#diogo costa and rui patrício are just <3
walkingintheamm · 2 years
I'm sorry but one thing I'm gonna do is simp for the portuguese goalkeepers :')
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lisboabeat · 6 years
Um all night set com o já nosso habitual Switchdance.
▸ Doc Sleep Embora sediada em Berlin, Doc Sleep e a sua editora Jacktone Records são dois pilares fortes do mosaico underground californiano. Com várias dezenas de lançamentos e um catálogo que inclui alguns dos primeiros trabalhos de artistas como Russel E.L. Butler, Michael Claus ou Roche, esta editora originária de São Francisco tem feito um importante trabalho de documentação de uma crescente vaga de nova música electrónica livre e inventiva da costa oeste americana. Em Berlim, cidade que escolheu como substrato para fazer avançar o seu djing, tem feito parte de movimentações importantes na intersecção entre o clubbing, o feminismo e novas consciências de género - a festa Room 4 Resistance, que co-organiza com um colectivo que inclui rRoxymore e Luz, é uma das melhores na capital alemã. Datas regulares no Berghain e um calendário internacional cada vez mais quente são argumentos extra para não perder a sua estreia no Lux na próxima festa Rádio Quântica. ▸ Alcides DjAl DJ AL é um dos pioneiros do djing lisboeta e um pilar da tradição mais eclética da música de dança em Portugal. Digger incansável e ferrenho estudioso de Mancuso e Levan, Alcides é um portal de acesso a um universo musical vasto de vocação expansiva e ritualista - sempre assente no ritmo. A muitas horas de voo que passou na cabine trouxeram-lhe poderes únicos de criar voodoo apartir das fontes mais diversas - sejam estas disco, techno, house, rock psicadélico ou malhas shamanistas esquecidas. No final dos anos 90 formou os The Deal com o inglês Dominic Dawson e acertaram em cheio com o underground hit "Play On" no selo inglês Influence, seguido de outras gemas de house orgânico e deep - incluindo trabalhos para a Kaos Records e a participação na série Trip Do Brasil ao lado de gigantes como Isolée ou DJ Spinna. Com Tiago Miranda é Slight Delay e além de lançamentos quentes em editoras como a Rong Music fazem também as icónicas sessões U-Night no Lux - aonde regressará no próximo dia 14 para fechar a pista numa rara incursão por ritmos mais pesados. ▸ Tsuri Promessa forte da nova vaga de música de dança lisboeta, Tsuri ocupa um lugar muito próprio no panorama sónico da cidade como dj e produtor; faixas atmosféricas e elegantes, de panorâmica aberta e espaços desimpedidos, com beats de grão e groove - tudo assemblado com partes iguais de maturidade e frescura. É essa a visão. Breakbeats, house, ambient e outras formas menos categorizáveis figuram frequentemente nos seus dj sets e nas sessões de rádio que faz para a Quântica com o nome Break-A-Move. As malhas em compilações para a Extended Records e a Intera, junto com as produções que partilha de forma descomplicada no soundcloud, apontam um futuro de relevância e invenção que vamos querer acompanhar de perto - começando já no próximo dia 14, em que se estreia na pista do Lux, abrindo para Doc Sleep e DJ AL. ▸ O/W/Fungo Marco Guerra e Nuno Patrício fundaram a dupla de DJing Orson & Welles em 2000, na mesma altura em que começaram também a organizar eventos informais com a meta de cruzar música e artes visuais no triângulo geográfico Cartaxo-Santarém-Caldas da Rainha. Em 2011, já em Lisboa, fundam o coletivo Fungo - dando origem à essencial série de podcasts "A Guerra dos Mundos", divulgando artistas visuais em fungo.pt ou produzindo "Regressar Leva Sempre Muito Tempo" e "Ballet Statique", projetos performativos que combinam teatro, dança, vídeo e música. Paralelamente, estabelecem cumplicidades com Coimbra e Porto e iniciam residências em Lisboa. Em 2014 nasce a Fungo Label, editora que, dois anos mais tarde, se especializa na edição de cassetes - o lançamento mais recente, "Bay", de Tropic Noir, foi destaque no Ipsilon há poucos dias. O programa de rádio "Fungo Transmission" nasceu com a Rádio Quântica e faz parte da programação desde a primeira hora. Mas cada um destes incansáveis artistas e divulgadores voa também a solo: Marco Guerra mais dedicado à produção, sob o pseudónimo Citizen:kane ou Rose:bud; Nuno Patrício, focado no DJing, enquanto Just Jaeckin. ▸ Yizhaq Yizhaq é o nome artístico do criador de paisagens de som de Lisboa Isaac Veloso. Um raver a sério desde os 14 anos, a sua quase década de experiência a partir de dentro das quatro paredes de algumas das melhores noites de clubbing ecoa através de suas selecções. Ele é um dos co-fundadores do colectivo trans ÇIRCA e também é host no Quimera, um show mensal na Rádio Quântica onde a club music desconstruída aparece ao lado de faixas futuristas de reggaeton, kuduro ou edits de pop. As suas escolhas enquanto DJ são muito pessoais: nascidas do cansaço da mesma-coisa-de-sempre, Yizhaq descarta os loops e estruturas desinspirados, em escala de cinza que prevalecem na música de dança mais mainstream e em vez disso cria novos ritmos e um sentido contagiante de inovação. Yizhaq procura vibrações, desde sinos melancólicos a melodias distorcidas, entrelaçando-os com beats mais pesados enquanto supera o status quo do DJ mixing, revelando as suas estruturas e não dando trela ao que é considerado correcto. ▸ Onya Dev Onya Dev é uma artista irlandesa, escritora e personalidade de rádio que se estende - musicalmente e geograficamente - um pouco por todo o lado, no melhor dos sentidos. Actualmente a viver em Lisboa, na sua Radio Quântica faz o programa Anxiety Antidotes, onde olha para os cantos mais estranhos da dance music, misturando géneros, ritmos e eras - e ocasionalmente é interrompida com sábios conselhos de vida, tanto dela como dos seus convidados. Onya também tem uma residência na estação irlandesa Dublin Digital Radio sob o pseudónimo de Perimeter Kid, e faz parte da Hall of Mirrors, um coletivo de melómanos que faz festas em Lisboa. Quando a noite dá lugar ao dia, Onya mantém sua mente imersa no mundo do som: trabalha como researcher musical e escreve para Resident Advisor e Crack Magazine. Textos: Inês Coutinho e Marco Rodrigues 15.02.19 RIVE-ROUGE KADOSH (INNERVISONS)+ HNRQ
Kadosh // Da borbulhante Tel Aviv e dos seus fervorosos clubs de Techno e House emergentes, nasceu Kadosh. Amiram Kadosh desde sempre demonstrou uma profunda paixão pela música eletrónica. Aos 24, fez parte do grupo de dj’s que, juntamente com ele, levantaram ondas e burburinhos sobre a vibração de Israel. Em apenas 3 anos cresceu e desenvolveu-se noutras texturas da música eletrónica. Toca hoje em dia ao lado de Acid Pauli, Patrice Baumel, Adana Twins, Deadmau5, Red Axes, Amê e Dixon. Watergate Records e Innervisions são agora a sua casa para lançamentos como Hertzog ou Druma. Dia 15, o rRouge é a sua casa para os fazer ouvir.
15.02.19 5ªA CLUB NEBULAEE
Desculpem mas temos de puxar dos galões: que sorte a nossa, podermos contar com Steffi como uma das mais regulares visitantes da nossa casa. A bem da verdade, ela também se considera uma sortuda por ter encontrado o Lux e Portugal, portanto a harmonia começa logo aí. Mas para o caso, a sorte vem do facto de podermos assim ter a oportunidade de testemunhar a permanente evolução e mutação de uma artista extraordinária, uma “music nerd” com os níveis de paixão, sabedoria e coragem sempre no máximo. Steffi sempre calcorreou com talento muitos destinos musicais (house, techno, electro, IDM), mas nos últimos 2 ou 3 anos, aquela que era uma DJ incrível passou também a ser produtora cujos discos nem precisam de escuta para se comprar, quando a atitude assertiva, directa e sem meias-medidas que sempre exibiu quando toca discos, passou a estar bem à tona na música que faz. Depois de tantas e tantas noites e manhãs de dança sem fim que nos proporcionou, Steffi tornou-se uma especialista em descrever com música, aquela sensação de liberdade e de um futuro com tudo em aberto, que só as melhores noites nos dão. Este é mais um capítulo de uma bela história a que não vamos nunca querer pôr fim. Quão corajoso é necessário sermos para, perto do fim, voltarmos ao princípio? Para Martijn Deijkers, a resposta proporcionou-se da forma mais radical possível, depois de uma experiência de quase-morte provocada por um defeito cardíaco congénito. O choque levou Martyn a questionar totalmente a sua produção artística, e à decisão de um regresso às suas origens musicais. Um “back to basics” que no seu caso, significa o revisitar do drum’n’bass facção Metalheadz e seus descendentes como o dubstep, grime e UK Garage. De facto, quando o seu nome passou a andar na boca dos mais atentos a estas sonoridades, no final da década passada, Martyn foi colocado num patamar de manipuladores do crossover techno/UK bass, ocupado apenas por artistas de elite como A Made Up Sound, Appleblim ou Peverelist. Seguiu-se uma progressiva deriva para marés mais techno e house, que o levaram a ocupar o roster da Ostgut ou a cabine do Panorama com enorme frequência e a colaborações com a parceira de cabine desta noite, enquanto Doms & Deykers. Mas o coração e alma de Martyn, sincopados como a música que mais ama, encarregaram-se de um reset, concretizado no multi-facetado e brilhantemente executado álbum ‘Voids’, de 2018. Martyn está de volta ao Lux, para relembrar-nos que o ritmo, como a vida, é o que dele fazemos. Textos: Nuno Mendonça
16.02.19 RIVE-ROUGE Super Rouge: Tiago Marques Johan Gear
16.02.19 5ªA CLUB Cruzadas: 12h Party
O condutor da festa. Do autocarro da festa para ser mais precisos. A tradução não brilha em português, mas é assim que Gerd Janson se auto define quando toca à sua persona de DJ. DJ é apenas uma das coisas que este homem dos sete ofícios é. É patrão da Running Back, editora imprescindível num panorama House-Techno-Disco europeu que não tem preconceitos, e a Running Back é também uma loja de discos onde, adivinharam, Gerd Janson conhece bem o balcão e o estar atrás dele. Trabalha também com a Red Bull Music Academy e escrevia crítica musical. Ufa. Ah, e gostamos muito dele. Tanto que lhe voltamos a dar a palavra na nossa cabine para vir mostrar ao certo esta mescla de eras, influências, músicas, cidades, tudo bem temperado com discos mistério que só um bom digger tem e ele traz com toda a certeza. No estúdio é metade dos Tuff City Kids, na cabine é Gerd Janson, a hora é agora, no Lux. Texto: Inês Duarte
Monthly party involving new and old djs (some needing experience and exposition, others more known with who we can have the pleasure to count with), new and old friends born from genuine music relationships, but most of all people from our community that share the same passion and values that we do at Carpet & Snares Records shop/family - true love for Music! Artwork by Adília Lima  www.carpetandsnares.com www.carpetagency.com
kalimodjo 17th Anniversary Parte 2 MERCADO DA RIBEIRA
pt2 - 16.02.2019 . Mefjus (AUS) feat Maksim (UK) e Dj Ride (PT) pt3 - 16.03.2019 . General Levy (Official) (UK) feat Joe Ariwa (UK) Já desde o inicio de Outubro que os junglists Portugueses começaram a fazer planos, em Janeiro não há possibilidade de falhar o Aniversário da #kalimodjo e é já o décimo sétimo! O k17 continua a ser servido, já servimos a primeira parte do menu de degustação de Drum n Bass, nesta segunda parte vamos mais deep e neurofunk, o jungle é mais tarde ... Uma verdadeira enciclopédia de sabores e história. Renovamos o significado de ir até ao fim do mundo só para ir a um evento da KALIMODJO e aumentamos ainda mais a água na boca e ansiedade de todos aqueles que mal se levantam de manhã pensam em acompanhar-nos ... //// Aniversário da KALIMODJO Parte 2 (16.02.2019) Mefjus (aus) feat Maksim mc (uk) mais uma vez nomeado para Melhor Produtor e Album de 2018 pelos Prémios Drum N Bass Arena Awards 2018 ao lado de artista como Alix Perez ou Break e este ano foi o vencedor! Actua em Portugal dia 16 de Fevereiro o melhor produtor de Drum N Bass do Mundo de 2018. É neste momento figura central dentro do badalado estilo neurofunk a nível mundial pelo que a escolha foi fácil. https://soundcloud.com/mefjus https://www.facebook.com/mefjus/ Porque o que é Português é sempre fantástico a escolha até pode ser surpreendente, mas tão acertada. DJ RIDE (pt) que também tem algumas das suas raízes no nosso amado DrumnBass e com 2 títulos mundiais pelo IDA (International Dj Association) em conjunto com STEREOSSAURO (BEATBOMBERS) e vários títulos nacionais na bagagem, a qualidade individual está mais que provada, surpresa? Para nós vai ser show! https://soundcloud.com/djride https://www.facebook.com/djride1/ //// parte 3 (16.03.2019) é Jungle Edition ! E este ano trazemos uma estrela maior, um espectáculo inigualável! GENERAL LEVY (uk) feat JOE ARIWA (uk) não conseguimos imaginar ninguém que personifique melhor o que se pretende na 3ª parte e Jungle Edition do nosso aniversário! Era um sonho antigo e este ano concretiza-se. A experiência é enorme, quase a chegar aos 30 anos de actividade por todo o mundo, vamos puxar mesmo pelas raízes do DrumnBass. https://soundcloud.com/general-levy https://www.facebook.com/generalevy/ A armada portuguesa como sempre será da mais fina flor! Está tudo a ser preparado para ser o melhor aniversário da KALIMODJO de sempre! E já sabem quem participar na primeira parte desta celebração também ganha uma prenda, como sempre! We just love KALIMODJO https://www.facebook.com/events/1894678577279501 Os bilhetes estão à venda na nossa bilheteira online »»» http://tickets.kalimodjo.com/eventos/k17pt2 nas lojas FNAC, Worten e Locais habituais »»» com os RPs oficiais e todos os dias no escritório da Kalimodjo (Cais do Sodré - 211 313 681) e mais Resident Advisor /// PRÉ VENDA 1ª Fase :: 10 eur (pré venda limitada só online, até esgotar ou até dia 10 fev) 2ª Fase :: 12 eur (de 10fev a 16fev) /// À PORTA - 15 euros * Oferta de Cocktail a todos os que trouxerem T-Shirt da kalimodjo vestida (pede-o à entrada/ bilheteira) 16.02.18 MINISTERIUM CLUB A L I C E 2.4 Abstract Division » Yassine & James Grouper » Enkō
LX Music 13 YEARS #ComeWithUs 13 é com certeza um número ao qual não ficamos indiferentes, um número que contra crenças e superstições faz parte da nossa existência. 13 e cada ano que passa representa mesmo isso, um mero número cheio de poder, porque assim o queremos, porque assim o fazemos. 13 é agora a nossa glória, o nosso apogeu, a nossa vitória! Ao fim de 13 anos conseguimos criar um portfólio de emoções e realidades cheias de alegria e partilhas, sinergias com os melhores artistas e o glorioso público, 13 é uma realidade e a prova do que conseguimos fazer, ao mesmo tempo que nos transporta para o futuro, com a mesma garra, a mesma sede de vida que nos tem alimentado ano após ano, dia após dia, minuto a minuto. É com esta atitude, nostálgica pelos anos que passaram, e expectante pelos anos que se aproximam, que convidamos todos para uma festa única, como mote de arranque para mais um ano memorável. Dia 17 de fevereiro, na Voz do Operário, encontramo-nos ao meio dia para celebrar este renascimento monumental da LXMUSIC, com novos projetos virados para o futuro.
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Murray's 100th Brighton goal sees off Wolves
Glenn Murray scored his 100th goal for Brighton to help his side record a third consecutive Premier League with victory over Wolves.
Murray, who was a doubt for the game after suffering concussion last weekend, turned Bruno’s scuffed shot in from close range shortly after half-time.
It is the first time Brighton have won three consecutive games in the top-flight since 1981.
Wolves controlled most of the game and were unfortunate not to come away with a point.
They came close through Matt Doherty, who shot just wide of the post from 10 yards, and could have had a first-half penalty when another shot from Doherty hit the raised arm of Jose Izquierdo.
Duffy headed off the outside of the post at the end of the first half for Brighton but they failed to create any other real chances.
Wolves pressed hard for an equaliser but Doherty had another effort blocked wide and Mat Ryan saved well from Ruben Neves.
More to follow
Reaction to Saturday’s Premier League games
Brighton v Wolves as it happened
Match Stats
Live Text
5DunkBooked at 77mins
7KayalBooked at 52mins
19IzquierdoSubstituted forKnockaertat 81'minutesBooked at 90mins
20MarchSubstituted forBissoumaat 71'minutes
11Rui Patrício
28João Moutinho
19Castro OttoSubstituted forBonatiniat 85'minutes
10Hélder Costa
37TraoréSubstituted forCavaleiroat 61'minutes
9JiménezSubstituted forJotaat 61'minutes
Anthony Taylor
Match Stats
Home TeamBrightonAway TeamWolves
Shots on Target
Live Text
Posted at
Match ends, Brighton and Hove Albion 1, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0.
Full Time
Posted at 90'+5'
Second Half ends, Brighton and Hove Albion 1, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0.
Posted at 90'+5'
Attempt missed. Léo Bonatini (Wolverhampton Wanderers) header from the centre of the box misses to the left. Assisted by Ivan Cavaleiro with a cross.
Posted at 90'+4'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Gaëtan Bong.
Posted at 90'+4'
Attempt blocked. Hélder Costa (Wolverhampton Wanderers) left footed shot from a difficult angle on the right is blocked.
Posted at 90'+3'
Attempt blocked. Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box is blocked. Assisted by Hélder Costa.
Posted at 90'+3'
Attempt saved. Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers) left footed shot from the centre of the box is saved in the bottom left corner. Assisted by Ivan Cavaleiro with a cross.
Posted at 90'
Anthony Knockaert (Brighton and Hove Albion) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
Posted at 90'
Attempt saved. Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers) left footed shot from the left side of the box is saved in the bottom left corner. Assisted by Ivan Cavaleiro.
Posted at 89'
Attempt saved. Matt Doherty (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the centre of the box is saved in the bottom left corner. Assisted by Léo Bonatini.
Posted at 88'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Bruno.
Posted at 86'
Foul by Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 86'
Glenn Murray (Brighton and Hove Albion) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 86'
Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick on the right wing.
Posted at 86'
Foul by Glenn Murray (Brighton and Hove Albion).
Posted at 85'
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Léo Bonatini replaces Jonny.
Posted at 83'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Lewis Dunk.
Posted at 81'
Substitution, Brighton and Hove Albion. Anthony Knockaert replaces José Izquierdo.
Posted at 80'
Attempt missed. Matt Doherty (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the centre of the box is close, but misses to the right. Assisted by Jonny.
Posted at 80'
Attempt blocked. Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers) left footed shot from outside the box is blocked. Assisted by João Moutinho.
Posted at 78'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Lewis Dunk.
Posted at 78'
Attempt blocked. Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box is blocked.
Posted at 77'
Lewis Dunk (Brighton and Hove Albion) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
Posted at 77'
Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the attacking half.
Posted at 77'
Foul by Lewis Dunk (Brighton and Hove Albion).
Posted at 76'
Attempt saved. Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the centre of the goal.
Posted at 76'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Mat Ryan.
Posted at 75'
Attempt saved. Matt Doherty (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the bottom right corner. Assisted by João Moutinho.
Posted at 74'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Beram Kayal.
Posted at 74'
Attempt blocked. Willy Boly (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box is blocked.
Posted at 71'
Substitution, Brighton and Hove Albion. Yves Bissouma replaces Solly March.
Posted at 71'
Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 71'
Foul by Glenn Murray (Brighton and Hove Albion).
Posted at 70'
Attempt missed. Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers) header from the centre of the box misses to the left. Assisted by João Moutinho with a cross following a corner.
Posted at 69'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Gaëtan Bong.
Posted at 69'
Attempt missed. Matt Doherty (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the right side of the box is close, but misses to the right. Assisted by Ivan Cavaleiro with a cross.
Posted at 65'
Foul by Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 65'
Glenn Murray (Brighton and Hove Albion) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 65'
Attempt saved. João Moutinho (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the top right corner. Assisted by Jonny.
Posted at 63'
Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
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Murray's 100th Brighton goal sees off Wolves was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Jimenez scores as Wolves deservedly defeat Burnley
Burnley’s search for their first Premier League win of the season goes on as Wolves claimed a deserved victory at Molineux to continue their strong start to the campaign.
After the hosts dominated large periods of the first half, Raul Jimenez deservedly opened the scoring for the home side on the hour mark as he turned in Matt Doherty’s cross.
The Clarets rarely threatened, with the only real chances they created falling to Johann Berg Gudmundsson late on.
Defeat for Sean Dyche’s side means they have equalled a club-record run of four consecutive Premier League losses.
Neither team was able to impose themselves in the opening 20 minutes, with the only save of note being Joe Hart’s smart intervention to keep out Helder Costa’s dangerous cross.
But from then on it was all Wolves and only a combination of Hart and James Tarkowski kept the home side at bay after 30 minutes when Jimenez, Jonny Otto and Doherty all went close.
Jimenez also missed a good chance early in the second half when he blasted over with only defender Charlie Taylor to beat, but he made amends shortly after when he opened the scoring.
Victory for Wolves means they climb to ninth, meanwhile Burnley remain in 19th with just one point from their first five games.
Dominant Wolves deserve more
In his pre-match news conference, Wolves head coach Nuno Espirito Santo called for his players to “maintain the standards” set in their 1-0 victory over West Ham prior to the international break, and he was not disappointed.
Last season’s Championship winners were by far the brighter team throughout, putting Burnley under sustained periods of heavy pressure either side of the break.
They really should have gone ahead on the half-hour mark when first Hart superbly saved to deny Jimenez, before Tarkowski was there to clear the Mexico striker’s second effort off the line.
Just moments later, Tarkowski was again alert to clear Otto’s effort after Hart had palmed clear a low cross, and the former England keeper was then quickly out to smother Doherty’s sliding effort from close range.
And after Jimenez finally found the net midway through the second half, the home side only got stronger largely due to the introduction of Adama Traore after 66 minutes, his pace causing a tiring Burnley backline problems.
The Spanish forward tested Hart himself before laying on three good chances for fellow second-half substitute Leo Bonatini, who was unable to convert.
Victory for Wolves means their impressive home record under Santo continues; his side have only been beaten twice at Molineux in his 29 games in charge.
Burnley’s terrible start continues
Burnley perhaps could have been forgiven for their poor start to the Premier League season given their Europa League exertions but after the international break, there could be few excuses for their uninspiring performance.
Their midfield was overrun by Wolves’ energy and Ashley Barnes’ effort from range, which was easily saved, was his side’s only shot on target in the opening 45 minutes.
It seemed to take conceding a goal for the team to kick into gear, as their best chance came shortly after going behind when Willy Boly almost deflected a Taylor shot inches wide, with Jack Cork unable to apply the finishing touch.
But it could have been worse for Burnley as Doherty fired wide with only the keeper to beat after being set up by Traore, while Bonatini missed a spate of chances.
Iceland winger Gudmundsson, on his return from injury, could have stolen a share of the spoils late on, but he shot straight at Rui Patricio and fired a free-kick over the bar.
The Clarets have now won only five of their last 26 Premier League outings.
Dyche, however, will have been encouraged by the performances of Hart and Tarkowski, who once again showed why he has fought his way into the England fold.
Man of the match – Joao Moutinho
‘We are in a fog’ – what they said
Wolves head coach Nuno Espirito Santo, speaking to Sky Sports: “I am very, very satisfied. We played good football and stayed organised and created chances. Burnley are a good side and stayed in it until the end.
“If there is a ‘but’, we could be more clinical. But if we can continue to make these many chances, it makes me very proud.”
Burnley manager Sean Dyche, speaking to Sky Sports: “We knew they were a good side. They invested well in the summer. We knew we’d have to defend resolute. We got some nice blocks in and looked more like ourselves defensively.
“Attacking-wise there was nowhere near enough. We are in a bit of a fog at the moment. Collectively we need to get out of it. You have to work to change it so that’s the key.”
Burnley’s worst top-flight start in 91 years – the stats
This is Burnley’s worst start to a season in the top-flight (one point from five games) since 1927-28, when they lost each of their opening five matches.
Wolves have won all three of their Premier League meetings with Burnley, against no other side have they recorded a 100% win ratio.
Burnley have never won a Premier League away game against newly-promoted opposition (W0, D6, L5).
Wolves have lost just one of their last 24 league games at Molineux (W16, D7, L1).
Wolves recorded more shots (30) against Burnley than they have against any other side in a single match in the Premier League.
Burnley have now conceded 10 goals in their opening five league games this season; it took them 13 matches to concede their 10th goal of 2017-18.
Each of Matt Doherty’s last four goal involvements in the league have come at Molineux (two goals, two assists).
What’s next?
Both sides are back in action on Saturday 22 September, with Burnley hosting Bournemouth, while Wolves travel to Old Trafford to face Manchester United (both 15:00 BST).
Match Stats
Live Text
11Rui Patrício
28João Moutinho
8NevesBooked at 86mins
19Castro Otto
10Hélder CostaSubstituted forTraoréat 66'minutes
18JotaBooked at 72minsSubstituted forGibbs-Whiteat 88'minutes
9JiménezSubstituted forBonatiniat 76'minutes
26BardsleyBooked at 28mins
3TaylorBooked at 82mins
4CorkBooked at 37mins
13HendrickSubstituted forWestwoodat 79'minutes
7Berg GudmundssonBooked at 68mins
10BarnesSubstituted forVydraat 56'minutes
9VokesSubstituted forWoodat 70'minutes
Andre Marriner
Match Stats
Home TeamWolvesAway TeamBurnley
Shots on Target
Live Text
Posted at
Match ends, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1, Burnley 0.
Full Time
Posted at 90'+5'
Second Half ends, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1, Burnley 0.
Posted at 90'+4'
Attempt missed. Léo Bonatini (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the centre of the box is close, but misses to the left. Assisted by Adama Traoré.
Posted at 90'+2'
Adama Traoré (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick on the right wing.
Posted at 90'+2'
Foul by Ben Mee (Burnley).
Posted at 90'+2'
Attempt missed. Léo Bonatini (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the centre of the box is too high. Assisted by Adama Traoré.
Posted at 90'
Attempt saved. Johann Berg Gudmundsson (Burnley) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the centre of the goal. Assisted by Matej Vydra.
Posted at 89'
Foul by Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 89'
Matej Vydra (Burnley) wins a free kick in the attacking half.
Posted at 88'
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Morgan Gibbs-White replaces Diogo Jota.
Posted at 87'
Attempt missed. Johann Berg Gudmundsson (Burnley) left footed shot from outside the box is just a bit too high from a direct free kick.
Posted at 86'
Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
Posted at 86'
Foul by Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 86'
Aaron Lennon (Burnley) wins a free kick in the attacking half.
Posted at 84'
Attempt missed. Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box misses to the left. Assisted by Willy Boly.
Posted at 84'
Attempt blocked. Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box is blocked. Assisted by Diogo Jota.
Posted at 82'
Charlie Taylor (Burnley) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
Posted at 82'
Adama Traoré (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the attacking half.
Posted at 82'
Foul by Charlie Taylor (Burnley).
Posted at 81'
Attempt blocked. Léo Bonatini (Wolverhampton Wanderers) left footed shot from the centre of the box is blocked.
Posted at 81'
Attempt blocked. Léo Bonatini (Wolverhampton Wanderers) left footed shot from the centre of the box is blocked.
Posted at 81'
Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 81'
Foul by Phil Bardsley (Burnley).
Posted at 80'
Attempt missed. Léo Bonatini (Wolverhampton Wanderers) left footed shot from outside the box is close, but misses to the right. Assisted by Ryan Bennett.
Posted at 80'
Attempt blocked. Jonny (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the left side of the box is blocked.
Posted at 80'
Attempt blocked. Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers) left footed shot from the centre of the box is blocked. Assisted by Matt Doherty.
Posted at 79'
Substitution, Burnley. Ashley Westwood replaces Jeff Hendrick.
Posted at 76'
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Léo Bonatini replaces Raúl Jiménez.
Posted at 76'
Attempt missed. Matt Doherty (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the centre of the box misses to the left. Assisted by Raúl Jiménez.
Posted at 72'
Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
Posted at 72'
Foul by Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 72'
Phil Bardsley (Burnley) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 71'
Attempt saved. Adama Traoré (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from a difficult angle on the right is saved in the bottom right corner. Assisted by Raúl Jiménez.
Posted at 70'
Substitution, Burnley. Chris Wood replaces Sam Vokes.
Posted at 68'
Johann Berg Gudmundsson (Burnley) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
Posted at 67'
Raúl Jiménez (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 67'
Foul by Johann Berg Gudmundsson (Burnley).
Posted at 67'
Corner, Burnley. Conceded by Willy Boly.
Posted at 67'
Attempt missed. Matej Vydra (Burnley) right footed shot from a difficult angle on the right misses to the left following a set piece situation.
Posted at 66'
Foul by Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
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BBC Sport – Football
Jimenez scores as Wolves deservedly defeat Burnley was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Wolves pile misery on pointless West Ham with injury-time goal
West Ham’s miserable start to the season continued as substitute Adama Traore won the game for Wolves in injury time.
Traore fired home in the 93rd minute after it looked like the hosts would earn their first point of the campaign.
The result gives Wolves their first top-flight win since 4 February 2012, and means West Ham have lost all four league games under Manuel Pellegrini.
Michail Antonio and Marko Arnautovic spurned West Ham’s best chances.
The home side had one of their best openings after just four minutes, when Felipe Anderson’s shot forced Wolves goalkeeper Rui Patricio into action.
But a tame first half saw neither side assert themselves, with Matt Doherty’s shot on target the only worrying moment for West Ham keeper Lukasz Fabiasnki.
Patricio denied Antonio and Arnautovic with excellent blocks after half-time, the latter when the Portuguese stopped a shot with his face, as West Ham improved markedly – but it was Wolves that took the points.
Raul Jimenez tripped over the ball when free inside the area late on with what looked to be the visitors’ last chance, until Traore’s dramatic intervention in stoppage time.
More to follow.
Match Stats
Live Text
West Ham
24FredericksBooked at 24mins
3CresswellBooked at 60mins
15C Sánchez
19WilshereSubstituted forObiangat 64'minutes
11SnodgrassSubstituted forYarmolenkoat 45'minutes
8Felipe Anderson
30AntonioSubstituted forHernándezat 75'minutes
11Rui Patrício
5BennettBooked at 79mins
28João Moutinho
19Castro Otto
10Hélder CostaSubstituted forBonatiniat 72'minutes
18JotaSubstituted forTraoréat 62'minutes
9JiménezSubstituted forVinagreat 87'minutes
Chris Kavanagh
Match Stats
Home TeamWest HamAway TeamWolves
Shots on Target
Live Text
Posted at
Match ends, West Ham United 0, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1.
Full Time
Posted at 90'+5'
Second Half ends, West Ham United 0, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1.
Posted at 90'+3'
Goal! West Ham United 0, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1. Adama Traoré (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the right side of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Léo Bonatini.
Posted at 90'+2'
Foul by Rúben Vinagre (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 90'+2'
Ryan Fredericks (West Ham United) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 90'+1'
Foul by Rúben Vinagre (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 90'+1'
Ryan Fredericks (West Ham United) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 89'
Attempt saved. Adama Traoré (Wolverhampton Wanderers) left footed shot from outside the box is saved in the bottom left corner. Assisted by João Moutinho.
Posted at 88'
Attempt saved. Matt Doherty (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the centre of the box is saved in the centre of the goal. Assisted by Adama Traoré.
Posted at 87'
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Rúben Vinagre replaces Raúl Jiménez.
Posted at 84'
Delay over. They are ready to continue.
Posted at 82'
Delay in match Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton Wanderers) because of an injury.
Posted at 81'
Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 81'
Foul by Marko Arnautovic (West Ham United).
Posted at 81'
Attempt saved. Marko Arnautovic (West Ham United) left footed shot from the centre of the box is saved in the centre of the goal. Assisted by Chicharito.
Posted at 81'
Attempt blocked. Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box is blocked. Assisted by Jonny.
Posted at 80'
Adama Traoré (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick on the right wing.
Posted at 80'
Foul by Felipe Anderson (West Ham United).
Posted at 79'
Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
Posted at 79'
Foul by Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 79'
Felipe Anderson (West Ham United) wins a free kick on the left wing.
Posted at 76'
Attempt missed. Pedro Obiang (West Ham United) right footed shot from outside the box is close, but misses to the left. Assisted by Aaron Cresswell.
Posted at 75'
Substitution, West Ham United. Chicharito replaces Michail Antonio.
Posted at 74'
Attempt missed. Raúl Jiménez (Wolverhampton Wanderers) left footed shot from outside the box is high and wide to the left. Assisted by Adama Traoré.
Posted at 73'
Attempt saved. Léo Bonatini (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the centre of the box is saved in the centre of the goal.
Posted at 72'
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Léo Bonatini replaces Hélder Costa.
Posted at 71'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Issa Diop.
Posted at 71'
Attempt blocked. Pedro Obiang (West Ham United) left footed shot from outside the box is blocked.
Posted at 71'
Attempt blocked. Andriy Yarmolenko (West Ham United) right footed shot from the centre of the box is blocked. Assisted by Michail Antonio.
Posted at 70'
Foul by Hélder Costa (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 70'
Carlos Sánchez (West Ham United) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 69'
Jonny (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 69'
Foul by Ryan Fredericks (West Ham United).
Posted at 66'
Adama Traoré (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 66'
Foul by Marko Arnautovic (West Ham United).
Posted at 64'
Substitution, West Ham United. Pedro Obiang replaces Jack Wilshere.
Posted at 63'
Foul by João Moutinho (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 63'
Andriy Yarmolenko (West Ham United) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 62'
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Adama Traoré replaces Diogo Jota.
Posted at 61'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Issa Diop.
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BBC Sport – Football
Wolves pile misery on pointless West Ham with injury-time goal was originally published on 365 Football
0 notes
365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Laporte rescues draw for champions Man City at newly promoted Wolves
Aymeric Laporte’s header rescued Manchester City a draw against newly promoted Wolves as the visitors’ 100% winning start to their Premier League title defence came to an end at Molineux.
Laporte’s first goal for the club, from a smart Ilkay Gundogan cross, cancelled out Willy Boly’s controversial opener.
The Wolves defender had appeared to help Joao Moutinho’s inswinging delivery into the net with his arm as he put the hosts ahead 12 minutes after the break.
Raul Jimenez thought he had given the hosts the lead before half-time, only to be flagged offside.
City had hit the woodwork twice in quick succession the first half – first, Sergio Aguero fired against a post before keeper Rui Patricio tipped Raheem Sterling’s long-range half-volley onto the crossbar.
Aguero then hit the bar with a free-kick in stoppage time.
Wolves remain without a win since returning to the top flight, having drawn with Everton on the opening day and lost at Leicester last week.
Relive the action from Molineux
Everything you need to know about Champions League group-stage draw
More to follow.
Match Stats
Live Text
11Rui Patrício
16CoadyBooked at 41mins
28João Moutinho
19Castro OttoSubstituted forVinagreat 85'minutes
10Hélder CostaSubstituted forTraoréat 72'minutes
Man City
4KompanyBooked at 12mins
21SilvaBooked at 60mins
8GündoganSubstituted forSanéat 77'minutes
20Bernardo SilvaSubstituted forGabriel Jesusat 62'minutes
7SterlingSubstituted forMahrezat 85'minutes
33Gabriel Jesus
Martin Atkinson
Match Stats
Home TeamWolvesAway TeamMan City
Shots on Target
Live Text
Posted at
Match ends, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1, Manchester City 1.
Full Time
Posted at 90'+6'
Second Half ends, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1, Manchester City 1.
Posted at 90'+5'
Sergio Agüero (Manchester City) hits the bar with a right footed shot from outside the box from a direct free kick.
Posted at 90'+4'
Sergio Agüero (Manchester City) wins a free kick in the attacking half.
Posted at 90'+4'
Foul by João Moutinho (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 90'+3'
Kyle Walker (Manchester City) wins a free kick on the right wing.
Posted at 90'+3'
Foul by Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 90'+1'
Corner, Manchester City. Conceded by Adama Traoré.
Posted at 90'
Attempt missed. Matt Doherty (Wolverhampton Wanderers) header from the centre of the box misses to the right. Assisted by Rúben Vinagre with a cross.
Posted at 89'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Aymeric Laporte.
Posted at 88'
Attempt missed. Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the left side of the box is just a bit too high. Assisted by Adama Traoré with a cross.
Posted at 86'
Foul by Aymeric Laporte (Manchester City).
Posted at 86'
Willy Boly (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 85'
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Rúben Vinagre replaces Jonny because of an injury.
Posted at 85'
Substitution, Manchester City. Riyad Mahrez replaces Raheem Sterling.
Posted at 85'
David Silva (Manchester City) wins a free kick in the attacking half.
Posted at 85'
Foul by João Moutinho (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 83'
Corner, Manchester City. Conceded by Diogo Jota.
Posted at 82'
Corner, Manchester City. Conceded by Jonny.
Posted at 81'
Gabriel Jesus (Manchester City) wins a free kick on the left wing.
Posted at 81'
Foul by Ryan Bennett (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 80'
Foul by Fernandinho (Manchester City).
Posted at 80'
João Moutinho (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 78'
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Benjamin Mendy.
Posted at 78'
Attempt blocked. Matt Doherty (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the right side of the box is blocked. Assisted by Diogo Jota with a cross.
Posted at 77'
Substitution, Manchester City. Leroy Sané replaces Ilkay Gündogan.
Posted at 77'
Attempt saved. Gabriel Jesus (Manchester City) header from the centre of the box is saved in the centre of the goal. Assisted by Benjamin Mendy with a cross.
Posted at 75'
Delay over. They are ready to continue.
Posted at 73'
Delay in match Gabriel Jesus (Manchester City) because of an injury.
Posted at 73'
Delay in match Matt Doherty (Wolverhampton Wanderers) because of an injury.
Posted at 72'
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Adama Traoré replaces Hélder Costa.
Posted at 72'
Attempt missed. Sergio Agüero (Manchester City) right footed shot from outside the box is close, but misses to the right. Assisted by Gabriel Jesus with a headed pass.
Posted at 71'
Offside, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Matt Doherty tries a through ball, but Hélder Costa is caught offside.
Posted at 70'
Foul by Fernandinho (Manchester City).
Posted at 70'
Hélder Costa (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 69'
Goal! Wolverhampton Wanderers 1, Manchester City 1. Aymeric Laporte (Manchester City) header from very close range to the top left corner. Assisted by Ilkay Gündogan with a cross following a set piece situation.
Posted at 68'
Raheem Sterling (Manchester City) wins a free kick on the right wing.
Posted at 68'
Foul by Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at 67'
Aymeric Laporte (Manchester City) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 67'
Foul by Raúl Jiménez (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
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BBC Sport – Football
Laporte rescues draw for champions Man City at newly promoted Wolves was originally published on 365 Football
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