#dmc OC
fray · 3 months
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vergil is not only a butch but a kitty to me idk
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liibrra · 2 months
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Them. 🤧
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Vergil & lady in red/Mera [Oc]
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myz-wykkyd · 4 months
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My DMC oc and my take on Nero's mother/The lady in red. Her name is Julia De Bellona- an accomplished devil hunter and the former Supreme General of the Order of the Sword. Oh boy, this character, this character. Originally created her sometime when I was around 13 or 14 after playing the OG trilogy of games for the first time. She's changed a lot over the years and I honestly don't recall ever having worked this hard to develop a character before in my life LOL I haven't gotten everything written down yet, but I'm really proud of what I have managed to do.
Her wip TH profile can be found here. (Note- BIG WIP)
More Info under the cut. TW: for character death I guess?
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NAME: Julia De Bellona
GENDER: Female (She/Her)
AGE: Early Twenties @ TOD | Immortal
SPECIES: Human (Formerly. See picture above.), Artificial Demon (Currently)
AFFILIATION: The Order of the Sword (Formerly) |
OCCUPATION: Holy Knight (Formerly) | Ruler of the Underworld (Currently)
RANK: Supreme General (Formerly) | Queen (Currently)
Prior to the rise of Sanctus, Julia's family, The Bellona, ruled over Fortuna as Feudal Lords- a position entrusted to them by Sparda himself prior to his disappearance. Throughout the generations, their primary goal was to protect humanity from demonic threats- which earned the love of their people and eventually led to the founding of The Order of the Sword; an organization of knights equipped and trained to defeat their evil foes. Julia was born from this long, accomplished line of devil hunters; but her abilities far exceeded those of her ancestors and allowed her to become one of the greatest devil hunters of her age- despite the fact that for most of her life, she was only a mere human.
Compassionate, capable, and determined, Julia rose quickly through the ranks of the Order and was the youngest Supreme General the Order of the Sword had ever seen- but she handled the position with a wisdom that surpassed her years. Under her careful guard, Fortuna was at peace for many years. But shortly after her promotion, she would meet a mysterious stranger who would change her life forever.
Vergil, one of the sons of Sparda, traveled to Fortuna seeking information on the Order and its former ruler in his quest for power. They begin in opposition, but the cold man would eventually win Julia’s heart. Though her compassion and plea to live a life of peace by her side appealed to her lover’s long buried humanity, Vergil chose to cast it and her aside to continue on his journey. Though heartbroken by the loss- she soon discovered that he had left a part of himself with her forever in the form of a child- A son she named Nero.
The following is a rough outline of the rest of her story.
A few months after Nero’s birth, Julia learns of the emergence of the Temen-ni-gru, one of the many gateways to the underworld sealed by Sparda after the war between humans and devils ended. Remembering Vergil’s quest for power, she leaves Fourtuna to stop him herself, but by the time she arrives in the city the events of DMC 3 have already unfolded. Wanting answers, Julia learns from several frightened locals that a white-haired man running a mysterious shop was responsible for ending the threat. Curious and slightly hopeful, she makes her way to the newly named “Devil May Cry” and meets Dante, Vergil’s twin brother, for the first time. 
Seeing the identical twin of her former lover is deeply off putting at first, but Dante doesn’t notice. He initially thinks she’s some kind of reporter when she asks for the story of what went on in the tower, and remains uncooperative until Julia successfully manages to bribe him with Pizza. He tells her everything but what she really wants to hear; but from their conversation Julia is able to piece together that the man who was responsible for the catastrophe died within the demon world.  
After leaving the shop Julia decides to investigate the ruins of the Temen-ni-gru. While walking amongst the debris, numb with grief, she is surprised to discover the Yamato amongst the wreckage. After pulling it free, she remains there for several hours debating with herself on the wisdom of her next decision, but she eventually gives into temptation and uses the Yamato to travel to the demon world to search for Vergil herself. 
Two long, brutal weeks full of fights and close calls with demons pass. Julia searched long and hard, but eventually, after she was unable to find any trace of him,  she was finally forced to admit Vergil was really gone. She retreats back into the human world using the Yamato and returns home.
Julia intermittently returns to the demon world to continue searching for Vergil. Almost a year later, she finds him (Or rather, finds Nelo Angelo) held captive and unresponsive. After a brief, but explosive battle with Mundas, Julia escapes with Vergil back to the human world. 
This encounter is witnessed by Machiavelli, the creator of Nelo Angelo, who is immediately intrigued that a human would risk her life for a demon.
Uncertain how to awaken him, she seeks out Agnus and asks for his aid in helping Vergil.
A/N: studying Vergil in this timeframe is what gives Angus the inspiration to build the false angels.
Agnus betrays Julia by turning in all his discoveries (her possession of the Yamato, her apparent relationship with a demon) over to Sanctus. Who takes it upon himself to execute the “traitor”. In a cruel twist of fate, he stabs her with Vergil’s own sword. The blade is shattered by a sudden, mysterious surge of power. My personal hc is that just as the sword recognized Nero, the sword recognized Julia, and it shattering was due to it being forced to do something that went against such an important connection.
A/N: Explaining both how the Order manages to get their hands on the sword and why it's broken.
As Julia lays dying, Nelo Angelo/Vergil finally awakens. Recognizing Julia on some level, he does not like what he sees, and slaughters Sanctus’ terrified guards. Forcing the Vicar and Angus to flee for their lives.  
With their enemies vanquished, Nelo Angelo/Vergil touches Julia’s face. But in that moment, Julia's thoughts are consumed by worry for Nero. And with her bit a strength, pleads with the Dark Knight to save their son before Sanctus finds him.
He obliged her last wish, taking an infant Nero from Julia’s home to the orphanage where Nero would grow up in.
A/N: Wrapped the crying boy up in his black cape before his departure. Staff of the orphanage would continue to call him Nero as a result.
Sanctus falsely frames Julia as a traitor to the people she had spent her life protecting- and Sanctus orders that all traces of her and her family be erased / never spoken of again. Explaining why she isn’t mentioned in game.
Julia’s body disappears afterwards/is never found by Sanctus. Debating, but my current thought is Nelo Angelo/Vergil took her to Machiavelli, whose spent the last 20+ years reviving her and turning her into the perfect demon. Knowing that she would be a Queen worth following.
A/N: Explaining that Machiavelli isn't dead, he's actually just been working on his Magnum opus this entire time.
After the events of DMC 5, Julia finally awakens and takes over the demon world in the absence of Urizen. She's lost most of her memory from her time as a human and doesn't realize how long it's been- but she recalls she has a son and that's in the human world, in a city called Fortuna, and is determined to find him-
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grinkubus · 3 months
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brainrot. absolute brainrot
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visikonn · 3 months
H,,heres my dmc OC I never showed publicly hi
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Hes a rat n I fucking hate him ❤
(Hes essentially just emo Dante but whatever we dont talk about tha)
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almaadst · 1 month
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Ladies, gentlemen, and they/them, here it is – the art commission on which I spent the most time, totaling 27 hours (≧∀≦)ゞ! It's a comic featuring Dante (DMC) and Anna (OC) for my long-time customer @kittifer! I am really proud of this one (p≧w≦q) It was fun working on a bigger comic page like this! If you're interested, check out my commission info below~~
Other: Commission info Dante and Anna kiss Dante and Asteria
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obscurushydrae · 2 months
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// You can play the role of rebel //
Independent Original Character Urban Fantasy/Mythology/Paranormal/Supernatural Friendly Written by karthonic [Back after 4 years.] - Sporadic Activity / (Mostly) Casual Interaction -Friendly to OCs, Canons, Multimuses/Sideblogs -Fandoms: BPRD | DMC | Hades | Good Omens| Obey Me! | And more! – [ Rules | Bio | Welcome ]–
// Just be sure to know your wrong from right //
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kaet-draws · 1 month
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woe, throws a dmc oc at you
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m0chaminx · 2 years
Kinktober Day One | "No Gods... Just Devils"
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*•.¸♡Kinktober Prompt : Only One Bed
*•.¸♡Prompt : None
*•.¸♡𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : Fluffy start, adorable Nero and reader, pet names; princess, pretty girl, angel, slight praising, teasing, fingering, cum eating (kinda, if ya squint), unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy), p in v, riding, cream pie, begging (again, kinda)
*•.¸♡Paring : Nero Sparda x F!reader
*•.¸♡𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : Dante sent you and Nero on a simple mission he decided not to take last minute, unfortunately fortunately he forgot to change the room and there's only one bed
*•.¸♡words : 1.6k +
"Uh..." Nero trailed off as he looked over the small hotel room Dante had booked. There was a single double bed, with horrible coloured maroon sheets, pushed in the centre of the room. "Well... I guess Donate forgot to call and change it," Nero suggested, letting his backpack slide from his shoulder and land next to the door on the floor.
"Or he's being an ass," You groaned, pushing past Nero and flopping against the bed.
"There's not even a chair or anything," Nero mumbled his eyes surveying the room. "Fuuuck. I'm gonna go see if they have any other rooms." Nero tossed his jacket on the bed and stepped from the room, pulling the door closed behind him.
Nero came back a few minutes later, dragging his feet slightly. "No luck?" You questioned, pushing yourself up to lean back on your hands. Nero looked up at you, glaring at you softly. "No luck. We can just share the bed Nero, it's fine. I won't bite." You let yourself fall back against the bed. "Not unless you ask."
Nero felt heat rise to his cheeks, and his eyes widened slightly. "Y-Yeah sure," Nero mumbled, sitting on the edge of the bed to pull off his shoes.
It was late into the night and Nero was sound asleep, soft breaths escaping his lips. You, on the other hand, were wide awake. What would normally be an upside to Nero and his demon was his unbelievably natural high body heat, but tonight it seemed to be your nightmare. Not only that, but the size of the bed made the young Sparda nearly press himself against you. 
You huffed and threw the blanket off and stomped out of the bed. "Y/N?" Nero mumbled, stirring awake.
"Sorry Nero, but you are going to kill me," You sighed, opening the small hotel window. Nero sat up watching you by the window and you spun to face him. "You were pressed up against me and do you understand how hot you are?" As the words left your mouth, you understood how weird that sounded. Heat rushed to your cheeks as you blushed at your words. "Not- Not like that. I mean you are hot- but not saying-" You cut yourself off and pressed your hands to your head.
Nero took a nervous breath and walked towards you, his ears catching your incoherent mumbling. "You're hot too," Nero said awkwardly. "And not just the way you were originally thinking." You pulled your hands away from your head and stared up at him. "Can I kiss you?"
You nodded softly and Nero gently brought his hand to your cheek. Nero leaned down and pressed your lips together. Your hand dropped down to grip the front of Nero's shirt. Nero's hand tangled in your hair and the other gripped your waist as he sucked on your bottom lip to pull it between his teeth. Nero bit softly on the soft skin, pressing you against the wall slightly, grinding his hips against your thigh.
"Nero," You panted slightly, using a hand to push Nero's lips away from yours. "Bed. We can use the wall next time." 
Nero hummed slightly, raising an eyebrow. "Next time?" Nero teased, tilting his head slightly.
"Nero, focus," You ordered. Nero chuckled softly before pressing his lips back to yours. Nero ran his hands down to your legs, tapping his fingers on the back of your thighs. You jumped slight and Nero caught your thighs in his hands, gently digging his nails into the delicate flesh.
 Nero spun around and walked you to the bed, gently dropping you on top. Your legs stayed locked against his hips and Nero fell forward, catching himself on his hands that were planted next to your head. You laughed softly and released Nero's hips, moving to pull yourself further onto the bed. Nero hooked his hands to the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off, tossing it to the side.
Nero dived back down to kiss you and your hands wandered across his torso, your fingers dipping to the curve of his abs. Your hands slid down to the top of his sweatpants, reaching for the strings but Nero's hand snapped down to grab yours. "You first princess," Nero mumbled, pulling back so his lips hovered just above yours.
Nero released your hands and trailed his fingertips up the exposed skin of your legs and over your shorts. Nero's hands slid under your shirt, running across your torso. Nero pulled away and slid your shirt off, tossing it away with his. "Fucking hell," Nero cursed dropping his head to kiss under your jaw and across your throat, breathless gasps and quiet whimpers leaving your lips. 
Nero's hand made its way down to your shorts, dipping his fingers just below the waistline. "Can I?" Nero whispered pulling away for a minute.
"God please Nero," you whined pulling Nero's lips back to yours. 
Nero hummed siding your shorts and your panties off at ounce. Nero moved to kneel between your legs, forcing your thighs apart. "No Gods...," Nero whispered, dipping his fingers down to run up your slit and your hips moved to grind against his fingers. "....Just devils." Nero pushed his fingers in your heat, his thumb bumping against your clit.
A breathy moan left you as your head rolled backwards, one hand gripping against the sheets, the other lightly wrapped around Nero's wrist. "Fu-ck, Nero..." your words caught in your throat and it melded into a moan. Nero smirked down at you, his free hand moving up to pull your hand away from the sheets and lacing your fingers together.
"You sound so good princess," Nero praised, sucking on the skin of your collarbone and running his tongue over it a moment after. Your walls fluttered around his fingers, your nails digging into his skin.
"Nero! I'm close-!" Your head tossed back a loud moan ripped from your throat. "Shit Nero, faster please!" 
"Already? Go on then, cum for me pretty girl," Nero orders, speeding up his fingers. Your thighs twitched at his sides and arched off the bed, random babbles of nonsense spilling from your lips and your high creeping close at a rapid rate. "Cum all over my fingers angel." A broken screech tore itself from your throat as your orgasm washed over you. You clenched around Nero's fingers as they slowed slightly, riding out our high.
Nero pressed his lips against yours quickly as he released your hand from his and slowly pulled his fingers out. Nero sat up a little and ran his tongue over his digits, humming at the taste. "You taste good princess," Nero smiled, pecking your lips again. You chuckled softly and pulled Nero back to kiss you properly. "Can you go again?"
You nodded and Nero stood up, untying his pants and dropping them along with his boxers. Nero leaned over you but you slipped your legs through his and rolled him to lay against the bed with you straddling his hips. "My turn," You hummed, rocking your hips coating Nero's cock in your slick. Nero's hands shot up to your hips and he tossed his head back, short whimpers escaping his lips.
"Please... need to be inside you," Nero whispered, rocking his hips with yours. You spread your legs slightly as you pressed his lips to his. Your hand crept down his torso to grip his dick and pump it a few times. "Please angel." You lined the tip at your entrance, circling your slit a few times before sinking down on his cock. Moans slipped from you and Nero as you wiggled your hips as Nero stretched you out. You pressed your hands to his chest and sat up as you raised yourself halfway off of Nero's cock and dropped back down. 
Nero groaned, his fingers digging into your hips. You rocked your hips back and forth as you raised up and down, fucking yourself on Nero's cock. Nero's hands tightened and he led your movements, speeding you up slightly. Nero rocked his hips up, thrusting into you. You moaned and Nero began pumping harder watching your breasts bounce. Nero rolled you over, slipping out of you and pushing your legs to link around his waist. 
He slid back inside you, holding your hands above your head and he snapped his hips to fuck into you. "Holy fuck, Nero. Feels good," You moaned, trying to match your hips to his thrusts. "Gonna cum again."
"Fuck, I'm close too," Nero panted dropping his head slightly. "Hold it for me, baby." You shuddered and clenched on Nero's cock, trying to make him hit his high.
One of Nero's hands let go of your wrists and moved down to grip your hip, lifting your hips up to snap his hip against you even harder. Your breathing became ragged as your second orgasm inched closer. "I've wanted to do this since the moment I set eyes on you," Nero mumbled against your ear. He couldn't register what he was saying, but he could see you tug against his hands and shudder under his words. "Do you like it when I touch you? When I fuck you like this?"
"Yes. Yes, god," You babbled, losing yourself in the euphoria. "I like it a lot. I love it!" You screamed as you hit your high, your legs tightening around his hips. "God please, Nero. Cum for me, please Nero. Need to feel it."
Nero shuddered, his hip becoming frantic as he came. His cum spilled inside you and Nero held you close, whispering nonsense against your neck. "Thank Sparda for only giving us one bed," Nero chuckled softly.
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*•.¸♡ Kinktober Masterlist ♡¸.•*
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nottelonmusk · 1 year
DanteH 😩😩
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Not a fan to draw fanart for character I wanna smash , but I had too
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monochrome-genesis · 8 months
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05 map
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liibrra · 2 months
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When a baddie falls asleep on your shoulder
Vergil & lady in red/Mera [Oc] in their 40’s or wtv…
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aqualblue · 4 months
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Devil may cry oc | young sister to Sparda | the army devourer, Titan
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grinkubus · 1 month
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demon boys >:)
lineart version bc I quite like this one too:
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wikimb · 9 months
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Devil Trigger 3.0 for Michael!
A 3rd attempt at designing his DT since 2021 when I made Michael (or rather revived and remade/fleshed out his character from a DMC fanfiction written in 2019...).
I could explain in length the ideas behind this DT, why such a theme, why so... tall. The ramble includes serious explanation of the origins of demonic powers he has as well. If you like to read about it then just check what's under the cut.
Below you have some drawings of his face and also his brother's (name's Gabriel) reaction to his DT form. Michael was more scared of Gabriel's reaction than he actually was and the relief he felt was quite overwhelming.
More in depth below. It includes links to the 2 older versions of his DT for fun comparison.
The theme of his DT is very birdy. The first time I designed his DT it was rather heavily inspired by pre-existing DT designs of our main characters. Nothing wrong with it but it didn't stand out and I also never really vibed with it. It didn't help that I had no experience with any kind of monster design to begin with. I still kinda don't but I can see I got slightly better seeing the 3rd version of his DT. You can check my 1st and 2nd attempts here.
Anyway there are a bit more specific reasons why it's so birdy-looking or angelic-looking (and not just because of his name). Michael was born a human in a family, which was never exposed to anything demon-related. They didn't know demons existed (to a degree... when it comes to his father but I think that'd deserve a separate post as his backstory is a bit wild and how it affected Michael in the end).
As a teenager he got lured into a cult and manipulated into abandoning his family eventually. He didn’t know how evil the cult was and didn't even realize they were a cult to begin with.
It was a cult worshipping Mundus with a leader being one his generals. Her name was Lilith and she was great at making Michael feel that she truly cared for him like a mother figure. She manipulated him into believing his family didn't care for him. Sadly, it was all a game and ever since he escaped the cult, he deals with a lot of guilt and regret. He is not sure if they're even still alive... and if they're dead... what if it's his fault?
The cult's purpose was to turn humans into demons, who would serve Mundus. To ensure that they were forced to undergo a ritual stripping them of all of their humanity, their human personality and replace all of that with Mundus overwhelming power. The power, which was great but taking away all of their free will they could have. These people were technically demons at this point. If the ritual failed then it was usually fatal. Thing is, the ritual was a stolen concept from the time when Lilith infiltrated Fortuna's Order of the Sword. In a way she influenced Agnus to come up with such a ritual, then she took the idea and modified it a bit.
Michael's case could be qualified as a failed ritual after, which he should have died but the amount of demonic power he received was not big enough to kill him (because human body would be able not to handle more) but instead keep him alive. And as a result it continued transforming/mutating him into a demon-hybrid like Dante or Vergil, but artificial.
Even if using demoning powers was causing various unpleasant side effects for him but with each use, it hurt less and less. He was reluctant to use his powers actively, fearing that they could make him loose his humanity. He still used the passive abilities such as sensing demon magic.
After certain events he unlocked his Devil Trigger. As a side note I do have 2 ideas for what these moments were but for now I am not sure which one is better.
Anyway, yes, Michael underwent a modified version of Ascension Ceremony! That's why he has such an angelic look, just like the guys from Fortuna. The demonic powers are originating from Mundus but failed to take away his free will, his personality, his humanity, his memories. In other words, he is the same like before - just juiced up with Mundus power (which he is afraid to use anyway). Certainly a result which a Demon Lord would actually hate to find out about as it has a potential to backfire. Not like he has to "worry" about three Sparda descendants already. But if you saw Mundus himself, he also looks rather angelic too. Or at least that "statue form" if that orange weird blob is meant to be really him.
Compared to DTs already seen, he is quite massive. I think it can be simply a feature of Mundus power, in which Devil Trigger state makes one much larger than in human form. Mundus is a titan-sized demon himself, while Sparda was shown to be rather human sized. Heh, maybe if Michael had Sin Devil Trigger form then he could be Mundus-sized.
Though, Michael has the ability to go Berserk (but it's not controlled by his will and it triggers under strong distress), which enhances his power in human form and in DT form. It manifests as blue fire instead of orange fire. Maybe Berserk DT can get this big maybe. Could wrestle demons like Goliath then xD
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