toroseduto947 · 1 year
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apileofprofiles · 5 years
La dottoressa mi ha prescritto degli integratori ma io avrei preferito dei disintegratori.
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corallorosso · 6 years
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Tra zitelle e marziani: quando la scuola primaria educa al razzismo e al maschilismo di Alessandro Agostinelli Chi è una zitella? A un bambino delle scuole primarie (le vecchie elementari) serve sapere chi è una zitella? E soprattutto: essere brutti è un valore morale? È chiaro che un bambino delle primarie non sappia chi sia una zitella. Allora ci pensa un libro a risolvere il problema e suggerire la risposta “adatta”. In questo libro c’è un questionario a crocette (il cosiddetto metodo “a risposta multipla”), dove si chiede ai bambini di dare la definizione di “zitella”. Le tre opzioni tra cui gli alunni possono scegliere sono: 1) una ragazza bella ma monella; 2) una donna brutta che nessuno vuole sposare; 3) una frittella...Voglio però dire agli autori di quella cosa chiamata erroneamente libro di scuola, che nel mio modello di società loro sarebbero a svolgere il nobile e utilissimo mestiere del contadino, cioè colui o colei che armati di vanga e zappa si sudano la pagnotta lavorando la terra. Brutto è anche cattivo Purtroppo non è finita qui. Il libro di seconda elementare, intitolato “Nuvola” degli autori Costa, Doniselli, Taino (La Spiga edizioni) racconta una storiella di tre astronauti e, a un certo punto, scrive: “A un tratto incontrarono un marziano. Era tutto verde, con due proboscidi al posto delle orecchie e una sottile antenna. Davvero brutto!”. E fin qui nulla da eccepire. È chiaro che se si incontra The Elephant Man (film di David Lynch che consiglio a tutti di vedere) la prima impressione che se ne ha, non conoscendolo, è di fastidio. Ma i tre autori non vogliono tirarsi indietro di fronte al dovere morale di fare pedagogia, pur spicciola. Senonché il loro non è proprio un afflato pedagogico, piuttosto una sorta di inconsapevolezza incancrenita (se fosse volontario sarebbe grave) che li porta a proseguire il racconto in questo modo: “Gli astronauti pensarono subito che fosse cattivo perché, per i terrestri, chi è brutto è anche cattivo. Per questo decisero di ucciderlo con i disintegratori atomici”. Ora, passi che alla fine del racconto i tre astronauti salvano il marziano e non lo disintegrano, ma soltanto suggerire, quando non inculcare (perché gli esempi di idiozie del genere sono tanti) nella testa di bambini di seconda elementare che “chi è brutto è anche cattivo” (di questo si tratta) è un’aberrazione. La mamma alla conca Ma non è ancora finita. Sempre nello stesso libro c’è un esercizio sui verbi dove le tre possibilità per descrivere le azioni che può svolgere la mamma sono esclusivamente: cucina, stira, tramonta. Chiaramente il bambino deve cancellare il verbo “non adatto” (così scrivono sul libro). E indovinate quindi che cosa fa una mamma… E il babbo cosa potrà mai fare? Il babbo o lavora, o legge, o gracida. E siccome i papà non gracidano, a differenza delle mamme che sono segregate alla conca, come si diceva una volta da queste parti, per fortuna possono portare il pane a casa e mantenere la famiglia con le loro conoscenze e competenze. Non è il fatto che una mamma non possa o non debba anche cucinare o stirare, è che si ritiene possa fare soltanto quello. E mentre scrivo questa ultima frase mi sento un deficiente che sta spiegando una cosa talmente evidente da far rabbrividire. Vergogna Questi libri di testo sono adottati in moltissime scuole primarie italiane. ... C’è una sola parola: vergogna! La vergogna che dovrebbero provare le dirigenti scolastiche, maestri e maestre e i genitori di quei ragazzi che saranno gli italiani di domani. In una parola tutti noi, vale a dire la società italiana, anche quella che presume di sé di appartenere alla parte non retrograda della comunità. Se la democrazia è intesa come la libertà di esprimere idee stupide, di dire bugie, di manifestare solidarietà verso azioni malvagie, e anche di scrivere concetti profondamente sbagliati nei libri delle scuole primarie, allora significa che essa ha subìto una degenerazione tale che siamo ormai prossimi alla catapulta del sistema democratico. La stessa degenerazione che fa diventare la festa della donna, piuttosto un modo per fare la festa alle donne.
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gonagaiworld · 6 years
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ageofgeek · 7 years
Tony Stark Attacking Bucky in Siberia is Completely Understandable: A Compilation
Tony’s reaction to finding out that Bucky murdered his parents and Steve never told him is completely understandable.  Yes, Bucky was brainwashed and was also a victim, and eventually Tony would have been able to understand that.  Imagine if Steve had set Tony aside one day - far away from Bucky, the video tape, and the Iron Man suit - and told him gently, as a friend, what had happened to Howard and Maria.  Tony would have been upset - he would have been sad, and angry, and maybe even violent - but his friend would have been there to calm him down and get him help and support.  Bucky would have been safe, Tony would have the help he needed, and Steve would have acted like a good friend to both of them. Instead, Steve (by his own words) chose to selfishly wait and not tell Tony, even though it was his right to know.
But moving on from that hypothetical.  Once again, I cannot believe the lack of pity for Tony’s obvious mental health issues on this godforsaken website.  When his anxiety and PTSD are “cute” and “relatable”, Tumblr loves him. But when his mental illness is violent and painful and hurts your “faves”? Suddenly he’s an irredeemable monster.
Multiple experts on the manifestations of PTSD and violent grief have said that the reaction that Tony has is valid.  Let me just pick out a few quotes from each of these:
“If left untreated suffers of PTSD are likely to experience severe consequences including:
Substance abuse: Many turn to drugs or alcohol in an attempt to calm their anxiety. This only exacerbates the problem.
Anger management issues: For some the moments of recurring stress and anxiety result in outbursts of anger or rage. This may result in child or spousal abuse or public violence.
Loneliness: Because PTSD can make a person very difficult to be around and is often undiagnosed, individuals with the disease may end up isolated and alone.”
Hmm.  It’s almost as if Tony’s actions and feelings are a textbook example of someone with untreated PTSD.  And it’s almost as if none of his teammates or friends (except maybe Rhodey) have helped him at all.
So when Tony gets to Siberia, and watches video footage of his parents being murdered - with the murderer (brainwashed or not) right next to him, while also knowing that someone who was supposedly his friend lied to him about it?  Of course he lashes out. How is this difficult to understand?
Here are the words of psychological experts, who have studied and worked with survivors who have lost someone via a violent death:
“…in the year following a violent death, survivors are at increased risk for perpetrating violent acts against others, dying by their own hands, or dying in an apparent violent accident. The impact from violent death often remains hidden because of social norms that stigmatize the bereaved and silence their pain.
…Grieving a violent death is different from ‘normal’ mourning behavior. One reason for the difference is that the death is caused by human intent or negligence rather than an internal disease, old age, or natural event, e.g. flood, tornado, fire. The body may have been mutilated and the deceased may have suffered unbearable pain or torture…For survivors of violent death, negative or stigmatizing social attitudes received from others about how the death occurred are more common than expressions of concern and support.”
Like how Steve - instead of supporting Tony and comforting him on the traumatizing experience he just had - jumped immediately to “it wasn’t Bucky’s fault.”  While that is true, it’s not exactly what Tony would have wanted to hear in that moment.
“The disintegratory effects of traumatic imagery and avoidance on cognition, affect and behavior impair the more introspective and reflective demands of acknowledging and adjusting to the loss.”
This explains Tony’s situation almost exactly. The traumatic imagery is the video of his parents being murdered, and that imagery impairs a person’s ability to think clearly.  Hence, why Tony mentally and emotionally could not accept/absorb the fact that Bucky was a victim of Hydra as well.  Also, the fact is that in that moment, Tony wanted to kill whoever killed his parents.  Maybe deep down, Tony understood that it was Hydra.  But Hydra is an organization that was not in reach when Tony found out - Bucky is a person who was in reach.  It makes complete sense for Tony to have attacked Bucky.
“Traumatic grief includes cognitive, affective, physiological, and behavioral dimensions. The cognitive dimension includes rumination, intrusive thoughts, confusion, memory impairment, denial, and thoughts of revenge. The affective dimension includes emotional flooding due to overwhelming feelings of rage, terror, depression, and guilt.”
So, according to psychological experts, Tony’s reaction makes perfect sense.  Just because he’s a genius doesn’t mean he’s this emotionally perfect human who should have been more “aware” or “understanding” of the Internet’s precious Bucky Barnes.
Also, the MCU itself has two other examples of this exact same thing happening!  And yet, neither of them get as much blame as Tony does.
In AOU, Wanda and Pietro TELL ULTRON that they want to destroy the Avengers and Tony Stark because he “murdered their parents.”  Now, their reasoning is extremely flawed - after all, it’s the “do you blame the person who made the gun or the one who fired the gun” argument - but it’s a very similar situation to Tony’s in CACW.  Wanda and Pietro must have known that the real people at fault for their parents’ deaths were the U.S. government and/or the violent reactionaries in Sokovia.  But (just like Hydra for Tony), those groups were out of reach, and so they turned their rage and revenge towards a single (innocent) person.
And in CACW, T’Challa also tries to kill Bucky for murdering his father.  He went on a revenge-fueled kill mission against Bucky for the entire fucking movie!  And even when T’Challa knew that Bucky was brainwashed (after Bucharest), he STILL tried to kill him during the battle at the airport.  It was only after T’Challa knew that it was Zemo who bombed the U.N. that he decided to help Bucky.  Yet, nobody seems to ever blame T’Challa the way they blame Tony.
I can’t believe I have to actually write this out for this fucking website to actually understand that Tony’s actions in Siberia were COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLE and that it is not his fault and not Bucky’s fault, but STEVE’S FAULT for not telling Tony the truth in an environment that wouldn’t have contributed to his PTSD.
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roominni · 7 years
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Musste das teilen: @WeHeartIt http://weheartit.com/entry/261647146/via/disintegratory
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