#do you know what i mean by the hospital gore app for children
strawberrybabydog · 8 months
the tumblr ads that play at 25%+ volume and keep playing audio long after i've scrolled passed is really successful marketting. i am not annoyed or off-put by unwanted screaming royalty free audio after 10 minutes of silent peaceful scrolling. infact, every time this happens i scroll all the way back to the ad with glee because i am overjoyed at the idea of downloading the hospital gore app for children
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Why you cannot be “pro life” and be a feminist
(TW: mentions of rape, abuse, gore, death and objectification may be mentioned)
Hey, you may yourself be “pro life” and have been sent this because you're a brick wall and/or this person does not have time for you or you could be an actual person with common sense and be pro choice who just wants to help grow your knowledge and understanding of the feminist movement and your debating skills. Ether way welcome, glad to have you.
I think we should disprove some idiotic points “pro life” feminists like to bring up:
“I’m fine with other women getting abortions, i just think its wrong”
*collective eye roll from all pro choicers* Alright there are two reasons i put this point first.
1. because i feel like you wouldn't even read up to this point if it weren't the first point because you're actively too lazy to read up on literally anything and 2. because i myself have had this point so much i lost count. Ill get to why abortion isn't wrong in a bit but just to say YOU’RE NOT “PRO LIFE” YOU’RE PRO CHOICE!!! The reason i said “you're actively too lazy to read up on literally anything” is because the literal definition of pro choice is
adjective advocating the legal right of a woman  to choose whether or not she will have an abortion.
That literally describes exactly what bs has just drivelled out your damn mouth. You're ok with a person having the choice. You seriously go and say you're pro life when you don't even know what it means. For gods sake the safari app is right there, you couldn't look something up before you embarrass yourself on the internet?
But anyway you're pro choice, pro choice means you're ok with others having the choice even if you wouldn't. Have a nice day.
“Most abortions are gender based, meaning more girls get aborted because they're girls”
Sorry but you need to get your priorities straight, there are so many things wrong with what you just said. First off, transphobia much? Second, I along with anyone with morals would place a fully grown pregnant person with responsibilities, relationships and memories over that of something that is about as alive as a blade of grass that has a vagina. Do you think that a person with a uterus is lesser than something that is barely alive? yeah......... yeah thats why you're not a feminist.
But anyway i don't think you know what gender based abortions really happen for. 99% of the time gender based abortions are in places where the parents are desperate for a boy and cannot have more than one or two children. Places such as china with its one child policy. The parents want to continue the family last name and also continue the businesses (because businesses are usually passed down from father to son). China is flooded with parentless girls already because so many parents abandon them because they wanted a boy, we don't need to add that.
Im in no way ok with gender based abortions but because these people are so desperate to have a boy if abortion became illegal in counties like these violence against women and death of women via massive blood loss with increase rapidly due to coat hanger abortions and husbands hitting their wives in hope to kill the foetus. It’s ether you're ok with violence and horrific torture of millions of people world wide or you're gonna let people have abortions when they need ones.
Hey heres an idea, instead of taking away a right to abortion from women, why don't you do what most feminists who aren't lazy do and try to get rid of the patriarchal idealistic surrounding gender based abortions. Thats actually useful and helps us get to equality, while being anti abortion stops that.
“Some abortions harm women!!!”
According the the NHS (the uk healthcare service) 1 in 1000 legal and medical abortions cause damage to the uterus in abortions carried out between 12-24 weeks. Most of these damages are mild infections that can be treated with antibiotics. 
Id also like to remind you that illegal abortions cause wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more damage to someones uterus than a safe and legal one. So your argument is kinda stupid. Like “some women are hurt by legal abortions so lets make it illegal and have EVERY woman be hurt but abortions! I'm fighting for women rights here guys trust me.” Birth is much more dangerous than abortion as well.
Also.... if you're talking about emotional harm...95% of people don't regret their abortion.
“Its against my religion”
Your religion applies to you, not others. NEXT.
“It doesn't say anywhere that I have to be pro choice to be a feminist”
I’m sorry do you have anything in that thick skull of yours?
the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
Newsflash, you can’t advocate for equality when you see women as incubators. Also, yes you do see women as incubators. You think that if a person gets pregnant and doesn't want it or finds out that it is horrifically deformed or already dead that they should  keep it and have it. You’re kidding me right? That is the most misogynistic and sexist thing I have ever heard and its is 100% what you're ok with.
Let me tell you what you're also ok with that is completely anti feminist:
1. Child abuse
I will get into that next
2. Back ally/coat hanger abortions
You're pro people getting hurt via illegal abortions. You're ok with people killing themselves via mass blood loss all because you're selfish enough ignore their desperation. Have you read the stories of illegal abortions before it was legal? They're horrific. You're no feminist if you're ok with pregnant people killing themselves because a right was taken away from them.
3. Rape
No one consents to rape. Its kinda like someone stabs someone else and you tell the person who was stabbed “Don't go to the hospital! You'll be fine! You can handle it.” No one should be forced to continue a pregnancy if they didn't consent to becoming pregnant. you're no feminist if you think people should suffer like that and drag their trauma out. You're punishing people for being raped. Thats worse than victim blaming. Sick.
4. Self harm
People throw themselves down the stairs, punch themselves and even starve themselves to kill the foetus. Why should they be subjected to that when they could have a safe one? You're evil if you think people should be hurt for accidentally getting themselves pregnant then you're no feminist.
5. Poverty
Do you know how much a child costs? $14,000 per year. If you're working a minimum wage job which pays $15,080 per year, thats not good news for you. The fact you’re fine with single mothers or fathers struggling to feed themselves all because of a mistake they made once is NOT ok in any way.
6. People loosing their right to education
You're ok with people missing valuable education time because they need to look after their child and/or give birth? Resulting in them severely denting their life which links to argument 5. ...You’re getting what i mean now right?
A 12 year old being forced to have a child isn't ok sorry. There is no way you're in the right for saying they should. Their body isn't built to have a child yet so they're more likely to die or be in immense pain. The labour will be way way way longer than an adults. If you think a child should be put through that, what is wrong with you? You’re so evil I cannot muster and you're the exact opposite of a feminist.
8. The objectification of women
By forcing people to go through with pregnancies you're feeding the patriarchal idea that women are here to give birth to and look after children. You're saying that women are incubators and exist to be impregnated. You're saying that women are lesser than something that doesn't know it’s alive and that she is a slave to the person who got her pregnant and the thing inside her. Thats like so unfeminist its amazing. Thanks.
“Why can’t they just give it for adoption?”
The percentage of adopted children who are abuse is 25%. 25%!!!!! Children who are adopted are also more likely to have depression and commit suicide. In fact, if you're a foster child you're 4 times more likely to commit suicide than a child with a known birth parent. Gay parents are also allowed to be refused to adopt my some agencies, where are you yelling about that? Why are you telling people not to abort when you should be protesting this abuse and homophobia? You're telling me you'd rather see a child suffer and have their whole life messed up than just let a person have an abortion? You're sick.
“Im only ok with it if it’s rape”
So a person has to have their body violated for them to get the rights to it? Consent to sex is NOT consent to pregnancy. Condom effectiveness have gone down to 85%. Its kinda like saying that you're only ok with STD medication if it was due to rape. You can consent to sex but not being infected, so its not their fault. So thats the same with being pregnant.
“I think people should take responsibility for their actions”
Well, they are. Aborting the foetus is taking responsibility for their action. And its rather anti feminist of you to think people should be punished for life because of a mistake.
“Its my choice to be pro life and feminism gives you the right to chose what you believe”
That sentence was a direct contradiction to what you believe. Feminism gives you the right to choose yes but who are you to feel that you can take away that same right to choose to other women. Are you that entitled that you think your choice to be “pro life” is greater than other peoples right to a choice? 
Your choice to be pro life is also not feminist at all. Kinda like me saying I'm pro lgbt but then kicking my child out if they're gay.  People choose to be racist, people choose to be homophobes. Your choice is your choice yes but everyone has a right to tell you why that choice is wrong.
“But babies are cute!”
...okay...? First off, that shit isn’t a baby. It’s a cluster of cells or a foetus. Second, what does that matter? Something being cute doesn’t put it on some kinda pedestal. I like boa constrictors are cute, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t shoot one in the face if it was trying to constrict my friend.
A thing being cute doesn’t make it more important. In fact it’s very ignorant of you to say that something being cute puts it above others.
You're not a feminist. Just say you hate people with uteruses and go
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flixanchill-blog · 7 years
Wish Upon (2017)
New review has been published on http://flixanchill.com/wish-upon-2017/
Wish Upon (2017)
  Wish upon is a clever interpretation of the story keeping in line with the monkey’s paw type situation  where you are a normal person who is given the opportunity to live beyond your normal means with no cost or so it seems.
While it’s not a new story I thoroughly enjoyed the  relatively small amount of gore used especially when all people seem to want in a horror movie is blood guts and Gore this was closer to a psychological thriller with a fantasy backstory.
Being a child of the 90s I obviously love Ryan Phillippe and everything he has ever done. To this day I still can’t watch Cruel Intentions without somewhat wishing that I was in at Hargrove,  that being said it is nice to see Ryan Phillippe as an adult even if he is  more of a child than his child sometimes.
Joey King is a young Hollywood up-and-comer and I cannot wait to see what she does in the future. Coming from someone who used to be a teenage girl her portrayal of a teenage girl who is not one of the popular crowd was refreshing as it’s not something that you normally see in teen oriented movies in this day in age, unless it’s a post-apocalyptic  trilogy which this thankfully is not.
I also thoroughly enjoyed Shannon Purser as June Acosta  and  Sydney Park as Meredith  McNeil. Shannon Purser Came into the spotlight after her portrayal of Barb in Season one of Stranger Things and I think she will go on to do very well. Sydney Park however was unknown to me looking at her IMDb page find that she is in a later season of The Walking Dead that I have not seen however I cannot wait to see what she does next!
All in all this movie was alright I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was great, the storyline jumped around a little bit too much for my liking and I felt that they could have done better with their character development especially when it comes to Joey King’s portrayal of Clare Shannon with her sometimes coming off as callous especially knowing as she does towards the end of the movie what the consequences of her using the music box are she still continues to use it which seems like the opposite of the person she is towards the beginning of the film.
I hope you enjoy my review and make sure you read the full  synopsis below! Looking back I would rent this in a red box but I wouldn’t go see it in theaters again.
Click the box below for a full synopsis!
On an otherwise ordinary day, a woman named Johanna Shannon (Elisabeth Rohm) goes to throw out something wrapped in a sheet. Her daughter Clare (Raegan Revord) goes to ride her bicyle with her dog Max. Johanna goes into the house looking spaced. When Clare comes home, she goes into the attic to find Johanna hanging herself. Teenage Clare (now played by Joey King) wakes up from this nightmare. She gets ready to go to school. Clare rides her bike to school and sees her Uncle August (Victor Sutton), whom her father won't let her speak to for some reason. Clare is distracted and nearly gets struck by popular girl Darcie Chapman (Josephine Langford). Clare just scrapes her knee and rips her legging. When Clare gets to school, she sees her father Jonathan (Ryan Phillipe) dumpster-diving with his friend Carl (Kevin Hanchard). Embarrassed, she goes to tell him to go away. Clare then joins her friends June Acosta (Shannon Purser) and Meredith McNeil (Sydney Park) while we see that Clare has a crush on popular guy Paul Middlebrook (Mitchell Slaggart). Darcie also takes an opportunity to be a bitch and hit Clare with her drink. Back home, Clare returns to see her dad has found a large music box. Clare takes it inside and reads that the box will grant seven wishes. She scoffs it off. The next day, Clare is at school with June and Meredith when they are giggling as Darcie and her clique of mean girls walk by. Darcie questions Clare as to why she's laughing, and Clare says that she called Darcie "ultimate smegma", which is some kind of genital secretion in both males and females. Darcie smacks Clare, who smacks her back. Clare then gets knocked over, and she retaliates by tackling Darcie to the ground and engaging in a girlfight. When Clare goes home, she takes the music box and makes what she thinks is a hypothetical wish for Darcie to "go rot". The following morning, after an apparently crazy party in her home, Darcie wakes up to find part of her hands, feet, and face looking grotesquely rotted. The news spreads around the school that Darcie got necrotizing fasciitis from a spa, and that means Clare's wish has come true. However, the next morning, Clare goes to look for Max and finds his dead body under the deck in the house. She and Jonathan bury their dog. After spending a good part of her day pining for Paul, Clare decides to make her second wish be that Paul would fall madly in love with her. When she goes to school again, Paul approaches her and shows clear interest, even in front of his girlfriend Lola Sanchez (Daniela Barbosa). In Uncle August's home, the old man is preparing to take a bath. He fills his tub with water and steps in, only to clumsily slip and hit his head on the side of the tub. He regains consciousness, only to bang his head on the nozzle and die. Upon learning of August's death, Clare wonders to her father if August left his inheritance to anyone. Jonathan doubts he or Clare would have been mentioned. Considering that they aren't very financially stable at the moment, Clare goes to her room and tells the music box her third wish, which is that August had left her everything. Clare wakes up the next day to Jonathan telling her that August apparently left Clare his entire inheritance. Soon, the two move into a mansion and start driving flashy cars. Jonathan gives Clare his credit card so that she can treat June and Meredith to a shopping spree. Paul officially breaks up with Lola and immediately proceeds to ask Clare out. She takes some time to think about it. The Shannons' former neighbor Mrs. Deluca (Sherilyn Fenn) is in her home cooking dinner. She drops something down the garbage disposal and sticks her hand in there while precariously leaning close to the switch. Meanwhile, her pots on the stove appear to be burning. Mrs. Deluca pulls her hand out and turns off the stove. She then moves back toward the sink. Her ponytail goes down the disposal and she accidentally turns it on, causing the disposal to yank her hair and break her neck. Clare is still annoyed that her dad goes dumpster-diving for knick-knacks. She uses her fourth wish for Jonathan to be less embarrassing. Jonathan then becomes a smooth saxophone player that even Clare's friends find hot. Clare asks her friend Ryan Hui (Ki Hong Lee) for help in figuring out the phrase on the music box, as well as its history. They visit his cousin Gina (Alice Lee) in her loft. They find that the box has been passed down for decades, but they cannot translate the phrase. Gina sends the phrase to someone for an answer. That night, Gina is alone in her loft when she receives an email with the translation. She says it's messed up and it starts to freak her out. She tries to call Ryan outside but he doesn't answer the phone. The door behind her slams and causes her to drop her phone. She goes back inside as the power is out. In the darkness, she trips and falls face-first onto a the horn of a bull statue. At school, Clare is now Paul's girlfriend, but all of his friends don't care to hang out with her since Paul dumped Lola for her. Clare then wishes that she would become the most popular girl in school. She then gets invited to a party with Paul where they have a good time and go to his car to hook up, only for Clare to realize Paul is talking to other girls behind her back, as well as spying on her and taking pictures. She leaves Paul. Ryan finds Gina's phone on the ground and runs up to her loft to find her dead. He finds Clare at school and tells her that he learned the phrase on the box translates to "When the music ends, the blood price is paid." He tells Clare that Gina is dead. Ryan also tells Clare that he's learned more about the box's history. Those who have used it all ended up dead. He refers to a man (Jerry O'Connell) who used the box's wishes to make his life better, only for his wife and children to perish. He burned his house down with himself and the box inside, but the box survived. Clare and Ryan do what they can to destroy the box themselves (burning it, hitting it with sledgehammers, etc), but nothing works. Clare goes to Mrs. Deluca's home and enters to a horrible smell. She then finds Mrs. Deluca's dead body still lingering by the sink. Clare tells June and Meredith about the box and how she's been making wishes. Meredith chides her for not using wishes on good things instead of using them on herself. June encourages Clare to get rid of the box. Clare goes to do so, but then decides to keep the box just in case. While Clare is sleeping at night, she finds Paul has broken into her room. He asks her if it's over between them. Clare makes it obvious that it is, and he slits his wrist. He is later taken to the hospital. The girls hang out at a hotel. Clare gets a phone call from Jonathan saying he's going to a gig, and he soon gets a flat tire. The scene jumps between Jonathan changing his tire and Meredith going off by herself to play a phone app. Clare admits to June that she didn't get rid of the box. Meredith then sets foot in an elevator to rejoin her friends. Jonathan is nearly struck by two drag racers. He goes under the car to grab a missing piece, with the car jack nearly loosening itself. Finally, he knocks the spare tire loose, which gets hit by an oncoming car and nearly tears Jonathan's head off. The elevator that Meredith is on then malfunctions before dropping completely and crashing to the bottom, killing Meredith. June blames Clare for this. Clare struggles with the result of her wishes and the thought of undoing them. Eventually, the wishes are undone when Clare and Jonathan have their money taken because Uncle August never paid his taxes. They move back into their old home. Darcie returns to school with her skin healing and she's still a bitch to Clare. Clare finds out that June took the box from her room to try and get rid of it but Clare takes it back. Utterly frustrated and losing her mind, Clare tries to resist making another wish, but she makes her sixth wish be that her mother never committed suicide. Seconds later, she hears Johanna's voice. Clare embraces her mother for the first time in years. It also turns out that in this new timeline, Clare has younger twin sisters. The happiness is short-lived Clare sees Jonathan outside under a tree as Carl is trying to chop off a branch with a chainsaw. Clare runs outside to warn her dad, only for Carl's ladder to wobble, causing him to accidentally swing the chainsaw down and decapitate Jonathan. Clare runs up to the attic and among her mom's paintings, she finds one of the same box, leading her to realize her mom once had the same box and it was responsible for her suicide. Clare screams at the box that she wants to use her last wish to go back to the day that her dad found the box. Clare wakes up on that fateful day. Max is on her bed. She calls Meredith to hear her voice, though she's annoyed that Clare woke her up. Clare asks Jonathan if she can join him and Carl as they go looking for things. Clare finds the box in a bin and wraps it in a sheet, taking it with her. Before going to school, she tells her dad she loves him. Clare finds Ryan and gives him the box, saying how she knows Gina and that she can figure out what the box says and that they should get rid of it. She also makes dinner plans with Ryan and kisses him in front of June and Meredith. Clare walks off happily... and then Darcie accidentally hits her with her car, sending Clare's body flying several feet and crashing onto a windshield. All the students look on in horror as Clare lays dead on the windshield of the other car.
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