#dimibert if you want
lemonbronze · 2 months
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everyone lives AU where Hubert and Dimitri become friends even though they won’t admit it & hubert quickly learns the best way to take care of dimitri
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indigowallbreaker · 2 years
An unexpected dish I'm serving for Hubert rarepair week is a modern AU Dimibert does anyone want a preview 👀
(for the tiny amount of you following me on Twitter, this is a different preview)
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Heyyy so some stuff happened today, so can I get some dimibert fluff hesdcanons? And dedicate them to @stag-of-almyra - not my blog, just hoping this would be a pleasant surprise ^^
Welp, you heard the anon! To @stag-of-almyra these headcanons go! Let's just pretend the war didn't happen lolololol
At some point, Hubert moves to Fhirdiad. Officially it's to assist both Lady Edelgard and King Dimitri. Unofficially, Dimitri invited him to move into the castle, and Edelgard all but forced him to go. Not that Hubert needed much complaining to be with his husband.
It isn't uncommon to see Hubert in his office wearing Dimitri's cloak. It keeps him warm against the cold chill of Fhirdiad, and Hubert was never one for the cold. So wearing the cloak is a totally practical decision that is definitely not rooted in wanting to have some piece of his husband around when both are busy with their respective duties. And when it's just them lying together in bed, they simply stare at one other, softly smiling and thinking about how lucky they are to have the other.
Both king and advisor are known for pulling many an all-nighter, but both are also known for pulling each other out of said all nighters. It isn't uncommon for servants to whisper to one or the other that his husband is overworking himself, sending them both off to bed.
Sometimes, you have Dimitri gently guiding Hubert away from his desk, a soft smile on his face as he asks his husband to come to bed, while others you have Hubert helping Dimitri out of his seat, telling him his duties are done and thus he must rest. And while both are notorious for pushing their limits...neither can seem to say a word of protest when its their significant other asking.
Eventually, they adopt a daughter. Their pride and joy, even if both are very panicky at first about raising a child. She grows up loved and cared for, with two fathers she loves and many uncles and aunts.
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“Dance with me.” for dimibert if that's okay! :D
Anon this is more than okay I’ve been wanting to write something for Dimibert to make up for the horrible angst I initially wrote for them...Dimitri’s first time being tagged on the blog, and that’s what he got :’))
Well! Here’s some fluffy nonsense to make up for that! And I think it goes without saying that the war doesn’t happen here, but you’ll see what I mean later dkfhds
This was ridiculous. Hubert had conquered many trials greater than this - there was no reason for him to be shaking in his boots - metaphorically speaking - at this one. Logically speaking, this was a mere trifle compared to the other deeds that Hubert had accomplished under the tutelage of his father. 
That was the issue though. Though his mind may be thinking logically about this, the rest of him wasn’t.
What was it that Hubert was struggling to do? Oh, nothing so complicated. Simply asking the crown prince of Faerghus to dance with him.
...actually, when he thought of it like that, maybe it was a tad harder than he had initially tried to force himself to believe.
That was besides the point! What mattered was that this was the ball! This was when all of the students came together to celebrate the founding of Garreg Mach Monastery. There was quite literally no better time than now to attempt to ask a dance from Prince Dimitri (”Just Dimitri,” he had insisted the last time they spoke, “I...I would very much prefer it if you just used my name.”), and by the Goddess, he should use it.
Except there was one problem. For whatever reason, whenever Hubert even tried to work up the nerve to actually approach Dimitri for a dance, his throat closed up and he found himself quite frozen in place. And so here he was now, standing near one of the walls and trying not to stew over the fact that Dimitri was dancing with someone else at the moment. 
For Goddess’ sake, he hadn’t even danced with Dimitri once, why was he feeling so upset-
Well, perhaps he could take comfort in the fact that he wasn’t the only one suffering. Claude had dragged the professor onto the dance floor, and they did not seem to be enjoying themselves in the slightest. How they had trained the winner of the White Heron Cup, Hubert will never understand.
But at least they are dancing with someone, the traitorous part of his mind whispers. 
Hubert scowled at his feet, willing that part of his mind to please keep quiet. He really did not need to be thinking about this. What he needed to do was try and work up his nerve to ask for a dance, dammit.
When he looked up again, he saw Dimitri let go of his current dance partner’s hand. This was it - this was his moment. Hubert took a deep breath, and started walking towards Dimitri.
Except about halfway there, he felt his legs freezing in place and refusing to move. Hubert would’ve cursed his legs to the flames and back had Dimitri not spotted him, his eyes brightening (as Hubert’s heart squeezed in his chest) as he hurried over.
“Hubert! Where have you been?” Dimitri asked, a soft smile on his face.
Damn his mind for failing him when he needed it most. Well, here was the moment of truth.
“I was actually wondering-” “If you don’t mind my asking-”
They both cut themselves off and stared at each other. Hubert saw Dimitri’s cheeks turning pink and wondered if that’s what the burning feeling in his face was. 
“You first,” Hubert quickly said, before wanting to smack himself for it.
“N-No, no I insist you first!” Dimitri exclaimed in response.
They both continued to stare at one another before looking away. 
“...I think you should go first.” Hubert tried to act as though his face wasn’t on fire.
“I believe what you have to say is more important.” Dimitri’s voice sounded almost strained, as if he was forcing the words out.
....Well, it was now or never.
“If you say so...” Hubert took another deep breath - willing his heart to stop trying to pound out of his chest as he spoke. “W-Would you perhaps b-be willing t-to...”
He gulped. “T-To...dance w-with me?”
Curse his damned stutter! He thought he had gotten rid of that when he was a child!
However, much to Hubert’s shock, Dimitri did not start laughing at him, nor did he push Hubert away with disgust. Instead, his eyes shone with something that Hubert didn’t dare call hope.
“T-Truly?” Dimitri’s voice was light, almost hopeful, as he stared at Hubert with wide eyes. Finding that his throat had gained a new lump seemingly out of nowhere, Hubert could only nod. 
A smile appeared on Dimitri’s face, happy and bright. Then he nodded, taking one of Hubert’s hands in his own.
Hubert couldn’t help but flush. “W-Wait, t-truly? T-Then w-what was it you w-wanted to say to me?”
Dimitri’s smile somehow managed to grow brighter, as the pink in his cheeks darkened to red. “Truthfully, I was going to ask you to dance as well..”
Hubert wanted to say something more, but found that he couldn’t. He was too entranced by the man before him, sweeping him towards the dance floor as the two danced. 
Even if Claude had whistled at Dimitri for “managing to actually score a dance”, it was still one of Hubert’s most treasured memories.
(Years and years later, Dimitri laughed as he lifted his and Hubert’s daughter off the ground. Even now, he didn’t think he’d ever have such happiness, yet here he was - married to the love of his life and with a darling little girl that squealed in happiness as Dimitri lifted her. Hubert approached them both, chuckling as he adjusted the glasses that now rested on his face.
“Ah, beloved!” Dimitri felt his smile grow wider as Hubert got closer, readjusting his hold on their daughter to keep her secure in one arm. “Would you care to dance with us?”
Hubert rolled his eyes, but still smiled all the same. “Of course,” he said simply, but Dimitri still loved it all the same.
Their daughter reached her little hands towards Hubert, his beloved laughing a bit before allowing her to take one of his hands while Dimitri took the other.
Never did he think in a million years that he would have such happiness, but he wouldn’t give it up for anything.)
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