givemegifs · 2 years
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« Je dois donner du fil à retordre à Kylian » https://www.leparisien.fr/sports/football/equipe-de-france-je-dois-donner-du-fil-a-retordre-a-mbappe-le-clin-doeil-sympa-dolivier-giroud-05-03-2023-EE6KDGJOMJAFFK2EDMBDTUM3CY.php#xtor=AD-1481423553
« Je dois donner du fil à retordre à Kylian pour le record de buts. On sait tous qu’il me dépassera à un moment donné mais le plus tard possible sera le mieux ». ("I have to give Kylian a hard time for the goalscoring record. We all know that he'll overtake me at some point, but the later the better.") src
ok first of all thank you so much for sharing this lovely link! secondly lemme just uhhh
words literally cannot explain the emotions this quote made me feel. the way he's joking about it oh my god... like it feels like they've turned it into some friendly competition..... my heart hurts so much immmjmdjdjfhdgs. to me this is part of the beauty of their relationship, the fact they're both forwards means they may compete or go head-to-head, but at the end of the day they can both push each other to become better. like imagine staying on the team just to give your teammate a "hard time" helppp they're so silly...
and do i even need to talk about the way olivier has sooo much trust and faith in kylian... like he Knows he's gonna overtake his record and he's completely okay with that.... but for as long as he's able he wants them to continue pushing each other to the highest..... my god... never say it wasn't true love
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turangalila · 2 years
Firminus Caron (fl. 1460–1475) Accueilly ma la belle
Accueillie ma la belle au gent atour Tournant mon bien en doloureux destour Destourne ma son amoureux recueil coeullant refus quant ou chemin de doeul doeil et de cor ma banni de sa tour
Tourner ne scay tournant voye ne tour Ne tournement que naye tout autour Tournant en plains en lieu de bel acueil
Recueillir fault tous mes griefs a lentour Tournay ny vault iouster ne faire estour Tourne suis la ie ny voy autre escueil Escueilly suis et mis hors de son vueil Comme banny ie ny voy nul retour
_ Firminus Caron – Twilight Of The Middle Ages Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel (2016, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi – 88875143472)
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djpixl56-blog · 4 months
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clin doeil By Dj Pixl
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distinktionsfetzen · 7 months
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Check out Ivan Arlaud, Poèmes et Clin d'Oeil (2023), From sobering
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beatlesonline-blog · 1 year
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port-salut · 2 years
Le juriste expert de la collectivité de Dumont opine sur les propos tenus par Guy Philippe, ancien sénateur de la Grande-Anse détenu à la prison fédérale américaine pour une peine de 9 ans après avoir accepté de plaider coupable pour une infraction de blanchiment des avoirs provenant du trafic illicite de drogues…
On a pris le temps d’écouter avec attention l’entretien accordé par M. Guy Philippe, ancien sénateur élu de la Grand’Anse à un journaliste d’un média en ligne. Il est important de souligner que M. Guy Philippe purge une peine de 9 ans dans une prison fédérale aux États-Unis après avoir accepté de plaider coupable pour une infraction de blanchiment d’argent provenant du trafic des stupéfiants.
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architectslong · 2 years
Totalfinder big sur
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You can always send Apple feedback of course but 'autoresizing' columns is something that has been requested. I just posted in case you werent aware of the particular feature.
To make it easier to copy and move files between folders, it is common practice for Mac users to have several Finder windows open. Its one of the reasons apps like XtraFinder and TotalFinder came into being. totalfinder, totalfinder big sur, totalfinder alternative, totalfinder m1, totalfinder vs xtrafinder, totalfinder sip, totalfinder review, totalfinder uninstall, totalfinder crack, totalfinder mac big sur. One of the things I'd guess is that each of the three options above is setting some sort of pref upon user click, therefore I was asking if anyone would know the equivalent of setting such a preference in a permanent manner via terminal so that a user won't need to click and select each time "Right Size All Columns Individually". There is no 'autosizing' setting available for the Finder. As mentioned in the post, XtraFinder provided such ability, the native Finder (which could learn a thing or two from XtraFinder's features) still lack such a basic capability. By stating "autosizing" I mean something that happens as a consequence of a preference that is set once, not an action that must be constantly applied each time by the user. Perhaps I haven't been clear enough in my initial post. and by pressing option one could resize all column, while right click or control click will provide 3 options in a popup menu with options as shown in this image here: keep SIP enabled for updates to work correctly. I thought that having that enabled causes problems for updating, etc. All hidden files are also displayed before normal items for a smoother and easier browsing experience.įor both Finder, windows can keep their own toolbar as well as the sidebar that is placed on the right edge for the right side window while the width of the right sidebar is automatically synchronized with one of the left sidebars.Yep. After further investigation and according to OpenCore guide I changed it to FF070000 (for Mojave). TotalFinder (developer is ending support past Big Sur TotalSpaces 2 Transmit (crash on launch) v5.74 launches ok for some Transmit 5.8.2 (326905) seems fine Two Point Hospital (crash on launch for both Metal and OpenGL versions) Unclutter (Crash on launch) Installing Monterey on external, USB, SSDs.
On top of that, you can display all hidden system or user files with just a keystroke. Télécharger TotalFinder pour Mac OS 10.6+ Skitch, version 1.0.9 : logiciel permettant de dessiner, décrire, et dagrémenter vos photos ou images puis de les envoyer par email, sur votre iDisk, sur votre FTP ou sur MySkitch en un clin doeil. In the TotalFinder you can always show your folders at the top of the list and sort your files and directories just like you would do in the original Finder. But if you like to view your folders first and your files last regardless of the sorting options, then TotalFinder can help you out. If you miss classic dual-panel file managers, then you will enjoy this feature when moving files from one panel to another.Ī normal Finder window displays your folders and files mixed together and you can sort them according to their name, modification date, and size.
This file manager software offers you an enhanced Finder capable to display two Finder windows side-by-side. But when launched it changes the current instance of Finder running in your computer memory. Hi, i installed total finder on big sur 11.0.1 and then 11.1, i have a big bug, when i close a window and open another one, the top on these disappear totaly, i can’t close the window cause the 3 buttons disappeared, i have to click twice on a folder or drive to get back the top on the window. This file manager is installed as a standalone application. It does not modify your Finder files on the disk. The SIP situation with TotalFinder and Big Sur prompted the change - and after some poking around in the settings Ive got it pretty much the same i.e. Please keep in mind that the app is an add-on that gets loaded into the Finder when you launch TotalFinder app. TotalFinder File Manager for Mac works like the original Finder but adds tabs, dual-panel mode, folders on top, and other useful features.
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blog59-world · 2 years
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givemegifs · 2 years
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foxeshenrietta · 5 years
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i'll kiss you, but first coffee
doeil barista!au
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myketoideas · 4 years
Combien de temps faire bouillir son oeuf? La réponse en un clin d'oeil
Combien de temps faire bouillir son oeuf? La réponse en un clin d’oeil
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Petit pense-bête très pratique pour cuire l’Oeuf de nos Villages ;).
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Claude-Nicolas Ledoux :: Coup-d’œil du Theatre de Besançon (Das Auge des Architekten), Tafel 113 aus Ledoux, L’Architecture considérée […], Paris, 1804. © Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Das Museum für Fotografie präsentiert zwei parallele Ausstellungen zum ebenso brisanten wie aktuellen Thema Überwachung: “Watching You, Watching Me: A Photographic Response to Surveillance” und “Watched! Surveillance Art & Photography after 9/11” | src Blog Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
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beatsforbrothels · 5 years
Jazz Liberatorz - Qidar (ft. Soul Clan)
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virginie-morgand · 6 years
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paintings of ceramics - 2017
collaboration with Martine Morgand for “ Exposition Précieuse” exhibition in Klin d’oeil gallery (paris)
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mlboracle · 4 years
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