#divinity is just another name for leader ( devora. )
clemencetaught · 8 months
round and round ( @devangelis bc i must always have at least one thing to gib lynnie jfskldjf )
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"So you made it to the other side." It's an observation rather than a congratulations. She probably gets more than enough of those from the Capitol anyways. "...I had a feeling you would end up the victor."
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clemencetaught · 1 year
round and round ( closed starter with @uroborosymphony )
“And here I thought the celebrations for this year’s games already ended.” Just as the veneer of a gentleman feels caked on his face, he almost cringes at the words the come out of his face. Yes, yes, they’re supposed to be the ‘it’ couple of the amongst the victors and maybe Devora does still buy into it, the riches and the power the Capitol promises those who win the games. But the honeyed words feel less like a greeting and more like an insult to his longtime…friend of sorts. Nevertheless, he kisses the top of her hand before tugging her closer. His mask drops for the briefest of seconds, a combination of apprehension and grimness revealing themselves in that moment.
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He offers his arm to her. “Walk with me, won’t you? I won’t keep you from company for too long, my dear.”
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clemencetaught · 1 year
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@uroborosymphony sent in: #15 for Patrick, the victor || when the unspoken is named ( things you said prompt. )
15. things you said with rage between your teeth
"You can hear it too, can’t you?” It’s a rhetorical question, seeing that they’re the only ones in the room, this minimalist styled sitting room decorated with accents of black and gold. A room that the president has oh so generously decorated with them in mind. If not for the accents, Patrick imagines this would be a room that fit in the president’s own mansion.
A room that, if Patrick had any say in it, would burn down never see the inside of again.
He doesn’t remove his coat or deposit it on the rack as he usually does. But he does take a seat next to her on the couch. Deva is only a few inches away from him and perhaps in another life, the distance would make him wilt for fear of pressing on unspoken boundaries. However, he pays little regard if only because they have known each other for years on end and when they have watched the same spectacle, when they have served the pigs that revel in their suffering, when they have endured it all for years on end, an issue of decorum becomes miniscule.
“They’re not happy. The Districts.”
They never have been, the murmurs of disgruntlement having always been there for as long as he could remember. How those murmurs have always grown a tad louder when the reaping came around, followed by the mandatory viewings.
( Or maybe they’ve always been loud to begin with, only muted like a television with its sound turned to zero. Only muted by the propaganda and the soundproof walls the Capitol throws over them. Or even bitten back, tongue bitten. )
This year however.  With the announcement of the condition of the Third Quarter Quell, they’re no longer murmurs of dissatisfaction. No, it’s grown into something louder, stronger.
Something like screaming.
Not even the walls can keep them out.
“As a reminder to the districts that their rebellion has robbed their children of  a future, for this Quarter Quell, the male and female tributes shall be reaped from the existing pool of twelve years old.”
“I take it that One and Two aren’t happy about this either?” He can’t imagine they are; for even if they pride themselves on participation in the Capitol’s gleeful slaughterhouse, they would not dream of sending out A CHILD sorely untrained to represent them.
District Three for sure, isn’t. He’s seen it for himself too- the uprisings in factories all throughout District Three accompanied by the public whippings, the censorship of radio stations, and the taser sessions for those refuse to show up for work. And if he hasn’t seen it himself, then Hyuk would make sure he knew, most likely being one of the many of instigate much of the dissent.
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“I’ve been thinking.” The words come out clipped. “All these years, we’ve been slaves to his whims if only to keep the ones we love safe. He tells us if we do as he says, he won’t hurt them, he’ll let them live another day…but that’s a lie, isn’t it?” He leans forward, mouth covered by clasped hands. “He was never planning on keeping them safe. He’ll dangle their lives to wring us of all our use and once we have nothing left to give, he’ll throw them away along with us just like he has with everyone else. We’re not any better than the other victors; we’re just pawns to his board. And now because of our complacency, the children will pay the price to give our president his checkmate.” His hands tighten. “…I’m sick of it. I’m tired of being someone else’s chess piece.”
Eyes turn to her. They’re burning. “…What are your thoughts on playing A NEW GAME in the Capitol this year?”
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clemencetaught · 1 year
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"No matter the battles we fight, it's side by side that we stand." From Deva.
this one definitely has standards :'D ( platonic bingo for patrick ( verse three ) w/ @uroborosymphony )
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"Quite right too. If there is such thing as heaven and hell, our ride down there would come in a two-seater." He snorts, refusing to admit there is a certain...comfort that her presence provides. It's not one that say, Hyuk or Felicity has given him, one that brings him peace, but with Deva- it's companionship in the viper's nest. A comfort that makes the worst of circumstances...more bearable. "Now you wouldn't happen to have a cigarette on you, would you? I ran out on my commute over."
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clemencetaught · 1 year
POST - IT NOTE ! ( from Patrick to Deva )
when there is no paper one must learn to adapt ( post-it note meme w/ @uroborosymphony )
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“Excuse yourself from the group half past nine and leave through the southwest exit. She’ll be on break for fifteen minutes.”
( Slipped into Deva's pocket while on the way to an event. )
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“6 males and 4 females, all between ages 18-23. 74 is among them. Snow’s not happy; the council wants to put them all on the chopping block- will let you know if I find out anymore.”
( Slipped into Deva's notes. )
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clemencetaught · 1 year
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verse three -- the victor.
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