usnewsper-business · 7 months
Disney Faces Leadership Challenge: Calls for Change and Separation of Entertainment Assets #Disneyentertainmentassets #Disneyleadership #Disneyshareholdervalue #Disneystrategy #Disneystreamingservices
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brandnbusiness · 4 years
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Creativity is useless without strategy !! Creativity as a total process involves the coordination of three subprocesses: dreamer, realist, and critic. Follow: @brandnbusiness
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juicymania · 5 years
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Das Leben ist keine Geschäftsgelegenheit, dass Du dann einfach wegwerfen kannst nur weil Du etwas darin nicht hinbekommst. 👇🏽 Das allerschlimmste aber ist der persönliche Overload den wir Menschen in unserem Hirn erzeugen, um dann in eine Vermeidungsstrategie zu gehen, mit der das Denken komplett aussetzt. 👇🏽 Die Antwort: das ist nichts für mich - ist keine Lösung! 👇🏽 Schau genau hin was wie wo mit wem wenn notwendig realisierbar ist und macht es in Deinem Leben Sinn wo Du Dich gerade befindest. Liegt das Thema in Deiner Lebensfrequenz, ist es etwas was grundlegendes in Deinem Leben unterstützen wird, wie z.B. Deine Gesundheit oder Lebensqualität, Deine Partnerschaft? 👇🏽 Meine Empfehlung dazu ist die Disney Strategie: 1. zuerst träumst Du 2. dann Realitätscheck was geht vom Traum 3. dann Kritikercheck was lässt sich in der Realität verbessern Und einen inneren Wertecheck dabei bedenken! ☝🏼 Fragen zur Kurzversion? - so hat Walt Disney alle seine Träume realisiert!!! 👇🏽 Frag mich 💟🕉 #lösungsorientiert #erstdenkendannhandeln #männercoach #trennungskrise #beziehungskonflikt #problemlösung #träume #träumewerdenwahr #lebedich #gebeniemalsauf #disneystrategie #ökocheck #nlpcoaching #nlpcoach #nlpcoaching_india #rosenkrieg #scheidungskrieg #kommunikationspsychologie #männersache #lebensstrategie #lifecoachingformen #mencoachingwithviney #nlplugani #vineylugani #nlpausbildungen #nlpinberlin #mindset #attitudes #einstellung (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzsKLWqJLYb/?igshid=40siowidp8e3
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piarsvet · 4 years
#эксперты #живыевыступления #спикер #аудитория #orm #onlinereputationmanegment #pr #prsvet #предпринимателигорода #новостигорода #продвижениеинстаграм #бизнесинтаграм #онлайнработа #hr #mastermind #disneystrategy #мониторингсети #serm #менеджерблогеров #
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yworksg · 12 years
Take 5 #2 – Plan your life the DISNEY way
Are you struggling with planning a project? Not very sure what to achieve? Want to know how to clinch that goal? Today’s Take 5 will share with you how Mickey Mouse can help you in this – Disney Strategy. This strategy is used in project management, behavioural coaching and even goal-planning, attributed to Mr Walt Disney himself!
Steps to wave that Mickey magic wand!
*You can either do on a paper or be ALIVE- have three chairs with you. For easier description, we are going with the paper version!
1) Be in a neutral position / mind. Think of a project, goal, or behaviour you wish to achieve.
2) Divide a paper, preferably A3, into three columns. Write ‘Dreamer’ under the first column, ‘Critic’ under the second column and ‘Realist’ under the last column
3) Under the ‘Dreamer’ column, write down your dream or ideal description of the goal. Just immersed in that creativity – you have no restriction on money, resources and any limitations. Just write it out as if it is real.
4) After you have dreamt, Move to the ‘Realist’ column. Think about the practicalities of your ‘dreams’. Write out the to-do list to make the dream possible.
5)Now the time has come to put on your thinking hat of a ‘Critic’. Under that column, write out the strengths and weaknesses of those items in the ‘Dreamer’ and ‘Realist’ column. Basically, criticize constructively – keep asking questions about your goal and actions – are they feasible? Do-able? How it can be better?
6) You have just finished one cycle. Now, you can move on to the ‘Dreamer’ and take into considerations of what the ‘Realist’ and ‘Critic’ commented. After you have tailored your dream, go onto the ‘Realist’ to devise a plan and then to ‘Critic’ to evaluate.
So when do you stop? When you feel ease at heart – that this is best you can think of. This Disney Strategy will not guarantee success but it helps you, at the very least, structure your thinking and planning.
So wave that Mickey magic wand on your goals!
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