luminescenc1e · 3 months
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“ Oh, I was feeling really at ease here. With the crawling bugs, I can’t even name and the..I hope howling wolves somewhere in the distance, or are those coyotes? Wasn’t sure either existed in this part of the world. ” He had made sure to go first, so far nothing had jumped out at them, and there wasn’t a booby trap on the floor. But that didn’t mean that something far worse, far uglier wasn’t hiding at the end of the hallway. “ Are you sure you want to go further in? ”
Of course she did, it was like she had a magnet that pulled her towards anything life-threatening. It would be best to do the opposite of what she wanted, but Rick wouldn’t, obviously not. So he’d complain, for his sake more so than anyone else, but in the end, do exactly what she wanted him to do. And if it all gets too dicy, he’ll just carry her like a back of potatoes in the opposite direction. It wouldn’t be the first time. “ Okay, here we go. ”
disasteregyptologist asked: "i have a bad feeling about this." - to Rick! / MEME.
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blackarrcw · 4 days
@disasteregyptologist asked: "it is the family you make, not the one you are born into, that matters." Tirmorheir - To Elyssa
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Elyssa knew she'd heard those words from somewhere, but couldn't quite remember from where. The expression upon her features shifted from the calm, serene look to one of knowing as she looked at the other a moment or two. "You're absolutely right." The brunette answered, nodding as a small smile appeared upon her features. Family wasn't always blood but it was the people whom you met along the way of your journey. The ones who saw passed the troubles and histories for the real person beneath the outward exterior.
Eilonwy fell under that category as she had been much like a sister to the half-elf.
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its-the-mileage · 1 year
"it's just a chest.. I am sure it is fine"
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The archaeologist glanced at the brunette. "When you've opened enough of these things; you start to expect the unexpected." He said, looking down at the old box with caution. "Ready?" He asked, his hands hovering over the lid.
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
@disasteregyptologist asked: "no harm ever came from opening a chest.. right ?" / To TASM!Peter bc why not
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"You've-- you've heard of Pandora's Box, haven't you? I dunno, with the stuff I've seen, I would.. avoid. A creepy looking chest like that. Maybe study it. From the outside. Safely. Without opening it."
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vocespraeterita · 1 year
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Mary looked carefully at the young woman before her. “I’m sorry papa wasn’t here to greet you but I’ll do my best to help” Mary says her eyes focused on the other. “From what he told me you’re an Egyptologist?” she asked politely. She was far too used to dealing with debutants and high-class women so this was new for her.  She supposed she had a little interest in her father’s collection. 
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❝ one can never be too careful. ❞ / crainiisms for hook
"Of what?" the Pirate mockingly questioned. "Sirens? Sea monsters?" he continued with a snicker.
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tanchulo · 1 year
“Sorry I think that’s my blood”
The injured and the healers. Sentence starters.  (cws for death mention & blood). 
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❝ No, Evie, no... ❞
He's quick and catches her when she falls as the blood seeping into her linen top soon stains his slacks. The men who'd paid for their expertise seem proud of themselves as they snicker, gold weighing down the workers they'd hired as they begin to exit the tomb. 
'You were too GREEDY, weren't you? Losing a business partner will serve as a lesson for the future.' 
The gun in Ruben's hand goes off and the older man who'd hired them goes down with no one to catch him. He writhes, holding his knee, his cries echoing around them as Ruben drops his weapon to put pressure on Evelyn's wound. He doesn't register the tears in his own eyes, the stinging in them ignored as he breathes in stuttered huffs, trying his best to concentrate on keeping her alive as he speaks, tone strained from the pain in watching her suffer. 
❝ I will KILL YOU. I will make it my life's mission to bring you and your family sheer misery. If Evie dies, if she doesn't make it, I promise you that much, you utter BASTARD. ❞
His huffs get harsher, shorter. He was fighting panic and anger as he strains to lift her up, to get her out of the dusty, sandy underground and out into the light, out to their car. 
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indyflanery · 1 year
"don't be such a baby" / hi!! 👋
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"'Don't be a baby'?" he echoed in disbelief. "I'm all for jumping right into a new tomb, but I really think you should let it air out a bit first."
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tcbefearless · 11 months
@ordinariums Eilonwy to Aziraphale
"Mr..Fell? Funny surname" The redhead mentioned giving a small smile toward the book keeper. "bit of a strange request.. I'm looking for er a book, about ancient symbols.. specifically ones with erh fire magic or might have been classed as such" Eilonwy was a young woman, no older than twenty one, auburn hair that rivaled the flames themselves and ocean blue eyes that sparkled like Sapphires, freckles dotted across her nose and cheeks. She had a burn mark of a dragon upon her palm, if anyone asked Eilonwy would say how she couldn't remember, or that she had received at such a young age she simply couldn't recall. Her hands lightly tapping over the binding of each book, careful not to knock one over from the shelf. "Let's just say it is a personal interest of mine and I heard that you may have the one I am looking for?"
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the-coolest-pharaoh · 11 months
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As the sun began to hide behind the horizon, Ahkmenrah awoke from his slumber. He started his night like he had done since released from his sarcophagus—by checking on his "kingdom." He began with his own wing: ancient Egypt. It was one of the smaller wings in the museum, but it was slowly expanding as curators set up displays for newly found artifacts, or artifacts on loan from other museums and universities. He appreciated the simplicity of his wing, however. It was quiet and out of the way.
When he came to the hallway that entered and exited the wing, he saw a woman. He quickly and quietly hid from her sight. He could tell right away that she wasn't an exhibit nor a usual staff member of the museum. What is this woman doing here after closing? He thought to himself. He watched her closely. For all he knew she could have bad intentions...
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vanaheimprincess · 7 months
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the goddess of fidelity /Sigyn [ pronounced ' SIG-in ' ] meaning " woman friend of victory " - independent, sideblog to disasteregyptologist. penned by Han.
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tirmorheir · 10 months
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ELORA. heir to tir-mor, kingdom of albion. original character - penned by han. sideblog to disasteregyptologist
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How are you ruined?
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Ruined by loneliness
you are so lonely. you are miserable in your solitude. you hate that you cannot bring yourself to reach out, to ask for help. you will be forgotten by all who never knew you. your biggest fear is that you will die alone, and you know this fear will be seen to fruition. you refuse to extend yourself beyond the box that others put you in. and it is a box that no one dare come near. you are lonely because you are afraid of yourself.
i tag @honorhearted @disasteregyptologist @wornkindness @reiignonme @wiredsmile @multi-royalty
and anyone else who wants too
I was tagged by @gunchamber
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crainiisms · 1 year
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" The bell has been raised ..from it's watery grave....Do you hear it's sepulchral tone? We are a call to all.. pay heed the squall.. and turn your sail toward home! "
ind. selective. mutuals only - pirate original character. member of the Jolly Roger, influences from J.M Barrie's Peter Pan. - captained by Han. Follows from disasteregyptologist
affiliates: @gracenss
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xfjakku · 1 year
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" The Island. Life. Death And Decay That Feeds New Life. Warmth. Cold. Peace. Violence. BALANCE. An Energy. A Force. " .... " Inside Me, That SAME FORCE. "
↪ follows back from @disasteregyptologist
independent. Canon divergent REY Palpatine from the star wars franchise. iconless. mutuals only. - use beta editor. Transmitted by Han.
Please note: my Rey is NO ONE. She doesn't come from Palpatine and I also don't like that they took her to be a Skywalker either at the end of TROS. She's a badass without the legendary names. - / this is why I am canon divergent in case any potential writing partners were wondering. I have adapted her about to reflect this too
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tanchulo · 1 year
" just kiss me. "
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❝ You can't mean that. You're a GOOD GIRL, aren't you? ❞
And yet he moves. He'd cradle her face in his work-worn hands and the smoothness of her skin is stark against his calloused fingers. He'd meet her eyes, his own lidded in WANT and not matching his unwavering tone. He doesn't want to scare her off with how raw he feels right then. 
❝ I'm far from good I'm afraid... ❞
He'd close the gap between them, her touch stoking the fire in the depths of his chest. He holds her close, almost as if he thinks she'll change her mind and shy away. He's ready to see her just as she'd seen him and does his best to convey his conviction. 
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