#disgaea archer
moppynoko · 2 months
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hazyaltcare · 1 year
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A moodboard for an Archer (Disgaea) syskid fictive with themes of archery and lovecore.
Mod Haze (🤝Samuel🤝 | ❤Alice❤ passive influence)
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manygalaxiesinone · 1 year
Likelyhood of me Hanging out with Disgaea class characters:
((This idea was suggested by @nat1vibes so let’s get into it.
Warrior: Maybe He’s a chill guy, but he loves to flex. Total chad.
Valkyre: Probably If we started off as high school buddies or something, then I can see this working out, but otherwise I think she’s going to be a bit too rough for my liking.
Martial Artist: Maybe If it means doing some yoga together or something, then yeah I can see us hanging out at least a little bit.
Fight Mistress: Maybe Same reason as the martial artist, until she decides to eat up all the rice. At that point, we’re gonna have a problem.
Magician: Yes. Considering how studious he is and with his love of practicing his spells, this might be the guy who would actually get me started playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Witch: No She cute, but she loves pranks and I feel like they would get on my nerves at some point.
Clergy: Yes Don’t think I ever made an actual Femboy companion before at least IRL. Welp, time to see what that’s like.
Cleric: Yes This is one of those characters that I feel like would give me peace of mind by just being around them. You know someone that you wouldn’t mind putting your head on a lap and take a nap kind of peaceful.
Ninja: Maybe This mofo I need to watch out for because he’s either a very loyal companion or a spy from someone else who got beef with me for some reason.
Kunoichi: Maybe Now if we’re talking in terms of just friends, then we should be fine. Relationships though, that’s going to be a problem, because if she starts to flirt with me, I don’t know if it’s genuine or if she’s trying to assassinate me.
Samurai Male/Female: Yes These two are loyal and have pretty good manners and even though I don’t drink, I can see us joining some sort of celebration together.
Ranger: Probably not He might be a bit too cold for my liking honestly
Archer: Hell Yeah! I never have to worry about getting lost again with her around, plus she’s a lot more used to the cold than I am since most archers come from icy mountains. Not to mention most gatekeepers in the series like Friday, are archers so I can instantly warp to anywhere I want on the planet.
Magic Knight: Hell yeah! Sexy, loyal, magical swordswoman, what the hell’s not to love? She’s basically a humanoid Gardevior if you think about it. (Yes, I know Gardevoir is a humanoid pokemon, but you get what I mean.)
Thief Male/Female: Probably not They cool and all, but like with Artina, I need to constantly check my pockets when I’m around them. Hell, even moreso because at least Artina has a reason to try to rob someone, these two will just take off with the cash with no warning or remorse.
Angel Male/Female: Between maybe - Hell no! This depends on whether or not Flonne became the new Archangel of Celestia (which is from Disgaea 3 Postgame onwards). If it’s any time before that, especially Vulcanus is still around then it’s not happening. Angels in this series are notorious for being blinded by prejudice aside from a small minority. It’s the whole reason why I made my Panty and Stocking AU start out in Celestia, to see what it would be like for them there instead of heaven. And before you think it’s just demons, no, guys like Vulcanus even look down on the humans they’re tasked with protecting.
Gunner: No Ignoring the fact that we have enough gunmen in this country as is, Gunners prefer solitude anyway. I’m not against that, hell I completely understand, but that means we’re not really like...hanging out together if you get what I’m saying.
Gunslinger: Probably not Just a sexy lady with a gun. That’s it.
Armor knight Male/Female: Maybe Like with the samurai, I can see us at least chilling together and they are known for working well in teams.
Beastmaster: Yes She may seem odd, but if it means I get to tame any animal in the world and never have to worry about stuff like snakes and bears, sign me the fuck up.
Sorcerer: Hell no I don’t care what anyone says, I’m not messing with that voodoo shit
Masked Hero: Maybe Not really good heroes, but they are fast and we can probably cosplay together.
Professor: Between Hell yeah - maybe I love me a sexy scientist, but the chances of me hanging out with one will depend on whether or not I’m actually friends with a magic knight first, because those two are known for getting along pretty well with each other. I say this because she likes to experiment and they can get dangerous, so I can have the magic knight make sure she’s kept in check.
Psychic: Probably not If their personality is either a pompous brat or edgelord, then it’s not happening. Aside from that, there’s still a chance they might take their powers a bit too extreme.
Mecha Girl: Yes I’m pretty sure everyone would love to have a robot friend of some sort, especially if their fans of Persona, Teenage Robot, Robotboy, Cubix, ect.
Sinner/Prinny: Between maybe - probably not It all depends on what they’re being charged with and how serious they’re taking their redemption. And unless if they were charged in a place like the Dark Court in Veldime, I’ll know full well that they were rightfully convicted.
Cheerleader: Yes Let’s not beat around the bush. You already know why I said yes to her. And if you don’t know, you’re either innocent or you haven’t seen her yet.
Android: Hell no! These guys are worse than angels as they actively see humans as vermin and are planning to wipe us out. Look, even I have mixed feelings about humanity itself, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m human, so there’s no hope of us being friends.
Necromancer: Hell no Same as the sorcerer. Creeps me the fuck out.
Medic: Yes Never have to worry about my medical bills again. Plus she can fight with a sword? Sign me up.
Maid: Hell yeah! I don’t give a damn if she’s a zombie, she’s still a fucking maid! Besides, zombies in this series can’t turn you into one of them and their poison is easily treatable.
Wrestler: Probably not If I was still watching WWE, then maybe but now, nah.
Pirate: Probably not Unless if the item world is real, this guy is probably going to put me on a list.
Dark Knight: No The definition of emo when it comes to these classes.
Sage: Maybe She’s cool and I can see us reading a book together or something. Problem is, she’s basically all knowing and thus will know right away that I have the hots for her, making things awkward
Geomaster: Yes I would appreciate an improvement on my puzzle crafting and solving skills.
Spirit: No They’re literally classified as spirits that failed to become prinnies, so I know they’re not on some sort of redemption arc.
Undead: Maybe It depends on how bad they smell and how rotten their brains are, unlike the maids who typically have fully functioning minds despite their zombification. Yeah we can’t turn into one by their bites, doesn’t mean they’re not aggressive.
Dragon: Maybe It depends on how aggressive they are, especially since everybody loves to summon these guys, demons and angels alike. I’m also gonna need a lot of living space. This isn’t like the dragon maid anime.
Golem: Yes They’re the series equivalent to the “Gentle giant” tropes in certain shows like Org from Dragontales and the like. Don’t give them a reason to piss them off and you’ll be fine.
Lanturn: Hell no Fuck these guys. If you played the game, you’ll understand my frustration with these assholes.
Living Armor/Horseman: Maybe They may be chivalrous, but that doesn’t mean they’re not evil.
Felynn: Yes They’re cute and playful. Just gotta remember to watch the hands, because they’re trained to deal with unwanted gropers. Fuck around and find out.
Succubus: Between Hell yeah! - Probably not This is a tricky one honestly. Yeah it’s a fucking succubus for crying out loud, but there are some things to keep in mind like how aggressive they can be. Ask Adell, he got completely assaulted by one when she tried to trick him into giving up his soul in exchange for info. And yeah, you heard right, they eat souls like Morrigan Aensland. (Yes, I know Morrigan lives off of dreams and entertainment and she herself has reportedly never killed a human in canon, but she is capable of doing so.) And there are some like Seraphina that can mind control you, especially if you’re single and attracted to women. They CAN be loyal and friendly, but that’s only after you get to know them and stuff. And if your closest companion is a member of an all female race that isn’t a Felynn, then it’s just not happening. Your best bet would be to make sure you’re real good friends with a Felynn as they’re known to get along swimmingly with succubi. Hell, that alone might give you some benefits if you’re REAL lucky if you catch my drift. If not, then best to proceed with caution.
Gargoyles: Probably not Like with the gunner, they’re not really known for actually hanging out with others as they’re specifically crafted by wizards to be guardsmen. It’s not like we’re talking about the guys from the Disney cartoon.
Nether Noble: Maybe - No If they’re like Porkmeister then I can see myself hanging out with them because then I know they’re like Scrooge McDuck in a way. Can be greedy but a hard worker. Now if they’re like Hoggmeiser or Seraphina’s Dad then no because they’re practically like typical greedy corporate CEOs.
Orc: No Unless if they see me as their boss, then it’s not happening. They always looking for smoke.
Winged Warrior: Hell no Fuck these guys too.
Flora Beast: Yes It’s easy to tell whether or not if they see me as their enemy. If we first meet right away and they’re already trying to act cute and smell good, then they’re trying to take me out. If they’re hiding themselves under their petals, then they’re just being shy. Like with the cleric, it’s someone I can imagine relaxing and taking a nice little nap on or with. Oh what’s that? They might be trans? Well if they’re friendly, who gives a shit?
Roc: No These guys shat eggs on my party several times in Disgaea 2 and I have NOT forgiven them
Rifle Demon: Hell no Not only are they canonically confirmed to be pretty dumb, but even if I considered wanting to be friends them, that would require me to move otherwise my dad won’t be able to enjoy a bottle of beer ever again.
Sludge: No These slimes aren’t like Rimuru Tempest. They are dumb and aggressive.
Shroom: Probably not This isn’t afraid of me being afraid of it, it’s more like it being afraid of me, because these guys are constantly in fear of being eaten by others and will run off the moment they feel threatened.
Mythical Beast: Maybe Etna has shown that it is possible to tame one like a pet. Like with the Masked Hero, its speed would come in handy.
Slumber Cat/Deathsabbers: Probably not Slumber cats may be kept as pets like cats, but they do plot to dethrone their pet owners. And before anyone says (that’s exactly like regular cats), remember these guys have human level intelligence so they’ll be able to actually plot that out. And Deathsabbers are just the demonic versions of that.
Reaper: No. It’s a grim fucking reaper. It might be a bad thing if we DO become friends.
Evil Eye: Between maybe to no. If it has the rampaging cow personality then it’s not happening because that means it’s pretty damn aggressive. Aside from that, it would just look pretty sus if I’m caught hanging out with one.
Holy Dragon: Maybe Imagine Angemon from Digimon as a Disgaea class character. That’s this guy.
Imp: No. They’re incubi. Incubi looking for smoke in fact. I ain’t trying to get cucked.
Fairy: Probably not They’re cute but they’re always with their overprotective fathers.
Rabbits: Hell yeah! Remember, they can fight, but they’re pacifists. And who doesn’t want a cute rabbit companion?
Bear: No The fact that they get stronger the more damage they take like Lucario in Smash Bros automatically makes them scarier than the bears we have IRL.
Nine-tails: Maybe With one of these around, I might be able to increase my shitty luck, though there’s also a chance it could be made worse. Aside from that, they are pretty, though it can get annoying if they have the tsun personality.
Twin Dragon: No A regular dragon is risky enough. A twin headed one means that I’m probably going to be among a decent portion of people that are going to die.))
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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So many new faces. Hi, hello and welcome to my lil’ multimuse. My name is Sinmenon (or Sin) and I’m a mostly functional adult, so sometimes I might be on the slow side but I try my best ™ . I’m always open to DMs either on tumblr and to share my discord, you can actually find it in my rules and my carrd so feel free to grab it whenever you feel like. 
I’d ask you to take a moment to either fill in my interest check  or to like/comment on my permanent starter calls. You can also find a list on the pinned post but I’ll  put them under a read more.
Again, welcome and I hope we get to write together. Or meme. Or chill. Whichever we feel like.
Abraham Van Helsing (Code : Realize)
Archer (Emiya) (Fate series)
Archer (Alter)  (Fate series)
Arthur Pendragon (Proto)  (Fate series)
Avenger (Angra Mainyu)  (Fate series)
Baron Aiguille  (Code : Realize - Wintertide Miracles )
Dracula (Castlevania & Novel)
Gray  (Fate series)
Kiritsugu Emiya  (Fate series)
Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa series)
Komaru Naegi  (Danganronpa series)
Lord El-Melloi II (Waver Velvet)  (Fate series)
Miyamoto Musashi  (Fate series)
Rantaro Amami  (Danganronpa series)
Rufus Shinra (Compilation Final Fantasy VII / Final Fantasy VII Remake)
Saber (Emiya)  (Fate series)
Senji Muramasa  (Fate series)
Shirou Emiya  (Fate series)
Shirou Emiya (Prisma)  (Fate series)
Soma Cruz (Castlevania)
Yu Narukami (Persona 4)
Berserker (Emiya)  (Fate series)
Sieg  (Fate series)
Ayako Mitsuzuri  (Fate series)
Hilda Edelfelt  (Fate series)
Kuzunoha (Fate OC)
Yara (Fate OC)
Valvatorez (Disgaea 4)
Raidou the XL (Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha series)
Monokuma (Danganronpa)
Ryu (Breath of Fire 4)
Aiba (AI the Somnium Files)
Fou  (Fate series)
Snoopy (comic strips)
Bonus: like this if you want to be sassed by Archer
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nat1vibes · 1 year
@manygalaxiesinone thank you for asking me this and i shall use the same template as you for ease. (might have missed some)
(inspired from this post)
Disgaea Generic Classes/monsters i'd hang out with!
Warrior: NEATHER YEAH! just coz im biased and couldn't say no. he could help me get into the mindset of working out! and... maybe get me one of them deals with the god of combat
Valkyre: Probably-maybe not. If she is as tsundereish as she seems then it would be a maybe not. But she is still kinda just a dorklike M warrior, so prob yeah!
Martial Artist: wouldn't hang out more than just maybe sparing with them to learn from them, or tea together.
Fight Mistress: yeah! but they seem a bit too high energy for me
Magician: Neather Yeah! we would be nerding out so much! and i'd love to see how magic is studied, even if i couldn't do it
Witch:...the gothic lolita is stronger than my ablity to see red flags. So yes i would. Maybe i'd just be her goofer but its fine
Clergy: yea. lil cute booger. He don't got anything wrong
Cleric: yeah! they are prety calm. maybe though i wouldn't find that much in common with us
Ninja: maybe. He seems cool. but like. trained assassin? can they have fun? would they not kill me?
Kunoichi: same as ninja
Samurai Male/Female: Loyal! pretty calm most of the time. Good friends to have around
Ranger/Strider: Cool guy, we could vibe
Archer: Not sure. she seems nice. But i might find them annoying after a while. Probably my fualt
Magic Knight: Sure! she is just great! i can't imagine they would like me much though.
Thief Male/Female: i'd maybe do some panks with them and that's it. I don't wanna stay close enough to be a target
Angel Male/Female: Hate them.
Gunner: Wild west nerd, we could vibe
Gunslinger: Smh Merchant from Phantom brave just dressed difrently. i dont trust her
Armor knight Male/Female: Yes! i will feel so at ease when being around them!
Beastmaster: Greaat gal. I'd love to hang out with the more dangerous monsters through her
Sorcerer: Ok ok, curses, voodoo. But she so cute tho! I'll overlook my lower lifespan
Masked Hero: Nah, posers
Professor: sure? but it's an other one of those that i don't thing we will hae much t otalk about. If she tries to teach me math i'll pocket sand her and run away
Psychic: she looks like a Chuunibyu. We vibing
Mecha Girl: Maybe? but idk
Sinner: i'd be afraid , they pretty scary
Prinny: i'd feed them like. 2 sardines PER DAY. With the profits i make from thier labour, i'd contiue to amass a following and be treated as prinny Jesus. Valvatorez will have t ofind me and try to change my ways.
Cheerleader: dont know alot about her. But id be worried where to look and be uncomfortable
Android: Nah. ill save my life to kill it with an other calss that would hate me
Necromancer: yes. Again lolita fashion wins
Medic: sure! I'd even go as far as trying out on flied medic assistant
Maid: HELL YEAH! Nat1vibes loredrop. Monstergirls are one of my weaknesses. And maid. Are an other one
Wrestler: Not alot. But i'd for sure let him coach me. work out together. he could lift me and my spirits!
Pirate: nah. Posh dudes
Dark Knight: YES. yeah yeah emo. But they are my chuunin babies. I'd play pretend with them
Sage: yeah! Give me multy attack!
Geomaster: nah. Hated those Old farts. Disgaea 2 item world was made a pain
Majin:Maybe? maybe not...depends if they seem me as like, a lowly human they might develop feelings like those of a pet rat. Or just kill me.
Bouncer:My own body guard!
Onmyo monk: Uptight smucks that think they are better than everyone? I'll slug him one! and die... coz they are high ranking
EDF soldier/Battle shuit:Literlly just human dudes. Depends on the guy
Kurtis bot:Maybe? probably not
Asagi(d5):Only if i could somehow make them belive, i am the true Asagi of an other dimention. That came here to find the TRUE asagi
Spirit: yeah...Kinda, they look lonely
Undead: nah. Zombos. Bleh. ''But nat1, you said yes to the mai-'' ''I'll slug you one''
Dragon: If they don't see me as a threat or food. Sure. Big guys. Seem to give nice hugs. Also... a point i missed. MAGICHANGE D2 SPEAR! D4 SWORD!
wooden Golem: Yee. nice tree bros
Lanturn: they look kinda scary. But they chill we vibing
Living Armor/Horseman: I wouldn't mind. But they probably won't find any value in me.
Felynn: Yeah! cat ladies! just hope they don't break me accidentally
Succubus: nah. Hang out? Well... Maybe. NO, they just out for my soul.
Gargoyles: i wouldn't mind one guarding my house
Nether Noble: maybe? Not like Sherafinas dad. But they aren't that bad. I remmember that lil oiky boy in d1
Orc: Only if they don't think they can mess with me. lil fart boys
Winged Warrior/If you mean mothman: Nah. I'd fall assleep to easely. not good for the slumber party
Flora Beast: yeah. I don't see how it could go bad
Roc: nah. Sorry. too smelly a breath
Rifle Demon: maybe if i could win their faivour with alcohol
Nosferatu:vampire dudes? nah. they would kill me
Feary: lil fae boys. Sure. adorable!
Sludge: nah. Slime
Shroom: nah. Again i dont wanna fall asleep when disgaea ppl are REAL!
Mythical Beast: Yeah! doggo!
Slumber Cat/Deathsabbers: i mean. They are just cats. Sure
Reaper: Well. they don't look only like they usually do. As we saw from Emizels dad. But still. They would probably kill me
Evil Eye: what even is this
Holy Dragon: Nah. too uptight about their pride
Imp: nah. lil shits
Fairy: Sure. lil guys
Rabbits: yeah!!! peaceful demons! yeee
Bear: YEEE big hugs! WAIT THAT A MOUTH in thier belly
Nine-tails: I mean... kitsune ladies
Twin Dragon: Again as with the dragon. MAGICHANGE SWORD
Zombie dragon: Yeah. looks evil. Probably is. But... they look so lonely and also kinda like. Friendable
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wagreb · 2 years
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gensoldart · 6 years
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did i seriously forget this place exists
anyhow here’s a disgaea character literally nobody remembers
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devilsndragons · 7 years
Oda Nobunaga Verse
[So I 100% blame @thirstdragon for me thinking this one up, but... Disgaea Verse for Oda Nobunaga!]
Demon Emperor Oda Nobunaga
A fearsome Overlord, ruling over her own personal Netherworld. Often seen sipping from a skull shaped cup (though she insists its fake), her self proclaimed goal is ‘To unite all the Netherworlds!’. How she intends to do this is certainly a question, considering that her army seems to consist of prinnies. Not to the extent of Etna however.
She’d probably be the protagonist of her own game, recruiting over Overlords to help her achieve her goal. Proficient in both guns and swords.
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defectivetrigger · 7 years
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World War 2 Europe in a nutshell
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hazyaltcare · 1 year
hiya~ could you make a moodboard for an Archer (Disgaea) syskid fictive with themes of archery and lovecore? thanks a ton ^_^
Sure, it will be in the queue.
Mod Haze (🤝Samuel🤝)
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isolaradiale · 4 years
Lost in Space 18
Hello, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of March!
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The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least three in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for January, have three in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of January).
Only one drabble and/or meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
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Broken URLs:
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Berserker (Minamoto no Raikou) (FATE)
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Alter Ego (Meltryllis) (CONDO 441)
Archer (Emiya) (HOUSE 104)
Avenger (Antonio Salieri) (APARTMENT 332)
Berserker (Minamoto no Raikou) (TOWNHOUSE 227) *BROKEN URL
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Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary (APARTMENT 318)
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Saeyoung Choi (707) (APARTMENT 367) *BROKEN URL
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Shut (APARTMENT 316)
Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck (HOUSE 145)
Oscar Pine (CONDO 403)
Penny Polendina (CONDO 406)
Robyn Hill (TOWNHOUSE 219)
Salem (CONDO 415)
Summer Rose (CONDO 465)
Pisces Aphrodite (APARTMENT 333)
Sal Fisher (HOUSE 119)
Licht Todoroki (HOUSE 114)
Catra (HOUSE 115)
Propeller Knight (APARTMENT 307)
Shield Knight (APARTMENT 308)
Pearl (CONDO 451)
Anya Folger (APARTMENT 324)
Hamegg (TOWNHOUSE 204)
Hera Syndulla (APARTMENT 318) *BROKEN URL
Kylo Ren (HOUSE 144)
Sabine Wren (TOWNHOUSE 215)
Peridot (Marceline's House [Cotes])
Keras Selyrian (APARTMENT 305)
Mikleo (TOWNHOUSE 224)
Yuan Ka-Fai (HOUSE 112)
The Sniper (CONDO 468)
Ichigo Momomiya (HOUSE 122)
Remilia Scarlet (HOUSE 131)
Rinnosuke Morichika (HOUSE 102)
Youmu Konpaku (HOUSE 129)
Chromie (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Zeno (CONDO 462)
Yuuri Katsuki (APARTMENT 336)
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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I’m going to list the permanent starter calls here fyi the pinned post has been updated so you can check it whenever you feel like too
Fate series
Archer (Emiya)
Archer (Alter)
Arthur Pendragon (Proto)
Avenger (Angra Mainyu)
Kiritsugu Emiya
Lord El-Melloi II (Waver Velvet)
Miyamoto Musashi
Saber (Emiya)
Senji Muramasa
Shirou Emiya
Shirou Emiya (Prisma)
Berserker (Emiya)
Ayako Mitsuzuri
Hilda Edelfelt (OC)
Kuzunoha (OC)
Yara (OC)
Bonus: like this if you want to be sassed by Archer
Danganronpa series
Kyoko Kirigiri
Komaru Naegi
Rantaro Amami
Abraham Van Helsing
Baron Aiguille
Other franchises
Dracula (Castlevania / Novel)
Rufus Shinra (FF7/FF7R)
Soma Cruz (Castlevania)
Yu Narukami (Persona 4)
Valvatorez (Disgaea)
Raidou the XL (Devil Summoner)
Ryu (BoF4)
Aiba (Ai the Somnium Files serieS)
Snoopy (Peanuts)
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kara-knuckles · 5 years
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For the longest time I wanted to make some custom stands for my figurines. This Disgaea crew was the one that inspired me in the first place, so of course I made theirs first!
I knew that I wanted it to look like a map: have some elevation and geo panels on the ground. I went through a lot of ideas about what to use as a base, until I found the perfect one - a cheap, transparent plastic organizer for cosmetics of just the right size! Since Archer's stand depicts the change from sand to grass, I tried to make it look like it goes from a sandy beach to a grassy hill without adding too much detail, both so it doesn’t distract from the figurines, and to keep things flat so I can freely change their positions if I wish to.
Materials used: plastic organizer for cosmetics as a base, coloured sand and rocks for filling, acrylic paint to prepare "the ground" and sand and seashells for decorating it, cardboard for the ground and geo panels/symbols (the one I used for the ground is fine, but the coloured one is too thin and easily deforms), aspidistra tape for seaweed and leaves, and different types of glue to put it all together.
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cindysuke · 5 years
I am
for not having male archer and female gunner in Disgaea 5
I need them... what the heck...
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wagreb · 2 years
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dragongambler · 6 years
Raiden's List of Tag Stuff
So, here it is!
Any that are bold are ones that I'm not comfortable with sharing.
One Piece
Dracule Mihawk- otp: the best around
Iceburg- otp: icy sea
Bungou Stray Dogs
Edgar A.llan Poe- otp: novella
Hirotsu Ryūrō- otp: falling in reverse
Howard Phillips Love.craft- otp: call of Orihara
Yumeno Kyūsaku- brotp: no longer afraid
Fate series
Fergus mac Róich- brotp: sake and swords
James Moriarty/Shinjuku Archer- otp: love from chaos
Kairi Sisigou- I'll bring you back
Kiritsugu Emiya- I wouldn’t leave you if you’d let me
Ko-Gil- my precious son
Saber!Lancelot/Lancer!Lancelot- otp: royal attraction
Lord El-Melloi II/Zhuge Liang- otp: the alchemist and the strategist
Sherlock Holmes- brotp: order and chaos
Vlad III (Lancer/Berserker/Extra)- otp: symphony of the night
Vlad III Extra (Avenger)- otp: lunar edge
William Shakespeare- brotp: library friends
Vampire Hunter D
D- otp: darkest hour
Relius Clover- otp: the mage and the sage
Valkenhayn R Helsing: otp: moonlit magic
Kingdom Hearts
Luxord- otp: hope and fair games
Kaito Momota- otp: stellar facts
Yasuhiro Hagakure- otp: conspiracy theories
Persona/Shin Megami Tensei
Jeng Yun Tsai/Kangaroo Boxer- otp: knock out
Munehisa Iwai- otp: lollipops and coffee
Taro Fuse/Megakin- otp: law and music
Metal Gear
David/Solid Snake- otp: the wolf and the snake
Kazuhira Miller- otp: of sunglasses and hounds
Samuel Rodrigues- otp: mechanical dreams
Vamp- otp: the dance
Grimsley- otp: true gambling
Colton/Courier 6- otp: star shaped adventures
Craig Boone- otp: shot in the dark
Jack Cabot- otp: charismatic science
Mr. New Vegas- otp: sound of caps
Pickman- otp: red town
RJ MacCready- brotp: snipers and detectives
Aiden Pearce- otp: hacker's delight
Welcome to Night Vale
Ce/cil Pal/mer- otp: voices in the vale
Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes/Alucard- otp: moonlight
Valvatorez- otp: forged promise
Zetta- otp: truly badass
Final Fantasy
Kain Highwind- otp: loyal to magic
Regis Lucis Caelum- otp: soft grace
Reeve Tuesti- otp: cat's eye
Guilty Gear
Slayer- the fatherly f/o!
Mico/lash- otp: the dreaming hunter
The Doll (Mary)- the dream lingers
Valtr- the beast eater's blessing
Gehrman- brotp: old trick
Father Gascoigne- the reluctant hunt
Brador- otp: the silver bell
Mortal Kombat
Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion- otp: the wandering flame
Deus Ex
Adem Jen.sen- I'll Protect You
Keijiro Amato (OC of @selfinsertheaven )- otp: gentle medicine
Cthulhu- otp: unholy knowledge
For all of the above
For My Beloved
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