#docked me two FULL credits for turning in a partially incomplete essay as if i had not done every other homework assignment
softgrungeprophet · 6 months
as a queer, neurodivergent writer/artist who likes to write fictional angst and sometimes uses that to work through my own health issues or other needs for catharsis, i think there is something (negative) to be said about the ways in which queer and othered (disabled etc.) artists are not just asked or expected but in some cases required to pry ourselves apart and provide personal information at every turn. as if by being atypical, you ought to provide only art that involves offering up your inner organs or some shit (and not in a sexy way)
this was unprompted, i just remembered that fucking queer theory + creative writing course i took and the way on the first day of class the creative writing professor told everyone to write about scars they had, to be read to the other students at your table (about 4 people total), and then... this teacher was truly, really surprised at how many of us chose not to tell a bunch of strangers about our deepest emotional scars and instead wrote about physical scars
bitch, i don't know you
you're in a class full of queer and disabled students, do you really think the physical body isn't part of that experience?? get real
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