#dmitri is soooo handsome
Your Russian Crush ~ part 1
Minors do not read!
Dimitri + Female reader
18+ ~includes smut, language and drinking ~
You, Joyce and Murray help Hopper escape the Russian prison he’s been in months with the help of a Russian friend. On the drive to safety some fun is had but it’s not all as seems. You now face sharing a safe house with the beautiful blue eyed man you now know as Dmitri. ~ You are Joyce’s neighbour and best friend so you know all about what’s been going on with the upside down - not mentioned ~
~ Didn’t wanna give too much away! ~
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You have just managed to escape your way out of the Russian prison that has kept Hopper captive for the last 8 months. With some help from a handsome Russian man you’ve known as Enzo who is actually Dmitri Antonov. You, Joyce and Murray knew you had to help Hopper escape as soon as Joyce received that weird Russian doll. Murray hopped on the next plane and you all came up with a plan.
Now ~
Murray is driving whilst Dmitri is giving him directions to a safe place to lay down low. Hopper and Joyce are sat cuddled next to one another, you can see how happy they are to be finally united. But that means you have the lovely seat buddy of Yuri, that one who betrayed you all. Instead of putting yourself through listening to the annoying conversation the man was trying to start you find your eyes starting to close, you’ve been awake for days so naturally you fall into a nice deep sleep.
You’re back home in your bed, you nice big cosy bed. You have missed this soooo much. You wake up in your bed but as you roll over you notice you are not alone. Half asleep you don’t register who it is next to you until you hear the thick Russian accent you have come to adore so much. ‘Morning красивый’ (beautiful) He moves closer and nuzzles into you. Your all are still in disbelief that the man you have fantasied about is next to you. His hand slowly comes up and starts stroking your bare thigh, sending tingles through your body. He starts to kiss along your neck, slowly trailing down your body to meet your collarbone and give you a little nibble. This makes you moan to him, you can feel his lips twitching into a smile. ‘I haven’t even touched you yet and you already moan for me. So sexy.’ As Dmitri continues to kiss down your body his hand moves higher up to your now wet and needy pussy. He moves his finger slowly into your folds and moves the slick around, quickly finding you clit and making slow and agonising circles. His lips attach to your now hardened nipples giving them a gentle bit then sucking them causing your hand to move into this hair and pull it. He moans into your nipple. ‘You are so perfect’ he whispers and his lips go slowly down along to your stomach. His fingers making faster movements on your clit, making your legs shake and your pussy clench around nothing. ‘Please Dmitri’ you moan to him. His body moves down so his face is now facing your bare and glistening pussy. His fingers have stopped moving circling your clit and moved down to your aching hole. He inserts his finger and brings pumping in and out of you and then his tongue meets your clit making your head already spin. ‘Oooh Dmitri’ you moan as he starts to go faster, adding anoth-
To your surprise you are being elbowed in the ribs, confused and dazed you open your eyes. To be met by some questionable looks from the others you are still in the van with. ‘What?’ You question as you sit up and yawn. ‘You sound like you having very nice dream there, oooh Dmitri’ Yuri says with a laugh. You now have put two and two together and realise you were dreaming. A sex dream. About Dmitri. Who is sitting in the front of the van. Looking at you with a shy smirk. ‘Told you Jim, you owe me $20.’ Murray chirps up from the front. You look over to Hopper who quickly avoids your eye contact and then to Joyce who gives you a small smile. Yuri is just laughing to himself. You have never felt so embarrassed in your life. Safe to safe the rest of the trip is a tad awkward, considering Dmitri is no longer looking at you and avoiding eye contact. Doesn’t help the fact that you are now extremely horny from that very real dream.
What you don’t know is Dmitri is trying to sit comfortably but having a hard time, literally. He tried to adjust his boner without being noticed but of course Murray does. He does not say a word but looks over at Dmitri and raises his eyebrows followed by a wink. ‘Oh shut up’ Dimitri mutters to himself.
What seems like forever since leaving the prison you finally arrive at your destination. It’s not much, what looks like a small cabin hidden away, kind of like Hoppers old place. You each get out of the van and wonder up to the door. ‘It’s not much but it’s got what we need’ Dmitri tells to you all as he looks under the rock for the key to unlock the door. As he unlocks it you can still feel the slight tension in the air but you decide to ignore it. When the door is opening you all make your way in, Dimitri being the gentleman he is letting you go in first, his hand lingering on the bottom of your back. You think to yourself, my god is this man trying to kill me! You hope the heat of your cheeks goes unnoticed. As you all are in you take a look around. It’s not much like Dmitri said but it’s got what you need. There’s two sofas in the living room, a table, a small TV, books and what you think is a pack of cards. There’s a kitchen with the basics and to your surprised working water in the taps. The fridge empty but the cupboards have tinned food that appear to be in date. There’s a bathroom with a working toilet, sink and shower much to your relief, you can not wait to wash your body and feel clean. There are two bedrooms by the looks of it and closer examination one has a double bed and the other a single.
As you all take a seat on the sofas you see the empty spot left for you is next to Dmitri. You smile shyly and go to sit next to him. But of course with Yuri being the oh so fun guy he is he thinks it’s hilarious to trip you up on your way so you land right upon Dmirti’s lap. No one else finds it funny in the slightest, Yuri is laughing proudly. ‘There you go Y/N, have a seat there since you are so-‘ He is quickly cut off but Hopper, ‘if you want to keep that tongue of yours and not have it cut off I suggest you stop with this bullshit!’ Yuri gulps visibly and you can tell Hopper means what he said, he’s been through enough for this man to carry on. ‘Okay okay I stop, sorry Y/N’ Yuri holds his hands up in surrender. Joyce quickly distracts everyone but offering to make some food, with that Murray sees what he can put on the TV and Hopper take a wonder to the shower and I think it’s fair he needs one first. Yuri sits twiddling his thumbs quietly. As all this happens you are still on Dmitri's lap having not moved. ‘Are you okay?’ He asks in a low voice with sorry looking eyes. You compose yourself and look into those beautiful blue eyes and nod slowly. His arms are around your waist holding you so close to him, you can feel the electricity between you. Joyce clears her throat and you both look up, ‘there’s some food ready for you’ she says. You compose yourself and get off Dmitri's lap, even though you really didn’t want to you know your body needed fuel. Hopper was out of the shower now all fresh, Dmitri had gone to get some clothes out for you all. As Hopper went to the bedroom to get changed, Murray found some Russian movie and put it on.
As the afternoon falls into evening everyone but you and Dmitri have showered, Yuri of course takes his long sweet ass time. At least everyone has now full bellies thanks to Joyce. Finally it is your turn to shower. You see what clothes are left in the pile, to your surprise they are what appears to be woman’s clothes. Well at least woman’s shorts. You take those and an oversized top as you don’t want to leave Dmitri with the shorts, even though you wouldn’t mind seeing him wearing them. You make your way to the shower and strip off your sweaty and dirty clothes. You start to shower and step in feeling the water hit your skin, to your surprise it’s still warm. Even if four other people have used it before you. You can finally wash your hair and body and my god it feels amazing. You’ve only been feeling disgusting a few days where as poor Hopper and Dmitri a lot longer. Your mind wonders back to your dream. The feeling of is body being so close, his breathe on your neck, his lips on your- knock knock - ‘Y/N?’ It’s Dmitri, you stop the water and pull the curtain back so your head can poke out. ‘Yeah?’ You asked rather confused. ‘You left your towel, can I come in?’ Dmitri asks you in a hushed tone. ‘Oh, thanks I didn’t realise, errm yeah you can’ you reply. He opens the door slowly and closes it behind him.
Theres a moment of silence before either one of you speaks. ‘I’m sorry’ Dmitri says before you can open your mouth. You looked at him confused. ‘For what Yuri did, I’m sorry that asshole embarrassed you today. I - I am flattered. I mean about what happened in the van. It’s not everyday that I have a beautiful woman say my name like that. It’s been a very long time since my name has been said like that.’ He says to you, you are shell shocked to hear this. He clears his throat, ‘anyway, here’s the towel, I’ll leave it here’ he puts the towel on top of the sink and before you can reply he leaves the room. You stand in the shower speechless. You do not move for a good few minutes till you realise you’re shivering. You get out of the shower and get dressed, your brain still not processing what has been said to you.
You leave the bathroom and head over to the others, to your amusement it seems Murray found a couple of bottles of vodka and has started making shots for everyone. ‘Y/N just in time!’ He says to you clearly have had a few shots already. You take a seat on the sofa next to Murray as he passes a shot to you, you shrug your shoulder and down the shot, making everyone cheer. Dmitri makes his way to the shower and you all continue drinking. Whilst Dmitri is in the shower Hopper takes the pack of cards from the shelf and decide to play game. ‘What shall we play, black Jack?’ Hopper asks the group. ‘I don’t know how to play that one’ you say. ‘Okay, what do you know how to play?’ He asks, as you think you see Dmitri come out of the bathroom, hair still damp with the towel just around his waist as it appears he forgot his clothes. The water runs down his glistening wet chest, you can’t help but linger on his body. He notices you looking as you reach his face, he winks and walks back to the bathroom to get dressed. ‘Hello??’ Hoppers waving his hands in your face, it appears no one else noticed Dmitri come out practically naked, you are rather grateful for that. ‘Sorry I was thinking, I errrm’ you are unsure of what to say, Dmitri comes back fully clothed (much to your disappointment) and the first things that come to your mind, ‘the only card games I know is strip poker or drinking games like never have I ever.’ Everyone looks up to you quite surprised by what you have just announced to the group. ‘I am not playing strip poker, this body does not come out for anybody here, sorry’ Murray says. ‘However I like the idea of a drinking game.’ Everyone else agrees to play never have I ever, you explain the rules to Dmitri and Yuri and the game begins.
At first is all light hearted stuff like, never have I ever cheated on a test, never have I ever ran a red light, never have I ever smoked weed. As more never have I never were said the more everyone was drinking. Everyone got quite tipsy quite quickly. That’s when the questions became a lot more, shall we say interesting. To your surprise Joyce was the first one to ask! ‘Never have I ever had sex in public.’ Everyone was shocked to hear that sentence come out of her mouth but everyone carried on playing and much to your surprise everyone drank. ‘Okay now I’m curious, where?!’ You asked openly to everyone. Yuri was the first one to answer, ‘my plane of course. It really gets the woman going, if you know what I mean’ he elbowed Hopper and winked. He just rolls his eyes and says, ‘In the woods.’ ‘In the back of the store’ Joyce answered. ‘Underwater. Do not ask how. It was not enjoyable’ Muarry answered sweeping his answer under the rug. ‘Mines a public toilet, I was drunk okay’ you say putting your hands up in your defence. You turn to Dmitri, ‘mine was at church, I’m not a religious man but I was thanking god’ he said as he downed his shot. ‘Okay my turn, never have I ever had a dirty dream about someone in this room’ Yuri said smirking at you. You were past caring anymore. Of course you drank as well as Hopper and Joyce. Surprised to see that Dmitri also had a shot eyes always on you, that made your heart race a little more. Everyone exchanged glances at one another but never said anything. The game continued, you were surprised how much Murray and Joyce drank. You knew about Hoppers past so wasn’t much of a surprise. And well Yuri is just Yuri. You and Dimitri seemed not as drunk as everyone else but you both had drank a fair amount. After a while Yuri and Murray past out on the sofas, Joyce and Hopper went to the bedroom, the one with the double bed. That left you and Dmitri.
‘I can sleep in here don’t worry’ Dmitri said to you. You looked at the sofas and there wasn’t any room left and he’s not sleeping on the floor after being stuck in the cell. ‘No you can’t, there’s no room, I don’t mind sharing - only if that’s okay with you?’ You asked shyly. Dmitri nodded and stood up making his way to the bedroom. ‘I’ll be through in a minute, I’m just going to the toilet.’ You go up quickly and raced to the toilet, you looked around and surprising found an unused spray deodorant and some unopened mouthwash. You thought why not, can’t be too careful. You applied deodorant and swigged the mouthwash. You even decided to shimmy the shorts off, more comfy to sleep you told yourself not for any other reason at all nope. You looked at yourself at the mirror and took a few deep breaths before going to the bedroom. You didn’t bother knocking, when you came in Dimitri was shirtless and in the process of taking off his jogging bottoms off. You inhaled quickly at the sight of his toned but bruised back, he had large arm muscles and large calves. You were feeling a little flustered. ‘Hope you don’t mind, I get too hot at night.’ Dmitri said turning around, you gazed upon his bare chest, your eyes lingering all the way down his line of hair that led down to… you composed yourself as you realised you were just staring at him and he was waiting for you to reply. ‘No no I don’t mind, don’t want you all sweaty on me’ you chuckled awkwardly and wanted to palm yourself in the face. Dmitri laughed and got into the bed, oh yes, the single bed, you completely forgot it wasn’t really going to fit both of you. He scooted closely to the wall and pulled the covers back so you could lay down. You climbed into the bed turning out the light, you facing away from Dmitri, you knew if you looked into this eyes you’d melt. ‘Goodnight ангел (angel) Dmitri whispered into your ear, feeling his hot breath against you made you tingle. Too taken back by his words you didn’t ask what it meant all you could do was reply in a whisper, ‘good night Dmitri.’
Somehow you managed to doze off for a while, your not sure how long as when your awoken it’s still dark in the room and for a minute you forget where you are until you feel a hot breathe on your neck and gentle snoring in your ear. You slowly turn and see Dmitri softly asleep his bare chest on your back. His arm has now draped over you and he is holding you by your waist just under your bare chest. (You’ve still got your top on for now;) You could feel something on the lower part of your back, something very hard and very big and oh. You know what the is now. You blush and your heart races. Butterflies spread out all across your body. Just when you think that was it you head a moan in your ear, ‘Y/N’ you freeze. He says it again, ‘Y/N, ебня’ (fuck) He moves his hand from your waist higher up, he’s cupping your breast. You let out a high pitch squeak as it’s a surprise. That startled him and wakes him from his sleepy dreams. ‘Y/N?’ Dmitri asks clearly still tired and confused. ‘Yes?’ You answer. It takes him a minute to realise the position he’s in, what he’s doing to you. ‘гадить (shit) Y/N I’m so sorry!’ He tried to move away but he’s stuck between you and the wall, with his movements he ends up moving his dick covered boxers lower down and pressed bow against your bum. You moan as you feel his hard dick press against your bare bottom. Without any words you wiggle your bottom more onto his dick, he hissed and moans in your ear. His hand still on your top gropes your breast more hard. No words are needed for what is going to happen.
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russianfolklore · 4 years
Russian fairytales aesthetic [fancast] - Люби да не спокидывай / Love me and never leave me.
From description:
Fandom: Russian fairytales + some OC/fancast thoughts.
Pairing: Ivan Tsarevich/Vasilisa the Wise (Dmitri Pisarenko/Natalya Sayko fancast).
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dear--charlie · 2 years
Dear Charlie,
I hope you, and all of us who write you letters, have been well. My lower back is killing me right now but I'll bear it.
I had a videocall with this incredibly handsome guy from the internet the other day and it was moderately awkward and so so so sweet!! And also a week ago I went out with beautiful boy for coffees and unleashed soooo much relationship drama on him at the costa like relentlessly so.. and it was so liberatingg! and then we went charity shop snooping about and I got him a dvd, And we went to the polish shop (there's a polish shop in town now! absolute godsend it was So needed 😤) and he got himself a croissant without actually double-checking the label... thot he was having white chocolate flavour it was champagne.... incredible....
Anyways but then he said I could come along to bowling with him and some other ex coworkers in the evening and I didn't manage to make it for the bowling part of the evening but I did go to the pub with them! Shocker! Who is he! I had one whole pint of some fruity cider and then shared some of my organic lettuce with beautiful boy (and he was standing opposite me in this little alleyway and his eyes were so brown) and it was overall such a delightful evening. Like yes admittedly it is august and I haven't been to a pub since december. Yes before that it had been several years. Yes I've gotten so much worse at masking with all this isolation. I'm glad I had prepared for that and had brought myself a full bag of odd stuff to fidget about with. I hadn't however packed earplugs, and I am about to go buy some after I send this letter. Because I would like to do this again.
Naturally it all came with repercussions. Fiance had a very predictable swing where me having gone out to a pub by myself for the second time in our four and a half years together (need to try really hard to remember if there's been another time I'm forgetting) was just Such a thing and he was so upset, and obviously tried to complain to his mom and his new friend, both of whom were probably like um. you what. so he was cranky for two days there then switched to getting me a ticket to a cool movie in the cinema - awesome move! He then goes ahead and tells our child a few days after that his friend will be looking after her while him and me go see a cool movie. Hasn't mentioned it to me and when he does hours after and I tell him yo just run things involving the kid past me before getting her all excited he. He actually did it. He'd been out until two am the night before, hadn't said more than three sentences to me all day, and he did it. He came in my room and told me. "Well the reason this is happening is we have serious communication issues"
Charlie I don't know how I managed to hold myself back. The gall! Mr fan of technology consistently forgets he can text, much less call. Everything has to be a Conversation that happens on his own terms. I don't know whom to ask strength of.
Anyways. It's all chill now Mr man went camping last night he's all chill he's going to be stopping drinking allegedly and he's going to be going camping more often. Music to my ears - and I do mean this solemnly. I hope he gets what he needs out of this existence. I hope I too manage to. I hope you live I hope we both live. Long and away from and despite of one another.
I'm too tired to keep trying.
On to the ear plugs website it is! I will see those eyes under those lights again. I will make socializing tolerable.
And tomorrow, I will nail a mirror to my wall. And I will try to stop and look at my own eyes, sometimes.
And on it goes, Charlie. On it has to go.
Love always,
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