#divorced starcrossed cheese
ninjastormhawkkat · 7 months
Shadow Phoenix Au - Becky Boxleitner - Part 1
Becky Boxleitner - She is 14 in the au. She is a meta human/magical being hybrid. She has gained her meta powers from her mother and her magic from her dad. She still has the same canon powers with some differences. With her flying abilities, whenever she uses them, bioluminescent wings appear on her back. The look like bird wings. These magical wings are made of heat, light, and fire. Becky can use her wings to slice through objects with intense heat look like a welding torch was used. She can also use her wings as a shield and make them glow. The glowing is useful when Becky needs to blind her opponents temporarily and make an escape. Her hero costume is designed differently from canon. Her color scheme is ruby red with yellow lining. Her suit, gloves, and boots are shaped like flames. Becky wears a hood over her head with the same color scheme as her body outfit. She also has a Nightwing (bird like) eye mask with a flame pattern. As for the rest of her powers, most are meta human powers inherited from her mother and are canon to the show. Her vocabulary skills are a mix of magic and meta human. One power in this au that Becky has is her pyrokinetic abilities. She can summon and control fire as well as weaken it or make it intense. Becky also has a strong resilience to heat but she isn't immune to powerful heat sources like the earth's core or the sun. Personality: Since Becky is older in this au, she is more mature than her counterpart. She still loves Pretty Princess and Magic Pony as well as the Squishy Fun Bots. Becky doesn't act brash in her decisions and is more cautious and wary when villain's try to trick her. She can still be hot headed sometimes (pun not intended) and can only be calmed by her dad, Bob, or her close friends when she gets angry. Becky is open towards and treats all species on Earth equally as well as recognize that every species has good and bad people. Becky does take her hero job seriously, but she does have an ego from time to time (her dad's fault). Becky understands that she has magical powers and knows how to use them. She doesn't realize yet how powerful they are because as far as she knows, magical powers had skipped over her dad and got passed onto her. Becky wears her hair down in civilian mode but has it in a braided in her hero mode. As for her civilian outfits, she doesn't stick to her canon outfit and just wears a different choice for different days. Becky will define words but not as often in this au. For two reasons, one, she doesn't see a need as to define words to help people, mainly just telling them to look it up. She will give definitions to young kids and some of her villains. She will also define difficult words not used in everyday conversation. The second reason is because her words are magical in a way. Basically if she defines them casually, nothing happens. But if she defines a certain word when her emotions are intense such as catastrophic or miscellaneous, then yeah, something happens and it is not always good. Family: Becky is close with her dad and her grandparents. She has asked about her mom at a young age but stopped after seeing her dad seem sad, talking about her mom. Becky knows her mom is alive but she and her dad had to split because of personal issues and Steven was the only one capable of raising her. Becky has visited her aunt a lot and likes spending time with her when she is not busy. She notices the poor woman gets stressed a lot with her work. Becky has met her uncle Victor a few times and he is nice to her, but Becky notices some tense feelings between her dad and uncle even though no one will elaborate on that. She is closer with her grandpa Matthew than her grandpa Carl. She likes her grandpa Carl but he always appears to be zoned out and mutter unintelligible words sometimes. He also acts paranoid and frightened of his own shadow a lot. Her dad explained its just old age and he is well taken care of by his cousin and Matthew though Becky hasn't met the cousin. @melodythebunny @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 8 months
Shadow Phoenix Au: The Coven of The Rising Moon - Part 2
-continued from part 1- After Teresa and Carl were afflicted with the curse. Teresa had to be released from the coven and Gene had to leave her to keep their daughter safe. Matthew retired from his role as the Knight of Dusk and Emily took over. Both Gene and Victor ended up taking over as heads of the Coven of the Rising Moon, after Victor did something that made him only half as able to lead. This incident, explained in Victor's bio, causes him and Gene to clash a bit sometimes with Emily as the peacekeeper. The Coven of The Rising Moon aren't good guys nor bad guys. They are morally grey and just better in morals and ethics than the Council of Daylight. They like their privacy and want to remain as hidden as possible. Members of the coven will often consist of vigilantes, villains, and anti-heroes. They don't go out of their way to rescue people and stop crime, but they won't stand by and let things in the world become unbalanced. They will also fight viciously against the Council of Daylight and its members as well as organizations that work for them. They don't care if they are seen as the "bad guys". They just don't want to be wiped out. The hierarchy of the coven is different from the Council of Daylight. Witches and Wizards take lead and charge on rules, regulations, and record keeping of other magical beings and magic users. The Lord or Lady is the head of all this. The title can be passed down from children to children but it can also be passed to other family members or someone worthy of the title if the current ruler doesn't have children. The Knight of Dusk works in the same way but spouses can also have this title. The Coven of The Rising Moon is fully aware of the true identity of Becky and Shadow Phoenix. She is just not yet aware of them. @melodythebunny @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 6 months
“Whatever I do, I can’t fucking get you out of my head and it’s ruining me.” 
Lunar Red slammed her fists hard against the wall. "Dammit! I almost had her." She grumbled to herself. Her plan...no her goal had been to get her Shadow Phoenix, aka Becky, her daughter, on her side. To see things her way. Unfortunately just like always Professor Terror shows and ruins things for her. Unlike Becky, Red knew very well who was under that mask of that sorcerer. His voice so arrogant and self righteous, yet at the same time it was like a tempting melody to her ears. A haunting song of a life long ago. He was like a snake in her mind. His voice dripping like a poison that Lunar Red knew would destroy her, but at the same time, comfort her. His deep brown eyes hypnotizing, enticing her to fall into his own trap. Yet they were also sorrowful, dim, pleading her to come back to the life they once had together. Where they once lived in peace by different names. Lunar Red scoffed to herself. She was no longer that weak powerless soul. She had changed, they both had. He was just too stubborn or too blind to see that. She hated that he had not sided with her in seeking revenge against the Council of Daylight. She hated how he snuck away with their daughter because of the person she "changed" into. Most days Lunar Red hated Professor Terror, yet she could never get Gene Woods out of her mind. The image of the man she once loved dear...maybe still harbored feelings for....will always haunt her waking mind. "Gene Woods you are going to be the downfall of me someday." Lunar Red laughed bitterly to herself.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Ooo tell tell! Tumblr not letting me reblog post for some reason but telll
The original divorced concept comes from the theory where Teresa left Steven after Becky was conceived. I mean it was for good reasons but it still counts as divorced a bit.
The second one involves the crack au where Teresa's evil ex turned Teresa into Miss Power.
The new one I am sticking too now that I like that is full of angst is @boxleitners-return-au version with a twist where it is Teresa returning to take over the earth and Fair City rather than Amazo Guy.
(Also tumblr did that to me a bit earlier. I just right clicked the reblog button and opened it in a new window. After that I could reblog regularly again. Maybe try that to see if it works.)
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ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
Shadow Phoenix Au
So this is a Wordgirl Noir type au which is like the show a bit but also more serious. It includes aged up kid characters 13-15 range, aliens don't exist but there are mutants, metas, and magic, and a lot of serious and somber elements (This is also a revamp of my mutants and metas of fair city au, but I am keeping that au and the side blog up.) Starting with the setting of Fair City. So the government and law enforcement is a lot better than canon. There still is some corruption but mainly with oc characters and not canon characters that I will introduce later on (when I think if them lol). There is not much serious devision like in my mutants and metas au, though there are a few factions. The villains in this au are either, mutant, human, meta, or magical. The magical people will include mythological monsters and magic users. There is a committee called Fair City People Unite or FCPU which is a good clean organization that consists of scientist, law keepers, political figures, and regular citizens. Their job is to keep the laws and regulations of Fair City equal for all citizens and prevent discrimination. They also are in charge of helping police, fire fighters, medical workers, etc. be prepared and ready to deal with all the variety of citizens living in Fair City This organization has many leaders which include the canon mayor who is not mayor in this au. There is also a villain rehabilitation program organized by the FCPU that helps villains serve jobs or community service for minor crimes instead of putting them in jail all the time. (Eris idea for villain rehab) Becky in this au is a 14 year old girl living with her single dad "Steven" and Bob. She is part metahuman and part magical. Along with her canon powers she also has pyrokinetic abilities. She does not go by Wordgirl in this au but rather by a vigilante name known as Shadow Phoenix I will put down character bios and more in later posts but for now here is what to expect from this au. -Mayor Emily Boxleitner -FCCS (Fair City Crime Syndicate) -new villain ocs: Lunar Red, Mr. Dark, Mr. Vice and more -chaotic four -starcrossed cheese -divorced starcrossed cheese -amazing cheese -amazing starcrossed cheese -Professor Ross Moran -Dr. Calvin Barriton -Professor Athena Cartwright -Villain Steven -Gene Woods -Villain Carl -Magic user family -Maddrix the Malicious -Not the last superheroes au massacre yet there is a tragic event -and more surprises (when I can think of them lol) @melodythebunny @erraticeris
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Yea aside from word girl's threat, she would leave. Realizing she went toO far and nearly killed the guy she loved.
Wow is this our divorced version of experimental cheese?
Pretty much yep.
Now thinking about the divorced version of starcrossed cheese with angst 😈
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