#disney plus decided to log me out on my desktop which is why this is late
tarisilmarwen · 11 months
Rebels Rewatch: “Siege of Lothal”
In which Vader is an absolute beast and we shift off-base from Lothal for (semi-permanent) good.
A brief note on the nature of serial escalation.
Oftentimes in a series, especially one based around extrapersonal conflict with multiple arcs, what will happen is that your initial antagonist will be something or someone relatively small or simple to handle, and as your characters grow and get stronger the threats will get bigger and bigger.
Now, there is a point at which the villain can grow to be TOO big, and there’s no way for the heroes to defeat them or nowhere bigger for them to go from there.
You also don’t want to throw your strongest antagonist at the heroes at the very beginning, or risk everything else looking anticlimactic by comparison.  This could have been a risk in Season Two, as Vader is quite a significant step up from Imperial officers, Agent Kallus, and the Grand Inquisitor.  Fortunately Rebels makes the wise decision to keep Vader in reserve most of the season, only really bringing him out for the two most significant narrative points in the story (the opener and the finale), and relegating mundane antagonist duties to our new Inquisitor duo.  In this way, the narrative keeps our heroes busy but not overwhelmed, leaving more breathing room in the story for individual characters to get plenty of focus and development.
And on that note, let’s dive in.
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We open In Media Res with an action prologue that quickly informs us of the new Status Quo and allows us a moment to settle into it.  The Ghost is no longer flying alone, but alongside a half-dozen other Rebel ships, who work in perfect coordination and tandem with our team.
The dialogue is comfortably casual.  The music is generically exhilarating.  Kanan and Hera tease each other.  Zeb topples off a railing.  Ezra gets heart eyes about Sabine being amazing.
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The Spectres are now a part of the wider Rebellion and things are looking up.  They’re looking good.
Which of course means it’s time to ruin things for them. XD
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In the Imperial Dome, Kallus and Tua snipe at each other about the problems they’re facing and even in the frustrated dialogue she gives, it’s obvious Tua isn’t entirely enthusiastic about punishing her own people for the actions of the Spectres, only listing out things like patrols and checkpoints and curfews.  While definitely authoritarian given the Empire, these are relatively light restrictions.
Which Vader points out as he enters.
It’s obvious in hindsight that Vader’s immediately sussed her out as more sympathetic to the Rebels than she lets on.  (Consider how she claimed there was nothing more she could do yet the minute her life was in danger immediately knew to beeline for Jho because he had contact with the Spectres and has a ready list of Rebel sympathizers to barter with who she hasn’t had arrested.)
It’s insidiously clever, how Vader uses her to set a trap.  But poor Tua.
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She was just a frightened normie in the end.
Hi Sato!  You are criminally underrated as a character and I love you.
I love how you can already tell Kanan isn’t comfortable with this from his sulking posture back there.
Catch me sobbing about how Ezra’s so intimately empathic and connected to Lothal that he can sense Tua’s genuine intentions from a holotransmission.
Tua dropping hints that she knows about the “true reason” the Empire came to Lothal and once again I’m marveling and wondering at just how far back the whole World Between Worlds reveal might have been planned.
This whole scene between Kanan and Hera is fraught with tension.  (And not just the romantic kind.)
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Seriously, show me a more intimate setup and blocking.
Kanan’s dialogue and agitated tone and body language betrays his apprehensions.  He’s afraid to join another military organization, to be around reminders of the Clone Wars, to be drawn back into that environment.  It’s one of the first hints we get about his PTSD regarding the Clone Wars, and I love that Ezra overhears.
I think it’s hilarious how the Spectres take a Star Commuter 2000 shuttle like it’s just a day trip to Lothal from Garel like last time, lol.
Aaaaah Ezra showing off his character development and how selfless he’s grown!  I’m so proud of him.
Also he can sense Vader from atmosphere.
I haven’t commented about the music much but I like the way the strings drag across the notes here to create some quality tension.
Kallus is such a smug snake here, it’s amazing that I like him.
I think I hear a very brief snippet of the “Shenanigans” leitmotif in very serious trumpet.
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Man.  What a way to go.  RIP Tua.  :(
Vader overwatching lets us know this exactly according to plan.  He is scarily competent in these episodes.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way the blaster bolts spark as they pop off the side of the shuttle.
A snippet of Ezra’s theme here, as we find our heroes hiding in his old house.
Ezra holding his old cadet helmet. :(((((
There’s a somber kind of finality when the troopers set fire to the house.  This whole season premiere has an overall sense of, “You can’t go home anymore.” and nothing emphasizes it more than the Empire torching places we know and have been (Ezra’s home, Tarkintown, etc.).
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His face. :((((
Rebels bucks the Status Quo so hard it’s painful.
“I wish that worked for me.”  “I wish it worked on you.”  Lol.
"Have you smelled me?” Love this subtle joking callback to Ezra complaining about how Zeb smells. <3
All these typical light-hearted bits and moments only contrast harder against Vader’s later deadly serious entrance.  It’s quite effective, actually.
This sequence is one of my personal No Context Signature Scenes, I love it so much.
This slow small pan away from Kanan et. all as they exit frame, hinting that something’s behind.  How Kanan stops in his tracks, eyes widening with fear and alarm.
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How Ezra stops too and you can practically see the goosebumps raising on his arms, feel the deadly cold they’re feeling.
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Yeah, I’d be terrified too.
The Imperial March cuts out right before the TO BE CONTINUED titlecard and if you weren’t screaming before, you certainly were now, lol.
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Ezra looks so terrified, look at the way he’s shrinking into his shoulders here.
Vader barely expends any effort in this fight, blocking one-handed, effortlessly flinging Kanan and Ezra across the landing pad, which reinforces how seriously outclassed they and the Spectres are.
You do not win a fight against Vader.  You do not even survive a fight against Vader.  If you survive an encounter with Vader it’s because he let you.
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This moment where Vader almost forces Ezra to cut off his own head with his own lightsaber is particularly dark and terrifying ggkjghdsk.
Twice in this fight the importance of armor is proven.  Kanan catches a glance of Vader’s saber on his shoulder pauldron and Sabine gets a blaster bolt reflected into her freaking breastplate AND helmet.
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The Imperial March is a constant in this scene, not surprising, given that it’s technically Vader’s leitmotif.  It fades out as we check up on our heroes and this is such an effective scene.
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Everyone is visibly rattled by the encounter, and the voice acting perfectly conveys how shaken and frightened they are.  Something I do have to give the Disney era of Lucasfilm props for is remembering that Vader is a freaking terrifying villain, practically a walking Eldritch Abomination in the eyes of normal denizens of the galaxy.  So this scene helps convey that.
Lol Kanan and Ezra immediately objecting to calling Lando for help.
“The compassion of the Rebels is a weakness.  One we will exploit.”
*sobs in Rebellion Era Jedi feels*
“Jedi cannot help what they are.  Their compassion leaves a trail.”
No I’m never going to be over that line, sue me.
Proof that even “filler” episodes on this show come back and have relevance, the crew make a deal with Lando for help to get them offworld. :)
We even visit his farm again. :)
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Also I love this southern-accented droid, he’s so polite.
There’s a unique flute cue here that I really like.  Also, the “Shenanigans” theme has been slowed down, tempo-altered, minor keyed and just put through the gamut of musical variation this episode, wrung out until it’s almost unrecognizable.
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This smoke effect is gorgeous, almost painted in texture.
This conversation between Kanan and Ezra about the cost of their actions is fascinating in what it reveals, especially towards the end.  Kanan sees reflections of his battle-eager younger self in Ezra, still fired up and passionate about the fight, not yet truly damaged by his experiences.
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That wouldn’t truly cement in Ezra until the finale, but we’ll get to that later.
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There are in fact a lot more Star Destroyers guarding Lothal this time, we see three up in orbit and I know we saw at least three others in airspace above Capitol City.
I... think they reused Sato’s voice actor for one of these Imperial technicians here.
I love this quiet scene right here.  Kanan’s still got massive misgivings about being involved with the wider Rebellion, but he’s overruled by the others, by Ezra’s sense of obligation to get stronger for the sake of his people.  (This would later play into his Dark Side temptations in Season Three, Ezra has always viewed power as a means to protect, to preserve, to cling to.)
The shuttle seems to have been tracked with a more mundane method this time, a transmitter that activates upon reentry from hyperspace.
Another brilliant ploy from Vader.  Told you, he’s scarily competent in this.
A modified Endor space battle cue plays in the background here.  The notes are ever-so-slightly soured, off-tune.
Would like to point out, just to emphasize, Vader nearly takes out the entire Phoenix cell on his own here.
Ahsoka’s presence has been mostly downplayed until now but the narrative subtly brings her into prominence by having her board the Ghost for the fight.
“All right kids, do Mom and Dad proud.” <33333
The Found Family vibes always get to me.
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Underrated awesome Kanan moment: Boosting and assisting Ahsoka’s Force Scan of Vader.
God, that sliiiight turn of Vader’s head as he senses Ahsoka back just gets to me.  This whole sequence, Ezra talking about the cold, about the fear, anger, and hate he senses, Ahsoka’s eyes snapping open in horror, “The apprentice lives.” I HAVEN’T EVEN WATCHED ALL OF CLONE WARS OR PARTICULARLY CARE THAT MUCH ABOUT THIS RELATIONSHIP AND I STILL CATCH THE FEELS.
Vader being single-mindedly focused on the Ghost now that he knows Ahsoka’s aboard... not to Kenobi-show blubber again but, “All he’ll see is me.” Anakin is so obsessed with erasing himself and everyone who knew him it will drive him to obsession uuhhhhggggghh this stupid messy asshole.
Hera outflying motherfreaking Vader because he’s too distracted. <333333
I do like that Rebels kept Ahsoka’s appearances to a minimum too, knowing her mere presence would overshadow the others.  (Same reason the Teen Titans writers never brought in the adult heroes; they had to let their cast stand on their own merits.)
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Egads look at the lighting effects in this scene.  Look at those slow-moving patches of light and shadow.
Ahsoka deep in denial about Vader’s identity.
Ezra’s theme ringing out briefly until it dissolves into tense strings.
And the Emperor’s theme comes in along with the first technical appearance of the man in this show, even though we never see him, only hear his voice.
I... kiiiiiiinda prefer Sam Whitwer’s dub of the scene, honestly.  Glad Disney+ still has his version on their site.  (Apparently the Ian McDiarmid redub is only on the Amazon Prime digital downloads, which is kind of asinine, but hey I appreciate not having the retconned version foisted on me.)
Aaaaaand episode end.
This was a rollercoaster of a season premiere, emphasizing that things have definitely changed for our heroes, that what was familiar can no longer be accessed, that we’re now hitched along for the ride with the wider Rebellion and what happens to it.
It’s simple and effective and it lets Vader be absolutely terrifying.  No complaints, really.
Next time, we get even more TCW characters reappearing.
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