#enzo x reader
gardensofbabilon · 2 days
So long, Monaco. - Enzo Vogrincic x Fem! Reader.
a/n: mais um crossover de f1 x taylor x lsdln! amo vocÊs e que saudade e stream ttpd
summary ★: Após 6 anos de relacionamento e um termino de surpresa, você decide lançar um albúm pra poder contar o seu lado da história.
warnings ★: nenhum:)
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curtido por leclercsteam, suaamiga, ferrariupdates e mais 817.012 pessoas.
f1updates Após 6 anos de relacionamento, chegou o fim o sonho de assistirmos ao casamento da nossa pop star preferida e o monegasco mais disputado do grid!
Fontes dizem que o termino veio como um choque para a cantora, que no momento estava pronta para inicar a sua nova turnê do álbum ''sunsires''.
ver todos 524.918 comentários
sn16races por favor fala agora que é pegadinha
lecfosisforlife seja la o que for o charles tinha razão! aquelazinha não serve pra ele.
➜ user6 concordo! nosso menino finalmente se livrou!!
➜ user8 Pq vcs não somem?meu deus!!!
snhaters eu não duvido nada que ela traiu ele com o carlosainz55, uma vez rodada...
scuderiasn isso significa..... sem sn no paddock... pra sempre.... 😭😭
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curtido por vogrinciclover, snupdates, juanicar e mais 234.975 pessoas.
gossipnoinsta Novo casal na área?
Após likes em fotos e flertes por stories a cantora SN foi vista com uma regata igualzinha a do ator Enzo Vogrincic na festa pré oscars! Será que o romance está no ar?
Lembrando que essa é a primeira aparição da cantora em 3 meses!
ver todos 524.918 comentários
juanicar 👀👀
➜ snupdates O QUE VOCÊ SABE????
lecfosis uma vez puta... sempre puta
➜ estebankuku entrega o celular pra sua mãe, ta na hora de criança dormir! (curtido por seuuser)
user2 a fila andou bonito mds vai pro inferno charles!!!!
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curtido por vogrincicenzo, carlosainz55, blaspolidori e mais 1.234.975 pessoas.
seuuser THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT vai ser de vocês em breve. É um orgulho poder compartilhar esse pedacinho da minha vida com tanta gente especial que me ama e me quer bem.
Os 16 tracks estarão disponíveis para streaming & cd & vinil dia 19/04. Todos compostos ao longo desses 2 últimos anos, realizando um sonho meu de poder ser tão vulnerável e verdadeira sem medo de me expressar. Antes que saia digo pra vocês, esse é o meu track 5 preferido entre todos meus álbuns!
Com amor, chairman.
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curtido por vogrincicenzo, carlosainz55, charles_leclerc16 e mais 1.543.965 pessoas.
O meu track 5 preferido. Nunca senti a necessidade de ser tão vulnerável quanto ao escrever essa música, 3 meses atrás no meu quarto em monaco.
Em seguida passei pela maior mudança de toda minha vida, entre início e fim de ciclos, esse é o fim para um dos mais importantes que já tive.
O clipe será de vocês simultâneo ao álbum.
So how much sad did you think I had, Did you think I had in me? How much tragedy?
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curtido por vogrincicenzo, seuuser, maxverstappen1 e mais 1.132.780 pessoas.
redbullracing Nossa poeta torturada preferida apostou uma corrida de kart com nossos campeões.. Conseguem advinhar o resultado? Uma redbull é mais rápida que uma mulher e seu coração partido?
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maxverstappen1 Em minha defesa ela me empurrou pra fora da pista!
➜ seuuser não foi nada, apenas um acidentce! (curtido por charles_leclerc16)
➜ charles_leclerc16 alguém roubou minha fala..
➜ snandcharles VAI PRO INFERNO ENZO!!!
suaamiga A volta mais rápida sempre vai ser sua seuuser 😘😘
carlosainz55 Acho que ela quer roubar minha vaga na equipe..
➜ schecoperez Que vaga?? oi?? redbullracing??
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curtido por carlosainz55, suaamiga, ferrariupdates e mais 817.012 pessoas.
f1updates NOVO CASAL NO GRID!!
Isso mesmo, parece que a fila oficialmente andou para nosso monegato preferido.. Quem será a nova dona do coração do número 16 da vermelinha? Como será que S/N se sente?
ver todos 457.963 comentários
suaamiga seuuser
➜ snupdates A MARCAÇÃO?
➜ lecfosis16 Larguem o nome do charles da boca, meu deus
➜ user2 Quando vocês vão superar??
user9 O quão rápido ele superou um relacionamento de 6 ANOS
user4 sei que alguém morreu de medo depois do sneak de lyrics e a sn na redbull 👀
snandcharles Foi tão rápido que eu acho que a sn foi corna
➜ snsenzo vcê duvida de algo vindo de um piloto? (curtido por seuuser)
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curtido por vogrincicenzo, carlosainz55, blaspolidori e mais 2.198.029 pessoas.
seuuser I feel so high school!!
TTPD é de vocês, e que felicidade. Junto com ele temos o clipe sensacional e So long, Monaco e minha estreia na direção! Esperei anos pela oportunidade de demonstrar minha paixão por cinematografia e ter essa oportunidade em meu 3 álbum de estúdio é uma experiência de vida.
Obrigada a todos por todos esses anos ao meu lado, por terem me mostrado que não é o fim do mundo perderalgo/alguém e que recomeços são necessários para te tornar a pessoa que é hoje.
Muito amor, V.
ver todos 918.192 comentários
vogrincicenzo ❤ (curtido por seuuser)
blaspolidori 👏👏😊
➜ seuuser obrigado por ser meu muso! te adoro 🥰
➜ juanicar quando eu vou ser o muso de um clipe também 😪
➜ lsdlnupdates se Deus quiser nunca!
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curtido por seuuser, suaamiga, pipegotano e mais 1.348.743 pessoas.
vogrincicenzo Truth, Dare, Spin Bottles, I know how to act seuuser knows Aristotle
ver todos 234.853 comentários
seuuser no caso você também conhece aristóteles!
scuderiaferrari Viramos todos adolescentes junto com vocês!!!! (curtido por seuuser)
carlosainz55 👏❤
suaamiga esse casal merece todos os EGOTs do mundo! (curtido por georgerussell63)
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curtido por vogrincicenzo, georgerussell63, charles_leclerc16 e mais 4.917.923 pessoas.
seuuser Feliz dia dos poetas torturados para aqueles que comemoram! Um ano atrás o mundo conhecia um lado extremamente novo e vulnerável de mim. E em um ano aconteceram mais coisas do que poderia imaginar nas minhas fanfics, mas de uma coisa tenho certeza, a sn que passou anos sonhando com os momentos, vê-los acontecer desenvolveu uma esperança imensa de que todos podemos ser felizes na vida.
Obrigada a todos pela oportunidade de me reinventar, recomeçar e mudar sem perder as pessoas mais importantes pra mim, meus fãs e amigos. A verdade vai ser sempre uma: Ser verdadeiro sempre é a melhor saída.
Não foi o fim do mundo estar sozinha após anos sem conhecer a mim mesma, se pudesse dar um conselho a todas que estão passando pelo mesmo que eu: tudo melhora, e com toda certeza o mundo irá separar um Enzo para cada uma de vocês.
Como disse os tribalistas:
Meu riso é tão feliz contigo O meu melhor amigo é o meu amor
Com amor, futura senhora Vogrincic.
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azrielwingspan · 3 days
He’s a fictional, psychotic, depressed and dangerous man who could probably kill you in the blink of an eye !!
Me: But Daddy , I Love Him !!!
(Taylor swift told me it’s okay)
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enzvgc · 2 days
• 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 - enzo vogrincic
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sinopse: cliques, tanto de saltos quanto de drinks sendo comemorados, uma noite clara e deslumbrante assim como o casal que havia decidido comemorar mais um ano juntos.
ATENÇÃO: minors!dni, fem!reader, menção de smut, soft!talking (aka gentleman enzo), uso de diminuitivos, consumo de bebidas alcóolicas, letras em itálico significa frases em espanhol ou detalhes importantes.
— Mesa 06. Um espresso martini!
Disco de vinis, sofás avermelhados e uma música suave eram as principais composições do ambiente em que eu me encontrava. Nada melhor do que uma sexta-feira noturna sendo aproveitada em um bar de jazz. Era uma sensação surreal, parecia até mesmo etérea, celestial. E era o típico cenário que eu me apaixonava.
Eu me encontrava no estofado próximo ao bar, as luzes fracas e o cheiro de café no ar eram meus pontos favoritos naquele ambiente. Como uma boa apreciadora de artes visuais e cênicas, eu simplesmente amava observar praticamente tudo ao meu redor, como se fossem telas sobre óleos expostas em um dos museus mais raros do mundo. Concordamos que não poderia ser nada melhor.
— Mais um caramelo machiatto saindo! Mesa 02!
Olhei meu relógio de pulso, faltavam dois minutos para as oito da noite e minha companhia ainda não tinha chegado. Lembro-me bem de dizer para ele não se atrasar. Me aconcheguei ainda mais no estofado, meu vestido de cetim branco e meu casaco de pele bege me ajudavam a parecer deslumbrante. E eu estava, pois alguns olhares estavam frequentes em mim.
Mas como uma boa esposa, eu apenas sorria e mostrava minha aliança no dedo. Era a arma mais letal para engraçadinhos de plantão.
— Vaya día, no? (Que dia, não?)
Sorri, eu conhecia muito bem aquela voz que perguntou atrás de mim. Era impossível eu não reconhecer o timbre grave e o cheiro suave de um perfume amadeirado com notas de cigarro. Observei o homem colocar seus pertences na mesa e ajustar seu terno. Havia decidido vir no all-black hoje. Ele olhou para mim e sorriu, seus olhos marrons passeavam por toda a minha figura. Ele pegou minha mão e deixou um beijo delicado, para depois beijar minha testa e em seguida meus lábios avermelhados.
— Como estás, mi vida?
Enrolei uma mecha do meu cabelo em meus dedos, meu corpo começou a dar indícios de calor somente por ter a consciência de que o meu homem estava comigo. Era como um vício que eu nunca iria me cansar. Sorri docemente, sentindo o cheiro apimentado de seu perfume no ar, era uma das minhas especiarias favoritas e com toda a certeza eu havia aprendido a apreciar este cheiro em todas as manhãs.
— Estou bem, meu amor, muito obrigada! E você?
Ele sorriu de canto, seus olhos marrons esverdeados pousaram sobre o meu colar de pérolas. Era delicado, tinha apenas uma linha e parecia um choker, ele estava vidrado em meu pescoço e eu sabia a razão. Eu sabia perfeitamente o motivo de ter seu olhar passeando tanto pela minha clavícula quanto pelo decote do vestido de alças que eu usava. Sorri brevemente, tentando trazer seu olhar para os meus olhos.
— Enzo?
Ele piscou duas vezes, antes de voltar os olhos amendoados para os meus. Seu olhar estava repleto de luxúria e desejo, ele estava querendo algo e eu já estava ciente deste feito há algumas horas atrás. Olhei para ele com carinho, aguardando sua resposta que eu sei que não teria absolutamente nada em questão com a verdadeira pergunta.
— Mi chiquita...tan hermosa....
Fechei os dois olhos, sorrindo sem mostrar os dentes enquanto sentia mais uma presença se aproximar da nossa mesa. Era um garçom, ele estava bem vestido e portava uma taça de vinho suave. O toque musical passou a ser joycelyn's dance do grupo de jazz berlioz. Estendi minha taça suavemente para a frente, em uma forma de dizer que eu gostaria de experimentar o vinho rm destaque da casa. Enzo contornava seus anéis com os dedos conforme me visualizava debaixo das luzes incandescentes. Ele estava vidrado. Poderia dizer que essa noite prometeria muito e entregaria tudo.
— Mi vida, como foi a sua semana? Para uma mulher bela e graciosa como você, tenho certeza de que muitos agradeceram sua presença por perto.
Sorri. De fato, meus colegas estavam muitos chegados comigo, eles diziam que Enzo tinha sorte de ser casado comigo, que eu tinha sorte de ser uma Vogrincic. As mulheres ousavam falar como elas seriam felizes em um relacionamento onde se há um cavalheiro e eu confesso que morria de ciúmes, mas como uma boa mulher, eu tentava não deixar aquilo me corroer por dentro, tentava ser o mais transparente possível.
— Ah... várias coisas ocorreram, nada sérias mas também nada que não trouxessem uma dor de cabeça. É a vida administrativa, infelizmente, tenho muita presença requisitada na minha área.
Muitos poderiam perguntar. Mas não somos casados? Como eu não saberia a rotina do meu amor? Na verdade, eu e Enzo gostavamos de sair todas as sextas para fingir ser nosso primeiro encontro de namorados. Sempre apaixonados e sempre com os mesmos olhos uns para os outros. Paixão, desejo, e carinho.
— E você é tão hermosa falando assim, eu sou o homem mais realizado do mundo. Sabe que meus colegas de cast dizem sobre você, nena? Que você é a mulher mais bela de toda a latino america, confesso que sempre fico um pouco enciumado... — ele riu docemente. — Matias mesmo disse que se não namorasse, ele te queria, ay no.
— Muitos são os que estão em minha volta, meu amor, mas eu somente tenho olhos para você. — sorri, brindando nossas taças enquanto bebericávamos um pouco. Ele me olhava de uma forma tão intensa que eu até pensaria que estaria com raiva de mim. Ele piscou um olho, tirando uma cartela de cigarro mentolado de sua carteira. Naquela área externa em que estávamos, era permitido o uso de cigarros, era uma área própria para isso. Ele soprou a fumaça em ventos, seus cabelos se mexendo levemente com a fresca brisa. Até que uma mulher se aproximou de nós, ela aparentava estar ansiosa para esse momento. Enzo a observou e apagou seu cigarro na cinzeira. Ele sempre era muito educado com todos e não gostava de fumar perto de outras pessoas.
— Com licença, seus pedidos, senhores.
Ela colocou os pratos em nossa mesa e deixou um guardanapo no prato de Enzo. Quando observamos, era um número de telefone e um beijo com batom rosado. Eu conhecia aquela mulher, ela sempre tentava dar em cima de Enzo quando frequentamos aquele restaurante. Da última vez, ela tocou sua mão e acariciou seu braço enquanto eu estava no banheiro, e Enzo como sempre muito educado, sorriu e mostrou a aliança sem dizer nada. Ele não precisava de palavras, traduções ou gestos para ela entender que ele era casado. Apenas a aliança dourada com detalhes em diamantes era o suficiente.
— Obrigado! Pode dar este guardanapo para mi esposa, ela sabe o que fazer com ele. — Disse, seu olhar transmitindo uma falsa inocência enquanto começava a comer e deixava nós duas olhando uma para a outra. Eu sorri, sabia que ele iria fazer isso em um momento, então abri o guardanapo enquanto ela permanecia nervosa do meu lado, esperando uma possível resposta. Peguei uma caneta em minha bolsa e anotei o número.
— Pronto! Gracias!
Sorri, enquanto também me preparava para começar a comer. Ela ficou pasma, como se realmente não acreditasse no que eu estava fazendo. Pisquei o olho levemente e ela saiu. Quando levantei meu olhar para encarar meu marido, Enzo me devorava com seus olhos. Ele sorria de canto como se soubesse exatamente o que eu havia feito. E eu não iria me arrepender tão cedo, o dono do número poderia xingar, brigar comigo depois, mas confesso que ele iria rir primeiro. Eram típicas essas cenas em sua rotina.
— Che! Deixe me adivinhar, você deu o número do Fran?
Coloquei uma mecha novamente atrás de minha orelha, enquanto olhava para o lado e fingia inocência. Rimos juntos, cada louco com o seu louco, minha mãe dizia. Ele segurou minha mão e deixou novamente um beijo nas costas dela, passando seu nariz de forma suave pela tez macia. Eu sorri, havia passado o creme favorito dele e ele sabia muito bem pelo momento que me deixou um beijo antes de iniciarmos nossa aventura noturna.
— Cheirosa, com jasmin e toques amadeirados. E...Dios, chiquita, é aquele perfume que yo amo no?
— Exatamente, é daquela marca brasileira que você também gosta. Divino, não? — sorri novamente. Me encantava a forma que Enzo apreciava todos os perfumes que eu usava, ele não se incomodava com minhas roupas, com meu estilo de vestir, com meus perfumes, para ele, eu era a mulher mais perfeita até sem roupa e sem maquiagem. E ele amava remarcar essa frase em minha mente todas as vezes, eram inúmeras.
Quando terminamos de comer nossos pratos, aproveitei que ele estava retirando mais um cigarro de sua carteira. Eu sabia que ele estava nervoso por dois motivos. Ou ele estava ansioso para alguma coisa, digamos assim, ou ele estava bravo. Confesso que meu ponto é fortemente a primeira opção, pois seus olhos ousaram voltar para a minha clavícula.
— Mi amor, sente-se aqui do meu lado, por favor.
Me levantei, ajustando um pouco meu vestido para enfim me sentar ao seu lado. Suas mãos foram para trás do meu corpo, contornando minha cintura conforme seu nariz passeava pelo meu pescoço. Sorri, me sentindo amada e apreciada por um homem que era considerado o noivo de toda a latino América. Deixei um beijo em sua bochecha e senti uma mão em minha coxa.
— Te ves impresionante, mas ficará ainda mais quando a luz da lua banhar o seu corpo no nosso quarto hoy, ¿lo has entendido?
Senti uma mordida fraca na minha bochecha e logo em seguida um aperto mais forte na minha coxa. Confesso que aquilo estava começando a me deixar quente, era impressionante como Enzo conseguia fazer isso tão suavemente, tão fácil.
— Prepárate, mi reina. Porque os vizinhos irão chamar a polícia hoje, e mesmo assim irei fazer todos ficarem cientes de quem você é, a quem você pertence. — ele disse, sua voz ficando um pouco mais rouca do que o normal, seus olhos marrons encontrando os meus e passeando pelos meus lábios. — Minha manhosa, minha gatinha...
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ladypearl333 · 2 months
pov: he sees u walk in to a slytherin party
slytherin boys!reader
(includes blaise, draco, enzo, mattheo, and theo)
* thank you so much for all of the love on my last post!! i am hoping to start a series out of these<3
warnings: language, flirting, somewhat sexual suggestions?
blaise zabini:
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draco malfoy:
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lorenzo berkshire:
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mattheo riddle:
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theo nott:
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*thank you for reading!!!
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kenthoe · 2 years
fr tho why is everything smut😭😭 i wanna read angst that would ruin me, make me sick to my stomach and cry like there's no tomorrow bro i want a fanfic that is so devastating that i won't be able to function for the next few months
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medium-rare-bimbo · 9 months
Faster than light thoughts
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May contain stepcest, age gap, dubcon dark content
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡dark!!! CULT LEADER EDDIE !!! CULT LEADER EDDIE !!! CULT LEADER EDDIE !!!!!!! Imagine being his object of affection, the one he devotes his followers life to <3<3 did someone say virgin! Reader ?? 👁👁 yes me I did. He takes your virginity as a ritual, there are people surrounding your bed as he takes what's his, telling you that this is what needs to be done so you can ascend into a higher being
♡ chrissy, nancy, robin sleepover where they teach virgin! reader how to cum. Youd be so embarrassed to admit it :(( but that's okay they tell you its completely natural and to go at your own pace and not every boy is going to make you cum. Boys are useless! When you shamefully tell them that you've never EVER cum and that you havent even had your first kiss, they assure it that it's okay and robin offers to teach you <3 naturally you end up with your back against her chest and her fingers in your cunt, you had gotten fuzzy a while ago and everyone was fawning over you pretty pussy. They all take turns in fingering you and tasting you, you have the best sleep you've ever had ♡♡♡
♡ being fucked with a beer bottle <3 would be with either eddie or billy, they'd laugh at you while you cry about how gross it is
♡ cucking Jason <3 what better way to get back at your bully than fucking his girlfriend, chrissy deserves her tits in my mouth
♡ stealing their shirts so you can put it on a pillow and hump it later !!!!!
♡ making you squirt infront of people!! Maybe billy, thinking he gets an ego boost after it. Or eddie think he would let everyone have a go of making you squirt <3 such a sweetheart
♡ hopper catching you working at a strip club then blackmailing you after you beg for him not to tell anyone <3 he makes you fuck yourself dumb on his cock then mocks you when your legs go numb
♡ bimbo! crybaby! Reader getting her clit pinched after she gets bratty
♡ hybrid reader!! Hybrid reader !!! Hybrid reader!!!!!! Bunny! Puppy! Kitty! Cow! Bird! Bear! Lamb! Mouse!! SO MANY THOUGHTS IN MY BRAIN!!!!!!!
♡ I think steve would like a kitty, all pretty and only exists for the purpose of looking good and being a hole to stuff <3<3 spoil me so much !!!! Or maybe a puppy, gets to leash me up and make me choke on his cock maybe breed me
♡ eddie would like a bunny, a soft little thing that can keep up with his fat loads of cum, or maybe a kitty who does nothing but lay there and mewl for his cum <3 he just wants a little dumb thing he can corrupt
♡ hopper likes the puppy because old grumpy men and puppies are soul mates!!! Hed be so strict but I'd love him for it !!! Make me feel so special 👁👁 piss kink with hopper x untrained puppygirl reader 👁👁 smoking a cigar while you cock warm him I'm all gooey inside
♡ I think billy would definitely be into cow hybrids 👁👁 cuz like hes the bull of Hawkins and I think he needs a little breeding cow and on milky titz to sucky suck👁👁 shy lil thing that follows him around
♡ robin would like a bird because they're so quiet and pretty!! Just so nice to look at and she would definitely love it when you try to groom her makes her feel so special!!! Or when you coo as shes eating you out omg !! loves how soft your lil wings are !!!
♡ nancy definitely be into puppygirls<3<3 I think shed love to just do whatever she pleases especially when you take everything she gives you, you're so obedient and eager to please her !!!!!!!!!
♡ argyle? Definitely a cow orr maybe a mouse, just wants someone whose soft and warm. Would let you sit on his cock while he smokes, all the praises !!! Stroke your pretty little thighs and pet your ears sucky sucky on those titties
♡ my sick little freak Jonathan? The original perv? Bear. Just something that lays there all pretty and soft, let's him take pictures!! His fav are when you're lying in the sun and he pulls your underwear to the side to see your pussy <3
♡ what if hybrid! boy/girlfriend !!!!!!
♡ AAAA WOLF EDDIE AND BUNNY READER IM GAGGING CHOKING NOT BREATHING, him wearing a muzzle!!! Spikey collar that leaves scratches in my thighs
♡ wolf steve and puppy reader 👁👁 wants to get you full of pups, all hairy and warm treats you so well<3 hunts you the biggest deer he can find just so he can prove how much of a good mate he is
♡ bear hopper x bunny reader <3<3 so big and warm so strong and smart he has to protect his little dumb cocksleeve, let's you have all the blankets for your nest!!! Soothes you when you cry because hes so big and doesnt fit in it :(( but its okay because he likes being pressed against you so tightly
♡ bull billy and cow reader !!! Hes so mean at first!! Always huffing and grunting at you making you think he hates you </3 makes all the others bully you because hes the alpha and whatever he says goes until some dumb new bulls start showing interest in HIS shy submissive mate he gets into so many fights!! Hates that they think they can have you >:00 YOURE HIS >:((( sneaks into your separated room (because everyone is so mean and the farmer cant have their pretty little Hefner sad) just so he can mark you as his. would 100% let's you touch his horns, but only you >:((
♡ dont get me started on heats and ruts
♡ breed me so good!!!! I'm going feral possibly even insane
♡ joyce + hopper with puppygirl!!! Makes my heart all gooey and gross, joyce would spoil you so much!!! Give you extra rewards and treats when you behave or when hop is being grumpy and strict! Definitely would stuff you with toys and make you lick them clean
♡ step dad! hopper digging out a bullet vibrator from his bimbo Step daughter after she gets it stuck inside her because shes so dumb </3
♡ brothers bestfriend/dealer! Eddie corrupting naive! Innocent! Virgin! Reader, him waiting for your roommate to arrive and he gets to know you so well
♡ scumbag! Stepbrother! Jonathan x innocent! Reader. making you sit on his lap, he blows smoke into your face all the time :((((( makes your eyes tear up and forget about his boner that hes rocking against your clothed cunt!! Dont get me started on his Best friend  perv! Argyle who is soooo nice to you but only so he can feel you up close against him
♡ theres a belt that has a lighter attached to it omg imagine eddie using it to light the blunt in your mouth omfg I'm going insane right now
♡ mean! eddie making his artist! Girlfriend draw porn only so he can cum on it and ruin it :(((
♡ being the new secretary at the police station and befriending hopper through your husband. Staying late one night, you and hop start talking which leads to you complaining to him about struggling to have a baby and how you're so worried that you may not be able too, he assures you that theres nothing wrong and even offers to help, your husband is oblivious when you become pregnant, he doesnt even bat an eye when the baby comes out huge (giant genes jim hopper ♡♡)
♡ argyle becoming a masseuse and getting a bit too handsy with his favourite client <3<3 his hands are amazing with pizza dough they would be amazing with my ass <3
♡ would I let Vecna absolutely destroy me? Yes I'm not a coward, I want his claws to make my hips bleed is that too much to ask? "BuT nYmPH hES UgLy aND scARY" and I'm horny so what
♡ you know those baby dolls that you have to take care of for like a week? Imagine being forced to take care of one with whoever, unfortunately it unlocks their breeding kink and they cant get the thought of you and their baby out of their head so it's only natural for them to stuff you full
♡ serial killer! eddie escaping from prison and hiding in your house!! Somehow convincing him to let you live by saying you'll cook him meals and clean him up, he forces you to be his housewife until you're no longer useful to him but once he gets his cock in your sweet tiny little hole he cant stand the thought of you being harmed. When the cops arrive to search your house he takes you with him because he cant just leave his personal fleshlight behind
♡ argyle fucking the new delivery girl, he drives you to the houses because there were too many complaints about him being high </3 but that's okay because your cute little face gets extra tips and he doesnt mind staying in the car especially when your skirt flips up as you climb off the seat. Would let you ride him after you come to the car all teary eyed after you get yelled at by a mean customer who wanted a new pizza
♡ perv! Robin, nancy and chrissy convincing innocent! Reader to try on new clothes infront of them, they assure you that you dont need to change in the bathroom because "they're all girls" they grope you claiming that they're "just making sure it fits right" they then make you try on some underwear that would look sooo cute on you. You think nothing of it until you're stood infront if them and you feel vibrations coming from the fabric pressing directly to your clit, but dont worry chrissy makes sure to catch you as your legs struggle to hold yourself up plus shes holding your hands <3<3 and robin is being so sweet and 'fixing you bra' while telling you how pretty you are, nancy is the sweetest however as she reaches down to help you with false concern, rubbing your clit "trying to make it stop"
♡ hopper x fairy! Nymph esc! Reader !!! He finds you in the forest and takes you back to his cabin because a little thing like you shoudlnt be out here all alone >:((  You're so curious of this big strong creature that took you with them that you follow them around like a puppy, so he shouldnt have been so shocked when you wondered into the bathroom and watched him while he showered, as much as he tried to shoo you away it was hopeless which is why he invited you to join him. Definitely not a ploy to see you naked
♡ want 001 to gaslight me while his cock tears me in two!! "It doesn't hurt that bad, you were made to hold my children how can you give birth if you cant take my cock?"
♡ steve x bimbo reader <3 he thinks you're so dumb and hes looking at you in shock most of the time because how can anyone be that stupid? But he doesnt mind because you're his housewife and he loves that you make him feel all gooey inside, you cook him meals and bake him desserts you're so good with the kids and dustin adores with his moms new girlfriend. When you come home from babysitting with eyes watering about how you have "baby fever" and how you "cant wait to have a baby of your own" he obviously takes the opportunity to help you, he cant have his favourite girl sad now
♡ joyce and karen getting wine drink with reader, they all start talking about how awful their husbands are in bed (let's pretend hopper isnt with joyce ♡) and how they're never satisfied luckily you've bought some new sex toys and because you're so generous you cant help but share with your best friends
♡ 001 being in charge of you at the facility means he watches you do everything, sleep, eat, shower, exist, all of it. Hes all you've ever known and it feels so natural for you to come to him about the ache between your legs
♡ the way I would suck the soul out of this man
♡ dark! Reader being absolutely infatuated with mr Phil Callahan after you gets arrested at a house party, you're always getting In trouble just so you can see him not even hoppers huge cock can make you behave, you want HIM. Thankfully callahan is a good man, a good citizen who would do anything to help someone in need, so when your bent over begging him to fuck you he cant refuse, he doesnt question how you got into his house or how you knew where he lived. Your pussy is worth it <3
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sweetillnessofm · 3 months
¡hola! antes que nada escribes muy bien, y fui fan de tu trabajo pasado, sigue así🫶
queria pedir algo de rough angry sex con enzo🫣después de una discusión!!
holii, aparezco gente, gracias por tus comentarios bonitos anon🫶 espero esto les guste 😪
kiss and make up☆
(one shot)
ADVERTENCIAS/TAGS🗯: enzo vogrincic x reader, smut, rough sex, fingering, kinda mean enzo(?), hair pulling, cum swallowing
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todo empezó por una mandarina.
o bueno, eso creyó enzo al principio.
desde que despertaron ambos en la mañana, el mayor pudo notar que tus ánimos no eran los mejores. apenas dándole los buenos días te dirigiste a la cocina para hacer el desayuno; sin ni siquiera un beso, o un abrazo, ni el típico rato que pasaban enrollados uno con el otro entre las sábanas disfrutando del calor corporal... pasaste de él.
trató de no hacerse mucha mente y unos minutos después bajó a la cocina donde te encontró de espaldas, frente a un sartén del cual se desprendía el olor de unos panqueques. se acercó hacia ti con pasos un tanto ruidosos para que no te asustaras cuando sintieras sus brazos rodear tu cuerpo, y apoyó su mentón en tu hombro cariñosamente, observando desde arriba los alimentos que preparabas.
"te comiste mi mandarina, enzo" espetaste con fastidio, saliendo de su abrazo y moviéndote hacia el tacho de basura para desechar unas cáscaras.
"¿cómo?" respondió con el ceño ligeramente fruncido, sintiendo genuina confusión.
"anoche, anoche cuando llegaste te comiste la mandarina que dejé en la heladera" te giraste hacia él enfrentándolo. "ya yo estaba dormida" murmuraste y devolviste tu atención al sartén caliente.
el castaño pareció recordar su travesura. "aah, sí, sí. sí me la comí, pero no creí que te molestaría, chiquita" dijo con un tono suave y se volvió a acercar a tu cuerpo "perdoname, no es tan grave, sabés que puedo salir a comprar más-".
giraste los ojos, más enfadada que antes. "déjalo, ya, no hace falta" serviste en los platos de cada uno los panqueques y le tendiste el suyo a enzo "toma, provecho".
consumieron sus desayunos en silencio, evitabas la mirada del castaño a toda costa con tus ojos fijos en el plato. confundido y pensativo, enzo quiso preguntarte si realmente era una simple mandarina lo que había causado tanta molestia en ti, cuando fue interrumpido por el sonido de una de sus alarmas recordándole que se le estaba haciendo tarde para llegar al trabajo, que era una nueva película en la que llevaba dos meses participando.
se disculpó contigo y te dio un beso en la frente antes de lavar su plato y subir a la habitación a prepararse, dejándote con la mirada perdida en la mesa y terminando tu desayuno sola.
en algún tiempo libre del día te llamaría y trataría de arreglar las cosas, pensó, no podían quedar mal por un pequeño error de él y una simple fruta. sí, definitivamente eso haría.
si tan solo hubieras contestado sus llamadas.
llegó el mediodía cuando sentiste la primera vibración de tu celular, y en vez sentir felicidad al ver el nombre de "mi vida ♡" en la pantalla, solo sentiste tu pecho llenarse con un incómodo sentimiento de enojo. lo mismo fue con la segunda, con la cuarta, y la séptima llamada, tanto así que llegó a un punto donde tuviste que silenciar por completo el aparato.
no estabas segura de por qué actuabas así, te sentías como una nena malcriada hasta cierto punto, pero supusiste que era por los días que llevabas acumulando tus sentimientos reales.
obviamente tu malestar no era por una mandarina, eso solo fue un gatillo para que se disparara tu estado de ánimo reprimido. la realidad era que te sentías descuidada por enzo.
desde que empezó con su nuevo papel pudiste notar como cada vez pasaban menos tiempo juntos; habían menos oportunidades para salir, para las actividades que solían hacer antes, para tener sexo. apenas teniendo un corto momento en las mañanas para poder sentir el calor y el cuerpo del otro antes de que el mayor se despidiera, no era suficiente. te hacía mucha falta y sentías también que no tenías siquiera el tiempo para poder expresarle cómo te sentías.
al principio era tristeza pura lo que te llenaba pero con los días se transformó en rabia. porque enzo parecía no darse cuenta y parecía que no se sentía afectado.
cayó la noche y estabas saliendo de la ducha cuando escuchaste la puerta de la habitación abrirse.
"¿amor?" escuchaste la voz preocupada del castaño "nena, qué pasó? te llamé mil veces y no me contestaste ninguna, me tenías mal" se acercó rapidamente a ti cuando te vio salir del baño envuelta en una toalla. "de verdad necesitaba hablar con vos, pero sabés como es todo, no podía regresarme a la casa" tomó tus manos entre las suyas, mirándote preocupado.
"disculpame, me quedé dormida" respondiste tosca. te soltaste de su agarre y fuiste al ropero a buscar tu pijama.
"pero por qué no me devolviste las llamadas?" siguió tu andar con su mirada y chasqueó la lengua. "mirá, no sé si realmente estés así por la estupidez de la mandarina, te dije que podía comprarte más, pero si no es eso necesito que me digas ya qué carajos tenés".
notaste como progresivamente su tono de voz dejaba de ser suave y comprensivo para volverse más alto. "desde que despertaste me tratas diferente, ni siquiera un beso nos dimos. todavía en la cocina me girás los ojos y me sacás de encima así sin más, y en todo el desayuno me ignoraste, te buscaba la mirada y nada" negó con la cabeza.
"entonces aparte de eso te llamo porque realmente me preocupa estar bien con vos, porque sos mi mujer y te amo, y qué recibo? el jodido buzón" se pasó una mano por el cabello, con estrés. "no soy adivino, necesitamos comunicarnos, entendelo".
"te preocupa estar bien conmigo?" esta vez fue tu turno de responder, alterada. "te preocupa tantísimo que en estos dos meses te has distanciado un montón y hasta ahora sigues sin darte cuenta?" estabas casi gritando, finalmente le estabas contando la verdad, aunque en una circunstancia que se pudo haber evitado. "andate al carajo" te giraste hacia el ropero de nuevo buscando la ropa, esperando de espaldas a él con la piel erizada una respuesta filosa de su parte.
"entonces era eso," rió con amargura "te costaba demasiado decirlo desde antes? sabés lo importante que es decirnos este tipo de mierdas, dios" con cada oración se iba acercando más a ti. ajena a ello seguiste buscando entre las gavetas.
continuó "parece que sí, porque tuviste que esperar y llegar a este punto, para que yo llegara cansado del rodaje y en vez de ser recibido con un abrazo al menos, soy recibido con este berriche". te diste la vuelta rápidamente hacia él para protestar cuando lo encontraste muy cerca de tu cuerpo, con sus ojos clavados en ti.
teniéndolo tan cerca pudiste observar con detalle su expresión. iracundo, con el cabello desordenado, el ceño fruncido, los ojos llenos de agotamiento y una mandíbula apretada, tensa.
realmente esta era una parte de enzo que no conocías, porque sus discusiones solían ser tan tontas y reducidas que ninguno de los dos acababa enojado propiamente. claro, hasta ahora.
algo que no esperabas en lo absoluto era que tal cosa empezara a causar una humedad entre tus piernas...
tal vez ya te estabas volviendo loca por la falta de sexo.
negaste con la cabeza tratando de deshacer tus pensamientos. "es esto solo un berrinche para ti, enzo?" soltaste con rabia. "dime, crees que no me afecta estar jodidamente sola acá en la casa? nada más que esperando como imbécil a que llegues tarde por la noche y ni siquiera podamos hablar un rato, porque llegas durmiendo. y ni hablar de los días libres donde nada más lees y lees guiones".
caminaste pasando de él y dijiste a lo ultimo "hace cuánto tiempo que no cogemos?" el tono de tu voz ya había bajado, casi en derrota.
al ver que enzo se quedó de espaldas a ti sin responder, suspiraste y te quitaste la toalla que envolvía tu figura, para empezar a vestirte.
con la mirada fija en el suelo, a punto de deslizar por tus piernas las bragas que escogiste, sentiste como enzo se abalanzó sobre ti haciendo chocar tu espalda contra la pared que había detrás de ambos, con su boca empezando un camino de mordidas y chupetones nada suaves en tu cuello, hacia tus hombros y clavículas.
gemiste agarrando sus brazos, sintiendo sus manos recorrer desesperadamente tu desnudo cuerpo y bajar hacia tu culo, el cual amasó con fuerza acercándote lo más posible hacia él. en un movimiento involuntario abriste las piernas, lo cual aprovechó el mayor para introducir una suya en el espacio entre ellas y poder rozar su muslo contra tu coño.
jadeaste al sentir la fricción de la tela contra tu clítoris y empezaste a mover tus caderas con la intención de estimularte más, cosa que no lograste por el fuerte agarre que tenía enzo en estas. en cambio, sentiste como este empujó su pierna ásperamente contra ti, restregándola de atrás hacia delante y mojando la tela con tus jugos en el proceso.
"entonces lo que querés es que te coja, no?" musitó contra tu oreja, soltando una pequeña risa sin gracia al escuchar tus agudos gemidos.
desviaste tus ojos hacia algún punto de la habitacion, evitando su pregunta.
detuvo los movimientos de su pierna mirando con sorpresa el desastre que estabas haciendo en su pantalón "mirá como estás de mojadita... acaso te calienta que discutamos? mhm? decime".
tomó con fuerza tu mandíbula obligándote a mirarlo. "te calienta que me enoje con vos".
no querías admitirlo aunque en el fondo sabías que era cierto. era algo que nunca habías sentido hasta ahora. "puede ser" dijiste sin aliento "igual, n-no puedes culparme, si estoy así es porque me has descuidado".
"ah, en serio?" dijo bajando su mano hasta tu coño e introduciendo dos dedos de golpe, haciéndote soltar un grito ahogado. "no sabía que por unos cuantos días sin sexo te volverías tan sucia, sos terrible".
esto no era nada parecido a las otras veces que tenían relaciones. esta vez eran acciones bruscas y descuidadas, movimientos en los que podías sentir el enojo de enzo y tal vez la misma desesperación que tu llevabas sintiendo hace semanas. todo muy distinto a las caricias delicadas y palabras de amor a las que estabas acostumbrada
y te estaba encantando.
enzo comenzó a mover sus dedos rápidamente dentro de ti, abriéndolos y cerrándolos en forma de tijeras ocasionalmente para poder estirarte, con su otra mano todavía sosteniendo tu cara con firmeza. sus bocas se rozaban sin llegar a besarse como tanto anhelabas, cada vez que intentabas acercarte al mayor este se separaba burlándose de ti y causando que formaras un puchero.
"aw, qué pasa amor, ahora querés que te bese?" dijo el contrario con falsa inocencia. "no fuiste vos la que me estuvo rechazando toda la mañana?"
sintió como te apretabas alrededor de sus dedos, intentando callar tus gemidos, y empezó a dar movimientos circulares en tu clítoris con su pulgar sabiendo que así no podrías contenerte. "estás cerca chiquita?"
"s-sí en, no pares, por favor-" los jadeos y gemidos comenzaban a salir de tu boca cada vez más fuertes.
curvó sus dedos golpeando con fuerza tu punto más dulce, y cuándo sintió tu cuerpo entero tensándose a punto de derrumbarse ante el orgasmo, los sacó por completo dejándote vacía, lloriqueando con tu coño pulsando alrededor de la nada.
"no, no, enzo, p-por qué?" tus piernas flaquearon por el orgasmo perdido pero el fuerte agarre del castaño en tu cuerpo te mantuvo firme.
"perdoname chiquita, pero quiero que nada más te corras conmigo adentro". llevó sus dígitos mojados de ti hacia tus labios y sentiste tus propios fluidos en ellos. "si tanto querías que te cogiera..."
"chupalos" dijo en referencia a sus dedos y abriste tu boca obedientemente succionandolos con vigor, saboreándote a ti misma, hasta que los dejaste limpios.
enzo te encaminó hacia el tocador que estaba al otro lado de la habitación, tus caderas chocando con la madera de este al llegar. te giró bruscamente dejándote ver en el gran espejo el reflejo de la imagen tan caliente de ese momento.
un enzo totalmente vestido, ocupado desabrochándose el cinturón, detrás de tu figura desnuda y llena de las marcas que dejó previamente en ella con su boca y sus manos. tus mejillas rojas al igual que tu boca de tanto morderla.
sentiste como enzo separaba tus piernas con su pie desde atrás y finalmente deslizaba su miembro entre tus labios, esparciendo tu humedad en él.
"metemela ya, en" arqueaste tu espalda alzando tu culo hacia él, persiguiendo su polla "te lo ruego-"
"que impaciente saliste," susurró en tu oreja, y sin más demora metió de una estocada su miembro en tu agujero arrancándote un gemido lastimero. "tan desesperada por tener una pija dentro".
al instante comenzó sus embestidas duras y rápidas, jalando con su mano un puñado de tu cabello y con la otra agarrando fuertemente tu cadera, tan fuerte que estabas segura de que aparecerían marcas.
solo te quedaba gemir y lloriquear al sentir como golpeaba fuertemente tu punto dulce con la punta de su miembro. en parte sentías alivio de por fin tener su polla dentro de ti, y por otra parte un hormigueo nuevo de excitación te crecía en todo el cuerpo por la manera ruda en la que te cogía. apoyaste tus manos en la mesa del tocador como soporte y observaste en el espejo la escena que ambos hacían.
enzo se deleitaba mirando como su miembro desaparecía en tu coño con cada estocada, sus ojos fijos en la forma en la que rebotaba tu culo. jaló con más fuerza tu cabello haciendo que echaras tu cabeza hacia atrás y tu cuello quedase expuesto a su boca, con la cual empezó a succionar y moder tu piel nuevamente causando que tus ojos se pusieran en blanco.
"e-enzo, besame" drogada de placer suplicaste al mayor quien, sin reducir la rudeza de sus embestidas, soltó tu cabello y envolvió sus brazos en tu torso, pegando tu espalda a su pecho.
recostaste tu cabeza en su hombro cuando sentiste su mano tomar tu mentón y girar tu cara hacia la suya, juntando al fin sus bocas en un hambriento y desordenado beso donde sus lenguas se enredaban.
gemiste en la boca de enzo quien gruñía con desespero al sentirte apretar su miembro, por lo que rompió el beso y habló "ya te vas a venir, chiquita? sí?" sus caderas no dejaban de chocar contra las tuyas, lo miraste con lágrimas de placer formándose en tus ojos y asentiste. "venite, preciosa, venite sobre mí".
a pesar de tus intentos de mantener contacto visual, inevitablemente tus ojos se cerraron al sentir un orgasmo azotarte con fuerza. te estabas viniendo sin siquiera haberte tocado a ti misma. espasmos recorrían tu cuerpo y tus piernas se volvían débiles con temblores, mientras que tus paredes se contraían una y otra vez en la polla del mayor haciéndolo gemir por lo bajo.
la velocidad de sus movimientos se redujo, pero no la profundidad, penetrándote así a través de tu clímax y sintiendo el suyo cerca.
cuando el conocido hormigueo se hizo presente en su vientre, salió del calor de tu coño y te giró dejándote frente a él. te arrodillaste aún temblorosa entendiendo el mensaje.
"abrí la boquita, amor" jadeaba mientras masturbaba su miembro frente a ti, moviendo su mano con rapidez.
obedeciste y abriste la boca, acercándola a la punta donde con tu lengua trazaste pequeños círculos llevando al castaño al límite. sentiste las calientes tiras de semen caer en tu boca, la cual cerraste tragando entero ante la mirada oscurecida de enzo.
la abriste de nuevo y sacaste tu lengua ante él, mostrándole que no dejaste nada. te ayudó a levantarte del suelo y empezó a besarte con desespero envolviendo tu cintura con sus fuertes brazos.
"perdoname por descuidarte, mi vida" rompió aquel beso juntando sus frentes, y habló con el tono de voz calmado que usaba siempre, ya relajado. "tenías razón, no me estaba dando cuenta de lo mucho que me hacías falta".
"no, perdoname tu a mí. sí debí decírtelo antes" susurraste acariciando su mejilla suavemente con tu mano.
"crees que me pasé?" el castaño recordó de repente la rudeza de su actuar hace unos momentos, escaneando tu cuerpo y observando todas las marcas que dejó en él.
"definitivamente no," no pudiste evitar soltar una pequeña risa ante su preocupación. "de hecho, creo que deberíamos discutir más seguido, no lo sé" bromeaste y reíste más al verlo lanzarte una mirada reprochadora.
"definitivamente, te volviste una sucia" dijo enzo sin poder ocultar la sonrisa divertida que se formó en su rostro.
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amongemeraldclouds · 1 month
Ruin The Friendship
A letter gets mailed to its intended recipient. A letter confessing your feelings. A letter you never meant to send.
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Lorenzo Berkshire x Reader
Warning: fluff, no use of y/n
Author’s note: My final entry for the Hogmarch challenge, prompt five. This was such a fun challenge, thanks for hosting @thatdammchickennugget ♡
✿ Masterlist | 1k words
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“What letter? I didn’t have any mail to send, Daisy,” I ask our house elf as she updates me about the chores she’s done for the day.
“The letter beneath your bed. Daisy found it and to thank you kind miss for saving Daisy from your father’s fury yesterday, Daisy went the extra mile to send it,” she announces proudly.
“You mean,” I whisper, a sinking feeling growing in my chest, “the letter containing my deep and honest thoughts and feelings, about the boy I love, that I swore to myself I would never - and I mean never - send?” I exhale, feeling the edges of a panic attack creep in.
Daisy frowns. “Sorry miss, Daisy did not know. Daisy thought she was helping,” she apologizes, cowering in the corner.
“Stand up, Daisy. I’m not going to hit you,” I reassure her. “But I could hit myself so I don’t have to attend class tomorrow and face the mortifying events that are sure to follow.”
I jump up from my bed and nod, waving my wand. I could do that.
“Miss, please!” Daisy pleads. “Don’t hurt yourself. It’s Daisy’s fault,” she hisses. “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Daisy!” She chides, punctuating each word by banging her head against my drawers.
“Stop, Daisy,” I reach out, touching her shoulder. "Fine” I sigh, “no one is hurting themselves.”
I am just going to have to go to school tomorrow and die from shame.
The letter
My sweet Enzo,  It’s ironic you admire me for my bravery for taking down our childhood bullies and for being one of the top students in our DADA class. Yet here I am in a moment of weakness, thinking of you. Actually, even when I feel strong, defeated, or happy, I still think of you. In an ideal world, I’d be brave enough to tell you face to face. But we live in an imperfect world where hearts can break and relationships end, far more often than anyone would like. So if it saves our friendship, I can and must lock my heart away. I wish I can tell you when or how it happened, but I myself don’t understand. All I know is that I’m hopelessly in love with you. There, I said it.
The aftermath
I peer into Enzo’s dorm, head snaking past the door.
Please, please, please, let it be vacant. Let it be vacant, I chant in my head.
I sigh when silence greets me and move the rest of my body inside, sagging against the door in relief.
What are the odds that Enzo has already read a letter that just arrived this morning? He’s probably at quidditch practice, which means I still have a shot at saving myself from utter mortification. And more importantly, to save our friendship.
I scan his room and hurry towards the table littered with books, dried ink splotches stain the oak wood. If the letter were anywhere, it would be somewhere he—
I yelp when a door opens and turn towards Enzo stepping out from the bathroom with damp hair clinging to his scalp, water dripping down his sculpted chest, running along his toned abs. All hail quidditch.
He clears his throat and I bite my treacherous tongue - the one that unconsciously moved across my lips. Salazar, if I don’t get my act together, I won’t even need some stupid letter to reveal my feelings.
My cheeks burn as I return my gaze to his amused expression. “What the hell are you doing here and why are you naked?” I accuse. That’s right, I’m just blushing because I’m angry.
He adjusts the towel across his hips and I turn away, shoving the image of his toned figure from my mind, trying not to imagine whatever else is beneath his towel. “First of all, not naked,” he states.
“And more importantly, you’re asking me what I am doing, taking a shower, here in my dorm?” he points to the floor for emphasis. I wince and kick myself internally.
“I thought you’d be at quidditch practice,” I try. “I just - I just lost something and thought it might be with you.”
“What is it? I can help you look,” he offers, moving towards me and I step back.
“Enz please, put some clothes on first!” I plead, reminding myself to breathe.
I stop midstep when I feel something cool and solid behind me and I realize I’ve backed into a wall. Why the hell is Enzo prowling towards me like I’m his prey?
I close my eyes when he stops just in front of me, heat radiating from his body. I will myself to disappear, to fuse with the wall, to—
“By any chance,” he starts, “the thing you’re looking for. Is it white and made of paper—”
No, no, no, no, I chant this time, my eyes opening to stare at him in horror.
He continues, “the one with your handwriting scrawled inside?”
All the words leave my mind.
He smirks, “it would be a shame if you lost it and wanted it back because I rather liked it.”
“Y-you do?” I whisper.
His smirk gives way to a warm smile. “Darling, you’re more courageous than I am and I still admire you for your bravery. You managed to write it. Here’s my response: I love you too.”
“Well technically, I never meant to send it. It was Daisy,” I try to explain.
“So I have Daisy to thank. I’ll bring her flowers next time,” he says, making a mental note before continuing. “I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time too, but I was also worried it could ruin our friendship if you didn't feel the same.”
“Now that we’ve established we feel the same…” I begin but trail off when he rests his arm on the wall above me and leans in. My breath hitches.
“I won’t need my clothes until much later,” he ends my sentence.
It’s not what I was going to say but the second I open my lips to protest, his mouth crashes into mine and nothing else matters.
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pizzaapeteer · 2 months
Springtime fun
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Pairings: Enzo Berkshire x female reader Summary: 2.5 k. Enzo is infatuated by you in a sundress, so captative by you in it that he has to take you right now.
Warnings: nsfw, semi-public sex, female reader, swearing. Divider: Pretty divider found here!
a/n: I'm super glad to have finally finished this as it has been in my WIP since December 💀 Many of my friends will know about that so this one's for you. Ty for all the lovely encouragement for helping me finish it 💛 also heads up this is actually my first PIV smut.
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Enzo loved spring. He loved the flowers that bloomed in the gardens, which he often picked to give to you. He loved watching alongside you the animals awaken from hibernation, listening as you listed facts about them. He loved being able to lie outside in the grass with his friends after class, enjoying the warmth of the sun as they messed around. But most of all, he loved that spring meant sundresses. He had grown fond of them and loved seeing the different colours that paired well against your skin tone. The delicate shape of the dresses and how they hugged your body. He loved how versatile they were. Sometimes you'd wear a long flowy, one that would swirl in the wind or a short flare, one that fell just at the mid of your thighs. Some of them had lacy sleeves that covered your shoulders with elegant necklines. Others were backless, revealing to Enzo that you weren't wearing a bra. On the whole, when you wore a sundress, he was in heaven. 
He can still recall the first time he saw you in one, the weekend before Easter break. Sprawled out on a spot of grass near the black lake, Enzo lay with his friends. The hot sun warmed his neck, a constant breeze drifting by. He had been attempting to catch the little daisies Mattheo had plucked and rolled into balls to launch at him. Theo watched, amused, before turning his attention to snicker at Draco’s arrogant attempt to teach Astoria how to skip stones. Blaise rested nearby on a picnic mat, not wanting to get grass stains on his pants. The sound of your laughter caught Enzo’s ears, whipping his head up to see you and Pansy approaching, carrying a jug of lemonade. His eyes rose, breath hitching as he took you in. Dressed in a royal blue sundress, scattered with white daisies, the colour popping against your skin. He dragged his eyes up your exposed legs, practically salivating at the sight of your curves fitting snugly in the frock. There was something about the sundress that made you look elegant yet sensual. Though, clearly not just to him, as he caught sight of his friend’s stares.
He stood up, licking his lips, still holding the slightly crumpled daisies in his hands. Walking forward, he embraced you in a hug, a smile pulling at his face. His hands wrapped around you, feeling the soft skin of your back. “Hey gorgeous,” he whispered, his face pulling back to give you a passionate kiss. He felt your hands slide around his neck as you leaned up on your tippy toes to meet his kiss. “I like your dress,” a flirty smirk stretched across his face. The sound of your sweet giggle was music to his ears as you thanked him. Remembering the daisies, he unfolded his hands, chuckling, “for you.” You beamed at him, your eyes sparkling with amusement at his ‘gift’. “Not your usual flowers, Enz, but I accept.” He smiled, satisfied, taking your hand and leading you to join the others. Gracefully, you sat down on the rug beside Blaise, noticing Pansy had already settled herself down next to Mattheo. Enzo watched cautiously as Blaise gave you a once over, taking his own seat across from you. He immersed himself in conversation with you, admiring the way you rambled about your day. His fingers found comfort resting on your thighs, tracing circles. The warm sun shone, as breezes of wind blew your dress up slightly. As you talked, he found his mind wandering, unable to fully concentrate. Because of his height, he overlooked you even when sitting, allowing him to peer perfectly at the top of your breasts, sitting snugly against the dress’s neckline. His fingers twitched against your leg, pinching your skin softly as he thought about your nipples. 
At Pansy’s offer of lemonade, Enzo’s gaze turned momentarily to accept. He reached out to receive the two drinks, passing one to you. Cheering with you, his eyes observed the way you drank thirstily. Too fast though, as some of the liquid spilled from your cup down your mouth. It ran rapidly, dripping down your cleavage, causing you to squeal at the cold sensation. Your outburst grabbed the attention of your friends as you looked up, smiling sheepishly while muttering about being clumsy. Blaise shook his head, chuckling as he passed you a napkin, watching you wipe the liquid away.
As you cleaned yourself up, Enzo's brown eyes caught your attention, his honey orbs twinkling with mischief. “We’re going to take a walk,” Enzo announced, grabbing your hand and pulling you up, leaving no time for you to protest. You stood, almost stumbling, over Blaise as you found your footing, trailing behind in Enzo’s firm hold. “Enzo, slow down,” you exclaimed, practically tripping over your feet as you trailed behind Enzo, his long legs striding down past the trees. He flicked his head, giving you a cheeky grin over his shoulder before he slowed down under a large pine tree. 
You took in the pretty scenery as you furrowed your brows, wondering why he had just pulled you away from your friends. Enzo seized the moment of your distraction to push you gently against the tree, grinning as you gasped. His lips invaded your neck, peppering hungry kisses across your soft skin. One of his hands reached down to grasp your hip, lightly pushing you further against the tree. You moaned into the kiss, your hands finding their way around his waist, the bark scratching your back. Enzo’s touch wandered down your thigh with his other hand, sliding it up under your dress. “Do you know what this dress is doing to me?” he mumbled against your ear, nipping at it. You looked up into his sweet brown eyes, his pupils conveying his lust clearly. He flashed you an irresistible smile and, in a moment's time, his arms enveloped around your hips, effortlessly hoisting you up. His muscles flexed, the clear evidence of his quidditch training shown as he secured you against the tree with one arm, the other trailing up to pull needily at the neckline of your dress. Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his waist, your hands sliding up to grip his broad shoulders. The movement of your dress spilling, revealing further the tops of your chest, had Enzo groaning against your ear. “Fuck, and you're not even wearing a bra. You're driving me mad, baby.”
You squirmed against his eagerly aggressive hold, never having seen Enzo this feral before. The feeling of his hands tending to your exposed breasts, kneading at the complimentary flesh, driving you crazy. His fingers pulled further at the fabric, wanting to see all of you. You gasped, leaning your head back against the tree, his head moving down to capture your perky nipples in his sweet mouth. The taste of lemonade filled his senses, mixed with the sweetness of your skin as his tongue lapped at it. His tongue swipes at the soft buds, the sounds of your mews making his cock twitch against his now constricting trousers. 
He’d never seen a piece of clothing accentuate your figure quite like this sundress had. The captivating blend of your alluring presence and almost bewitching sensualness drove him wild. He couldn’t believe what sorcery this was. He craved you in a way he never had before, his patience lost in the moment, unwilling to wait. His hands scrunched up the fabric, pushing your dress higher, his fingertips grazing against your lacy undies. He dragged a whimper from you, pleading for more, the eagerness of Enzo’s movements and his desire to make quick work created a pool of wetness between your thighs. He rested you down for an instant before his hands shifted, hiking one of your legs up and pressing your thigh firmly into place against the tree. The cool air blew between your spread legs, making you shiver, Enzo’s hunger making you whine. He shot you a teasing smile at your impatience. “Gonna fuck you hard in your pretty little sundress.” 
His free hand pulled at the restricting material, snapping your panties and extracting an agitated gasp from you. His grin widened smugly, stuffing your panties into his pocket. “Got your knickers in a twist, did I?” he chuckled at his own joke. You roll your eyes playfully at your boyfriend, watching in anticipation for his next move. Still with your leg clutched by one of his hands, he skillfully maneuvered his belt and pants down with the other. Your eyes drifted, your core throbbing seeing his hardened cock, the pink tip already dampened with pre-cum. You bit your lip, eyes blown with lust as you yearned for him to fill you up. He rubs his throbbing cock along your slit, coating it in your wetness teasingly, his eyes locked on your whiney face. He smirked, leaning in to capture your lips in a kiss, aggressively slipping his tongue into your mouth. He took advantage of you being distracted to plunge his hips forward, sinking his cock deep inside of you, revelling in the way he heard your whines turn into muffled moans. His lips moved against yours, not letting you escape his ferocious kiss, his hand moving to caress your face. His fingers clasping at the nape of your neck, tilting your head upward. 
Your head spins, overwhelmed by the feeling of him pounding into your cunt and your breath being stolen by his sweet, ravenous lips. Your hands find their way into his hair tugging at his brown locks, making him grunt as his head jerks back, allowing you to catch your breath. He presses you further into the tree, his pace increasing as you throw your head back, mouth agape as moans fall from your lips. His grip on your thigh tightens as he uses you as his stability, his fingers kneading into your soft skin, no doubt leaving marks. 
“Fuck me. Look how well you’re taking me. Such a pretty little slut letting me fuck you out in the open.” His words have your lips parting, sensual moans falling from them. Your head tilts back to lean on the tree, your eyes scrunching shut. Your mind rushes with a state of wooziness, cheeks burning as your body rises in heat. He loves the way you fall apart at his words as hips thrust roughly, groaning as he watches the way your pussy clenches around his cock. His hand reaches to rub your clit, erupting a string of incoherent whines out of you. The feel of your shallow breath against his skin makes him shiver. Your heart thumping while your body convulses with each thrust, the head of his cock slamming repeatedly inside, hitting that perfect spot. The noises of slapping echoes softly around the forest floor, though Enzo is so consumed with how his body is feeling to question if he took you further enough away from his friends.
“Such a good girl, that’s it clench around my cock, baby. God. Your pussy is so tight, you sound so fucking pretty.” Enzo’s words were spilling out of him in mumbles as his muscles tightened around his own pleasure building. He leans his head against your forehead as he rubs your clit faster, holding off barely on his own orgasm. He desperately wants to hear you fall apart before he does, his lips brushing yours as he whispers, “come on pretty girl, be a good girl and cum for me.” His words of encouragement send you over the edge as your body shakes, a rise of pleasure exploding through you. Your pussy pulses, squeezing him as your hands grasp at his shoulders, nails digging grasping at his shirt. A series of your own incoherent words fall from your lips in lustful moans. Groans fall from Enzo’s lips, his eyes shut as you come undone, her unravelling triggering his own climax. His hands clench your thighs, pressing his hips further, enjoying how your pussy shakes at the feeling of him filling you up. 
He listens to the combination of your breathless pants blending together with his as your foreheads stick together. You two stay close, his cock resting comfortably still in your warm pussy, not wanting to pull out yet. As his eyes open, he takes in the gorgeous appearance of your flushed cheeks, the heightened desire fading from your eyes. A smile spreads across his face, his hand releasing your thigh back down. Tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear, his hand cups your cheek. “God, you’re fucking beautiful.” His lips are on yours in a moment, taking you by surprise. 
The kiss is sweet and passionate. The feeling of warmth and love radiating off of him. Your lips moved in unison in a fervent dance, matching each other. With your arms wrapped around his neck, you moan, feeling him twitch, still being nestled inside you. Enzo pulls back with a cheeky grin, before he shifts his hips, removing himself from you.
He tucks himself back into his trousers, a sense of satisfaction flooding him, his eyes never leaving you. Amusement pools in them, watching how those once feral hands now delicately smooth out the fabric of your dress. Merlin, that dress, was going to be the death of him. Watching you fix yourself up just made him admire once again how it captured such an alluring feeling within him. 
Your movements are paused, your attention caught by the feeling of cum dripping slowly down your inner thigh. His brows raised, chuckling, taking in the nuance of her reaction as your cheeks blushed a deeper red. “Uh Enz, my panties please.” Your hand reached out, prompting him to hand the stuffed lace back to you. 
He chuckles, “No no, they’re staying with me, princess.” He notices your concerned look at heading back to your friend's pantie-less. “It’s alright. Everyone will just think it’s lemonade.” His face breaks into a cheeky grin at his assurance, sliding his tongue over his lips. The idea of you sitting soaked in his cum for the rest of the picnic in nothing but your dress is sending blood straight to his groin once again. 
You roll your eyes at his stupid statement, lunging at him to grab your underwear back. He’s quick and is already running past you and back towards the group, leaving you no choice but to follow. While your attempt to catch him is not apathetic, his legs are longer than yours and he reaches the clearing your friends are still sitting in first. At the sight of them you stall your running, catching your breath, shooting Enzo a glare. He chuckles, manoeuvring between Draco and Theo to sit himself down, patting the picnic blanket for you to join. The others turn their heads at your entrance, noticing your slightly flushed expression and Enzo’s extra cheeky nature. Theo speaks up, always nosey to find out information. “How was your walk?”
Enzo watches with mischievous eyes as you plant a seat down beside him, as he replies to Theo. “Scenic, lots of pretty things down there.” He grins at you, trying not to give away too much. You blush, meeting his gaze already thinking about the next time you can wear another sundress.
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kaciebello · 1 month
No need for mail
Badger express ★
Lorenzo Berkshire x Hufflepuff! reader (fem)
Summary: While doing a school project, Lorenzo tries his luck. With the help of the wind and the sun, he falls harder and harder.
 Warnings: no use of y/n, 
Authors note: Haiya! This is a sequel series to the whole delivery one. This one is gonna focus on the boys separately! hope you enjoy it! English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes beforehand. Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) And just so you know, it always has been him. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ( and yes I know he's a slut, not here tho, maybe next time.)
word count: 1.1k
Song: Married In Vegas - The Vamps
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Light breeze messes with his hair. He does not care as much as his attention is on the mooncalf nest that rests below the cliff. The girl next to him is doing the same. Her hair is held together in a braid with a yellow ribbon wrapped into it. They are both lying down at the edge of the cliff, one wrong move and they would be rolling down. He turns his face to her.
“Why are we doing this?” He whispers, yes whispered as he has already been scolded once for speaking at his normal volume. Apparently, it would scare the weird animal away and that is not what they want.
“It's a school project, I told you that.” She says, her gaze not moving away from the big-eyed cows.
“I don't think Hagrid would care if we pulled everything out of a book.” He argues back but knows there is no way out of this. He's finally being let in on a Hufflepuff sacred. No wonder they always get the best marks in ‘care for magical beasts’. They simply just vibe with them. The girl just shook her head at him.
The girl scooted a little bit more over the edge. Lorenzo's hand flew over to her and grabbed the back of her shirt. For a witch, she does not have even an ounce of self-preservation in her body.  A small rock fell from their shuffling and landed near the nest. Scaring all the mooncalf, making them run and hide.
“look what you did!” the girl says and, with the help of Lorenzo, sits up.
“Me? I'm not the one trying to throw myself off the cliff!” he says, now too, sitting.
The girl scoffs and gets up to make her way over to the blanket where they set their stuff. He makes his way to her and sits down right next to her. Their knees touching. They both pulled out their notebook, he wrote down his observations and she finished her sketch of the animal.
Silence falls upon them as they both do their own thing. Lorenzo's eyes shift to see her sketch, only to see a familiar face. He does not know if he should call her out or not. But since he considered himself her best friend, a fact she constantly denies, he decided to do the first option.
“AYO, is that me!” Startled, the girl closes the notebook so fast it makes a thud so loud that he's certain the mooncalf all hid again. He tried to take the notebook from her, but she threw it on the other side of the blanket. She restraints one of his hands and the other one lands by her back.
When Lorenzo noticed how close they were, a smile crept on his face.  She noticed too, as his legs curled a little. She turns her body to face him more and places her other hand near his, probably so she can quickly grab it if he tries something.
He noticed her eyes were scanning his face. A breeze messes with his hair again. The girl blinks and lets his arm go, going to fix it for him. He places his, now free, arm on her thighs, squeezing them to make sure his arm lands where he wants it to without actually looking.
The two friends stay silent. Not an awkward one, but a comfortable one they always seem to find themself when they are together. 
“You're so pretty, I wish I could get you pregnant.” She breaks the silence. Lorenco can do nothing but chuckle. He buried his face in the crook of her neck. His arms now sneaking around her waist. Pulling her closer to his body.
“Ditto” He murmurs. He can feel her shake with laughter. She was now playing with his hair, something he could let her do all day if he could.  That's why he peels himself off of her. She just looked at him confused. Lorenzo just shakes his head and moves a little, before ploping his head down on her lap. He makes sure to grab her arms and slam it on his head for good measure.
She looks at him with a shocked expression before sighing. Nonetheless, she does what he wishes for and plays with his hair. He flashes her a smile full of pearly whites. 
“You're annoying.” She says looking down at him. he pokes her side making her squirm a bit.
“But you still love me.” he sings back to her. She does not answer to him. They fall into silence again. The girl is not looking at him. Something in the distance caught her attention. He did not mind, as if she were to look down on him, she would see a fool in love.
A sun framed her head and made it look like a halo. He was smitten.
“So you know how you just wanna be friends?” He says making her give him attention. Looking down at him her arm came to a stop.
“That's cool and all, but I'm like in love with you.” 
“Same” The girl just breaths out. Lorenzo did not expect her to say that. In a second he has decided he is not letting her change her mind.
He shoots up and cages her with one of his arms while the other one goes to her neck and pulls her closer. He does not give her a chance to register what is going on.
Their lips met, softly than someone would expect with how fast Lorenzo was with his moves. She took a few seconds before kissing him back, her arms cradling his face.
The kiss was sweet and slow, a fairytale-like.
Soon they ran out of breath, the girl gently pushing Lorenzo away as he tried to chase her into another kiss. Still, with closed eyes, he lends his forehead to hers.
“That was-” A low whistle cuts him off. Cursing under his breath, Lorenzo opened his eyes and straightened out. there stood four of his friends. A whine leaves him.
“AYO I DID NOT KNOW YOU HAVE A GAME LIKE THAT.” Draco makes sure that he can be heard all the way back to Hogwarts. Multiple praises and hollers sound on the little cliff they found themself on.
All the boys make their way to Lorenzo, lifting him up and repeatedly tossing him in the air. All he could do was catch a glimpse of the girl with a yellow ribbon in her hair laughing. Not even noticing the love note falling out of his pocket and getting lost in the wind.
tag list: @daisiesformylove , @klimovatereza-blog , @lafrone ,@enfppuff , @rafegfs , @frogtape , @lovelyygirl8 , @catiwinky, @anyam444 , @leeleecats , @ghostgardn , @reverse-soe , @ultramarinetovelvet , @iwishigotswallowed , @jazz-berry , @justatadbonkers , @partnerincrime0 , @schaebickel , @bunnyhopsstuff , @deluluassapocalypse
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olee · 3 months
Contigo | Enzo Vogrincic
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The city of Madrid was enveloped in a quiet stillness as the sun began to rise on a Sunday morning. You had been in a relationship with Enzo for nearly a year now, but lately, his busy schedule of conferences and interviews had left you feeling disconnected and unmotivated. Sensing the need to break out of this monotony, you decided to embark on a solo adventure and take the metro to El Rastro, a bustling open-air market that had always piqued your curiosity. With a sense of anticipation, you stepped onto the train and began your journey to the vibrant market, hoping to find some inspiration in the lively atmosphere.
Upon checking your WhatsApp, you saw a message from Enzo that greeted you with "Buenos días". You replied with a smiley face, and he responded by asking, "estás bn?". In response, you expressed your longing by typing "nada, te extraño".
After exploring the famous open-air market, El Rastro, you made your way back to your apartment for a well-deserved rest. You decided to take a long nap to recharge your energy and prepare for the rest of your day.
At 11 pm, when you were just about to call it a day, you heard a sudden knock on your apartment door. Curiosity piqued, you made your way to the door and peered through the peephole to see who it was. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw Enzo, your boyfriend, standing outside with a bucket overflowing with beautiful roses. You couldn't resist the urge to open the door immediately and bask in the sight of his charming smile and the sweet fragrance of the roses.
He embraces your entire being, lifting you up against the wall. His lips caress your nose, then move to your soft lips, then to your delicate neck, and finally back to your lips once more. You feel his touch all over your body, sending shivers down your spine.
You find yourself sitting on the couch of your apartment with Enzo. After exchanging some kisses, he gently runs his fingers through your hair and places soft kisses on your cheeks. As you gaze into his beautiful honey-colored eyes, you suggest taking a stroll through the lively streets of Madrid to breathe in some fresh air. Enzo readily agrees, and you both set out to explore the vibrant city together.
As you walk hand-in-hand through the enchanting streets of Madrid, the city's vibrant energy surrounds you. Enzo breaks the serene atmosphere with a gentle inquiry: "¿Está todo bien?" You respond with a sigh, your emotions spilling out. "Es que... llevo meses sin verte y lo único que hago es trabajar, comer, y dormir. No es que tenga amistades; es que... a veces siento que te necesito, y odio sentir eso."
Unexpectedly, Enzo opens up, revealing his own struggles. "Sabes… me he estado sintiendo igual. Vos entendés que todo ha sido complicado. Mill(ch)ones de entrevistas y ahora con un nuevo papel—” Your curiosity peaks, and you interrupt, “Espera… ¿cómo que un nuevo papel? Joder Enzo, pero, ¿por qué no me lo has dicho? Joderrr… Felicidades!”
In a burst of pride for his upcoming film, you embrace Enzo tightly and shower him with kisses under the warm glow of a streetlamp in a romantic corner of Madrid. As he reciprocates the affection, he gazes intensely into your eyes. You playfully kiss the tip of his nose and delicately trace your fingers over his eyebrows, savoring the moment. Softly, you express your pride, whispering words of admiration, and seal the sentiment with another tender kiss.
Enzo, caught in the embrace of your pride and affection, responds with a tender smile. The soft glow of the streetlamp accentuates the warmth in his eyes as he holds you close. In a voice filled with love and gratitude, he whispers, "Gracias, mi amor. Having you by my side makes every achievement sweeter." As he gazes into your eyes, a silent understanding and a shared passion for each other's successes deepen the romantic connection between you two.
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blondwhowrites · 16 days
Give me a reader who comes off as naive and dumb, and everyone thinks they are just literally clueless, and they kinda are. Yet they literally have top grades, and will infodump about history and random shit.
Look, the Reader will know the science behind nuclear bombs but at the same time not realize someone is flirting with them.
Like girly ain't a dumb naive baby they just don't know social ques or how to normally behave around people, and yeah they whine like a baby sometimes—BUT THEY STAND ON BUSINESS
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ervotica · 5 months
Dunno if you're still taking requests regarding the slytherin boys, but I'll try my luck soo I was thinking like maybe something about spending time with Enzo in one of the dorms while all the other slytherins are out in hogsmeade or whatever and just cuddling and all that sappy stuff??
In case you do write it, thank you so much <3
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pairing; lorenzo berkshire x fem!slytherin!reader
tags; established relationship, disgusting sappy toothache inducing fluff, very much calm!boyfriend x dramatic!girlfriend trope, shitty writing (sorry!)
The dorm is blissfully quiet; your rowdy bunch of friends have taken a day trip to Hogsmeade and Enzo has essentially glued himself to you, coaxing you to the common room to spend the day together.
And, well, you’re not going to complain. An entire uninterrupted day with your favourite boy in the world? How could you possibly object to that?
You sigh exaggeratedly and roll on the bed where you're sprawled next to him, pushing your lips out into a pout and blinking owlishly in that wide-eyed way you tend to when you want something; Enzo has always been particularly fond of your flair for the dramatic. His smile is soft in comparison, half-moon dimples pushing out of his perfect cheeks as he mimics your movements and comes to a stop mere inches from your face.
"What is it, my lover," he drawls in an awful attempt at some sort of Southern cowboy accent, a crooked finger tickling underneath your chin as though you're a cat. You seem to approve regardless.
"It's just not acceptable, Enzo!" you whine, throwing yourself onto your back in a mess of limbs and hair. He tilts his head, eyebrows raised and awaiting the continuation of your theatrical outburst. "We are not nearly close enough together. Look how much room there is between us!" You gesture wildly to the two inch gap separating you and him and feign distress, a hand clutched to your chest in faux shock.
"Come here then, sweet girl," he coos, hands reaching out to tug you up and into his arms. You settle between his thighs, chin propped against his chest as he gazes at you, tucking flyaways behind your ears when you wrap your arms around him. You scrunch your nose as he grazes it with the tip of his thumb devotedly and laughs.
"I love you." His fingers trail the expanse of your face; every crease and crevice, each bump and ridge and slope. He leaves nowhere without his gentle touch, his reverent worship.
You soften and rest your cheek against his warm shoulder, arms coming up to hook around his neck. You never feel like you're quite close enough with him, always wanting more, wanting to burrow inside of his very soul; everywhere you go, you always hunger after his touch- fingers interlinked, knees brushing chastely, a modest peck before you ever part from his company.
"I love you more," you murmur, promptly serious at his declaration. Your face gravitates towards him almost unconsciously and you're slotting your lips between his for a kiss. Once, twice, and then a long, lingering one before you rest your forehead against his, noses brushing.
"Don't ever leave me," you say suddenly. "I've never loved anyone like this."
This time he's the one to break the tension, squeezing you so tight you wheeze and pressing open mouthed kisses to every inch of skin he can reach. They're half-moon shaped, just like his dimples.
"Never," he mumbles into your skin, pulling the duvet over you as you snuggle further into his warmth. Your eyes are heavy.
By the time the rest of the group return from their outing, you're both sound asleep, wrapped in each other's arms. Enzo snores quietly and you're completely still, calm and content. It's the quietest your friends have ever seen you.
Enzo's your person. And your person calms the racing thoughts that spin in your mind. He allows you to relax in the cocoon of safety he's formed around you.
Pansy forces them all out of the dorm to let the pair of you sleep, and for that you are grateful.
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luceracastro · 15 days
Enzo vogrincic x reader
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Summary: you and Enzo had been together since you both were teens, now as you both matured and have proven that you both can be there for eachother through good and bad times, he pops the question and you both finally marry
Warnings: None except a bunch of fluff
You and Enzo met when you both were 15 in school, he remembers you walking into class on the first day, the school uniform adorned your body and though he usually hated it you made it look good, your pretty hair cascading down your back, your face was the prettiest he had ever seen
He remembers you were seated next to him and he could not bring himself to even speak to you, but when you asked him for a pencil and lent him a kind smile, he began to speak to you, simple hellos, good mornings, byes, then it turned into conversations about the assignments or teachers then your classmates
Then just about eachother, the two of you became the best of friends so naturally it was meant to be, he remembers telling you about his dream to become an actor and how he did theater, he invited you to see him and he didn't expect you to come but there you were in the front row with a smile on your face
You supported him and pushed him to reach his goal, his dream of acting because you knew he could do it, he could make it "Lo vas a lograr eso lo tengo por seguro" you said giggling as he smiled at you admiring you in every aspect
You helped him learn lines, helped him get into character and gave him honesty when he needed it, you attended every play and practice if needed, you supported him 100% and he couldn't be more grateful
He loved you, so much it was unbearable. He asked you to be his girlfriend when you both turned 18, for your birthday he brought you flowers and chocolate and saved up enough to take you to eat, it was meaningful and lovely
You swooned over it, he made time to plan this for you and he gathered enough care and thought to do that which made you blush and grin like an idiot
That night you both ended up in a field looking up at the stars, however you were the only one looking up while his eyes were stuck on you "quieres ser mi novia?" You heard him ask and you stopped talking sitting up and facing him "que?" You asked the look of disbelief on your face
"Que si quieres ser mi novia" he repeated and your eyes lit up and you nodded bending down to kiss him, that kiss was full of love and care, it was so sweet you still remember the feeling of it till this day just as he does
"Te amo" he said in between the kiss "yo tambien te amo" you giggled pressing your lips together once more, ever since then you both had been inseparable as he went to his practices and plays you followed, when you got big awards at school or simply had a special occasion he was right behind you
He loved you and you loved him. So it made sense that on your 29th birthday he got down on one knee and proposed to you, you cried like a baby accepting the proposal a million times as he cried holding you close
The one thing Enzo knew was that you were the one, and you'd always be the one.
So with the help of both mothers, him, and your bridesmaids the wedding was planned all within a year, now this was the morning you had been waiting for all your life, the makeup artist was working her magic as was the hair stylist
"Que hermoso este vestido!" Male Matias girlfriend had joined you and your bridesmaids in getting ready since she had been such a kind loving person towards you
"Gracias amor, me encanto en cuando lo vi!" You said excitedly and she grinned "te vas a ver como reina!" She squealed and you giggled "No puedo creer que te vas a casar" your mom said as she sat looked at you with eyes full of adoration and you smiled "Y con el chico que siempre me encanto para ti" She laughed as you chuckled
your hair and makeup was set, you were changed out of the silk white robe you wore and into the beautiful white dress you had fallen in love with since the moment you had first saw it after searching for months and in different dress shops
you looked in the mirror and smiled, "Estas hermosa!" your mom came over with a smile on her lips as you both looked in the mirror, only then did you realize you both had watery eyes "Ya te vas a llamar T/n Vogrincic" you both giggled
the transportation was easy yet the nerves ate at your stomach, your maid of honor took note and squeezed your hand "Sonrie" she smiled at you and you smiled too, but the nerves and jitters didn't go away "Tengo muchos nervios" you admitted smiling "Lo se pero vas a ver que todo va estar bien" she assured you and you took a deep breath nodding
you were helped out the car by your bridesmaids as they were careful to keep your white dress as white as it was, you had walked to where the ceremony would be held, your body was shaking and your belly hurt from all the nerves and butterflies "Te ves hermosa" you heard your dads voice as well as the crack in his tone
you looked at him as he held back tears at the sight of you, "Estas lista?" he asked and you nodded "Si, mas que nada" you chuckled interlocking your arm with his "Si quieres podemos huir" he suggested and you laughed nudging him with your hip as he laughed as well.
it was time, it kicked in as you were now beginning to walk down the aisle, rows and rows of close family and friends filled the seats and then your eyes landed on him, Enzo in that black suit, he had offered to cut his hair but you denied it, that was the hair you fell in love with and he liked it long so he resorted to taming it with some gel at most but to you, he was the most handsome man you had ever seen.
his eyes were watery, he looked at you with love, adoration, and admiration, he wiped the tear that fell on his cheek as you got closer, your dad placed your hand in Enzo's and he didn't leave without saying one last thing first
"Cuida de mi niña" your dad said and he seemed to allow his tears to slip down his cheeks and it seems Enzo had allowed his tears to do so as well, "Siempre, te lo prometo" he nodded
Your vows were anything but short, you and Enzo spoke of your fondest and loving memories and made promises to one another, “puedes besar a tu esposa” Enzo was quick to pull you in for a kiss, a very loving one
Walking down the isle hand in hand it was unbelievable, this was real, you both were officially together and you knew you’d never separate
“Felicidades a los casados!” Pipes voice was recognizable and you smile turning to see them all huddled together “Mas hermosa la señora Vogrincic” Alfonsina chuckled as she hugged you making you hug her excitedly
“Te ves Bonita gordis” Fran’s squeal made you laugh as you hugged him “tu mas Fran mírate” you teased “bueno bueno vamos a celebrar no?” Pipe smiled and Rocco put a hand over his shoulder “eh nomas quieres desvelarte”
“Eh pero yo agarro el primer baile con la novia hermosa” Enzo gave Simón a look “es mi novia eh cuidado” Enzo warned a small smile “Esposa, Enzo, soy tu esposa” you corrected him making him smile “Mejor una novia, mi esposa” he kissed you making you smile.
@madame-fear @luv4fati @creative-heart @espinasrubi tagging my loves❤️
A/n: I had sm fun writing this, in all honesty music inspires most of my fics lol but I hope you all love this just as much as I do,
And likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated but not required just as long as you all enjoy the read, love you guys❤️❤️❤️
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s1ater · 1 year
butting heads.
pairings. lorenzo berkshire x fem!reader
about. you’re jumped and refuse to tell lorenzo what happened.
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warning. foul language, a lil violence
ricky is typing… louis is my current obsession. also tried to dye my hair brown and it turned ginger 💀💀💀💀 fml
“who hit you?”
oh, boy.
“doesn’t matter,” you push not only his hands away, but the entirety of his hovering body before this situation could escalate anymore than it had just by him seeing you.
“no,” he shakes his head, turning on the heal of his foot to follow you. “no, what the fuck happened?”
“lo, calm the fuck down.”
he clenched his jaw to the retaliation and sourness in your voice. he rolled his neck in a circle, his head tipped toward the ceiling, refraining himself from blowing up on you.
she’s just mad.
he grabs your arm before you can walk too much farther, pulling you till you were pressed against one of the walls of your room, “you got a bruise on your cheekbone,” he presses the side of his index finger against the dark coloration, almost making you wince. “one right here,” he presses lightly against your jaw, “and blood here,” and then his thumb against the corner of your mouth.
his voice was as quiet as it could get, till; “so don’t tell me to calm the fuck down when you look like you’ve gotten into a pub fight and someone tried to kill you.”
you bite the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from squirming in the tight spot lorenzo had you in.
he continues to look down on you with prying and hard eyes, waiting for you to speak while his fingers still lightly hovered over the tender-bruising flesh of your face.
“act like you’ve never been hit before,” you move from beneath his body somehow, making your way to your dresser.
“but i tell you,” his voice was only getting more aggravated as you protested from saying the truth.“so why don’t you stop being a prude and let out what happened.”
“why do you care?” you’re pulling on one of your sweaters over your head, pressing your lips together immediately in a hard fine line in your own regret to your question.
oh, he was about to pull his hair out of his head, “i’m beginning to ask myself the same thing,” he stares at you, waiting for you to look back at him and when you finally do, it’s so you can watch him walk out.
“well it’s nice to see your beautiful shining face this morning,” blaise is all smiles the moment you sit down across the table from him, his eyes profiling every bit of your still freshly beaten features.
he seems to be the only one not devastated.
“dear god,” theodore’s face scrunches in shock as he gets a look at you from the side. “what happened to you?”
“piss off.”
“well!” blaise grins harder, “face matches the attitude for once.”
they sound like hounds when suddenly laughing, making your mood decline even more.
“alright, what happened to ‘er?” draco’s lips are jerked into a smirk as he leans further against the table, trying to look at enzo through blaise. “you didn’t hit her, ole’ boy, did you?”
lorenzo is far from amused. this kills your own bad mood to the realization of him staring at you, almost angered looking.
“i don’t know,” he barely opens his mouth to say it. “why would i know?” his harsh stare is still directed on you. “no reason to care.”
the amusement is killed immediately by his ill-mannered tone and the only distinct sound is the clustered talking of your fellow classmates around the hall. the tension is a thick warmth that they can all suddenly feel with discomfort.
you bite your tongue till you could taste blood. the metallic relish almost overpowered the barging stares.
“alright,” theodore coughs awkwardly from beside you, shifting so he’s angled directly to you. “you got your face beaten in, who did it?”
oh lorenzo would be so mad if you said it now. if you would say it to theodore, but not him.
“face beaten? that bad, huh?” you wince hard at the sound of pansy’s voice calling out from behind you. “i fucking hate those ravenclaw girls. they hate when they can’t have what you have.”
she slides in nonchalantly on the other side of you, continuing to speak without a problem, “you sure know how to pick ‘em, enzo.”
“what?” he watches her begin to examine the bruises and cuts on your face with a calm stare before overlooking the the food laid out on the table.
his eyebrows were pulled high, caught off guard to her sour statement.
“every ravenclaw girl you have ever touched, jumped your girlfriend in the washroom because your dick was that good,” she’s pulling apart food now, lightly stuffing her face as she continues to answer. “held her down-“
you got up before you could hear another word from her mouth. it’d be like reliving it to hear it from her. lorenzo looks between the both of you agitatedly, not knowing if to follow or listen. pansy raises her brows to the fact he hadn't moved.
“y/n,” he follows.
he attempts to pace fast after you from the other side of the table, a feeling of despair in his chest in the thought that this was really his fault.
“y/n,” he’s on your tail, close to grabbing you but you kept treading as fast as you could. “why didn’t you tell me?”
“think about it, lorenzo, why would i?” your finger nails press hard in and out into the palm of your hand. “it’s bound to happen with the number of girls on your track record.”
“okay,” he bites his tongue at the foul tasting sentence. “y/n, can you just slow down and talk to me?”
“what do you want to talk about?” you didn’t slow.
“will you please-“ he finally grabs your arm, practically yanking you back to stop and face him. “i need you to look at me and i need you to tell me why you wouldn’t tell me what happened to you.”
“how am i supposed to tell you that?” you look at him dumbfounded. he could tell you were still angry, or frustrated, or whatever it was you were feeling.
“i’m supposed to protect you, y/n” his eyes thin out into a squint as if shocked you didn't assume this. “i can’t do that when you don’t talk to me.”
“protect me, lorenzo? i don’t need to be protected. they’re teenage girls for god sake; you pull their hair and they cry.”
he almost laughs at your sour tone, wondering if that was the case for you. he doubted it, you wouldn't be caught dead with tears.
“still, why wouldn’t you tell me?”
he was starting to sound like a broken record, his own words were becoming annoying to him.
“because it’s embarrassing, alright? i feel embarrassed.”
maybe you did cry. you looked stressed, like you could be knocked to your feet at any moment from how unbalanced you were in the head.
"are you gonna feel good about telling me you got jumped in the washroom and didn't get the chance to fight back?"
he looks annoyed at your trap question. he was trying so hard to be nice, to just listen and offer what he could. but his patience was running thin and you could tell by the tint in his eyes. he didn't even care for the distraught look in your eyes anymore.
"fine," he turned his head to the side, poking his tongue into the base of his cheek. "fine, baby. you wanna be like that, that's fine. i don't really care anymore. as long as your fine and you don't care, i don't care."
this was a lose-lose situation. it always was when the two of you would butt heads. you both were stubborn and easily annoyed.
lorenzo raised his hands like waving a white flag, giving up. he started to walk away now and all you could do was watch—again.
“lorenzo, it’s been awhile,” a girl with dark brown hair straddled the bench to the slytherin table, almost sitting in his lap with a glint in her eye that made all of his friends frown. “we haven’t talked like you said.”
there’s a visible tenseness in him the moment she started speaking. his chewing came to a hault as well as any visible breathing. he’s not sure what he should do, he can’t think, but he doesn’t dare look at her.
it had been two days since lorenzo gave up on trying to comfort you and it was dreadful, for everyone. tension had been higher than usual and they would barely see the two of you in the same room without their being some kind of tightness in the air.
“i uh, i met your girlfriend.”
blaise looks to theodore who’s closely speculated on lorenzo and what he’ll say, what he’ll do. he sees the furrow that forms in enzo’s brow, the annoyance and even anger that dilates his eyes to the sound of her sentence—he realizes.
blaise now looks draco now, who looks back. this could go so many ways.
“my girlfriend?” his brow arches. this is what got him to look at her.
“yeah,” she smiles, he took the bait. she now takes it as cue to reach out to him, to make contact by pressing her fingers against his green tie. he feels a slight pull as she pinches the sleek fabric between her finger tips, attempting to subtly bring him closer. “she’s so darling.”
“she tell you that we spoke, lo?”
“i didn’t have to.”
suddenly she’s on her ass with your hand wrapped around her hair, yelping like a kicked dog, “now fuck off.”
“now you’re acting all tough,” she struggles to her feet. “that wasn’t the case the last time i saw you.”
“maybe because you don’t have five other girls sniffing your ass and commands.”
she smiles, “sure, or maybe you’re just-“
you punch her straight in the nose, making her cry out fast.
“oh, jesus,” lorenzo grabs you by your arm, pulling you close to him as he marched you straight out the dining hall. “i thought you didn’t care.”
“fuck you, jackass, i don’t appreciate it when other girls are practically on my boyfriend’s dick,” you’re still pressed hard into his side as he lets out a loud laugh.
you wrench yourself from his side once out of the dining hall. you’re now walking backwards as you grab onto his tie, yanking on it, “grabbing his clothes and calling him something she shouldn’t be calling him.”
he’s grinning cheek to cheek at your angry rambling.
“fuck you.”
“yeah baby, tell me how you really feel,” he presses his tongue against the base of his teeth, watching the way you look at him with everything but hate now.
“i think you know how i feel.”
“yeah,” his lips prick into a smirk as he now grabs you, pulling you back into him. “you’re pretty when you’re mad.”
“is that right?” you’re wiggling in his grasp, now turning so you’re facing him. “i like when you talk to me nice.”
he scoffs, “you’re a brat,” but he still looks highly amused. “next time one of those girls come near you, tell me-“
“what, you gonna save me?”
@sophiekay20 @aliyahsutherland @thehuntress09 nblack @ishwiya @padf00ts-l0ver @thehuntress09 @Anushi @afidiofobia @black-rose-29 @i-love-scott-mccall @greengarsstuff @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @dayanaralight @sunsetcurve-95 @youdontlikethatdoyoucupcake @hopelessbutterfly @jameslover @colorfulpaperthing @therewillbedancing @lilytoyourjames @eichenhouseproperty @living-hell-7 @calums-betch @moonlighy @ancientimes @1Dcumslut @gabeisinluv @iluvt4ylorswift @liltimmyst @falcvns @alexxavicry @simars3 @grxcisxhy-wp @esposadomd @rmeddar123 @lupinsluvbot
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medium-rare-bimbo · 9 months
Thinking about thoughts
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May contain Dubcon, age gap, dark characters, somnophilia, stepcest
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ sucking steve and Billy's cocks when they've just finished their basketball practice they suffocate you in their balls
"God you're fucking disgusting bet you're getting off on this arent you?"
"Billy be nice shes too dumb to care about a little bit of sweat"
♡ eddie would bite your boobs </3 would probably make your nipples bleed then flick them through your shirt
♡ I love the whole "stuck in the washing machine" porn plot <3 maybe you hosted a small get together at your house (Nancy, robin, eddie, steve, Jonathan, billy, argyle) and you quickly decide that you need to grab something from your room. Its stored at the back of your bed so you have no other choice but to crawl underneath to get it, unfortunately your bed frame decides to fall just as you were pulling out leaving you stuck with your back arched. Thankfully your friends hear your yells and come to help you but not before they have some fun with you first, you're covered in cum and spit by the end. Your cunt all puffy swollen and sore but your night doesnt end there because they soon find out that they cant Lift the bed :((( meaning they have to call for help, big strong hopper shows up and stretches you out even more but eventually pulls you out from beneath the crushed bed.
♡ billy would 110% fuck you then take pictures of you just to show to his teammates (who tried to flirt with you) that you were his
♡ •whoever• helping there favourite cheerleader stretch, pressing your legs to you chest as they repeatedly hit that special spot that makes you feel all gooey inside
♡ rockstar! eddie fucking you on stage 👁👁
♡ billy/eddie making you cry just so they can wipe your tears and jerk off with them. They're being so mean to you, tears are streaming down your cheeks and dripping onto their cock
♡ mrs wheeler had a bad date night and comes home wine drunk, you're having a sleepover with nancy (whose already asleep) you stumble into the kitchen for a glass of water when you hear her enter. You're not sure how you ended up with her red lipstick smudged between your thighs or your swollen, juice soaked lips but you're not complaining especially when she invites you over the next day
♡ robin really likes your boobs. Almost in a obsessive kinda way. Theyre always so sore and bruised from how much she sucks on them, there are small crescent moon shaped cuts from where she squeezes them aswell as finger shaped marks. Shes always so sorry when you whine in pain as struggle to put your bra on choosing to just pull your shirt on without the wired piece of fabric, her apologies are insincere as she cant help but gawk at your chest and your hardened nipples. It's a win her book
♡ steve x bimbo! reader who loves skating !! He always sees you in your mini skirts and roller skates but can never seem to get the opportunity to talk to you that is until you come into family video looking for some elvis movie for your grandma, despite his charm and flattery you're too dumb to understand his flirting and brush him off he assumed  you were playing hard to get and Almost like clock work youd come in every week to return and rent a new movie then indirectly reject him. Steve had gotten tired of the schedule you had both fallen into when he decided to ask you directly
"Are you not interested in me or something? Am I getting the wrong signals? Because everytime i try to flirt with you, you just ignore it.  Arr you ju- just not into men? Or-"
"Oh my god! I didnt know you were flirting with me silly! like I dont think you ever said something in a flirty way. And by the way as much as I love women I also totally love men maybe not as much but that's not important. You know if I had known you were flirting I would've soo gone out with you I mean-"
He coudlnt believe his ears, you didnt know he was flirting with you? He used the most obvious pick up lines
"W-wait what do you mean you didnt know I was flirting with you?"
"Well it's not like you asked me to bend over so how was I supposed to know?"
"...I dont think that's flirting"
You felt so bad for him :((( you couldnt believe how dumb you were for not realising sooner </3 luckily for Steve his break was soon which gave you a chance to make up for it, although the storage room was not the ideal place for you to be on your knees you couldnt find a thought to care.
♡ eddie would bite your pussy. Nobody else will say it but he would be devouring your cunt then bite you
♡ breeding kink! With dark! Steve!!! Hed fuck you anytime he gets the chance, bent over the sink? Boom cock in you, in the shower? Boom filled, when you sleep? BOOM BOOM BOOM COCK
♡ sucking on man titties 👁👁
♡ hehe flayed billy making you eat ice before you suck him off because he likes the cold
♡ hopper cucking Phil!! Fucks his pretty lil wife right in front of him, hes tied up with a cock ring !!!! Hopper threatens to knock you up and claim you !!!
♡ argyle jerking off infront of you <3<3 you're getting high in the back of his van and he cant help but get turned on by the look of you, you've always been close and in the drug induced haze you cant help but let him stroke himself especially when he asks so nicely
♡ nancy has so many toys its insane, shes also very adamant about using them on you
♡ eddie in panties!!!! Eddie in panties!! MY PRETTY BOY!!! dont think this means hes going to be submissive for you if anything he gets meaner maybe he makes you wear them after he gets all his cum smeared on the inside
♡ stepdad hopper fingering you under the table at dinner !!! His thick fingers sliding against your gummy walls, he sucks off your juices playing it off as him enjoying his food
♡ billy pulls your pussy apart just to spit on it before eating, sometimes smacks your clit too just so see it swell up, likes forcing his fingers into you so he can feel how you try to push him out. Hes probably tattooed his name on to your mound
♡ eddie pretends to pray before spitting on your clit, he uses his pointer finger to move his salvia around maybe nibbles at it too. He just likes watching your hips jerk towards him, gets him worked up to know that only he can please you
♡ steve kisses your clit but not just a simple peck this man makes out with your clit !!! He sucks and swirls his tongue around it practically forces his faces as close as he can get. He loves tasting you, he loves knowing that you juices linger on him
♡ argyle loves stretching your pussy apart to watch your hole clench around nothing. He thinks your cunt is the prettiest thing hes ever seen and could spend forever looking at it. He eats you out slowly trying to prolong leaving his space between you thighs, his lips are swollen by the end and his face is covered in your juices
♡ Jonathan kisses your clit before going down on you, his mouth is all over you and hes constantly lapping up the juices that spill out of you. His fingers are buried inside of you and are moving from your hole to his mouth
♡ hopper is mean and spits on you aswell as spanks your poor cunt. He fingers you so expertly that you feel like you're in heaven, his mouth never leaves your clit and you're all sensitive the next morning from his moustache. He prolongs your orgasms until your screaming and crying for release
♡ nancy is also mean </3 she gets you on the floor and presses her foot into you covered pussy, she makes it seem like such a hassle to eat you out but her actions contradict as shes always pulling down you panties to press you against her mouth
♡ 001 is the worst of the worst that man loves watching you wither in whatever pain mixed pleasure he gives you, hes so mean and always bites and pinches your clit. You rarely get to cum when he goes down on you, only granting you permission when you're wrapped around his cock
♡ robin is in awe everytime she gets to taste you, shes constantly looking up at you as you whine and moan. Shes spent hours training herself to know your weak spots, she makes you cum so many times that you can barely keep your eyes open. She loves looking at your fucked out face and wet thighs
♡ chrissy is so sweet!! When the rest of the cheerleaders have left the locker room and have gone home you're both left alone. You're feeling bad about not perfecting a move and she has to make sure you're feeling good. She takes her time with you making sure you feel loved, she has you sat on a bench with her kneeling on the ground. Shes suffocating herself between your thighs and she wouldnt have it any other way
♡ innocent(?) Reader wants to know if cocks can get hickeys, luckily her boyfriend/bestfriend is willing to help in her experiment
♡ mean girl! Bimbo! Reader calls dark! Eddie's friendgroup "a bunch of virgin incels" he corners her and forces her into the hellfire room. He then shows her how much of a "virgin incel" he is
♡ prince! Steve,  banished! Eddie, rival! Prince! Billy, royal painter! Jonathan (no cameras so hes a painter now) royal cook! Argyle, king! hopper, princess! Nancy, royal advisor! Robin x maid! Reader (maybe not all at once but the thoughts are there)
♡ mechanic! Scumbag! Eddie who always says theres something wrong with bimbo! Readers car just so he can see her, he always gets under the car when youre wearing your infamous mini skirts. Hes so nice to you and you get him lunch when hes been working so hard <3<3 his only desired payment is your tight warm hole <3<3<3<3<3<3
♡ 001 getting obsessed with Billy's girlfriend after he possesses him <3<3 hunts you down after billy is killed, traps you in the creel house to be his housewife
♡ hopper breed me challenge, want to be his dumb personal fleshlight whose only good for being his house wife
♡ argyle hate fucking dominos worker! Reader
♡ perv! eddie has a set of dice that has been blessed by your pussy, thinking innocent! reader wanted to know how to play dnd and goes to eddie only for him to get carried away and just stuffing you with dice. Probably got bored and somehow convinced you to get on his lap, he held your down as he rubbed your clit as he forced the 20 sided die inside of you. He keeps a die on him at all times tucked away in his jeans, it's his good luck charm the rest get stored next to his bedside table where he kisses them goodbye before hellfire
♡ mrs wheeler boobs in my mouth please !!!!!! Got a vibrator pressed against eachother, she calls me her little baby and I just AEAKSBWON
♡ being Jonathan's girlfriend and coming to meet his parents only to be face first in Joyce's pussy with hoppers fat cock in your womb <3<3<3
♡ innocent(?)! Stalker! Reader takes pictures of herself naked, posed on her teddy pair, in her cotton panties, in the shower, fingers deep in her cunt just so she can give them to her favourite people. Thankfully shes always wore long skirts and baggy cardigans so nobody can trace back whose body it is
♡ I'm still not a furry but I 170% believe that eddie needs a bunny girlfriend (aka me)
♡ vampire eddie chasing down nymph! Fairy! reader to have his way with her
♡ bear! Hopper fucking bunny! Reader over fallen tree maybe it's just regular hopper and his fairy/nymph! Fuck toy
♡ AAAAA dark! Eddie coming home after a bad day finding you sleeping on the couch, he needs relief and you're the perfect thing. He climbs on top of you fucking you awake with his pierced cock.
♡ billy cums on your pussy before the day starts just so your cunt gets nice and moisturized with his seed
♡ eddie walks around the trailer with his hand down his pants he says it's to keep them warm but hes really just touching himself
♡ picnic in the woods where I just get fucked dumb and fed fruit <3 taken back to a cabin where I'm all warm and naked near the fire <3<3<3<3<3<3
♡ 👁👁 Murray keeping nymph! Reader as a pet as much as he likes his strange horny creature he cant keep up with your stamina so calls for backup from his good ol friend hopper
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