thesesoftboys · 4 years
fic: i think i'm done sleeping
sarawat/tine, fix it
Control + S, more like Delete. Tine wishes it could be that simple. He only has to press a single button and the heartache will be erased as if it never existed. Gone for good.
read at ao3
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thesesoftboys · 4 years
fic: all about us 1/5
Four times Tine goes on disastrous dates at the cafe where this asshole works at and one time he finally has a good date
or the cafe AU no one wanted
'Uh, excuse me.' Tine pitched his voice louder, staring at the employee who was stacking espresso cups with his back turned. 'Excuse me? Do you have lemonade?'
'If it's not on the menu, then we don't.' The guy's voice was quiet but blunt.
'Yeah, I can see that. I mean, I don't see it.'
No answer. Tine wanted to tear his hair out. People were ignoring him left and right.
'So, you don't have anything like lemonade?'
'You could find a lemonade stand outside if you want it so badly.'
What an asshole. Tine glared at the guy's (surprisingly broad) back. 'I don't want lemonade.'
'Alright, because we don't serve lemonade.'
'Good. I'll just order — excuse me.' The guy's back was still turned. 'I want to order something.'
Tine heard the guy sigh. Did he really just — ?
The guy slowly turned around.
read more at ao3
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thesesoftboys · 4 years
fic: take me with you (ao3)
sarawat/tine, ep 11 coda
Tine and Sarawat headed back to camp, fingers laced together and swinging gently between them. They were drenched from the rain but it didn't matter. The sky overhead was dazzling, an endless black river spangled with diamonds, and Tine had been looking forward all day to watching the stars but he couldn't look away from Sarawat right then. He was still thinking about Sarawat's earlier confession. He wished he could have seen Sarawat back then, still finding it a little hard to imagine his cool as fuck boyfriend flailing around like an idiot with a huge smile on his face because he had met Tine again. To know that Sarawat had done everything just to have the chance to make Tine fall in love with him. It made Tine's heart trip up again, embarrassed and shy and delighted.
'What are you smiling about?' asked Sarawat, squeezing Tine's hand for attention.
Tine bumped their shoulders together. 'You know why.'
Sarawat made a face and plucked at his wet shirt. 'It's cold and we're both wet. There's nothing to be happy about. Unless — '
Just like that, the grumpy look melted away into half-lidded eyes and a knowing smile as Sarawat stopped and tugged Tine closer by their hands clasped, his other arm wrapping around Tine's shoulders. Tine's back was cold but Sarawat was warm, if damp, and he tipped forward until they were sharing the same space. At first, Tine had been hesitant, unsure of how to act with a boyfriend, where to put his hands, what places were fine to touch. With girls, he knew exactly where the boundaries were, the right gestures, but Sarawat was very much a boy, a surprisingly cuddly boy, bold and unashamed, and Tine soon learned that there wasn't really any place that was off limits. The same fearless was beginning to seep into Tine, too, or maybe that was just his ever-growing desire to be closer, his own surprising need to assure himself that Sarawat was really his.
Sarawat smiled, that particular quirk of his lips which looked so soft and inviting. His voice pitched low, intimate. They were all alone in the forest, surrounded by the trees and shadows that Tine had run through in a panic, but this time Tine felt completely safe. 'Did you like hearing how totally crazy I was for you?' asked Sarawat, a teasing lilt in his tone. He tilted his head to the side, waggled his eyebrows.
Tine felt his own smile growing bigger; there was no use trying to contain it. 'Was?'
'Am,' corrected Sarawat, mouth brushing the corner of Tine's jaw. 'The same for tomorrow.'
'Me, too,' murmured Tine before he turned his head and caught those damn perfect lips in a kiss. Soft, at first, a kiss for kissing's sake, until Sarawat opened his mouth a tiny bit, lips slotting together like fingers, and then the hint of tongue that swept across Tine's bottom lip. Still, it was gentle and slow. No longer an exploration because they'd already discovered each other but simply the want to taste, to feel, to drive a little mad even though there really was no way they could fuck tonight. Not in their beds, surrounded by the other club members, and not out here.
Sarawat didn't seem to realise it, though. Teeth dug into Tine's mouth, tongue rolling across his. Fingertips sneaking inside his shirt, a rough thumb stroking over the sensitive spot on his hip.
God, he really hated to do it but Tine had to pull away, heart in his throat and something way down south protesting. 'Whoa, stop, we can't,' said Tine, placing a hand on Sarawat's chest. His firm, hard, gorgeous chest.
'Tine, come on.' Sarawat did that thing Tine hated, the one where he scowled and pouted at the same time. It decimated Tine's willpower.
'No, nope,' Tine smacked the p for emphasis, shaking his head. He told himself to be strong. 'We're out in the middle nowhere, Wat.'
'But.' Sarawat looked like he was going to argue, which was going to be bad for Tine because he didn't want to stop in the first place, but then Sarawat sighed and actually stepped back. 'Fine, you're right.'
'Really?' Tine was sceptical.
Sarawat squeezed their hands together and ran his other hand through his damp hair. 'Yeah. The others might still be looking for us. P'Dim will definitely do something childish to punish us.'
'Oh, okay — wait, what? They're also out here?'
Sarawat gave him an annoyed look. 'Tine, you came out here by yourself and went missing. Of course the others came out looking for you.'
'Shit,' said Tine, worried. 'They're going to be pissed.'
'Nah, they'll just be glad you're safe. Although, seriously, don't do that again. Wake me up next time, idiot.'
'As if you'd even wake up.'
'I would for you, you know that. Anything.'
Sighing, Tine kissed him, quick and sweet, just to satisfy his own heart. 'I do, Wat. I do.'
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thesesoftboys · 4 years
fic: funny how love is (sarawat/tine) [ao3]
The strumming of the guitar was a background noise to Tine's studying. If only the subject he was reading was as pleasant as the music. Land Titles and Deeds were giving him a headache, the kind that drove a nail into the middle of his skull. The words were starting to dance on the page. Groaning, Tine fell on his back, his hand over his head.
'Wh' d' I ta' law 'gain?' asked Tine, the end of the highlighter pen still stuck in his mouth.
Beside him, Sarawat snorted. His hands shifted smoothly from chord to chord, fingers plucking the strings. 'I've been wondering the same thing.'
Tine pulled the pen from his mouth. 'Don't you think I'm smart enough?'
Sarawat didn't even look at him when he said, 'No.'
Outraged, Tine threw the pen at him. It bounced against Sarawat's arm, dropped, and left a fluorescent green mark on his knee. Sarawat gave him an unimpressed look.
'You asshole,' said Tine. 'Stop fucking with me.'
Sarawat placed a palm on the strings. 'I'm not. Look at when we met.'
Tine propped himself up on his elbows. 'What does that have to do with anything?'
'Isn't it obvious?'
Sarawat sighed as if Tine was being the most annoying person on the planet. He tossed his hair away from his face and lifted a disdainful eyebrow. 'To be a lawyer, you need to be observant. Not just the details of a case but of people. You look at a situation and analyse it from all points of view. Right?'
Tine reluctantly nodded.
Shrugging, Sarawat played a C chord. 'Well, when we first met, you had no idea that I was actually in love with you from the start.'
Sarawat nodded, his expression solemn. 'You were totally clueless. I dropped so many hints that they stopped being hints and I outright told you my feelings.' Sarawat rested his forearms on top of his guitar and started ticking off his fingers one by one. 'I told you that I wanted to kiss you until you dropped. That you were reserved for me. I tried touching your boobs every chance I got. I came on to you so — many — times. Did you think I was just teasing you?'
Heat filled Tine's cheeks. So many memories. God, was it really just a year ago that he'd chased after this infuriating and beautiful person to chase away someone else chasing him? On hindsight, not Tine's brightest plan, and yet the outcome was even better than he could have ever hoped for. Tine now (and forever) had Sarawat for himself, didn't he?
'Shut up,' muttered Tine. Nobody — not his friends, not his family, not even his own damned boyfriend — ever let him forget just how oblivious he'd been.
Sarawat pinched his cheek. 'Do you see? You're too dense, babe. I literally asked you to marry me and you thought I was joking. How will you ever put away the bad guys?'
Tine calmly pushed Sarawat's hand away. 'Put your guitar away, Wat.'
'Hm? I'd rather not.'
'If you want to play on a broken guitar, then be my guest.'
Sarawat rolled his eyes and carefully set aside his guitar, propping it against the bedside table. He turned back to Tine, saying, 'What, are you going to hurt me — fuck!'
Without warning, Tine threw himself at Sarawat, straddling his hips and pinning him down with his weight. Sarawat let out a wheeze of surprise, his head hitting just below the pillow, his fringe flopping everywhere.
'You're such an asshole,' said Tine. 'Take it back.'
Sarawat smirked. 'Nope.'
'Ugh, I don't know why I love you,' said Tine, then kissed Sarawat on the nose. 'You asked for it, Wat.' He raised his hand.
Sarawat's eyes widened and he tried to squirm free. 'Tine, think about this. Tine, Tine, Tine! Don't! Ah, fuck, ha ha ha ha!'
Sarawat's perpetual I-could-care-less expression broke into a million pieces as Tine dragged his fingers up and down his sides, finding all the spots that made him giggle and shriek like a child. Sarawat kicked his legs behind Tine and tried to buck him off but Tine rolled with the movements like a pro. Tine was laughing, too, his smile so big that his cheeks were starting to ache.
Finally, Sarawat managed to free his arms and wrapped them around Tine, flipping their positions with a twist of his hips. Sarawat's eyes were bright, his grin mischievous, his hair a dishevelled mess.
Tine's heart was about to burst. 'Take it back,' he said.
Sarawat scrunched his nose. 'Fine. You're a smart and dedicated guy who will become an incredible lawyer in future.'
'Good. Now, say I'm not dense.'
'Sorry, babe, but you are dense.' Sarawat brushed Tine's fringe away with his knuckles. 'I played a Scrubb song at the concert because you asked me to but you only did it for a girl.'
Tine laughed out loud. 'Oh, my God, that did happen! I forgot!'
The smile on Sarawat's face softened into something more tender. 'You're lucky you're pretty, Tine.'
Tine curled his arms over Sarawat's neck. 'And you're lucky I find an asshole like you adorable.'
'Let's be lucky together,' said Sarawat, lowering his head to touch their lips.
A hand suddenly pressed against Sarawat's mouth. 'Can't,' said Tine, trying to keep a straight face, 'I have to study so I can be an incredible lawyer you'll be proud of.'
The indignant look that came over Sarawat's face sent Tine over the edge. There were tears in his eyes as he choked on his laughter. Tine wiped at his cheeks as he took deep breaths.
Sarawat remained unimpressed. 'Are you done, Tine?'
'Yes, yes, I'm done,' said Tine, still giggling, and grabbed Sarawat's shoulders and drew him down, 'I could use a break from studying, anyway.'
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thesesoftboys · 4 years
fic: funny how love is (sarawat/tine) [ao3]
The strumming of the guitar was a background noise to Tine's studying. If only the subject he was reading was as pleasant as the music. Land Titles and Deeds were giving him a headache, the kind that drove a nail into the middle of his skull. The words were starting to dance on the page. Groaning, Tine fell on his back, his hand over his head.
'Wh' d' I ta' law 'gain?' asked Tine, the end of the highlighter pen still stuck in his mouth.
Beside him, Sarawat snorted. His hands shifted smoothly from chord to chord, fingers plucking the strings. 'I've been wondering the same thing.'
Tine pulled the pen from his mouth. 'Don't you think I'm smart enough?'
Sarawat didn't even look at him when he said, 'No.'
Outraged, Tine threw the pen at him. It bounced against Sarawat's arm, dropped, and left a fluorescent green mark on his knee. Sarawat gave him an unimpressed look.
'You asshole,' said Tine. 'Stop fucking with me.'
Sarawat placed a palm on the strings. 'I'm not. Look at when we met.'
Tine propped himself up on his elbows. 'What does that have to do with anything?'
'Isn't it obvious?'
Sarawat sighed as if Tine was being the most annoying person on the planet. He tossed his hair away from his face and lifted a disdainful eyebrow. 'To be a lawyer, you need to be observant. Not just the details of a case but of people. You look at a situation and analyse it from all points of view. Right?'
Tine reluctantly nodded.
Shrugging, Sarawat played a C chord. 'Well, when we first met, you had no idea that I was actually in love with you from the start.'
Sarawat nodded, his expression solemn. 'You were totally clueless. I dropped so many hints that they stopped being hints and I outright told you my feelings.' Sarawat rested his forearms on top of his guitar and started ticking off his fingers one by one. 'I told you that I wanted to kiss you until you dropped. That you were reserved for me. I tried touching your boobs every chance I got. I came on to you so — many — times. Did you think I was just teasing you?'
Heat filled Tine's cheeks. So many memories. God, was it really just a year ago that he'd chased after this infuriating and beautiful person to chase away someone else chasing him? On hindsight, not Tine's brightest plan, and yet the outcome was even better than he could have ever hoped for. Tine now (and forever) had Sarawat for himself, didn't he?
'Shut up,' muttered Tine. Nobody — not his friends, not his family, not even his own damned boyfriend — ever let him forget just how oblivious he'd been.
Sarawat pinched his cheek. 'Do you see? You're too dense, babe. I literally asked you to marry me and you thought I was joking. How will you ever put away the bad guys?'
Tine calmly pushed Sarawat's hand away. 'Put your guitar away, Wat.'
'Hm? I'd rather not.'
'If you want to play on a broken guitar, then be my guest.'
Sarawat rolled his eyes and carefully set aside his guitar, propping it against the bedside table. He turned back to Tine, saying, 'What, are you going to hurt me — fuck!'
Without warning, Tine threw himself at Sarawat, straddling his hips and pinning him down with his weight. Sarawat let out a wheeze of surprise, his head hitting just below the pillow, his fringe flopping everywhere.
'You're such an asshole,' said Tine. 'Take it back.'
Sarawat smirked. 'Nope.'
'Ugh, I don't know why I love you,' said Tine, then kissed Sarawat on the nose. 'You asked for it, Wat.' He raised his hand.
Sarawat's eyes widened and he tried to squirm free. 'Tine, think about this. Tine, Tine, Tine! Don't! Ah, fuck, ha ha ha ha!'
Sarawat's perpetual I-could-care-less expression broke into a million pieces as Tine dragged his fingers up and down his sides, finding all the spots that made him giggle and shriek like a child. Sarawat kicked his legs behind Tine and tried to buck him off but Tine rolled with the movements like a pro. Tine was laughing, too, his smile so big that his cheeks were starting to ache.
Finally, Sarawat managed to free his arms and wrapped them around Tine, flipping their positions with a twist of his hips. Sarawat's eyes were bright, his grin mischievous, his hair a dishevelled mess.
Tine's heart was about to burst. 'Take it back,' he said.
Sarawat scrunched his nose. 'Fine. You're a smart and dedicated guy who will become an incredible lawyer in future.'
'Good. Now, say I'm not dense.'
'Sorry, babe, but you are dense.' Sarawat brushed Tine's fringe away with his knuckles. 'I played a Scrubb song at the concert because you asked me to but you only did it for a girl.'
Tine laughed out loud. 'Oh, my God, that did happen! I forgot!'
The smile on Sarawat's face softened into something more tender. 'You're lucky you're pretty, Tine.'
Tine curled his arms over Sarawat's neck. 'And you're lucky I find an asshole like you adorable.'
'Let's be lucky together,' said Sarawat, lowering his head to touch their lips.
A hand suddenly pressed against Sarawat's mouth. 'Can't,' said Tine, trying to keep a straight face, 'I have to study so I can be an incredible lawyer you'll be proud of.'
The indignant look that came over Sarawat's face sent Tine over the edge. There were tears in his eyes as he choked on his laughter. Tine wiped at his cheeks as he took deep breaths.
Sarawat remained unimpressed. 'Are you done, Tine?'
'Yes, yes, I'm done,' said Tine, still giggling, and grabbed Sarawat's shoulders and drew him down, 'I could use a break from studying, anyway.'
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thesesoftboys · 4 years
fic: only we know
sarawat/tine. lemons.
‘I never got your confession.’
Tine looked up from his phone. ‘What?’
Sarawat stared at him intently. ‘Your confession. I won the match. You’re supposed to post one on Instagram.’
Laughing, Tine crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat. He knocked his foot against Sarawat’s under the table. ‘That was weeks ago, Wat, and I’m your boyfriend now.’
‘A love confession is useless at this point, don’t you think?’
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thesesoftboys · 4 years
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633 notes · View notes
thesesoftboys · 4 years
fic: these days, for some reaon
sarawat/tine. (ao3)
Giggling, Tine turns his head away from Sarawat’s seeking lips, trying to keep him at bay but at the same time…not really. His arms easily bend and he feels what could be Sarawat’s nose gliding down his cheek, and what could be Sarawat’s mouth touching the corner of his own, butterfly wing-soft and just as quick. The breath catches in Tine’s throat and his heart gives a painful little throb. There are hands on his waist, a mouth on his chin, a knee in between his thighs. Their laughter dies down. Sarawat is suddenly too close, wrapping around him, heavy and flat and made out of sharp angles, except for the telltale bulge between —
‘Oi, Wat, you pervert!’ exclaims Tine, this time definitely trying to push Sarawat off, his cheeks scorching hot.
Keep reading
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thesesoftboys · 4 years
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thesesoftboys · 4 years
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~Sarawat and Tine sleeping on the couch together (for @sarawatine).
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thesesoftboys · 4 years
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Do you want to wake him? No.
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thesesoftboys · 4 years
fic: everyday from now on
sarawat/tine. 1039 words. pg.
(or at ao3)
It's too bright. Sarawat scrunches his eyes and burrows deeper into the curve of Tine's neck, except instead of soft skin, his cheek finds the rough blankets. Disgruntled, Sarawat props himself up on one arm as the other blindly searches for Tine, eyes blinking open and his mouth stretching in a yawn.
'Shit, shit, shit!'
'What are you doing?' mumbles Sarawat.
Tine fumbles with his phone, nearly drops it, and hastily hides his hands behind him with a nervous laugh. 'Oh, uh, nothing. I'm doing absolutely nothing!'
Sarawat yawns again and rakes a hand through his hair. 'Were you taking photos of me? I think I saw a flash.'
Spots of red bloom on Tine's cheeks. He sits there, still hiding his phone behind him, fidgeting like he's been caught doing something illegal. The longer Sarawat stares at him, the lower Tine's blush spreads. Sarawat's gaze follows the colour down to Tine's bare collarbones and he licks his lips. He smirks, eyebrow arching when Tine blows out a defeated sigh and pulls his hands back to the front.
'Fine, I admit it, I was taking photos of you. But you're my boyfriend, so it's fine!' Tine bites his lower lip. 'Right?'
Sarawat resists for about three seconds before remembering he doesn't have to anymore. Smiling, he gestures for Tine to come closer with his fingers. Tine obeys, which is thrilling. Sarawat feels his lower half stirring with interest but ignores it for now. When Tine is close enough, Sarawat curls an arm around him and drags him back down until Tine is sprawled on top of him. Tine blinks down at him.
'How long have we been dating?' asks Sarawat.
Tine says, '35 days and a half.'
'And are you my boyfriend?'
'I hope so.'
'Do you like me?'
'Are you just fishing for compliments?'
Sarawat pouts. Tine sighs and dips his head in a sweetly shy gesture. Sarawat pinches his cheek and Tine makes a sarcastic face at him but doesn't shove him away.
Sarawat goes on, 'And do you take photos with the flash on?'
Tine scowls and hits him on the shoulder. 'That was an accident! I didn't realise the flash was on.'
Sarawat runs his thumb down Tine's spine and back up again. Tine squirms, which doesn't help Sarawat's morning wood. Focus, Sarawat tells himself. 'So, you really were taking photos of me while I was asleep.'
Tine looks chastised. 'Wat, are you mad?'
Surprised, Sarawat stops his gentle stroking. 'No.'
'I mean, I thought — you have so many pictures of me and I don't really have any of you. And this morning, you looked so cute sleeping that I couldn't help myself, I had to take your picture, even though you hate it when people take pictures of you. People always ambush you with their phones. Seriously, you're a walking hazard. The second you appear, bam! More than a dozen people are willing to throw away their lives for a single photo of you. That sucks. I wish they'd leave you alone.' Frowning, Tine cups Sarawat's face in his hands and turns it this way and that, eyes intent. 'You're too fucking gorgeous. You should do something about that.'
Sarawat grins, his heart throbbing.
Tine lets out a frustrated sound. 'And you smile more in public! Do you know what the people in the Sarawat wives gc talk about when you smile like that?'
'I can't believe you're still part of the group chat, Tine.'
'Duh, you always have to be aware of your competition.'
Sarawat bumps his forehead lightly against Tine's jaw. 'You don't have to worry about that.'
Tine rolls his eyes. 'Whatever.'
'Anyway, I'm not mad,' says Sarawat, continuing his soft touches, fingertips swirling on Tine's lower back. 'I do hate it when other people take my picture but you're not other people. You're mine. You can do anything you want to me.'
Tine looks absurdly pleased, as if he doesn't know that already. 'Really?'
'Yeah, don't be stupid.'
Tine shoves Sarawat's face away with his hand. 'And don't be an asshole. Can I really take your picture?'
'I don't know, can you?'
Smiling brightly, Tine sits back up and grabs his phone. Tine ends up straddling Sarawat and it's incredibly distracting, and Sarawat opens his mouth to say something when the flash goes off directly into his eyes.
'Shit, sorry, Wat, I forgot the flash again!'
Sarawat blinks away the stars in his eyes. Tine's contrite face looms above him.
'Give me that,' says Sarawat, grabbing the phone from him. 'Between the two of us, you're the real hazard, Tine.'
'But — '
Sarawat stretches his arm out and angles the phone until both of them are in frame. Tine turns his head so his profile is visible, and Sarawat smirks. He takes a picture. Tine makes a panicked noise — 'We're both naked!' — and tries to grab his mobile, but Sarawat evades his hands and snaps another photo. 'Sarawat!' Tine exclaims, and Sarawat winds his arms and legs around Tine and flips their positions around. Tine is laughing even as he's trying to steal his phone back, and Sarawat places an elbow above Tine's head, lowers his own, and flashes the camera a cheesy grin as he takes one more picture.
'Asshole, asshole, asshole!' Tine chants, trying to squirm free, but Sarawat's thighs keep him firmly pinned down.
Sarawat opens Tine's Instagram, makes a new post, chooses the last photo he took, and types a long string of hearts and tags himself before posting it. Instantly, Tine's phone, and his own lying on the floor, chime with notifications.
'Wat, you didn't!' gasps Tine.
'Yep,' says Sarawat, unrepentant, and tosses Tine's phone carelessly behind him. He grabs Tine's flailing hands and holds them down on either side of Tine's head. Tine scrunches his face. God, Sarawat loves him so much. Bending down, he kisses Tine slowly, sweetly, kisses him until the scowl melts away; opening up and inviting Sarawat to deepen the kiss with his lips and tongue. Sarawat bites down on Tine's lower lip and pulls back, mentally patting himself on the back when he sees Tine's blown pupils and flushed cheeks.
'Now, Tine, it's time to start the morning right.'
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thesesoftboys · 5 years
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4K notes · View notes
thesesoftboys · 5 years
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Lan JingYi, “Why did you two not say ‘I’m worried about you. I’m staying!’, ‘Go!’, ‘No! I’m not going! If I’m going, you’re going with me!’? Is it not a must?”
(mandatory illustration for chapter 38)
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thesesoftboys · 5 years
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”Wei WuXian could no longer make another sound. In the darkness, Lan WangJi had already embraced him tightly and covered his mouth.”
Yes, Mo Dao Zu Shi, again. I’m so obsessed.
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thesesoftboys · 5 years
this film owns my 2018! fun, corny, sentimental, visually STUNNING, genuinely romantic, part-Indiana Jones, part hair commercial, and the dude’s phone is bright PINK. yep. aquaman is cool, guys.
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Aquaman (2017)
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thesesoftboys · 5 years
jin ling: sit down, uncle, i’ll go find you a cushion so you don’t bleed to death -
lan wangji: *hands over his cushion*
jin ling, terrified: oh i couldn’t possibly take it, i can just let uncle bleed on the floor!
lan wangji: no need *sits down on wei wuxian’s cushion*
wei wuxian:
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