#director iood
royalblanket 5 months
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I'm On Observation Duty 6 height chart using the models
In order: Patient, Lumberjack, Bruxsa, Crawler/DemonLady, Banshee, Marionette, Principal, Director/Doctor, Stalker/Nixie, !!!HUGE MAN!!!, Passenger More details under cut, along with other file search rambling
I was considering a theory where Patient and Lumberjack use the same model, like so many characters here do, but not only are they drastically different heights, they actually have completely different face and hand shapes (Patient on our left, LJ on our right)
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I could only find the model patient uses with the gown, even though a full model of his body exists. Apparently his swollen eye is caused by a bone? Blendshape? These things dont come with bones so he looks like this
The ladies DO seem to use the same base model though. Marionette's funky because obviously her head is different but it seems they all at least share the same legs, and are basically the same height. With the exception for Banshee and Crawler, whos only difference is how Banshee DOESNT have legs. Also she has a braid bun. Just in case you drew her with a ponytail before seeing the reference. Not like I speak from experience
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DemonLady is the unnamed, unhostile intruder who's face is seen in the hospital, and can be seen shaking in the university, pool and cottage. She and Crawler use the EXACT same model and dress. DemonLady just has a seperate mesh for her horns, and I believe is bald. Another name for her is SkinnyLady_demonic, just Crawlers filename with an extension
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Also Crawler's models arent named normally, they're just "Body", "HairStrands" and "Dress", making her a nightmare to find Same nightmare could be said for Director, who doesn't use the name "Leatherjacketman" for his mesh and instead has the name "MadDoctor" exactly like the Doctor does. The only difference here is the file location and Director having a mesh for his jacket collar while Doctor has his hair
Stalker is the last duplicate model. Again, same name for both him and Nixie, "SkinnyMan". Nixie also has "FrogMesh" for their spine and webbed fingers/toes. FrogMesh is in this project actually, it's just on his back so you can't see it
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Being the same model from older games, which have way harder filenames to understand than this one (Most words are in Finnish) !!!HUGE MAN!!! was also a bit tough to get every piece of. He uses a bunch of default filenames (Not only are his eyes high-polyMesh, not a real name, but theres TWO meshes with that name in sharedassets4, so it has to end in -732) and then "isomies" is his head and hands. If I spoke Finnish and knew iso mies just meant huge man maybe I would've found him faster but I didn't. Now, !!!HUGE MAN!!! may be huge, but now it's finally time for the TALLEST character in this game! (Mesh wise)
Passenger is a wild one because he's got a variant texture that's used in-game, but I'm so blind I thought it was unused
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Ever notice he looks weird in the Drivers car? That's because he's clean. When he's seen in Sleeping and Dining he's covered in blood, his own and otherwise. While here he's got slightly paler skin that's pristine as ever
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I have no idea what the point of this is, maybe he looked weird with the blood on that camera. I'm not proficient with modding so my efforts went nowhere but I'm sure a texture swap like this isn't too difficult for the more experienced (I've already seen people modding 1)
The thing is I'm not entirely wrong about "BigHeadManVariant" being unused because a part of it is
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If you didn't see the difference before, you do now. Anyway, his variant has heterochromia, but the alternate eye texture is NOT seen when he's outside the windshield. But Passenger is my favorite and God I am OBSESSED with him having heterochromia so I went and fixed the UV maps on his eyes just to see it
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His mouth UV was beyond saving, and also I think I missed a pixel on the eye. But for me this is better than nothing
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Adorable 饾梾潭饾梻潭饾棈潭饾棈潭饾梾潭饾柧潭 freak of nature!
Tumblr fandom for this game seems dead as hell, but I've found no one who shares the same level of interest in this franchise, so I'll keep looking. I could rant about just the files alone for hours, if this post wasn't enough of an indicator of that
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observer-on-duty 8 months
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Hello. My name is Nanette Voss, but please call me Nancy. The Bureau refers to me as N-V, and my job is to record and handle dispatch for Anomalies when they're reported. I use all pronouns and I am AroAce.
I am the handler for HUGE MAN and the Director.
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