#do y’all spell it Bakugo or Bakugou
ksyescribe · 4 years
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Prompt: A nightmare has you rushing out of your room in an effort to escape your thoughts. You just don’t expect to find him at your door.
Ship: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Content: Hurt/Comfort??? I don’t know honestly, they both work through some of their stuff
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: This stupid fucking idea WOULD NOT LEAVE ME ALONE. I honestly wanted to drop it so badly but instead. It kept pestering me. Now here we are. It’s probably VERY rough but I hope you guys live it nonetheless :’)
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
Your lungs are filled with smoke.
Breathing hurts. You feel like you’re burning inside out.
You can hear the crackling of the fire in the distance but you can’t find it in you to care.
You’re too focused on the scene in front of you.
Shoji, Midoriya, and Todoroki stand ahead of you confronting the villains who attacked the training camp.
You’re hidden behind one of the thickest trees you could find, waiting for an opening to launch your own personal attack.
Then you see it.
An opening.
The villains start hopping into their respective portals and then...
Dabi and Compress monologuing to your classmates.
Had this been any other time you’d roll your eyes. Perhaps taunt them at the way they fit every stereotypical villain trope.
But this isn’t any other time. So you move fast.
Without thinking too much you launch forward, your quirk turning you into a burning projectile.
As you move through the air, pieces of ice suddenly appear in front of you. They’re no match for the heat enveloping your body right now. In mere seconds, they’re puddles on the ground as you move forward.
All around you, you can hear the sounds of the battle below but you pay no mind to it. Instead focusing on the villains. Your brain calculating the angle you’d have to shift to to be able to capture them and avoid going through the portal.
But then, something unexpected happens.
Aoyama’s laser shoots through the bushes. The three boys scramble forward. Shoji catches on orb. Todoroki’s snubbed by Dabi.
And then...
Bakugou’s mere inches in front of you.
Somehow, your fire burns stronger.
No longer a sharp orange but instead a bright purple.
You’ve maxed out your temperature limit.
You can’t bring yourself to care.
Not when Bakugou’s right in front of you.
You stretch out your hand, desperately trying to reach him.
Bakugou, his eyes ever resilient, still hold a trace of fear.
You push, surpassing the limits of your quirk that were already being pushed to the brim.
Your body screams in agony, but with Bakugou still in front of you, you fight it.
That still doesn’t deter the scream of agony that seems to be bubbling up through your throat. You can’t stop that, but you can alter it somehow.
“Bakugou!” Your scream is raw pain. You pour every ounce of the pain you feel into it as your quirk continues to burn you alive.
All of your body is on fire except one part. Your right hand.
The one outstretched towards Bakugo.
The one that brushes against his fingertips for a split second.
Then, nothing.
The warp gate is gone. Bakugou gone with it.
A wail of agony slips through your clenched teeth. And as you slam into the wall of trees that stood behind the warp gate another scream of pain rips itself from your mouth.
Everything burns. Your body, your pride, your heart.
You exhausted yourself, damaged your body, and put yourself through hell all just to let Bakugou slip away.
You can’t help the cries that you let out. Ear piercing wails, heavy with pain and agony.
You can hear people calling your name but all you can do is let out sobs. And then suddenly you feel your flames rile themselves up again.
You try to bite it back but suddenly a scream makes its way up your throat and then-
Suddenly you’re shooting up, tumbling from your bed onto the floor. You gasp for air as your eyes start to focus on the dark room around you.
The familiar surroundings of your UA dorm room slowly come back into focus. Coughing, you swivel your head around, your eyes passing over the familiar pieces of furniture and decor that decorate your room.
Turning back to the floor, you close your eyes and attempt to even out your breathing again. Slowly you take deep breaths.
I’m safe. I’m at UA I’m safe. No one can hurt me here. I’m safe.
You repeat this mantra to yourself, over and over again as your breathing evens out. You sit back, bringing your knees up to your chest as your heartbeat begins to simmer down as well.
The Training Camp. Kamino. Bakugou.
They plague your mind when you’re awake and your dreams when you’re asleep. It seems no matter what you try you can’t escape them. You take in a shaky breath as you squeeze your eyes shut.
It’s all over. You’re all safe and accounted for. Bakugou’s back safely. This is a win for you, so what are you so worried about?
But it’s not a win. In fact, this is the furthest thing from it. At best, it’s a stalemate. At worst, well a rather crushing defeat.
Parts of Kamino ward were left decimated, the entire ward nearly destroyed. And with it went All Might as well, no longer a Symbol of Peace.
You rubbed the heels of your palms against your eyes before slowly standing up. Your throat was scratchy, your head hurt, it was way too stuffy in this room. You had to get out for a bit. Maybe some fresh air would help clear your head. Maybe.
Pulling on a light hoodie, slippers and your water bottle you make your way out of your room.
Well, you would have been leaving your had you not found someone outside preparing to knock on your door.
Donning his trademark black tank top and sweats combo, Bakugou freezes in front of you as you open the door. His eyes are widen at your sudden appearance, fist paused mid way through the air, as he blinks trying to regain his composure.
It’s the first time either of you have seen each other since the training camp. You take in his appearance, paying close attention to the exposed skin on his arms. All things considered, he look good, healthy even. No new scars or injuries as far as you can see.
Your analysis of Bakugou’s physical state is interrupted by a choked sound. Your eyes immediately focus on his face, expecting him to be sporting an expression of pain. Instead, his eyes are wider than before, with his mouth slightly agape as he zeroes in on an area of your body. Following his gaze, you feel your face heat up as you realize what he’s staring at.
In your hurry to leave, you hadn’t placed your sweater on properly. The right sleeve had slid down to your elbow, revealing white bandages that encased your arm and your shoulders. 
Bakugou could see that they didn’t just end there. In fact, on closer inspection, he saw that the bandages disappeared beneath your clothing. From what he’d heard, it was more likely that they wrapped the entirety of your body. Awkwardly you pull the sleeve back up around your shoulder, zipping it up the middle to hide the rest of your body away. Bakugou observes your actions, the muscles in his jaw twitching.
Clearing his throat, he breaks the silence, “Can I, uh, come in?”
You find yourself nodding before you speak up, “Yeah sure. I’m just going to get some water really qui-”
He holds up a single finger, “Wait here.”
Nodding slowly, you watch in confusion as Bakugou walks briskly down the hallway. Not even a minute later, he’s making his way back up the hall towards you, two water bottles in his possession. 
“Can we talk now?” 
You nod silently, moving back to let him into your room. After he’s brushed past you, you close the door quietly. Setting down your bottle, you walk over to the balcony, opening the doors to let a bit of fresh air into the room.
“I hope you don’t mind,” you mutter as you push the doors to the side, “but I was also going to get some fresh air.”
Bakugou lets out a hum of acknowledgment, “Hard time sleeping?” 
You offer him a small one-sided smile, “Yeah. Something like that.”
You take a seat on the floor, your back pressed up against one of the cold glass doors of the balcony. Bakugou comes over to sit next to you, a sigh escaping from his lips as his skin touches the glass. Silently he hands you one of the bottles he brought before. With a quiet thanks, you unscrew the cap and take small sips of water, relishing the moisture that it provides your otherwise dry mouth. 
Silence envelops your room, the only sound coming from the rustle of the leaves as the wind passes by. You close your eyes for a second, letting the fresh air wash over you, enjoying how it filters past your clothing to ease your warm skin. 
Next to you, Bakugou takes in a small breath of air before speaking, “I heard what you did.”
Your eyes are still closed. The scenes of the forest flash behind your eyelids as Bakugou continues to talk.
“They told me you nearly killed yourself trying to save me.” He tries to keep his tone even, but tension slowly begins to fill the room. With a topic like this, avoiding difficult conversations is near impossible.
You swallow another sip of water, fingers instinctively tightening around the plastic bottle. Trying to save face, you let out a small laugh, “It wasn’t even that bad,” you say, waving off Bakugou’s concern, “They’re just exaggerating.”
Bakugou knows you too well to fall for your tricks. You’ve done this before, waving off other’s concerns only to land yourself in dangerous situations. He’s not letting you get off so easily this time. Especially not with the current state of your body. 
A scoff falls from his lips, “So I guess the bandages are just for show then? New aesthetic you’re trying out?” 
You pinch the bridge of your nose, “Bakugou,” you start off slowly, “I’m fine. They’re just skin wounds. They’ll heal over time.”
“Just skin wounds!? Are you listening to yourself right now?” 
You sigh, too tired to have a battle with him over the severity of your injuries. Is it not enough that you have to suffer through the process of healing? According to the universe, it wasn’t, so they sent Bakugou here to scold you. 
“You were burning alive when they found you,” he hissed, the temperature in the room rising. “That stupid bastard’s ice couldn’t even cool you down. You were melting right through it.” 
A heavy sigh, then, “Not to mention, your body was literally fighting itself. Patches of skin trying to use the heat to repair itself and other parts kept lighting themselves up, thinking that your quirk was still in use.”
Heavy breaths fill the room until finally, Bakugou’s voice drops, “You were out cold for five days. Three of those days, they spent accommodating the shifting temperatures of your body. Two other days were spent with special healers to see if they could repair the damage done to your skin.”
“You almost died.” His voice trembles at the end of the sentence. You hear him take a shaky breath, rubbing your hands over your face trying to ease the hurricane of emotions you felt.
You hear shuffling, and suddenly you’re being pulled forward and into a solid, warm body. His arms wrap around you, maneuvering you gently so that your chests press into each other. Your head rests on his shoulder as his hands rub reassuring circles against your back. Your arms come around his back, pulling him closer to you while you breathe in his familiar scent.
“And then,” he mumbles, “I come back just to find you avoiding me.”
“I wasn’t avoiding you,” you murmur into his neck. 
“Yeah? So you just happened to avoid the common areas every single time I was there?” 
You breathe in, about to answer him before he interjects, “And don’t say it was just a coincidence because I saw you peeking your head around corners trying to see if I was still around.”
You sigh frustratedly, “I just didn’t want you to see me like this. I knew you were going to blame yourself for it.”
Bakugo, somehow, pulls you closer, “That’s because it is my fault.” He presses his face into the crook of your neck, doing his best to stifle the words. But it’s too late. You’ve already heard them. 
You pull away just a bit, pushing back against Bakugou’s chest breaking the contact between you. He lets out a sound of displeasure at the loss of contact but ultimately holds your gaze. You raise a hand up, cradling his face as you look at him. 
“This wasn’t your fault,” you begin, shaking your head as you continue, “This was my body. My own quirk did this to me. I pushed myself past my limit. That’s on me.”
Bakugou’s eyes drop to the space between you, refusing to meet your gaze. You feel his body tense up below you, his hands tightening in the fabric of your clothing as he glared downward.
“They were after me. They attacked the training camp looking for me. Kamino was demolished because they were saving me. You pushed yourself past your limit because of me!”
Below you, you can feel the tremors that take hold of his body. Cautiously you use your hand to tilt his head up. His eyes were watery, blinking continuously to prevent tears from slipping out. Still, one managed to slip out, making a slow descent on the slopes of his face. Using your free hand, you wiped the tear away before cradling his head. Slowly you brought his head forward, tilting it downward as you pressed a small kiss to his forehead before pulling back. 
“This isn’t your fault Bakugou,” you stroke his cheek as you continue, “Things were about to hit the fan sooner or later. Everyone felt that. It’s something that was bound to happen. It could’ve happened anywhere, to anyone. This isn’t on you.”
Bakugou holds your gaze for a moment before nodding. His face turns downward once again as the tears flow freely. You’re there, wiping away gently with the sleeves of your wrist as you cradle his head, planting small kisses on his forehead. You hold him, comforting him and murmuring reassuring words as he lets out the emotions he’d been harboring for days. His hold on you never falters. 
Time passes as the two of you hold each other, making up for lost time. Bakugou’s shaking has simmered down into soft trembles. His forehead is pressed into your neck as he takes deep breaths, calming himself after his emotional release. Your hands rake through his head slowly as you continue to leave the occasional kiss on his forehead. 
He takes a shuddering breath, “What happens now?” 
He pulls back to look at you. Red rimmed eyes gaze at you, framed by furrowed eyebrows as he looks to you for an answer.
You sigh deeply, “We train. We grow. We get stronger.” 
You pull one of his hands into yours, interlacing your fingers together, “So we’ll be ready the next time they come.”
Next time. 
God. Could you handle a next time? Could he? You both know that the League is far from done with their meddling. They could come back at any moment. With stronger players and perhaps strong allies. And yet…
Bakugou nods at you, eyes determined, “Next time. We’ll be ready.”
His tone is infectious, and you find yourself nodding back at him. 
Quietly, the two of you begin to untangle yourselves and rise together. 
His hands come to rest on your hips, thumbs rubbing circles on the fabric of your sweats. You smile gently as you decipher the look on his face.
He hums in response, eyes meeting yours again. 
“Could you stay the night? I’ll, uh, sleep better if I know you’re safe with me.”
He nods, one of his hands moving to cradle your face, “Of course.”
He tugs you towards the bed, “Let’s go to bed.”
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
WARNINGS: age gap, student x teacher (platonic then romantic) SPOILERS FOR MANGA CHAPTERS 280+
probably really bad spelling
Ok bitches, it’s midnight and my mind is ROLLING.
This obviously has to do with bakugo. I’m a bakugo kinny so don’t @ me plz.
I really do be thinking that he’d fall in love with his teacher. But like let me explain.
You’re one of his teachers but you aren’t a hero, 100% a vigilante bc you don’t believe in the Hero morals bc you think they are a little twisted. You’re the only teacher in UA who’s not a “real” hero, personally i think Aizawa is a vigilante bc in the beginning we see that he doesn’t like Toshinori and i think it has to do with his Hero ways.
ANYWAYS, getting out of pocket here.
After the UA festival you have a big soft spot for bakugo and midoriya (especially bkg but don’t tell deku). One day he accidentally fell asleep in class bc he’s been having nightmares and you notice. Ofc you do- he’s basically your kid smh. You don’t even bother to wake him and you threaten the ones who try, especially denki and mineta. Your quirk revolves around blood manipulation but u can make it into a physical form (i guess like elsa but w blood/ u can manipulate not just yours) So when they try to wake up bakugo you just put two scary blood creatures beside them and they threaten them for you. If class is over and he’s still asleep, deku looks a little worried but you pat his shoulders and let him know it’s okay.
not you waking him up with a blood figure bc your scared of him 😔 just a lil
he obviously wakes up startled with the blood beside him, unknown to you, it reminded him of the Sludge villain. you rush to his side and start to apologize, stroking his hair but he just slaps your hand away. He’s not used to this type of affection. “Bakugo.... Are you sleeping alright?” He obviously doesn’t crack under the first attempt and decided to leave, calling you an old hag nun the less. He’s muttering “Why should you care?” and “Mind your business old hag.” Mind you, youre only like 7 years older than he is. (Bakugo is 16, aka the oldest of the class making you 23, one of the youngest teachers too) You only stop him seconds before he’s out the door to let him know that he can talk to you when he wants to. Obviously flips u off bc he doesn’t see you like an elder like Aizawa or All Might.
The fourth time Bakugo is distracted or falls asleep, he slips up. You wake him after Iida complained to you about not waking him up, low key threaten him too- u know that he almost murdered stain 💀 shuts him right up. You stroke his hair this time, trying to be gentle and not startle him like last time. You ask if he’s okay again and that’s when he slips up, “Just nightmares n stuff...” He is NOT fully awake or conscious, so he kinda frazzled up again and we are back to our regular program of Bakugo barking in your face to mind your business. But you don’t expect him to say thank you right before he walks out the door. You’re like ????? that’s new.
It’s probably the last time bakugo falls asleep is when he starts developing a crush on you. You run your hands through his hair again and he kinda rubbed into it like a cat being pet behind the ears. Both of you are like 👁👄👁
He BOLTED. No way he had just developed a crush on his teacher. No fucking way. Try’s to distance himself from you. Doesnt sleep in you class anymore. Doesnt ask you for your help or anything. You don’t mind since it seems like he’s getting by better than he was before.
But when he gets captured by the LOV and youre at camp w aizawa as extra help and you don’t see bakugo back with the rest it’s like a piece of your heart was ripped out. ( BTW in this point in time the feelings you have for bakugo ARE NOT ROMANTIC, it’s kinda like Eri and Aizawa situation, you unintentionally took bakugo under your wing and care for him a little bit more than the rest)
You don’t sleep until you find him. You’re at the press conference and you’re blood begins to boil when they said bakugo would become a villain. You spoke over Aizawa “I can assure you that you can drop those theories and accusations of my student. Bakugo Katsuki is talented and strong willed. What you saw during the festival was a mier fragment of who he really is. He’s a good kid who wants to be the number one hero one day... he wouldn’t give that up to be a villain.”
“And how do you know this fire sure, (hero/name)”
“I know my student better than anyone.”
When you hear that Midoriya, Iida, Momo, Kirishima and Todoroki went on a rescue mission to save Bakugo- you freak out. You paced all night until All might won the battle against AFO. Shota called you in the middle of the night to let you know that Bkg was gonna be in the hospital for the night. You rushed over there and once again your blood began to boil- you overheard the converstantion with him and his mother. Her calling him weak. What kind of mother was she?
you purposely walked in, “Oh sorry... You must be the Bakugos, I’m H/N- his teacher.” Mitsuki shook your hand and so did Masaru. You guys chatted a little before they left. “Your fathers such a sweet guy... how’d he end up with your mom?” Bakugo chuckled, “Old hag basically jumped on him at work.” You two chuckled together.
A very long chat between you too happened. More on how he was feeling and how you worried about him. At this point Bakugo knew that he could confide in you... He looked down at his lap and he began to sniffle. Something you where NOT expecting. “It’s all my fault... All might lost his power because of me... Becahse i was weak.” You heart ached for him UGH. Taking his hand in his, “Bakugo you are not weak... You’re the strongest kid I know. This isn’t your fault. If anything it’s mine... I couldn’t protect you kids fast enough... I’m sorry.” Caressing his cheeks. “It’s getting late. Get some sleep bakugo.” Youre about to let go of his hands but his grip gets tighter. “Don’t make me say it old hag.” He mutters before you chuckle a little and sit back down. You fall asleep you head on the edge of his bed, still in your chair while he finally began to drift to sleep. Your hand now in his.
When he figured out Deku’s secret he has one condition. “We tell L/N”
Deku’s like ??? “You mean H/N??? But kacchan!”
“No buts deku! We tell L/N or i tell everyone.”
“All Might! Do something!”
“I trust her”
“HA! Stupid deku!”
Bakugou’s kinda excited to tell you while y’all have tea and discuss Deku’s quirk but your sipping your tea when they tell you and your like “Oh, yeah i kinda figured that out myself... You guys are really bad at hiding a secret.” Bakugo calls the irresponsible and the rest is history 💀
Also you side intern w a 1-B student Shiozaki bc y’all have manipulation quirks and he gets mad jealous 💀💀 also hates that u intern w Vlad King and hang out w Hawks WAY TOO MUch
If he’s ever around you guys and Hawks starts flirting OH MAN bakugou with start to bark.
Hawks is the first person to notice his crush and he tells you and your like “Pft BAKUGOU?? You’re crazy!” but then you low key begin to notice small things that you didn’t before and your like oh- Oh shit.... this ain’t good
“Bakugo, have lunch with me will you?”
Denki and mineta make dirty jokes and you slap both of them w your shadows before the exit class.
You’re both mid into your bento box as you just blurt it out “Do you fancy me Kacchan?” yes u intentionally call him kacchan bc he chokes on the spici bento u made him. “Oh wow... hawks was right...”
“Just told me you had a crush on me... Didnt believe him until now...” You eat a little more bento and just put it down bc ur don’t like the tension in the room. “Bakugo you know nothings going to happen between us right? You’re my student and i care about you. I obviously favor you but that’s all it’s gonna be.”
“Watch your mouth old hag. I’m 18 in two years, let’s see if i don’t come back and bite you in the ass.”
you burst out laughing and he just barks at you for laughing at him. “You will not my dear bakugo. Unless you graduate top of your class, turn 21 and make an image for yourself, then we’ll talk.”
“Mmm i promise ima gonna follow you till u love me too, L/N.”
“you’re disgusting, eat your bento.”
You’re horribly injured. Gashes and blood spilling from your wounds as you watch Midoriya fight a battle alone with Shigaraki. Bakugo is sitting you up between his legs, making sure you don’t pass out. Your blood isn’t regenerating your wounds like it usually would. Your body has its limits and you’ve almost passed them.
But when Aizawa goes out cold, Deku claims Nanas float quirk, it’s up to you and Endevor to keep everyone safe, even if your body is screaming at you to sleep and rest.
There’s a moment when you see bakugo look at you when he sees that his child hood friends is in grave danger. “Don’t... BAKUGO!” He’s already in the air and your blood whips aren’t fast enough to move them. Shigaraki is faster and pieces through his chest and abdomen... It’s like you could feel it. “NO!!BAKUGO!!!” Everyone around you can hear the horror in your voice as you push yourself up in the air w the rest of your energy and catch him in your arms before anyone else does, but your body feels limp, luckily enough Todoroki Shoto is seconds behind you and catches the both of you safely.
At this point you can’t even tell who’s blood is on your hands. “You idiot.... Damn it ... Hey, hey you’re alright, look at me Bakugo. You can’t leave me too kid.” If it weren’t for your regeneration you’d probably be passed out the way he is right now. “We’re gonna get you to safety alright.... You gotta keep your promise... as stupid as it is.”
The second your feet step into a medical, everyone is looking at the both of you in horror. You tears a falling onto him and you just look like a tired mess. “Please take him. No- No not me, him! He needs help not me, please.” The doctors are quick and they try to help you but you keep screaming that it’s bakugo that needs help and when he’s not in your arms anymore and you see him getting the help you need that’s when your body collapses into the arms of a doctor.
Once everything is over and everyone is safe. You’re the last one out of the group who wakes up, which frightens bakugo. He’s in his room and he’s nagging you at his nurse to let him see you (your legit a curtain over) but she keeps saying that you need rest and blah blah. “Let the kid in nurse.” You croak and bakugo almost falls off his bed to get to you.
he regrets his decision. you look pissed. “You could have died.” was the first thing you tell him when you see him. “Do you know how selfish that was Bakugo? You could have died in my arms? Did you even think about that-
“My body moved in it’s own...”
“I had to do something...”
You start tearing up, “get over here you stupid pomeranian.”
After that you watch Bakugo from afar, you give up you job in UA. You felt unworthy to have that position especially when you couldn’t save your student for the second time. Sometimes bakugo calls you and ask where you are while he’s on a grocery run. “I’m a lot closer than you think Kacchan, now get home safely, it’s getting dark.” You hang up in him and follows him back to UA, making use he’s fine.
This goes on for two year until he graduates. He’s taking pictures with his friends and aizawa gives him a box. “What is this?” he shrugs. “She just dropped it off.” He walks away leaving bakugo confused.
He opens the box and it’s a picture of you and him that Toshinori may have taken while you laughed together eating your bento. Behind the picture, there’s ink w your hand writing “give it back in 3 years” and inside there’s ring hanging on a necklace, he chuckles while reading the next note “p.s i’m not proposing. i just want something else to look forward to other than your presence”
“stupid hag.” he mutters before pulling the necklace over his head and tucking it into his graduate uniform. his hand is over the necklace and you see his smile from the top of the UA roof. When he looks up, he sees you. You smile softly and disappear when he blinks- he was afaid that would happen.
the next three years go by a lot quicker than he realizes. He’s interning under the agency you created w hawks but your no where to do seen. You’re never. in office.
and when april 20th hits, it’s the first time people see you in the office in three years and you go directly to Bakugos cubicle. You place a white box in front of him and smile “Happy birthday Dynamight.” His eyes widen when he locks eyes with you. Your hair is different, you look more like a woman than you did 5 years ago. he’s speechless and u just chuckle and roll your eyes. “My necklace, Kacchan.”
“I want my birthday present first.”
“What are you talking about, the box is your present now hand over my neck-“
“that’s not what i’m talking about.”
“the what-”
all eyes are on you two when pulls you into a kiss that he’s been holding onto for five years. “This necklace is mine now, just like you are. I promised you didn’t i?”
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