#do NOT let sympathy for Tiger fool you. it would sell you for a cornchip and then steal your home
gordon-furman · 6 months
what do your ocs want the most?
sally- though she's very expressive on the outside, she only exhibits positive emotions and she keeps a lot of insecurities/fears/doubts to itself. this makes her wants often not known to anyone, even Jack. But her ultimate desire is to be accepted by the vortigaunts (she feels very alienated from them due to her being altered, her trauma, and the fact community matters very much to her AND the vorts) and otherwise for everyone it loves to live happy and fulfilling lives.
jack- this is such a good and funny question for jack bc. jack's whole character arc is that she feels purposeless and directionless. they feel stuck on Earth and stuck fighting the Combine for what it thinks might be forever. I guess it can be said that at first what Jack desires most is change, and at the end...well, let's just say the climax of the story is jack finding out what he really wants.
tiger- ok this one is complicated. on surface level it's clear that Tiger just wants to perpetuate it's colony's desires in conquering planets. Everything he does is in the name of eventually bringing more shock troopers to Earth and doing almost exactly what the Combine does but THEIR way. Basically the Colony's wants are Tiger's wants. It's a soldier m.i.a. from everything she's ever known, alone in a hostile world who sees the glory and potential of returning home a warrior with a promised planet. It wants to go home. And to not be alone. At any means necessary.
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