#do you love the color of the magnostadt arc?
intp-vs-magi · 2 years
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sayakxmi · 10 months
[Magi reread; special edition] Episode 2: Dungeon Suite [Part 1]
Y'know, I meant to do the ops and eds on the side, but tbh feels a bit pointless? So I'm making up for the op here.
Fun fact! I actually used to dislike V.I.P.! I like it, now, but at first it was just kinda meh to me. Idk what changed. But still Hikari >>>>>>> Honestly, Hikari and With You With Me are still best op/ed in Magi to me, and that will not change. But I am also extremely biased towards the Magnostadt Arc. Can't wait for it.
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I like it when they're allowed to be a trio. And also how it's shown from Morgiana's perspective. The world was so dark until these two came around.
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You seemed like you were gonna be more important than you ended up being, and I'm a bit sorry.
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Ugh, this dumb bitch (I love him).
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My beautiful daughter who deserves every good thing in the world and a very not cool boyfriend with a stupid horn on his head.
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Fun fact, I've only noticed that lil prince Alibaba on xth rewatch.
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I love the door scene, ngl.
Anyway, I also really liked at the beginning the scene with Ugo, and how it transitioned to Alibaba. It's both cute and a bit sad, too. Alibaba's kinda filling that place Ugo's about to leave empty.
Ok, the actual episode.
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That's still a really cool shot.
Also, I forgot to mention. But in the anime Aladdin and Alibaba become genuine friends far faster. But that's also bc the first few chapters were juggled around a bit.
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Aladdin gest tired of summoning Ugo much faster here, and, yeah, he just faints a little, pushing Alibaba and himself in.
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It's a cool scene, and I like it very much, but also, that's the exact opposite of what happened in the manga. I've mentioned it before, in the manga Aladdin wakes up first and has some time to calm down, so he's more level-headed when Alibaba gets there, and he is the one to save Alibaba by convincing him not to rush in blindly. Here, well, clearly Alibaba wakes up first (because Aladdin's already kinda fainted), notices the danger and gets them out.
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You guys remember all these chibi Rolling Girl animations?
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We had a moment with Jamil (I don't recall half of the oasis trying to convince him not to go), but it was a funny scene, bc it transformed into Aladdin and Alibaba running and screaming.
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He's just like me fr
ALSO now that I realize. In the manga Alibaba actually makes a point to prepare for the dungeon. I like that, it shows that he's being understandably cautious. But here they just straight up ran on Ugo from the desert, and went in without a second thought. Well, that's not true, Alibaba was thinking about what it entailed, but he didn't actually consider preparing or anything at all, only asked if Aladdin wanted to turn back, cuz it was his last chance.
Oh, yeah, Alibaba's thinking about it, now. Good that he's aware of that, but, like, it's quite a difference.
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This scene is still hilarious.
But also, man, purpla saliva looks kinda sick there, ngl.
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Oh, yeah, I wasn't imagining it. They used white outline for it.
Alibaba has a pretty cool fighting moment here, ngl.
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AGAIN. Man, they really made Alibaba save their asses left and right. In the manga it was, again, Aladdin, who called for Ugo. Like, bro, what the hell.
Like, listen, I live for Alibaba being allowed to be cool and all that, but not at the cost of other cast members?
Now Aladdin's calling for Ugo, so at least that, I guess. But it sure took him ages to do anything.
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But also, I gotta admit that Amon's Dungeon is my favorite aesthetics-wise. I love all the colors here.
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