#do nawt match length
forunholy · 10 months
open to everyone !
where: one of the gala's bathrooms :D
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it's entirely too quiet, if he ignored the running of the facet and the quiet whimpering of the man who was still keeled over in the corner of a handicapped bathroom when he'd last seen him. at the very least, his mind is too quiet, anger and the slip of his emotions taken out on the first guy to piss him off. it's a blessing he's wearing black, not that hanbin owned clothing in many other colors to begin with, dark fabric concealing any splatters of red and leaving hints of it of his work on his neck, what was visible and messy washed away with water. his knuckles are painfully red, a mixture of his own blood and whatever had come out of the other's face by the time hanbin was finished staining the entirety of his hand.
suddenly, he can't exactly remember which restroom he'd pushed his victim into, far more concerned with it being empty and not occupied by some self-righteous level one. perhaps the attendees should be happy his approach to his anger today had been physical, and not in the form of blowing the fusebox out. this party, grand opening, or whatever you could call it, wasn't anything new to hanbin. except for it being occupied by far too many people he'd rather never see. scratch that, it was exactly like every corporate event he'd ever been to.
red still spills down the drain of the sink, scrubbing at his knuckles and unsure if it was making it better or worse. the faint sound of the door opening isn't lost on him, despite never attempting to lift his head. he's himself after all, uncaring and unabashed in what he's done, the lingering presence only enough for him to make him say anything at all. "that one's occupied," he states blankly, slightly less injured hand pointing behind him, in case the man crying inside of it wasn't enough.
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lgcnina · 6 months
✰ ◞ GOOD PARTS. deep dives for two ( ft. @lgchayoung ).
interviews have never been cause for worry in ninas book, structured curiosities being easy asks to answer with thoughtful responses and a steadily growing sense of ease when it came to expression— while, this time last year, nina might have been more stilted, calculated, stoic in a way that some might find odd to watch, offering another version of herself that her current mind couldn't help but think back to with muted pity, she'd still found staged discussions to be quite a breeze.
now, having grown in ways she'd still needed the time to fully process, her future bulldozing forward with a group of girls she found herself slowly but surely falling into pace with, nina is the most relaxed she'd been in a long time.
maybe that had to do with hayoung being by her side, photobook shoots paused for the duo as they'd been whisked away to a shadier patch of greenery. nina was happy with the bond growing between the two of them, her hopeful skepticism no match for hayoungs genuine warmth and acceptance. sat together now, the first question rolls around in ninas mind easily.
"please introduce yourself and your role in the group."
a standard question, one nina takes a moment to ponder before offering the first answer. "hello, my name is nina seo, and i'm one of the three newest members to join fabula." a small grin rests upon her lips, the words leaving her still a rather wild concept to truly grasp, even after all the time she's had. "as for my role . . . i feel like i'm comparable to being the groups stone henge." a light mood calls for lofty tones, ninas gaze turning to meet hayoungs in jest for a moment. "i'm pretty monotone most of the time, don't you think?"
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bouiettes · 2 years
––––––––––––      𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓  for  @ezrafke​​​ 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏: northridge campus.
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the  soft  sound  of  rain  hitting  the  tall,  ceiling  high  windows  of  the  library  soothe  céline.  she’s  always  loved  the  rain  and  the  tranquility  that  came  with  it.  everything  seems  to  slow  down  during  this  weather.  it  was  peaceful.  collecting  her  things,  she  takes  this  as  a  sign  to  head  back  to  her  loft  so  she  can  properly  enjoy  said  weather.  exiting  the  building,  she  stands  at  the  top  of  the  large  stairs,  reaching  for  umbrella  and  opening  it  .  .  .   only  to  realize  that  it’s  broken.  oh  no.  biting  her  lip,  céline  contemplates  her  actions.  it’s  not  raining  terribly  hard  so  it  shouldn’t  be  a  problem  for  her  to  walk  to  her  vehicle.  it’s  just  water.  discarding  of  the  useless  umbrella,  céline  quickly  makes  her  trek  down  the  steps  and  into  the  open  area  of  the  courtyard.
laughing  to  herself,  she  quickens  her  pace  towards  the  student  parking  lot.  she  spots  a  familiar  figure  ahead  of  her  and  smile  widens  when  she  realizes  it’s  ezra.     “     nice  weather  we’re  having.     ”     she  jokes,  now  walking  alongside  him  as  they  both  continue.  just  as  they  begin  to  slip  into  conversation,  the  rain  picks  up  and  begins  to  fall  a  little  harder,  completely  drenching  the  two.     “    follow  me!     ”    taking  his  hand  in  hers,  céline  leads  them  to  a  nearby  building  and  they  find  shelter  ride  outside  its  door  where  the  roof  of  it  extends  just  enough  to  keep  them  dry.  or,  less  wet.     “     goodness.  that  came  out  of  nowhere.     ”     laughing,  she  looks  at  him  and  realizes  he  too  was  as  drenched  as  she  was.     “     want  to  wait  it  out  here  or  should  we  just  take  a  leap  of  faith  and  go  for  it?     ”
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alfredezra · 3 years
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 — @amberjade-rhodes​
Alfie’s heart ached as he read the words that popped up on his screen. Message after message, he could feel his compassion leaking for this girl. a sigh escaped from his mouth as he stared up at the ceiling, his phone rested against his chest as he scrambled his mind, trying to figure out what he could say to her. Every sentence he formulated sounded too…cliché, too scripted, like words that came out of a corny hallmark card. He felt bad knowing that she was probably watching the typing bubble pop up and back down from his end as he deleted and retyped his messages.
It took a few minutes until it finally hit him, feeling like a lightbulb had sprung up on top of his head as he thought  ‘actions speak louder than words…right?’ before sitting up in his bed. he needed to see her, and he knew that if he were to text her she’d say say no, so he took the initiative and made his way over on his own, deciding he’d deal with the consequences when it came time. And with that, he was pulling a hoodie and gym shorts on, making his way out the door and following the all too familiar route to AJ’s house.
He took a deep breath as he sat with his car running outside of AJs house, going through a quick countdown to calm himself down before getting out of the car, his heart racing as he made his way over to the door. he took one more inhale, releasing the breath as he delivered a knock to the door, his eyes widening when AJ finally opened it. it was now or never—he didn’t give either of them a moment to even think twice before his hands reached up to cup her face, looking her in the eyes for only a moment before he pressed his lips to hers in a soft, but passionate kiss. he could feel the sparks flying in his own body as he pulled her in closer, deepening the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away, a smile tugging at his lips as he looked her in the eyes. “Trust me, I’m not going anywhere” he told her softly, his thumbs moving to stroke her cheeks.
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lovedcult · 3 years
*     (     @lowskey​​​​     /     liked  for  a  starter  💭     )
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          there’s  a  sinking  feeling  homing  the  middle  of  his  chest  when  blue  sits  up  in  the  emptiness  of  his  bed;  he’s  alone.  it  certainly  wasn’t  like  that  last  night  and  the  wrinkled  white  comforter,  jumbled  and  pushed  back,  stands  as  proof  beside  them.  how  foolish  he  must  have  been  to  think  they’d  stick  around  for  coffee  and  a  heart  -  to  -  heart  in  the  morning.  but  was  it  really  so  implausible  ?  the  connection  was  there,  they  knew  it.  they  felt  it.  
          arm  stretches  out  for  their  phone,  battery  hanging  on  for  dear  life  throughout  a  swarm  of  notifications,  yet  none  from  last  night’s  company.  not  even  a  ‘  sorry  ’  or  ‘  thanks  for  a  great  time.  ’  a  galling  sigh  passes  his  lips  as  he  slips  out  of  the  bed’s  warmth,  feet  carrying  them  out  of  their  bedroom  and  into  the  kitchen,  though  they  stop  dead  in  their  tracks  at  the  sight  of  what’s  waiting  at  the  table.  ——  were  those  ..  pancakes  ?  blue  is  quiet  behind  the  other  for  a  minute  and  he  allows  his  shoulders  to  fall.  “  you’re  cooking  ?  ”  he  asks  before  meeting  their  side.  the  words  are  wrapped  in  both  surprise  and  relief  —  it  was  the  first  time  someone  ever  did  such  a  thing  for  him.  “  i  didn’t  take  you  as  such  a  chef.  ”  he  teases.  “  that’s  usually  my  thing.  ”
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