xfand0mfr34kx · 5 months
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pen doodle dump :P
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frankenstheythem · 6 months
first name Die, last name Ssection
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buff-muffin · 3 years
Hello Dizzy!
We are only random voices from somewhere beyond - no need to worry! As a piece offering, I shall summon a welcoming gift. An item that everyone loves - a banana. Oh! Speaking of bananas - what items or things do you like (other than bananas)?
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Dizzy.EXE is still loading…
Dizzy belongs to me.
Skelinktons belong to @7goodangel
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nuka-nuke · 6 years
All odd numbers for Dizzy! :D
1. On a scale of “is occasionally forced to bathe” to “Instagram model with sponsors to hoe for” how involved is your OC’s Skincare routine?
Dizzy, even while growing up in the wasteland and not really having constant access to bathing, is still really concerned with how he looks most of the time, so he’s more on the “instagram model with sponsors to hoe for” level. He’s not particularly vain, but he will definitely bitch and whine if he gets too greasy and especially dusty. Soap is relatively easy to make, and his abuela makes enough for all of them so Rey really has no excuse for how shitty he looks all the time!!
3. What’s something pointless/petty/unimportant that IRRATIONALLY ANNOYS THE HELL out of your OC?
Dizzy can not STAND being called Jimmy. Girls sometimes tried it to be “cute" or whatever, but his mother is the only one who can get away with it without getting sass. He also hates when people touch his hair, which mostly likely stems from Rey bullying him and pulling it when he was younger and it was much longer. That will more often than not result in him punching whoever touches it in the gut.
5. Does your OC get lost easily? What do they do when they do get lost?
He knows Freeside like the back of his hand, even before other people were banished from the Strip by House, his family was always there so he very rarely gets lost. He knows every hiding spot, every falling building, every shitty broken road and all the best places for a good view of the real Vegas.
Beyond Freeside, however, he’s absolutely hopeless. Without help he’d be wandering the Mojave lost for the rest of his life. He’d handle it, by… panicking and fearing for his life, running away from nearly anything that came up to him. He’d be an absolute mess.
7. Realistically, could your OC (in their normal circumstances- i.e. at thier own house/battlecamp/spaceship etc.) keep a small child alive for a week if they had to? A Dog? A House plant? A rock with a smiley face painted on?
Realistically, yes. His aunt has twin toddlers that she often leaves with him while her and Neela “work", because even though Rey actually had a younger sibling, he is terrifying to kids and awful with them. Dizzy is kind of a complainer about it, but he actually loves them and would be a great older brother. He’d never want any of his own, though.
9. What would cause your OC to chose to do something petty/pointlessly cruel?
He doesn’t really need an excuse… he is petty as shit all the time. But particularly if anyone so much as even thought something bad about his mother, he would find the pettiest and most pointlessly cruel way to get back at them. No one says anything bad about Neela Euler without him getting back at them!
11. What song is 100% guaranteed to get your OC beyond turnt and will be sung loudly and embarrassingly, either in public or the shower?
It would take a lot of rum for Dizzy to ever sing in front of anyone, even those he really loves and trusts. He can sing fantastically well! But he has horrible “stage fright” of ever letting anyone know that. So in absolute private, “Treat Me Nice” is one of his favorite songs from the King and would be the one to get him to actually sing loudly and embarrassingly. To himself. With no one else around.
13. Under what circumstances would your OC appear naked in public?
He isn’t actually that self conscious of his body, surprisingly. He’d be annoyed if he ever had to, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing to ever happen. I really don’t know under what circumstances that would ever happen, though. His mom making him bathe in a bucket in the yard because she’s using the tub for making gin? Idk.
15. How often does your OC “zone out” or do things on autopilot and how severe have the problems that have arisen from that been?
He doesn’t “zone out" so much as he daydreams, or gets so focused on his own thoughts that he can’t pay attention to what’s going on around him. And that happens a lot. Sometimes it’ll just be music playing in his head, other times it will be over analyzing every little thing he or someone else is doing, or a lot of the time it’ll just be spacing out thinking of how fucking cute Lucky is ehhh… important… Kings business. Yeah.
The only problem that has ever arisen from it is if he spaces out thinking of something irrelevant in the middle of the King giving him an order. Which, maybe has happened… when Lucky and Harper had been there to get a job at the same time.
(Dizzy.exe stops working anytime that cowboy is near him.)
17. How does your OC sabotage themselves?
Dizzy talks himself into circles trying to keep up this “cool" persona he has made up, and often uses it as a defense mechanism when he is too shy to just say how he actually feels. He used to think no one would ever like the real him if he didn’t keep it up, but he is slowly trying to let himself trust others enough to bring his walls down
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xfand0mfr34kx · 6 months
some sketches of my Sonic.exe: The Disaster inspired OC, DIZZY.exe
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+ (old) concept art
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frankenstheythem · 11 months
rlly having a frankenstein "youre too complex for me son" moment w my mom regarding my soon-to-be new diagnosis phewww
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frankenstheythem · 11 months
theres an alarm outside thats been going for hours and its starting to sound like high pitched cries welp
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frankenstheythem · 23 days
rick and morty the anime intro fucks so hard god why......i love you glowing neon colors i love you clashing styles and palettes i love you music that switch genres/vocal influences mid verse i love you alien synths i love you
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frankenstheythem · 8 months
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this came to me as a vision btw
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frankenstheythem · 1 month
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obsessed w the suggested tags when i clicked the how not to draw tag....?? like ok
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frankenstheythem · 3 months
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aaaugh fuck it. chibifies their ass
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frankenstheythem · 10 months
johnny c. was in his 20s? he shouldve been at the club. send post
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frankenstheythem · 1 month
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spreading the word of THIS GUY to confused locals just like god intended
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frankenstheythem · 2 months
just came out of theraprism they diagnosed me w BPD (bill personality disorder)
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frankenstheythem · 10 months
my dealer: got some straight gas. this strain is called “wall monster of cosmic horrors” youll be zonked out of your gourd
me: yeah whatever. i don't feel shit
me 5 minutes later: dude i swear i saw a murder basement downstairs
my friend Nailbunny, pacing: dont kill yourself johnny
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frankenstheythem · 2 months
"but this and that is breaking the canon what is real oooo" remember not only bill is trillions of years old hes also a drunk bastard he simply forgot he had those powers for a long time shhh
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