#do we know if TVA!Loki is manspreading in his tree-throne? i hope he is. it'd add some much needed levity to that situation.
nostalgia-tblr · 3 months
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What I enjoy about this scene is that the Warriors 3 4 think Loki is up to no good, and he is, but he's not up to the specific no good they at first assumed. You and I in the audience know Odin really did just fall asleep to avoid resolving the plot to soon but they don't, and then Loki gives them the most insincere-sounding explanation possible (it has to be deliberate, he's far better at lying in other scenes) and then Sif is clearly planning something after that (and she can lie more convincingly too!) and basically I find this whole thing hilarious. These people don't even like each other enough to pretend that they're not planning to fuck things up somehow.
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