Guns-For-Hire Very Small Dinbo Details
If I have a nickel every time Din and Bo's full name are mentioned together in Guns-For-Hire, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice in one episode, right?
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"Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze."
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"Lady Bo-Katan Kryze and Din Djarin of Concordia."
It's like they're about to be pronounced husband and wife 😆
And Din mentioned that he and Bo are "engaged" twice when they are speaking with the Ugnaughts. Weird choice of words when he can simply say "tasked".
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They also mirror each other a lot of times in this episode. When Bo fidgets her hand, Din does as well (I wish I could put a gif of that part but it's when they are inside the pod for the first time). And in the pic above, they're even in the same exact position with each other like their heads and hands are exactly the same. Their walk and even their run is on sync. They both turn to look at each other at the same time.
And after rewatching Guns-For-Hire for a lot of times (to write my fic for lust alley weekend) I've noticed something about this little scene as they went to the resistor bar. (Or this is just me overthinking but hear me out please)
While they were bickering about Din kicking droids, you will notice Din keeps on looking on the droids that pass them by, as if being paranoid. You will notice his visor following the droids that passes him and Bo as they walk.
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Here he is walking behind Bo. But then there's a couple of droids on their way.
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You can see him walking a little faster to catch up on her.
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And when they pass through the droids, he moved to shield Bo from it.
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Then he walked ahead of Bo, but he turned his head to her to make sure she's still following behind him.
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And when he opened the bar entrance, he waited for Bo to walk in first and watched the droids outside intently, watching her back.
I didn't notice this before and I have always thought Din wasn't as protective of Bo as I want him to be but it turns out he is lowkey protective of her lol, just very subtle.
And may I add that when Bo groaned in pain when the rogue lab droid had cut her with its laser beam, Din used the darksaber with no issues, it didn't look like it was heavy for him at that time. It's the first time he used the saber to protect someone else and not himself.
Guns-for-Hire is my fave Dinbo focused episode in S3 followed by the Mines of Mandalore because there's a lot to unpack about Din and Bo's interactions throughout the whole episode. Those details were choices that are made, and they may look insignificant but when I saw Favreau and Howard in the behind the scenes in The Heiress, you can tell how detail oriented they are. So these tiny things are all intentional and they are meant to convey something. So I believe Guns-for-Hire is an implication of Din and Bo' s developing romance.
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dinboweek2024 · 3 months
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Happy "Guns for Hire" Anniversary! We are back and this time with a mini event. "Lust Alley Weekend" will take place on May 3rd to May 5th.
You may be asking yourself, "what is Lust Alley?" It is a really meta Easter egg hidden in the concept art that aired in the credits after "Guns for Hire." Let's zoom into the above photo a bit and rotate it so it is upside down. I sharpened this image so it was easier to see.
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The street sign above translates into "Lust Alley" when translating from aurebesh. Din and Bo were literally running down "Lust Alley" chasing a rogue droid in "Guns for Hire."
"Guns for Hire" in general was a very meta episode. First, Din and Bo are traveling to a planet called "Plazir-15." Plazir is similar to the French spelling of "plasir" which means pleasure. The number 15 symbolizes love. The episode literally opens with the quarren captain and a Mon Calamari prince. They can't be together because they come from two different worlds. Then we meet the Duchess and captain Bombardier shortly after. They are a success story of a political turned love marriage between royalty and a former imperial. Bo is royalty and Din used to be a bounty hunter for the empire.
During the entire episode you see couples everywhere. After running down Lust Alley and defeating the rogue battle droid, Din and Bo then go to a droid bar where they are told that "human life is so short" as they turn and look at each other. This entire episode can possibly be a meta foreshadowing that they will eventually be together which is why it's so beloved by Dinbo shippers.
So for our first Dinbo weekend event, we will give you the prompt of "Lust Alley." Anything goes from fanfics, art, metas, etc... Take it as a vague prompt and get creative. It does not have to center around Guns for Hire.
This mini event was inspired by a mini event presented by @sabezraweek.
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aithnesroses · 2 months
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Their arms touching for a split second…
Din and Bo in Guns for Hire 💜
My fic for Lust Alley weekend 🫶
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brujitaadinbo · 2 months
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Second part, second day.
I wanted to represent the bond of destiny between Din and Bo in white; because for me it represents the purity of their feelings, the deepest between them.
From there comes the attraction and lust that they may feel.
The waters have been a key piece in this couple; because now in season 3, even though everything looked murky, strange, there were so many questions. Bo Katan and Din Djarin reconciled and renewed their relationship to something more peaceful and more bearable.
Now he clearly saw what Din Djarin is in its entirety. And now Din saw without having to listen to the opinions of others what Bo katan really is, from its lowest point.
I continue with some Mario Benedetti just because; It is pure poetry.
"I'm here wanting to lock you in my unstable universe and you're out there forming galaxies just by smiling."
"Yo aqui con ganas de encerrarte en mi universo inestable, tu allá afuera formando galaxias con tan solo sonreir"
For many this season was too great and that air of clone wars in certain chapters, especially in Plazir 15; They left us many symbolisms, like "lust alley"
this is the way...
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dinboweek2024 · 2 months
One More Week!!
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"Lust Alley Weekend" is almost here! Hopefully your WIPs are going well.
Guns for Hire is the most meta show on The Mandalorian. It focuses on two couples that were from opposite worlds falling in love.
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It may be foreshadowing another union from two Mandalorians from different worlds.
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I speak for all the Dinbo shippers when I say that we cannot wait to consume more content with these two.
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brujitaadinbo · 2 months
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Hello there I come with all the excitement for the DinBo dynamics I thank @dinboweek2024
and I'm kind of sad because I couldn't do something higher in tone, BUT sweet things don't take away the lustful side of life (insert fire emoji lol)
I was inspired by some writings of the Uruguayan writer "Mario Benedetti" to show this series of images.
I feel and many do too; that since Din and Bo met in Trask; The flame ignited.
These two felt like a pair of magnets and the body language, verbal and visual, never failed. It was pure attraction.
Here I leave you a segment of "The Truce" Because for Din and Bo to begin to live more closely, they needed to work together, even with different priorities.
"She gave me her hand and I didn't need anything else. It was enough for me to feel that I was welcomed. More than kissing her, more than sleeping together, more than anything else, she gave me her hand and that was love."
"Ella me dio la mano y no necesité nada más. Me bastó con sentirme acogido. Más que besarla, más que dormir juntos, más que cualquier otra cosa, ella me dio la mano y eso fue amor."
Mario Benedetti
Bo definitely gave in to his own ideals and feelings to help Din. A woman with an irascible and temperamental character, helping Grogu. It was quite a character development and Din feeling supported by a Mandalorian, who gives him a purpose within his people, is because he knows that "The Mandalorians are stronger together"
this is the way....
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dinboweek2024 · 2 months
"Lust Alley Weekend" Begins!!
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"Human life is so short." Din and Bo need to give into it!
Welcome to "Lust Alley Weekend." I cannot wait to see the content you all post. Just a warning. I have to work this weekend so I may be late with re-blogs. I will check them each night to catch up.
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dinboweek2024 · 2 months
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dinboweek2024 · 2 months
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dinboweek2024 · 2 months
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brujitaadinbo · 2 months
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Third and last part of this dynamic. I am very happy that @dinboweek2024 keep doing these fun and great dynamics.
For this third part I imagine and recreate in my mind this scene "Din and Bo hold hands, with the promise to stay close as long as they can be together and enjoy each other, without gloves, without armor, without helmets and without any type of barriers"
In and out of Mnadalore, in Plazir 15, in Klevala, anywhere in the galaxy.
This is the way.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Mandalorian (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Din Djarin/Bo-Katan Kryze Characters: Din Djarin, Bo-Katan Kryze Additional Tags: Din Djarin is Bad at Feelings, Din Djarin is an idiot, Plazir-15, guns for hire, Din Djarin POV, Feelings Realization, Lust Alley Weekend, No Beta we die like the rogue battle droid in guns for hire, Din Djarin is cluelessly and accidentally in love, Dinboweekend2024 Summary:
As Din and Bo-Katan spends time in Plazir-15 to investigate the cases of rogue droids, Din found himself slowly realizing his feelings for Bo-Katan, Is it possible that what he's feeling for her transcends beyond friends and partners?
Or Plazir 15 basically rubbing into Din's face that he is hopelessly down bad for Bo-Katan.
I hope that you’ll enjoy reading my contribution for the Lust Alley Weekend!
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dinboweek2024 · 2 months
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Here is the official launch of the "Lust Alley Weekend" collections category on Archive of Our Own. Be sure to upload your fanfics here and they will be approved as soon as possible.
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dinboweek2024 · 2 months
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dinboweek2024 · 2 months
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Lust Alley Weekend is two weeks away! Let's address the bantha in the room. It's a very smutty prompt due to "lust" being in the title. We know there will be some s-tier smut when the event launches and we can't wait to read it. However, if you are not comfortable writing smut, you can also still participate. Here are some ideas.
Din and Bo can be on a mission on Plazir-15 and they notice the street name.
They can reminisce about their time running down "Lust Alley" and it's implications.
If you have a Plazir-15 work in progress, you can just mention the street name. That still counts.
If you are writing a meta, you can take a deep dive into the Easter eggs and foreshadowing of Guns For Hire.
A modern AU where "Lust Alley" is the name of a building, street, super secret club, etc.
You can draw artwork with the street sign in the background.
While the prompt seems specific, there are many ways you can get creative with it. We look forward to seeing what you submit.
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dinboweek2024 · 3 months
Lust Alley Weekend Rules
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Lust Alley Weekend is going to be fun but before you start working on your content, here are some guidelines.
Dinbo must be the main romantic couple in your content whether art, fanfics, or metas. If you are writing a fanfic on AO3, tag it "Din Djarin/Bo-Katan Kryze."
Smut is welcome. It is Lust Alley afterall. Just be sure to tag your fanfics properly so we can warn people that it is 18+ content. Also be sure to note any triggering or mature themes in your AO3 tag.
Alternate Univese and/or Modern Setting fanfics are welcome.
The "Lust Alley" prompt is a guideline. Don't worry if it is only a small part of your fic. If you have a WIP that can loosely fit into the prompt, we will still reblog it.
Racism, homophobia, hate speech or prejudice will not be tolerated. Any content or comments that do express that will not be reblogged and the user will be blocked.
When posting your content to tumblr, please tag it #dinboweekend2024 so we see it to reblog it.
All content must be human created. We will not reblog AI content.
Please feel free to send us a message and we will try to answer your questions.
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