#dm me and i'll give you the deets
faiakishi · 2 years
I dunno how many Dawning of the Hour readers follow me, but I did just finish the first draft of the reunion scene and, uh...I’m feeling pretty good about how emotionally damaging it’s going to be.
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obscure-au-comp · 4 months
Would it be rude to ask how many submissions we have towards an AU in dms? Don't want to push or be impolite ^^
that's totally fine! if you really wanna participate, dm me with 🎉 <- that emoji right there and the name of your au and i'll give you the deets ^_^
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genocidalfetus · 1 year
I offer y'all my writing services
My hours at work are about to be cut in half because Corpo scum don't think part-time wage-slaves deserve to make a proper living. So I am offering my writing services. I offer fanfic commissions on Twitter, but I thought I should do it here as well. I can write for Cyberpunk2077, but have also dipped my toes in Dragon Age and Mass Effect. So here be the deets.
2500 word fic--25 bucks
5000 word fic--50 bucks
6000 word fic or more--60 bucks
I will write
smut, fluff, slice-of-life scenarios, light kink, fighting scenes, angst/comfort
Rape, gross kink, anything illegal
Pairings can be m/f, f/f, m/m, or if you're feeling saucy, throuples if you got a throuple ship going on. I'll even write things between friends, be it plutonic or friends-with-benefits.
Once I hand off your fic, you can post it on your ao3 or fanfic site, as long as I'm given credit and my ao3 link or my twitter/tumblr handle is included. Just remember, you cannot make a profit off of it, but I'm pretty sure that common sense tells you that you shouldn't do that anyhow. lol
So if you would like to give me a chance to write for you, shoot me a DM!
Here's examples of what I do.
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thevampirechr0nicler · 11 months
Okay, so hi everyone! Finally, I made a personal Tumblr after putting it off for ages and ages and ages!!!!
I won't put much about me up, but I think that I'd like to just set this up first.
Essentially, I'll be posting links to various fics that I'm working on and/or updating! I do work veryyyyy slowlyyyy because life happens and I get busy. I really hope that you guys enjoy what I write, and I hope that waiting times between chapters or updates don't put anybody off!
Again, I apologize in advance for being a slow writer and being quite so busy. :3
ALSO: if you are keen to help me out on the most ambitious project I've ever attempted in the Vampire Chronicles fandom, flick me a DM and I can give you the deets! :3 ✨️✨️✨️
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angelcloves · 1 year
I would love to request a sweet, soft, and slice of lifey piece involving Caleb and my Wittewife Clara.
Bonus points if you manage to add Philip in there somehow lol.
I'll send you all the important deets about Clara in the DM's, but to give you a quick summary of her character, she's a kind, caring, and fun-loving witch who loves to explore and try new things!
While she is a bubbly, bimbo bbygurl bean who's naturally ditzy, she has a smart side to her lol!
I would love to see someone who's not me interpret her through their writing.
Who knows, maybe I'll learn something new.😁
Have fun~
things were tight on this but i hope you like it regardless! thanks for letting me use clara! its a big deal to trust your oc in someone elses hands so i hope i did her justice
lmk if you wanna be added or removed from my taglist
@acergi @little-banjo-frog @prettypopstarprincess2 @croutondotcom
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everybodymethod · 23 days
How I made $4,000 in just 25 days
🔥 Truth Bomb Alert! 🔥
Let's talk real talk: The world? It belongs to the bold, the ones who take risks, who hustle, who believe in themselves. 🌎✨
I mean, seriously, have you noticed? Every success story out there? It's all about going all in on YOU. No plan B, no safety net. It's what Tony Robbins calls "BURN THE BOATS" - giving yourself no other option but to make it happen. 💥💪
When you rock this mindset, sky's the limit, my friend. 🚀 You've got talents, dreams, and goals, and it's time to turn 'em into reality.
🎯 Ever noticed? There are folks out there less qualified, less talented, but living their best lives 'cause they took action. They invested in themselves, learned the ropes of digital marketing, branding, content creation, you name it. 💡
And guess what? You can do the same! 👊 That's where the ultimate branding course with MRR comes in. Starting from scratch? No sweat. Dive in, soak up the knowledge, and watch your dreams turn into dollar signs. 💰
🔥 Digital products? They're the game-changer, the ticket to financial freedom and passive income. And guess what? Your first product? You can resell the UBC MRR course for 100% profit! Yep, that's the power of MRR (Master Resell Rights). 💯
Ready to take the plunge? Shoot me a DM with "MRR" and I'll hook you up with all the deets. Or check out the link in my bio for a lower-ticket option to get started on crafting your own digital empire. 📲✨
Got questions? Need support? Holla at me! Let's make those dreams a reality, one digital product at a time. 🚀💼 LIKE, SAVE & FOLLOW for all the juicy updates! ✨
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f1-birb · 27 days
I'm just desperate to know what heels I should get for a dress. I don't know what colours fits the best and I've tried Google but haven't got a good anser, asked friends and they don't know and know I'm a bit tipsy and I know you talk a lot about merch so I was like "Hey, maybe Birb knows fashion stuff"
lmao I'm so glad you think that but I use Lexi as my fashion guru to vet my outfits when I'm not sure lmao
give me the deets anyway and I'll see if I can help?
idk if have it so anons can add media or not but describe to me the dress and shoe options?? or feel free to dm me
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nerdynanny · 7 months
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i see all you beautiful new peeps-- imma go on a follow spree this weekend if i can manage it. because i am SO HYPE to find more cool peeps to write with.
but now i gotta nap because i have stream later and i gotta do some gremlin shit today.
if any mutuals play some vrchat and wanna come hang at a halloween party this weekend-- hmu. shoot me a DM and i'll give ya the deets. vrc is free to play and pc friendly-- you don't need vr to play it [but most who really like it end up gettin vr anyway-- hence it being one of the most expensive free to play games]
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violet-dragongirl · 2 years
So the one thing that Outriders (2022 Current Version Build) has over Godfall (2022 Current Version Build) is the intrinsic mehcanics of actually feeling and being powerful. Both games have there nasty "forever" grind to them, but Outriders actually now has enough grind work that's actually rewarding and now has enough gear for at least one class to be very very fun.
The biggest downside that Outriders has that Godfall had an advantage of was Godfall gave players 3 loadouts they can switch before, and sometimes even during fights, which makes for wider more diverse builds, BUT both suffer from Hypernarrow Endgame Meta Class build techniques/mechanics that both still suffer in their own ways endgame class/build exploration.
That narrow meta, in a very very very minimal way, opens up when playing co-op and with either different or same class parties.
So yeah, Outriders improved and executive/director (and in some cases developer) wise, they learned some of their lessons from Day One and Free Update releases. I'll give them that in a positive manner.
(sadly the trickster is still a very underwhelming class DPS wise but I'm sure if I remake a Trickster--yes I down-geared and deleted my Trickster--it might show promise in areas where I've neglected to try out)
@onemoredamnedsoul, not saying you NEED to get back into it but yeah, if this little blurb about it interests you, DM me for Deets :3
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harrysmaison · 2 years
Hii I was about to fall asleep and suddenly thought of you and your exam. How did it go? You can come talk to me about it (or anything) in the dms if you want. Love you ❤
you're probably asleep now and i'll give you the deets in your dms but in short it was shit lmao. as expected. im not disappointed but my whole family definitely is.
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hpytrails · 3 years
i got some extra money. any artists wanna draw mccree for me? i can give you details in dms. <3
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zombified-queer · 6 years
I have a mosquito bite on my ear. How do you think a vorta would deal with this?
Die probably lmao
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4*Town x Fem!Reader - Terrible Exes
Prompt: Y/N came out of a terrible relationship, but her ex still harasses her for her body. How would the 4*Town boys take their girlfriend being harassed by her ex lover?
CW: Abuse, Fights, Cursing, S//xual harassment, Fem reader
Age Rating: 16+
Notes: Lmk if you want a male reader or gn version! I'll repost with the new pronouns <3
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Robaire knows EVERYTHING about this ex before, during, and after your relationship with him. Not through stalking no, but because you and him were friends through it all.
He has all the deets, screenshots, pictures, just about everything he could need in any sort investigation. Not only that, he knows every little flaw and nightmare your ex picks themselves apart for, and every insult they hurled towards you.
However, he won't use them to hurt your ex. No, this is all just in case that abusive pos came back around to haunt you.
And that they did, spamming your dms with pitiful apologies and asking for you- your body- all over again.
It kickstarts when you run to Robaire, bawling your eyes out with your phone in your hand. Those tearful sobs, the pitiful shine in your eyes, and the glowing screen on that device has him stressing all over you. It drivea him mad whenever you come to him upset and he can't help, but he won't stand idily by and watch his precious girlfriend be sexually harassed by a sickening individual who had used her in the first place.
"Y/N, mon amour, may I borrow your phone? I need to have a word with them."
- 9:56 pm, March 14th -
Ex: I am so sorry for calling you an asshole, I didn't mean it
Ex: Please, I want you back
Ex: I miss everything about you
Ex: Your hair, your smile, your everything...
Ex: God, I just wanted you to want me, is that so hard for you to understand? If you wanted to be a good girlfriend, you would have given me what I needed.
Ex: Whatever, I can find someone else who would actually want to do it with me.
Ex: Hey?
Ex: Look I'm sorry, you just make me so angry.
You (Robaire): This is Robaire, her boyfriend. May I ask why you're harassing her?
Ex: Fuck off, I don't have time for her worthless friends. She's just using you to get back at me.
You (Robaire): I'm a forgiving guy, so I'll give you one chance to leaveher alone. You wouldn't want your mother seeing this, would you?
*Image: 1 attachment, a shower pic of your ex*
Ex: Don't threaten me! I'll call the police!
Robaire: And tell them all about how you won't leave Y/N alone? Who are they going to believe, you or me?
- Ex has gone offline -
With that, he blocks the number and sets your phone to the side, picking you up. "Come on, let's have a night out. Just forget about him, okay? He won't be bothering you anymore."
He takes you to the best place he can think of: A cozy restaurant with a laidback atmosphere. There wasn't an expected dress code nor any over-the-top fancy decor, though it wasn't a shabby place either. The whole time he has you in his left arm, you at the window seat, nuzzling into his side as he takes care of the ordering.
Aaron T
He's ready to FIGHT as soon as he hears his girlfriend crying. It's his first instinct to punch a pillow or get his energy out with anything stressful, but... Your ex makes him want to destroy anything in his path.
It doesn't help that the stress your ex is putting you through makes you terrified to step outside anywhere. You're a homebody at this point, under constant threat of your ex finding you in public and trying to touch you all over again.
With a frustrated sigh, Aaron T joins you on the bed you're sitting on and rests on your shoulders from behind. You're quick to hide your phone, but the constant buzzes clue him in that it's your ex again.
"That scumbag again? Y/N, let me see what he's been saying, babe."
- 6:04 pm, April 7th -
Ex: Hey
Ex: I'm willing to forgive you
Ex: Just say you want me please
Ex: I loved you even when you treated me like shit, even when you didn't put out, I was willing to wait for you to be ready for sex
Ex: You know no one else will want you, right?
Ex: I'm the only one willing to put up with your shit
Ex: Meet me at my house if you know what's good for you
Hell no. No, this won't do. Aaron T rises from the bed, snatching the car keys from the table. Oh, he'll be "meeting up" alright, just not with his angel, Y/N.
"A-aaron no! He'll beat you- It's not worth it please! He's going to hurt you!" Aaron T sighs heavily, turning to face you. "Y/N, I'm making sure he NEVER hurts you again. Do you want him simping for you over and over? Threatening you and shit?! Come on, I'll make it quick."
One silent drive later, Aaron Z pulls to the side and hops out, itching for a fight. Your ex had been waiting on the porch on his chair, but flies out of his seat to confront the tall boy in his yard.
Your ex starts off the exchange, "Who the fuck are you?" Aaron T puffs out his chest, getting in your ex's face, "Nah, who the FUCK do you think you are? Saying no one would love my baby? Asking her for her fuckin' body?!" This has your ex reeling back in fear, but still trying his best to at least fake confidence, "Nah dude, you can keep her! She's a psycho!" Aaron T tilts his head to the side and cracks his neck, a scowl forming on his face, "Psycho? Psycho?! I'LL SHOW YOU PSYCHO, BITCH BOY!"
In the end, Aaron T is dragging himself back to the car, quickly driving away from the house where your ex's unconscious body lays in the front yard. Aaron T has some scuffs and blood spatters, but otherwise looks fine. Looks like your ex wasn't much of a fighter after all...
Aaron Z
Unlike T, Aaron Z is a lot less confrontational. He'd rather settle things like Robaire, but he doesn't have the same patience and slyness. Though, he won't hesitate to ask them for help when he finds out about Y/N's little "pest" problem.
It all starts when you throw your phone right into the bed and leap right into the sheets, crawling up to Z's warm body and laying your face on his chest. Z, who was on his phone, puts it down and raises a brow at you. "Y/N? What's making you all cuddly?"
Though it was muffled, Z could make out what you say, "It's nothing." "Come on, you know you can tell me! What's-" The sheets vibrate and a subtle ping! interrupts the light hearted mood. You drag the phone from where you threw it and hand it to Z, "Can you see who that is? I'm not in the mood to even look at my phone."
-10:01 am, June 25th-
Ex: You up?
Ex: Hey
Ex: Please talk to me
Ex: I miss you
Ex: Hey
Ex: What's up
-Unread Message-
Ex: Fuck you too then, ugly ass
Now, this was by no means the worst your ex as done. Hell, you have therapy next week because of the mental (and physical) abuse you faced. It's the fact that your ex harasses you near daily and drives you to insanity that it clicks for Aaron Z: Enough is enough.
Instead of texting your ex, he'll call them. It'll terrify Z, but he's much too hasty and furious to care about anything but his Y/N's life.
-Calling Ex...-
Ex: You could have just texted me, y'know.
Aaron Z: Nah, Y/N isn't going to talk to you ever again, dude. Just leave her alone.
Ex: Who the hell is this?
Aaron Z: Her boyfriend.
Ex: Whatever dude, she's gonna dump you after a month.
Aaron Z: It's been a year actually, and we're still happy. Nothing you tell her is true. Now leave her the fuck alone!
-Call Ended-
With that, he silences your phone and sets it on the night stand. "So that's your ex, huh?" You respond with a little head nod. "Baby, that guy's pathetic. He doesn't know how good he had it when he was with you." Though he tries his best to comfort you, a long cuddle was the best remedy for a terrible ex.
After a stressful morning and some sleep-in cuddles, Aaron Z takes you to see a cutesy movie. Not just at any theater mind you, but one with the plush recliner seats. What makes it all better? A large popcorn to share and a few snacks Z snuck in with a hoodie he wore.
Unlike the other members, Jesse thinks about what's the safest thing to do. He can't exactly risk your ex coming after you, him, or his kiddos. Also unlike the other members, he was first to jump the shark and take care of you asap. You might think you're sly, but he can tell what's going on when you hide yourself in the bedroom or distract yourself by playing with James and Liana (his son and daughter).
A new phone is his gift to you, but really a discreet way to get you a new phone number to thwart your ex. Changing your socials to new names is a bit challenging, but Jesse reassures you that it's for your best interest. The last thing is letting your ex dig their own grave, with each text they send nastier than the last. It all sits on a now unused phone, which Jesse forgets about until he notices it go off for what would be the last time.
- 14 days ago, 4:16 pm, July 24th -
Ex: Y/N, I'm sorry for everything I did. You were completely right, and I was a fucking idiot. Please talk to me again, it hurts not having you...
Ex: Y/N?
- 9 days ago, 10:35 pm, July 29th -
Ex: Please talk to me
Ex: I'll forgive you for everything
Ex: I can't stop thinking about you
- 8 days ago, 2:01 am, July 30th -
Ex: You're a fucking cunt, Y/N. You played me, antagonized me. You treat me like a villain for no reason
Ex: If anything, you should beg for me back
Ex: I have a new gf, so it's not like I even need you
Ex: Have a good life, asshole
- 5 days ago, 8:04 am, June 2nd -
Ex: Hey. I didn't mean anything I said that night
Ex: Please come back
Ex: No one loves me like you do
Ex: I'm begging you please
- Now, 5:47pm, June 7th -
Ex: You don't deserve my respect or anything
Ex: At least tell me what I did wrong
Ex: Don't be a fucking stuck up brat
To Jesse, that was the last straw. He immediately turns to the police and turns in the old phone. "They've been harassing my girlfriend for a while, but this is what I have from the past two weeks. If they contact her or me ever again, I'm going to have to file a restraining order."
Jesse has no shortage of fans who harass him, so he isn't all that freaked out about someone as insignificant as your ex. As far as he's concerned, that ex is the most pathetic stalker.
As for you? You don't have to worry about a single thing. He offers you a sweet treat as his favorite ice cream place, to which you ask if the kiddos can come along.
"Of course! Anything for my three little angels."
Tae Young
At first, he really can't figure you out. One minute the both of you are caring for the sweet doves in his aviary, but a single ping from your phone has you running to another room. He assumes the worst, that you're cheating. After all, you're a lot more disconnected, seemingly obsessed with your phone, and slowly detaching from him.
"Y/N, we need to talk." You can see the water pooling in his eyes, Tae biting on his pointer finger to keep himself from spilling. "About what?" He can't help but retreat into himself and lean onto a wall for support. Oh boy... "Can you tell me who you're talking to?" You give him a puzzled look, "What are you talking about, Tae?"
"Look, don't make it harder than it has to be, please... I know someone's-" Ding! "OH WILL THEY PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" You snap, taking your phone, chucking it across the room and into the floor. Ding! Ding! You can't help but break then and there, crying into your hands and slumping to the floor. A concerned Tae Young loses his nervous posture and holds you from your back.
"Y/N, what's going on? Are you okay?"
"It's- It's-" You choke out through sobs, "It's my ex! They won't leave me alone no matter what I say! I- I try blocking them, telling them, reporting them..." You sniffle, Tae wiping the tears from your face. "Y/N... Why didn't you tell me? I could have handled it for you." "I didn't want you worrying about it... You already have a really busy life, with the band and aviary. I'm so sorry I made you worry."
He wraps you into a soft embrace, letting you curl into his chest and cry. He didn't want to entertain that shit-wipe by reading whatever insults threw threw at his girlfriend. No, they would have to say it to his face if they wanted him to hear it.
After that incident, Tae took to asking the other band members for help. Robaire and Jesse offer to call up their girls to give Y/N a girl's night out, Aaron Z and Tae team up to get Y/N a few gifts (a new phone being the first), aaaand Aaron T offers to drag the ex to hell using his fists named Punisher and Lil Death.
The only band member who had his offer declined had to "put away his guns for another day".
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
Out of curiosity, would anyone be interested in buying these? [CLOSED]
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So they're little mochi (bean plushies) that come in a box.
I'm planning to get the set for Kaeya and Diluc, the rest ideally their simps will give then a warm loving home 🥺
I'm asking y'all first since ily all but if no one else is interested I'll post it up on my other socials
The set is around 78 - 80USD in total. That makes it around 13USD for one, excluding shipping
They're around 80mm in size!
They'll be released in April 2022
What usually happens is, I'll order them. And once they get to me, and after I calculate the shipping fees, I'll send them to you!
Feel free to dm or send an ask for more info!
If anyone's interested in getting your hands on other mochis, I'm letting go some of my Bungou Stray Dogs one!
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hkblack · 2 years
Are there any specific questions you’d suggest beta readers ask writers before entering a new beta relationship… and/or that writers should ask betas? Of course, making sure everyone's on the same page about the form of beta read (e.g., SPAG vs. characterization check). And, when betaing for someone new, I also often ask if they’d like non-constructive reaction comments ("AAAAA THEY’RE TOO CUTE”) as well as actual suggestions. But I’m wondering what else I should consider asking! Thanks so much.
Yes, yes, and YES. I probably drive everyone nuts in the Discord Servers I am in because when I request a beta-reader, this is the info I try to give, and it's a lot. For All Requests Major Relationships Quick Summary What I need a Beta-Reader for For Completed Pieces / Single Section Requests Rating Word Count Archive Warnings/ Content Warnings / Relevant Tags Deadline For In Progress Pieces / Long Term Requests Expected Rating Current Word & Chapter Count AND Expected Chapter Count All Possible Archive Warnings/ Content Warnings / Relevant Tags Timeline / Deadline Expectations This is because I want folks to know exactly what they're signing up for when they say they'll beta-read for me. Now, I'm a little lazy, and should probably be better about asking these questions of other people when they request a reader, tbh, before jumping in and saying I'll do something. But I usually volunteer first and ask questions later. I should probably work on that. A big reason I don't is that my major squicks and triggers tend to be Archive Warning type things, and most people are really good about flagging those. The last time I didn't get a warning for some pretty serious Whump actually made me laugh because I fell in love with the story and threatened much anger if I didn't get to read the rest. (you know who you are and I am serious about that much anger) But let's walk through my normal process: 1. Someone tags the beta-readers group in some Server I'm in (currently this is the only way I take requests--unless I've worked with a writer before) 2. I volunteer, and tell the writer to DM me their story and the deets 3. Most writers will then offer a lot of info when they DM me, "Oh I just need a SPAG" or "I'm really worried about x y and z" 4. I double check to make sure however they've given me the file works (for Google Docs, for example, I make sure I actually have Commenting/Suggesting privileges and not just View Only access) 5. I confirm what the writer has told me they are looking for in my own words, and ask if there's anything I'm missing (this helps keep us on the same page) 6. I give them an expected timeline of when they should hear from me next. 7. I dive in. Here's some heavily edited and redacted examples of first convos I've had: Writer 1: I just need another set of eyes on my fic. The prompt I was going for was X, but I also tried to include a little of the Y prompt, and the Z prompt. My problem is that it's [under the word count] so I need to figure out what to add. I also need to make sure I'm being fair to [Character A], and not implying that they are at fault for this, but showing that they still hold guilt and complicated feelings about the whole thing. Me: Okay! So I'm looking for X, Y, and Z, places to expand, and not being a jerk to [Character A]. Got it! How fast of a turn-around are you looking for? -- Me: Thanks for the link! Looks like I've got the right permissions. You said you were looking for notes on clarity, continuity, and entertainment value, right? Anything in particular other than entertainment value you're worried about? Writer 2: Pacing! Does it drag? -- Me: Got the file! You asked for SPAG and Flow notes, and you're hoping to post on [date]. Anything else I need to be aware of? Anything you're worried about in this fic? Writer 3: Maybe details. It's a specific POV, so it may need fixing/adjusting to make it more clear. You can see how every time I asked for more, the writer remembered something else they were worried about for me to keep an eye on. I think this answers the heart of your question but there's something in this ask that I'm going to pull out and make a separate post out of because it's super important but this is already too lengthy. Thanks for the Ask! Keep 'em coming!
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