#do we kin vegeta
randomthefox · 6 months
I do like the interpretation that Raditz was basically toxic masculinity The Character. Even moreso than Vegeta, since the prince honestly seems like he was just born broken and had to be pieced together very slowly. Goku getting amnesia and becoming a sweetheart does seem to suggest that the tabula rasa for the sons of Bardock is to be decent people, and it's the culture of the Saiyan species that turns them into what they are.
Raditz was a low class warrior, and the son of a low class warrior. His species was wiped out and his planet blown up. And the only Saiyans left in all of existence were two Elites, who constantly looked down on him for being garbage who was barely as strong as literal vegetables (the saibamen). They probably only barely tolerated him because he was also a Saiyan, but especially considering this is Vegeta we're talking about here that tolerance probably didn't extend very far. Raditz might have felt the urge to prove himself to his superiors, to show himself worthy among these Elites, by overcompensating and amping up how ruthless and brutal he could be so that he could earn their respect.
And then one day they find themselves having difficulty conquering a planet. Even these two Elites would be challenged by it! But then Raditz remembers, he has a baby brother. Another low class cast off just like him! Surely Kakarot will be enough to tip the scales in their favor, and if he does maybe these Elite's will see them differently. They'll see that they have value as Saiyans despite how low class they are, he and his baby brother will finally earn the respect of his (male, violence obsessed) peers.
So when he finally meets his little brother Kakarot again and finds out what became of him, you could read quite a lot into his reaction and what must be going through Radtiz's head. Based on the way Raditz talks to Goku, it's clear that Raditz EXPECTS Goku to remember him on a personal level. They MUST have interacted before Kakarot was sent off to earth to at least some capacity, otherwise dialog like this doesn't really make sense.
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Raditz and Kakarot KNEW each other before the calamity that befell their planet. They've been separated for decades and a lot happened during that time, but Raditz still expects Kakarot to remember him. He seemed genuinely shocked that Goku had suffered from amnesia, and his demeanor was pretty flapped. His only family left in the entire galaxy, his fellow low class Saiyan and kin the only person in the entire galaxy who is on his level. And those memories of their childhood as brothers was erased. Read this panel with that in mind.
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Raditz WANTS his brother back. But he has also had 20 years of living with Vegeta to sculpt him as a person, and this is where the Toxic Masculinity creeps in. The desperation and confusion he let drive his interactions with his little brother thus far is put under control, and Raditz starts playing the aloof and bemused monster. He puts on the mask of being the ideal saiyan warrior. Someone who laughs off the destruction of their home planet
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Someone who relishes in the thrill of carnage and bloodshed. It's the very reason they became the most powerful race in the galaxy. It's the very reason they are both still alive.
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He's TRYING to wake Kakarot back up. He's TRYING to get his brother back. He's overcompensating, he's playing it up, he's EMULATING VEGETA because he thinks this will rile up the Saiyan inside of Goku that has laid dormant.
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When Goku rejects him it must be crushing, but he hides it under a confident veneer. Because he's still confident that he can make this work when he notices Gohan. If Goku won't be motivated by the promise of battle and wrecking death, MAYBE Goku will be motivated by the paternal instinct to protect his son?
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Think about this given what we know: Saiyans aren't supposed to CARE about their children. At least that's what we've been told. And yet Raditz is trying to wake up Goku's Saiyan instincts by threatening his son. It's almost a Catch-22, Saiyans are supposed to only care about strength and fighting and killing over everything else, and yet Raditz is hoping to stoke those flames by tugging on Goku's love and protective instincts for his child. It's like Raditz is blending what he knows about his own family with what is expected of Saiyans - if Goku was a "real" Saiyan then he shouldn't care about Gohan especially considering he's such a weak child, but Raditz is COUNTING on Goku caring enough about his son that he'd be willing to slaughter a hundred earthlings.
He hopes that if he's FORCED to kill for the sake of his son, that experience will bring Kakarot back out and he'll remember what being a Saiyan who lives to fight and kill is like again. And the only reason he'd think that plan would work is if he assumed, BASED ON NO OBSERVABLE INTERACTION HE'D HAVE WITNESSED SINCE ARRIVING ON THE ISLAND, that Goku cares about his son. THAT'S the true Raditz, the Raditz who assumes based on nothing that his brother would love and value his son more than one hundred random strangers. It's the toxic masculinity of living around Nappa and Vegeta his whole life that makes Raditz think that "a real man Saiyan" SHOULD only care about battle that makes him think that engaging in senseless slaughter will wake Kakarot back up.
He's trying to impart this onto Goku because he wants Goku to join him. He's trying to turn Goku into a monster because that's what Raditz thinks he is, thinks that they both should be, so that they can fit in and be seen as worthy by the only two other Saiyans left in existence. He wants more than anything for Goku to join him so they can both go back to Vegeta and show those Elite's what they're worth. And Goku is rejecting him, rejecting his very nature as a Saiyan, CHOPPED OFF HIS OWN TAIL just so he could fit in with these weak earthlings?
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Rejecting his family, his species, his heritage, and for what? So he can be a weakling who isn't worthy of standing next to the Elites?
So that he can leave Raditz alone with those two Elites who he can't possibly measure up against? Again?
He HAS to try and convince Goku to become a monster. That's the only solution, truly. Surely, once he sees how fun it is to commit genocide, he'll come around and be his brother again, right? After all that's what Saiyans are all about. He's a Saiyan, just like me, and we Saiyans HAVE to be this way otherwise we're not worthy, that's what those Elites have always said and they should know because they're the creme de la creme of Saiyan society! I have to be ruthless, I have to be obsessed with strength and power and nothing else, I have to be willing to kill my own brother and nephew otherwise I'm not a real man. And maybe, just maybe, if I show my poor brain damaged little brother that that's what we Saiyans are all about, maybe he'll Wake Up and come back to me and we can be a family again. A family of monsters.
The poison drips through.
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carnal-lnstinct · 11 months
First of all, hello, I hope you are having an AMAZING day/afternoon/night.
I know that my request could not be that interesting, but lately I’ve been thinking about a smegsy sauna/thermal bath scenario with turles. Maybe the reader could be a high-class warrior who wanted to relax but things didn’t go how she expected?? Maybe they start an argument and the ambient starts slowly heating up? (Idk how or if this could be spooky, but sounds sexy)
thank you so much I love your work 🥺❤️
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✦✦Content: M/18. MINORS DNI. planet vegeta au. pre-turles going AWOL or he just doesn't. afab!reader. oral-female receiving. ✦✦Warning: power difference, class discrimination. ✦✦ A/N: All I heard was sexy bathtime kink and dom!reader. 👌🏾👌🏾
“Do I know you?”
Your head curiously tilts in your lounged state at the other occupant of the thermal bath. You were the only one inside before you put a thin towel over your eyes and sank quickly into your relaxed posture. Perhaps you drifted off for a bit longer than you thought to not notice another presence at all. But now there is another on the opposite end, a burly silhouette among the heated steam leaving the water, and it’s pulling you out of your mood. What idiot casually joins a person in a bath, in the nude, without announcing themselves? 
“We’re saiyans. We all know each other to some extent, wouldn’t you agree?” The sarcastic man responded without moving from his position, head reclined with a towel over his eyes as well. His tail breaches the water briefly, sinking down between his knees like a sign of peace among kin. Letting you know you were among a "friend". But that wasn’t enough for you.
“Don’t get cute, just answer the question.” You warned, demanding a straight answer. You straighten your posture with your own tail wrapping around your waist. His annoyed sigh crosses your ears before he settles in a short silence. Then he answers you.
That rang a bell. Your suspicions subsided leaving only your annoyance and disinterest in your fellow saiyan. “The insubordinate one.” You scoffed, relaxing in the water again. “They let a low-class grunt like you in here with me?” Sucking your teeth, you prop your elbow along the edge of the bath and press your cheek into your palm with a snarky grin. “Needed a taste of real luxury, huh? Who d’ya scheme to get in here so I know who to skin along with you?”
The corner of his lip twitched, showing a bit of a sharp canine as a silent seethe began to sit in his chest on top of other irritable things from his day. Only one type of saiyan would carry such airs as you did and he’s not in the mood for some pampered high guard. “If it’s all the same to you, I’ve already had a tedious day and I’d appreciate a little silence.” Turles tried to sound less antagonized than he was and let the soothing waters work their magic, but you quickly countered his words.
“Then get out and wait your turn before you have a bigger problem.” Blunt words hint at something fearless that truthfully outmatches him if it gets to that point. Yet he doesn't see something like that happening while you're completely naked. Still, every saiyan had one shared fear he could play on. Turles sits and pulls the towel from his eyes to look toward you.
“These thermal baths of this planet are public, as deemed by its proprietor. If you wish to stake a claim of some sort over them for your personal use, are you choosing to defy Frieza? I don’t think he would take too kindly to a siayan stealing from him.” An insouciant and crooked smirk grows on his face as he sees your glare harden on him. He’s upset you, but successfully silenced you. Turles’ snicker fills the air around the both of you as he puts the thin cloth back over his eyes and resumes his relaxed position.
You growl, brimming with irritation for this mouthy low-class rat of a man. Frieza wouldn’t entertain bullshit like that, but that wouldn’t stop his underlings from trotting around like they own the place if they caught wind of a saiyan “stepping out of line”. You’ve only heard rumors of saiyans being assassinated under Frieza’s orders for one reason or another–who knows when it comes to a race as boastful and ferocious as saiyans– and you’re not willing to test the validity of them.
But you’re not going to back down from your bath invader either, rising to your feet with a watery layer cascading down your curves and drenched tail.
“You got a lot of mouth for a small fry.” You growled treading across the water to approach Turles. In spite of your nudity, in spite of damage unleashing your rage would do to the natural thermal baths. However, he doesn’t even flinch at your close proximity.
“This is hardly the time or place to make enemies of each other. Perhaps, as comrades, we can come to an agreement that benefits us both.”
 “Or, preferably, I beat your teeth into your throat.” Stated as you cracked your knuckles, standing over the male.
“Tch…Are you really above compromise?” Turles lifts the cloth from his eyes to peek up at you.  “I thought you elites were supposed to be more grounded in your instincts and above senseless fighting.”
“Enough talk! How about I-” You cut yourself off, biting back your words with a snarl lest you prove him right. Your fists tremble with how hard you have them clenched, but you turn your nose up at him. Enduring the mischievous chuckle that followed your actions. You can’t keep letting this maggot get under your skin, you try to tell yourself. He’s the intruder, and is well known for being a troublemaker. 
You are above him. Your prestige is believed to be close to that of the generals serving the King. You were practically royalty compared to this conniver. What else are the low-leveled good for anyways?
You pondered. You recomposed. You smirked. “...Eat my pussy.” You bluntly ordered, placing a hand on your hip. “And I’ll forgive your intruding.” Turles’ initial reaction is to laugh at you. But your unperturbed stance and narrowed stare silence it. You’re serious.
“This is your compromise?”
“What’s the matter? Afraid of what high-class pussy would make of you?” Before you let your words settle in his mind for a rebuttal, you slightly lean forward and capture a handful of wild black hair tugging his head toward your center and knocking the cloth from his face. You kept it tilted back enough to force his line of sight to stay upon your face while you looked down your nose at him. “If you can’t handle it then speak up. I like my first choice better anyway." Your grin widens, fingers locking in his hair as you tighten your grip.
"It’s only natural fodder like yourself wouldn’t know how to handle a good cunt. But you can eat, can’tcha?”
He catches sight of your other hand tracing down your lower stomach and dipping between your thighs, using your fingers to spread your folds and then rubbing between them to stir up your erogenous nerves. Mixing the special water of the thermal bath and the natural slick of your insides onto your wet fingers, the aroma easily finds his nose in the heat. You watched his gaze slowly falter from yours to your fingers leaving your folds, and you seize the moment pushing his mouth against your clit. The foreign touch makes your insides twitch, and the feel of his large hands finding your thighs as his grip settles on your skin to pull you in tells you that you’ve won.
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Is not the darkness sweet ?
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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bad situations meme / accepting / @hopefromadoomedtimeline
Send 🌐 for our muses to be stranded in a parallel universe together
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One minute he was going back in time to tell Goku and company the good news of him defeating not only the androids but Cell as well to him finding himself from ANOTHER alternate timeline and being trapped with that very person within a place that..looks like West City in every way. Houses, and buildings were the same, people seemed to be rather normal, as well as the animal kin that walked among them. “So far nothing seems out of the ordinary..maybe there’s still time for us to gather as many supplies as we can and get out of here without disrupting this timeline.”
He knew timelines did not run on a linear set course anymore, he knew that them just being here already created a branched reality similar to the one before, but the best thing he figured they could do was not change the timeline too much..they could at least save this one. “How about this for a plan, we stick around our house, observe in secret until we can verify that Mom’s already invented a time machine here too, that way she can help us solve our own little problem.” Trunks suggest to the other him.
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However, before they could even move a finger he saw a familiar face walking into an electronics. It was..their father but there was something different about him. Quietly Trunks made his way forward and took a peek through the glass of the store to witness his father wearing what appears to be..no way, overalls. Rather messy overalls too, there were notable stains created from oil and grease no doubt. Closer observation revealed Vegeta’s hair a little on the shorter side as well as he seemed to be having a PLEASANT conversation with the cashier. “Trunks..you’re gonna want to see this. Cause I doubt you’d believe me if I told you outloud.”
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gokubrain · 2 years
ship ask vegebul and hanvi !
i’ll start with hanvi lol
hanvi is cute! i’m never a huge fan of cishet ships in dbz so i like to remedy that in my mind by saying that they’re t4t lol.. also its cute in the super hero movie how videl is like the girlboss provider while gohan is the stay at home dad lol that matches them so well :,)
as for v*gebul lol…
easily the WORST ship in db history, 0/10, cannot stomach it lol. i feel like i’ve exhaustively gone into why i hate this ship before on this blog before so i’ll do my best to be brief.
for starters, i’m a hater when it comes to nearly any canon ship in db/z/s. toriyama has this awful habit of taking a male and female character and throwing them together for the sake of having romance in dragon ball and i couldn’t hate it more. i dont think a story like dragon ball inherently needs romance in it—it’s an anime focused on fighting and shoehorning bad romances with no chemistry into it just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. i know this makes me a bit hypocritical what being a kakavege fan and all, but it’s just how i feel.
in the case of v*gebul, i just don’t think they’re good together. both of them are loud, hot-headed, and stubborn, and i don’t see how that makes for a good pairing. we don’t see much of their relationship in z but i can’t help but imagine it being bad for the both of them lol—seems to me two people like that together would just argue a lot lol. i know thats largely conjecture but i guess what i’m saying is their “dynamic” just doesn’t do it for me. seems like it would be toxic.
i also kin vegeta and ship kakavege so a lot of it is just personal bias hehe
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romanianwilkinson · 4 years
A collection of quotes from my Discord server with friends. Feel free to change pronouns/wording as desired. CONTENT WARNING(S) FOR: Suggestive, crude, absolutely cursed.
“ Is this my wife? ”
“ It's important that I marry the all seeing eldritch abomination that's gonna destroy the universe. I love you but not right now. ”
“ You do not get to directly, purposely help with ending the world. ”
“ You know what I change my mind fuck you. ”
“ He's had ~intercourse~ but he hasn't fucked. ”
“ You don't wanna kill your parasite book friend do you? ”
“ So basically anytime anyone shares that one poem about a two faced calf! Remember! That calf will die because of too much Sonic the Hedgehog! ”
“ I hate One (1) Green Fuck with a PASSION. ”
“ Help I got 4k hd-ed to death. ”
“ You’re horrible. You’re terrible. You’re absolute fucking garbage and I fucking love it. ”
“ [NAME], your jesterhood fills me with dread emotions that I cannot describe. ”
“ And I will casually dunk on [NAME]. ”
“ Isn't putting cocaine into somebody's food too mild of a prank? ”
" Would you like to see bones, child? "
“ Once again you have asked me a question about gender, and once again I must say... Probably? ”
“ My children multiply and I support them. ”
“ He doesnt have a dick as far as I’m concerned. ”
“ [NAME], you absolutely stupid toddler. ”
“ But if I ended the universe how would I touch [NAME]'s hot super soldier body? ”
“ Fuck Grammarly, all my homies hate Grammarly. ”
" I'm so sorry this fanfic parody got out of hand. I'm not even actively writing it anymore it's somehow gained sentience PLEASE kill it. "
" Actually decomposing into a skeleton rapidly because of an elder god is fine in comparison to this fucking drivel you've forced me to read with mine own eyes WHY would you DO THIS- "
“ I got summoned here and now I’m scared. ”
“ The cross feels less cursed because it raises less questions to me. ”
“ We're getting robbed. ”
" We say the funny fuck word and that is the peak of our humor. "
“ [NAME] Gets Eaten Alive By His Classmates. ”
" We are the transgenders.... "
" Hey kids, just here to say that please do not fucking vore me... Thanks! "
" Guess they don't call her the chosen one for nothin', huh? "
“ The evil has vanished. ”
“ We love them but just, sometimes awful things are piled at our door. ”
“ Y'all remember Spicy [NAME]? I remember Spicy [NAME]. ”
“ Okay just for the record I am totally a GILF. "
“ Very fair, MILFHunter. ”
“ [NAME] is a specialist in clown husbandry and their care. ”
“ You are very welcome, my fellow clown enthusiasts! ”
“ The clownverse consumes me now. ”
“ There could be a jester here, as we speak. ”
“ I have to call myself for a rules lawyering hold on. "
“ This just says Ms. Steal Your Girl? ”
“ Guess I’ll date! ”
“ Sorry [NAME], no dinner. They were going to make it but they looked into each others’ eyes and now the stove is on fire while they’re kissing against the counter. ”
" [NAME], where are the post actual relationship starting walkthroughs? I need the Elite Strats. "
“ Are you straight or are you normal? ”
" Those traitorous scum from Limp Biskut will be next! "
“ Here’s how we fix next year: I need 8 trillion tons of dirt and some duck tape. ”
“ Step one: we eat the dirt. ”
“ You will be responsible for murdering a cat. Are you willing to have that blood on your hands? ”
“ If all I got out of murdering you was the knowledge that you were too much of a bottom to face me, then I would happily murder you ten thousand times over. ”
“ Since when have I ever obeyed the law? ”
“ Don’t summon demons. You’re better than that. ”
“ Why is no one talking about the Weed Tree? ”
“ Either way - someone fucked a mermaid. ”
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snowtimeisbesttime · 4 years
Thoughts and questions (remix) on Friendsim Volume 9.
-Loving Chahut’s theme, especially the actual honks. // Her Troll Call bulletpoints weren't changed.
-If Chahut’s leaving to undergo the Ordeals in a few perigrees (= troll months??), does this mean her route takes place not long before Hiveswap Act 2? will we ever get an alternian calendar??
-Apparently clowns tone it down a little in space.
-Chahut met Amisia when she was beheading some random trolls… And she likely instantly went “yes. we sTan.”, according to what little we know about purplebloods.
-Is the clown with the hat Marvus? We saw him without a hat in Remele’s route, so who knows really. I’m kind of inclined to say he isn’t, just because of Marvus’ (and the Soleils’) whole circus aesthetic… // thank fuck he isn't, marvus doesn't really do “going unnoticed by people”
-Also what the fuck was in that faygo. Was it the combination with the smoke from the pixie stick incense, or even some weird chucklevoodoos??
-Turns out the Grand Motherfucking Highblood’s still alive and kicking!! // and at constant strife with a terrible foe: videocalls.
-It does make sense that purples are taught by the church to kill crimsonbloods on sight…
-What’s with Chahut’s eyes?? Every time we’ve seen her they’ve been red, but it’s said they’re yellow in her bad route… At least now we know that a troll’s irises fill in with color around the time they get sent to space.
-Were any of the non-purplebloods in the church there with friends, like us with Chahut?
-The chorus of Azdaja’s theme kind of reminds me of Rumia’s, from Touhou.
-Azdaja’s ego’s larger than Chahut. Then again he’s probably the strongest psionic we’ve seen, barring the Captors. He puts these powers to good use, though: dramatic wind everytime he wants it.
-No but it’s (kind of???) implied that he’s a stronger psionic than Kuprum, is he not worried about getting helmed?? Or someone calling the drones on him like Cirava??? (Konyyl and him probably fucking murder anyone that could do that though, or maybe they do their job with disguises- they are assassins after all). // No but seriously. He knows he's going to be shipped off to space (see new bulletpoint below) and he's basically the strongest psionic we know of besides the Captors. Is he going to hide his power level somehow or ???? like, the changes to his Troll Call bulletpoints are literally “yeah this dude’s a duel strifers pro“ and “yeah this dude’s a fucking OP psionic“ Why is he so unconcerned with the whole helming stuff.
-Looks like Azdaja and Konyyl may be either vacillating between <3 and <> or outright in between them… // Q: so which quadrant are you two in? A: yes
-We have another Lethal Death Game: Duel Strifers. It seems to be “two to a bunch of trolls face off somewhere and just kill each other” (battle royale), as opposed to FLARP’s “the clouders make a campaign for the opposite team” (larping, with murder). // In retrospect Konyyl missing the train was incredibly lucky, because the psychic cerulean girl could have controlled both Azdaja and her... or if she could only control one at a time, the other would've been forced to fight their quadrant.
-I don’t really think Duel Strifers would be up Polypa’s alley, though…
-Azdaja’s sure come far from what Konyyl told us about him. Like, a lot. // se nota que este tío se veía dragon ball de pequeño, por las mañanas Y por las noches...
-Is that the Disciple’s cavern???? what do the carvings say
-Azdaja and Konyyl are aware that there are rebels doing stuff, but they don't intend to take a side and will just stay out of the whole thing- they'll end up on space anyway (according to mr. vegeta kin at least)... methinks they're not going to get the luxury of choosing.
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blundergato · 4 years
dragon ball fans are just so corny.
dbfz is such a good game, but fans demanding...basically reskins is so obnoxious.
like way too many people want majin vegeta in the game. why? its just super saiyan vegeta, but more evil. what a boring ass choice when the game ALREADY has base vegeta, super saiyan vegeta and blue vegeta. you dont need the same character AGAIN. theres already too many f**kin gokus and vegetas. future gohan? WHY?! what moveset would he have other than getting killed really fast?
and people will be like “but they are the main characters!” so? i dont want 5 versions of goku in the game either. base, super saiyan, blue, gt AND ultra instinct?! PLUS CHARACTERS LIKE GOKU BLACK?! its too many f**kin gokus.
now we have 2 gogetas in the game. gogeta is a cornball character, though i get why he’s in it...but TWO of them? just get rid of gogeta blue and leave in super saiyan 4 gogeta since at least he’s visually striking and gogeta blue is wack.
dbfz doesnt have the character variety i WISH it had and honestly, dragon ball fans dont really care because they are used to eating shit.
i would have 2 versions of goku; base and super saiyan, because those are the 2 most significant versions of the character. i would accept kid goku if it wasnt the gt version, but everything else gets the axe. ultra instinct and blue goku are both trash. 
i dont even know if it would put base vegeta in the game because outside of his fight with goku, he didnt do anything except get his ass kicked for a bunch of arcs, so i would just put super saiyan vegeta. gogeta blue gets the axe and is replaced entirely by super saiyan 4 gogeta (blue can be a skin or something).
i think everyone else can stay. that by itself clears up 6 slots taken up by clones/repeats.
now you can put in some actual interesting characters that offer some sort of gameplay variety.
there are so many different characters to choose from, even characters that i personally think are dogshit, that would make for a more diverse, interesting roster. 
characters like tapion or ribrianne or arale or oob or even that goat bastard from the super manga who i think sucks would be far more interesting playstyles than goku #7. want a joke-y character? put in launch.
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ladyvegeets · 5 years
Lethal Combination -03-
Bulma’s phone rang in its hands-free device. Vegeta glanced over, SON GOKU illuminated on the screen. He looked back out the window as Bulma put the call on speaker.
“Hey Son, what’s up? You find something already?”
“Unfortunately. A missing person that matches our DOA. Ryan Smith, only 17. I’ll text you the address of next-of-kin. Sorry to put you on condolence duty first day back.”
“Don’t sweat it, just part of the job.”
“Well, speaking of which, it really is great to have you back in the saddle, Bulma.”
She mumbled a hasty thanks and hung up. A glance out of the corner of his eye found her tugging on her sleeve as she drove, scowling out the windshield. 
A moment later her phone buzzed with Goku’s text. 
“Can you get that?” Since there was no one else in the car, Vegeta assumed she was talking to him. He plucked out the phone from its holder and tried to access her messages. On the lock-screen was a very fancy-looking custom-made motorbike, over which hovered a pin-pad. 
“It’s passcode protected.”
He hoped for her sake that it was a throw-away passcode. What kind of idiot gave out their private information so readily? He pulled up her messages. There were a lot. Little Miss Popular. The second-most-recent message was from MOM saying Okay, see you tonight, sweetie! Good luck! The most recent was from SON GOKU with details on the victim and an address. There was also a photo. A young man, slim, short dark hair and eyes.
His heart beat skyrocketed. His palms broke out in a sweat. Something dark ballooned in his chest, making it hard to breathe, threatening to swamp him with emotions he struggled to suppress.
“Hello? Is there an address?!”
Bulma’s tone indicated that she’d needed to repeat herself. Vegeta got himself in check and read the address aloud.
“Punch it into the GPS, would you.” 
He tilted his head to look at her firmly over the rim of his sunglasses. Bulma glanced his way, a delicate brow arching up. 
“What? Don’t tell me you don’t know how to use a smartphone?”
“It’s not very smart if I have to do it myself,” he snarked back.
“Oh my GOD. What rock have you been living under that you can’t operate a smartphone?”
“The kind where I don’t allow corporations access to all my personal information.”
“Wow. You’re one of those.”
“One of what?”
“Never mind, I think I know where that neighborhood is.” She changed lanes and headed them towards their new destination. Annoyed by the exchange, Vegeta shoved her phone back into its holder, needing to make a few attempts before it snapped into place. Bulma gave him a withering side-eye but wisely made no comment.
Several minutes (and a quick check on Maps) later, they pulled up to a modest residential house. 
“Let me take lead,” she suggested as they approached the door. Bulma wasn’t ready to trust Vegeta’s people skills just yet. He took off his shades and said nothing. She hoped that meant he agreed. 
She knocked on the door and barely a minute later a middle-aged woman who looked like she hadn’t slept in a week answered.
“Mrs. Smith?”
“I’m detective Briefs and this is detective Saiyan—”
“Have you found Ryan?” the woman interrupted with desperation and reached for Bulma. Vegeta shifted instinctively, his hand going to his holster.
Bulma put herself between woman and partner before Vegeta shot the poor lady. “I think it’s best if we come inside.”
It was awful. It always was. There was never a nice way to relay the death of a loved one, especially a child to their parent. Mrs. Smith sobbed inconsolably for several minutes. There were already used tissues all over her coffee table. The poor thing had done little else but cry since her son had gone missing.
Bulma sat opposite the woman on her couch, patiently waiting out the tears and patting her hand when she could. Vegeta stood off in a corner of the living room, arms crossed, leaving the two women be.
When Mrs. Smith had calmed down enough to drink some water, Bulma began. “Mrs. Smith, I’m so terribly sorry to have to do this to you now, but I need to ask you some questions. Are you up for that?”
The woman nodded miserably, dabbing her eyes with a tissue.
“When was the last time you heard from Ryan?”
“U-um… Yesterday morning,” Mrs Smith replied with fresh tears welling. “He went out to meet friends but never came home for dinner. He didn’t answer his phone when I called, and his friends said they hadn’t seen him either. I went to the police station right after that.”
“And you can’t think of any reason why he wouldn’t come home? Any problems or recent arguments?” Bulma inquired.
“No, nothing! He was a good boy.”
“Why aren’t you out looking for him?” Vegeta interjected. Bulma gave him a horrified look; it sounded far too much like an accusation for her liking. He ignored her, waiting pointedly for Mrs. Smith’s reply.
The woman’s eyes were huge as she looked at Vegeta. “The police told me to wait here in case he came back, o-or tried to contact the house,” she told him earnestly, barely choking back tears. “But Nicky has been out searching all night and day.”
“Who’s Nicky?”
“Nicholas, my eldest.” Mrs. Smith pointed to a photo on the fireplace mantle. Vegeta moved over and picked it up. “That’s Ryan on the left and Nicky on the right,” Mrs Smith explained before she started sobbing again.
Vegeta stepped over to show Bulma the picture. It was definitely the boy from the beach. The elder brother — Nicky — had a protective arm thrown around. 
“…They look very close,” she commented kindly.
Mrs. Smith nodded. “Ever since their father left, they’ve been inseparable.”
Bulma and Vegeta’s eyes met, sharing a mutual look. If the brothers were that close, maybe Nicky would be worth questioning.
“Your husband’s gone?” Vegeta asked without even attempting to soften his tone.
The woman nodded. “I haven’t heard from him in over a decade. Do you think he’s involved?”
Vegeta shrugged one shoulder. “Can’t rule it out. We’ll need his name and last known contact information. Where’s your son’s room?”
“Ryan’s? Um, down the hall, second door on the right.”
He left without another word. Bulma glared after him, making a mental note to chastise him about his bedside manner. She tried to smooth over her partner’s insensitivity by getting names, numbers, and addresses from Mrs. Smith that might help with their investigation.
Vegeta came back after a while, giving her a curt head-shake; he hadn’t found anything useful. Bulma finished up, leaving Mrs. Smith with the number for the station and her own cell. “Call me if you think of anything, no matter how silly. Often it’s the small details that lead to big break throughs in these cases.”
Mrs. Smith nodded and mumbled a wet thank you before she devolved back into tears. Bulma and Vegeta showed themselves out. 
As she opened the door to the car, Bulma glared over the roof at Vegeta. “Is that how you always handle grieving victims?”
He threw her a withering look. “You got a problem with how I work?”
“I do if you’re always going to be hostile when it’s not necessary.”
“Tch. That wasn’t hostile, that was me being reassuring.” He opened his door and got into the car. Irritated, she got in after him.
“Bullshit. How is interrogating a grieving mother reassuring?”
Vegeta met her gaze. “Not everyone needs to be mollycoddled. People grieving don’t want to hear how sorry you are. They want to know you’re going to tear everything apart to find their loved one’s murderer.”
Bulma’s mouth snapped shut, not having a witty come back to that. He kind of had a point. “Well, still… If you wound up dead, wouldn’t you like to know that someone was treating your family with compassion?”
“Wouldn’t know,” Vegeta replied in a flat voice, turning to stare out his window. “Don’t have one.”
She stared at the back of his head for longer than was polite, struggling to think of something appropriate to say. But the moment grew too long, and then it felt awkward to say anything at all. Finally she turned on the ignition and pulled the car back onto the road. Bulma made a mental note to hug her parents extra hard at dinner that night.
AN: Anyone recognize Bulma’s passcode? In the words of TFS-Piccolo, “NEEEEEERD!”
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remoteseriousbomb · 5 years
hey yknow what? i want more friends so im gonna do a kinnie promo for the first time in a while
hi im dan (or hearts)!  as u can probably tell i kin fu, mainly from xv2 but partially from heroes too!  you can read abt my canon here if u want!
this blog is specifically for my fu stuff, but im also kin with various other dragon ball characters too!  i’ll list those under the cut at the end :>
anyway if u wanna hmu i’m p much always available!  feel free to dm me if you want!  i love making friends and talking about kin experiences, it makes me really happy!!
i hope we can be friends!
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here’s my other dragon ball kinnies!  from strongest to weakest
u already know fu!
goku black
fused zamasu
vegeta jr.
(noncanon) supreme kai
captain ginyu
bio broly
feel free to talk to me about any of these kintypes as well!  i have specific blogs for some of these (raditz, goku black, cabba, shallot, vegeta jr., ginyu, bio broly, and jeice) so you can ask to see those too :>
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Don’t judge too much..
So I know i’ve told a few people that I write but I haven’t shared anything yet. Mostly i’ve been nervous but also I work retail and this last week/two week have SUCKED!! But regardless, here’s my first story I’m happy to share! I’ve got several more in the works but none are done. Give me feedback? I feel like its not sexy enough, so LET ME KNOW lol.
This one is NSFW, its not the craziest thing you’ll read but it’s decent! Sorry its so freakin long haha ^-^
“Little Surprises”
Hanging his feet over the edge of the tilted bed, his toes brushed the floor lightly as his feet swayed back and forth. Rough hands gripped the edge of the mattress as his thoughts wondered. His bed was empty, his heart was aching, but how? Not even 5 hours ago the light of his life was laying next to him. They had done so many things, his heart pounded at the thoughts…
“Stop it Vegeta, get yourself together! You’re not a child wishing for their mommy to come home!” He yelled at himself. Coiling in his self rage of weakness.  
He heard the slamming of a door thrown open down stairs and he bounced from the bed in an instant heat. Who was it!? His love!? Vegeta threw the bedroom door open and raced down the stairs stopping two steps from the base. His heart pounded as his gaze fell upon the doorway where a muscular figure stood. Oh god.. A sinking feeling capsized over Vegeta as he realized that this figure was too small to be his love.  
“DAD!?!?” Trunks blushed as he stared at his dad, bare in all his glory. “Can you please, uhh… put something on!?”
Vegeta turned abruptly, blushing harshly as he dashed up the stairs and slammed the door to the master bedroom. He held his head in his hands as he slid down the back of the door into a slump of utter embarrassment. HIS SON JUST SAW EVERY INCH OF HIM. Why was he here!? Why would he just walk into his house without knocking? He rose in a weak attempt to fix the issue. Vegeta shambled around the room sliding on pants, a shirt and socks all while muttering angry mannerisms under his breath. He shuffled to the door, opening it and attempting to step through only to run square into the face of his son, Trunks.  
“Trunks!! Why are you at my door!? WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!?” Vegeta coiled back exposing the messy, disaster of a bedroom behind him. The bed frame was broken and on the floor on the right side, the dresser was missing all drawers and they were seen in shambles across the floor. The mirrored closet door was shatter in a thousand pieces which laid scattered across the entrance to the bathroom. The room had been torn apart….
“Dad… Goku called me, he said you’d need help cleaning his hunting kill. He left a fish out front he wants you to cook up for breakfast…”  
‘Damnit Kakarot, you big oaf!! Why would you send my son here knowing I’d be waiting for you to return.’ Vegeta screamed in his thoughts!! ‘The nerve of that idiot!! I could kill him!!...... or force him to make it up to me……” Vegeta smirked at his thoughts. Trunks blushed and murmured at his fathers expression..
“Dad.. can we please go down stairs…” Vegeta eyed his sons posture which was tense and bashful. Trunks refused to look up from the floor. He peered around to realized that besides the room being torn apart, the deep grey sheets were stained with bright, luminous cum.. ‘OH GOD!!’ Vegeta thought as he shoved his son from the door way and down the stairs.  
They proceeded to make polite conversation about how Bulma was, how Trunks was doing in his training and how this fish looked great for breakfast.. They both became at ease the more they talked, slipping into simple conversations about day to day life. Dawn had broke sometime ago and noon was upon them before they even noticed. ‘Where was Kakarot?’ Vegeta thought to himself as he stared at the table full of steaming food longingly. Trunks noticed his fathers pondering and felt sorry for him. The way he stared at this food, his mind a wash of thoughts of Goku was pitiful yet beautiful.  
This excited scream was heard through the walls and both men flipped around to stare at the sealed doorway!! Goku threw the door open without resistance and Vegeta instantly grew hot. Trunks panned over to his dad and saw the passion spark like a newly ignited flame in his eyes.  
“That’s my cue dad, it was… fun making breakfast with you! Next time you need help, I’ll knock” Trunks blushed as he hid part of his face in his hand. “Bye dad! Bye Goku!” Trunk yelled as he flew off out of the front yard, bolting out as fast as he could.  
Goku turned to Vegeta after waving Trunks goodbye. Vegeta hadn’t moved, his eyes blazing with both passion and anger. Goku could feel the tension over the table. The food steaming into the mild air, Goku’s body tensed as he felt Vegeta’s stare get more sinister.  
“Hey Vegeta! How was your morning!? I missed you, you goof” Goku beamed at his Geta and scratched the back of his head. Vegeta melted at that sweet smile. He couldn’t imagine a world without this tough, young Saiyan. Kakarot was the epitome of a dream. He was the god of his universe, he held Vegeta’s heart in his hand and made him weep at every word that he spoke. Vegeta welted at his words.  
“Kakarot… I-i-i…”  
Goku slid across the room with ease and kissed his vulnerable lips, knocking the table out of the way and food flied everywhere. Their passion met like it had been eternity since they had been close. Hands grabbed each other’s hair, caressed soft backs and grasped the napes of necks as the kiss grew deeper. They disconnected and gazed at each other with sparks of rage and passion.  
“What took you so long?” Vegeta hissed as he gazed down at the heaving chest in front of him. Disappointed he had been holding out for hours.  
“I’m sorry babe, I went fishing then I had to go visit Goten. I haven’t seen him in almost 2 weeks…” Goku confessed glancing down at his feet, twisting them in pity.  
“Kakarot, don’t ever feel bad for seeing your kin. I just hope you have the same amount of want for our cubs someday..” Vegeta snarled as he tilted Goku’s chin up to his.  
“Geta… I-i-i… I swear our cub will never know a world where his dad doesn’t exist. I’ve learned from Gohan and Goten that I can’t be dead or away.. They need me, you need me.” Goku whispered these last words against Vegeta’s lips as he tilted his entire body into the small frame that made up the older warrior. Vegeta felt his spirit lift from his body as he was hoisted into Goku’s arms and carried upstairs.  
The bedroom door was thrown open and Vegeta screamed as he was almost laid upon the bed.  
“DON’T YOU DARE PUT ME ON THAT UNEVEN BED WITH CUM COVERED SHEETS KAKAROT!!” Goku looked down and realized their bed was lopsided and stained to hell..  
“Oh god, I’m sorry Geta hun.. We sure had fun last night!! Man... I should take better care of my babe huh?.... I’ll be right back”  
Goku set Vegeta’s feet on the floor and turned to leave. He made it two steps out of the bedroom before abruptly turning back to enter the room again. He encased the back of Vegeta’s head in his large hands and kissed him deep. The smaller saiyans toes we’re lifted off of the floor by a few inches, engrossed in his kiss and gently placed back down. Vegeta’s eye remained closed as the kiss released and he felt a finger boop his nose. Opening his eyes in shock, the room was empty already. Vegeta sighed with a smirk knowing his love would be back within minutes…..
Like clock work, Goku appeared in the doorway with a pack of sheets in his hand grinning from ear to ear!
“Get up Geta, go to the bathroom!! I’m going to fix everything up for you hun!” Vegeta was stunned. He shuffled to the bathroom and closed the door. He could hear slams and bangs from the bedroom wondering what was happening on the other side….
“Okay!! Everything’s ready for you babe!!” Goku shouted, sounding full of himself. Vegeta rolled his eyes and opened the door at Kakarot’s request. The room looked in perfect shape.. but how!? Who cares.. The young, strong headed Saiyan stood with his right knee on the bed, hips flexed out and his naked glory out for the world to admire. Vegeta shook. His blood boiled.  
“Vegeta, is this what you were waiting for all morning? Is this what you missed?” Goku purred, flexing his hip against the bed. Leaning his opposite thigh in closer and pulling it away, making a humping motion slow and steady. With every stretch away he moaned into his motion. Vegeta was thrown so off guard he lost his sense. He didn’t care anymore. He threw the door closed and pounced.  
Vegeta encased Goku’s frame throwing his legs around muscular hips. His right leg seated over Goku’s ass but his left leg missed his rights hook and smashed into the back of Goku’s knees. His large frame lost balance and slammed on top of the older warrior, forcing his body down into the squishy mattress.  
“You did that on purpose, didn’t you!?” Goku beamed down at the smirk on Vegeta’s face. “I like it when you smirk but I like it better when you gasp..” Vegeta’s jaw dropped. With a quick yank at his mid section Vegeta was hovering above the bed, Goku hovering above him and in an instant, his pants were torn from his body. He gasped looking down at his exposed form.  
“Just like that Geta, my favorite sound”
The young Saiyans finger tips grazed over chiseled hip bones of the man below him and a quiver went up his spine. Goku wrapped his finger tips into the seams of the t-shirt on his lovers chest and yanked it over his head leaving him completely stark beneath him, hovering a foot high over the mattress. They lowered themselves down and on hands and knees Goku kissed his sub with all he had.  
“I want you to put your hands up, close your eyes and not make a sound.” Goku’s presence changed in an instant. Vegeta raised an eyebrow but did as he was told. He felt a soft fabric graze his wrist and he knew this was going to get interesting. Goku finished knotting the scarf around his hands and eased off the bed. Vegeta laid there, motionless, eyes closed for minutes. He wanted to ask Goku what he was doing, what was happening. His heart beat quickening with every passing second. This teasing, waiting game making him angry and turned on all at once.  
Out of no where a cold drizzle fell upon Vegeta’s manhood and he gasped. “Now, now Vegeta, you were doing so good! You had to ruin it by making noise.” Goku trailed kisses and nibbles down the tied up saiyans ribs. Vegeta practically convulsed at his kiss. A large calloused hand grazed up his thigh and grasped the base of his cock. He gasped again, inhaling in the sweet feeling of his lovers touch. The hand holding his manhood slid up spreading whatever was drizzled on him. Vegeta shoved his head and hips into the mattress, arching his back willingly into the air. Stroke, stroke, stroke. He felt himself getting harder at the young saiyans hand.  
“Is this what you wanted? My hands on you, making you stiff with pleasure.” Goku whispered in a low rasp as he kissed around Vegeta’s chest. Goku released his shaft and slid his hand between Vegeta’s trembling legs and brushed his soft, soaked opening. “Oh baby.. you’re already wet for me. That was easy. Now… Not. Another. Breath. You hear me?” The tied up warrior bit his bottom lip and nodded as he exhaled deeply.  
Goku slid off the end of the bed and grabbed Vegeta’s knees forcing them apart and up to be on the same level as his hips. The submissive saiyans arch was forced down with this motion. He laid there panting internally, not daring to let a breath escape his lips. Fingers walked their way down his thigh. One hand slid over his opening and he tensed. Thick fingers slid inside and spread apart, gapping his sex wide open.  
“You’re so good darling, being quiet for me. You look so sexy like this. You look like your ready for me. Are you ready Geta hun?”  
The tied up warriors rigorously nodded his head, biting his lip harder. ‘Give it to me Kakarot!! Stop teasing me!!’ Vegeta screamed in his head. He felt his loves warm round head dance around the fingers holding his sex open. A small push made Vegeta tense up, but it was pulled back almost immediately. Push, push, push. It repeated time and time again. Vegeta let out a soft whimper at the tantalizing teasing…
Suddenly the hand holding him open was removed and grasped his neck forcing him to gag. A large pressure filled him as the young saiyan pushed his entire length into him. He was stuffed and it was marvelous! The young warrior retracted his hips and slammed back down to fill the tied up prince. They both groaned in unison at the tightness.  
“My god baby, you were so ready for me” Goku rasped into Vegeta’s ear as his pounding became faster and faster. “Do you love it Geta hun? Do you like being full of my cock?” Perfectly formed hips pounded against the choked saiyans ass. This was what he loved, this was what he longed for. The pounding grew faster as Goku pressed his forehead into Vegeta’s soft, sweaty chest and growled.  
“Ka-ka-kakarot!! Goooodddddd..... FUCK YES!” Vegeta groaned deep in his throat. He twisted his wrists together and arched his back once again. Almost instinctively, Goku reached his free arm under the beautiful curve in his lovers back and lifted up, his left hand still grasped around the older warriors throat. Vegeta’s knees rested into the chiseled hip joints of the saiyan inside of him. Without hesitation he began to bounce up and down, soaking in the feeling of being in partial control. His head tilted backwards as Goku outlined his jaw line with his nose, breathing heavily into his hand around his throat. Both of their breathing began to slow, both embracing the slow motion of the prince on top.  
“I want to come for you, I want you to bare my cub Vegeta. Is that what you want?” Goku pushed the bouncing saiyan backwards just enough on his lap so he was holding holding him on his cock only by the throat, choking him harder. If he let go, Vegeta would fall off of him completely. This power made Goku more turned on, his engorged limb filling his lover began to throb harder than it had all day and Vegeta whimpered.  Glancing out of the bottom of his eyes, Vegeta noticed the pure intensity in the young fighters face. He knew what he had to do.  
Vegeta stopped bouncing and Goku squeezed his neck harder. “I didn’t tell you that you could stop, bounce baby. Please me... Right. Now.” Goku was furious, Vegeta knew it but he had a different plan. Vegeta shifted his hips closer to Goku’s belly and began rolling his hips to the left. He rolled them around in a full circle and Goku gasped. Continuing circles, the older warrior was in full control. He lifted up and lowered himself back down around the young saiyans cock, continuously circling. They were both mesmerized. He circled over and over, Goku throbbing inside of him. Goku began to grunt, his breathing getting heavier as Vegeta’s circles got faster and faster. His hand loosened around Vegeta’s throat, he couldn’t take it anymore. Gokus right arm behind Vegeta’s back grabbed his tied wrists pulling them against his ass, forcing his to arch farther and the other hand left his neck and took a handful of hair on the back of his lovers head.  
“FUCK! VEGETA!!!” Goku yelled as the older warrior screamed in pleasure. Goku took full control and began to pound as fast as he could. His sex pulsated with growing intensity as he grew closer and closer to coming. Vegeta’s eyes rolled back into his head as his own cock began to weep with pleasure. The sound of skin slapping skin was hypnotizing.  
“YES!! KAKAROT!! GIVE IT TO ME!! MAKE ME COME ON YOUR COCK!!” Vegeta screamed, the voice leaving his throat hurt from his neck being squeezed. The rasps made Goku lose control.
“Gahhhh, yes baby!! I’m going to come inside of you!! FUCK YES!! AHHHHH!!!!”  Goku curled his head down into Vegeta’s chest as he couldn’t contain himself anymore. He growled loud as his entire self emptied inside the warm chamber of his lover. His skin instantly became sensitive, his vision blurred and he stopped breathing. It felt like it would never end as he pumped into the older saiyan.  
At the feeling of hot juice filling his cub chamber, Vegeta found his escape. “God damn Kakarot!! Your dick.. Is so... fucking.. GOOD!” Vegeta panted, barely getting the words out. His head thrown back, he came onto the sculpted pecks of the young saiyan below him. He continued to bounce slowly as his own flow pumped out. Easing to a hault, both fighters gasped and sat still, unable to move.  
Goku slid both of his hands under his partner’s ass and lifted him off his pulsating dick. Both warriors gasped as the head popped out and cum oozed down their legs. They both looked down and laughed at the mess they had made on new sheets. Goku lowered Vegeta to bed and softly untied his wrists. He grabbed the flat sheet from the floor and wiped his own chest clean of Vegeta’s release. He laid down by his panting lover and he began to walk his fingers up and down chiseled frame, admiring the man he had just attempted to make a cub with.
“So, is that what you imagined happening this morning?” Goku whispered.
“Thats exactly what I was wanting all morning” Vegeta replied, nuzzling his head into Goku’s shoulder.  
“Was that before or after you bolted down stair to jump my bones only to find your son at the door!?” Goku laughed out loud and rolled his head back.  
“That’s not funny!!” Vegeta hissed!! He rolled over to pout as Goku laughed, rolling hysterically.
Vegeta smirked. Stupid Kakarot. This cub would turn out to be just like him and Vegeta knew it. ^-^
I hope you liked it! ^-^ @prismakakkerra - you said you wanted to be tagged! XD sorry it took so long!
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breezytealy · 7 years
You can tell all you need to know about a person with 17, 23, 24 and 25.
DB Ask meme!
Ho ho ho!  Hi Nonnie! 
17. Which anime ending is your favorite?23. What is your favorite technique?24. If you could write your own episode, what would it be about?25. What would you wish for with the dragon balls?answers under the cut!
17. Which anime ending is your favorite?
As I grew up with the dub I’m meh on “I’ll Give You Romance” lol. So, from Kai, “Dear Zarathustra”! 
From Super I will not skip “Hello Hello Hello”, “Forever Dreaming”, and “An Evil Angel and Righteous Devil”
I think “Forever Dreaming” fits my general music taste the best so that one! 
Bonus, if I had control of a Next Gen show, I’d pick “Forever” by Ykiki Beat :)
23. What is your favorite technique?
HMMM Good question. Since I seem obsessed with making a “unifying theory of ki” I guess all of them? Ho ho ho! 
Naaah, fusion for every single headcanon I’ve built up about it has to be a treasured face, multiform technique again for the same mind-fucky-ness. Like, why is that considered a low-level technique rather than something to unlock? I LIKE the idea of tingle back Super Saiyan as a quick way to unlock it, though I do think the 50x is overpowered. The fact Kaioken has drawbacks is awesome, I wish more people were brave enough to use it/learnt it.
The simplicity of the Kienzan/Destructo Disk though, I think, makes it my academic favourite. It’s taking the same principle as the ki balls and making that cutting edge, and from that principle comes the pseudo-weapons like Vegito’s blade/Zamasu’s scythe and Trunks’ sword use. 
(I’m starting to think I live in this alternate world which is just my DB headcanons haha)
24. If you could write your own episode, what would it be about?
I’d write a whole Next Gen series set more Earth based, more character-driven and less pure shounen lol. But if I only had one standalone... that’s tricky. Of course I want to see GTM on 17′s island, but I feel other people could do a good job on that if we all banded together. So I’d pick the episode when, officially (whether implied or explicit) the handover from the old guard to the new happens. If I stick with my own timeline it would probably have happened slowly, way before this moment, but I’d write the day it would have hit the Kids - when Goku and Vegeta leave for their final fight and subsequent death in 801. 
I have a few things I’d like to put in that episode if I was given a lot of creative control on everything in the build up (i.e. it’s where Goten/Marron’s son’s named Goku for those following my writing adventures) but if I had to pick one thing, it would be Goten turning to Trunks and saying “long live the King” and everything that means between them. 
25. What would you wish for with the dragon balls?
Thought about giving a silly answer here. Usually when those DB memes come round I reblog wanting my ideas on ki in DB to spread as that’s achievable myself, so it’s like motivation fuel to keep working. 
But honestly? Wew lad. Strap yourself in, and this also explains my slow-down in pace on content. 
Last year my sis got married in June and everyone was there, but in a space of a few months after both my Grandmothers passed away, and end of November my Mum collapsed at work with a brain aneurysm. They managed to get her to hospital on life support, but she was unconscious at work within 10 seconds basically (just enough time for her to clock what was happening as her Dad had a stroke around the same age) and it was pretty clear cut she wasn’t waking up. We were able to do organ donation and help 4 people, but that meant a delay in turning off her life support and it meant she officially died on my Dad’s birthday. She was 51.
You know those nightmares you have of seeing a parent’s phone number pop up and you answer expecting to hear them, but it’s actually a doctor using their phone saying they’re trying to find the next of kin and they need to get to a hospital 3 hours drive away ASAP? YEAH. HI. That actually happened to me. The last call in my phone from my Mum is actually from an ITU doctor. It’s fucking tragic -whilst she would have done anything to have her own Mum back she was set to inherit a lot of money from her Mum, and was planning on quitting her job to have a break and to find somewhere closer to home, and get the new kitchen she’s wanted for like 20 years. They’d just paid off the mortgage, too.
As sudden as it was you can’t wish people back from a natural death. If I could I would so she could enjoy the break she so heartily deserved. But since I can’t, it would be to encourage the 4 people who received her organs to write to the organ donation team to tell us how they’re doing, whether they did anything for Christmas holidays with their family and stuff. My partner is currently looking at whether he should go on the lung transplant waiting list or not because of his cystic fibrosis, it’s why we knew Mum would have approved of donating her organs, so we understand what it means for these people. Receiving the letter that told us the age and gender of the recipients was really helpful for my Dad - I just want the people to write to us and tell us how they’re doing so we can celebrate them rather than feeling sad.
There you go, an actual proper answer. 
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firstpuffin · 5 years
Checklist for the next series of Dragon Ball Super:
I believe I’ve made a few passing references to anime over my articles and recently even analysed a part of the popular series Dragon Ball. Given how big a part of my life it has been (getting me through the lowest part of my life) I’m kinda surprised that I haven’t spoken more about it, although that’s easy to justify: anime fans don’t typically represent themselves well. I wanted to establish myself before starting the nerd talk so as to avoid being associated with the weeaboo culture.
  Yes, I might be just a bit paranoid about how people view me, and yes that’s because I would absolutely do the same.
 Now that I’ve exposed my insecurities let’s introduce the actual article.
  The Dragon Ball story originally ran from 1986 to 1997 under the names of “Dragon Ball”, “Dragon Ball Z” (which you mostly likely know) and “Dragon Ball GT”. In 2015 “Dragon Ball Super” began, entirely new, apparently entirely ignoring GT and it… was divisive up until it came to a close in 2018. It followed the boy with a monkey tail and who later turns out to be one of the alien Saiyan race as he aimed to become stronger and stronger; long story short imagine Kal-El with a tail, training to reach the godlike power that he is so often portrayed with.
  I could go into how the series was rushed which caused the quality to suffer at the start or I could mention how the main character, Son Goku, suffered from writing that turned him from single-minded, smart but under-educated, into a bumbling fool and a poor misrepresentation of the character. But for such a negative person I do try to look forward into the positive.
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-Did… did they make him bigger instead of drawing him closer? -
pictures from otakutale.com
  No, I’m looking at what I want to see in the next series, should it happen. As with all stories that get me invested, there are a number of things that I want to see expanded on and events that I want to see happen. Just to be annoying these things don’t tend to happen, but I can always hope and here are a few that I would like to see.
Let’s start small; Bulma’s sister interacting with the cast:
  One of the main characters of the show is Bulma, who is also the one responsible for the story. When Bulma was sixteen years old she met Goku and she had been a regular character ever since, helping out with her brain (and wealth) while charming viewers with her vanity and sheer force of character. In a short spin-off we discover that she has an older sister who hasn’t turned up in the two decades since the story began.
  Her sister, who’s name I haven’t mentioned yet because I want to establish that she is a person and not an obscure sentient item of clothing, is called Tights and she is a writer who lives…somewhere. Tropical I think.
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-Tights in her first (I think) anime appearance-
  As she only really appeared in the spin-off it could be assumed that she isn’t “canon”, or part of the “real” story; however, she appeared briefly twice in Super, making her canon and also meaning that she even has a voice actor so it is now not only possible for her to appear in the story, but I’d even say it’s now expected. In the credits of the final Super episode she is even seen with the main cast so we know they’ve met.
  So why do I want to see this so much? Well, because I’m a big softy and I think it’d be cute. But also, I like character interaction and Dragon Ball has some very interesting characters. Heck, Bulma’s husband Vegeta is a godlike alien who once tried to destroy the Earth and actually killed her ex-boyfriend (don’t get any ideas). This means their children are half-alien which could be the cause of prejudice, and I always find the rejection of such things to be sweet, so I’d like to see that. On a similar note, it could also be cool to see Vegeta’s brother Tarble, but I don’t see that happening.
  I could go on but it’d be more of the same, which is why it’s only the first entry.
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Android 17’s family:
Another character who started off as an antagonist, No.17 soon became redundant when the true villain of the arc appeared and afterwards he followed his dream to be a park ranger. It’s kind of bizarre given his murderous tendencies at the beginning, but let’s just put that down to being an edgy teenager. His sister, No.18, was also a villain who was forgiven and she got hitched to another main character, Krillin. No.18 goes down in history as one of the few Dragon Ball wives who retain their personality after marriage, they have a kid and it’s a very sweet family.
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-androids 17 and 18 respectively-
  Perhaps I should mention that while they are referred to as “androids”, the siblings are actually modified humans although how they were modified and in what ways are not really explored.
  Anyway, No.17 disappears until Super where he becomes vital to the story, and we find that he has a family himself, including two adopted children which is…interesting. As I mentioned he first appeared with very little regard for life and in an alternate timeline he and his sister eradicated most of Earth’s population, so learning that he has adopted children shows a massive change that I want to see explored.
  Basically I want to see his family; the type of person that he would marry, the type of child he would have and how they get along with those they adopted. While we know he’s met Krillin and their child, they know nothing about his family and it could be really sweet.
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-Future No.17; Yeah, time (travel) changes everything-
The matured children:
This might sound a bit odd but those who have watched Super will understand what I’m getting at. Towards the end of the Z series our heroes have been pumping out children and despite Super apparently going on for a while two of these children just haven’t grown, physically or psychologically. One of them, Trunks, seemed to have some character development about mid-way but nothing has come of it, while the other, Goten, may actually have become younger.
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-to my eyes it’s not one growing but the other being shrunk-
  As fans we want to see these two grow up and become their own people and just to tease us further, at the end of Z there is a 10 year time-skip where we see them as adults. Now we’ve seen in the Dragon Ball series that as a Saiyan Goku develops slower than humans before having a sudden and extreme growth spurt, so maybe this is what’s going to happen.
  There is the possibility that as a children’s anime they want there to be young boys for the viewers to connect to; there are now the children Pan and Bra (I know it’s a weird name; remember Tights?) but they are both girls and Dragon Ball is aimed at boys so… This might be the way they are thinking, even if it’s kinda irrelevant considering the boys so rarely appear.
  It’s important to remember that the reason why the children don’t appear is exactly because they are children: in the final (for now) arc of Super they weren’t involved because they weren’t mature enough and every time that something interesting happens Goten can’t get involved because his mother Chi-Chi makes him study (like seriously! how often is Goten gonna get to meet a time-traveller? give him some freedom already!). But as teenagers they are just as useful as Goku was when the story started (he was twelve years old!) and we can start having some decent storylines with them.
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-Goten and Trunks after the timeskip-
More Saiyans:
The reason why changes depending on what the author wants, but the Saiyan planet was destroyed not long after baby Goku was sent away and there are only a few full-blooded Saiyans still alive, with two of them being killed within a year of us learning about Goku’s alien heritage. From memory, there are three full-blooded Saiyans currently (four if we include the latest movie) and one of them is never seen; there are five human-Saiyan children, one of which is second generation and I’m not sure how the genes would work in this case so I hesitate to call her “half-Saiyan”.
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-it was a good-looking movie, if a bit lacking in plot- gif from crunchyroll.com
  However! In the Dragon Ball universe it has been established that there are currently twelve universes (ignoring timelines because that’s just a mess) and at least one of which has a whole planet of Saiyans who evolved slightly differently. Our heroes have met three of these and there has been a promise to visit the planet. On top of this, we know from the Saiyan we don’t see and possibly from the movie I mentioned (and screw it, different timelines too) that there is the chance of Saiyans from the local universe surviving too.
  But why would I want to see this? After about two decades we’ve discovered that female Saiyans can achieve the famous Super Saiyan transformation (there was a surprising amount of debate on that) and we know enough stuff about the Saiyans from both universes, so what’s left?
  Character interaction, that’s what. The Saiyans we know are exceptional in talent and sheer motivation, so where they are all beyond planet destroying levels of strength and capable of the aforementioned Super Saiyan transformations, they may be the only ones who are at that level. Our heroes could go to this planet that is the mirror image to their own and the conversations would be fun, but so would seeing the locals react to the sheer power that Goku and friends have achieved; we’ve seen hints of this already, but more time could be spent here and with reactions on a greater scale thanks to the sheer amount of local Saiyans.
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-two very different histories of the same species-
  Is that it? Nope. So far both Goku and Vegeta have shown a very clear lack of interest in their own long dead people, but seeing an entire planet of their kin could awaken something in them. But their own planet is long dead, right? Except in the latest series they introduced the Super Dragon Balls (hence the series name) that can grant literally any wish (this power may be neutered at some point but we’ve seen seven universes get resurrected so…), including bringing a single planet back.
  And as I said, the Saiyans of each universe are very different so this war-like but relatively weak race would need putting in their place by our heroes, and that could be very, very fun.
 As you may have noticed I like characters and their interrelationships quite a lot. Thus it’s a shame that Dragon Ball is largely a dorky action series which doesn’t do much with families… heck, two out of the four wives I remember are just that: wives. The author has confessed to having difficulty writing women. Only Bulma and No.18 are anything more than just wives and mothers, and both of them are great! (no disrespect to wives and mothers, but Videl has lost most of what made her great in Z; and not because she’s a wife but because that’s all she is now)
  I’m going to leave it here for now as I have a few things I want to see and I don’t want this entry to go on for too long. Dragon Ball is a fun series if you just want to relax with something that isn’t too serious, and as long as you can let certain poorly-aged characters slide. Master Roshi is kinda…unpleasant; thankfully he doesn’t appear much later.
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-picture of Roshi- Just… just fuck this guy-
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