ayyyez · 4 years
Hello! Can I request a Neji one shot where the reader comes from the sand village (and is siblings with Temsari, kankoro, and Gaara? Maybe?) and things get steamy at the hot springs
a/n: gotta love them hot springs moments ehehe (Oh no there’s only one bath left and it’s for couples *gasp*) warnings: only a little bit of smut toward the end :)
It started when you would accompany Temari to Konohagakure on missions. It was primarily to foster a good relationship between your village and theirs but honestly it felt like a little getaway every time.
The Hidden Leaf was beautiful and full of luscious greenery unlike the Sand Village. You enjoyed your time there more than you cared to admit, especially since you had started encountering the one and only Neji Hyuga. 
Neji was seemingly indifferent at first. Although he gave you respect you sensed he was a stickler for following the rules. So you took it upon yourself to tease him every opportunity you got. In the end you both had a comfortable banter with underlined tension.
‘Back again so soon?’ Neji mused, waiting for you in the centre of the village. 
‘What can I say I just can’t get enough of those hot springs I visited last time.’ You smirked. ‘Oh and your company isn’t so bad either.’ 
Neji returned your smirk muttering a backhanded compliment. 
The two of you walked, making small talk and comfortable teasing remarks until you reached the counter at the hot spring. That’s when things took an interesting turn.
‘I’m sorry but all the group and singles are full.’ The woman and the counter said, brow furrowed as she scanned through the registry. 
‘What a shame.’ You admitted, cursing that you hadn’t made a reservation. 
‘Are there any reservations open for tomorrow?’ Neji inquired. 
‘I’m afraid we are booked up for the week.’ The woman said with an apologetic tone, flipping through the pages. ‘Oh wait! Perfect!’ 
‘There’s a spot?’ You asked, pushing your hands together in a prayer position. 
‘Yes we had a cancellation for the session starting in 5 minutes.’ She continued. ‘It’s a couples bath.’ 
‘Oh we aren’t-’ 
‘We will take it!’ You said, cutting Neji off. 
He tensed and shot you a look. But you just bit your lip and shrugged, silently affirming that you were really looking forward to the hotsprings that this would be worth the cost. 
‘Follow me, I’ll take you to the room.’ 
You followed the woman immediately but Neji hesitated behind you. When you realised you turned back and called out to him. 
‘Come on, it’s not a big deal! I’ll cover my eyes, promise!’ You waved your hand over your face for emphasis. 
He sighed, muttering something under his breath before he gave in and followed. 
Once you were shown into the room and left alone the air between the two of you changed. It was far more tenser than usual and the silence was almost deafening. 
You reached for the hem of your shirt about to lift it off when Neji spoke. 
‘I can just wait outside.’ 
‘Don’t be silly, I said before it’s not a big deal.’ 
‘That’s not true.’ He said with a sigh. ‘You wanted to come her so it’s only fair you are the one who gets the bath.’ 
You rolled your eyes. ‘There is plenty of room for the both of us.’ You bit your lip. ‘But if you are feeling uncomfortable then I’ll go in first while you’re back is turned then you can come in. I’ll make sure my back is turned until you’re safely under the surface.’ When he didn’t say anything you added. ‘You will have your side and I’ll have mine.’ 
‘Very well.’ He relented, despite his better judgement. 
The truth was Neji wanted nothing more than to share the couples hotspring with you but that very want scared him beyond belief. He had a feeling that you taking such time to convince him meant you wanted that too but he couldn’t be sure. Perhaps that just what he wanted and he was projecting. 
‘I’ll be getting undressed now.’ You warned, pulling the shirt over your head. 
Neji swallowed, audibly. ‘Let me know when it’s time.’ 
You continued stripping your clothes, folding them neatly on the bench in front of you. Then you grabbed one of the towels and wrapped it around you as you entered the bathing area. The moment you did the steam hit you and your body relaxed. 
Wasting no time you walked over to the edge dropped your towel and stepped into the water. The moment your skin hit the warm water your body trembled at the sensation. It felt so good and soothing already. It didn’t take long for you to submerge. 
‘Your turn, Hyuga!’ You called. ‘I’ve got my eyes shut so let me know when to open them!’ 
Keeping your promise you closed your eyes and titled your head back for good measure. 
Neji shivered at the sound of the your voice and the anticipation of the moment. As he opened his eyes and began undressing her noticed how his fingers shook while unbuttoning his shirt. He chastised himself, attempting to keep it together. As he shed the last of his clothing he grabbed a towel and took a deep breath. 
Mustering all the courage he could he turned and headed into the area. 
‘I’m coming in.’ He warned, just in case. 
‘Eyes are shut tight.’ 
As he entered the bath area his eyes immediately locked onto you, your body just hidden beneath the water. With another audible swallow he tore his eyes from you and headed toward the other side of the hotsping. With a moments hesitation he dropped the towel and stepped into the water. 
Pinning his eyes onto something in the corner of the room he spoke. 
‘You can open your eyes now.’ 
And you did, carefully lifting you head to see his face but he wasn’t looking at you. Judging by the look on his face, he wasn’t relaxing either. 
‘I don’t mind if you look at me.’ You said, bluntly. 
‘What?’ He asked, gaze snapping to meet yours. 
‘I just mean you don’t have to be so tense, I don’t mind if you see anything.’ 
He frowned. ‘You shouldn’t be so casual with people like this.’ 
‘I am not casual with other people like this, I am saying this specifically to you.’
He couldn’t hide the blush creeping up his cheeks. 
‘Very well.’ 
A smirk came to your lips at his reaction. This maybe a rare opportunity to tease him like this. That and it was just so intimate you couldn’t help feeling flushed yourself. 
‘Unless,’ you began, coyly, ‘there’s another reason you don’t want to look at me?’ 
Neji frowned. 
‘Maybe I’m not your type.’ You pouted a little. 
‘It’s not that.’ He said a little too quickly. ‘That is...I mean...’
‘Oh! So I am your type?’ 
Neji’s frown deepened and his blush intensified. ‘You’re teasing me on purpose aren’t you?’ 
‘A little but I am also a little curious.’ 
The water sloshed against the edges of the hotspring as you shifted. The sound echoed throughout the room. 
‘Curious about what?’ Neji dared ask. His heart was hammering so hard in his chest at the moment it was overwhelming. 
‘Whether or not you want to look.’ 
Of course he did but it wouldn’t be proper!
‘I don’t mind.’ You repeated. ‘Look until your hearts content.’ 
His brow twitched at that, feeling his gaze draw ever closer to you. Damnit. 
‘Perhaps you need a little encouragement.’ You chuckled. ‘Or perhaps you want a closer look.’ 
The water sloshed again but this time more violently as you pushed your way toward Neji. 
The entire time his heart thrummed all the way through to his temples. He was frozen, stuck there with you approaching him. He couldn’t move even if he had wanted to. He was torn between wanting and fear. 
When you reached him you stopped.
In that moment Neji’s eyes finally met yours. He was annoyed at you teasing him, that was clear but he also didn’t want you to stop. 
You gave him a sweet smile before reaching out to cup his chin. Your eyes drifted down to his lips as you ran your thumb across them. It pulled soft gasp from them. 
‘So soft.’ You observed, his eyes burning a hole in you as he looked at you with a fiery gaze. ‘Can I kiss you?’ 
‘You need to ask?’ 
‘Consent is key.’
‘Do it.’ It was a breathless whisper but you caught on to the need behind it. 
You press your lips against his, firmly, wantingly, feeling him tense beneath you. As you parted your lips and kissed him again, the the water pushed you closer toward him and you sunk into his lap. 
The kiss continued longer than you anticipated. 
Neji’s hands found your back, pulling you closer toward him. 
‘Is this an attempt to smoothen negotiations.’ You teased, pressing your forehead against his. 
‘No,’ he said, through bated breath, ‘this is entirely and wholly personal.’
You gasped as he leant toward you and captured your lips with his. It seemed you had awakened a boldness in Neji you had not expected but welcomed gladly. 
Then you wanted to be closer to him, wanted to touch him more, as your hands began to wander his body. They traced across his cheeks, down his throat and across his chest. In turn you tugged you closer, feeling your bottom halves meet and grind together. 
Neji kissed across your chin and down you neck, paying particular attention to the soft skin there. Your hands came to his neck as your head lulled back at the attention. You were completely lost in the moment when you felt something hard against your thigh. 
Forgetting where you were, blinded totally by the need to touch him more, you reached down to his erection and began stroking him loosely. Neji let out a strangled moan and let his head fall against your shoulder. He indulged the moment for a few strokes before he stopped you. 
‘Wait, wait.’ He said, breathless. ‘We can’t do this here. Not in public and not in the hotsprings.’ 
‘But somewhere else is alright?’ 
Neji met your eyes and nodded with a little hesitation. He was nervous. 
‘What’s closer, the place I’m staying or yours?’ 
Neji closed his eyes to think. ‘Mine.’ 
You stood immediately, reaching out a hand. ‘Well then what are you waiting for? I’m definitely in the mood to do something more fun than relaxing.’ 
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