chronicparagon · 1 year
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[text]: was feeling a little spicy, enjoy~ ❤️
Send in sexy pictures to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts.
The notification steals Harmony's focus from the opened textbook, and notebooks spread out on her desk. Anatomy and physiology is the current subject. An exam is coming up, and she needs to prepare.
The notification reveals the text message is from Dio and that piques her interest.
I wonder what he wants. She thought, knowing it was too late to go out anywhere.
Is he okay?
That made her a little nervous, so she quickly tapped on her phone's screen and opened the new text.
The reveal makes her heart stop for a solid second, but not from fear or dread. "Aah! O-oh my gosh!" She squeaks, staring at the very image Dio sent. Her heart races and she can hear the rush of blood pounding in her ears.
The room feels much warmer now. She couldn't stop staring at the photo and seconds dragged on to minutes. The young woman clears her throat and she types of a reply for Dio.
Text: Thank you. You look-
Oh, what should she say? Handsome? Attractive? Appealing? She would say any of those words, but panic sets in. What if he finds that creepy? Is it too much right away? Well, the selfie Dio sent showed some of his intentions. But she finishes her reply with the first word standing out in her mind.
Text: Thank you. You look great!
She sends the text, only to sink into her seat. That...That may not be a good response now she thinks about it.
What if it's disappointing? He may think she isn't interested.
Stupid, stupid!
Harmony leans forward until her forehead rests on her studies with a groan muffled by papers.
"Way to go, Har...Couldn't you be any more lame?" Wait, does anyone use that word anymore?
Another groan follows, and she sits in silence for a long moment. Then, Harmony gently sighed and lifted her head, just enough to return to her phone and see the photo once more.
Lips curve ever so slightly to a small smile. He does look damn good.
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demoken-blog · 7 years
Curious Incounters-Closed RP
The day was normal and peaceful..the observer's eyes scanned the lands as she flew above it all, in her favorite form a sparrow, flying down she whistled while flying. But noticed something odd, she could tell humans apart from other creatures..this man was who caught her eye no human. Curiosity peaked she flew closer til she glided next to him, she wondered what he was? Landing on his shoulder she whistled a sweet tune to catch his attention.
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