#do not buy off of allie express or shien or wish
ghouljams · 7 months
You collect BJDs??? Can you please tell me where you buy some? I’ve been wanting one for so long and only found design models on Etsy, 1 actual doll that cost $8000, and literally nothing else. I gave up on the search and have no clue any irl stores that could sell them 😭🙏
I wouldn't buy anything off etsy unless you're grabbing a Kabbit print, and those should only run you about $100 max for a blank doll. I'm going to put doll hobby talk under the cut, but yeah I can give you my rec-list
I bought my first BJD off of cpfairyland which is the official Minifee retailer, but if you're in the USA I would also suggest checking out Denver doll emporium! They have a few different brands and quick shipping if you buy in stock. Minifee are great starting dolls, they have a ton of different heads, they're an industry standard and you can buy a doll with their makeup already done. Which means you can put money towards clothes and wigs(which is the fun part anyway).
I am an anti-recast hobbyist, and I genuinely recommend not buying recasts if you want to make friends in the hobby. So I'm only going to be telling you legit sites, which also means dolls are going to be a little more expensive(but I'll give you some less expensive recs too).
Alice's Collective bjd(acbjd) is a great site the acts as a third party for a ton of different brands. If you want a doll that looks a little(or a lot) different from the standard fashion doll they have a lot of great options.
Jane's Dolland is another sight that acts as a third party seller. They sell blind box tiny bjds(that are great quality I have a few)(only $30 too) and a few other cheap brands. You might have to paint the face yourself, or find a repaint artist, but the dolls themselves can be as low as $50. I actually bought an Imomo doll from them to customize for my sister last Christmas and she was really great for a beginner bjd.
Withdolls has some tiny bjds that are really fucking cute. I have one and he was under $200. Their dolls are adorable, but their tiny doll sizing is a little hard to shop for.
I mentioned Kabbit dolls! Kabbit is a 3D print file available for sale on etsy super customizable and cheap if you have a 3d printer! Or a library with a 3d printer! I've done 3D prints through my local library and I have a friend that printed a Kabbit they really like. Dollightful also has a free tiny bunny bjd on thingyverse I think.
I have bought dolls off of Facebook and Instagram, but you gotta be willing to be a little mean if you buy second hand. Always make sure you get a certificate of authenticity! And know what the doll you want is worth! I collect 1/4 MSD sized dolls, the last 2 heads I bought were about $100 each but they were also harder to find heads. One of the heads was being sold with a body for $150(but I only wanted the head so I overpaid) so you can find cheap(authentic) dolls if you're looking.
I also buy a lot of artist dolls on pre-order. Which means I follow the artists on Instagram and then I am very patient, and lucky. BJD buying is a lot of hurry up and wait if you want to go the independent artist route. You can always check bjdsale on Instagram, the tag is full and people are always selling.
Depending on where you live you can check on Facebook to see if you have a local bjd group! I have one in my area and we are always excited to help new people in the hobby!! They'd have dolls for sale, but also would have more ideas on where you could buy online. Dolls are such a niche hobby everyone sort of knows everyone, and we love sharing with new folks!! If you have any other questions you can send me a dm and I'm happy to talk more ❤️
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