#do I like the funky lil puppets anyway
rosebloodcat · 1 year
Ever think randomly about a fandom you saw go by on you’re dash months ago then decide to look it up to see what it was even about?
And then get immediately sucked in despite still only vaguely knowing the actual story of the whole thing bc
Lookit them. They are just lil Guys. Who may be a bit Fucked Up:tm:
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jellyluvr · 1 year
Behind you
- Tate langdon x fem!reader ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Thinking about writing some sad stuff. I love vagina commercials. Anyway this is just gonna be tate bein gross. (Kinda like divinelyruled's 'tate bein horny n gross' but there's no lube and he's watching you 😉😉
Tw: masturbation obvi, stalker type shit, some blood. Just a lil bit tho. And suggestive stuff but I mean that's not really a surprise?? 😭
S: tate likes watching u shower
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Tate stood infront of the mirror, looking at his face as he began to see visions again. His eyes tricked him into seeing blood.. seeping down from his hair, dripping all over the sink... tates breathing quickened, and he began to panic. He still didn't have a good way of handling himself besides jerking off.. not that it was bad. He liked the euphoria.. the pleasure. Made 'm feel good.
- back to you -
You were on your bed, the velvet pillow propped under you as you began to kick your feet listening to the song. Coward - warthog. You liked the funky beat.. the rhythm. Your head bobbed, your mouth lip singing to the lyrics. You turned up your iPod, sighing with the freedom you now had. With your parents just moving it put you in a wonderful place. A place for opportunity. That's what your mom would say at least.
Not that you cared. You liked the 'murder house'. It was nice.. comfy. Your style too. You were always called emo, grunge, freakish.. and it was all because you had style? How disappointing. It made you wince. You hated thinking about how people hated you. You didn't even understand why either.. but, whatever. You were cool? What was stopping you from being the best version of yourself?
So, to keep yourself from rotting in boredom, you thought about taking a shower. Maybe even a bubble bath... that'd be too annoying to clean up though. So, shower. You turned off your iPod, getting out of bed as you adjusted your camisole. You began to walk, the creak of the floorboards giving you some accompaniment.
Tate was still having his minor breakdown in the mirror, but once he heard you approaching he held himself together. He was invisible to you. He never showed himself, but he of course knew who you were. He had his fair share of watching you sleep.. he may or may not have had a chunk of your hair, but that was besides the point. Tate backed up to the wall, giving you space to walk in.
Your feet hit the cold tile, and you face the mirror, looking at yourself, catching a glimpse of something behind you. Naturally, you looked, but there was nothing. You turned back, telling yourself it was just paranoia. The blinds were closed... it was pretty late but no one could see in. That's what you thought at least.
With that, you closed the bathroom door, making it the seal to tates accompaniment with you in the bathroom. Not that he didn't like it.. he loved it actually. He liked watching you study your facial features. Humming stupid lyrics.. he used to do that too. Before he died.
He sighed, watching you. He admired your every move. He loved you. It was true love. You'd like him. He knew it. He just needed time to.. prepare himself. Everyone always had a different reaction to him. But.. it never seemed to be happy. That was his goal with you. You were his little test subject. Not a puppet.. he couldn't control you. But he would.
His eyes watched your finger tips go to the hem of your camisole, it hugging your body tight as you pulled it up, showing your back in all glory. He looked in the mirror, admiring your chest. Once it was pulled of your head, his eyes were practically glued to your tits. He licked his lips involuntarily, feeling one of many sparks of arousal from you.
You began to pull your shorts down, not thinking anything of it. It was practically anything. Your mind was just stuck on what body wash you'd use. Marshmallow? Rosey..? Coconut? Pineapple would've been nice. You still didn't understand why that hadn't been made yet. But, either way, your mind traveled relevant things while you pulled your panties down, placing your clothes on the counter. You placed them away from the sink, avoiding any accidents.
Tate watched you walk over to the bathtub, watching your hips move perfectly. God... you made him almost twitch. His hand went to clutch his bulge, and he watched as you bent over slightly to turn the shower on, sticking your hand in to make sure it's warm. Even the slightest movements made him melt. He was so obsessed with you..
Your hand stuck in the water, goosebumps appearing on your skin from the coldness. You moved on your heel, waiting for the water to heat up. This old shower was horrible. Outrageous even. You hated having to wait so long for it, but thankfully the water heated up faster.
You stepped in, pulling the curtain forward as you looked down at your feet, your hair dampening. Soon, it got wet, and it almost looked like silk. You played with it for a moment, but you then turned to the options of body wash and just chose coconut. It was simple enough, plus it was summer. It was a summer scent, and quite relevant.
Tate had eventually moved his hands in his pants, his rough calloused palms moving up and down his shaft. Tate had moved to the side of the tub, just to get a good view. He watched you wash your body.. nice and slow in the right areas. His heart almost burst seeing your soapy body.. he wanted to fuck you so hard.. till you couldn't think. Till the only thing you cared about was his dick.
It was a shame you didn't even know who he was. But even not knowing, you sensed something behind you and where it could've just been chills you turned around quickly. But, of course, nothing. You decided to be a bit more quicker, avoiding closing your eyes from childhood fears. It could've been anything. Monsters were real. Just, they were human monsters. Like tate.
But, tate was a little disappointed. He wanted to scare you. To scar you for life. It wasn't like you had much time anyway. It was all he thought about. Blood.. carnage.. sex. Just the slightest thought of blood was a major turn on for tate. Imagining you covered in it made his cock almost feel too hot. Regardless, he continued stroking his shaft, stopping when there was too much stimulation.
While you had the idea of a short shower it wouldn't hurt to just touch yourself a little.. so when your hand slipped down to wash your thighs, you rubbed your clit with the soapy bubbles, gasping almost in the feel. It had been awhile since you touched yourself, but you sure did miss it. You bit down on your lip, your finger tip moving fast against your sensitive bud.
Tate soon realized what you were doing and his pace grew as his head threw back in pleasure. Even with the harshness of his speed he loved it. Watching the water cascade down your body make his climax come ever so slightly closer.
Your hand rubbed in between your thighs, but you eventually took it out sighing. Your parents were home.. what if they heard you? You couldn't do that. And with the paranoia growing you moved onto washing your hair. You lathered it, taking the time to brush it when there was a tangle. Once your hair was silky again, you turned off the water, immediately alarming tate. He had been so close he had closed his eyes, but now they were open, and he continued to touch himself.
He moved a little so he could see you better and his eyes watched as you stepped out of the tub. You had to have been some sort of godess.. so beautiful. He'd do anything to bury his face in your chest. He just wanted to make you feel good... that was all.
Tate thought of the most unholy things as you walked back to the mirror, being careful to not slip. You got a towel out and rubbed the steam off the mirror and began to dry off. You just stared at yourself. Your head turned every so often, but it was just because you felt off. So off..
And that was when tate finally finished. It wasn't much, he jerked off a lot so there wasn't much to dispose. But, his thoughts about blood and gore all washed away. His head went back as he panted, finally feeling the humidity to the room getting to him. He sighed watching you get dressed once more.
He really wanted to rip that off of you..
And while he watched, he pulled his hands out of his pants and walked over to you, standing right behind you.
♫⋆。♪ ˚♬ ゚.
Kay that's all
Taglist: @tatelangdonsgirll @kaismanwich
Just comment or reply if you want to be added!
Not proofread either none of my fics are lol
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jojoseames · 3 years
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When those Hellfire Gala designs for the upcoming X-Men event were first revealed, my friend IMMEDIATELY popped into my DMs to demand that I design some fancy-dress versions of Black Tom and Juggernaut, and I couldn't NOT acquiesce.  Not that Juggy's getting invited to this party, of course. Actually, Tom might also not get to properly attend this party, on account of having to act as security. Which makes me very sad for him, because there's probably nothing that Black Tom Cassidy would like more than a fancy gala party. Except that his friend wouldn't be there. I'm sad for them.
Anyway. Designs. Classic Black Tom look, but with a really low neckline to give an opportunity to draw a lot of plants-and-fungus-and-whatever that's growing over or out of him. Long tails on the coat, which is something he's had at least once. But then make it asymmetrical. Rows of buckles inspired by his look in Generation X issue 25, when Tom (or a vegetable puppet of himself) rolls up looking like a funky lil' wizard. And tall boots based on his "if I'm gonna die an agonizing death at least I'm gonna do it wearing these amazing boots" footwear from the Deadpool: Sins of the Past mini-series.
Juggernaut with mostly extra color-blocking for fanciness. Imagine all those brightest red parts being very shiny. I like those glowing lines that he's been drawn with very recently, so I used those. And sort of an overall triangle motif. And some stripey accents because I've always liked that element along his abdomen in the classic design, but I've put that along the flank, here, and in different shades. For fanciness.
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daisy--devil · 4 years
you said fnaf or petscop drawing requests but how about both - who do you think paul’s favorite animatronic would be? :3 - @rotationiteration
More like Paul was Puppet’s favorite and he slowly got attached to her tall ass, even if he is slightly scared of her and worries one day she is going to snap and kick him to the moon with her long legs.
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But if you meant Paul as in our funky lil main character in the game Petscop, he likes the crippled Chicken!
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Sorry if any of the drawings look bad! I’ve drawn a lot today and my hand is a bit sore from using the trackpad so intensely. I hope you like the answer anyways, @rotationiteration   !!
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