#discord doesnt notify that channel
awoken-artist · 10 months
Important Update!: Hard drive issue
So I have announced this early on my discord server community I have about this situation. So not long ago about a few weeks ago my hard drive decided up and then to refuse to open again and give me a notification it has "malfunctioned".
I panicked when I couldnt get into my hard drive at all and lead me to have a mental breakdown. Heres a reason WHY though is because of the fact all of my artworks, vods ive saved ever since i started streaming for the first time on twitch as my first time vtubing, even videos ive created for years and film projects to look over, sounds and music ive saved even from places i probably cannot get back anymore, gifts from lovely people and friends even art trades and commissions ive also saved as well.
a fuuuuuck ton of art ive saved from YEARS of drawing are on there along with photography works even personal photos and videos.
so yeah i panicked like shit because my whole life work is in that damn thing.
My mom and dad manage to find a program to pay to get everything as much as we could to be able to move stuff over. we bought a new hard drive and its currently being used to copy stuff over. and me going through to make sure the amount of files on the hard drive to the new one match and if it doesnt we can focus on the single files that focus's on it to move over.
and this takes...DAYS. weeks even at worst. So this is a tedious as fuck of a long wait for to get EVERYTHING out of there. or at least everything that were ABLE to get out of there.
I do want to get my new hard drive unplugged temporarily and move my 2023 stuff over cause- fuck i need that file in my hands and plug it back into the other computer to continue making the copies. but god this is just horrendous....
it made me very sad this happened and it pisses me off as well. hopefully i can get everything back like nothing actually is missing and what not. so for those waiting on Art trades and commissions I beg to be patient. i know I have sketches down and saved towards DMS to the people and so that i can easily trace over that wip previews and go for it which i will. everyone else i have to start over which i hate doing but i also dont want to keep everyone waiting :/
I know once ATs and coms are done i will only open commissions for friends only. YCH's i'll probably open when able to cause I Have some planned to open on Vgen and Ko-fi.
I'll update you guys about it soon. if you guys wish to get quick updates from me your welcome to join my little server, just send me a dm of a rainbow emoji. :P or come by to my streams I have a bot that you can do !discord into and you can come right in. do know you have to fill out a form. I dont allow children in my server and if i find out people are lying about their age you get banned. so dont even fricken try. =_= i am just very uncomfortable around kids and rather keep my server for adults only. thank you.
hope everyones having a good monday! I will probs do a stream later today so if you guys are following me on twitch and vstream you'll get notified about it. [hopefully you guys get notified tbh-] ^u^)/
click to go to Twitch | click here to go to my Vstream
I'll also try to stream on YouTube as well. it be much appreciated if you can give my youtube some loves as well. Im trying hard to grow so any help be great. ;w;
Click to go to my Youtube Channel
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pyropaw-studios · 7 months
Half of this is copied from discord: Not so happy news for:
I hate to break this news to everyone… but here goes..
<@&1004117175554023576> <@&1017464516952465480>Its with heavy hearts We are sunsetting <#1059559508042600549> temporarily til we can make a easier project to get some money off of, we've been working on this game since late 2021 with no progress, we've had too many scammers, allegded groomers/predators here, r15/cosmo, along with other chaotic stuff, lot of staff members left, and more recently our cheapest 3D modeler went missing, and we do not know how long they have been missing for, so me and <@755924638349131866> feels its best to work on the comic <#1171308144031453224>. Im sorry to everyone who was hopeful this game was coming quickly at the time we didn't realize how hard it was to make a game especially a MMORPG even if we can write and draw we do not know how to program nor 3d model even with the amount of staff we have were sorta outnumbered. with this out of the way i want to point out some things and get some unanswered questions out of the way.
so What will happened to <#1059559508042600549> and its respected channels?
nothing, we will let people ask questions about concepts, and lore and ideas here the channels will stay despite our inability to make the game
What will happened to <@&1017464516952465480> ??
I have already been thinking about this before the decision to call it quits temporarily and if everyone is fine with it i am thinking on promoting staff to the <@&1034906676840628244> to promotee the comic, give their ideas, background designs and more! i will give staff their time to gather their thoughts on this, maybe even have a meeting on it, no one will loose their roles and will keep their respective <@&1017464516952465480> roles
What is the future of pyropaw??
To be fair me and ozy are not sure yet, we rather need time to think before jumping into another project as big as draco warriors, phurelz is most likely our only backburner to help us right now, as its also my dream and the interest of a few others that we work on this comic, even though if it doesnt make it to become big of the likes of lackadaisy or glitch i will continue to work on it til i can't no more along with any other people who decided to join this project
Was there any official <#1059559508042600549> art completed?
Some but i never got pass one npc, and a few pets along with some playable characters and one more made by a staff member/admin who decided to leave
Is this sunset permament?
Never, as much as we care about draco warriors we would not completely cancel it nor stop it this is temporary til we have more money, staff, and energy to work on this, working on a comic for now is easier though, and <#1171308144031453224> actually has been in the works since around 2018/2019
To add on to this we've had other complications such as our head founders running into issues with love ones trying to force our staff to stop working on the game, forcing staff to control our heads to change rules around such as not people to not ask for monetary value at all cost and getting staff members leaving us, and an anonymous person harassing a staff member who lefted the server, and even when the staff of the server enforced them to stop they didnt and it resulted in the owner blocking them from the server and the staff blocking them personally, everything is so stressful to the point the secondary founder did not want to be the 2nd owner of the game anymore due to money issues and scammers as well, and it caused the owner of pyropaw and phurelz, and draco-warriors to go into a creative block and slump, lots of staff also started to work on concept arts left without notifying other staff while some did, so at the end of the day thats why we are calling draco warriors quits til 2026 or 2027 it's too much stress and there's barely any staff to work on it and too many people including scammers and IRL people got involved and destroyed our game, Were still working on our comic phurelz which can be found here:
Phurelz will be entirely different from draco warriors but we hope this will interest you :3, we sorry for anyone's inconvience and hope we can make exciting things for you guys in the future!
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pyropaw-studios · 7 months
Bad news for draco warriors.
Half of this is copied from discord: Not so happy news for:
I hate to break this news to everyone… but here goes..
<@&1004117175554023576> <@&1017464516952465480>Its with heavy hearts We are sunsetting <#1059559508042600549> temporarily til we can make a easier project to get some money off of, we've been working on this game since late 2021 with no progress, we've had too many scammers, allegded groomers/predators here, r15/cosmo, along with other chaotic stuff, lot of staff members left, and more recently our cheapest 3D modeler went missing, and we do not know how long they have been missing for, so me and <@755924638349131866> feels its best to work on the comic <#1171308144031453224>. Im sorry to everyone who was hopeful this game was coming quickly at the time we didn't realize how hard it was to make a game especially a MMORPG even if we can write and draw we do not know how to program nor 3d model even with the amount of staff we have were sorta outnumbered. with this out of the way i want to point out some things and get some unanswered questions out of the way.
so What will happened to <#1059559508042600549> and its respected channels?
nothing, we will let people ask questions about concepts, and lore and ideas here the channels will stay despite our inability to make the game
What will happened to <@&1017464516952465480> ??
I have already been thinking about this before the decision to call it quits temporarily and if everyone is fine with it i am thinking on promoting staff to the <@&1034906676840628244> to promotee the comic, give their ideas, background designs and more! i will give staff their time to gather their thoughts on this, maybe even have a meeting on it, no one will loose their roles and will keep their respective <@&1017464516952465480> roles
What is the future of pyropaw??
To be fair me and ozy are not sure yet, we rather need time to think before jumping into another project as big as draco warriors, phurelz is most likely our only backburner to help us right now, as its also my dream and the interest of a few others that we work on this comic, even though if it doesnt make it to become big of the likes of lackadaisy or glitch i will continue to work on it til i can't no more along with any other people who decided to join this project
Was there any official <#1059559508042600549> art completed?
Some but i never got pass one npc, and a few pets along with some playable characters and one more made by a staff member/admin who decided to leave
Is this sunset permament?
Never, as much as we care about draco warriors we would not completely cancel it nor stop it this is temporary til we have more money, staff, and energy to work on this, working on a comic for now is easier though, and <#1171308144031453224> actually has been in the works since around 2018/2019
To add on to this we've had other complications such as our head founders running into issues with love ones trying to force our staff to stop working on the game, forcing staff to control our heads to change rules around such as not people to not ask for monetary value at all cost and getting staff members leaving us, and an anonymous person harassing a staff member who lefted the server, and even when the staff of the server enforced them to stop they didnt and it resulted in the owner blocking them from the server and the staff blocking them personally, everything is so stressful to the point the secondary founder did not want to be the 2nd owner of the game anymore, and it caused the owner of pyropaw and phurelz, and draco-warriors to go into a creative block and slump, lots of staff also started to work on concept arts left without notifying other staff while some did, so at the end of the day thats why we are calling draco warriors quits til 2026 or 2027 it's too much stress and there's barely any staff to work on it and too many people including scammers and IRL people got involved and destroyed our game, Were still working on our comic phurelz which can be found here:
Phurelz will be entirely different from draco warriors but we hope this will interest you :3, we sorry for anyone's inconvience and hope we can make exciting things for you guys in the future!
PS: this is not the end for draco warriors we will return in 2026 or 2027 to resume production on it.
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