, rest assured kazuha’s small friend group will get you back up on your feet— and once kazuha knows you’ll be fine, expect a confession by the end of the day under the sakura trees <33333
although kazuha’s more of a passionate and soft lover who doesn’t seem to be frisky often, there are days where his fingers graze up your thigh during class or lunch hours, and next thing you know he’s finger fucking you rapidly, wanting to watch you suffer and cream all over his skilled fingers that always manage to rub your most sensitive spots!! he’s also a fan of worshipping your pretty little pussy, eating you out like a parched man— then fucking you with his cock, whining about how you’re so tight for him !! would def overstimulate you– may or may not be obsessed with seeing that thick ring of cum all over his cock after you come <3
— 90’s anon ‼️😎
NSFW !! 18+ ONLY !!
Romantic Kazuha who writes love poems for u is my shit oh my godd akjnsdkajsa <3333 If he confesses under the sakura then I’m jumping him right then and there /j (/hj?) 💞💞
also oh my god pls BABE 😳💦💦 u really got me h-word in the middle of the day thinking about Kazuha who can’t keep his hands off of u and who’s such a fan of bringing you to the edge over and over again aksjdas
90s anon babe you’re amazing ilysm !! <33333333 /p
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