#dishy complains i guess. fuck
imsodishy · 1 year
what is with fandom and wanging an S on the end of the first syllable of a name and calling it a nickname??
I just saw 'Heaths' as in short for Heather. Please say that out loud right now. It sounds like you're trying not to hurl.
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coreytravelogue · 5 years
Leipzig, Germany - September 9, 2019
The rain that was supposed to come in Berlin came when I left for Leipzig. I guess I can’t complain because if I was to chose when it would happen it would happen here.
So here I am laid up in my Airbnb room unsure if I can download movies I already own because downloading movies is illegal in Germany but I do not know what the rules are with stream in gif that is the same as downloading here. This is something I will ask my host tomorrow on top of why she needs my passport number.
Not going to complain though I need a day to just lay on th bed which I am doing now, I may as well finish my Berlin story and conclude it with the short of rainy day I have had in Leipzig.
So Sunday was my last technical day in Berlin and it began with me nearly getting run down by a cyclist. Technically it was my fault, see in Germany bike paths run either on the street or on the sidewalk via red pavement or something to signify its their lane. I had just crossed the street and got on th other side. I realized I was in the bike lane and decided to move off when a cyclist nearly barrels into me. Thankfully he wasn’t going to fast and only ran over my foot. No injuries not harm but it was a wake up call that day. Only museum I went to was the spy museum which wound up being a bit of a waste of my time. It could have been more worth it if I had my girlfriend with me because there were lots of games and photo opportunities but being a solo act I didn’t want to ask anyone to let me do my James Bond pose or hold my shit while I walked through lasers in a lazer trap game. It is a museum more for kids than for adults honestly.
After that Missy invite me to join her and her daughter going to th Reschtag or the German Parliament. I said. Yes but when I got ther I could not locate them. After two hours of walking around there I left only to find out they were there too and we missed each other.
I decided to end my time in Berlin by trying to have Berlin craft beer. My first stop was a place called the Lemke Brewery. Basically Berlin’s touristy craft brew pub but despite that the burger and the beers I had were excellent. There was hope yet it seemed. I decided to go to th next closest brewery I could find which was apparently The Clown Hostel Brewery but for some odd reason it was closed when I got there despite music going on behind closed doors. Given it was getting late and I didn’t want to stay out let and get truly shit faced I decided since I d isn’t get to hang out with my hosts instead I should buy some liquor for them and hang with them tonight.
By the time I got to my station I decided to take a walk to find a worth while liquor store when I discovered a brewpub that was around where I was staying all along, a nerd one at that. It made me feel pretty stupid honestly but that is common now. Berlin came up again for me offering more craft beer than I have had since I had left. The Castle’s beer wasn’t to scream home about but it was ok.
By the time I got home everyone was asleep so I followed suit.
I am torn with Berlin, I don’t know if I need to come back anytime soon even though this visit I accomplished little in seeing everything and experiencing what I wanted to out of it but th thing is I am a different person now than I was back when I was there last. Last time I was there I wanted to party, I wanted to get laid and find something worth while. Now I just wanted craft beer, statues to Jayne hat and to get the gist of the city. Both times I feel like I utterly failed but either way I feel like I am done with Berlin. It is a party city as well as a tourist trap, neither interest me at this point in my life. I have spent enough time in that place.
Look why don’t we just give Berlin CC for their transit and things to do because Berlin has both in spades. I do not know if there is another city I have encountered where the options are so much it can be dizzying at times. Transit is such in Berlin to where I am shocked that people outside of taxis still drive in Berlin, I mean why even bother? While the transit system requires some time to figure out but once you can wrap your head around it you will soon realize there are few places one cannot access through transit either by bus, tram, bike or train here. As for things to do I feel like one week would be enough tog eat through all the museums, all the partying one could have and all the landmarks this city has, this city just has so much for so many different kinds of people that again it is hard not give them a full grade.
Food is a iffy one because they have their own dishy like thing in the aberliner which is basically just curried sausage on stuff, almost no better than poutine. With that said I found just about every style of food out there here. I didn’t try all of them or most of them but I know there are there. That is enough for 2/3 C on the Corey scale.
The vibe was for the most part good, people here are used to tourists so they dealt with me and were fine with me but I didn’t get the friendliness here like I did last time. I think people are just tired of so many tourists at this point so I can’t blame them but either 2/3 C would be fair too. This city welcomes tourists as its its main bread w inner I would imagine but I feel as though the city would prefer something else at times.
Lastly is beer, you know I have tried to the Berliner Wiesse and the Pilsner that this city holds as I am and neither I could care for. That being said the craft beer scene is growing in this city and stronger than anywhere I have been yet. Some places make good stuff, others not so much but Germany makes the best beer in the world pound for pound so I think they will figure out sometime soon. The quality is there I just don’t think the got the other stuff yet. So I will this 2/3 as well to make easier for me to add up and because this city has a strong beer culture that matches up with hthe options if gives.
That leaves Berlin with CCCC1/3 on the Corey Scale which seems more than fair for Berlin.
Which leads me to to today, I arrived in Leipzig to rain, lots of it. Think the one who runs this Airbnb wasn’t going to be here to greet me I took a chance and checked in early using th kid’s she hid away in a lock box on the premesis. It is nice to have my own private room, private bed and not have to worry about curtousy though I still need to show it since I am staying with the host but the different between her and the others is I am paying for my room.
After putting my shit away I decided to put on my rain gear for the first time ever. I bought this rain gear more than 10 years ago but never ore it till now. I got many strange looks but I didn’t care, I was dry while most were soaked. Well I was dry outside of my side pouch which I hope drys for tomorrow.
Leipzig is not as big as Berlin obviously, smaller than Düsseldorf as well but not by much. It is probably the most modern looking of places I have been to. I mean it still has its historical looking buildings but for the most part it feels very modern, clean and almost posh in a way like it is ready for tourists if they come but they are not quite ready yet. It is shame the rain is ruining my chances to see what his city can do but better here than in the last places. It won’t ruin my time here though because I came here knowing full well what I wanted to do before I got here. Why Leipzig?
It’s easy beer was the reason, as if you were not surprised. When I returned from Europe 5 years ago I wanted to try more of the German beer I had a taste of but I did not know where to start. The craft beer industry didn’t super nova just yet but it was growing. What I did find out was a place called Driftwood Brewery did make alt-bier and they were the ones doing so so I had to try it. Looking back and drinking alt-bier again Driftwood did get it fairly accurate but they also had another kind of German beer I didn’t try, it was called Gose. Gose is basically a salt wheat beer though I feel like it resembles sour beers more than it resembles wheat beers but I will leave you to decide that. I had the Gose and I enjoyed it so when I found out that it came from Leipzig I immediately put the city on my list of places I wanted to go so I would have a Gose from its source because if Vancouver can make it good it must be awesome in its home country.
When I locked down Leipzig as a place I would be seeing I looked for things to do to find out the city was a hotbed for classical music. While you won’t find me playing classical music much on my iPad or iPhone I have always had a interest in classical music. I have often played it when I require concentration I or relaxation, usually when doing homework or when I am doing my hockey draft. I am not going to act like I know anything about classical music I just know I like Beethoven, Chopin and Bach which is like saying I like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and David Bowie, you are not like to find many who will say they hate those composers.
I did try to make the best of the day, I did accomplish finding one record store yet like most record stores I have found only really sell used records, I got the tourist nick knacks and I found a cheap thing to eat in two bags of bread rolls for less than two bucks. I know I should find something more nutritious than that but when the dollar for your country sucks and your winding down on the budget you have for your trip you need to cut costs some where and 0.75 euro for a bag of bread rolls to me suits me find for food so I will get two of them. I will try and treat myself more but even eating wraps and having decent food is so damn costly here I don’t know how people get by here I mean 1.30 euro for a black pen, a black fucking pen! That is around two bucks here and back home I am sure I can get a whole set for 5-10 if I tried.
So here I am finishing off this blog drinking Hefeweizen beers I couldn’t have in Canada and loving it. I wish I could get this particular hefe brand in Canada but the closest I could maybe get it is in the USA. It’s too late to do anything here as stuff is closed, I am too tired and everything I got is soaked plus I need to sleep. The rest of the night I think is going to be spent plotting how I can Jayne hat everything in the next two days and get taste of true German Gose beer. But mainly I just want to sleep in, just want to actually relax and rest for once as I have been walking none stop outside of sleep for the past week and half. It’s time for relaxation and I am hoping this quiet ton of Leipzig can give it to me.
Shazbot nanu nanu
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imsodishy · 1 year
I bought a new brand of kitty litter and it wasn't marked as scented but it sure the fuck is! 🤢 my whole apartment reeks! I have sensory issues you can't do this to me!
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