#do ya'll wanna see the memes anyways
snowdeong 6 months
So anyway
Having anxiety is so odd cause I logged on to be like "uhh might be taking an indefinite hiatus" and instead of just saying that I now feel the need to like write an overly long, overly personal post about what's going on as if anyone cares 馃槶 and then it's like if I say that no one cares it sounds like I'm attention seeking or baiting people into telling me that they do when in actuality I just have a fucked sense of self that I'm trying (and failing lmao) to work on.
Which brings us back to the hiatus funnily enough cause yup. I haven't even written anything new just a few lines of a few ideas I have cooking but fuck part of why I'm struggling to just sit down and go for it is cause I know I will want to post and just the idea of posting makes me wanna throw up now. I know I can't just write it and keep it to myself cause like that's not how I roll but the idea of posting as me and being seen as me is just fucking awful.
It's the same issue I had in deukae fandom at some point, it felt like too many people knew me and I'd thought maybe the feeling came from the fact that I wasn't fully being myself? Cause part of me is being a horny gremlin that is never more happy than when I'm screaming about yeji's cock in someone's dms. But thinking about it, I honestly think being myself has made it worse 馃槶 I just don't feel comfortable doing anything online anymore 馃槶 it all just feels like a value judgement of myself and fuck I do not have enough self esteem for that shit.
I think I might do better posting anonymously, especially since on ao3 if it's anon you can't see metrics without going to the stats page but then it's like damn so having fun online and tryna make friends fucks up my mental health but the solution is to become a recluse. Which I do not want lmao. My life situation already makes me unbearingly lonely and miserable so maybe it's more that I'm used to that and being known is so vulnerable I'd be more comfy on my own? idk tbh I'm just stream of conciousing. All I do know is I don't enjoy keeping to myself but ig that'll be the move until whatever tf is going on in my head stops going on.
I'll probably pop in once in a while to post a meme or rb a friend so they know I'm not dead pff but yeah besides that I think it's bye for a bit.
PS. if I do post something and ya'll notice it's me please don't acknowledge it 馃ズ I hate having to type this kinda thing cause it's not really a big deal and no one gives af but sigh just in case
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jaythelay 2 months
Dems gotta get this through their skull: There is a grey section to doing anything. Absolutely anything. You could give someone money that ends up making them a pimp! Doesn't mean you shouldn't try to help someone.
The fact is, at the end of all your morality, the answer is "doing anything is immoral" because the butterfly effect is always present and we have no concept of the future, shit can always go horrifically wrong.
Democrats. Quit being lazy with the excuse that trying might harm. Do something. Don't fucking attack people for shit they did years ago online, don't make up new social rules everyone now has to follow despite being brand fucking new to the majority of the human race, you need to start being Real.
Quote after image after video after source after video after image after quote after source.
That's all you should be focusing on. Compiling a list that's so easy to copy paste no amount of sealioning will work. You will not convince any R's. You're simply meant to spread Facts to the wider uninformed public to combat misinformation.
Ya don't prepare people for shit. R's got their script and it's so easy a toddler can read it. Ya'll don't got shit but severely scattered information ya gotta compile yourself, and copy pasting that from someone else is considered lazy. Ya focus on what's relevant then and there, within easy grasp, and move on once hype drops. Never developing the verbiage or opinion further than a reddit comment.
The fact most creator's aren't speaking up is in fact actually telling. Because it's hardly about inserting politics when your everyday is about to become less safe. Everyone. Should be speaking up. A fuck ton of creators need pressured into telling their audience what the fuck is happening in the world, because the media isn't and youths don't trust ANY news outlet without outside confirmation.
The entirety of the internet will be censored under Dump for certain, under Biden we have a slim chance of protecting it from the government. Under Dump there's 0 chance, their jobs will be lost, millions jobless.
It's impractical long term not to speak up. We need the world to see that most of the US is not Maga or terrorists. Because that's Dem's biggest fear. The fact is most don't vote because they don't know, and they never will at this rate. Most of the world is leftist. Simply put, look at art, look at who's running this world into the ground, and try to convince yourself otherwise.
Twitter is avoiding a subpoena to protect Dump, and Elon is donating 45mil a month to the child rapist. Most of the media wants him in for lowered rich taxes.
Idunno what to tell ya'll other than, creators not speaking up is them actively condemning their audience to a worse life. And personally, I can't imagine being that contempt towards people that built me up on a platform R's want destroyed. Sorry but it's fucked up. All of them.
And it comes down to: Trying is immoral
Because it is. And it's why you should try anyways. Because it's all immoral. All Actions are Immoral.
It comes down to a greater peace than a miniature pain. Speak the fuck up. This is why dems lose. They're quiet. They're timid. They're uninformed. They have no unity or organizational skills. They lose interest and hype. They don't try, they pretend and give up at the first small emotional victory or loss. It's all comments, posts, and catered audience videos n memes. Nothing for the general public. Just your in-group.
God damn R's are pulling insurrections and assassinations and ya'll wanna break up bands for unoriginal jokes everyone thought of while coming up with yet another new social rule. Just pathetic.
Ya gotta have action or your beliefs are lies for your self-image. Not a soul says be republican in your actions, be a person. And you'll do fine. Fuck ups are steps towards a stronger opinion. Be confident in being wrong, because only then do you see what's real.
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caffeinatedopossum 2 years
The DID urge to make funnies by placing my alters into alignment chart memes
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soraavalon 2 years
Knave of Hearts: Next, if you would please dear?
DM: And you see this squirrelfolk who is also that very desaturated, it's a gray squirrel anyways but there's just that kind of glossed over look in the eyes brings out this little, Caligari has one it's like one of those boxes that open up and has the shelves inside, so you know that's what it's meant to do when it opens but they haven't opened it yet.
Knave of Hearts: Bismark, how much to drink at random one of the potions in that box? Freely given, of course.
Nathaniel: Freely given? (OOC): I'm assuming this means there's no trick to drinking [something]
DM: Yes, you saw that at the market there was that little exchange where there was the whole, 'this is freely given. You're not drinking my shit.' kind of thing.
Nathaniel: You can take a bit of luck.
Knave of Hearts: I can take a bit of luck and you'll drink that?
Nathaniel: Yeah.
Knave of Hearts: You're all very generous. Alright, yeah.
Nathaniel (OOC): [something] not giving anybody else the option.
DM: This group is giving, here's the thing that I out of character want to hope you guys understand; He's saying 'I'll give you healing. I'll pay you to do these things.' and ya'll are just like, 'You can take this and--'
Tark (OOC): 'I'll just do it.'
DM: Ya'll are doubling down on being punished.
Tark (OOC): Yeah because someone has offered to do it for free to get it the minimum and someone's been like 'nah I wanna win.' and has gone below.
Nathaniel (OOC): It's Tricks for Treats, I'm assuming the more tricks you take the more treats you get at the end.
DM: *shrugs* Okay. Sure yeah, he'll take a luck point and will open the box and reach in without looking.
Nathaniel (OOC): Please be something good. Please be something good.
DM: We'll find out.
Nathaniel (OOC): Or turn me into a potted plant or something.
Jeremiah (OOC): Please turn him into a potted plant.
DM: *sees a potion* What is, hang on how long does this last?
Nathaniel & Marigold (OOC): Oh no.
Nathaniel (OOC): I'm fucked.
Tark (OOC): It's probably Polymorph.
DM: Okay, so he pulls out---
Tark (OOC): He probably pulled out Hannora's tea.
DM: They, oh my god what...
Jeremiah (OOC): Please turn him into a bird.
Nathaniel (OOC): I'm extremely worried.
DM: I'm gonna say this lasts for a minute. This is wild. So they pull out this small shot-sized bottle, it's a tiny vial it's this pale green with little flecks of different colors and it bubbles and they will offer it to you.
Nathaniel (OOC): I'm just running through all the shit that Nathaniel has been through and it's just ending up on the [redacted comedian] meme like 'You ever have one of those days where this may as well happen?' I've been turned into a bird, I've been dragged through the Arcane Weave, I may as well drink this. What's the worst that's going happen?
DM: You open it and the smell of thick mud kind of comes out---
Jeremiah (OOC): Mud has a smell?
-various 'Yes/Yeah's-
Nathaniel (OOC): Oh, you can't smell, I forget.
DM: Down it it's like airy and bubbly, it's very effervescent and kind of tastes like chicken?
Nathaniel (OOC): It tastes like chicken and smells like mud. I don't like where this is going.
DM: And there's kind of this, you kind of burp a little bit as it goes down from the bubbles and this really awful stench kind of starts as you then split into three smaller versions of yourself. You can control all of them.
Nathaniel (OOC): Please stop fucking with this poor boy's mind.
DM: This lasts for a minute. I would love to, but I did roll randomly.
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