#do you think tressa should be allowed to say ass
Tressa’s Chapter 1, Badly Summarised
(Aka: If you rob me I'll kick your ass)
Tressa: Hi my name’s Tressa Colzione and I’m a merchant
Tressa: One day, I'm gonna explore the world!
Tressa: Good morning parents
Tressa's Parents (Olneo & Marina): Good morning Tressa
Tressa: Aight let's do some store stuff y'all I'm gonna go out and stock these shelves
Olneo: Hold on young lady, now do you remember what the three things a merchant needs most are-
Tressa: They need to be smiley, mannerly, and early obviously!
Marina: And they need to look out for pirates causing trouble around the taverns
Tressa: Ma that's four things
Olneo: And they need to look out for pirates causing trouble around the taverns
Tressa: Okay f i n e aight goodbye now!!
Tressa's Parents: Goodbye Tressa!! ^^
*After Tressa leaves*
Olneo: Ah, youngsters
Olneo: Y'know, back in my day, when I was her age-
Fisherman: Hello Tressa! Here's today's catch
Tressa: Ooh nice I'll pay you this much for it
Fisherman: Lmao this fish is worth a bit more
Tressa: Oh
Tressa: Well I mean... I was going to ignore the damage your hooks did to the fish's guts-
Fisherman: Alright fine I'll take the cash
Tressa: Yippee!
Fisherman: Can't believe I just lost a debate with an 18 year old lol gj kid
Tressa: Hi I need to buy some wine
Beverage Vendor: Aren't you a bit too young to be-
Tressa: It's for my parents' store
Beverage Vendor: Okay but-
Tressa: Hey I'm 18 that's old enough to drink wine in a lot of places
Beverage Vendor: Alright but do you have an ID
Tressa: I don't think we have IDs in this game
Beverage Vendor: What
Tressa: What
*TV static noises*
Tressa: Ayy we got it done
Tressa: Man I wish I could explore elsewhere
Tressa: But I've gotta stay here in Rippletide. If I don't take over my parents' shop, no one's going to. Sometimes I wonder if I do have opportunities elsewhere. Maybe there's a whole other life out there, just waiting to be explored! But I don't know. What do I really want? What do I want in life? What's really out there? *sigh*
Tressa: The ocean sure looks big
Tressa: That's a big ship that's coming into the harbour
Tressa: Wait a minute I haven't seen that ship around here before
Tressa: Holy crap that's a real nice ship
Captain: Hello there lass I'm the captain of this ship
Tressa: Hi I'm Tressa and you have a really neat ship say do you mind if I take a peak at what's on board
Captain: Sorry but I only allow those I trust on board
Tressa: Aw man
*Loud noises in the distance*
Tressa: Omg what was that I'd better go check that out
Tressa: *Runs off*
Captain: Ah, kids these days
Mikk: Hi I'm Mikk
Makk: Hi I'm Makk
Mikk and Makk: And we're here to rob your stuff!
Mikk: I'm obviously the captain because I'm so cool
Makk: Lmao no I'm the captain you're just the first mate
Mikk and Makk: Fight me
Pirate Lackey: Y'all chill
Mikk and Makk: Alright let's continue robbing people
Tressa: No
Mikk: Says who?
Tressa: Says me
Makk: Oh it's just a little girl lol
Tressa: Little girl my ass I'm 18
Mikk: Is she allowed to say "ass"
Makk: Beats me
Mikk: Omg is that wine
Mikk: *Steals the wine from Tressa*
Tressa: Hey I bought that with my own money!
Makk: You don't even look old enough to drink lol
Tressa: Fight me
Captain: Lass, no
Tressa: Aw but-
Captain: They won't listen to reason, just let them be
Mikk and Makk: Yeah lol okay now goodbye y'all thanks for letting us take your stuff
Captain: It's okay to be scared of the pirates lass
Tressa: Pft I'm not scared
Captain: But your legs were trembling
Tressa: Oh
Street Vendor: Damn pirates won't leave us alone
Street Vendor: Idek what they're doing staying in the Caves of Maiya
Tressa: ...
Tressa: I'm gonna go bargain with the pirates
Captain: Lass no
Tressa: Lass yes
Captain: Okay but like do you have a weapon or a plan or any method of getting your stuff back
Tressa: Well uh I won 50 debate competitions in 3rd grade
Captain: I already told you they weren't going to listen to reason lass
Captain: If you walk in there they're going to kick your ass
Captain: Am I allowed to say that to you
Tressa: Well yeah but I can't just sit here and let these other merchants starve to death because they have no money to put food on their plates
Tressa: And y'know what, maybe I will fight the pirates
Captain: Hm alright then if you're so determined then I won't stop you
Captain: But I'm going to help
Captain: If we succeed and you find something on my ship that catches your eye, I'll let you have it
Tressa: Aight deal
Tressa: Now let's go kick some pirate ass!
Captain: Okay but are you allowed to say "ass"
Tressa: Brb I'm gonna buy some stuff first
Captain: Alright
Captain: Lass is that weed
Tressa: It's sleepweed :D
Captain: Oh what would you need that for
Tressa: Oh y'know, I just thought the pirates could use a nice nap after all that looting
Captain: I like your style lass
Captain: Alright now good luck
*At the tavern*
Tressa: I put the sleepweed in the wine
Tressa: Now all we have to do is bring the wine to them
*At the Caves of Maiya*
Tressa: Ahoy there
Pirate Lackey: Oh it's the little girl again
Tressa: Here, have this wine. It's a gift from me and the other merchants because we're soooooo sorry we thought we stood a chance against you swashbuckling pirates
Pirate Lackey: Omg wine
Pirate Lackey: *Brings it inside*
Tressa: Lmao I can't believe they fell for it
*Inside the Caves*
Mikk: Lol the townspeople are so weak I can't believe they didn't try to put up a fight
Makk: Well I mean it doesn't look like they can LMAO
Mikk: "The strong take while the weak quake" amirite
Mikk and Makk: LMAO
Makk: Wise words by the one and only Captain Leon Bastralle
Mikk: Totally not gonna bite us back later
Makk: Yeah because we're super cool and want to follow in the footsteps of Captain Leon Bastralle
Pirate Lackey: Captains the little girl have wine
Mikk and Makk: AYO WINE?? Hell yeah y'all
Pirates: Cheers!
Tressa: That should be enough time
Tressa: *Walking around the Caves* Oh boy, look at these sleeping pirates, I wonder what happened to them
Tressa: Aight time to take the stolen wares back
Mikk: *Waking up* Oi what are you doing here little girl
Tressa: Oh no
Mikk: Wake up Makk it's the little girl from town
Makk: Oh so you were going to take your stuff back when we were sleeping huh
Tressa: Oh no
Mikk and Makk: Y'know we ain't gonna let you take our hard earned loot back
Tressa: Hard earned my ass y'all didn't earn anything you just stole it
Tressa: And I'm not gonna just stand by and let you take it
Mikk and Makk: Fight us
Tressa: Y'know what hell yeah
*Epic boss battle ensues*
Tressa: Oh yay we won
Makk: Oh what she beat us
Mikk: We aren't letting you get away with this. Mateys!
*Other pirates appear*
Tressa: Oh no
Tressa: Might as well take on you all to get these goods back
Mikk and Makk: Lmao time to face defeat little girl
Captain: Not so fast
Captain: Were you guys seriously going to pick on this little girl
Tressa: Captain I'm 18
Captain: You all have no right to speak about how the world works if you only pick on the weak and defenseless
Mikk: Oh it's that guy from earlier
Mikk: Lol anyways let's fight them
Captain: *Defeats everyone*
Makk: What how'd you beat all of us
Mikk and Makk: Omg wait that's Captain Leon Bastralle
Makk: Who tf are you
Tressa: Wait holy crap that was you???
Captain Leon: I'm just a merchant, no longer a pirate
Captain Leon: But say, have you gentlemen ever heard of the phrase "dead men tell no tales"?
Mikk and Makk: Y'all we gotta go
*The pirates escape*
Tressa: Captain?
Captain Leon: Just call me Leon, lass
Tressa: Thanks for saving me Mr Leon
Captain Leon: Well then, gather the goods and head back home. I'll have to leave soon
Tressa: Wait already??
Captain Leon: Yep, but remember to come on by my ship. We had a deal, remember?
Tressa: Mr Leon are you sure I can come aboard
Captain Leon: Well I said I only let those I trust aboard right
Tressa: And?
Captain Leon: Exactly
Tressa: Oh
Tressa: OH
Tressa: Thank you Mr Leon omg omg
Tressa: Yo this place is packed are you sure I can take one of these
Captain Leon: Mhm
Tressa: Omg thank you
Tressa: Ooh I think I'll take... this diary
Captain Leon: Um, lass, I'm afraid that won't sell for much
Captain Leon: Some guy I let on board just left that there and it got mixed in with the treasures
Tressa: Hm I still think I'll take it though
Tressa: It calls to me
Captain Leon: Alright then, you can have it
Tressa: Thank you Mr Leon :D
Captain Leon: Okay now goodbye lass
Tressa: Goodbye!
Tressa: I'm gonna speedrun this book
Tressa: Hm so it talks about someone's adventures around the world
Tressa: That's so cool, I wish I could do that
Tressa: Oh whoops it's past my bedtime
*The next day*
Tressa: Good morning parents
Tressa: I'm going to see the world!
Olneo and Marina: You're going to what
Tressa: I'm gonna become a traveling merchant!
Marina: But dear-
Olneo: You have no experience! You need to spend a hell lot more time in the shop before you go out and become a traveling merchant
Tressa: Pa I'm 18 I can handle it
Tressa: Besides I can learn on the road n stuff so I'll be fiiiiiiiine
Olneo: Well okay then you can go
Tressa: Wait really
Marina: Wait really
Olneo: I mean she'll get experience out there so I think it should be fine
Marina: Fine then, but do take care!
Tressa: Omg thanks Ma and Pa! Goodbye!! :D
Tressa: Hm the author only filled in half of the book
Tressa: I guess I'll have to finish the story myself
These are fun to do but I don't think I'll get to do this very often when school starts in two days
Tressa my beloved I know you're 18 but why do you seem so much younger
Tressa would've dominated all the debates in class I'm calling it
Anyways bye y'all I hope you enjoyed
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