#leon seems very swag
Tressa’s Chapter 1, Badly Summarised
(Aka: If you rob me I'll kick your ass)
Tressa: Hi my name’s Tressa Colzione and I’m a merchant
Tressa: One day, I'm gonna explore the world!
Tressa: Good morning parents
Tressa's Parents (Olneo & Marina): Good morning Tressa
Tressa: Aight let's do some store stuff y'all I'm gonna go out and stock these shelves
Olneo: Hold on young lady, now do you remember what the three things a merchant needs most are-
Tressa: They need to be smiley, mannerly, and early obviously!
Marina: And they need to look out for pirates causing trouble around the taverns
Tressa: Ma that's four things
Olneo: And they need to look out for pirates causing trouble around the taverns
Tressa: Okay f i n e aight goodbye now!!
Tressa's Parents: Goodbye Tressa!! ^^
*After Tressa leaves*
Olneo: Ah, youngsters
Olneo: Y'know, back in my day, when I was her age-
Fisherman: Hello Tressa! Here's today's catch
Tressa: Ooh nice I'll pay you this much for it
Fisherman: Lmao this fish is worth a bit more
Tressa: Oh
Tressa: Well I mean... I was going to ignore the damage your hooks did to the fish's guts-
Fisherman: Alright fine I'll take the cash
Tressa: Yippee!
Fisherman: Can't believe I just lost a debate with an 18 year old lol gj kid
Tressa: Hi I need to buy some wine
Beverage Vendor: Aren't you a bit too young to be-
Tressa: It's for my parents' store
Beverage Vendor: Okay but-
Tressa: Hey I'm 18 that's old enough to drink wine in a lot of places
Beverage Vendor: Alright but do you have an ID
Tressa: I don't think we have IDs in this game
Beverage Vendor: What
Tressa: What
*TV static noises*
Tressa: Ayy we got it done
Tressa: Man I wish I could explore elsewhere
Tressa: But I've gotta stay here in Rippletide. If I don't take over my parents' shop, no one's going to. Sometimes I wonder if I do have opportunities elsewhere. Maybe there's a whole other life out there, just waiting to be explored! But I don't know. What do I really want? What do I want in life? What's really out there? *sigh*
Tressa: The ocean sure looks big
Tressa: That's a big ship that's coming into the harbour
Tressa: Wait a minute I haven't seen that ship around here before
Tressa: Holy crap that's a real nice ship
Captain: Hello there lass I'm the captain of this ship
Tressa: Hi I'm Tressa and you have a really neat ship say do you mind if I take a peak at what's on board
Captain: Sorry but I only allow those I trust on board
Tressa: Aw man
*Loud noises in the distance*
Tressa: Omg what was that I'd better go check that out
Tressa: *Runs off*
Captain: Ah, kids these days
Mikk: Hi I'm Mikk
Makk: Hi I'm Makk
Mikk and Makk: And we're here to rob your stuff!
Mikk: I'm obviously the captain because I'm so cool
Makk: Lmao no I'm the captain you're just the first mate
Mikk and Makk: Fight me
Pirate Lackey: Y'all chill
Mikk and Makk: Alright let's continue robbing people
Tressa: No
Mikk: Says who?
Tressa: Says me
Makk: Oh it's just a little girl lol
Tressa: Little girl my ass I'm 18
Mikk: Is she allowed to say "ass"
Makk: Beats me
Mikk: Omg is that wine
Mikk: *Steals the wine from Tressa*
Tressa: Hey I bought that with my own money!
Makk: You don't even look old enough to drink lol
Tressa: Fight me
Captain: Lass, no
Tressa: Aw but-
Captain: They won't listen to reason, just let them be
Mikk and Makk: Yeah lol okay now goodbye y'all thanks for letting us take your stuff
Captain: It's okay to be scared of the pirates lass
Tressa: Pft I'm not scared
Captain: But your legs were trembling
Tressa: Oh
Street Vendor: Damn pirates won't leave us alone
Street Vendor: Idek what they're doing staying in the Caves of Maiya
Tressa: ...
Tressa: I'm gonna go bargain with the pirates
Captain: Lass no
Tressa: Lass yes
Captain: Okay but like do you have a weapon or a plan or any method of getting your stuff back
Tressa: Well uh I won 50 debate competitions in 3rd grade
Captain: I already told you they weren't going to listen to reason lass
Captain: If you walk in there they're going to kick your ass
Captain: Am I allowed to say that to you
Tressa: Well yeah but I can't just sit here and let these other merchants starve to death because they have no money to put food on their plates
Tressa: And y'know what, maybe I will fight the pirates
Captain: Hm alright then if you're so determined then I won't stop you
Captain: But I'm going to help
Captain: If we succeed and you find something on my ship that catches your eye, I'll let you have it
Tressa: Aight deal
Tressa: Now let's go kick some pirate ass!
Captain: Okay but are you allowed to say "ass"
Tressa: Brb I'm gonna buy some stuff first
Captain: Alright
Captain: Lass is that weed
Tressa: It's sleepweed :D
Captain: Oh what would you need that for
Tressa: Oh y'know, I just thought the pirates could use a nice nap after all that looting
Captain: I like your style lass
Captain: Alright now good luck
*At the tavern*
Tressa: I put the sleepweed in the wine
Tressa: Now all we have to do is bring the wine to them
*At the Caves of Maiya*
Tressa: Ahoy there
Pirate Lackey: Oh it's the little girl again
Tressa: Here, have this wine. It's a gift from me and the other merchants because we're soooooo sorry we thought we stood a chance against you swashbuckling pirates
Pirate Lackey: Omg wine
Pirate Lackey: *Brings it inside*
Tressa: Lmao I can't believe they fell for it
*Inside the Caves*
Mikk: Lol the townspeople are so weak I can't believe they didn't try to put up a fight
Makk: Well I mean it doesn't look like they can LMAO
Mikk: "The strong take while the weak quake" amirite
Mikk and Makk: LMAO
Makk: Wise words by the one and only Captain Leon Bastralle
Mikk: Totally not gonna bite us back later
Makk: Yeah because we're super cool and want to follow in the footsteps of Captain Leon Bastralle
Pirate Lackey: Captains the little girl have wine
Mikk and Makk: AYO WINE?? Hell yeah y'all
Pirates: Cheers!
Tressa: That should be enough time
Tressa: *Walking around the Caves* Oh boy, look at these sleeping pirates, I wonder what happened to them
Tressa: Aight time to take the stolen wares back
Mikk: *Waking up* Oi what are you doing here little girl
Tressa: Oh no
Mikk: Wake up Makk it's the little girl from town
Makk: Oh so you were going to take your stuff back when we were sleeping huh
Tressa: Oh no
Mikk and Makk: Y'know we ain't gonna let you take our hard earned loot back
Tressa: Hard earned my ass y'all didn't earn anything you just stole it
Tressa: And I'm not gonna just stand by and let you take it
Mikk and Makk: Fight us
Tressa: Y'know what hell yeah
*Epic boss battle ensues*
Tressa: Oh yay we won
Makk: Oh what she beat us
Mikk: We aren't letting you get away with this. Mateys!
*Other pirates appear*
Tressa: Oh no
Tressa: Might as well take on you all to get these goods back
Mikk and Makk: Lmao time to face defeat little girl
Captain: Not so fast
Captain: Were you guys seriously going to pick on this little girl
Tressa: Captain I'm 18
Captain: You all have no right to speak about how the world works if you only pick on the weak and defenseless
Mikk: Oh it's that guy from earlier
Mikk: Lol anyways let's fight them
Captain: *Defeats everyone*
Makk: What how'd you beat all of us
Mikk and Makk: Omg wait that's Captain Leon Bastralle
Makk: Who tf are you
Tressa: Wait holy crap that was you???
Captain Leon: I'm just a merchant, no longer a pirate
Captain Leon: But say, have you gentlemen ever heard of the phrase "dead men tell no tales"?
Mikk and Makk: Y'all we gotta go
*The pirates escape*
Tressa: Captain?
Captain Leon: Just call me Leon, lass
Tressa: Thanks for saving me Mr Leon
Captain Leon: Well then, gather the goods and head back home. I'll have to leave soon
Tressa: Wait already??
Captain Leon: Yep, but remember to come on by my ship. We had a deal, remember?
Tressa: Mr Leon are you sure I can come aboard
Captain Leon: Well I said I only let those I trust aboard right
Tressa: And?
Captain Leon: Exactly
Tressa: Oh
Tressa: OH
Tressa: Thank you Mr Leon omg omg
Tressa: Yo this place is packed are you sure I can take one of these
Captain Leon: Mhm
Tressa: Omg thank you
Tressa: Ooh I think I'll take... this diary
Captain Leon: Um, lass, I'm afraid that won't sell for much
Captain Leon: Some guy I let on board just left that there and it got mixed in with the treasures
Tressa: Hm I still think I'll take it though
Tressa: It calls to me
Captain Leon: Alright then, you can have it
Tressa: Thank you Mr Leon :D
Captain Leon: Okay now goodbye lass
Tressa: Goodbye!
Tressa: I'm gonna speedrun this book
Tressa: Hm so it talks about someone's adventures around the world
Tressa: That's so cool, I wish I could do that
Tressa: Oh whoops it's past my bedtime
*The next day*
Tressa: Good morning parents
Tressa: I'm going to see the world!
Olneo and Marina: You're going to what
Tressa: I'm gonna become a traveling merchant!
Marina: But dear-
Olneo: You have no experience! You need to spend a hell lot more time in the shop before you go out and become a traveling merchant
Tressa: Pa I'm 18 I can handle it
Tressa: Besides I can learn on the road n stuff so I'll be fiiiiiiiine
Olneo: Well okay then you can go
Tressa: Wait really
Marina: Wait really
Olneo: I mean she'll get experience out there so I think it should be fine
Marina: Fine then, but do take care!
Tressa: Omg thanks Ma and Pa! Goodbye!! :D
Tressa: Hm the author only filled in half of the book
Tressa: I guess I'll have to finish the story myself
These are fun to do but I don't think I'll get to do this very often when school starts in two days
Tressa my beloved I know you're 18 but why do you seem so much younger
Tressa would've dominated all the debates in class I'm calling it
Anyways bye y'all I hope you enjoyed
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vulpixsinistre · 3 years
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H.I.V.E. Characters as Dragon Ball Z Characters
To start, you may be thinking, Otto is Goku, yes? Both our heroes. Both get stronger and learn new techniques as their series goes on. Both want to protect their friends and the people from Earth from certain doom and destruction and getting conquered. Goku craves a challenge - dare I say Otto is the same, at certain points?
Yes, Otto is Goku- BUT he is also Cell. He was created, not born. Meant to be more than human: meant to be perfect, all powerful, intelligent and capable of being the one to take over the world. The difference is that Cell wants to do these things; Otto just wants to be a person. Therefore while Otto was meant to be Cell, he chooses his own path and is a Goku.
Wing is Trunks. Here’s a mysterious young boy with incredible strength and loyalty. Who is his father, you ask? Well, they would like to keep that a secret at first. He wants to train, to protect. His mother is a genius scientist. (On second thought, maybe he’s Tien. Disciplined martial artist, loyal friend, has some good moves, still only mortal)
But Cypher is Dr. Gero, brilliant creator of androids. They seem to… decline over the years. We see how they’ve grown progressively more evil as time went on. Cause of much destruction. Will not hesitate to hurt a child. At least Cypher thinks he has good intentions, Gero is just kinda stewing over his defeats.
Pike is Dr. Briefs simply because scientist. Inventor. Often seen with a cat. Old but doesn’t seem to age, is always just old.
Overlord is Freiza, of course!! Our OG Big Bad!! Conqueror and lord of planets, nay, the whole universe!! Also keeps returning. How is he back again?? He doesn’t quit!!
Block and Tackle, our tough duo, would be either Raditz and Nappa, or Zarbon and Dodoria. R&N are basically just thugs, and definitely lower level than the other baddies. Z&D are more ruthless and are definitely henchmen. Block and Tackle are a mix of that “brute force over brains” and “organized order-followers.”
Francisco is Captain Ginyu!! Head of a fearsome squad of fighters that you do NOT want to mess with!! And yet, they are both silly at times. We get laughs out of them while knowing that this guy is strong and means business.
Franz I’m sorry, you’re Yamcha. You’re there and you help and you’re funny, but you’re not quite a main main character, and the rest of them are handling this all pretty well anyways. HOWEVER you are also Yajirobe!! We think you’re a silly side character, but when we really need help, you swoop in with a devastating blow to the bad guy!! Yay!!
Nigel is Chaozu, bald and nervous side character. Sidekick type. They do their best, and would sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
Nathaniel? Master Roshi. Old perv dude. Wise, the main characters need their advice, they’ve been in the game a long time… but yeah ppl immediately think of their gross lines. These two do have a purpose! And perhaps most of their relevance in the storyline was in a flashback/pre-canon sense, but they’re still here, doing their own thing.
Penny is Vegeta, but in reverse. She starts as having a family, surrounded by friends and loved ones and being a “good guy.” Then she ends up in enemy territory, alone.
HIVEmind is our King Kai!! He’s off in the distance. He’s not actually here but he’s helping. Sending out messages and giving advice. And we know he’s strong! But he’s supposed to be a helper, only.
The Contessa as Berry Blue, perhaps? Old. A right hand man in her organization, if you will. “Yeah I’m evil. Yeah I’m going to be mean to everyone, even if they’re on my side.” An evil advisor.
The Furans WISH they were King Cold, Cooler, and Freiza. They WISH they were an awesome terrifying dictator family. What’s that, you say? They are? Well they don’t have half the swag that the Colds do. Plus Elena doesn’t want to be a part of that. (Ok fine. Equal amounts of ruthlessness. Keep coming back after their ‘defeats.’ Will kill anyone. Command a large army of soldiers.)
Ms. Leon is Korin. White cat, very wise, a teacher type. Also maybe Captain Ginyu when he’s trapped in the body of a frog. When consciousness switching goes wrong…
The Bloodline antagonist is Broly, I will not elaborate due to spoilers. Trust me though.
Now the hard part. Laura and Shelby… who is Bulma, who is Chi Chi? Is Laura Bulma because they are both incredibly intelligent and work with computers/machines? Is she Chi Chi because she wants a life outside of fighting and conflicts? Which one is Shelby, they’re both tough and outspoken.
Is Shelby Launch?? Launch has two personalities, sweet/innocent and violent. Does this correspond to Book 1 Shel’s Valley Girl persona vs actual Shelby?
Is Raven actually Trunks, due to sword? They are faced with enemies deemed too hard to beat, and they still manage to take them down. I was originally having Raven as Piccolo: always by the MC’s side, skilled fighter, maybe Natalya/Raven can equal Kami/Piccolo? (They are the same person now. In ways, they didn’t used to be)
Yknow? Maybe Raven is Whis. Bodyguard and employee of a very high ranking authority, and everyone knows they are much much stronger than their boss. Don’t get them going, you can’t win.
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innocentamit · 3 years
Sunny Leone shares beautiful photos in winter pink with winter boots and black shoes
Sunny Leone shares beautiful photos in winter pink with winter boots and black shoes
Bollywood actress Sunny Leone is very busy on TV and often seems to amaze everyone with her swag. Source link
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Awakened Beast
From Alyfinity to Bea8ternity.
From the BEAst to The Lion.
From being a back-up transforming to a frontier.
Dangerous as a beast in the forest, a lion outside the den.
She is now untamed. She is ready to pounce at you. Hard. Stinging. Tormenting. She will be your new pain in the neck.
Because the beast was finally awakened in Katipunan. The beast finally opened its fierce eyes. It finally outstretched its arms, displaying the sharp mighty claws. It finally opened its wide monstrous mouth, perfectly flashing the gnashing teeth. A soul was awakened in Katipunan. In the form of a beast. In the form of a lion. In the form of Bea de Leon.
In her early seasons, Bea has been underestimated. Indeed, with the likes of Amy Ahomiro, Mika Reyes, and Remy Palma, the space left for her was that of a dot.
“She doesn’t seem to connect with Jia. She seems to have her own timing. Whenever she’s given a chance to hit, some were just too soft for a ‘beast’ as Bea.”
You can count all your criticisms for her. Write them down endlessly as you could. Bea doesn’t care. Because she knows she did her part well. In fact, very well.
As young as Bea, she was able to contribute some of the much-needed crucial points for the team. Bea was able to maximize her towering stance and rattle the predators. Because for her, they are all just her prey. She is the ultimate BEAst, remember?
Did you see how she blocks even the mightiest lady on court? Fearless. Perilous.
Did you see how she plays a quick? Confident. Without a single doubt.
The cub then that we have in Bea was also a source of the much-needed boost for the team’s morale.
Did you feel the invigorating swag she gives off whenever she makes a point? The way she shouts at the top of her voice or even if she quietly touches her heart and points above?
Did you feel how uplifting her face was everytime she produces a point whenever everyone was down?
Those were the years the beast in Bea was preparing its reborn, quietly making its way to show-off.
And boom! SVL Collegiate Conference came. We finally saw the awakened beast we’ve all been waiting to wake up from a lengthy slumber. The daring, treacherous beast at last came into view.
It was the Bea we knew she would be. It was the Bea we’ve always envisaged through the years.
The 13th season of the SVL Collegiate Conference was like a debut for a much-improved and reinforced Bea de Leon. Well, with all the fans and screams, I might add.
It was a crazy moment for us. We’ve been shivering with delight and surprise for what she made us witness.
The incredibly awesome connection she had with Jia was the highlight. How many times did she frustrate her opponents with her quick but definitely sharp middle hits coming from a swift yet perfect set from Jia? How many times did she make them feel the remorse for not guarding her well? How many times did she spur the whole team knowing that she was in front with her partner-in-crime?
And the fans! I don’t really know what to say. Is she the heiress of the Phenom’s fans? Nah, I don’t think so. She just captivated their hearts. And they were just hooked by her. (But the change in the jersey number must have done the trick. Bea8ternity, eh?)
This coming season is her starring year. She is now on the hunt because she is famished – totally famished for a championship.
Come this Season 79, we can’t wait for a much better version of Bea de Leon, which I personally believe, with conviction, to be her true capability.
We can’t wait to be thrilled with her stunning blocks (especially with Jaja).
We can’t wait to praise her strong connection with Jia once more.
We can’t wait to feel another series of powerful blasts as she does her quick plays.
We can’t wait to see her on deck once again, successfully serving an ace.
We can’t wait to laugh our hearts out as she crazily dances along the courtside for a different glow of energy for everyone.
We can’t wait to hear the screams and deafening cheers for Bea that will surely shake the entire Arena.
We can’t wait to see the light of her reborn radiate every corner of her battle ground. We can’t wait for her to shine above all.
An enormously potent beast is on her way. Watch out, be vigilant, because you might not know you will be her next pathetic wretched prey.
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symbianosgames · 8 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
[Video Game Deep Cuts is a weekly newsletter from curator/video game industry veteran Simon Carless, rounding up the best longread & standout articles & videos about games, every weekend. This week's highlights include a mess of GDC talk goodness, plus Resident Evil 7/Biohazard's making-of, the role of mystery in games, & lots more.
So yep - Game Developers Conference is finally done & we're super happy with how it went. Thanks to any of you who made it out to San Francisco, or helped us with the event in ANY way! The good news for those who didn't is that GDC Vault recording was going on en masse, so we'll be rolling out LOTS of good content on our YouTube channel over the next few months. Now - time for a little rest?
Another reminder - if you dig Video Game Deep Cuts, please talk about it on social media and link to the sub page! That's how I get the bulk of my new subscribers, and it's much appreciated.
- Simon, curator.]
Lessons learned by an 'art-house indie' who joined a F2P game studio (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Veteran game designer Margaret Robertson opened her talk at GDC today on what she’s learned in her journey from a self-described “art-house indie” to someone who works at a free-to-play game studio."
alt.ctrl | Hands-On | GDC 2017 (Jess Conditt / Engadget) "[SIMON'S NOTE: this is the best video overview I've seen of the alternative controller exhibit (masterminded by John Polson & aided by me) that we run at Game Developers Conference every year. So much creativity here.]"
How Prompto's AI-driven selfie system in Final Fantasy XV was built (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Prasert “Sun” Prasertvithyakarn served as lead designer on Final Fantasy XV’s buddy system and AI; at GDC this week he took the stage to talk a bit about how the AI-driven snapshot system was designed and built."
Developing Crashlands while facing a terminal cancer diagnosis (Simon Parkin / Gamasutra) "In 2013, the 23-year-old game artist and developer Samuel Coster hallucinated a dragon made of blood bursting from his chest. The hallucinations continued and soon increased in regularity. “I figured I was struck with a strange virus,” Coster recalled, in a session titled 'The Last Game I Make Before I Die' delivered at the Game Developers Conference this morning."
Writing Mafia 3: 'We had a lot of very uncomfortable conversations' (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Today at GDC, Hangar 13 narrative director William Harms took the stage to break down how the studio pulled it off. Most notably, in the face of some praise for how Mafia 3’s pulpy revenge story effectively treats with themes of racism and discrimination, Harms pushed back against the notion that tackling racism was a core goal of the game’s narrative design."
Train Jam perfectly captures the magic of both traveling and game dev (Katherine Cross / Gamasutra) "Thus it was that Adriel Wallick, doyenne and major domo of the jam for the last four years, settled on “Unexpected Anticipation” as the theme for all of this year’s games. She spoke above the cheers of a 300-strong crowd in the newly refurbished Burlington Room of Chicago’s Union Station, christened by the opening ceremonies for this unique event."
Warren Spector traces Deus Ex's development back to a game of D&D (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Shortly after the game shipped, game director Warren Spector wrote a broad postmortem of the project. Today at GDC, he revisited the subject after 17 years to offer some fresh insight into how the groundbreaking game came to be. 'People always ask me which of my games are my favorite; don’t ever ask a game designer that,' said Spector. 'The closest I ever get to answering is saying that the game I’m most proud of is Deus Ex.'"
For Tim Sweeney, advancing Epic means racing into AR and VR (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "What does it feel like to receive an award honoring a lifetime of achievement...before you're 50? "I feel like maybe I'm an old fogey and should be shopping for a cane!" Epic chief Tim Sweeney tells Gamasutra, with a laugh."
Lessons learned from over 15 years of of teaching a VR/AR design course (Chris Baker / Gamasutra) "Virtual reality and augmented reality may seem like new mediums, suddenly made viable by the emergence of the Rift and the Vive and Hololens. But Jesse Schell has watched hundreds of people build immersive VR and AR environments for the last several decades. And he has some general lessons to impart from his experience."
A dev's guide to ensuring studio conflict is healthy and productive (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "At GDC today, Finji CEO and cofounder Rebekah Saltsman shared some advice on cultivating the former and avoiding the latter, based on her own experience shipping multiple games at Finji alongside her husband (and Finji cofounder) Adam Saltsman."
[SIMON'S NOTE: There's all kinds of other good GDC 2017 coverage out there. But I mainly stuck to Gamasutra, since we spent a lot of time on detailed talk write-ups, which are all compiled here...]
Non GDC-Related
A Fresh Narrative in Gaming (Justin Porter / New York Times) "A mixed-race man comes home from the Vietnam War to more carnage: His adoptive father, the leader of the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian mafia, the main criminal power in a fictional city based on New Orleans. So the veteran, Lincoln Clay, starts taking retribution, leaving hundreds dead in his wake. That’s the familiar revenge-as-motive storyline of the video game Mafia III, developed by Hangar 13 and published by 2K, but the twist is that Lincoln is also a victim."
Shigeru Miyamoto – 1989 Developer Interview (TV Game / Shmuplations) "This short but insightful interview with Shigeru Miyamoto first appeared in an early seminal book of video game history, “terebi game denshi yuugi taizen” from 1989. The interview captures Miyamoto in the early limelight: not yet the legend he is today, but more of a bright star among other contemporary developers."
How SteamWorld Heist brought skill into turn-based tactics (Alex Wiltshire / RockPaperShotgun) "SteamWorld Heist is a tactics game about boarding procedural spaceships with a squad of desperado robots and grabbing all the swag you can before they’re turned to scrap. It’s also a cross-genre oddity, a turn-based platformer, with presentation and polish that comes across a bit like a Nintendo fan fell in love with XCOM."
Rediscovering Mystery (feat. Jonathan Blow / Derek Yu / Jim Crawford) (Noclip / YouTube) "In this special feature about video game mysteries, we talk to Jonathan Blow (The Witness / Braid), Derek Yu (Spelunky) and Jim Crawford (Frog Fractions) about the games that inspired wonder in us as children."
What the game industry thinks of Nintendo’s Switch (Matt Leone / Polygon) "Yet more than most consoles, Switch remains a bit of a mystery at launch. Are motion controls going to be a big part of it? What type of player will Switch developers cater to? In an attempt to wrap our heads around it, we recently reached out to a group of developers and industry veterans to get a sense of where those in the game business see it going."
Eleven Essential Books that will help shape your Game City (Konstantinos Dimopoulos / Medium) "Designing an imaginary city is not an easy thing to do. Even less so when it’s a videogame city, the construction of which will also have to take a myriad of technical and cost constraints into consideration."
toco toco ep.47, Katsura Hashino, Game Creator (toco toco TV / YouTube) "In this episode, we follow Katsura Hashino, director of various RPG games including episodes of the world-renown Persona series, he will introduce us to philosophy and his work. Starting from Shibuya’s Center Gai, we will hop on the Den-en-Toshi line over to Sangenjaya, which was the inspiration to create the city of Yongenjaya, a key area in Hashino’s latest title: Persona 5."
Frog Fractions: inside the mind behind the world's strangest video game (Chris Priestman / The Guardian) "Jim Crawford is a self-confessed dilettante who moves from project to project in the blink of an eye. How did he create the most anarchic video game ever made?"
BIOHAZARD 7 INSIDE REPORT File 01: The Meaning of A Moment of Silence (Toru Shiwasu / Alex Aniel) "BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil INSIDE REPORT was included in the COMPLETE EDITION of the Japanese version of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. It is only available officially in Japanese, and no official English translation has been announced. [SIMON'S NOTE: There's multiple parts to this translation on Alex's blog, and it's all excellent stuff.]"
A Torch in the Dark: Using Creative Direction to Light The Darkest Dungeon (Chris Bourassa / GDC / YouTube) "In this 2016 talk, Red Hook Studios' Chris Bourassa breaks down the creative philosophy of Darkest Dungeon - one that is characterized by a steadfast commitment to a clearly articulated, externalized creative core."
Populists Stage A Coup In Space (Alex Barron / Simon Parkin / New Yorker Radio Hour) "EVE Online is a massive multiplayer online videogame set in outer space, with tens of thousands of people playing at any given time. A few years ago, a faction of upstarts within the game’s community, who thumbed their nose at the rules, went to war against the alliance of skilled players they regarded as corrupt, elitist insiders. They won, in a shocking coup precipitated by espionage. Sound familiar?"
[REMINDER: you can sign up to receive this newsletter every weekend at http://ift.tt/2dUXrva we crosspost to Gamasutra later on Sunday, but get it first via newsletter! Story tips and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. MINI-DISCLOSURE: Simon is one of the organizers of GDC and Gamasutra, so you may sometimes see links from those entities in his picks. Or not!]
0 notes
symbianosgames · 8 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
[Video Game Deep Cuts is a weekly newsletter from curator/video game industry veteran Simon Carless, rounding up the best longread & standout articles & videos about games, every weekend. This week's highlights include a mess of GDC talk goodness, plus Resident Evil 7/Biohazard's making-of, the role of mystery in games, & lots more.
So yep - Game Developers Conference is finally done & we're super happy with how it went. Thanks to any of you who made it out to San Francisco, or helped us with the event in ANY way! The good news for those who didn't is that GDC Vault recording was going on en masse, so we'll be rolling out LOTS of good content on our YouTube channel over the next few months. Now - time for a little rest?
Another reminder - if you dig Video Game Deep Cuts, please talk about it on social media and link to the sub page! That's how I get the bulk of my new subscribers, and it's much appreciated.
- Simon, curator.]
Lessons learned by an 'art-house indie' who joined a F2P game studio (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Veteran game designer Margaret Robertson opened her talk at GDC today on what she’s learned in her journey from a self-described “art-house indie” to someone who works at a free-to-play game studio."
alt.ctrl | Hands-On | GDC 2017 (Jess Conditt / Engadget) "[SIMON'S NOTE: this is the best video overview I've seen of the alternative controller exhibit (masterminded by John Polson & aided by me) that we run at Game Developers Conference every year. So much creativity here.]"
How Prompto's AI-driven selfie system in Final Fantasy XV was built (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Prasert “Sun” Prasertvithyakarn served as lead designer on Final Fantasy XV’s buddy system and AI; at GDC this week he took the stage to talk a bit about how the AI-driven snapshot system was designed and built."
Developing Crashlands while facing a terminal cancer diagnosis (Simon Parkin / Gamasutra) "In 2013, the 23-year-old game artist and developer Samuel Coster hallucinated a dragon made of blood bursting from his chest. The hallucinations continued and soon increased in regularity. “I figured I was struck with a strange virus,” Coster recalled, in a session titled 'The Last Game I Make Before I Die' delivered at the Game Developers Conference this morning."
Writing Mafia 3: 'We had a lot of very uncomfortable conversations' (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Today at GDC, Hangar 13 narrative director William Harms took the stage to break down how the studio pulled it off. Most notably, in the face of some praise for how Mafia 3’s pulpy revenge story effectively treats with themes of racism and discrimination, Harms pushed back against the notion that tackling racism was a core goal of the game’s narrative design."
Train Jam perfectly captures the magic of both traveling and game dev (Katherine Cross / Gamasutra) "Thus it was that Adriel Wallick, doyenne and major domo of the jam for the last four years, settled on “Unexpected Anticipation” as the theme for all of this year’s games. She spoke above the cheers of a 300-strong crowd in the newly refurbished Burlington Room of Chicago’s Union Station, christened by the opening ceremonies for this unique event."
Warren Spector traces Deus Ex's development back to a game of D&D (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Shortly after the game shipped, game director Warren Spector wrote a broad postmortem of the project. Today at GDC, he revisited the subject after 17 years to offer some fresh insight into how the groundbreaking game came to be. 'People always ask me which of my games are my favorite; don’t ever ask a game designer that,' said Spector. 'The closest I ever get to answering is saying that the game I’m most proud of is Deus Ex.'"
For Tim Sweeney, advancing Epic means racing into AR and VR (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "What does it feel like to receive an award honoring a lifetime of achievement...before you're 50? "I feel like maybe I'm an old fogey and should be shopping for a cane!" Epic chief Tim Sweeney tells Gamasutra, with a laugh."
Lessons learned from over 15 years of of teaching a VR/AR design course (Chris Baker / Gamasutra) "Virtual reality and augmented reality may seem like new mediums, suddenly made viable by the emergence of the Rift and the Vive and Hololens. But Jesse Schell has watched hundreds of people build immersive VR and AR environments for the last several decades. And he has some general lessons to impart from his experience."
A dev's guide to ensuring studio conflict is healthy and productive (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "At GDC today, Finji CEO and cofounder Rebekah Saltsman shared some advice on cultivating the former and avoiding the latter, based on her own experience shipping multiple games at Finji alongside her husband (and Finji cofounder) Adam Saltsman."
[SIMON'S NOTE: There's all kinds of other good GDC 2017 coverage out there. But I mainly stuck to Gamasutra, since we spent a lot of time on detailed talk write-ups, which are all compiled here...]
Non GDC-Related
A Fresh Narrative in Gaming (Justin Porter / New York Times) "A mixed-race man comes home from the Vietnam War to more carnage: His adoptive father, the leader of the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian mafia, the main criminal power in a fictional city based on New Orleans. So the veteran, Lincoln Clay, starts taking retribution, leaving hundreds dead in his wake. That’s the familiar revenge-as-motive storyline of the video game Mafia III, developed by Hangar 13 and published by 2K, but the twist is that Lincoln is also a victim."
Shigeru Miyamoto – 1989 Developer Interview (TV Game / Shmuplations) "This short but insightful interview with Shigeru Miyamoto first appeared in an early seminal book of video game history, “terebi game denshi yuugi taizen” from 1989. The interview captures Miyamoto in the early limelight: not yet the legend he is today, but more of a bright star among other contemporary developers."
How SteamWorld Heist brought skill into turn-based tactics (Alex Wiltshire / RockPaperShotgun) "SteamWorld Heist is a tactics game about boarding procedural spaceships with a squad of desperado robots and grabbing all the swag you can before they’re turned to scrap. It’s also a cross-genre oddity, a turn-based platformer, with presentation and polish that comes across a bit like a Nintendo fan fell in love with XCOM."
Rediscovering Mystery (feat. Jonathan Blow / Derek Yu / Jim Crawford) (Noclip / YouTube) "In this special feature about video game mysteries, we talk to Jonathan Blow (The Witness / Braid), Derek Yu (Spelunky) and Jim Crawford (Frog Fractions) about the games that inspired wonder in us as children."
What the game industry thinks of Nintendo’s Switch (Matt Leone / Polygon) "Yet more than most consoles, Switch remains a bit of a mystery at launch. Are motion controls going to be a big part of it? What type of player will Switch developers cater to? In an attempt to wrap our heads around it, we recently reached out to a group of developers and industry veterans to get a sense of where those in the game business see it going."
Eleven Essential Books that will help shape your Game City (Konstantinos Dimopoulos / Medium) "Designing an imaginary city is not an easy thing to do. Even less so when it’s a videogame city, the construction of which will also have to take a myriad of technical and cost constraints into consideration."
toco toco ep.47, Katsura Hashino, Game Creator (toco toco TV / YouTube) "In this episode, we follow Katsura Hashino, director of various RPG games including episodes of the world-renown Persona series, he will introduce us to philosophy and his work. Starting from Shibuya’s Center Gai, we will hop on the Den-en-Toshi line over to Sangenjaya, which was the inspiration to create the city of Yongenjaya, a key area in Hashino’s latest title: Persona 5."
Frog Fractions: inside the mind behind the world's strangest video game (Chris Priestman / The Guardian) "Jim Crawford is a self-confessed dilettante who moves from project to project in the blink of an eye. How did he create the most anarchic video game ever made?"
BIOHAZARD 7 INSIDE REPORT File 01: The Meaning of A Moment of Silence (Toru Shiwasu / Alex Aniel) "BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil INSIDE REPORT was included in the COMPLETE EDITION of the Japanese version of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. It is only available officially in Japanese, and no official English translation has been announced. [SIMON'S NOTE: There's multiple parts to this translation on Alex's blog, and it's all excellent stuff.]"
A Torch in the Dark: Using Creative Direction to Light The Darkest Dungeon (Chris Bourassa / GDC / YouTube) "In this 2016 talk, Red Hook Studios' Chris Bourassa breaks down the creative philosophy of Darkest Dungeon - one that is characterized by a steadfast commitment to a clearly articulated, externalized creative core."
Populists Stage A Coup In Space (Alex Barron / Simon Parkin / New Yorker Radio Hour) "EVE Online is a massive multiplayer online videogame set in outer space, with tens of thousands of people playing at any given time. A few years ago, a faction of upstarts within the game’s community, who thumbed their nose at the rules, went to war against the alliance of skilled players they regarded as corrupt, elitist insiders. They won, in a shocking coup precipitated by espionage. Sound familiar?"
[REMINDER: you can sign up to receive this newsletter every weekend at http://ift.tt/2dUXrva we crosspost to Gamasutra later on Sunday, but get it first via newsletter! Story tips and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. MINI-DISCLOSURE: Simon is one of the organizers of GDC and Gamasutra, so you may sometimes see links from those entities in his picks. Or not!]
0 notes
symbianosgames · 8 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
[Video Game Deep Cuts is a weekly newsletter from curator/video game industry veteran Simon Carless, rounding up the best longread & standout articles & videos about games, every weekend. This week's highlights include a mess of GDC talk goodness, plus Resident Evil 7/Biohazard's making-of, the role of mystery in games, & lots more.
So yep - Game Developers Conference is finally done & we're super happy with how it went. Thanks to any of you who made it out to San Francisco, or helped us with the event in ANY way! The good news for those who didn't is that GDC Vault recording was going on en masse, so we'll be rolling out LOTS of good content on our YouTube channel over the next few months. Now - time for a little rest?
Another reminder - if you dig Video Game Deep Cuts, please talk about it on social media and link to the sub page! That's how I get the bulk of my new subscribers, and it's much appreciated.
- Simon, curator.]
Lessons learned by an 'art-house indie' who joined a F2P game studio (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Veteran game designer Margaret Robertson opened her talk at GDC today on what she’s learned in her journey from a self-described “art-house indie” to someone who works at a free-to-play game studio."
alt.ctrl | Hands-On | GDC 2017 (Jess Conditt / Engadget) "[SIMON'S NOTE: this is the best video overview I've seen of the alternative controller exhibit (masterminded by John Polson & aided by me) that we run at Game Developers Conference every year. So much creativity here.]"
How Prompto's AI-driven selfie system in Final Fantasy XV was built (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Prasert “Sun” Prasertvithyakarn served as lead designer on Final Fantasy XV’s buddy system and AI; at GDC this week he took the stage to talk a bit about how the AI-driven snapshot system was designed and built."
Developing Crashlands while facing a terminal cancer diagnosis (Simon Parkin / Gamasutra) "In 2013, the 23-year-old game artist and developer Samuel Coster hallucinated a dragon made of blood bursting from his chest. The hallucinations continued and soon increased in regularity. “I figured I was struck with a strange virus,” Coster recalled, in a session titled 'The Last Game I Make Before I Die' delivered at the Game Developers Conference this morning."
Writing Mafia 3: 'We had a lot of very uncomfortable conversations' (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Today at GDC, Hangar 13 narrative director William Harms took the stage to break down how the studio pulled it off. Most notably, in the face of some praise for how Mafia 3’s pulpy revenge story effectively treats with themes of racism and discrimination, Harms pushed back against the notion that tackling racism was a core goal of the game’s narrative design."
Train Jam perfectly captures the magic of both traveling and game dev (Katherine Cross / Gamasutra) "Thus it was that Adriel Wallick, doyenne and major domo of the jam for the last four years, settled on “Unexpected Anticipation” as the theme for all of this year’s games. She spoke above the cheers of a 300-strong crowd in the newly refurbished Burlington Room of Chicago’s Union Station, christened by the opening ceremonies for this unique event."
Warren Spector traces Deus Ex's development back to a game of D&D (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Shortly after the game shipped, game director Warren Spector wrote a broad postmortem of the project. Today at GDC, he revisited the subject after 17 years to offer some fresh insight into how the groundbreaking game came to be. 'People always ask me which of my games are my favorite; don’t ever ask a game designer that,' said Spector. 'The closest I ever get to answering is saying that the game I’m most proud of is Deus Ex.'"
For Tim Sweeney, advancing Epic means racing into AR and VR (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "What does it feel like to receive an award honoring a lifetime of achievement...before you're 50? "I feel like maybe I'm an old fogey and should be shopping for a cane!" Epic chief Tim Sweeney tells Gamasutra, with a laugh."
Lessons learned from over 15 years of of teaching a VR/AR design course (Chris Baker / Gamasutra) "Virtual reality and augmented reality may seem like new mediums, suddenly made viable by the emergence of the Rift and the Vive and Hololens. But Jesse Schell has watched hundreds of people build immersive VR and AR environments for the last several decades. And he has some general lessons to impart from his experience."
A dev's guide to ensuring studio conflict is healthy and productive (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "At GDC today, Finji CEO and cofounder Rebekah Saltsman shared some advice on cultivating the former and avoiding the latter, based on her own experience shipping multiple games at Finji alongside her husband (and Finji cofounder) Adam Saltsman."
[SIMON'S NOTE: There's all kinds of other good GDC 2017 coverage out there. But I mainly stuck to Gamasutra, since we spent a lot of time on detailed talk write-ups, which are all compiled here...]
Non GDC-Related
A Fresh Narrative in Gaming (Justin Porter / New York Times) "A mixed-race man comes home from the Vietnam War to more carnage: His adoptive father, the leader of the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian mafia, the main criminal power in a fictional city based on New Orleans. So the veteran, Lincoln Clay, starts taking retribution, leaving hundreds dead in his wake. That’s the familiar revenge-as-motive storyline of the video game Mafia III, developed by Hangar 13 and published by 2K, but the twist is that Lincoln is also a victim."
Shigeru Miyamoto – 1989 Developer Interview (TV Game / Shmuplations) "This short but insightful interview with Shigeru Miyamoto first appeared in an early seminal book of video game history, “terebi game denshi yuugi taizen” from 1989. The interview captures Miyamoto in the early limelight: not yet the legend he is today, but more of a bright star among other contemporary developers."
How SteamWorld Heist brought skill into turn-based tactics (Alex Wiltshire / RockPaperShotgun) "SteamWorld Heist is a tactics game about boarding procedural spaceships with a squad of desperado robots and grabbing all the swag you can before they’re turned to scrap. It’s also a cross-genre oddity, a turn-based platformer, with presentation and polish that comes across a bit like a Nintendo fan fell in love with XCOM."
Rediscovering Mystery (feat. Jonathan Blow / Derek Yu / Jim Crawford) (Noclip / YouTube) "In this special feature about video game mysteries, we talk to Jonathan Blow (The Witness / Braid), Derek Yu (Spelunky) and Jim Crawford (Frog Fractions) about the games that inspired wonder in us as children."
What the game industry thinks of Nintendo’s Switch (Matt Leone / Polygon) "Yet more than most consoles, Switch remains a bit of a mystery at launch. Are motion controls going to be a big part of it? What type of player will Switch developers cater to? In an attempt to wrap our heads around it, we recently reached out to a group of developers and industry veterans to get a sense of where those in the game business see it going."
Eleven Essential Books that will help shape your Game City (Konstantinos Dimopoulos / Medium) "Designing an imaginary city is not an easy thing to do. Even less so when it’s a videogame city, the construction of which will also have to take a myriad of technical and cost constraints into consideration."
toco toco ep.47, Katsura Hashino, Game Creator (toco toco TV / YouTube) "In this episode, we follow Katsura Hashino, director of various RPG games including episodes of the world-renown Persona series, he will introduce us to philosophy and his work. Starting from Shibuya’s Center Gai, we will hop on the Den-en-Toshi line over to Sangenjaya, which was the inspiration to create the city of Yongenjaya, a key area in Hashino’s latest title: Persona 5."
Frog Fractions: inside the mind behind the world's strangest video game (Chris Priestman / The Guardian) "Jim Crawford is a self-confessed dilettante who moves from project to project in the blink of an eye. How did he create the most anarchic video game ever made?"
BIOHAZARD 7 INSIDE REPORT File 01: The Meaning of A Moment of Silence (Toru Shiwasu / Alex Aniel) "BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil INSIDE REPORT was included in the COMPLETE EDITION of the Japanese version of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. It is only available officially in Japanese, and no official English translation has been announced. [SIMON'S NOTE: There's multiple parts to this translation on Alex's blog, and it's all excellent stuff.]"
A Torch in the Dark: Using Creative Direction to Light The Darkest Dungeon (Chris Bourassa / GDC / YouTube) "In this 2016 talk, Red Hook Studios' Chris Bourassa breaks down the creative philosophy of Darkest Dungeon - one that is characterized by a steadfast commitment to a clearly articulated, externalized creative core."
Populists Stage A Coup In Space (Alex Barron / Simon Parkin / New Yorker Radio Hour) "EVE Online is a massive multiplayer online videogame set in outer space, with tens of thousands of people playing at any given time. A few years ago, a faction of upstarts within the game’s community, who thumbed their nose at the rules, went to war against the alliance of skilled players they regarded as corrupt, elitist insiders. They won, in a shocking coup precipitated by espionage. Sound familiar?"
[REMINDER: you can sign up to receive this newsletter every weekend at http://ift.tt/2dUXrva we crosspost to Gamasutra later on Sunday, but get it first via newsletter! Story tips and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. MINI-DISCLOSURE: Simon is one of the organizers of GDC and Gamasutra, so you may sometimes see links from those entities in his picks. Or not!]
0 notes
symbianosgames · 8 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
[Video Game Deep Cuts is a weekly newsletter from curator/video game industry veteran Simon Carless, rounding up the best longread & standout articles & videos about games, every weekend. This week's highlights include a mess of GDC talk goodness, plus Resident Evil 7/Biohazard's making-of, the role of mystery in games, & lots more.
So yep - Game Developers Conference is finally done & we're super happy with how it went. Thanks to any of you who made it out to San Francisco, or helped us with the event in ANY way! The good news for those who didn't is that GDC Vault recording was going on en masse, so we'll be rolling out LOTS of good content on our YouTube channel over the next few months. Now - time for a little rest?
Another reminder - if you dig Video Game Deep Cuts, please talk about it on social media and link to the sub page! That's how I get the bulk of my new subscribers, and it's much appreciated.
- Simon, curator.]
Lessons learned by an 'art-house indie' who joined a F2P game studio (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Veteran game designer Margaret Robertson opened her talk at GDC today on what she’s learned in her journey from a self-described “art-house indie” to someone who works at a free-to-play game studio."
alt.ctrl | Hands-On | GDC 2017 (Jess Conditt / Engadget) "[SIMON'S NOTE: this is the best video overview I've seen of the alternative controller exhibit (masterminded by John Polson & aided by me) that we run at Game Developers Conference every year. So much creativity here.]"
How Prompto's AI-driven selfie system in Final Fantasy XV was built (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Prasert “Sun” Prasertvithyakarn served as lead designer on Final Fantasy XV’s buddy system and AI; at GDC this week he took the stage to talk a bit about how the AI-driven snapshot system was designed and built."
Developing Crashlands while facing a terminal cancer diagnosis (Simon Parkin / Gamasutra) "In 2013, the 23-year-old game artist and developer Samuel Coster hallucinated a dragon made of blood bursting from his chest. The hallucinations continued and soon increased in regularity. “I figured I was struck with a strange virus,” Coster recalled, in a session titled 'The Last Game I Make Before I Die' delivered at the Game Developers Conference this morning."
Writing Mafia 3: 'We had a lot of very uncomfortable conversations' (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Today at GDC, Hangar 13 narrative director William Harms took the stage to break down how the studio pulled it off. Most notably, in the face of some praise for how Mafia 3’s pulpy revenge story effectively treats with themes of racism and discrimination, Harms pushed back against the notion that tackling racism was a core goal of the game’s narrative design."
Train Jam perfectly captures the magic of both traveling and game dev (Katherine Cross / Gamasutra) "Thus it was that Adriel Wallick, doyenne and major domo of the jam for the last four years, settled on “Unexpected Anticipation” as the theme for all of this year’s games. She spoke above the cheers of a 300-strong crowd in the newly refurbished Burlington Room of Chicago’s Union Station, christened by the opening ceremonies for this unique event."
Warren Spector traces Deus Ex's development back to a game of D&D (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Shortly after the game shipped, game director Warren Spector wrote a broad postmortem of the project. Today at GDC, he revisited the subject after 17 years to offer some fresh insight into how the groundbreaking game came to be. 'People always ask me which of my games are my favorite; don’t ever ask a game designer that,' said Spector. 'The closest I ever get to answering is saying that the game I’m most proud of is Deus Ex.'"
For Tim Sweeney, advancing Epic means racing into AR and VR (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "What does it feel like to receive an award honoring a lifetime of achievement...before you're 50? "I feel like maybe I'm an old fogey and should be shopping for a cane!" Epic chief Tim Sweeney tells Gamasutra, with a laugh."
Lessons learned from over 15 years of of teaching a VR/AR design course (Chris Baker / Gamasutra) "Virtual reality and augmented reality may seem like new mediums, suddenly made viable by the emergence of the Rift and the Vive and Hololens. But Jesse Schell has watched hundreds of people build immersive VR and AR environments for the last several decades. And he has some general lessons to impart from his experience."
A dev's guide to ensuring studio conflict is healthy and productive (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "At GDC today, Finji CEO and cofounder Rebekah Saltsman shared some advice on cultivating the former and avoiding the latter, based on her own experience shipping multiple games at Finji alongside her husband (and Finji cofounder) Adam Saltsman."
[SIMON'S NOTE: There's all kinds of other good GDC 2017 coverage out there. But I mainly stuck to Gamasutra, since we spent a lot of time on detailed talk write-ups, which are all compiled here...]
Non GDC-Related
A Fresh Narrative in Gaming (Justin Porter / New York Times) "A mixed-race man comes home from the Vietnam War to more carnage: His adoptive father, the leader of the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian mafia, the main criminal power in a fictional city based on New Orleans. So the veteran, Lincoln Clay, starts taking retribution, leaving hundreds dead in his wake. That’s the familiar revenge-as-motive storyline of the video game Mafia III, developed by Hangar 13 and published by 2K, but the twist is that Lincoln is also a victim."
Shigeru Miyamoto – 1989 Developer Interview (TV Game / Shmuplations) "This short but insightful interview with Shigeru Miyamoto first appeared in an early seminal book of video game history, “terebi game denshi yuugi taizen” from 1989. The interview captures Miyamoto in the early limelight: not yet the legend he is today, but more of a bright star among other contemporary developers."
How SteamWorld Heist brought skill into turn-based tactics (Alex Wiltshire / RockPaperShotgun) "SteamWorld Heist is a tactics game about boarding procedural spaceships with a squad of desperado robots and grabbing all the swag you can before they’re turned to scrap. It’s also a cross-genre oddity, a turn-based platformer, with presentation and polish that comes across a bit like a Nintendo fan fell in love with XCOM."
Rediscovering Mystery (feat. Jonathan Blow / Derek Yu / Jim Crawford) (Noclip / YouTube) "In this special feature about video game mysteries, we talk to Jonathan Blow (The Witness / Braid), Derek Yu (Spelunky) and Jim Crawford (Frog Fractions) about the games that inspired wonder in us as children."
What the game industry thinks of Nintendo’s Switch (Matt Leone / Polygon) "Yet more than most consoles, Switch remains a bit of a mystery at launch. Are motion controls going to be a big part of it? What type of player will Switch developers cater to? In an attempt to wrap our heads around it, we recently reached out to a group of developers and industry veterans to get a sense of where those in the game business see it going."
Eleven Essential Books that will help shape your Game City (Konstantinos Dimopoulos / Medium) "Designing an imaginary city is not an easy thing to do. Even less so when it’s a videogame city, the construction of which will also have to take a myriad of technical and cost constraints into consideration."
toco toco ep.47, Katsura Hashino, Game Creator (toco toco TV / YouTube) "In this episode, we follow Katsura Hashino, director of various RPG games including episodes of the world-renown Persona series, he will introduce us to philosophy and his work. Starting from Shibuya’s Center Gai, we will hop on the Den-en-Toshi line over to Sangenjaya, which was the inspiration to create the city of Yongenjaya, a key area in Hashino’s latest title: Persona 5."
Frog Fractions: inside the mind behind the world's strangest video game (Chris Priestman / The Guardian) "Jim Crawford is a self-confessed dilettante who moves from project to project in the blink of an eye. How did he create the most anarchic video game ever made?"
BIOHAZARD 7 INSIDE REPORT File 01: The Meaning of A Moment of Silence (Toru Shiwasu / Alex Aniel) "BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil INSIDE REPORT was included in the COMPLETE EDITION of the Japanese version of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. It is only available officially in Japanese, and no official English translation has been announced. [SIMON'S NOTE: There's multiple parts to this translation on Alex's blog, and it's all excellent stuff.]"
A Torch in the Dark: Using Creative Direction to Light The Darkest Dungeon (Chris Bourassa / GDC / YouTube) "In this 2016 talk, Red Hook Studios' Chris Bourassa breaks down the creative philosophy of Darkest Dungeon - one that is characterized by a steadfast commitment to a clearly articulated, externalized creative core."
Populists Stage A Coup In Space (Alex Barron / Simon Parkin / New Yorker Radio Hour) "EVE Online is a massive multiplayer online videogame set in outer space, with tens of thousands of people playing at any given time. A few years ago, a faction of upstarts within the game’s community, who thumbed their nose at the rules, went to war against the alliance of skilled players they regarded as corrupt, elitist insiders. They won, in a shocking coup precipitated by espionage. Sound familiar?"
[REMINDER: you can sign up to receive this newsletter every weekend at http://ift.tt/2dUXrva we crosspost to Gamasutra later on Sunday, but get it first via newsletter! Story tips and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. MINI-DISCLOSURE: Simon is one of the organizers of GDC and Gamasutra, so you may sometimes see links from those entities in his picks. Or not!]
0 notes
symbianosgames · 8 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
[Video Game Deep Cuts is a weekly newsletter from curator/video game industry veteran Simon Carless, rounding up the best longread & standout articles & videos about games, every weekend. This week's highlights include a mess of GDC talk goodness, plus Resident Evil 7/Biohazard's making-of, the role of mystery in games, & lots more.
So yep - Game Developers Conference is finally done & we're super happy with how it went. Thanks to any of you who made it out to San Francisco, or helped us with the event in ANY way! The good news for those who didn't is that GDC Vault recording was going on en masse, so we'll be rolling out LOTS of good content on our YouTube channel over the next few months. Now - time for a little rest?
Another reminder - if you dig Video Game Deep Cuts, please talk about it on social media and link to the sub page! That's how I get the bulk of my new subscribers, and it's much appreciated.
- Simon, curator.]
Lessons learned by an 'art-house indie' who joined a F2P game studio (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Veteran game designer Margaret Robertson opened her talk at GDC today on what she’s learned in her journey from a self-described “art-house indie” to someone who works at a free-to-play game studio."
alt.ctrl | Hands-On | GDC 2017 (Jess Conditt / Engadget) "[SIMON'S NOTE: this is the best video overview I've seen of the alternative controller exhibit (masterminded by John Polson & aided by me) that we run at Game Developers Conference every year. So much creativity here.]"
How Prompto's AI-driven selfie system in Final Fantasy XV was built (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Prasert “Sun” Prasertvithyakarn served as lead designer on Final Fantasy XV’s buddy system and AI; at GDC this week he took the stage to talk a bit about how the AI-driven snapshot system was designed and built."
Developing Crashlands while facing a terminal cancer diagnosis (Simon Parkin / Gamasutra) "In 2013, the 23-year-old game artist and developer Samuel Coster hallucinated a dragon made of blood bursting from his chest. The hallucinations continued and soon increased in regularity. “I figured I was struck with a strange virus,” Coster recalled, in a session titled 'The Last Game I Make Before I Die' delivered at the Game Developers Conference this morning."
Writing Mafia 3: 'We had a lot of very uncomfortable conversations' (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Today at GDC, Hangar 13 narrative director William Harms took the stage to break down how the studio pulled it off. Most notably, in the face of some praise for how Mafia 3’s pulpy revenge story effectively treats with themes of racism and discrimination, Harms pushed back against the notion that tackling racism was a core goal of the game’s narrative design."
Train Jam perfectly captures the magic of both traveling and game dev (Katherine Cross / Gamasutra) "Thus it was that Adriel Wallick, doyenne and major domo of the jam for the last four years, settled on “Unexpected Anticipation” as the theme for all of this year’s games. She spoke above the cheers of a 300-strong crowd in the newly refurbished Burlington Room of Chicago’s Union Station, christened by the opening ceremonies for this unique event."
Warren Spector traces Deus Ex's development back to a game of D&D (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "Shortly after the game shipped, game director Warren Spector wrote a broad postmortem of the project. Today at GDC, he revisited the subject after 17 years to offer some fresh insight into how the groundbreaking game came to be. 'People always ask me which of my games are my favorite; don’t ever ask a game designer that,' said Spector. 'The closest I ever get to answering is saying that the game I’m most proud of is Deus Ex.'"
For Tim Sweeney, advancing Epic means racing into AR and VR (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "What does it feel like to receive an award honoring a lifetime of achievement...before you're 50? "I feel like maybe I'm an old fogey and should be shopping for a cane!" Epic chief Tim Sweeney tells Gamasutra, with a laugh."
Lessons learned from over 15 years of of teaching a VR/AR design course (Chris Baker / Gamasutra) "Virtual reality and augmented reality may seem like new mediums, suddenly made viable by the emergence of the Rift and the Vive and Hololens. But Jesse Schell has watched hundreds of people build immersive VR and AR environments for the last several decades. And he has some general lessons to impart from his experience."
A dev's guide to ensuring studio conflict is healthy and productive (Alex Wawro / Gamasutra) "At GDC today, Finji CEO and cofounder Rebekah Saltsman shared some advice on cultivating the former and avoiding the latter, based on her own experience shipping multiple games at Finji alongside her husband (and Finji cofounder) Adam Saltsman."
[SIMON'S NOTE: There's all kinds of other good GDC 2017 coverage out there. But I mainly stuck to Gamasutra, since we spent a lot of time on detailed talk write-ups, which are all compiled here...]
Non GDC-Related
A Fresh Narrative in Gaming (Justin Porter / New York Times) "A mixed-race man comes home from the Vietnam War to more carnage: His adoptive father, the leader of the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian mafia, the main criminal power in a fictional city based on New Orleans. So the veteran, Lincoln Clay, starts taking retribution, leaving hundreds dead in his wake. That’s the familiar revenge-as-motive storyline of the video game Mafia III, developed by Hangar 13 and published by 2K, but the twist is that Lincoln is also a victim."
Shigeru Miyamoto – 1989 Developer Interview (TV Game / Shmuplations) "This short but insightful interview with Shigeru Miyamoto first appeared in an early seminal book of video game history, “terebi game denshi yuugi taizen” from 1989. The interview captures Miyamoto in the early limelight: not yet the legend he is today, but more of a bright star among other contemporary developers."
How SteamWorld Heist brought skill into turn-based tactics (Alex Wiltshire / RockPaperShotgun) "SteamWorld Heist is a tactics game about boarding procedural spaceships with a squad of desperado robots and grabbing all the swag you can before they’re turned to scrap. It’s also a cross-genre oddity, a turn-based platformer, with presentation and polish that comes across a bit like a Nintendo fan fell in love with XCOM."
Rediscovering Mystery (feat. Jonathan Blow / Derek Yu / Jim Crawford) (Noclip / YouTube) "In this special feature about video game mysteries, we talk to Jonathan Blow (The Witness / Braid), Derek Yu (Spelunky) and Jim Crawford (Frog Fractions) about the games that inspired wonder in us as children."
What the game industry thinks of Nintendo’s Switch (Matt Leone / Polygon) "Yet more than most consoles, Switch remains a bit of a mystery at launch. Are motion controls going to be a big part of it? What type of player will Switch developers cater to? In an attempt to wrap our heads around it, we recently reached out to a group of developers and industry veterans to get a sense of where those in the game business see it going."
Eleven Essential Books that will help shape your Game City (Konstantinos Dimopoulos / Medium) "Designing an imaginary city is not an easy thing to do. Even less so when it’s a videogame city, the construction of which will also have to take a myriad of technical and cost constraints into consideration."
toco toco ep.47, Katsura Hashino, Game Creator (toco toco TV / YouTube) "In this episode, we follow Katsura Hashino, director of various RPG games including episodes of the world-renown Persona series, he will introduce us to philosophy and his work. Starting from Shibuya’s Center Gai, we will hop on the Den-en-Toshi line over to Sangenjaya, which was the inspiration to create the city of Yongenjaya, a key area in Hashino’s latest title: Persona 5."
Frog Fractions: inside the mind behind the world's strangest video game (Chris Priestman / The Guardian) "Jim Crawford is a self-confessed dilettante who moves from project to project in the blink of an eye. How did he create the most anarchic video game ever made?"
BIOHAZARD 7 INSIDE REPORT File 01: The Meaning of A Moment of Silence (Toru Shiwasu / Alex Aniel) "BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil INSIDE REPORT was included in the COMPLETE EDITION of the Japanese version of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. It is only available officially in Japanese, and no official English translation has been announced. [SIMON'S NOTE: There's multiple parts to this translation on Alex's blog, and it's all excellent stuff.]"
A Torch in the Dark: Using Creative Direction to Light The Darkest Dungeon (Chris Bourassa / GDC / YouTube) "In this 2016 talk, Red Hook Studios' Chris Bourassa breaks down the creative philosophy of Darkest Dungeon - one that is characterized by a steadfast commitment to a clearly articulated, externalized creative core."
Populists Stage A Coup In Space (Alex Barron / Simon Parkin / New Yorker Radio Hour) "EVE Online is a massive multiplayer online videogame set in outer space, with tens of thousands of people playing at any given time. A few years ago, a faction of upstarts within the game’s community, who thumbed their nose at the rules, went to war against the alliance of skilled players they regarded as corrupt, elitist insiders. They won, in a shocking coup precipitated by espionage. Sound familiar?"
[REMINDER: you can sign up to receive this newsletter every weekend at http://ift.tt/2dUXrva we crosspost to Gamasutra later on Sunday, but get it first via newsletter! Story tips and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. MINI-DISCLOSURE: Simon is one of the organizers of GDC and Gamasutra, so you may sometimes see links from those entities in his picks. Or not!]
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