#dissecting this fic like a frog/pos
Some theories for @spadillelicious 's fanfic, Love Death and Rollerskates
Sun's in just a bad place as Moon, he just doesn't want to admit it. I'm almost positive that Spadille was hinting in ch 15 that he has missing memories too. What does he mean he "doesn't remember a John"? Especially when Moon has photos? "It must have been a time before me". Really, Sun? A time before you huh? I'm pretty sure you and Moon were created at the same time, theres no way that will fly, Sun.
He just doesn't want to admit it, and end up just as bad as Moon. He'd rather dismiss it and ignore it, as he does all his problems. (Which Moon doesn't. I think this is why Moon wants to escape, and Sun "doesn't". Moon is willing to admit the bad position he's in, and tries to face the problem head on, and pick himself up each time. Sun doesn't.)
I also think whatever "kill code" William has implemented (assuming that's what he's using to get Sun to kill), is amplifying all the bad traits of Sun's personality, which was disadvantaged right at the get go.
Sun's very controlling because he has very limited control over his own life, and again, he doesn't want to admit it. As long as he acts in control, he appears in control. (In addition, every scene we see him around Afton, Spadille makes it a point he doesn't like being around Afton. Like at all.) He has controlling behavior towards Y/N (esp. when it comes to their friendship with Moon) because he wants some semblance of control, and the last time he allowed that with Moon, he "had to kill someone". (I'm also wondering if "had" is supposed to mean "wasn't in control" here. But that's purely speculation.)
Many of Sun's toxic behaviors seem to stem from the toxicity of the situation he's in, mixed with amplification from the code.
William has both Sun and Moon on a leash, and is using their memories and Sun's negative attributes to keep the two fighting. Moon got limited to just the roller rink after staying with Y/N. Afton's basically controlling their every move, and they both know it, probably to varying extents.
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