#do you guys remember that moment with the teacup ride in the light novels
jackdaniel69nice · 6 months
Could you draw Dark Shadow and Tokoyami play chess? (Your choice on who would win.)
Im so sorry this was my first thought
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In all realness here’s some thoughts:
Tokoyami would play lots of chess with his grandfather growing up so he’s a chess wiz
Dark shadow has generic chess moves memorized and is actually a good player but finds the game boring so they cheat to entertain themself
They both win an almost equal amount of times this way
Tokoyami used to get really upset when he was little but now he actually encourages the cheating because it makes the game more interesting with constantly having to pick out new strategies. He also likes that dark shadow is having fun
They have a mini “game” going on where toko is trying to catch DS in the act of cheating and Shadow has to be as sneaky as possible
On a side note both shadow and tokoyami know slight of hand
One more final note tokoyami is weirdly competitive and is a master at most games, especially card game (dark shadow also knows how to count cards do not take them to Vegas)
Unedited photo and ref pic under the cut
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